Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 28, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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"ULi .2 .v.ti .r
...ii- 11 -" " " 1 i , ... .
' .
7:ilO.U0:iP(TCttia bund ay may.
Odtx Hosiery far
- w
Mes Vmwi ud ' i
r .
f "
Every Department Of fers Some Extra
... Special' Prices. ;
, ,, Price:, Some Uuu value. 10c to 25c, lor 10c; regular ($o
shelf paper, c: 10c bniahe for 6c; 20c and 25c brushes for 10c; tic
box paper tor lie: 10c tsblets, 7c. . . ' . - !
ini Hottirtis of otlier tnt at rock ridlcoloi" low
prices that yoc wM want them as soon as yoo sc
them. A lot of Straw Hats for women, girls, boys
and men at aboot yocr own price. Always some
thing doing.
Ai '. IHIblinoo9 '
617 MAIN ST.
Kabo Corsets
Post eaTythe well
, dressed wsnuis Bay
IUDLII.iavol iwutiL
:""l:iL ' "
Wacheoo Tribe No. 13, Improved
s Order of Red Men. of ,thia city. has
been extended as invitation by the
committee ot the Ro Carnival at
Partland to Uke part In the parade
on June . In which there win be more
thm 1,000 members of the order. The
parade will take 'place In the even
ing, and the lodge of this city will so
to Port la ad by apeelal car.' One ot
the -feature will be the war dance
pot'Do by the local order and the
Wacheoo Cowncil No. 31. Degree ot
Pocahontas. Five of thla order will
- take part tn the play that will be pat
on by the Red Men. Thl has been
, played In thla city on several occa
sion,' aad la -eery Impressive. It has
never been seen tn pwrttaml, and no
donbt will be one of the mala attrac
'tkma. The dance will 'be given Im-
wjedlatety after the parade and -will be
ion the east side. ' 1
The members of Degree of Poca
hontas hare their new robea. which
are elaborately trimmed with beads
aad fringe. They will be worn In the
daaoe at Portland.
. 1A special meeting of the Degree of
Pocahontas will be neia tomorrow
afternoon at " 2 o'clock, and in the
-evening ar T O'clock the Red Men
will meet, when the matter of appear-
tng tn the parade tn Portland will be
discussed. The meeting will be held
at the Kaapp HalL There is no doubt
bat the local organUatlona will make
a good appearance on that day, and
many of their friends will go to Port
land to witness the parade and the
ghost dance.
' Reg Fill Ha Kitchen Shower in
" HMMf of MIn pfsnninger.
- a anrwria kitchen Shower was giv-
W Friday evening at the home of
Miss Georgia Lewi Is honor ot Miss
Rose Pfen ninger, who will be a June
bride. Those present were the
young ladies of the Regis FMae Club,
of which Miss Pfenninzer waa the
organiser. Many useful articles were
presented and the evening waa spent
in music and games. Refreshments
were served by Mrs. Lewis and Mrs.
. Sasitav- The eitib members ar Misses
Georgia Lewis, Louis Kennedy. Flo
ra Fells. Beatrice 8herk. Lillian
Pfenninger. Lena Waldispeil, Rachel
Worthlsgton,- . Ada ' Starkweather,
Madge- Ellis, Edna Schubert, Hulda
gtromer. Alma Richter, Kate Btlne,
Lexy Graham. Katberine and Anna
Kaks. Pons Lewla rendered several
vocal selections.
Feed something besides corn, for
the pigs hsve to make frsme; corn is
the thing tor fat, but poor growing
If the whole farm where hogs are
kept could be plowed . at least once a
year It would mean more healthy surroundings.
Remnants Offered at a Sacrifice
tinolsum. .
( 1 piece 12 fV by z ft. $29.45 '
t 1 piece 12 ft x 17 ft 19.2S
, l piece 12 ft x 15 ft 41 n 17.00
, l piece 12ft x 15ft Bin 17.50
l pleco 12ft' x'iS ft 6ln 17.00
If 1 piece 3x12 slightly damaged.
1 1 : 1 . 1 h r, ' )
Ae Yon a Subscriber to the
New Daily? j; .
If The Morning Enterprise Is to bo sa successful aa tbe Interests of Oregon
City demand It most needs have th support of all. - Th new dally has
a big work before It Jn boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means mors etrengtfe tor thework. -
I Will Yon Help Boost yoar own Interests?
tlss tb Mevwtsur sraterwrtee will b sold to paid ts advance
i Sslle ws: -
ry Carrier, 1 year
I y rX 1 year
aS etsejr Basses sssd eaastfltaeie.
PfctsriaJ Review j
1 1 Extra Specials as
' - Embroideries
nttHT Than Ever Are tka Small Be
lefinv ef Driss,
Tatting m very stylish.
Always popular Is tb trlcorn hat
Buttons sr to be much used la trim
ming frocks.
Lace enters rery'eonsplcnonsly Into
the trimming scheme of the new gar
ments, Toques "made entirely of Sowers will
be maca worn.
It la a pretty fashion to bars belt
and Jabot te mates.
ejais ooMSUiATioa nows.
Crea wash able cwttoo sad lines ma
terlals sre besded.
Exquisite sre bags sad reticules of
hear Venetian lace.
Tbe newest Ha la for girm sre the
rolllog brim sailors.
Psnsy blooms form tbe design of
uu of tbe newest veils.
Tbe girl's frock Illustrated here la
an effective combination of plain and
trloed materials. The pattern might
Joet aa well t utilised for any combi
nation of plain and fane rabric. Lin
en. soft On is bed nlnue. lawn and ba
Mate sre suitable for tbe dlgn. Dres
den dimity and pink, white snd colored
pique snd embroidered and plain linen
ar effective combinations.
This Ms Msoton pattern Is cut In slies
for girls ot ten. twslvs aad fourteen years
f as. Send 1 esnta to this offlcs, sivtns
number. TO), and It win bs promptly tor
warded to rod by rasJL It In bsst send
sn sddltlonaJ tw eent stamp for lattar
postsf. which Iiwupm mors prompt
Now 1 piece Roxbury 15 1-3 y1s, 137.50 now
122 10 26.; 1 piece Twenty Wire Brussels
carpet, 11 yds, $9.90; 1 piece Axmln
14.30 ter Moquette, 17 1-3 yds., $25.50. now
13 00 Ha-OO; 1 Plee Fancy Brussels, 23 yds,
$19.55. now $13.29; 1 piece Roxburg
13.30 Velvet, tVi jto, $27.80, now $20.85-;
itfwt 1 piece All Wool Ingrain, 16 yds, $12.00
1".'"' ....... .AAA. , l All aniw Cmr
pet, 9 yds, $4.95, now $3.93.
i At -thej Portland Theaters;
Stellar .Engaasntent. Opens .Ten
. raw Nlsbt at Helllo.
In the different embodiments which
Mr. Bothers and Miss Marlowe appear
the week of May t9th at the Heillg
Theatre they will be seen In a great
diversity of dramatic expression, sad
In the Shakespearean roles tn which
they have become best Identified. The
vent I one which cannot be missed
by students of the drama, or who ar
la any way Interested la the appeal
of the theatre. The opportunity to
see these famous artists Is so rars
that It can be called tb Important
event dramatically of many seasons.
UtrlAM'a Inllat I jitv Marhoth. Par.
tla. Rosalind. Katbenne. upneua. ana
Viola, see her In a brilliant list of the
most poetic delineation! while So in
tra 'a Romeo, Shylock. Macbeta.
Jacques, Tetruchlo, Hamlet and Ms
vlollo, see him In a wonderful variety
of characters. Tbe Sothem Marlow
repertoire will be aa follows: Monday
nlsht. "Macbeth;" Tuesday night,
The Taming of the Shrew;" Wednes
day mattne and night, "Romeo and
Juliet;"' Thursday night. "The Mer
chant of Venice;" Friday night
"Twelfth Night;" Saturday matinee.
?As You Lke IU" and Saturday night
" ,
Famous American Stars, will-be
- beginning Monday, May 29.
Wll-Known Actor at th Maker ti
Portray a Stsr Rol.
Next week, starting with the usual
Sunday matinee, John Sainpolla, who
Is playing a apeelal engagement at
the head of the Raker Company, will
appear In Robert Ed son's greatest
success, "Strongheart," : the famous
college plsy, portraying the role of
the Indian. .To those acquainted with
Mr. Sain polls type snd ability, a rare
treat will naturally be expected, and
none will be disappointed. Soangatha,
or Strongheart as he Is called at col
lege. Is a pure-blooded Indisn, son of
a noted chief.' whose career 'at the
school is unblemished by a single un
manly act, and he is sn Idol, being
received socially everywhere, with
true democratic spirit. , He Is one of
them In all their ilvtng habits, studies
and sports, until, in a fatal moment.
he falls) in love wtth tbe sister of one
of his best friends, and then tbe
blight to his hsppiness comes. Hsd
he been any one of a dozen kinds of
European rotten aristocracy; every
one would doubtless hsve fallen at his
feet but a American Indian Impos
sible. Strong heart, as soon as he rea.
llzen the barrier between them,
proves himself every Inch the man
and prince he Is, and is never for a
moment lacking In power and dignity.
This is the seiioas Intent of the plsy,
but It Is not serious enough to mar
the clever comedy and bright and
merry college atmosphere of It It
Is, snd always will be, one or the
greatest favorite on tbe stage, and
will be given a most excellent produc
tion by Mr. Salnpolls snd tbe Baker
Company. There will be mstloees
Sunday, Wednesday and Saturdsy,
and tbe popular summer stock prices
will prevsil for all performances.
Rule Fee Sweets.
Discretion must be used as to tbe
amount of candy given to children.
Tbe best time for such Indulgence Is
Immedistely after a meal, not before
It It surfeited with sweets there will
bo no room left for wholesome food of
other varieties. Children who bav
plenty of fresh air will bring to tbe
table a good appetite for soup, meat
and potatoes, and they Would much
better bav fruit raw or cooked, and
pur candy by wsy of dessert than
rich pastry and plum cakes.
The Embsrrsasino Child. 1 ' '
Th overbold child Is the product Of
neglect In teaching and Impressing
rules to lie observed In Intercourse
with others by Its nnrurnl protector
The little girl who uy somftUIni:
awfully embarrassing, no mutter' Mow
true, to her mother's ciii:-r lin hinrl
Just such a reuisrk niude In the fmitV
ly before. In some children lliert lx
born su Intuition tliut prevent rti'te
ness. but this Is Isckln lu ! nm
Jorlty, snd Its force must be liuprs
ed upon them at bom.
Feed for Children.
. Freshen op th child's food In every
wsy, even In tbe matter of chops,
roast and fowl.. Serve the dainty
spring lamb when It Is possible, botled
or roasted, with mint sauce. Get a
spring chicken occasionally Instead oC
the terrible old fowl and broil or fry
It Any change Is beneficial, for tb
stomach needs s rarlety. i
Hot breads are sot good at thla time,
and pork should be banished, from the
family menu Bntll winter sou ' In
Jlead th Morning Bnterprlse.
.,; JI yX- I . fV 1 I i'
(tftXM ( j j if
. hSasSSsjBBaaBjaaaaaaaBjjBBBaBBBBBsaBBBBa
In addltloa to to appearance of
these two fmuu sisrs In these be
loved creations Shakespeare. Mr.
Sothern aad Miss Marlowe produc
tions hsve become world-wide as rep
resenting the most elaborate preset),
tatlons ever given to 8hsksper s
works. It Is absolutely promised that
th two grt stars will bring her
very embellishment th same ss has
made their productions during their
long runs In the Kt the center of
rtlstlo attention.
Seven baggag cars ar required to
transport tb matv scao effecta,
and th larg supporting eompanr
number nearly 100 people, and in
clude aome of the mo faajons
names on the stage today.
The public will unqueatlonably be
ager to attend a series of these
Shakespearean productions, as Mr.
Sothern and Miss Marlowe, desiring
to give all classes of thetre-goerasn
opportunity to ste the works ot
(thakespeare. have' maa a noeri
scale of prices, running from 50 cent
to 11.00 for the best aeata The scale,
which Is no higher thsn that which Is
generally asked for a single stsr. will
unquestionably commend Itself to the
public. .
The performances commence
o'clock sharp In the evenings, aad
3 o'clock at the matinee.
seen In a grand Shskespesresn festival week at the Heillg Tbeetre, I Hulls ad.
dm Ditto
Tbe first speaking in Clackamas
County on the Isw which will be sub
mitted to the voters at the next elec
tion providing for ta exemption of
$.1000 uf personal property and : Im
provements on smsli Homes trom tax
ation wss held Satardey afternoon at
the Psrkplace Grange The speakers
were (-. 8chuetet. who spoke In fa
vor of the law, aad O. B. Diralck, who
opposed It
Mr. Scbubel contended that the
owner of the small home Is the only
person who pays taxes on Improve
ments. He said money did not pay
tsxes, but the man who borrows It
paid the tax. Bualness men do not
pay tsxes on business, said the speak
er, for they consider thst expense in
figuring their profits. The consumer.
he said, ultimately pare all taxes for
Improvements and business except
the men who owns his home.
Mr. Scbuebel gave as an Illustra
tion two tract of Isnd of 100 acres
each. One he said hsd fifty acres
cleared and with the Improvements 1
assessed St $$3,000.
"The other tract' said the speaker,
"all unimproved and held for specu
lation. Is assessed for $1000. The to
tal state, county and school tsx to be
raised from both tracts Is $60. ' Of
this sura the farmer pays $46 and the
speculator pays $16. Under single
taxstion the speculator would pay $30,
which is double what he pays now,
or a saving of $16.
, "10 Oregon City a home owner's lot
Is assessed at $450, and bis improve
ments at $700; making a total of
11150. An sdioinlng lot. held for
speculation, but equally valuable for
use. Is assf-sHed for $30." ,
'Mr. Schuebel declared that the av
erage person looked Upon the single
tax as a child doe upon going Into
the dark. Th child Is taught to con
sider the dark dangerous and fears It,
and the people, without making an
Combined Stellar Engagemsnts for Eight Ptrformsnc, Commsncfng
MONDAY, MAY 29TH 1911. ,
' In 8hskssssresn Rspertolra. , j
Arrangements of Plays for this Engagement: j
Monday Night Msy 29,-"Macbsth;" .Tussday night May 30, "Tsn
Ing of th Shrew" Wsdnesdsy Matinee,, May 31, "Romso and Ju!
list;" Thusday Night, June 1, "Msrchsnt of Venice;" Friday Night I
Jun 2, Twelfth Night;" Saturday Matins., Jun 3, "As You Llkf
It;" Saturday Night, June 3, "Hamlet", . '
Owlns to th elaborate nature, of the productions the curtftlri
rise at 8, o'clock sharp evenings,
and Saturday matlneea. Lest It be thought by the public that prices
will be raised for thla engagement. It Is positively stated by thai
management that the following prices will prevail: ' ' I
Entire lower floor, $2; balcony, $1.50, $1.00, 75o and 60c; gallery, 60c
Nights, beginning Monday, Jun 6.. Matin Wsdne. Saturday.
" i-tiie liLw ;
With Nanc O'NelL. Charles Cartwrlght and famous Bslaseo company
Ssst sal epene nsxt Friday, Jun 2. Price Evenings ft; flO, 9V
. 75o, 60c,. Wednesday mstlnse, $1.60 $1, 76c, 60c, So, 26c.',
.Vlaveatlgatloix, M. regard .U ''
II tatt v , . . . J
Mr. ttmlcH said thai Jms '7'"
should be ex.mpted from Mf
taxes. He thought . .wr pe
should b compeueo W
verythlof he owns. who
law became effective mnJ
didn't have the S3000 would
getting a squar deal He thousht
the exemption would
peas ot the sinsll him owner rafter
than decrease It He said tb noof
man was so, paying ths tax.s. and
that a larg part of tb mooey ooh
lected was used for educational sur
poses. As a general thing, said tbe
speaker, the larger part of the taxes
are paid by loe corporations and the
big business concerns. j
Delightful ' vel8 Spent at ( Mis
Home by Member of Class.)
The rhlletbis Olrls of the Baptist
Church tendered their Instructor.
John V. Loder. a v,,l,n surprise at
his home on Ninth and Center streets
Friday night. The voung Isdles luel
at the chnrch end proreeded to the
Loder home. Mr. ldr, upon, re
covering from his surprise, tnvtteq the
visitors in. niwl It wns not long before
they hsd full posseasUMi of tbe hfaae.
Tk. ...nlii mmm devoted tO !
sod mnslc, and Mrs Ltwler served a
Usrheoa. !
Those present were Miss aaha
Smith. MUs CdlUv Smith. Miss Anns
Conkltn. Mis Susie Rmlth. Ml Ul
la Treswell.-Miss Mary Ott, hUss
Rath Page, Miss Jenale Dlllraan, UU
Maud Moran. Mis Ella Dempster,
Miss Lulu Miller. Mrs. William Peters.
Mrs. Hugh Matheson.
Couple Get License te Wed.
License to merry was granted Sat
urday to -Winnie Davis and Ernest
i I'
r "
A ' ' '
1 1 :
Neeveus Tsnslem '
We do not slways realise the strata
each child la on, but th nervous
sloo la i pressed la sevrsl wsya-l-to
hot fsce, the cold hands, the umuCo
rally brilliant eyes, th bb snd Sow of
color, tbe sbsoltit snd almost pathet
ic rigidity of the little body.' Tb
child's whole nstur Is keyed up. sod
It Is this greet strain and tensldn that
prepare the way for sleeplessaesa,
old and acute Indigestion, all likely
to follow tb dsnclng clss dsy or s
"Dirty." Cold I tsken In thst time of
udden lowering vitality which ' fol
lows high, nervous tension, snd Indl
gestloo comes through tbe nerves of
the stomsch. which sre too tired and
generally disturbed to do their work.
Sleeplessness also Is tbe result of too
much strain upon tbe imagination
Tbe harm la not In dancing class or
In "parties" or In trying to learn to be
accomplished In one way or another.
The barm Is In doing all these things
too soon, la forcing Into the dawn snd
quiet snd un preps redness of childhood
morsels as Indigestible to the nerves
and mental atmosphere of the child as
cbsese and plum pudding would b te
his physical state
and 2 o'clock at the Wednesday
I'.'- . 77
i ja - ..
'" t- f'" ' 7.' c'
. . . i
4 - -
Send in
To Introduo The 'Mars has
Entarprta Into s laresi asajss
Ity of the home Is Oi ,
aty and CUekamas swassrv tlss '
managameat has eeasde .(.
make a apeelal pries far Vhs) f
daily lasae, snr a swots . i i w
only, where the subeertber frf . s
s year Is 4vsjsB,'-.'fw I J
By carrier, paid a year Is
advssaw, ' j
. asstfl, wasd a year ba ad-'
vases, $x.eo. 4
PaoDls who aav oar esavas- -
aer a trial subscription tar mo
or more montns, at tea 0 is a
week, oaa have the daily deliv
ered for a year for - $3.M by
paying a year aavanoe.. a w
People wso gave oar caavaa- j w
ser a trial subeoriptloa, hf
mall, for four months at a delr
lar, may hava th paper tor a '
yar tor, 11 p" . -
aavano. .
Subscribers to th,.Waly
Enter prts may chaaige (Mr
' BubseVlptloas to th dasly, rsv
eel ring eredit for salt tamo ss
the dally that th weekly la
paid la advance. Whoa thy
choos to add cash to Us ad
vase payment equal to s fall
year's advano payment they
. . . . . . m . W . s
may tag mtmhp m
rat. . . .,v . "'
' .We sasks ibis sSoeial pries,
Metsf Arrivals.
Ths falTowlasy ar rsststsrsd si th
D A I L -?
Jo the 1vj
- ...
The logiiiti I
Will You Help Us
1 ... 1
Boost Your Own
By car rier , I yeat $300
i;. ,
By mail, i yc&t 2.00
Your Name
t i ' ., n m b o ' J.
and Riuttiance
Eleotrle Hotel: A. t. '''.'.fv
tend ; Fvaw whlnTnV
lace MoCorsVOregon Cri
Salemy Oanar Cutlsr, sales. 1
HoquhaTt. United BI'M?TZ t
vsy; Professor GUI. CJ
t. D.lfnav Wallace: Cbanw
son, W. B.' MumIw"r)I(!nLlke!
ea, AldlB ClsrttJ. v7ci
Charles I. Barnes. Mur.., - -
ey, F.
Trembatni 1
.The baseuau gsme 8i
linril UDlTnu nil" m tm m. '
UILVU til DUHUfl I jaa .
makes four successive
Borne cattle from an oBttj
are apt -to be taken up
these days If not aepx - t
...I. ... mtnm,A' tit rtlll
this nreaincL and the owae
vised to watch thelfr stock.
. . V n SW
oeorse Kirnyson. w",i-v
tof a few daya; has
rtvar kvaln to work St Dl w
. Will Moohnk,! butldlsS
fence along th Beeiong
.ml maksa It aafe no " .
rs around "t ap hot"
Resd1 the Morningjenti
Special Safc,
S f i m -
. 421 Main Street'
. f.
,4uTt,V. yd. i".