Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 26, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Stories from Out of ..Town
August Petera and wife have moved
out to Maple Lane again.
Mr. B. r. Linn U apendlng this
wwk at the Lone Ptna dairy ranch.
nMr the mill, on tbe Abernethy.
Mra. Brown, or Grant street, want
to Salem Saturday and returned Mon
day. They are talking o moving to
Mason Kellogg s daughter, Laura, la
Kirk with tonstlitts.
Mrs. A. l Hickman la In Portland
thla rrrk vlaltlng relatives.
The friend of Mra. Charlea Lew la.
of Pierce street, save her a pleasant
J v. Smith Is haullns lumber for surprise last Monday afternoon, ma
his new barti which will be under con '"-' ' Pnt In pleasant converts
si ruction soon. ,l,,n nJ refreshments were nerved.
Mr. nd Mra. Jim Mini iiimiiniwt i nont present were: sirs, i nanea
bv Mias Flora Spagle, of "Needy, went Lewis, Mrs. S. Haun. Mm, Frank
10 Portland and Attended the I. O O. Welsh, Mr. , Yoder. Mra. William
F. and, Rebekah tirand Lodse. Thev Wlckham. Mrs. Maddox. Mra. May-
report a line time although It was a
While wa hara had oonalderable
rain the paat week, there seems to be
quit a bit of rejoicing with the sun
shine, Ded Harms spent the past weak In
Portland, attending aa a delegata of
the I. O. O. F. lodge, of Aurora.
Mrs. August Wlllroad, who haa been
to Portland In the hospital, la home
and doing her own work again.
Mlsa Lucy Mitts is home, having
finished hecjichool at Lone Rider.
Prof. Jake Mitts has gone to Salem
to resume his old place aa a student
at Prof. J. J. Krop a, summer normal.
rainy week.
Mr. Bethune spent Saturday and
Sunday in Lenta.
Mrs. Cbalupaky has returned from
Portland where she was in a hospital,
undergoing a surgical operation.
Mr. and Mrs. John But son moved to
Metsgar about ten days ago where
they have purchased a home.
Mills. Mrs. ( A. Frost, of Gladetone,
ami Mrs. Ott.
Mrs. Charlea Gottberg'a little girl
is able to be out again after her ser
ious illness.
The Mountain View Sunday school down on track serosa the Sandy river
bible study class will meet at the and In a few duyi tbe road will be
Albon Matnlg la busy hauling ma
chlnery and building material for his
now aaw min on Salmon river. .
A new real estata Arm has tone In
to business In Sandy, known aa tha
Sandy River Valley Land Co, K. K.
Ksaon, Prea.; K. F, Bruns, secretary
Thla new arm la backed by tnfluen
Hal men and baa already built up a
good buslneaa. Several big deala have
already been made by thla firm.
Head tha Morning Enterprise,
Howard Bros, have purchased a fruit
farm Juat east of town for $6000, from
Mr. Parker. The Howard liroa. bare
been In all milt sections of Oregon
and have decided that Sandy River
Valley has the greatest future, of any
fruit section in Oregon
Mr. Upke haa sold his 20 acres to
an eastern man for 11950, ana has
purchased another SO from Mr, Hatel-
wander for 11000,
Hood View farm, recently laid out
into S and 10 acre tracts, baa all been
Kead the Morning iCnterprlee.
Ml. Hood Railway haa over two
hundred teams at work on the big
reservoir or lake. Work la progreea
Ing rapidly on the tunnel through
backbone hill which will be a mile
long. This tunnel will convey the
waters of the Big Sandy Into tha
flume of the IJttle Sandy thence In
big flume to tha big lake. Rails are
home of Mr. Humphrey on J. Q.
ami street next Thursday.
Human nature begjAa-, to complain
that the weather la too cold for tre
complete to Bullrun power plant. It
is now aald-that tralna will run from
Portland to Bullrun by July 1. Work
on main line to Sandy and Mt. Hood
will start aa soon aa the branch line
to Bullrun la complete, starting from
law and la recelvraf -the congratula
tions of her frlenda.
A special meeting of tha City Coun
cil waa bald Tueaday evening to open
bids. W. II. Council, being tha lowest
bidder, waa awarded tha contract (or
tha Improvement of Harrlaon street.
Mr. Pratt, manager of the Sellwood
team, waa hara Tueaday making ar
rangementa for tha relay raca Satur
W. A. Hanson waa In Portland on
buslneaa Monday.
Tha Commercial Club will meet
Thuraday evening. .
Mrs. Lawrence returned from Port- j garden, porn begins to look yellow, main line near Orient about V miles
land Thursday after having an opera
. tlon. The operation waa performed In
one of the Portland hospitals, and waa
entirely successful.
Mrs. Cora Haasel brink haa been
very til with an attack of appendicitis,
and her many friends wish for her a
speedy recovery.
Tha Methodist Sunday school la pre- ,
paring a Children's Day program, ,
which will be given
W. baH
In the A. O. U.
Decoration Day service will be held
aa usual In the Hood View cemetery i
on May 30.
A Children's Day program will be .
given at tha Hood View Congregation
al church, under the direction of Mra. work presses.
Elmer Jonea and Miss Todd. There Is something of a scarcity of
Mra. George Todd, wbo waa 111 with gooseberries, owing to the lata froat.
but a few bright days, whlcn we are
promised soon by the weather brrvau
man. would set it up wonderfully.
However, we are content to tat- the
weather aa It comes, and feol thank
ful we don't live in CMcsg-r
Roses are going to r" a scarce ar
tide for Decoration Day, only a few
days off. as they are bu: )us! In bud.
Mrs. Brink has ben feeling quite
lame but we have hones she will Ik
better when warmer .weathe comes.
Dick Oldenstadt na been hauling
Gils Gebhardt is in hopes to ret the
poet holes dug for a life (once before
the ground gets too dry and other
appendicitis, haa recovered
Charlea Eplerand son Glenn, spent
i Saturday In Oregon Ctty.
Mra. Bidder entertained relatives
and frlenda at dinner Sunday.
Tha Inst ball game with tha Donald
team waa another victory for tha W.
A. C. Joe Thornton and Andy H as
set brink are hard to beat for pitcher
and catcher.
A young manrfrom TJonam la saw
ing wood for Norman and Harry Say,
Mr. Cronln. Jnd 8eely, George Todd,
Mr. Biggs. Ira, Seely and others.
The minstrel show last week -was
well attended and very entertaining.
Mra. Aubrey Wood entertained the
younger set in Corral Creek district
In a delightful manner on Monday
evening at her home In honor of her
aister, Mlsa Connie Thompson. Gamea
and music were enjoyed, after which
sapper waa served in the dining room.
There were about 30 guests.
At a recent meeting of the Wlleon
vllle school board, Mlsa Helen Murray
waa engaged for the coming year.
Mrs. Gage received newa from St.
Helena that her son John children
had measles.
Mrs. South worth and Mlsa Alice
Sweek, granddaughters of Mra. Gage.
are down from Eastern Oregon vlalt
lng relatives and contemplate remain
ing till after the Rose Festival. They
west of town.
Chas. Kreba, road boss, la buay with
a road scraper leveling up our roads.
An old man, while stopping at the
hotel, had the misfortune to lose his
balance and fell down stairs, cutting a
bad hole In his head. He la under tbe
doctor's rare with some hope of recov.
ery. . -
Considerable sickness around town.
P, R. Meinlg and E. F. Bruns are laid
up -with a bad case of grip. The
youngest daughter of J. II. Wewer has
been seriously ill for some time.
Henry and Albert Rldderbusrb are
afflicted with some strange disease.
Even the doctor didn't understand It.
Some think It'a the small pox. Both
were taken to the hospital at Port
land. 1
Mlsa Clara Meinlg la rapidly gain
ing strength, after being operated on
for appendicitis at Sellwood hospital,
The following officers were elected
by the Sandy Rebekah lodge: Mra.
Iba Donahue,, Noble Grand;' Mrs.
Blanche Shelley, Vice Grand- Mrs. El
la Baumbeck. Secretary; E. F. Bruns,
were with Mra. Gage over Sunday and Treasurer. E. F. Bruns and Geo. C.
will return soon.
Mra. Adolph Delkar'a mother came
home with her after the death 'and
burial of the son Frank Kaeckel, anJ
stayed a few days.
A lady from Willamette, who had
lost her way and traveling paat the
house, waa Inquiring on Tueaday for
Maronay were the delegates from San
dy lodge of I. O. O. F. to Grand Lodge
meeting at Portland.
See the garden grow In Tualatin
Meadows aince tbe rain.
Arthur Borland and Conrad Schroe-
Mrs. Vyoyan Dent and her mother,
Mra, Halleck. are visiting In Portland.
Rev. and Mra. George Williams, wbo
recently paid a visit to tbalr father
and sinter. Mra. Welch, returned last
week to hia evangelistic work at Ash
laud, Ore.
Mr. Curtis Milter and the Misses
L. G. Miller and Miss Uah McUovcru;
of Gladatone, ware callers at lha
Uxlge last week.
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Mr. Clyde and Arch Simmons tare
visitors at the home of Arthur Roberta
on Saturday and Sunday, and Monday
lert for North Bend, Oregon, where
they expect to reside.
Mrs,, Coleman, of IHirtland, waa a
luncheon guest of Mrs. McElvey on
Mra. Emmons enjoyed a visit by
Mrs. Overbaugh, of - Portland, who
spent tha day.
Tbe Mlssea- Bessie Robe.ta and
Dorla Paintow Were among the guests
at a birthday party at the home of
Mlsa Fanuy Smith in Oregon City on
Saturday when the afternoon waa
spent in mualc and games
guests were, Carlotta Pace,
Kills. Helen Hunt, Martha Mclrty.
Carrie Cross, Helen Surber, Urctl Arm
atrong and Fannie Smith - Mrs. II.
R. Smith aerved dainty refreshments
and a number of pretty little rcmem
brancea were received by the hostess
Mrs, Edith Truscott baa resigned
ner. She will be Joined ty Mr, Walk
r la a fortnight
About aeveuty people met a! the
home of Mr. and Mra. Morse to tender
them a farewell on Wednesday even
ing. The family waa taken by sur
prise aud the evening waa spent with
gamea and uiuslo. . The Mlssea Anna
Gardner and Helen paintow and Mabel
Morse furnished aoiue vocal and In
strumsutal music
U. D. Boarduinn presented Mlsa Car
rie Scripture a beautiful gold brooch
in behalf of tha iiiembera of the Grace
Chapel aa a token for the appreciation
of her services aa organist for the
past three years.
P. D. Newell in a few well chosen
words spoke of the esteem In which
this family Is held and the lose the
IxMlge will feel when they remove
from here. Ice cream and cake were
William I. Flnley, of thla place, and
an ornithologist, becomes the Slate
Uatne Warden. Mr. Flnley waa chair
man of the board of fish and game
commissioners and tendered hla re
signation aa a member Of thla commis
sion. .
The angel of death made two calls
and took two or the little children.
First was the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Guthrldge, being only
seven months of age. The funeral
services were held at the Presbyterian
church on May it. The other was the
ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mra. I
Wm. Hard, passed from this earth
May 2.
her position at the Oregon City li
brary. Mra. Truscott haa made a very
efficient librarian and much of .the
success of the Oregon City library
waa due to her work.
Mra. George Morse and Miss Scrip
ture entertained lh Pastime Club at
their home . on Tuesday afternoon. I
Huntington llroa. started logging
Other' ith their ttnglne Monday.
Mildred I Arthur Miller la building a neat lawn
fence. v
School cloaca thla week. '
Read the Morning Knterprtee.
Joeeph HeShaxer, Mr. and Mrs. Reed
and-JUra. t'upp were all on the sick
list last week. t
A number of the-young people of
or one or more pioneers. . It seems
but a few more years will be sone
e'er the last one will be gathered In.
' thnil.ll Ann .lr.r, ......
, l""""" "uictj l"r
OAK GROVE. i longevity.
The Oak Grove athletic club team We noticed a picture of Mra. Hare
reorganized Tneaday evening. Roy j ,n' a February paper, wbo had cele-
Biackerbey waa elected manager and I oraieo-ner town btrtnaay. with raul
Ben LilUs captain. The team will so i uea 81111 unimpaired. That Is acme-
Miss Anna and Mamie Schroeder.
who are working in Oregon City, were
home on a visit Sunday.
C. C. Borland, who haa been li
Washington nearly all winter for hl-i
health, came home last week and Is
feeling quite well
Raymond Bushbaum haa toft to toe
Adolpb Delkar'a place. She waa out der, who have been hauling cord wood
upon the nearest road there and we up at Taller a bridge, must have got
hope arrived safely. rained out as they came home Thurs-
The animal poster for tha Pioneer day.
Association arrived laat Saturday, an- . Charlea Larson, who attended the
nounclng tbe date. June 31. We read show at Toalatinbtrredayightratdfdgndr"and Klmerlrromatrftgirfer. d K. SpencerwaVpreaent and
in almost every paper of the pass'.ug It waa worth the money. of Aurora, have also been visiting at cave a talk on iinni. n,i, .i
Clustera of Scotch bloom were tastily
arranged In the parlor and reception
ball and a large bouuet of sweet peas
waa used on tbe dining table. Mea-
damee Kruae aud Harding, of Oregon
City, and Miss Tingle and O. Freytag,
of Gladstone, and Mesdamea SJudvn
Gardner, Wamblad. Powers, Grant,
Moran. Gill, Erlcksoti, Paintow, Heath-
man. Hardy, Moulton, Cal, Molse and
Roberta were present. Dainty refresh
ments were aerved.
Mr. Hardy left on Saturday for Re-
glna, Canada, to look after business
interests. He was accompanied aa
far aa Portland by hla wl'e and two
aona, Clarence and George.
Mr. and Mrs. Tolas, of Mllwaukle,
vialted at the Harry Paintow home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Bourdman have oeen
entertaining their - daughter-in-law,
Mra. Charlea Boardman. of Sherman
County, who waa a delegate to the
Rebekah Convention in Portland. Mr
Dover attended the social Saturday
night at Kir wood.
Mia Alice Berghouae entertained
a party of young Hople at her new
home Friday evening.
C. A. Kflli was transacting business
In Estucada Saturday.
Mr. Shaw began work Monday for I
te Vancouver, Wash., Sunday, May 28,
and play the Barracks team.
The road crew la working on Court
ney avenue now. The work on Center
street la nearly finished.
Mra. L. E. Armstrong and daughter.
Heater, were Portland visitors Monday.
Dr. McFarland la improving under
a Chiropractor doctor.
Tha HaMTlfi fill mIn fca 1 1 aesea uu WUJQ eBgawJU I
summer to fish on the Willamette
thing worth living for a hale old age River with Mr. Sllvey.
with a memory still bright and atle Mra. Larson, of Willamette, epent
to entertain mends with storjen of Saturday and Sunday with hr son
tne past. There are quire a number cnaiies and wife
In tbe circle of our acquaintances who
are verging upon 80 wbo are tookln?
forward with pleasure to tbs grand
Now, bear tbe rain falling, near the
(Chickens equalling, hear the gialn rupervlsor haa been running the grad
neias growing, out the surJrns try, er nere tne last few days
"too cold. "
Mrs. Hazel Vlohos, of New Era,
spent Sunday and Monday with her
cousins. Frances and Hazel Pu I'-num
It looks aa though we are coin .to
nave a nne summer rosd. fir t!
George Saum had the bad luck
Ioh a nne yearling colt.
jius rrancis uusnbaum li;4 tne
Arthur Borland and fa'n lv
Juat as improvements were hinr fln. SANDY,
Ished for Decoration Day. Sandy Commercial Club held one of
Grandfather and Grandmother Board 1 "a best meeting ever held A special
a a. . . ... . . I . j i . . . , I o . . . . . . . .
vi ocuwnn. were visiting tneir sons. ! "iwu exieuuea 10 an leading ouiiuay who nia tatner un I m. in!t
Dr. and Wm. Beard and families last farmers and business men, who helped Mr. and Mra. C. C. Borland, of Hazella.
week. , to raise funds for the 5000 pamphlets Th-re wns a surprise pat y Sfcnmlcy
The Mountain View Improvement ' Ju printed. Most all came and a oc Mra. Arthur Bo, .t ';
Club met last Friday evening. The mo"t enjoyable time waa had by all blng fcer thirty-fourth blrthdtv. f hose
usual business was transacted and the i present. K. f. Bruns, president of tbe I rea-nt West Oregon Olfv weir
club adjourned until October 6. A , C'UD. was sick and his place waa filled I Mrs Kat Armstrong, William Arm
social dance and conversation were I b P- T. Shelley, vice president He, strong. Jain Armstrong, Ulre LMorn
enjoyed by all. Messrs. Strelce and I ,n a v""y pleasing and Interesting nd Eugene Ford. Those pmrt frvn
arnco ana Mrs. Everbart furnished sPcn, opened the meeting and action Hazella were Mr. and Mn. Frnrk.
mumc ror the dance. , was taken on several important ques- Whinej end little son Ernc4. Cl tr
vnanea uaie, or Tillamook, was vis- '"ons. one Dfing me owning or Hood ncc wirfien, Frank Rlcey, tlcn.-ry
uing nere last week. lew road. A. t:. Baumleck, in a few irfle Roy Foster, Harry Bir: m.
airs, unariea Ely was calling on 1 remara, maae known the big benefit
frlenda In thla burg last week, as she . 8ndy wouid derive from improving
s aunenng with a felon on her hand lQe Hood view road and his petltl
and cannot do any sewing.
i e-a j miii. on. r rom TliaiVln V-n
rtows thc.-e vere Joe Buahb.i im, Miss
ira io. sr., I Hnxel BushSmu. Mi
was quickly signed by many people, John V'nkti and her three danh'e.v
Mrs. Manaon. of Highland, waa via. assuring the completion of the road. Nina T !v and Mabel. r.lvo-B
mug aira. a. s. Martin a few days last IDe question or incorporating tbe city refc'-s a- n .. mily, Charley Fcg
thoroughly discussed
was unanlmouHlv in
favor of Incorporation. The commit
tee recently appointed, consisting of
P. T. 8helley, Ed. F. Bruna and P.
R. Meinlg, are working hard to get
data and a meeting will be called
when final action will be taken.
ine commercial tiuD aino took up
tne matter or celebrating the Fourth
or July and a committee was SDooInt
ed to see that some organization, club
or ioage celebrate the Fourth In con
Junction with the Commercial Club
week and her daughter. Mrs. O. 8. ' Sandy was
Martin and children lately from Mad- and everybody
ras. accompanied her home to visit a
few weeks.
F. J. Quinn went to Portland Mon
day to get work for himself and team.
Mra. laaac Prindle, who la quite
poorly, was visiting friends here last
week. She Is thinking of selling some
of her property on Taylor street.
The Primitive Baptists will hold
services at the Mountain View church
Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
William Beard started to winmmin 1 and get uo big dolnca for that dav
Monday. He says he will be hack to : Building boom la still on. H. Gar-
go to the mountains after huckleber- rett has just completed a new rest-rtes-
! dence, tbe first one on Pleasant View
Charles McGinnls has bought a "venue. W. A. Proctor la erecting a
nure ana nuggy. ; nananome bungalow on corner of Cen-
w. u. Han spent two days of this , ter and Pleasant View avenue. Mra,
.weeK at KocKwood. i u. A. Lane haa the lumber on the
air. Mario, jr., la driving the delivery i ground for a residence on Proctor ave
wagon for Everhart Hall. 1 nue.
is going around with mr. urunen, wno recently Du
a acre finger, having mashed It whlTS chaaed a lot on Main street, is fencing
working with the atone crusher. ' clearing and otherwise imnrovins- hla
auia ana wire nave sold property ana win immediately erect a
uro.i piuirciir B( siapie un and are resiaence.
moving into town. i The German Society haa lately pur-
' D- I Torrence la on the sick chased several lota In Jnnker'a Add!-
list thla Week. " ' ! tlnn and la nlaarina- lha urn, an ill
Georg Ingram la getting better un-1 erect a fine hall there. -
ui ur. in-j nut i pruarvHiug rapiuiy on V ,
cram, or aeJiwooo. , r. Melnls's new store and hall. Ha
Willi Qulnn spent a few day a last la also putting In ut modern water
weex imoni rntnsi at Moiaiia. niant.
"V r
You a Sttbscribef to the
Wcv DaUy?
If The Mornlflf Entarpriae ia to be aa snccessful aa the Inter eats of Oregon
City deaaad It moat needa have the aupport ot alL Tbe sew daily haa
hit work before It ta boosting Oregon City aad CHackamaa Coanty. Tear
aupport meana mora atrangts tor
Y7tfl Yea Help Bccst yqut own Interests?
ror tlatlted time tke storing Witphif mm aw aold to jmJ4 g advaaee
r ' - ibere aa follow: .,'-.' . r ..
i i rear....... ' 1N
ad aamHtaiiisfc , ... , ',,:,. '
Mo-ii.-. .Via ten Athev. Fl-.-r
L'e.NeuL ifei DeNeul. Mr. ni l Ms
t h-Hs ii.-n, Mra. 8chrj:v. i.-i
mc ii-.l y Schroeder, Ei'.'.i Atfivy
.uia ni'.iner. Mra. Larson, of WilJim
ei'- Tl.fy dbbced and playel 4n.
until midnight and then there i
lmt ri -eud All those prei)-t hiiilnc
a fir t;r.a -.nd Mrs Eva Borland re-
calving quite; a number of birthday
preaenis ana then at a late hour they
bid tiielr hostess goodnight, wishing
ner many more happy birthdays.
The ladles auxllllarr of the rath
olic church met at the home of Mra.
Maggie Johnson Tueaday afternoon.
Several of the ladles of the Pariah
were present. The prealdent, Mlsa
jonana Ken, presided. It waa decld
ed to give a strawoerry social June
3r. lt the c,tjr na,,; a000" vrognm
wm oe given arter which refresh
menta will be aerved and the reat of
me evening given to dancing. Ad
mission 25 centa.
C. H. Mack of Southern Oregon haa
moved hla family here and will open
a drug atore In the bank building aa
soon as the room la readr.
The all day meeting held by the
Orange Saturday waa a aucceaa. AU
present enjoyed tbe dinner and the
memorial address given by Captain
Mra Elklna la still In tha Sellwood
Hospital and Improving alowly.
Mra, Gould la much better though
till confined to her bed.
Mr. and Mra. Brawler ara tha na.
anta of a title daughter born Wednes
day, the 17th. -
Mrs. Ike Mullen waa ehia in
home Sunday from tha hospital. She
la muck improved.-. . ' -
airar 1. A. Patera la still In t- w
pltal. . . .; . ,
Tha Relay raca between thm tua
club team and tha Sellwood Y. M, C.
A. will be held Saturday.
Tha graduation- nroiiH hii k.
held Saturday evening In the city halL
Them ara 17 In the clas. and sersn
high achOOl puptla Who have flnlafca
the tenth grade. ,
Mra. Chaw waa artdlnteJ tt
tha County eaperrlaora nnder tie caw
the- Huntington Orchard Company.
G. R. Woodle has a large force of
men and teams at work on the road
thla week.
Ed. Wolf was out from Sandy Frl
day evening.
II. G- Huntington and aister. Mra,
Pease, took dinner Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Kellt.
Mr Walton Is having hla place
Mr. Morrison Is moving hla fence so
the road can be located on tbe line,
Mr. and Mra. Mark Heacock were
the guests of Mrs. Heacork'a grand
parents. Mr. and-Mra. Ilowtett, last
Saturday being a fine day for a pic
nic a very large crowd attended, the
Grange picnic which waa given by
the Grange In their Cedar Grove near
Eagle Creek. Quite an Intereattng
program waa rendered. . The Slat
the above home,
Mr. Conway baa recently purchased
the little cottage near the Chapel from
Mr. Williams. This la a very desir
able house and will make tha Conway
(amlly a very coxy home.
Miss Eileen Dill, of Yamhill, la vis
iting her sister, Mra. C, P. Morse and
also other relatives In Portland.
- Mr. and Mra. Grant Lewis and child
ren, of Ranter, and. Mr. and Mra. Rick
etts, of Portland, were week-end vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jeager and boys
spent Sunday at their cottage on tbe
banks of the Willamette. After the
term of school In Portland they will
spend the remainder of the summer
Mr. and Mra. Ed. Roethe and family
will leave for San Francisco on Fri
day for a visit with the letter's par-1
ents. Mra. Roethe baa been In poor
health for some time and It la hoped
the trip will be beneficial to her.
J. A. Soeabe returned to his home In
Newport on Tueaday.
uiair Jennings, of Wichita, waa a
Jennlnga Lodge caller on Sunday.
Miss Mary Morse, head surgical
nurse, from the Aberdeen Hospital,
Washington, la visiting her sister, Mrs.
ivian Tiomtta,
Mrs. Sarah Sloan, who haa been vis
iting her uncle, T. J. 8pooner, waa
called to Tacoma on account of the
Illness of her aunt. Mra. Blackwell.
Mrs. pierce and daughter, Mary,
spent Saturday In Portland.
John Reynolda died recently at his
home In Tacoma at the age of seventy.
eight yeara. Mr. Reynolda waa a for
mer resident of Salem and waa favor
ably and well known here and at
Oregon City, having vialted a number
of times at both places, -
Mrs. j. smith waa seriously hurt
while driving to Oregon City Tueaday.
Tbe horse, which she waa driving,
ran away. Her Lodge friends ara hop.
ling for a speedy recovery.
r t-l . . ta n ci i . m , , i
e. u. oiuau, vi Aiuvnr, was a
visitor at the T. J. Spooner home and
Misa Elklns, of Portland, waa a visitor
at the aame home on the Sabbath.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roberta gave a
dancing party at their home on Satur
day evening. Among those present
were Messrs. and Mesdames Qlmatead,
J. Roberta, ' Mesdamea Redmond and
Moore and the Misses Ellen and Millie
Hart. Rose Hodge, Ollle and Audry
Hoae; l u. Miller. Lean McOovern
and Measra. Curtle Miller, Hugh and
Herbert Mcoovern, Ed Webb. Man
son Rose, Bam Roberta, Mr. Olmatead
and Mr. Lowe. Refreshments were
served and a Jolly time waa had by
all present.
Mra. Booth waa a Portland shopper
on i uesaay or tnia ween. '
A temperance program took the
piece or the Sunday school aervlce on
Sunday afternoon, when the members
naa tne pleasure of listening to a fine
temperance address by George Thomp
son, of Willamette. Bessie Roberts
aiao gave a reading. -
Kev. Heverllng. who haa been r.
turned for another year, occupied the
puipit ana aeuvered an able sermon
following tha program.
B. Cberrrman and Mlsa fa, a tw.
land were Sunday dinner gueata of
nr. ana aira. j. rrank Powera.
- The. J. E. Bealev famlle ara an taw.
Ing a visit from their mother and ale-
ter, mxb, Krwin, of Summit, Oregon.
Mr. and Mra, Charlea Clough came
from Newberg to get their hdiiaannM
goods and expect to leara In a few
days for Red Bluff, Cal.; where they
win reaiuv..
Mr. and Mra. Cooler have ntirofca.
tha Clough home hara and are moving
In thla week, '
Mr. and Mra. Meredith h aia.a
to go to Portland to lira.
tire. Karweet Walker. a twii.-
kaa-arrlved to spend the aarnmer with,
her parenta, Mr. ana. Mrs wwaaraV
peaking on the reciprocity argument.
Mrs. . o. Huntington went to
Gresham Saturday for a two days"
visit witn Mrs. victor Berg.
Mra. Viola Douglass made a return
trip to Damascus Sunday to see her
sister, Mrs. A. W. Cooke, who la III.
u. ana Mra. Ray Woodle apent
8unllay with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle
or iwver.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
rniidren and Mr. and Mra. Will Doug
laaa were entertained at dinner Sun
day by Mr. and Mrs.. Milt Marshall,
or tiarneia.
Mr. and Mra. J. P. Woodle and child
ren. Nettle and Joey, and little Alma
Summerfleld, visited Mra. Woodles
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, Sun
day. FIR WOOD.
The Doll Social Saturday evening
was well attended by Fir wood and
Dover people. Everyone waa Interest
ed In the doll dressing contest. Mt
Mabel fpdograft won first prize for
the neatest dressed doll and Antone
Malar second prize for the freak dell.
A fine supper waa served after tbe
contest, which was one of tbe fea
turea of the evening. Judging by the
way thlnga disappeared.
Mra. Theodore Koenlcka spent lsst
week In Portland visiting friends.
Mr. Msck made a business trip to
Portland last week In the Interest of
the Flrwood-Dover Telephone Com
pany. Mr. Mack haa been elected sec
retary of the telephone company to
take the place of Percy Shelly.
Mrs. A. Malar'a brother and wife, of
Clackamas, visited here several days
W. T. Fischer waa In Portland the
nrsi or tne week transacting business.
Mr. and Mra. William Stevens and
Mr. Withers. Mra. Rtevan'a
spent Saturday night and Sunday on
Mra. O. M. Howe's e-randdatirtitar
of St. Johns, haa been visiting her
tun pit I weK,
Gustave StUCkl. Ot Hand
li. . " ...x.
na launiy at nrwood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. n. Hart ant m
8. B. Dill were Cottrell vuitnr t.,..!
. - -
; Mr. and Mra. Vernon Miller visited
In Portland last weak. '
Mr. and Mra. Lewis Prldemore, of
m7'D,. visuea in Firwood over
Tea Howe came up from Sandy
Sunday for a short visit with Hla
iiui ner,
Mr. Walker, of PnriUn
rlh FJ1rwoo1 Mo"T on' hla way
- a as i VTT-aji
B F. Hart wag out from Portland
Malar'a corner aeema to he noted
or runaways. Laat week Mra. Wil
liam Bossolm left ha hn. i.h i-
front of Malar'a place and tha horse
uwame rrigntened. broke lonu anrf
started to run un Wendlund'a kin
(L.. V , ' . ""I
u tuinvu uacg ana upset tne bug
w' bI? 11 and th n,rn"- The
......u.uuu wju caugnt tne horse be
fore It had gone far. Fortunate nn
wa iu me ouggy. ,
Mra, Reed, who wa hurt In a run-
J!? ?7 wtek '"0' 'mprovlng
and waa taken home a short time ago
. . CLARKt.
Elmer. Klelnsmifh ha. .
Ing wood for Edward na.
.,i-Bfuw'. fron ColtonVwaa n1
"Z" i on naturday.
Tha Clarke achoni hmA . M
a-ram last Saturday night There waa
a large attendance. Mr. flam nil taVatal
out from Oregon Ctty to sell tha
plaa and necXMee.
r. Bottemlller la erecting hia
""v11 ,nd 'Palrtnf tha house.
The County Surveyor la out from
Oregon City to , auryey ground t-)
-.Mlldr4,TaUma haa the tz.zi' j.
Fo the Hev7
The Womisift
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
Interests ?
By carrier, I year $3.00
By mail, t year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
To Introduce The Morning
Entarpriae Into a large Major
ity of tbVbomee la Oregon
City and Clacks maa novate tha
management haa annate la
make a apeelal prtoe far tha
dally Isswe, for a abort ttaae
only, where the aubasrfeer aaya
a year la adraaaa.
By carrier, paid a foar ta
adranoe. UM.
By aaalL aaad a year la acV'
ranee, S.M.
People who gave our eanvae
aar a trial aubaeriptloa for one
er mora mem tha, at ten aoata a
week, can have the daily datrr
ered for a year for 3.0 by
paying a year la advanee.
'People who gave our eaavaa
aer a trial aubeorlptioa, by
mall, for four months at a dol
lar, may hara tha paper tor a
roar for $1.00, If paid a rear Iq
advanee- . .
Subaerlbera to the, Weekly
Enterprise -may change their
aubeertptlone to the dally, re
ceiving credit for half tame ea
the daily that the weekly la
paid la advanoa. When tkey
ehooee te add eaaa to the ad
ranee payment equal to a full
year's adranoe payment they,
may take advantage of the II
rate. v
We make thla apeelal prtoe
ao that pee pie wke bare pe4
In advaaee ea aorae eOer &r
anl wtk to take te Zorrt2t
t;i-rrr'.-, try do ae wfat
i c ;it arrtiee. ' ,
fireplace In hla house.
MX. Rice, late of BootH p
moving Into thla town. .
Joe Jonea haa a crtw "'
Ing a building on bH p',
Bill Nicholson aold a sp-"
a. . ka . Hoaa IMf I
Ferd Mortlson bai
Nearenson aawmllt aad v
menced to operate It. . r
O. W. Bentley and wlw""
to Barton.
Orvll Jackson has r
to work. ' ,.
The rain will make &
Are yon a aubscrlbaf
(ha I
Ine nnterortaaf If not yM
and lat na nut vonr nam "
script Ion Hat Immadlatsly-
The following are r1l,,r'
Electric Hotel: 0. Brsndr.1
galea, Cal.( K. B. Kro. '
Mrs. Paquett. OervsU; K
The Dalles; Fred 8chfef. '
J. Blackland, Lebanon;, f "
Woodburn; B. ' Douthlt,
Portland. ... , ,
Special Sal:
ics czzi
n. r'. m
!n f