Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1911)
MOIiNlMQ ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911. fjew Arrivals Just arrived and now UhVij shown in our window, beautiful ladies ready made turn per dresses in French ginghams, the new -marquisettes and fancy lawns, with kimona sleeves. Notice Window Display. J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner luirliii,,ul V but ve Hunt U n ilifii mid limuii that'll wnhli, aloif iuI ready r r in aiignieM mum or in tfk-mftou oM urjilnr. Homebody wbotaii f wlili rye and IxtlU vara ojwu ud ii" i nfmlil lo tackle anything le Amiilmiii -1 ee. air. ni send my flh around ' 1 LOCAL DRILTS William tiuciither. of Shubel, wa H thin rli) on Monday. , r. M. Maiden, of the county, was In I tk ctcy Monday. Good d potatoea 11 60 per enck H WMor 8ia. W. W. liwiii, of Aurora, waa In Mil dtr oo lnnlueaa Holiday. Thorna Klxh. of Mulloo, waa anionic lb Orecu niy vlaltora on Tumulay 0n im:lie and daughter, of Uca- 1 nr Cretk. v. ere In the city Monday Tht Produce lnton sells berry ml. J. T. f:rar of riarkee. waa In (hla ittjron Saturday, Vlaltlng at the hum ! of Mr. G W. Grace. Mm. M. I. Convert, of Venoouver, fuh.. In In I h la city vlaltlng her ttmnirr, Mm. William It Logu. Mr. TliompKiii, formerly of thia city, M o of Portland, waa In ihla cliy aj Tunday. Jim U llraudt and eons, of tbla ettjr, went lo Shubel on Sunday, where Ur m nt l ho day, ' The 1'riHiure I'nlon aella Aracuat 4 Lead. Mr, Kir in Hn and wife, of this city, I trot io Shnlivl on Hunday, whore they rttlttd friend and relallvea. Ml Nomina Ktemaen went to Bell Itood on Uiuiday, where ahe vlalted Xr. and Mra. KTank Hoffman. Mlw Ma Morley. who haa been via UA Ikt Hlitcr at Orenoo, baa re tarded io her home In this city. Mlu Vatle Elliott baa accepted a Milton ui bookkeeper for the Elliott I Prk Kornge. MIm oka McClurH of Portland. ho i recovering 'rom a long alege typiioi,) fpver, waa In tbla city on ! Sunday vuitlng Mlaa Nell Caufleld. William Dlcklnaon. of Dorlnx. who k bin a eueet of Mr. and Mra. Cbirlei arker. returned to hla home J Tuesday. Tb Produce Union aella liar and 1. If Itov tt flan atNa.nleii K ai ai m f. orid In thia city and la vlaltlng (rlBdi, reglatertng at the Electric Ho- Kmll (iuentber. one of the well- town reMdenta of Shubel, waa In lilt city on Sunday. He waa accom '"led by hla wife, mil Gordon, of Canbr. a young , aMlnem man of that place, waa In Othod City on Sunday, vlattlne- hla er, Mra. Walter Welle. Mra. Arthur Graham and daughter. Sin Lena, Mra. George Fog and Mra. I D. Morrell. of Portland, were In tli cliy on Monday, the gueiU of n. w imam Andreaen. UIm Ana Alldradv. aftr vlaltin J" a week with. relaUvea at Elk City, u returned to Oregon City and re- Yot&S for the Asfdfflg v;"; a sii ,,; For and we will grve yotf with a : ' ' ' NEW 4 months subscription ;v Dy Catftcr at 45c the month , . ' TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE. A Beautiful China PLAQUEDecoralj Homely There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection early. ' ; Sobscribers May Have Them Too -: To any present subscriber who will bring us four new. subscriptions . .we will present one of these beautiful dishes. . ; - " ALL StLICTIONa MUST Bl MADI " AT THt OFFICE OF THE Won rT ty' ntetptise bank or orkoon city duiloinq For The Ladies umd her position with I be Huntley Brothers Compuny. Mrs. J. II. McUmuld and buby. of Pi.rtlmid. are In tbla rliy vlaltlng Mra M. , CIlHUtliail. fit Thirl Main aire.,!. Mra. Mcltnnsld was for ini7 Mamie Kvan, of tbla cliy Ml Luclle Kli-kabauih r i-i.un. 0, Kan , arrived In (DM on yrU day ami will a,,, ,urnrnBr ,0 Oregon. Ml lUckabaugh la the gueet of Mr. and Mra. Jolm Ream, of Wll- in iiri7 1 ic Mlaa Vada Elliott, who left on H..i. urday night for Woodburn, where abe waa an over Sunday guet of Mr. and Mra. Lyman Hliorey, hua returned ooine. Word hna been received from Mra W. A. Bbewman, who recently left ihla rny ror Tlotieata, I'a., to the efect that abe and her aon had arrived at that place aafelv. and J he weather waa mi uauully warm, the thermometer regis tering loo In the ahade. . If you have acreage or amall tracta of In iid for aale clone In, Hat them with me. km I have a good Inquiry for (man tracta. J. u Swarford, Eighth ana Main, Oregon City. Jack ft. Caufleld. who recently re turned from North Dakota, and who la located In J'ortland connecied with the Conley a porter Comttructlon Company, la In t thia city for a few daya' vlalt. There will be danclug at Clour ('reek I'ark Saturday evening. W, IE. Mum power will carry partita to and from the I'ark by auio. . The rate will be 13.00 for party of l. Further Infor mil Ion call I'aclflo Karmera 173. Home Itedland 710. J !Wr., Myrtle Falrchlld, of Bcaitle, nh.. baa arrived In thl city aud la the gueit o' Mlaa llarah Koherta and Kdward Hoberta.. Mm. Falrchlld waa lornicrly Mlaa Myrtle Wataon, of thia Cfty'. . Hho ' w ill remain here" for eev eral weeka. Jooph Gerbr, of Portland, who for merly realded In Ihfa city, were In Oregon City on Monday, the latter go ing to Canity before returning to Port land. Mr. llarlmr la In the confec tionery bualneia at Seventh and Hurn hide, Portland, and Mra. Ilarlmr haa gone Into almllar Uuilnew-at-Trmoiit. Word haa been received In tbla city of. I Me aaf arrival of Dr. and Mra. C II. MelNMtier at Kelnlieck; lowawhere thy were aummoiied by the aerlou lllueaa of the former a nephew. The boy h:ia ben confined In the hoapliull with aplnal trouble, arid he la now able Jo be out of the honpltal. Mra. J. A. lUllef and daughter, Dor othy, of Urn AnKclea. arrived In thia city on Tucaday morning to vlalt the former'a brother, O. J. Howell, ana wife, Mra. Ilalley waa accompanied here by her alater, Mra. T. J. Tappln and daughter, Marlon, of Portland, who apent the day with Mr. and Mra. Howell. "NEWLY WEDS" ENTERTAINED. Prlxee Are Won by Mra. Walter Well and M. D. Latourette. The "Newly Weda" were enter tained by Mr. and Mra. William K. Ixigua at their home on Ninth and Min atreeta on Monday evening, carda being the main feature of the program. . the prlxea were won by Mra. Walter Wella and M. D. La tour ette, while the conaolatlon prlxe went to Walter Wella. Refreahmenta were aerved. Thoae preaent were Mr. and Mra. Walter Wella. Mr. and Mra. M. D. La tourette. Mr. and Mra. George Han klna. Mr. and Mra. H. Hendry, Mr. and Mra. A. Price. Mr. and Mra. W. R. Loaua. Mra "Auguata Wtrner, Mra. H. 8. Moody. Mra. M. L. Coovert, of Van couver, Waah. Child to Be Burled Today. The vouna aon of Mra. Waiter A. Reed, which died Tuesday, will be burled today. The child only lived twelve houra. Read the Morning Enterpiiae. 6 months subscription By Mail at 25c the month Heart to Heart Talks. By rUWUN a. NYE ' TMt 'GOING Of HUMANS, iiie werld N gn.whm bein.r Have you WW1 Ht.0 f have wuminred at lu tM,Un,r'LKrU d Jig power becau-e you ,, ,,,, It move. thmt ' Z;.UV',",,U,,, "" "" 'rk ,'nd Wm ed 0n Wm"'1 So , tl.e. .rorea of humanity- il.,w but aure, ' J-ook over lu irHi-k. A few cenvirle ,Imjr(. ot be men and worn,.,, w.-re ivea to a horde of petty Sow. .are n aome out of the way world corner, the crack of the alave driver whip I never beard lo the middle age epldomlca awept over EurojHr. dtroylng half the ,,,,. latlona of comuiunltlea. Now you el dom bear of the pliiKiie. Once men aud women were tortured and burned and harmed retlulon'a oke Now. even In Turkey, there I tolerance and rclljrloii,. liu-iiy lruiikenueita A hundred year aico the ll,ior waa common aiuonv the l.t p,-o.l When the nilnlHter rn., tb.- AturtJ'TfJZZai-- He r- wa aiwny on the MlilHmnrd Nowaday It I .Horace l.. M. drunken, and heiuitK-duimM h largely couflne.1 to a low type i.r humnii. War? Illatory l the ainry of-garinen4 rolled In M.nkI TiHlay" more lmior lent than the enginery of rifled can non ore die englnea of .eiiVi--Ciirlli, Allan. WcKllughotixe und the while palace at The llngue khikN for the furled fing of battle. TruitaT (reedy, criminal, tbey are leu In their ruthleo tyranny ihnu the feudal lord who held Ibe power of life mid death over men and women And note pblbNilhropy. A hundred year ago the Imane were Chained like tienii In a cell, nnd prl fine were veritable hell of torturu. and hoNpltnlx. home for ibe friend tear aud orguulied clmrlllen were tin known. - Philanthropy ' a the product of the laat hundred year And. mo you aee. when you look back ward over the wenry wav bv which It baa come the upwnrd trend of ntnig gllng human I plain. " . It cannot atnud Villi. It mnt an on there la no place to atop thl aide of flulremnl .brotherhood Tou cnniiot atop the glacier with yonr puny bond. . more can yoif" top the atendy ongoing of the race. STANDING. The Ttoaditere also won and lost a game. The last one wis a thriller, going twelve Innings.. Following were tne results Tueaday. Pacific Court league Portland 4-5 - - m Oakland 8-3; San Francisco 13, Los Angeles 1-4; Vernon 3-4, Sacramento 2-1. N'orihweMlern League Portland S-5, Tacoma 7-2; Seattle 3-7, Victoria 2-2; Spokane 3-5; Vancouver 1-2. Coast. W. - U P.C. lortland 32 24 .571 Vernon .32 28 .533 Oakland ......33 30 .624 San Francisco 33 30 .524 8acramento ,.26 31 .458 1am Angelea ..24 37 ..393 Northwestern. Spokane 28 12 .700 Vancouver 23 18 .561 Tacoma 23 18 .661 Portland IS 19 .500 Seattle 17 23 .436 Victoria 9 30 .231 CODRESPONDENCE " SHUBEU A moat delightful aurprlae party waa that tendered Mr. and Mra. O Moehnke at their home at Shubel laat Wedneaday evening, the occasion be ing Mra. Moehnke'a thirtieth birthday. The evening waa apent playing gamea and cards, which were followed by de- llcloua refreahmenta. It goes without saying that the af fair waa a delightful home gathering. one which will not soon be forgotten. Those who took part In the merriment of the eveplng were Mr. and Mra. William Moehnke, Mr. and Mra. Albert Moehnke. Mr. and Mra. Herman Moehnke, John Moehnke, Mra. John Heft, Mra. Llxile Klebe, Messrs. Boylea, Londergan and Mr, and Mra, Henry- Moehnke. OAK GROVE. The Ladles' Aid met In the church basement Thursday afternoon and tied a comforter. The aoclety la ready to do all klnda of work on abort notice. Out of 19 eighth grade puplla only five passed the examination, namely, Anna Weber, Hulda Stromer, Jamea ne'iy, Kan unn and Airrea Living ston. - ' - , Saturday afternon the Sunday school class of Miss Beatrice Sherk gave her a birthday aurprlae party. The class gave a present of a plant Other presents were also received by Miss Sherk. The afternon was en joyed by all present and all wished their teacher many returns of the day. The speaking given by the boys bri gade waa well attended. The boys look fine in their new uniforms. Fred Green, 'tit Portland, waa out loklng after his property Saturday. . Wednesday evening a aurprlae party waa given Edwin Ellis In honor of his eleventh birthday. The evening waa pleasantly spent in muslo and games. Mra. Kllla aerved refreshments. Those preaent were Ruby Stromer, Jessie Spldell, Edith Griffith, Dorothy Han son, Kathryne Kuke, Margaret Lewla, Bensle Vlglee, Madge Ellis, Hester Armstrong, Paul Herron, Vernon Ben nett, Lester Kuke, Gerald Bel ben. Ear nest Griffith, Edwin Ellis. After wishing Edwin many- more happy birthdays, the children departed.. SANDY. . Crops of all klnda look extra fine, regardless of constant ralna. , Strawberries-are beginning to ripen, and fruit of all klnda are la favorable con- union. . i Hlch . riroUiere of Eaatern Oregon have horiee here on aale. Frank Beee of Cottrell waa Id Sandy Monday. Mra. L. McQugln waa In Portland Monday, where ahe atUmded the fu neral of her alater, Mre. Tlllle Lake, of Gresham, vlalt ed her mother the paat week. Sandy acbool cloned wth appropri ate exerclaea, which were attended by a large crowd. There waa much In ternet In the five acholara that took the final examination, and all tba pu pil aucceaarully paaaed one of the hardeat examination ever given In Clackamae County achoola. figuring In mind the fact that only so puplla auccottitully paaaed la all Clackamaa County, of which Sandy furulabed five, Sandy feel proud of It atudenta, achoril and teacher MIh Oeaale Can ning who baa been one of Sandy'a moat aiiccemful teacbera. She haa leuelVed numeroua congratulatlona, one being from the county school au perlntendent for the excellent record and auccea h haa made of the San dy achool. The following acholara pained the examination: MUaea Helen Parker, Jeaiie Geoicer, Letha Heera, FloiHle Heighten and Harry MJtchell. CAN BY. Jamea Atklna made a builnei trip lo Hubbard laat Saturday. Fred Shaffer of Molalla waa In town Monday on bualneaa. t Thad Btlpp of Mollula waa In town on bualneaa Monday, Howard Ecclea made a bualneaa trip to Hlllaboro laat Saturday, and on bla I 7.v,at,i. Mlaa Myrtle Iee of Loa Angelea la vlaltlng her father T. P. Lee. Jamea Evan, of lierkley, Cal., vla lted Jamea Colby and wife Sunday. Ma I looking after bla buxlnesa In (ereata here. lu tte election held here laat Sat urday for the voting of a two mllla tax levy for a city park in Canby, It wax defeated by a vote of 70 to 23. The ball game between Canby and the Overland Auto team from Pnrt. Tand 1'iHt Sunday afternoon reaulted in a victory for the home team. They won the game by a acore of 17 to 6, tbla time playing but nine inntnga. The next game they play will be between Aurora and Canby next Sunday after noon at the Fair ground. Don't forget the race meet to be held here next Saturday, June 3. V. II. Balr ahjpped the laat carload of old potatoea 'or the aeaaon to Cali fornia Monday. . Three-Fourth Are Women. Careful observers among the medi cal profession estimate that of thoae who aeek the services of a physician three-fourths are women. Many of these women are without question In need of surgical treatment, out pernaps the majority of them will be greatly benefited by medical treat ment only. In the course of treating such ail ments, physicians have demonstrated beyond question the value of certain drugs In their treatment and, follow ing the formula used by a physician especially succeasful In auch caaea. Rexall Vegetable Compound haa been placed upon the market. - Many women have learned by ex- WILD WOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. Graduate Nurses Pac. 2243 Home D-298 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cop. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth 8ta. IOAKLAND PORTLAND May 30, 31, June 1, 2. 3, 4. Gamea Begin Weekdaye at 3:30. , Sundays, 2:30 P. M. -LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under It Free to Bleachers Wednesday. EXCURSION PARES EAST I9I I During the months ef May, June, July, Auguat and September, on dates shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip tickete from Oregon City Via Portland as follows: TO FARES Chicago ..... S 73.00 60.50 Council Bluffs Omaha 60.50 60.50 6a 50 60.60 64.40 60.50 64.40 110.00 109.00 70.50 108.00 Kansas City .. St. Joseph ... 8L Paul St. Paul, via Council Bjuffa . .. . Mlnneapolla, direct Mlnneapol a, v a Couno I Bluffs Boston i e -e New York St. Louis o, Washington, D. C. SALE DATES ' May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 2S, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. : June B, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22. 28, 29, anei to.- ..-;.. - July 1, 2, S, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. - : - : ' . : ? August 3, 4, B, 14 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 3a . . . J Septsmbsr 1, 2, 4, B, 6 d 7. . ' Stop-overs -vlthln limits In either di rection. Final return limn October Slat For farce one way through California Inquire of any Southern Pacino agent, c write to , WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. . perlence that their ailments were of such a nature that they themaelvee might . administer satisfactory treat ment. . While we do not recommend such a procedure, but strongly advise that you conault with your physlclao, we cannot apeak too highly of the value of Rexall Vecetabla Com for uae In auch caaea. Pleaae remember that Rexall .air- stable Compound can be obtained only at our store The Rexall Drug Store. Large 'bottles 11.00. Huntley Bros. Co. Notice of Acceptance of Street Im provement. Notice la hereby given. That the City Engineer of Oregon City, Ore gon, haa filed hla certificate of the completion and approval of the work done by Moffatt t Parker, contrac tor!, on the Improvement of Wash ington Street, Oregon City, from the South aide of Second Street to the Sornh side of Seventh 8treet, and the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, will consider the accept ance thereof, and all objections to tho acceptance of said Improvement, at the Council Chamber of aald City, on June 14th, 1911, at 8 o'clock, P. M. - Any owner pf any property, within the assessment ulstrict of said Im provement or any agent of auch owner, may at auch time or any time prior thereto, appear and file ob jections to the acceptance of said Improvement, and such objections shall be considered and all the merits . thereof determined by the Council at the above named time and place. ' This notice Is publluhed In the Morning Enterprlae and the time and place were fixed by the order of the City Council of Oregon City. L. 8TIPP, Recorder. Ordinance No. -. An ordinance for the laying and con struction of sewers for 8wer .Dis trict No. 7. Oregon City does ordain as fo! Iowa : . Section 1. The boundaries of said District No. 7 and the property to be benefited and assessed for the lay ing and construction of auch aewer la aa follows: ' . Commencing on the South line of District No. 2 at the west end of Alley dividing Block 30, thence east erly along Alley to North East cor ner of Lot 3. Block 69, on West side of John Adams Street, thence South erly along Joan 'Adams Street to South East corner'of Lot 4, Block 92, at First Street, thence Weaterly along First Street to South West corner of Lot 4, Block 92, thence Southerly to Alley dividing Block 91, (hence Weaterly along Alley to North East corner of Lor 3, Block 84 on Washington Street, thence along Washington Street southerly to South East comer of Lot 4, Block 84 oh 8outh Street, thence Westerly on South Street to South West cor ner of Lot 4, Block 84, thence South erly to Alley dividing Block 35, thence Westerly down Alley to West side of Center Street and at North East comer of Lot 3, Block 80, thence Southerly along Center, t Street to South East corner of Lot 4, Block 80, at South Second Street, thence Westerly along South Second Street to South West corner of Lot 4. Block 75, thence Northerly along West line of Blocks 75, 74, 73 and 70 to point of beginning. Sectleji 2. Said aewer ahall be constructed according to the plana and spectflcationa now on file In "the office of the Cty Recorder of OreKon City and approved by reso lution adopted by the City Council . of said Oregon City on the 24th day of April. 1911, which aald plana anJ specifications are referred to In thia ordinance and made a part thereof. and the said sewer shall be con structed as follows, to wit: . The ' proposed dralnmge com mences at Washington utreet and Fourth street with a 12-Inch pipe, thence down Fourth street to Cen ter street, ' thence along Center street to Second street, at thia point an 18-inch pipe Is put in, thence along Center street to First street, thence down First street to High street, thence across Block 47 to South End road, thence down South End road to subway at Third street, thence down Third street across Main street to the Willamette River. From Third street to Washington street will be an 8-inch lateral drain, 8-Inch lateral drain will be run- on Second street from Center street east to Bluff and West 150 feet, on First street from Center 200 feet east to Bluff, on Center street atreet from First street 210 feet south, on South atreet between High atreet and Center atreet to Alley south of South atreet and thence to South End Road. Also from First street on High street north 150 feet And said aewer shall have all the necessary man holes, lampbolea, laterala and con nection. It shall be laid and con nected according to plana and spe cifications adopted and approved by this resolution. Section 8. The City . Recorder of Oregon City Is hereby authorized to advertise for and receive proposals for aald Improvement, but the "City Council reserves the right to rejec any or all bids therefor, and the Mayor and Recorder ahall enter In to a contract or contracts with each firm or corporation to whom the contract or contracts are let by the Council of Oregon City, for the Im provement or parts thereof aa speci fied In this ordinance. Section 4. Whereaa, the territory embraced In the proposed Sewer District Js thickly settled and now without proper aewerage or drainage and la- a menace to the health of that district and the people of Ore gon City. It Is neceasay for the Im mediate protection of the health of th DeoDle of aald District and Ore gon City that the said proposed sew er be Immediately constructed andl ' an emergency In hereby declared tcai exist and tbla ordinance shall take effect and be In force Immediately upon lta approval by the Mayor. The probable whole coat of aald sewer Is 810.9C7.00. ' Read first time nnd ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the Cltv Council of Oregon City, held on the 29th day of May, 1911, and to come up for second reaaing ana final passage at a special meeting to be held on the 14ih day of June, 1911. - . L. STIPP. Reoorder. ' -'"l . .. - Resolution. WHEREAS the City Councl of Ore gon City. Clackamas County, Ore gon, deem It expedient to change the preaent existing grade of Mon roe 8treet aald city from the South ' aide of Third Street to the South Ide of Fourteenth Street aald city from the present ' existing grade, therefore, . ' , Be. It. Resolved, That the City It Wouldn't Pay to Advert:: A Poor Article- Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or , honnty for ad-readere, nowaday, are DISCRIMINATING They know value they knew GENUINE thing, genuine opportunities. . '. Any article which cart be eold by advertising ie, by that teat,' a GOOD article. YOU are eafe In buying a thing which .haa "etood the fire of publicity." - " - . j ' s ., ' The maker of widely advertised article, ?- commodity, la al ways on trial for his business life. He cannot shirk, nor cheapen his product and thia la thi best possible protection fo the consumer. You are SAFE In buying advertised things 4t's the logle of now Jays bustnes conditions. Courcll of aald Oregon City Intends to change the grade of Monroe Street from the preieut existing grsde to the following grade, to wlt: ' . . i ' Commencing on the South aide of Third Street with an elevation of 297.5 feet, thence level across Third Street to North side at an elevation of 297.5 feet, thence on a descending grade to South side of Fourth Street at an elevation of 206 feet, thence on a defending grade to the North aide of Fourth Street at an eleva tion of 266.00 feet, thence on a de scending grade 137 feet North of Fourth Street at an elevation of 258.00 feet, thence to the South aide of Fifth Street at an elevation of 258.00 feet on the Eaat side of Mon roe Street and 257.00 feet on the West side o' Monroe Street. Thence level across Fifth Street, thence on descending grade to the South aide of Sixth Street at an ele vation of 260 feet, thence level across Sixth 8treet, thence on an ascending grade to the south aide of Seventh Street at an elevutton of 264 feet on the Eaat aide of Monroe Street and 2C3 feet on the West aide of Monroe Street, thence level across Seventh Street.' Thence on a descending grade to it- side of Eighth Street at an elevation of 262.00 feet, thence , level across Eighth Street at an ele vation of 262.0 feet, thence on a de scending grade to the South side of -Ninth Street at an elevation of 25L0 . feet on the East side of Monroe Street and 248 feet on the West aide of Monroe Street, thence on a de scending grade across Ninth Street to the. North side at an elevation of 249 feet on the East side ot Mon roe Street and 246 feet on the West aide of Monroe Street. Tbence on a descending grade to the South side of Tenth Street at an elevation of 230 feet on the- East side of Monroe Street and 228 feet on the West aide of Monroe Street. Thence level across Tenth Street, thenc on an ascending grade to the .. South aide of Eleventh Street at an elevation of 232 feet on the East aide of Monijpe 8treet and 228 feet on the .West side of Monroe Street, tbence level across Eleventh Street Tbence on a level grade 66 feet North of Eleventh Street at an ele vation of 232 feet on the Bait side of Monroe Street and 228 feet on ' the West side of Monroe Street Thence on a descending grade to .the South aide of Twelfth Street at an elevation of 220.50 feet on the East aide of Monroe . Street and 215.60 feet on the Weat side of Mon roe Street. . Thence level to North side ot Twelfth Street. Thence on an ascending grade to the South aide of Thirteenth Street at an elevation of 235 feet on the East side of Monroe Street and 234 feet on the West aide of Monroe Street. . thence level - across Thir teenth Street, thence on a descend ing grade to the South side of Four teenth Street at an elevation of 211 0 feet - . Published by order of the City Council of Oregon City. , L. STIPP, Recorder. Wants, Tor Sale, Etc Notices under thaae claaatflad haadtna will b maarted at on cent a word, first Inaartton. half a cent additional tnaer ttona. OH bMh, oar. s par maathi haif inch ear. (4 ltna tl par month. 1911 Mitchell . . .' J ....... V Have yon ever looked into the detail! of construction and the mechanical features together with the handsome appearance of the Mitchell Automobiles te find the reasons why they are " . being bought by people throughout the state, who know the value of a good car. If you are at all Interested we 'will be pleased to demonstrate the car to yon with full Information '. arid can assure you that it is well worth investigating before buying.' The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say ' 1 it will. If not we are here to make good. When , we sell ' you car we will take care of your car one year free of ; 'charg. v.- Price $1650 :-:h.-:.-.'. .'-V; OtW moo'cls cheaper. Fully equipped F. O. B. Orerfom City. Phone ui for damonatratioa had w witt eaDat your Lome for you. Some Good Bargains In Secono! Hand Cars C. G: Miller, Agent . Garajfe Cor. 6th and Main Sta. ' Cash mast accompany ordar unfeaa en haa an open aeoonnt with Uia paper. N financial rcapoiialblUty for arrora; where arrora occur fraa corrected notice will W printed for patroa. Minimum chare Ho. WANTED. WANTED Woman to do plain aew ing and make children's clothes, . Phone Main 3044. WANTED Girl or woman for houses work; must be good, clean cook. Phone Main 3044. Address box 409 Gladstone. ' ; a. WANTED You to know tnat we buy all klnda of Curios, that we are In ; the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have a good assortment ot second hand . Furniture and Tools on hand for aale to thoae in need. Come and see: perbapa we have Just what yon ' want "Indian Curios and trinkets -tor sale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare, GEORGE YOUNG, Mala near Fifth street FOR lALtV FOR SALE Top buggy. Almost new, and single , harness. Inquire Jack Albright Store, 7th Street ACREAGE One to five acres in sight of Oregon City, $160 and $200 per acre; ''good level land; one mile from car line. Clyde A McRae, 1003 Main 8t. Oregon City. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck ' ' A J Dlmick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; (500 and upwards j one year or longer. ' Apply at once. Cross & Hammond Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND COtACT0R- HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully . given on all classes of building work, concrete walka ana reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Main 111. ATTORNEY O. D. EBY,' Attorney-at-Law, Money ' loaned, abstracts furnished, landf titles examined, estates aettiea, gen eral law business. . Over Bank a-f Oregon City. , k - U'REN ft SCHTJEBEL, Attorneys-at- Law, Deutseher Advokat. will prac tice In all oourta. make collection and settlements. Office In Enter prise Blda. Oregon City. Oregon. C H. COOPKR. For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let ua handle yonr propertlea we bay, sell and exchange. Office ' In Snterprise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon. FOR RENT liner space In thia col-' . a llnaa mav rent that house, atore or farm; they will cost kl a aa aaflta ' . ' SuDscrlbe for the Dally Enterprise. Automobiles j