Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 28, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' . . . ..... ,
0 . . , . MoniUKQ lOTIniOC, SUNDAY, UAY 28, ,1911. ' ' '
i" .r
oauraoar cnr, ojleoow
L C ROOH, sdHee and PwaHoMr,
INL at ik soot in at
IM Act or
ran af wtKurmc
Case Year, br
n Btratae. By
that. a
mrmsK u rn
nm rr- or
yJ e.Bain
aTrBTSjarw-onss a
. .1
SaO MM b
nnA I wtloa IBs
Boo TttUtmt flra " te
IS Mr tat; to raswlar s4Tr-
Wutt rr Sale. T Sea. .. ee
Ml wore ftrot kHtlWi -a sent
oa SlUasl.
Rmtea far ilwtWuf la As Wseklr
Batorarlae wtn so tbo mom as is tha
Salty, for oSTortloo finals art essoctaJlr
lor la aufcty. Mm tho tlnrtatawt
la traaaforroa from lb 4aUy to IK weoB
tjr. wttboot chawa-a, tea rata wUl a t
mm tmom lor ran ef tae pasor. aa4 le aa
tack for apodal eoaltlo.
Cash aboaM aecomoav order whoro
aorty la an knows la BashMoa office of
la Bnterprtea.
Ual aavartlainc at logal advertlaias
An epidemic of aoaaloa la reported.
but thoaa afflicted AT better.
School ctoaod t Lower Logaa
The Logsa baseball (MB defeated
Shuble soya by ecoce otltwl.
Mr, r. S. Hutchlae ud MiM Oraoe
Aadereoa have returned from The
Dalles, and report It windy plane.
blowing a gale all the week. -
A number of Logenitee woat to Er
(1 Croak Orun picnic Saturday,
May 10. and had Tory enjoyable
tin. A fiae dlBDr, rood procraoi.
to. 8tt Master C E. 8pM wm
prvaaat aad Ulk4 lotaroaUntiy oa
GrkDjra work. Ele Crtk Oranjta
baa aa ldI locattoo, bring In a odar
Oral loalu nna la .taia locaiiiy, bui
early fruit will b acarca, apacUHy
Six Hundred Shots a Minute
Can Be Fired From This Gun
Heart to Heart
Clrcua 4vrttlnf and asocial traaatoat
a4TortMaa- at e to Me aa taea. aororo
but to apodal coadltloaa (ovorBlnc taa
"Tlr tJ" aad Bankrapt iaJo"
attar 1M aioa
ta ! knca firot
Uooal fcwrtl nma aaaao
Nowa Maaaa aad w
a mHI with hitoroot to
wtn aa Uuly aooopoM. IUJeto
aw lata Mnr roturaoa
tea Vr ataJaaa la aropay a oat a,
- Hay 28 In American History.
MOT-Looia Joan Rudolph Asaaafcv
aaturalUt aad jrcotoaiat. bora;
dlod U79L
IMS Noak Wabatar. lazkofoapaor.
tod: bora 1T58. -ISOS-Lteataoaat
Gaoaral 8tepbaa D.
- Lao. diatlogalabcd aoldiar of tao
Caafadarato Butaa anny. dM;
OYarn aooa today to oooo toaaorrow.!
Soa aata 7:17Trlac 428: asooa
.13. aat;aaooa'at pr1-ao at
JfbL aaaroot aarta. ' dtetaat Z2Z300
ailiot; 10 p. ax. plaaot Satara ta coo
Jaactloa with plaaaC Morcary. paaa
aai 1H dasraaa aootb tboraof: bota
aoaa rlataa; bafora taa aaa; aoo paaalac
brigbt AJdobaraa.
Ta cleaning ap ta Oregoa City oa
"Clean Up" days this yeaf was tba
most thorough crar glTea. When all
tha refuae la cartod off tha city will
ba cleaner than it has been tar years.
Memorial serrlces will be hold at
t moat of tho churchea today. It ba
hooves all of as to attend, and thus
show a Blight token, at least, of our
gratitude to the dead heroes who
fought that the Union might b Bared.
The weather In Oregon may be
somewhat unseasonable, but It is de
lightful compared to that being expe
rienced ia Chicago and- other parts
of the Middle West. Orercoau are
still in order here, and there scores
are dying and many are being
stricken by the Intense heat.
la this work), wtirthrr rnu hoy on
credit or par rnh. you uiut nettle
for everything you ;ei. t
In return for ererjihlnif r do. er-
ery effort yon make whether you gt
your envelope Saturday night r
whether the paymaster la alow wltb
the payroll you get what la coming to
Toa must pay.
Tou must get fall pay.
Tou must pay aa you go or after
ward Whether you ride oa a py-a-
yoa-enter car or put (be nickel In the
alot at the end of the trip, you must
pay or you cannot ride
Toa get your pay aa you go or after
ward. Like the atreet car conductors
who deduct their day'a wages from
their "torn in. yon may get what la
coming to you dally, or If not. be as
sured of this: If you hare ta wait for
your pay you get Interest after ma
turity. Now. what yon do la either good, bad
or Indifferent.
If you do good work yon may he
sure yoo wHI ret good pay. If yon da
bad work yoa will draw evil warea
tbe' wages of sin. If 'you'd ndlfferenl
work yen will get Indifferent psy.
Ia It not aoT
Here ta a rich ma a wbo has made
bia money by compromises with bis
coasrience. Credit bla np wltb bis big
bouse and bia motorcars and bla stocks
and bonda Now charge wltb betrayal
of trust and a good memory of It. aa
extravagant "d ungrateful family, a
I'm going toe faatT
Weil, strike toe balance. The asaa
Is getting his pay right along.
And yonT
Credit your ops aad charge your
downs. Charge tha tears and credit
the miles. Put down on opposite
aides of the ledger the days of cloud
and the days of sunshine.
The trial balance shows overwhelm
tngly on the credit side.
Now pat down the good things yoa
have done, and the bad things, and the
Does the account show "In red?"
Then yoa better begin to get mora
dally credits on the JournaL Because
good pays good, bad pays bad. each
after Its kind But always the pay.
Tou pay for what yoa get and yoa
get what you pay for.
Emerson called It tha law of com
W r.U -
N'-w-e ;r
Copyright by Amertoaa Prosa AaaocUUoa, 1I1L
f Growth
By Representative Victor f
Berber (Socialist) of Mil
waukee and Henry M.
Flagler, Standard
Oil Magnate
Constitution Is
Keeping It Back ;
Our present constitution was
framed at s time when this nation
was born and whan tha country
bad about three million inhabit
ants. At that time the people
were in the main hunter and
farmers in arms, with a small mer
chant claas in New York, Phila
delphia and Boston and cotton
planters in the south.
There were no rsilroads, no
telegraphs and no telephones.
Since that time TREMENDOUS
changes have taken place.
. And vet with all these wonder
ful changes which the frsmers of
the constitution could not have
foreseen we are still living tinder
a constitution made for our ancestor.
I Development J
Has Just Began;:
HE man who bets on the
growth of the United
States and keeps his debts
paid will win financial success.
In the year in which I waa born
the United States had only
TWENTY-FOUR miles of rail
road. Today it has nearly TWO
THOUSAND miles. The MAR-
vjmajub ex
pansion in ' rail
s' o a d develop
ment during my
lifetime, as indi
cated in these
figures, ia only
typical of the
vast expansion in every line of hu
man activity.
'mtX the soldiers are mobilised hi Texaa, leamlag aosaetblaa;
about cants Ufa and various pbaaas of war, tbey are making
selves fasalHar with the newest types of marble gnas. Bare Is a
Mailm-Nordenfeld that Srea 600 abets a minute. The baUeta pear
out of tbe muaaie la aa almost solid stream eace the gua Is started. Tae feres
of tbe nxvtil Is used le work the merhaalam which feeds tae belt coaUiaiag
the cartridge. When in use tbe noise made by taa gaa becomes a cewttaeeo
whir or buxL Tbe maa behind tbe gun caa alas It as easily aad aa aerate, tety
aa be could any ride, and as he can see what taa ballets are doing be caa
direct them much aa be would a arream of water ta aprtaknaa a sawa wkta a
garden hose. One wbo watcbee this gaa ta actios, caaaot heap bwt weatsor
what would have happened had Napoleoa poMiaaid Borh a weapon aad posaty
of ammunition. And what would have been tae eiernooa at Oaay asaa a.
Rhlloh or Petersburg If one or both armies bad boon awalpped wtia sara Seats
dealiag guasT Mr Hiram Maxim, tbe Inventor of taa fan, believed that aa had
done much for the cauee of peace by makta war ceotly aad berrUila, aad Si as
ooaelMe that he waa right ' '' 1
TWILiejHT. '
Jamea Hyiton, while working In the
Willamette paper mills, had the mis
fortune to hare his hsnd badly Burt
on a. saw.
E. 8- Hinkle. of Portland, was tha
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. IU Harvey
last Sunday.
Mr. Oeotsa Laistiovonsdo a buainesa
trip to Portland Wednesday.
William Currant and daughter, of
Portland, spent laat Sunday . with bis
slater, Mra. Frank Black.
Wallace McCord has gone with a
surveying party aad aspects to be
sway several months.
The family of D. L Boylan are re
covering from the measles.
A number of Portland friends of
Mrs. William VfrCord spent Tuesday
at Maple Lawn farm.'
A picnic was held m the grove near
the school house laat Monday after
noon. It wag the last day of school
A short program waa given by the
pupils, and the remainder of the time
waa apent playing games and eating
ice cream, a treat from the teacher.
Mita Leaale McDonald.
Mies Pratt Charming' Hostess, and De
lightful Evening la Spent.
Miia Cis Pratt gave a delightful en
tertainment Saturday night In honor
of "The Oypsieav" Refreshments were
served and games, laerading five hun
dred, were played. The piitea ware
won by Mrs. Walter Welle. Miss Bess
Daulton and Mra L E. Jones. The
entertainment was one of tbe most
delightful ever given the members of
the club, and Miaa Pratt proved a
charming hoateta.
Those present were: Miaa Helen
Daulton. Miss Bess Daulton, Misa
Zeda Goldamlth, Marjorie Caufleld,
Mra. Mort Latourette, Mra Walter
Wella. Mrs. L. E. Jones. Mra. O. W.
Eastham. Mra Niels Marlow Laf
rence. Mrs. Nelson Wlsaer, Miss Am
Shsnnon.' Misa Alice Shannon, Mrs. L
A. Morris snd Miaa Doll I e Pratt.
45 Yeors Ago
From the Wwekly Enterprise Novem
. ber II.' 1186.
A Myaterlews Matter On Tuesday
evening, the 30th df October laat,
hile Mr. William Whltlock, of Al
biqua preclact. Marion County, was
sbsenl to Portland, a man came to
hla houae and asked to stay over
night. He had with him tao mules.
Mra. W. told him be could stay, and
after ber son a had taken care of tbe
mules, and ahe had spread aupper for
the stranger, retired. He then staid
all of Wednesday, and at the hour to
again retire oa Wednesday night took
bla hat and left the house, and has
not been seen since by anyone In the
neigh nor hod. . It waa found on the
following morning' that he had taken
the saddle mule and blanketa, and left
tbe other mule on the farm. He re
ported that he had come from the
Blackfoot mines, and his remarks
about loaning some person 13000,
which bad given him some trouble,
coupled with hla myaterioua actiona
I nee, leave tbe Inference that he waa
Inaane, or that he waa guilty of some
crime and afraid to remain until Mr.
Whltlock same home. The aban
doned mule, and some camp equipage
la stilt In Mr. W'.'s possession, wait
ing a claimant The man Is described
aa being small of atature and appar
ently about forty yeara of age.
Tha Indian War Oovernor Woods
haa begua bis business by avlaclos
tbe proper eplrlt la regard tha
dreaded hostilities of the Indiana
n ik. raade range. Aa a re-
ault of hla determtnatloa to have mil
itary authorities do something la this
res poet, we almost dally aritneee Urge
bands of horses paaalnt out of Hoe,
ea route to tha DaUea. for cavalry
Service. The Indiana have stolen aa
Immense amount of stock from set'
tlars. and murdered many persons
light under tbe eyes snd arm a of the
troops for years past. Yes, they have
svea taken the soldier's own animals.
snd old Hslleck has never Interfered
to render that asalatance he should
eacept so far aa hs was able to pro
toot the Chech ho route, and this ac
tion, brought about through (lovernor
Woods la quite refreshing, u ia am-
cerelv honed that not a redakin will
be spared In all that great scope i
country. Kxtermlnate tbe race ia ine
word, and we hope it may be
' Quotation for Oregon City.
I1J5: common. I. Buying, carload.
sleet. 11.10: ordinary. II SO,
-ri-niTR and FEED -rlour ia
steady, selling from ft to IS. BO: very
little of cheaper grades. Feed la
higher and rising slowly. Bran brtnge
from US 10 to IST.tO. aborts 29 to 130,
rolled barley S 1.10 to 111 JI. process
barley fSS, whole core 111 to 3t,
cracked corn fit to 131. Wheat 131
to 39.
HAY (Buying.) Timothy US to
111. Clover, 111 to lis; sal hay, 114
to III; mixed, lit to 14 alfalfa. 111
to lit.
OATS Buying) Oray-. from 1 15
to 27; white, from I IS to 111.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country brings from lie to SOc,
fancy dairy from 10c to tic, cream
ery 11c to ISC.
EG 08-Muuytngi Are ranging from
lie to 10c, according IQ grade.
POULTRY (Buying Finn with lit
tle good stock offered. J I ens will bring
14o, If In extra good condition more.
Old roosters sre poor st Sc to lOo, broil
ers bring from lie to 1 4c. with good
WOOL (Hur'.!1g vVool prlree are
ranging from lie to 14c.
MOHAIR (Buying Prices oa mo
hair have been way up, some having
brought as b'gh ss Sao locally. Quo
tations are 17 Vie and demand la atrong
RlDJCfl (Buying Green hides. &c
to Sc; sailers, lc to Sc; dry hides,
11c to Ho. Sheen Delta, tie to 71c
DRIED fRI'lTS Local nrlcea are
Arm at from so to too oa apples aad
prunes. peaches are 10.
SALT Selling SOc to to (or fine,
50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 71 for
100 lb. sacka
Portland Vegetable Marketa.'
11 15OI1.50 per sack; parsnips. l.S
f1150; turnips. Jl.lSftfl 60; beets,
VK0ETABLC8 Atparacua, BOcO
11.76 perorate; cabbage, bow, i per
hundredweight: ' cauliflower, LB0O
11.75 per dotes; eelery, California, 7Sc
OSOo per dosen; rucumbera, ll.iOfJ
1116 per dosen; eggplant. ISo per lb.;
garlic. lurOllo per pound; lettuce,
50c per doxen; hothouse lettuce. 11.50
vij per ooi; peas, scry lie per
pound; peppers. S0cfI5c per pound;
radishes, 16c per dosen; rhubarb. !V,c
Olc per pound; sprouts, Sc; tomatoea,
13 16. f ..
POTATOES OregoD. jobbing price,
11.60 per hundred; n?w potatoes, 7c
7He per pound. ri
ONIONS Jobbing prlcea; Oregon
1176 per 100; Australian, 13 50 per
100; Texaa, l per crate; Califor
nia, 1 per crate.
Oregon City Stock (Juotatlone.
IIOGH Hogs are quoted He lower
From 126 lbs. to 160 lbs. Uc, from
150 lbs. to 200 lbs. I He.
VEAL CALVES-Vssl calves bring
People who "Invest'
art aatMlly Slaappalntad.
They tall b t Mareet they aapeeted tad t-. .-1 I 'TT
.weney paeeea a '
jhe rneney saver aneyld take as thineoe M.h ' ,
When yeg deaean year mif an S Time Csnmcsu I b.
Inaa DepsrtmeM ef this bsnk. It remslns ener!l L
earns a sura sad sUsdy rata i ef Interest. There
In this Md af sn Investment, ' Sa)rwir
The soener yeu aetla, tha seener will yea k. Is
growing aalanee. . , . d (
The BAok of Otzgon City
O- a IJkTOURaTTni rraaadaal
F. J. WT . 7
i a Svweral wenhlnf xelnao opes feaai
Oregon Qty Wood aad Faci Coa,
Year wants aspplled with Say aantlty ef 4 feet P yt laai
tlvered te any part af dty. Prteea, reaeenable.
Satlsfaetlea gwaraaSeed.
Heme avuo
Paa He Mala 1501
IV L L A ojaasr" Uorrte raraiabod fcr aa, or SMtoalZTSi
Pl W MnM
wi i r i
J I C:ltt::i:Tirc A Ml
ta -tmlmftl mmiMn, mm
sSMe m. m a ! .., i
A biuHlf4 ISw ad pairs auM laat roar.
a MsdolneiliiM. It
U aaa mm
rtdlar. Try Sarshle and lined faalda with 1
a Miecial quslllr ol rabW. wklcb um h
iiia aoroaa aaa kL k rLaa mm
Mactar-a vltaoat sliowlae the air lye
Wo bar bnndraos of i-tter frosi aatUSed ei
mum mm umt UM Itnia f ti i p
or lokw la a wkolo Mas. Tar wMah
aa oroiaarr ura, UM aaaotano n ilaMaa en
a-a Br amorsj iajr-rs of Ibla, aeoeisll
fabrtaoa the IrasoTTbe rorwlsr artos of
si 9ww m nor pair,
have oiiailaadaa
Oji 1 h et
r aw II I
Trsf' leaJ
oanviku 1 C s-d r-M no art, -t-
lllios bstas- J I aes-sat ftsensm n
MMnnuM nama-i n ,n mmi BaaWkS. I
tJlm1L rtf-r of ol 4 BJ -ir. AIenMaa
- . - - . -. W - r- I--'--
"TT rf mi iFIT.T .TaTi idT is.
A fx .m I
from le to 10c according to grade.
BEEF STEERS lee! teers for
'he IixbI marketa are fetching tVeto
Vic live waighL
SHEEP Ait nrm at ac to 5e live
BACON, LARD and HAM, are firm
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much raluable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. N,The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone.
ahewlnga In Eastern States N
PrtBTIJtND. Or.. May tT.
clsl ) The Norths-eaters mil E.
change of Portland, rtportf u K
'"in our laat bulletfa corarinaJ
fruit crop oollook or 1111. "a prJ
ised to have s rsport oonoornlo.
ropean fmll cropa, which follow. J
Informatloa set fortB ia u i'ij
.i -., rmm varloua autkMH
..a nfirmaa br an Boglni
operstor who recantly pal u a rlj
i, n k. MiMmbared that re:
II will iro .. .
crops In England Uat year win
ceedlngly Ultht Is tuto
portloo of the season thsrt mm t
tuslly a fruit famine l""
year condltlona apt" to b wres
Weather condition b
tremely favorable, and M aw
sufficiently far advanced to
any particular danr. AP
pear, are looking wiw
the oluma will I unuallT
These aame condition tjn
moat part In the pnnciiw k
countries on the wnllMM.
tn Vranca all BorU O fnU"
a big yield except apricot.
. , ",1 m I. . .nniidertbl F"
liunaiiu -
of apples, snd the Pr,,,,T
' ... .v.. i.,.it eroo OB rasa
are lur inn ... . . - t
... . i .Jlilnnl IB
All in an, ennui"- -
all of the apple-rllni
... n i .. uo rev
tbe Misaissippi rl""' -tU a
taring Indeed, Nsw Tori J"
tlnuea to report a vary PM !TJ
for fall fruit and greenlni.
aenaua of opinion aeema "TJ
Baldwlna have blooroea r
and will ba a HUM hr.
River counties sre due 2t
this year, and It look
m m-tt m 4r KA It. . J
f . . i.i. V'lrtflnlS.
wool. YirsiiiiSi
and Pannsvlvanla hv
ihnwlnvi tisva alM
Illinois, it is a nine - .
say anything concei'" -
Unca of Maine as an fv
state is beginning rne, M
cognlxed, snd the Indlcatwww
In the futura It will B,, 1
prominent. tP
Utah expects to ship fTT
Ing croo thla year. OfflcWLSTa
laca tbe prospective inere-.
1910 at 200 cars, i n "'"t n
expected , to be allghtly WF
laat year, and the VA I
much larger. '
The Oregon Oh
inla, WT
v n
rlr ttWJ
England sUtea However,
aad a very heavy bloom.
Arsenate of Lead '
Berry Crates v
HeVrGroln andTccd
Implements ,v ,
X :