UORNINO ENTEHPniSE, WKDNfiSIUV, MAY 31, 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CUT, OREGON E. t. BROOIE, Editor and Publisher. "Kntared m eecfltid-elaaa' matter Jan uary . 111. at the pwt errtce at Oreeoa j-iit. -.raawa, wnorr id Act or Marc a. IS7B.- . t ..-, , (we Year, by nuUI .. , la klontha. by mail . Tour Montba. bur mall. "r by rarrler... II St 1 e IM UrEITOUfS IATCS Tfrmt fa r tncn rtrt lrtSo...t Mm, t. . . . . M . . rwrerrea BoaltMMt any paare. par toioh first Inaartlon lie "... Preferred, poeitkai any axe. ear taiee. .added hunt too is Run paper at her tkaa flrat page, f laHi flrwt . Insert loa He Run paper thrr thaa flrat pac. par Inch added tneerttona tc 1 ' Coca la too par Una; to i-eguUr adver. fleers So Una. Waata. For Pale, To Rant. ee., ana aant a word flrat Inaartlon; oew-baif oeM - aach additional. Rataa for adrertlatna m ha Weekly '. tnlerpHee will, be the umt aa la tha dally, for adyertlaementa art especially far tha weekly. Wliere tha advertisement la transferred tmm tha dally to tha week ly, without cfaanse, tha rata will ba te an tnrb for run ef tha paper, and Ito aa lack for special poelttoa. Caab should accompany enter wkara . Mrty la unknown In boatneaa afrtca of in arnterprtse. al advertising at I real advertletag .aire. Ctrrua advertising and apaclal transient adverttslna' at the to lee aa Inch, aocordi af to apaclal condition a gevernlng tha : Tire Bala" and Bankrupt ale" adver tlaamcnta Wo Inch flrat Inaartlon; addl lUul - a.M. . . . . . ... ft. Nawa Itema and wall written artloiaa m awn, wun intiiaai io tocaj reaaera. win ba gladly accepted. Kexcted maau- ataipta tiever returned unieaa aecompen aa ay aivjnoa ca prepay poataaia. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. May 31 In AmierfCan History. JW-Job.a AlbJoa Andrew, war gov ernor of Massachusetts, born: dM ' 186T. 1961 First emu of fatal violence la New Tork irrowlne; out of civil war iOapate. Man sbot dead la saloon ror anti-union sentiments. 1962-Battle of Fair Oak, alao relied Seven Floes. 1SSP Great flood at Johnstown, Pa.: laaa of Ufa eat) na ted sometimes aa . Mrt aa &.000-. property damage. r. Sioooo.ono. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From aoea today o aooa tmnorrow.1 Co aats 720. rtoea 427: moon aeta 112S p. aa.-. plaaets Merr-ory and 8at ra awa) rWDjr before the aoa: ran'a dedlaatkia. 23 V grata north of re lea tial aqoator. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. 7 So Iraag aa politic and aelf-lntereat . is loTolred in the manafetnent of lo eal KOTernmentaJ affaira, Juat ao long . . win the -oota" carp acalnat the "Ine, ' and Jnst ao looa will there be India criminate erlticam, without reasonable and tare bida ' were submitted by Deall Co., tha Buffalo pitta Co., and the concern that ban (Ilea the Fort Wayne cruaher. The Reliance ma chine of the Buffalo .Pitta Co. that waa purrhaaed la warranted for flira reara. and was the toweet-prced machine of. fered. The road roller, nurchaaed for $3350. la the beat emrlne oa tha max. ket. welaha Im tone, and four ma chine of this manufacture are sold tmt of every fire marketed. After carefully tnveatlcatlnc the Court con cluded to buy this machine, ebtaintnc more pressure on tha rear wheels. even at a alight advance In coat-over aome of the other machines offered. The Portland nan who was paid $250 worked three weeks and hired two saaistanta at his own expense, rte mad an exhaustive examination of the suspension bridge, and submitted very complete report, which la on file at the court house. The Court believes thala, the Information so- cured, more than double the amount paid the expert was saved to the tax payers. New bridges hsve been erected without competitive bids. This Is en tirely within the law. In many cases bridges were found that needed Im mediate repair, and, in some In staheca, reconstruction, and under the bidding system considerable time would have been lost In advertlaln for proposala. Tha Court has built new bridges In less time then would have been consumed In the sdvertlsing alone, and the public has been dla. comrooded very little In comparison. Hsd. this' policy not have been pur sued, the Court would have been com pelled to cloae aome of the most dan- serous bridges. Some of the bridges la the southern part of the county axe too lia-bt. and the heavier road machines cannot at this- time be transported over them. Up to thla time there has been mora Important work In other sections of the county. The bridges are beln strengthened, and whenever "It la ne cessary to send the machines to southern "Clsckamas. the critics of the Kintf and Queen of Spain Are Worried About Son's Health ' ! V e-.;,JJ ' r ?j t. Vllaf.Ja'l,-v.;; J-t e J fta ,K: i ' ,V, .V V 5 aj. ...v (,,-L . , Y. , I mm SUSPENDS B E1NO king and queen does not mean happiness or the ebeeuce of wet wvi uvuuin. rwr tasiaacn, we sing ana qosea or npain are just now greatly concerned about the health of their younger son. Prmce . auuw, ma uij two. i nvogo Boariy uiree years oio, tne ooy naa never spoken, snd there have been rumors that he Is a deaf mute. He has been fragile since bis birth, snd It has taken great care to keep him alive. Ills father, the king. Is not stron. Indeed, the statement that he has tuberculosis has recently been published, end It Is cart sin that the youthful monarch he la only twenty-Ore year old has been compelled to tfke tbe beat of care ef himself, and he spends ss much time out of doors aa be ceo. Prince Jaime la to be taken to Swltserland thla summer, where it Is said that an operation will Ka narfnrml In Kiuia. nf miivtn. ft. a A I M 1 I . k. 1. 1 - . v . P.- ' I , - - v. mvmv wm MW WU1MIII Ul ilyVU. pif nurt maw k. ,mw.i , I . . . . .. .. .... . ' . , "" uaam wiu wranj wa uwuwr, wuo in a oaugnter or iTinceas ueory of usttsnburg, be found to lend the machinery where I youngest sister of King Edward VII. of England. Is worried, ss snv mother it is reouirfHl- I would be ander I ha rlirnmiitnMa Tha nlornra. alwwa ,iu. ,k. This has been well Illustrated In the flings that have been made against ' , the county administration, who have .patiently borne the no pleasantness and onjnstness of harsh words, but . rwlt bas been that the friends ; of system have come out Into the open In defenae of the men whoa- " greatest crime has been a desire to evolve order out of chaos, to operate the affairs of Clackamas County at a , minimum expense, consistent with ob ; talning decent and effective results, - sad to finally reach a point where they can point with pardonable pride to results that carry their own story. In a recent newspaper Issue a string of questions hsve been hurled at the Clackamas County Court, thongh the questioner could easily have given satisfactory answers with less than an hour's Investigation. While The EnternriM dnM nnt m. . . .. - j m inae as self-appointed defender of the Court.' this newspaper believes that It is the ' right of every man In public life to! refute, when he can, stories that are . really derogatory to hla character and to hla reputation as an official To get ai in bottom of this matter, 'we pro pose to reply to these questions, dis posing of them briefly, but none the less effectively. These are the questions: Were road machines bought whh . out competitive bids? Was $ 350 paid a Portland man for lees than one day's work in Inspect ing tbe river bridge in this clty Have new bridges been erected in the county at an expense of over $200 without competitive bids? Are the road machines as purchased so heavy that they cannot be Uken CrOSS the COUOtr lirMm art I. of the Molalla RWer? .i5!!!.,b Comm",ll Club stand be hind the coonty offlclala In this mat ter, as stated in The Enterprise? iran-TV1! d,,,n. Porchsses and transactions i connection with road ork In the past two or three years i. ,.-frrordance w,t nl as tbe v. is I Is required. As individuals, there is no doubt but thst the members of the Commer cial Club are heartily In aympathy with the efforts of tbe Countv Court lo systematize road construction. The club, as an organization, has not gone on record. If it should be celled upon to do so, a have no fear aa to the result. ""The Commercial Club could not afford to refuse Its sactton to such a meritorious effort. The dealings, purchases and trans actions of the Court since January 1 have been entirely in accordance with the law. This csn be proven br an examination of the records, alone, and without evidence,- it matters little -what may be offered for or aeainst the contention or question. The Enterprise hopes there will be an end to this constant bickering. While light should slwsys be shed upon public matters, no one should raise superfloua queries that are ao easily answersble. If the newspaper that raises these questions would take the trouble to ascertain for itself the true condition of affaira. there would be no necessity of bothering the read ing public SENIORS READY TO . GIVE THE RIVALS" SHERIOAN-S AMUSING PLAY TO BE PRESENTED AT OPERA HOUSE. 7 w w-w .-. pa - e - ws saa) i u aaa wwniru, RM UIVIURT would be under tbe circumstance. The alcfure above a bow tbe unfortunate VOUBC Sdoa of royalty and hla hmlh.r Alfnnen nrlne nf tk. a. . K.le a the throne. They hsve one sister. Princess Beatrice, born July 21, lOOA AH firms handling road machinery had an onnortnnllv l i. .... t w auuuiil DluSj hy ,h- J? ,he pUt to b 'ven h J T of tbe S010' Class of 1 H'gn,Schoo Thursdsy night, will be one of the most classic and also If-.-0?' hmoro Plays ever pre- Z:"l ""son -y. Sheridan s Enriiah utJTr 10 S-'Peares in English liters turn. anH ki. .j... . uiiimim u. iaaa bji ntnara The play opens with characters In a pecui ar predicament Captain Ab- Lla,Ji "P""1. "an taken the ,l c-u ffn Beverly. The satis- Kf , . ' xPanUo of this part to bis friends cans ..k . . i . " ""uuie to .U(1 ,nucn amusement to the au dience. When Lydla, who Is exceeS .fn7 ",rafnt,. out thst Cap tain Absolute and Beverly are one " l"Z, Pron. she refuses to an?,... nam of Captain Ab- !Sl2i' "d.CBIl!M 'nt"r humorous w MT9' aiaprop, who Is noticeable In xher usage J u word, mostly In tbe wrong place 1' .5w W . . . r Position as Sir "" T7 AMO,u' that the captain Should marry Ul.. r . . fnr..n. . ' a"suian tor ner Sir Anthony visits the captain and Ufea to Induce blm to marry a young Udy whose name'he does not reveal. The captain, of course, refuses, and the knight (mediately gels in a rage. The captain finally rinds out his fath er wlbbes him to marry Miss Lan guish, and he tells his father he is willing to obey him. bu! hss a hard time eXDlalnlna- tha reaanna far hla quick chsnge of mjnd. - This Is finally done, however, but Miss Languish re- f Captain' Absolute fusee ttf give her consent until the !,Faulkland ...... lu.uun iu a uuei, ana She 1 Acres men consents. Acre, furnishes much amusement throughout tbe play by his peculiar wsvs, and especially In the duel seen where he tries very herd to keep a brave front while hla heart Is almost continually In his mouth. Faulkland is a very lovesick gen tleman. Whn a ... . because he thinks that his Julia may come to some barm, while. In truth, he is always Jovial and In the best of health. The scene of this comedy Is In Bath. England, which w.. . r t " a w aan isjisuas resort where man v tvskrwLrxr.. their health while others went there urreij ior mrersion and others for profit. Elaborate costumes have been ob tained from a Portland coatumer. which nsures the andlence that It will be a first-class trodiietinn ' I'uder the sbla diret-ttirahtn r Mr. Cartlldge. one could hardly hope for anything but A 'tiiKf success. The tickets are now on sal at Huntley's. Ths prices are 35c. and tbe seats should be obtained Immediately aa the many friends of th Senior Clsss sre expected to fill the opera house. The cast of characters sre: Sir Anthony Absolute . tiuthwell Avlaon TO HONOR HEROES FRUIT DIALERS LOOK FOR MUCH HEAVIER OFFERINGS OF ' BERRIES TODAY. Iiuslness In Oreaou City . Virtually auxpemVdJMemnrl.il Day. Receivers ttf fresu fruits snd country prtHluce nere obliged to keep their places open fur a few hours so as to inks cure of shipments of perishable stuff. liespite the 'holiday, retailers were In the market fur tarries, and the sun. ply was practically r lex lied up. Uhm1 t'sllfornlas sold In iHu-tlsnd at $1.50 to ll.yo a crate, Willamette Valley' mill at $3.00 to $3.50, and Hood River, White Salmon snd Mosler berries at $4 to $1.50. . Fruit dealers look for much heavier offerings of berries from local terri tory Wednesday and thereafter, and rtH-elpta from California are expected to grow steadily smaller. With berry neuiher. dealers count on a good de mand, but there Is every reason fur the belief that the supply will be fully adequate. ' . Quetattuna for Oregon City. POTATOES Ileal. $:.60, good $1 35; con:mon. 3. Buying,, carload, sv!ec. $M0; ordinary. $1 0. FIXIUR AND FKEl-Flour Is steady, selling from $S to $5 50; very little of Chaanar aradaa rawd la higher and rising slowly. Ilran brings from tit 50 to isr&fl. ahorts l:s to tin i roneu parley ui.to to 3J 31. process barley $33, whole corn , $31 to $31, cracked core $3$ to $33.. Wheat $33 to 3X HAY (Buying.) Timothy $1$ to $18, Clover. $11 to $11; oat hay. $14 io us; niueu. in to u; alfalfa, $15 io OATS (Rtivlni) Vrar. from 115 to 37: white, from $26 to $23 BITTER (Buying) Ordinary Country brtnsa from IS to zn tancy aairy rroro ior to c. cream ery ZZc to 25c. EGGS ttiuyingi re ranging from iac u jiht, according to grade. POULTRY (Buying Mrnt with lit tie good stuck offered. Hens will bring 14C. If in 01 Ira anod rondlllnn mm Old roosters are p.or at 8c to 10c. broil! era nnng rroro ejc to U4e. with food i ueoinno. WOOL (Buyti.gi ool prices are . ranging from i:a lo 14e. t MOHMR-IBuylng-Prtces on mo- bslr hsve bnen -eay up, aome having brought aa h'th ha 39 locally. Quo tstlons are S7yfC and demand la strong " HltiES -IBuytng Green hides, 5e to 6c; saltsrs, 54c to 6c: dry hides, 13c to lie. Sheep pelta, S5 to 75c each. IWtlEI) FRriTS-IxKal prlceaar. nrm at from o to 10c on apples and v r-rnrnea are inc. . SALT Selling fioe to Joo tor fine People who "Invec In "tsffrrisst premising abnar- .. ' are ususlly ...appoint,,'. "'- lsr They fall to t the Interest they ,Mpetsd and monsy passes to athsrs. "o tsntroi u iit . The monsy sswsr should take no chsnees with When you .spoilt your monsy s Tw,, cortHtaai- Inos Department of thl, bank, It Hmtin Vndsr !! i U earns o sura and steady rale of Intsrsst. Tha f ou' "troi, .JJ In this kind of on Invf stmsnL ,r prHi., The sooner you begin, the sooner will you b. i-' growing bslsnce. V ' ,n PMnl, ' The Bank of Oregon City 9 ' I nPW-1 t)D t.lta. feu.lJa. THE FIRST NATION at of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL SA.000.00 . i Transaata o 0ersl Sanklna Bualnaaa. ...... . " lluy B . la,. Of egon City Wood and Foel Comor F. M. BLUIIM Your wsnts supplied with any quantity of 4 faat a. tv 'n weaf u. ,J nveran any pari ai viy. rriees, ressonsbls. Satisfaction ouarsntssd n. . Ph0' yMrsrstfi Homo at 1 10 Ca, ... ' Cor. th isd C , Pseiflo Main $50J . - ""a city. I -4-1 - I actual r.nry ami rJSiwtTLSiffn'' fisi! 'a a.M n k4 u T,rri T JZ T kaaieaana kA , ... UV7 a4aaaeia.-.j . V,ay.M,M,u'-"ai ::tProoM l a I M aiua.. . A. I waS to umnovpgitn r l,r.L Clark Sir Lucloua OTrlggerT.". .'Fred Baker Koy scott David vrT-. . Milton Nobel Tbon,a Roy Welsh Mrs. Mala prop lie as Warner Lydla LanguWh .., Ethel Kidder Ju"a ..a...... Hazel Tooie Lntr Madge Brlithtblll JUSTICES ANGERED BY HARLAN'S SARCASM WASHINGTON. May 50. Strained relations between Justice John M. Harlan and the other eight members of the Supreme Court of the United States have resulted from tbe biting vigor of tbe oraj,; Tews expressed by Justice Harlan In the tobacco trust esse, according to authentic Informa tion today. Thornton II.,. . .l . i ..... m ww ,u suo .far nn. Harold Smlta ! ssck. half gmuod 40c: 75 for v-r iu. aacHB. Portlsnd Vsoetsble Msrkats. ..8, . VWJKTABUSa - Csrrots. $I.25ff$1.S0 per sack; parsnips, $1.15 ?.,.,50'' ,urn,P". $!5$1.50; beets. $1 50. ; fVKGETABLES-S'Asparsstis. ftAcb $1.75 per crate; eabbage, dew. pef ...iw.n,ni; ratiiinowrr, fl 0f $175 er do-en celery, California', 75 0c per duaen; cucumbers. $1,501 $-.25 per dosen; eggplant. Sc per lb r garlic. locfin tM.r ... - ------ r r'u" i ipiiure, 6te per docen; hothouse lettuce. $.50 , '"'; pess. scfllc per Poll nil; Derinetra. .tOeT!tK . radishes, ue per dosen; rhubarb, tc tmattmm sprouts, oc; tomstoea. $7(1 .1.25r ..0TAT0E8r"fon' JobMni Price. $160 per hundred; n-w polatoea. 7c 43t7V4e per pound. . ONIONS-Jobblng prices; Oregon $2.71 per 100; Australian. $3.50 pe" - iee aaas. K9 C ZZl itZZllttttH mrrrr-r I " tahyelr and aaar . nnrania and H,4 laalda auk ' aatircUluuallt.,f n.l.. .,1.1. . 1 V EES.:r-?."i" ..".r." Lr s.n.11 V-k.-Il ZT.T V ?."""f "e air '4' . : siiuwing iQf aVip iu SB brtllnarvtiM. f . HF K. 1 " 1 I 1 iir! I . - 1 SB at A aaak e . - w aas. ST f) leyOM II. !laa taw. ILA-L . mm w aiae aa Mr .I 1 lV.V"T",,i --J-V-Ur ' 'Silbla-na-wa,--SJ riMiiui 1.1 inrT nMiAiinni i u-uuwi-aJK LijaLJllL$ 100; Texas, $2 25 per crate; Califor nia, $ per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotations. -HOGS Hogs are quoted Vio lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. Bc, from ISO lbs. to $00 lbs. mo. VEAL CALVES Veal calves bring American People Are fareat Tax Dodgers , By Covernor E. N. FC5 ef MsaMehuieit , HE AMERICAN. PEOPLE MCRS THAM OTrlCR3 AR? -A -a 4 TION OF TAX DODGERS. . It bas been estimated that T.ILUOX 'Mh'r cf t::, able property in MassucrbuHotti ntoatxa taxut iiin. Tbn ....i... port of the investments in otocks and bon.l- uru nioiu-y in banks ewajM taxation. '..'. , f. j.j. i ' ....... .. . a v iiiui m rttw w n m . a. . . a - . .. a ... ... ... . . . - -" uccu vcrjr VUJUlU.t SO COTnmOD tnOt It tardlj regarded ss a SERIOUS ;OFFEXSR ' Tbe average man regards it as wrorig to lie deliberately to an asaesSor about how much "property he Tjo-seaoea, but he doea not consider it a serious thing to .Tade in any other way than perjury his tax obligations. ; rnawaawXOl I Bfl x. inrwawaaaaassa. i. aai wawj mr . - X . Ill i SB X. Ill X X II x s Ill D X X , I saw aW .III II - m , x y "ii i ai as - KH.,.M...........n in I MAGAZINE BINniNfi : z . ii ' in . .. ... II ' .- II UOn ttbrOWVOUrmatfJTlna. II 'II luuicais away. ihere is II II I much valuable information in II I ttayyi U ..ill t . .... II ' II aia will never De nil Ml i Ih. II . . Ill I II .. II . , !I II ea eisewnere. The cost is little II ' ' I ' I r i j Y FFJTFDPRKF II III wan a s-SSSaellllUIJa.il , f .11 ill .11 uincs ii won Knnn , . - 11 . 11 II . . . . , S ..,"..' X II W ' " - ' : : .XT from le to lOe srcordlng ts tTsif. UEEr STEERS Beet atesn IH tho local markets are fotchlm lt IVtO live s-eigaL ' SHEEP Aie urm at to k I welghL .- . , BACON. LARD and HAM, in l CATTLE PRICES ARK LOW I A. Importation of Dressed Seet IhrM ...I. 11 A... Waa ftjUfe yaiwea nm sn.n iw Tk. tnel.,l I'nloh Klni-k TlTW C'oropADy reporta as follows ' Receipts for the week sin 22S4 cattle, 49 calves, Ills hot. sheep. The csttie msrset is SDoet 54 rrtti lower than laat week. A number the sellers msks the charge tkutw market Is 80 to 70 cenis lower, w there has hewn a difference at " quality of the cattle. Tbe sus e gsged In the live stork builoen e) . .. . i .iltas noi eonsiaer me lowering ui bi i . .... m. . ii.. iK. ha Hiimixeu evil, i nejr nuw - that It would bo poor business to Kl feeaers ror neit season s operauv--ibe basis of prices thst bsve pr'1" .i . . . . i - ThM la US inruuKUUiit in apiiua. the fact that the ametlis of tfw e sumsrs of beef would not jniU'r M prices that hsve been prevs'""! rbrtlsnd. and the Imporlatloo . . . ... J In. a res sea Deer rroro nw." points has . demonstrsted -th range of values have been out son. The hog market hss been itedr kl.h.. rn. amnnth lilt WaUhlOf I" pounds brought 6.75 pound, i . Tbo sheep msrket has been S throughout, with a reedy tsilM anything that has been offered. .1.. ... ..i.l. v - rno estabiisnment oi a .' . ...ala....rlara St PO. lurninnr, wun ur"'i""'""" . land Union 8tock Yards. ,n IniDortant hsDDenlng In live itocK e oles within two years. This compr with which Is Idontlfled ths beKf"1 elai ' i-.....i. r,,rilsnd snd ' Swifts at Chlcsgo, expert" to available a million dollnri to ' lodned to cattle feeders In tbe Pf . . . . . am ei r rvnrinwesi. its icu" w od to check tho oulgo of thin ci to territory not tributsry to tbii knt , . ' : Social to Is Given forif1 a . . ... .natlol Will a pie ana ice cmain --- . . . . . i e,j.M Awanln. given at un unci rnu; "TV the benefit of tho school. A t ful program hss been-arranged ' u large attendance lo oxpected. The Orecion 6 Fruit and Prodr Union ';''''." SELLS Arsenofe of Lead Derry Crcles l!-yt Crclncndfcco -v ...... . , . : r ---r I f -- sw. leP-Mk p,U ' I I r . vaiwlllkj