Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 28, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Society Brand
a . At
pifM At thU time comes our special display 0f
Cofflfficocemcnt Attire for TOMntf m',n .1 .
- - iwai IU
graduate. We realize what the occasion de
maoda and have prepared a shovin of fashion
able suits that y are proper for this as well as
other dress occasion. Here are new andbeau
tiful blue serfes-r-cut alonj younf men's lines
Genteel, refined apparel
Popular Priced Frein $12.60 Up.
' See Window Display
8aapeaslea Bridge Coraer
Tela it What the Mention ef Pie Did U
.Mlaa May Rambo la Improving.
(t W. Rcramlln, of Mackaburt, was
tt p ctjr 00 Saturday. ,
Oood seed potato 1 1.(0 par aeck
at Bgger a 800a.
Oeori and O. Schmidt, of Bkubel.
etr to tbl city on Bat unlay.
The Produce) I'aJon aafla berry
Mr. and Mr a. Flatter, of Carua, were
a this city on Saturday.
Fillip Bohlender, of Beaver Creek,
it la tala city oa Saturday.. - ,.
The Produce Unloo eel) Arsenate
oi LeeA
U L Lydell. of Gladstone, was la
f tkt elty on bualoaaa Saturday,
'tin. W. Stewart, of Carua, waa lo
(aw city oa Saturday.
hit Charle Thompson waa In
Oregon City Saturday from Stafford.
TV Produce Union aalla Hay and
t A. HlKt, of Portland., waa In tba
City Baturday on bualnaaa.
Martin Iabo, of Hubbard, a well
laown realdent of tbat place, waa In
tala city on bualneaa Saturday,
J. C. Roetbe, one of toe prominent
farmer of Mllwaukle, waa In tbl
tit? 00 bualneaa Saturday.
' Attorney BartletL of Eatacada, waa
'la thla city on legal bualneaa Batur
Mlaa Edna Caufleld. of Eugene, la
l Oregon City visiting relative. She
UI return to Eugene tomorrow.
The Newly Weda will meet on Mon
V evening at the home of Mr. and
frt. William R. Logua.
Mr, g. 8. Warren, of Oak Orove,
u In thla city on Saturday vlaltlng
Hh frlenda. , , , ,, ,
' "n A. if. Orieaaen, of Sell wood,
fcrmerly of thla city, waa In Oregon
City on bualneaa Saturday.
' Mr. and Mr. Fred Ely moved from
to city on Saturday to their ew
" at Qladatoaa. j ,tMu
Mr. Frederick, the cheese taanufbo
tarn of Molalla, waa In tbla city on
Wurday. t
YotUffS the Asfcfing
For and we will gire yoo with
4 months subscription
fl - DrCateW
at 45c the month
A Beiutlful China PLAQUE001'
There arc a Tarlety of patterns to choose from.'
Make your selection early.
Sobscrtbers May Hare Them Too
To any present subscriber who will bring us four
new subscriptions we will
beautiful dishes. '1
bank or. oregon
rred Vollman and wife, 'of May
field, were among the Oregon City
bualneaa vlaltora on Saturday.
Mr. Detrlcb, one of the farmer of
Eldorado, waa In Oregon City trans
acting bualneaa on Saturday
Mr. Irving flau, who ha bees very
111 'or aorne lime, la able to be out
Mia Nellie Derby went to Salem on
Saturday evening, where aba will re
main until Wedneada at bar borne.
Kd Howard and eon, Ralph, of Ca
rua, were In thla city on Baturday on
Mra. T. W. IJnn, of Katacada, baa
returned from Baker, Or., where ah
waa called by the aerlou lllnea of
her father, MY. Rlnebart.
Mir Nellie Bw afford left Saturday
evening for Eugene, where he will
remain until Tueaday vlaltlng ber
brother, George 8wafoTd, and family.
Mlaa Ruth Btelwer, ef Portland,
who haa been the gueat of Mra.
Chart D. Letourette, ha returned
to ber borne.
If you have acreage or small tract
of land for aal close In, list them
with me, aa I have a good Inquiry for
mall tracta. J. L. Swafford, Eighth
and Main, Oregon City.
Harriet Parker left on" BaTurdYy for
Portland, where h will vlalt rela
tive and friend until Sunday even
Mr. A. Nelson left Saturday morn
ing for Portland, where abe will vlalt
aeveral day with ber daughter, Mra.
Madeline Pordyce.
Mr and Mr. Thomaa Grace, of
Clarke, were In tbla city on Satur
day and visited relatlvea before their
return borne.
P. Moray, one of the prominent
realdenta of Eolalla, waa In thla city
on Saturday, and waa accompanied
borne by bla daughter, Miss Margaret,
who will apend Sunday at Molalla.
Mlee Helea Chamberlain, the popu
lar clerk at Holmes', who haa been
very III, waa slightly Improved on Sat
urday and was able to sit up for a
few hoar.
W. O.Xurapotr and Prank Hattan,
prominent farmer of Rtone.mbo are
Interested In the oil well, at tbat
place, were In Oregon City on bual
nes Saturday. -
Mr. T. Park and family, who hare
been Tesiillng on Fourth and Center
atreeta, have moved Into the new cot
tage of Charlea Dernier on Dlvlalon
Mlaa Edith Jackaon left on Satur
day evening for Hubbard, where ana
will apend Sunday, and from there she
will go to Woodburn, where she will
visit friend until Wednedy. ;
Mr. J. W. Loder and son, Jack, will
leave a week from Monday for vlalt
In the Eaat ' Tbey will be gone all
aummer. Mr. Loder will go Eaat to
accompany them borne. He
gone only two week.
Mr. and Mra. Horace Mann and
daughter, Mia Ermal, of Pendleton,
will arrive In thi city next week,
and will vlalt with Mr. and Mr. J. W.
Cole during the Roee ahow at Port
land. Frank Dolan, a former realdent bf
Oregon City, wboae borne I not at
Portland. wa in thla city Friday vla
ltlng frlenda. Mr. Dolan la the aon
of Oregon pioneer and realired In tbl
city for many year.
A. VanWey. who haa been at Got-
dendale. Wash., where he baa been
assisting bla aon con at ranting Irriga
tion ditches on the latter 140 acre
ranch, haa returned to hi borne in
tbl city. . '
Mra. Fred Gram, of Portland, for
mertv Mlaa Mildred Warren, of this
city, who baa been In Oregon City
6 months subscription
By Mail
at 25c the month
present one vi
city bUiLoiNa
vlaltlne be (.. w .. ...
m. I ,l.UL4 cf rall'oad
r.iS Wisest -,ui
afl,K-fr0!Ln C,rk- of rtlind.
ti ,nf ,h " ot M'a Mary
Ellen Grace for several day " re
turned to ber home on Friday after
wMlM artLC "teruined about
11 of ber frlenda at candy pulling at
her borne on Thurday evening In
f000' tf.Mlaa Clark, and a most en
Joysble Ume waa had.
Crlasa Flaher. will leave for La
Grind, Or., neat week, wblcb will be
heir fu ure home; On their way
Ibry vlalt at Fairfield and Na
lth Dr. u u Plcken' dentist per
h'f In thl. city. jjd will practice
dentlatry at LaQrende.
-,.M,i Mi vMr-bert Hallnnlfln
l l-ave thla evening for Hamilton
Ontario, Canada, where they will vlalt
for all week with relatives. Mr. and
Mr, llaunlfin will atop at Chicago
on their return trip, where tbey will
visit the lattax's hmthar d i i
It ha been many year' since the
iu iieniiiion, wnica was
the former's old borne.
Mr. and Mrs. r 7 u.... ...
city, Saturday received an announce
ment of the graduation of Mlaa Moni
ca Montgomery, daughter of Rev. and
a. j.' Montgomery, of Chicago,
formerly of tbla -city. Mlas Montgom
ery wss graduated from a young la
dle' emlnary. Rev. and Mr. Mont,
gomery and family, who have for
many yeare epent their cummer vaca
tion at Mount Mood; where they own
land, have decided to return to Ore
gon for tbelr cummer, and which will
be spent at Mo at Hood.
Darlua, king ef Persia, bad a beau
tiful rose garden In bis palace grounds,
where be used te wander every sum
mer day.
One day when Darius was tn bis gar
den be aotlced tbat there were a great
many buttwohsr eat me TSewers. and
be thought tbey le&ad very pretty
ao pretty, tn fact tbat be determined
to have the. walla of one of bla room
painted pale pink and covered with
butterfllse" wing. Of coarse a great
amber waa required to rover the
walla, bo Darlua ordered every one In
bla kingdom to bring bin 100 butter
fllee la ten days Ume.
At the end of tea daye the king had
many mllllona of butterflies brought
to bla palace. The. work meo then pro
reeded to fasten the Vlnga on tbe
walla. It happened tbat the qneen of
tbe butterflleo bad been caugbt and
was now on tbe wall jlb many ef ber
subject. Thei bottsefly king was
dreadfully distressed ever tbe loaa of
bla drar wife, so on netdaummer nlgbt
(tbe only nlgbt when all falrlea meet
togetberi be told bl trouble to tbe
queen of tbe falrtee. Qoeen Mab waa
so touched by tbe king of the butter
fllee' sad story that she agreed to help
him to be reveilffed u Darius and to
get hla wife beck. m
At midnight Mab sent one of ber at
tendants 10 tbe imlsi-e of Darlua te
gather all tbe bntterfltea from off the
walla and to form then! into one huge
butterfly and to give It life.
When Princes Roxana. Darlua' lit
tle daughter, opened tbe door ef tbe
room tbe next morning abe wak knock
ed down by tbe great butterfly, wblcb
ear aped, and waa picked op uncon
scious by ber nurse and placed In ber
bed. Tbe doctor waa then aent for.
but when be aaw ber he eald tbat she
waa dangerously III and that she
would bare to have rbe greatest care
taken of ber or abe would not recover.
After tbe butterfly bad flown out of
tbe palace It went In tbe roee garden
and ate every rose tbat waa te be
found. Then It went Into tbe orchard
and ate all tbe fruit, and so on
tbrongbout tbe whole kingdom.
Princess Roisna grew worse and
worse. She bad a great desire to have
borne roses lo ber room, but the but
terfly bad eatea every rose In tbe
country, so thut H was quite Impossi
ble to obtain any for ber. ,
One night when tbe doctors, nurses
apd her perents were at ber bedside
Roxana began to' talk, but It waa not
to any one In her room. It waa to the
fairy queen, who told her tbat If-a
ma elf potion could te obtained and
given to the butterfly she would get
well again end everything In the king
dom wonld me right. VTben Darrns
heard thla he was so glad that he
aent all hlsalaee:ut to tbe moun
tains and veeods to gather herbs for
the potion. V ' ; ' .'
By 7 oVIocli the next morning they
had all retimed with the required
herbs, whlcK were at once taken to
Roxana. who mixed all tbe Julree from
tbe different herb together. Ae soon
as tbla waa done there waa a great
commotion outside tbe window, and
when tbe king looked ha aaw tbat It
waa tbe butterfly. Ha opened tbe
vrlndow and let It come In. It settled
en tbe floor near tba bed of tbe prin
cess. Jut near enough for ber to give
It the potion. When tbla waa dona
there waa a flash of violet light wblcb
blinded every one for a few minute,
Tbongb tbey eoold not ae. they beard
aonnd aa. ef many Insect flying
about. After aboot Ave mlnutee tbey
were able to open tbtr eyea, and tbey
aaw mllllona of bntterfllea flying about
In the room and fluttering one by one
ont of tba open window.
By to time tba la at one bad gone
Roxana waa op. dressed and, qoJte
well again- ,'
The klag of the bntterfllea waa ao
glad to bar bla wife back again tbat
he Invited Qneen Mab to coma and
vlalt them. The qneen waa ao delight
ed tbat ah felt In a better temper
than aba bad ever been tn before, ao
aba aent a fairy to restore all the gar
dens In tbe land of Persia and to
make them produce mora plentiful
anppllea than tbey bad ever done be
fore. Partus and, Roxana were eery,
pleaaed to aee ao many roeea and also
bntterfllea In tbelr rose garden. Da
rlna never banned them again, and ba
passed a law tbat If any one killed
ana tbey were to be heavily flned.
" Read tba Mornlog Enterprise.
, ; . - :
lenaaer'e! Bestsn Natisnsl Pleylnf
Great Oame e InlVsl Statlen.
Fred Tenaey la making a good start
1 hla effort to sabelsntUte bla dae.
1 ration that Ueeball player ran
'come back.' When be accented the
management of the.Hosiun .club be
said be would play first base and prove
that bis days In ba-bul were not over.
Bo far be bas made good bis sssertion,
aa be baa been setting a fist baca r
bla youngsters to follow.
Tenuey's work st first base and. at
tbe piste baa created a surprise, espe-
: ., sr. :. ; r-; r.t
t-,.r- .' : ").. .- .i ; 4
r.v. aw-.v? Z'---1M
Vj ''rt ,v. .-,.. -I
Photo by Americas Press a ssDrtsMoav
vaaxt TaaVBaBaga or aoeroa aa-
dally in Boston. It was thought there
he would not do for active infield work
owing to hla having been aent to the
minor from New York on account of
bad leg. Rut tbe Boston fa as ere be
ginning to think they were wrong.
Trnney baa given them every reason
to think so. ,
Trnney doea not appear to be aa fast
ss when be waa regarded as tbe pre
mier first Barker of tbe National league.
In spite of this be is apeedy enough to
held down the base add do as well aa
any one of the first basemen Boston
haa -had since he quit tbe club before.
Furnished with operating
room, ward and priyate
rooms. .
Graduate Nurses
Pc. 2243 Bom D-298
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta.
May 23 24, 26, 2S, 27, 28.
Oamea Begin Weekday at S:S0.
Sunday. 2:30 P. M.
Boy Under it Free to Bleacher
During the month ef May, June, July,
Auguat and September, on date
shown below, the
will sell round trip ticket from
Oregon City Via Portland
a follow:
Chicago 73.00
Council Bluff "0-0
Omaha - KP
KaneaeClty SAjSO
St. Joeeph
St. Faul 0-80
St Paul, via Council Btuffa .... S4.40
Mlnnoapell. direct MM
Mlnneapol a, v a Ceune I Bluff a A0
Boston 110.00
New York M
St. Louie e........ 70.50
Waahlngion, D. C. 10S.00
May 1, 17, 1S, 19, 22, 2S, 24, 25, 27, 23
and 29.
June B, 7, S, 10 12, 1S, 17, 21, 22, 2S, 29,
an jo, -
July 1, 2, S, 4, S, a, 19, 20, 2 27 and
August 3, 4, 8. 14 1S, IS, 17, 21, 22. 23,
28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 5, a d 7-
Stop-over within llmlta In either di
rection. Final return nmu
October Slat
For fares one way through California
Inquire of any soutnern racmo
agent, or wrfte te
General Paaeanger Afervt
Portland, Orefen.
4aawi"wV 1
v ' Y .IV - .
i ,
28, 1S11.
-. e; ' ... ,-
CORVALU8. OK May 2, Fraud
ar being perpetrated In aeveral parte
of the state by men who give aa tbelr
referencee the name of professors at
tbe State Agricultural College, with
out . authority. One aaaerta prepoa-
teroua things la tba way of curing ap
ple treea of aa Lb rac boose and pro
tecting them from tbe codling moth
by applying chemical to tbe roots.
Another la offering a premium with
subscriptions to a paper, which tura
out to be a fake.
Dean A. B. Cordley, of the agricul
tural school baa received a letter from
a farmer asking If be gave hla en
dorsement to such men. The letter
says: .
A man named Saunder' claims to
have a treatment whereby be render
tree immune from disease by tba
application of some chemical to tbe
roots, especially apple tree. He
claim tbat they will be cured of an-
tbracknoae, and tbat the codling
moth will not bother such trees for
six year and that no spraying la re
quired on treated trees other than a
light spray of concentrated lye once
every two or three years to keep moea
off the trees. Mr. Saunder gave me
me nam or Froieeaor .cordley a re
ference, ao I aak the college to give
me its opinion. I regard this fellow
aa a fraud, pure and'almple, and In
order to protect my neighbor from
hla operationa I have written to the
college." V
"I know nothing whatever of him."
Dean Cordley replied, "and if I should
give my testimony In tbe case It would
be to the effect tbat any man wno
claims to be able to render treea Im
mune from tbe attacks of the codling
moth, ajtthracknose and other fun
gous dleeaeea by an application of
certain chemical to tbe root of treea
la a fraud.
For tender face and neck after ahav.
Ing, for plmplee, hlaok heeda, dandruff
er any akin or ecalp . diseaa use
ZEMO la inaranteed to relieve all
soreness and itching. The aoap is
part 'of the treatment, beet for aU
toilet purpoeea.
Bold by drncglata everywhere and
in Oreson City by Huntley Broa. Co.
Three-Feurth Are Women.
Careful obeervera among the medi
cal profession estimate that of those
who seek the service of a physician
three-fourths are women."
Many of these women are without
Question in need of aurrlcal treatment.
but perbape tbe majority of them will
be greatly benefited by medical treat
ment only. v . . '
In the course. of treating such ail
ments, phyaldan hay) demonstrated
beyond question the, yalue of certain
dnige In their treatment and, follow
lng tbe formula, need, by a pbyalclas
especially . luccesslul ln such cases.
Rexall Vegetable Compound haa been
placed upon tbe market. )
Many women have learned by ex
perience that their ailments were of
such a nature tbat they themselvee
might administer satisfactory treat
ment. While w do., not recommend
such a procedure, but atrongly advise
that you conaviU with your physician.
w cannot speak too- highly of , the
value of Rexal) Vegetable Compound
for use in such cases, ;
. Please remember that Rexall i ele
ctable Compound can be obtained Only
at our store Tbe Rexall Drag Store.
Large bottles $1.00. Huntley Bros.
First Baptist CorCner' Ninth and
Main streets. 8. A. Hay worth, pas
tor. Preaching aervlcea at 10:30
a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Morning sub-
- ject, "Consider tbe lilies." Even
ing subject, "The Star and Strlpee."
In tbe evening the O. A. R. and the
National Quarda will attend In a
body. Seata reserved for them. ! All
are invited. The Sunday school is
held at noon. Changed from noon
to io a. m. the first Sunday of
June. H. E. Cross, superintendent
Christian Endeavor at 6:4S p. m.
Junior at the same hour. - ,
Catholic Cor. crater ana Tenth Sta
Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, res. 911
Water; Low Maaa Urn, with ser
mon; High Mass io:so a. m., wua
A. I . . JIA
sermon; auiernoon sarrica s.w
Mass every morning at 3:00.
Ceneregsttonsl Cor. Main and Klsrrntk
Birssia, nsr. in. m. nwiw iwiw,
rsa. lot Third: 8. 8. It Boon, John Low
ry supt.; mornln ssnrlos 10:10, n
rnc 1:10. youn psopl (:10. Wsskty
prsysr meeting Thursday t 7:10 p. m.
Christ Iv. Lutnersn Cor. Blshth and 3.
Q Adama atrrsts, Ksv. P. Schmidt
pastor, re. 10 J. Q. Adams; 8. 8.
10 a. m.; preaching stsrnoons of first
and third Sundays at 1:10 In Ena-Hah.
other Sunday services morning el 10:1
with preaching la German.
Christian Sclance Ninth and Cen
ter atreeta. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday school 12 noon. Wednesday
evening I p. to.
Oerman Evangelical Cor. Elchth and
Madlsoa atreeta. Rev. F. Wleveslca pas
tor, rea. 711 Madlsna: 8. 8. 1 a. m.,
Herman Schrsder, Monroe street, supt.:
mornlna service 11. young people st 7
p. m. and preachlne at I p. m. Prayer
.tln Tl'.ilnneilar at 7:1 B. m.
Qladatone Christian Rev. A. H.'Mul-
key, paator, rea. oiaastone. bud
day school 10 a. m., N. C. Hendricks,
supterlntendenL Morning service,
11 o'clock. Brotherhood services at
7:45. Address by Mr. fhlpps of the
State Sunday School Association,
Mountain View Union (Cong.) 6. 8.
S p. m., Mrs. j. . wuinn, supi.;
Bible 8tudy every Thursday after
noon: R. C. Dye will preach at 7:3B
o'clock Sunday evening.
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Rev. E. r. Zimmerman paster, res.
cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. 8.
a-ax a m . C. A. Williams. Glad
stone, supt.; morning service 10:45,
Epworth League :30, evening aer
- vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. m. Morning aubject,
"King David and Hla Sunny
Paalma." Evening A patrlotlo ser
vice in honor of Memorial Day. Spe
cial music and an addreaa, "A Fire
Proof Man," by Dr. Pratt of Port
land. .
Preseytertan Seventh street cor Jeffer
aon. ReT. J. R. Landaboroagh pastor,
rei? Tie Jeffaraon; 8. 8 1 a. .
W. C Ore a svpt; mernhsg earvlea 11
a. as., x. r, m. .. r- -
Ing semes T:ie. rrayer neniai im
day p. aa.
It Wouldn't Pay to; A4veif2
A Poor ' Article
; .
Her a areeeerUen ef doiiMciil
newsdaya, ar DISCRIMINATING. THey know eaheea tbey
OSNUINE thrn ga, genwlna eyaertewttlee. '
Aay artlele wtileh aan be aeid by advertising la, by that eaat,
OOOD article, YOU are eefe In buying a thlnej Wileh haa "ate ad
the fire of friihlleeey." '
, I -,
The maker ef a wMeay advertised article, eemmoallty, lo al-1
way en trial fee his buelneee Bfe.' He eannet shirk, nor eheepaet Ma
rodwet and thla la the beet aoealble preteetlen fee the pew mar.
Yen are SAFE In hwylnej advertleed thtnge--te the ' regie ef
nowaday business eendltleej. ,v
Morning subject, "Our Memorial."
Evening, "Belief in Christ." "
Parhelace Cengrseatlonsl Rsv. J. L.
Jonrs pastor, m. Clackamas; I. ft. i
s. m.. Kmsry Krsnch supt; erchrn
srvics vsch Bundsy, aJtcrnsllns b
twm It a. m. and 7:1 p. m. Cbris
ttsn Endeavor Thursday evanlac T:l
P. rn.
St Paul's Rev. C, W. Roblneon, rec
tor. Daily services: Morning pray
er. 7 a. m.; Holy Euchariat, 7:30 a.
m.; eveulng prayer, 7:30 p. m. Bun
day servles: Holy Eucharist S a.
m.; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m.;
Holy Euchariat and sermon, 11 a.
m.; evening prayer and aermon,
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8 12 m.; Thursday
evenings, aermon at 7:30 p. m. . ,
Special service at 10:80 a. m. for
the O. A. R. -
llnKa Irathrsn Cor. dslith and Tmylor,
Hrr. L. F. Clarke pastor, rsa. Portlsad;
8. . 1 a. rsu. Frank Pnrkar, afapls
I ads, supt. ; morning sarvlee 11, T. P.
8. C. B. p. Ba,. svanlaer asrvica 1.
Wlllemette M. Na rsuUr preaching
ssrrloae. 8. 8. I p. bl. Mrs. JUsms
Zlee Lutheran- Cor. JsTTsrsoa end Blfhtk
strescs, Rsv. W. H. Kraxbsrnr pae
tor. na. 71 Jsffarsoa; 8. 8. I a. au.
Rr KrmaBsresr supt.; mom g lu
evealag 7:4. Lather LMfW 1
., .
Real Estate Transfer. ,
Levi and Barbara Hoatettler to J.
E. and Mamie Hooiey, 11 acres,
townabip 6 south, range 1 east; 3860.
8. M. and Willis E. Potter to JMxM
Lingelbach, 13 3-4 acres and a right
of wsy, section 19, township 2 north,
racge 4 weet; $1Q. '
A. 8. Pattullo et al to O. J: and
Caroline McKenney, lot 34, Una von;
Elolse Roadman to R. G. Hill, lot 4,
block 19, Qladatone; 200.
James A. Bunnell to W. L Ollson,
lot 6 to 12, inclusive, 19 to 25 inclu
sive, block 9, lots 18 to 19, inofasive,
block 9. and blocks 13 and 14, Oak
Grove Park; fl.OOO...
James M. and , DTuaallla . Tracy to
Harding Orange Na 122, acre, Ca
leb E. and Lydia Tracy .donation
land claim, aectiona 2 and 3, townabip
3 south, range 8 eestr quit claim.;
James M. and . Drualla Tracy , to
Harding Grange 122, 4.98 acrea, Caleb
E. and Lydla Tracy donation land
claim, aectiona 2 and 8. - townabip 8
south, range 3 eaat; $498-2.
Walter- E-- Car 11 to Emnaa R. and
John D. Baker, 2 acrea near Oregon
City; quit claim. ' .
Ines Ellen Brackett to W, W. Irwin,
Interest in estate of Mary A. Brac
kett; 31.
W. W. and Lydla B. Irwtn to Inea
Ellen Brackett, 19 acres, George Ir
win donation land claim, township 4
south, range 1 . eaat and , 1 west; 1,
quit claim. . . i ' -
George B. and Mary Trotter to
Isaac J. 'Morrt and Nancy, A. Smith,
southeast quarter of southwest quar
ter of north west quarter,' lection 1,
township '2 south, range 2 ast, 10
seres; eaat half of northeast quarter
of southwest quarter of northwest
quarter, section 1. township 2 south,
range 2 east, 5 acres; $4600.
Matthias and Emilia Beck to Isaac
J. Mortis and Nancy A. -Smith, west
half of northwest quarter; section! 13,
township 4 south, range 2 east, 80
acrea; $7500. ;
Wants, For Sale, Etc
. t
Metleaa ander these claaatflad teaasaes
arul be Inserted at one eeat a word. IWat
msertkas. hair a eaat additional taaar
Uona. jne Inch ear. 11 per saoatbj hatf
k A t a k mt . II.
Cash asaet aanompaey order ealasa en
1911 Mitchell
Hare yon erer looked into the details ti constrnction and to
mechankai features together with the bAndaome tppearnAce
of the Mitchell Automobiles te find the reasons why they are
being bought by people throughout the state, who knew the
nine of a food car. If you are at all interested w wiQ be
pleaaed to demonstrate the car ta yen with tall iniormation
and can asenre yon that it if well worth lnYeatif atinf before
buying . The car ia absolutely guaranteed to io what we aay
it will. If not we are here to make good. When w sell
yon a car we will take care of you car one year free of
charg'. ,
Pn'ca $1650
Other aaodel cheaper. Fully equipped F. O. B. Oregon City.
Phone u for demonstration ana1 we will sail at year kosse lor '
Some CooA Bargains Ia Second HanJ Cars
C. G. Miller, Agent
; Garage Cor. 6th aaal Main Sta.
. v -
... i.
merit' e. beneey' eer ad ra'adaea,
bimy tor
free son nut
printed (or aauen. Maaassi
WANTED Strawberry pickers, write
or phone laaae Lane, Clackamaa, .
Oregon. Phone Farmer an.; f '
WANTED Ton to know laat we buy
all kind of Carlos, that wo are la
the market for. aeoond hand Furni
ture and Tool. We aleo have a
good Msortaent of aeoomd hand
rurnltnre and Toole oa head- for
sale to those) te need. Cosmo aaJ
aee; perbape we have Junt whal yom,
want. . Indian Curio and trinket
for sale cheap; eome that are vary
unique and nlao very rare.' GBORGB
TOUNO, Main near rifthr etrwet - -
FOR SALE) Two One residence) lota
9th and Washington Sta., very cheap.
Term. Enquire) 418 7th BC .
FOR BALE Top buggy, aintoet new,
and alngie harneaa. Inquire Jack
aV Albright Btore, 7th Street.
ACREAGE One to five acrea In sight
. of Oregon City. $1( aaad jstt per
acre; good level kanl; on..aaile
.from ear line. Clyde A McKae, 1003
Main 8L, Oregon City.
FARM LOANS Dimick A Dtaalek,
Lawyer, Oregon City, Or. - ;
of C A. Nash, near Sixteenth and
' Divlaion 8treeta, Oregon City, Sun
day, May 21, young. . black Co.
. freeb May , 1, one atub horn, one
- knob. If . found, notify Pacific
Phone, Main 2962.'
MONET TO LOAN On first mort
gage; $500 and upwaxda; one year
. or longer. Apply at onoa. Croaa ft
Hammond, Attorney at Law. Bea
ver Bldg., Oregon City.
HAJUtT JONBS Builder and
Battmatee ' c haetfany
on aU
a D. BTBT, Attorn eret-Leiw, Moetey
lonneeL aJhmtrmets ftrnlahed. land
tttlea eABjeined. eetates aettaai, geer
eral law baahns. Over Bnak ef
Cety. , .
and Real Batata. Let na
your propertlee we bay, anO and
axenange. Office bt
Bldg-, Oregon City. Or
Subecrlbe for the Dally Bnterprtee.
aee Bases. io
aeaies' eraser
Law, TJawAwetMr ArteeaiaL waB prae
tJnw In bJ eeerW. nnh Bsflons
Pfine Blefe. Oreawa Cttr. Oreaoa.
mi " ewei m I 11 so
i . .'t - .
' - . - -