Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 26, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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a 1 '- -.- ,, ., , . . .
Society Brand Clothes
Commencement Attire
Rifht at this time comet our special display of
Commencement Attire for ycran j men about to
graduate. We realize what the occasion de
mands and have prepared a showing of fashion
able suits that) are proper for this as well as
other dress occasions. Here are new and beau
' tiful blue series cut along young men's lines.
Genteel, refined apparel.
Popular Priced From $12.50 Up.
See Window Display
, Suspension Bridge Corner
Getting Hit Disshrpe.
a. .nH Mr Albert JonrS. Of KIJo
o,'r HI Hiflr horns.
rnr itvle mid popular priced IUU,
m Ml (' Goldsmith.
vxm uvUmntidcl of Csrus. wss In
meltjr n Wednesday.
au 8irvkT. of Eldorsdo, wai Id
A rlty Thurdy. - .
jr. KImt, of ('tarkes, was la this
dtt Tnurnluy nil business.
mtIiI hat for Decoration Day.
ImC. UoidHinltb.
r. Kn, f Graham, was In this
rtj oa Thurday, ,
TY pmdnre I'nlon Mlla Hay and
rnd Huiimlor. of On run. waa Id
M ttty on Wednesday,
Kojr glHicht, of rortiana, was in mm
j oo Wednesday visiting friends.
Jtct IrUh. nf Carus. was In this
dty M Thursdsy. .... i
UHam Jon. of Mullno. waa n
Qrtoa City n Thursdsy.
1 U)4 Riches, of Portland, waa in
to dty on busiueas Thuraday.
I t llwnnhiih, of Shubel, waa In thlo
on Thursday trammeling busl-
(rood UluiUnr aud wife, of Shut!,
imitionx i ho Oregon City vlitlior
TW Produce Tnlon sells Arrsuat
In. Jacob Kleiner, of Ihla rlty. as
set to Portland, where ah will vInII
mt Muxtiter.
In. piqurtto, of Gervaie, waa In
la city on Wednesday and Tburs
ay. toy Steele, of Tb Dalles, waa n
Wo City on business Wednesday
4 Thursday.
Sua Hallry and L. Lister, of Clair
t, wf re In Oregon City on bualneaa
t. J. Evuim. a well Vnown realdent
Woodljurn. waa In thla city on
Thrtday, registering at the Electric.
IL Klrtivmm. one of tb farmer
'too residence la at Shubel. waa In
i tlty on Thuraday.
Thomas Davis of Beaver Creek, a
M known farmer of that place, waa
wo city on Wednesday.
J Unden, of Clarke, waa among
4 Orfinn City bualneaa visitor oon
ft Produce Union aella berry-
Win Jones, of nenvnr Preek a wall
" farmer of that place, waa
"""I Id Oregon Clt bualneaa visit-
o. Thumday.
"td 8hsfer. of Molaua. a aawmlll
of that place, waa In thla city
J Thursday nd mistered at the
"wrlc Hotel.
Mr. Braalley, of Portland, baa moved
bl family to thla city, and will occupy
Mr. Nash's residence on Bvrnih
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Htanlcy and
Mlsa llaxel Kirk, of Portland, who
have wn visiting Mr. and Mr. J.
W. Hlatt at their home at Mount
Pleasant, have returned home.
If you have acreage or email tracts
of land for aula close In, list them
with me. as I have a good Inquiry for
small trart. J. L. Rwafford, Eighth'
and Main, Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. David Thorns, after
;iiUliig over a year In California, for
th benefit of the former'a health,
have arrived In this rlty, and are the
guest of Mr. Thomss' parents, Mr.
and Mr. T. ('. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred (liimpert, Mr.
and Mr. Krk Ross, of Portland,
formed an automobile party that came
to thla city the first of the week and
visited at the home, of. Mr. and Mr.
Sllcke, of Mount Pleasant.
Dr. and Mr. Hay . Noma and son
have arrived. In thla city from Monu
ment, Oregon, and are visiting the
former'a parents, Dr. and Mr. J. W.
Norrls. They will remain In thla city
for several daya before going to Port
land to visit relatives.
Horn, at Portland, to the wife of
(ieorgn Marr, a daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. MarrjtejCB formerly residents
of thla city. Mr. Marr being In the
grocery business here, . ilia wife waa
formerly Mlsa Ioulae Andrews, and
la wall known In thla city. Thla makes
tb fifth daughter In their family.
Mr. and Mr. Joel U Wllsou. who
have been residing at Twin Falls, Ida
ho, have arrived In this city and are
visiting the latter'a mother, Mrs. C.
K. Meyera. Mcajtd Mr. Wilson were
former resident of "Toledo. Oregon,
where the former was principal of the
High school, but have, recently been
residing at Twin Falls. They will
make their futurrnnrff In the Willam
ette Valley.
Phillip Kohl, one of the prominent
fiirmers of Loaan, waa In tills rlty on
Thursday having brought In his son
Louis, who was Injured while working
In a wswmlll at uarsn on Wednesday
when the tins of hi three flngera of
4h right band were rut off by romlna
In rotitart with a large saw. The
young man at the lime wore a pair of
gloves and th rlnve of the right hand
became cutiKht In the teeth. He I'
under the care of Dr. H. 8. Mount
and la Improving.
Thomas Garrett, of Portland, waa
In thla city on business Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Daasett. of St.
Paul, Minn., have arrived In thla city
and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Moore, of Oreenpolnt. Mr. and Mr.
Haasett will leave thla week for North
Yakima, Wash., where they will re
main during the aummer with tnelr
daughter, Mr. F. H. Hunter. The
Hassetta and the Moore were old
friends In St. Paul. Mr. pasaett waa
a realdent of Oregon City 47 yeara ago
and thla la the first visit he ha made
here since that time. In looking over
the city he haa noticed many change.
He wa formerly In tb tannery busi
ness near thla city.
The following real eatate transfer
were recorded Thursday:
Knut O. HI" to Bert Hill, 64 acre
In aectlon 33. township S aoutb, range
1 east; $0000.
E. M. Howell and wife to Mr. Erra
Maurer. Iota 3, 4 and 6. In- block 3,
Nob Hill, Oregon City; $1. I
Otto H. Melnlg to Percy T. Shelley,
lota 3 and 4 In block 1. Melnlg's First
Addition to Oregon rlty; $10.
Elvira Baltmarsh to Knut O. Hilla,
a portion of land In section 33, town
ship 3 south, range 1 eaat; $1800.
U H. Praht and wife to William F.
Prahl and wife. 30 acre In the J. V.
om D. U a. section 33, J3, It gnd
HO 17.60,
Jobn Coleman is in. itv un..n. i.
tieudin, blm. - "
i'. A. Colaoo, aon-ln-law of Thomaa
Jonusun, receutly arrived with bla
family from Eastern Idaho. He In
leud to purchase a home. 'II say
hei I no piece Ilk Clackamas Coun-
An orUluance waa passed at the last
council meeting ut Willamette pro
viding thai no slock be allowed on the
eomuioua after g p. ra. and before
a. m.- A pound haa been Installed.
1 he flue la $100 for each animal.
WhL'e Rivals Are Using Velar-
ans He Is Experimenting.
rin 6trt of Oitroit Club Enabltt
Hughsy to Find Out How Good His
YeunQstor Rially Are, While Other
Piloto Con't Afford te Take Chances.
The big b ad that the Detroit Tigers
nave now give Manager Hugh Jen
nlnge a unliu advantage over all bl
nvais an advantage no other big
league pilot ha ever had as fur
It really uieau that the big lead hn.
ni-u cuuni I'lJUIK-e lo gu oil
what I jTiut li-Hlly a serond sprlnu
training trip. He has been rijH-rl
nieuiing w uen otner lea tier do Uol
dare tuko i-buui-e. -Tuke.
for" Instance, t'oiuile Mack
Tho munuger of the Athletic Is uslnu
his veti-nin pluliers over aud ovei
again to win eiioucb gumea to give hi"
Individual players the courage and cuu
fidenre u eft-ma ry to muku them Into n
winning coiublnntlton: iTTir so with
several other first dlUxloii i-lub. .
It la bad for a ball clul. to Cod It
necessary at till early dute to over
work vetermiM. Men like Plank nm
Ilendiv have seen too' many yeara lu
aervb-e to round Into shape rapidly a;
tnu stage of the seuson. It take
month to get Into real sluie. .
And yet the manager cannot afford
to use youngster liecuuse game must
be won. ..There Is the attendance to
think of tor one thing, and there la the
psychological effect on hi player In
defeat for another thing. He might
have a great tuOrler hidden away In
hut list of colt t wirier. He sends him
In once, twice, possibly three time.
The team la is the dump and doesn't
ngs for the
For and wc wtU give yoo with a
4. month's subscription
By Carrier
at 45c the month .
6 months subscription
By Mail
' at 25c the month
A Buutlful China PLAQUE0 iiUi H.andsome,y
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early. T
S(ieift.esi fbv Have Them Too
. To any present subscriber who will brin us four
ew subscriptions we will present one of these
beautiful dishes. , -r
Photo by Amorleaa Itom Association.
nai JBrgmoa. dktrott ahbhicans'
support him. He finds it almost Im
possible to get a Uue on blm. HI fol
lowing Is clamoring for victory, sud
his players are downcast
Ho flude that be must work hla reg
nlars men be 1 absolutely sure of.
Probably when a game 1 cinched or
defeat 1 certain he'll aeud lu one of
the youngster to get a line ou bl new
recruit. The one who make good
nrat are tho oue that are kept. Muy
be the best one Is seut back to the
minora because be hasn't shown an.
form. With hla new inflelders aud
outfielders It I much the same way
Many baeeball star he gone along
for week before suddenly flashing out
and showing his real class.
With Jennlnsa it Is different While
his saven rival are worrying about
not being able to give earn one of the
recruit the Proper amount of atuay,
Jennlng simply smiles and sits back
calmly to judge each youngster on bl
individual merit.
While victory to always sweet to
him. the loss of one. two or even more
games is nothing vital with the lead
he has. II can anora to we cuucs.
' lie can send youngsters in to pitch
day after day-untll they hare . all
shown him not once but many times
what they can do in the box. ana un
der safe cover of that lead he can ex
periment too, lie can work all sort
of plana out on his team with never
a fear of having- some other team over
haul him. "
This doe not mean much now, but
In tb m Id oon to come It doe, for
then, while other managers are worry-.
Ing because their Vetera na are ahow
Ing signs of tiring after their hard
spring eeiTlce, hla ahould be In the
Seat of condition, becanae in yetting
into abap In the early stagea they
were not overworked. And while oth
er managers have not dared to try ont
new men or new plana of stuck and
aefena he has been developing his
team along these lines.
It's not the lead they have now that
counts; It's how thst lesd will affect
the plsy of the Tigers In July and Au
gust and September that worries the
men who figure on passing Detrttt-
Heart to Heart
By vnrm a. nye.
Tb other day I read sketch of tb
life of J. Krank Uanly, ex governor of
Indiana. 1 "
The atory left out the most Interest
ing part of Hanly'a life, the purl that
give tb key to bl cbarsctor-bls
arly straggle. -
He la not tb sort of man to parade
bl bumbl beginnings for political
purposeM, tmf be luimua nevertheless
very low down-
In a tile ditch.
Almost auy old farmer In or about
Homer. IIL. could tell you llanly was
poor young fellow who dug tile
ditclie fo a livelihood. Hut-
While be made the' tile ditches
through tbe black oll of the corn belt
b also studied law of evenings. And
be attended every debating society In
that region! taking part i
Boroetlme be would be overbesrd
practicing bis speeches In tbe ditch
at least ao tradition says punctuating
the lofty period with tbe deft motions
of bis long tile spade.
And then
Uanly got a chance to make a fourth
of July siieech that took tbe whole
countryside off, tta feet.
Rhortly afterward he moved acrose
tbe state line Into Indluua sad located
in WllllaniHport In tbe practice of law.
lie made political speeches and won
reputation In western 1 milium a an
orator. Later b located In the city.
of Lafayette, where he has s lucrative
As governor Hanly mude a national
tie trrea tne state or Indiana as
never before by bl graft prosecution.
II forced the resignation of some of
the atat officer and recovered thon
aand of dollars to the state treasury.
Hanly hates whisky as be do poi
son, classing rbem together, in fact.
He forced a reluctant legislature to
pas a local option low under wblcb
a large part of the state Is dry
Aa he la under fifty and In great re
quest on tbe lector platform. Uanly
la likely to be beard from further,
He baa not lost tonrb with tbe com
mon people whom beknows so welt
coming up from among tbem to bla
present place. Tbe politician wbo
know and eympathlse wild the waul
of tbe people la a power.
And tbe career of one wbo climb no
out of a ditch to be governor should
afford much cheer to tbe poor and
aspiring young
Woods war Fined 12.50.
City Recorder Sttpp on Thursday
fined Fred Blubm $2.60 for obstructing
the street with a woodsaw.
Members of Mead Poet, O. A. R-.
and Meade Relief Corp, paid a visit
to the Gladstone school yesterday
morning, where a fine err-xram was
given, and la tbe afternoon they went
to Parkplace school where another
excellent program was rendered under
the supervision of the teachers, Prof.
W. O. Jolly, Mrs. W. Q. Jolly, Miss
Ida Mack, Mlsa Pearl Horner and Mlsa
Kffle Morris. Tbe efforts of tbe chil
dren and teacher was greatly appreci
ated by the old soldier and tbe mem
ber of the Corpa. several of, tne
veteran made addresses.
The Parkplace High School assemb
ly hall wa beautifully decorated for
the occasion. American flag, bunt
ing, flower, and evergreena were uaed
In abundance. The organ waa draped
with a Urge American flag, and the
National color waived from the meat
on the building. Many of the patron
of the school assembled to listen to
the ,'followlng excellent pnoftra:n:
Hong, "In Remembrance," acbool;
recitation; . "Decoratlob Day,". Helen
Lticaa; recitation, "Our Veteran,"
Maudle Mitchell; "Memorial Day",
Maudle Johnson; song, "Tbe Bonnie
Banner", school; flag drill, primary
grade, the word flag being fortied by
the pupil In the drill; recltaUpn,
Ner From the War," Fay French;
recitation, "Ready", Albert Johnson;
recitation, "Hla Mother' 8ong," Amy
Peckover; recitation, "The Last Old
Soldier," Robert Bonnett; ons,
America , school.
The following are some of tbe mem
bers of tbe O. A. R- who attended tfte
exercises: O. A. Cheney, D. K. BUI,
D. McArthur of New Era, O. U Clyde,
John Ackley, Captain Shaw of Mil-
waukle. Captain A p per son, George A.
Harding, Pest Commander Piatt of
Portland, P. O. Well. Mr. Grant, H. 8.
CTyde, Taxon Hayford, MY. Mattox,
Mr. Smith, C. William. . C. Paddock,
Captain J. T. Apperaon. There were
four department commander In at
tendance at thla gathering. Among
the Relief Corpa members were Mrs.
N. M. Alldredge, Mrs. John Ackley,
Mrs. Martha Beach, Mrs. Julia Tingle,
Mrs, Amelia Mattox.
These are the last schools to , be
visited by the veterans this year.
it Woulitih Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor a proposition of doubtful marlt or honesty lor ad-eadrs.
nowaday, are DISCRIMINATING. Thy know vlu thoy knew
GENUINE thing, gnuln opportunities.
Any article which ear) be sold by advertising Is, by thst test, a
GOOD artlcl. YOU are af In buying a thing which has "steed
ths flr of publicity." . : 1 " '
Tho maker of a wide advertised srtlcle, commodity, Is al
ways on trial for hi busln llf. H cannot ahirfc, nor chapn hi
product and thla I the bt poMibl protection foe the consumer.
. . You are SAFE In buying advertised
nowadaya bualn eondltlon.
thing it' the tegls of
Remnants Offered at a Sacrifice
Regular Now
1 piece 12 ft by 26 't $29.45 $22.10
1 piece 12 ft x 17 ft 19.25 14.30
1 piece 12 ft z 15 ft 4ln 17.00 13.00
1 piece 12ft x 15ft (tin 17.50 13.30
1 piece 12ft x 15 ft 6ln 17.00 13.00
1 piece 3x12 slightly damaged,
' Csrpets. r ' "
1 piece Roxbury 25 1-3 yd, $37.60 now
$26.90; 1 piece Twenty Wire Brussels
carpet, 11 yd, $9.90; 1 piece Axmin
ter Moquette, 17 1-3 yd $25.50, now
116.00: 1 niece F"ancT Rrniula. 12 Till
Velvet. 18 yd. $27.50, now $20.37:
1 piece aii wool ingrain, is yds, siz.oo ,
now 0 an- 1 W All Wml Stale
pet, 9 yds, $4.95, now $3.98. -
A. DeShlelds, Marlon DeShields, Fran
ces DeSbields Yank, William Marshall
and D. M. Marshall.
That It for the beat Intereat of said
estate that said aale should be at pri
vate sale for cash in hand. '
It la therefore ordered that the said
next of kin and persons Interested in
said estate sppear at the Court House,
in Oregon' City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, at the County Court room,
on Monday, May 29th, 1911, t 10:00
A. M. and ahow cause if any they have
why an order and license to sell the
Interest of said Km est Marshall in
and to said real efctate should not be
April 27th, 1911.
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
Graduate Nurses
Pac. 2243 Home D-298
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
May 23 24, 25, 26, 27, 2aV
Gsmss Begin Weekdays at 3:30.
Sunday, 2:30 P. M.
Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers
During the months ef May, June, July,
August and Septembar, on dates
shown below, the
will sell round trip tickets from
Oregon City Via Portland
ss follows:
Chicago t 73.00
Council Bluffs .S0
Omsha .60
Kansss City, 60.50
St. Joseph S0.60
St Psul M-50
St Psul, via Council Bluffs .... 64.40
Mlnnsspolis, direct 60.10
Mlnnespol s, v a Couno I Bluffs 64.40
Boston .4 t. ...... 110.00
New York K5
St Louis TO-50
Wsshlngton, D. C 108.00
May 16, 17, 18, 19. 92, 2. 24, 25. 27, 28
and 29. .
June 6, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
and 30,
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and
, M- . -;' .... .- "" '"
August 3, 4, 6, 14 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30. '",
September 1, 2, 4, 6, a d 7.
Stop-overs within limits In either di
rection. Final return limit
. October Slat,.
Foe far on way through California
Inquire of any Southern Pacific
, , gnt, ar wrtt t
General Pangr Agent
,. Portland, Oregon.
Miss Margaret McCullough, secre
tary of the. Oregon City High School
Athletic Asuoclatlon, on Thursday
made nubile the financial report. Joe
Alldredge, president of tne Associa
tion, also reported that the Associa
tlon had baseball - suits, track suits,
a vaulting pole, hammers and catcher's
The following Is tbe secretary's re-
Football game Oct 15, 1910 Gate
recelDts. 115.85: expenses, car fare
for P. A.. $7.00: printing. $2.25; bot
tle liniment, $1.50; car fare for O. C.
H. S.. 85c; Chautauqua Park, $2.50;
football trousers for coach, $1.75; total
Football game Oct 22. 1910 Gate
receipts $18.25; expenses, $14.50; cash
left. $3.75.
Football game Oct. 29, 1910 Gate
receipts, $9.25; expenses, $20.75; in
debt after game, $7.75; fee from mem
bers of O. C. H. 8. A. A., $12.00; caah
left, $1.25; In debt at end of football
season. $9.20. Miscellaneous expenses
Telephone bills, $6.25; Mr. Spagle's
gift. $25.00: -shot. $3.50; hammer.
$3.50; letters, $3.85; socks for base
hall suits. 31.60: cans for baseball
suits, $2.00; repair of weight machine
$1.00: football. $5.00; bladder for foot
ball. $1.00; 6 baseballs, $6.90; 1 base
ball. $1.25'; catcher1 mitt, $4.60; vault-
Ing pole, $6.75 suits for track team,
$4.60 car fare of track team to prac
tice, $3.00; "core book, 25c; liniment
$1.50: transportation to Columbia
meet, $3.60; transportation to Eugene.
meet, $4.55; two bundles or latnt ouc;
five pair puabers, printing,
17.50: total. 898.65.
Money received High School enter
tainment, $45.55 p Mr. Tooze collected,
$9.25; Joe Sheahati collected, $9.00;
Meet at Gladstone, $18.65; game April
22, $11.15; game May 6, $1.05; Mr.
Rlla' lecture1. $26.70; total, $120,35.
Expenses of Mr. Bowland and H.
Smith at Eugene, $7.58. Money on
hand, $5.12.
FOR RENT Liner space in thla col
umn. A few linen may rent that
house, store or farm; they will coat
you but a few cents.
- Rose Society Meets Tonight
The Clackamaa County Rose 8oclety
will hold a meeting this evening at
th home of Mrs. G. A. Harding. The
meeting Is called for 7:30 o'clock.
or phone Isaac Lane, Clackamaa,
Oregon. Phone Farmers 269. '
WANTED Ton to know mat wa buy
all klnda of Curios, that wa are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools.' w also have a
good assortment or second hand
Furniture and Tools on hand for
aale to those in need. Come snJ
see; perhaps we have Just what yoa
want Indian Curios and trinkets
for aale cheap; soma that are very
unique and alao very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Firth street
. Tbree-Fourtha Are Women.
Careful observers among the medi
cal profession estimate that of those
who seek the services of a physician
three-fourths are women.
Many of these women are without
question in need of surgical treatment,
but perhaps the msjorlty of tbem win
be greatly benefited by medical treat
ment only.
In the course of treating such ail
ments, physicians have demonstrated
beyond question the value of certain
drugs It their treatment and, follow.
Ing the formula used by a physician
especially successful in such cases,
Rexall Vegetable Compound has been
placed upon the market
Many women have learned by ex
perience that their ailments were of
such a nature tbat tney tnemseives
might administer satisfactory treat
ment. While we do not recommend
such a procedure, but strongly advise
that you consult with your physician.
we cannot speak too highly of the
value of Rexall Vegetable Compound
for use in such -esse.
Please remember that Rexall eg-
etable Compound can be obtained only
at our store The Rexall Drug Store.
Large bottles $1.00. Huntley Bros.
Co. y
FOR SALE Two fine residence, lots
9th and Washington Sts., very cheap.
Terms. Enquire 418 7th St
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under thaae elaastfle4 beayita
will be towe-ted at one eent word, rirei
laaertiea. half a cent additional toner
tlon a. ont Inch eard. tS per month: halt
Inch card. (4 llnea) tl per month.
Cash muit aocompany order unleae an
has an opea account with the paper. N
financial reaponalblllty for error; whert
errors occur free corrected notice will B
printed for patron. Minimum charce lie
FOR BALE Top buggy," almost new.
and single harness. Inquire Jack
A Albright Store, 7th Street
ACREAGE One to five acres In sight
of Oregon City,. $150 and $200 per
acre; good level land; on mlla
from car line. Clyde ft McRae, 1003
Main St, Oregoa City.
FARM LOANS Dimick at Dlmlck,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
HARRY JONES Builder aad General
Contractor. Estimate cheerfully .
given oa all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. - Rea. Pdom Mala 1L
, loaaed, abstract famished, land
tftlaa exaastaed, estates aettled, gen
eral law Wslnea. Over Bank f
Oregon City. ,
TJ'REN Jk SCHTJEBKL, Attorney-at-
Law, TJoutaeher Advokat wtH prae
tioe la an courts, maks eoOeofloma
- aad settlements. Office is Enter
prise Bid, Oracoa City. Oregon.
WANTED 8trawberry pickers, write
B. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Lot na handle
your . properties w buy, sail and
exchange. . Office in enterprise
- Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregoa.
. Subscribe for th Daily aterprlaa.
In the matter of th Batata of Ernest
Marshall, a minor.
It appearing to tb Court from the
petition of Julia Callff:
That she la the duly appointed,
qualified and acting guardian of the
person and astat of Ernest Marshall,
a minor.
That eald Ernest Marshall ia the
owner "Of a one-ninth Intereat in and
to the following deacrinea rest estate
situate In Clackamas County, Oregon,
to wit: The East Half of the North
East quarter of 8ection 15. T. 8. S. R
4 E. of the Willamette Meridian, and
that said Ernest Marshall haa no other
property and there Is very little In
come from said property, that It is
ncary for th aupport, dueation
and nurture of aaid minor that eald
property be sold, aad it will be for
the beat interest or snia mmur
persons interested in said property
that the sama he aold.-that th lro
eeeds thereof can b ned to educate
said minor aad auot part thereof a
will not ha neeeesary for us for auch
purpose can be Invested so aa to bring
better return thsn can b possibly
mad from present arrangement.
. That the peron and tho inter
etd in said land and the next of
kin of said Ernet Marshall ara: Ju
lia Callff, hi mother, Harvey Mar
shall. Busaa B. Rhode. Alio Marshall
Kerr. John A. Marshall, Jamea Frank
Oglesby, Chsrles E. 0lby, George
1911 Mitchell
Have you ever looked into the .details of construction and the
' mechanical features together with the handsome appearance "
of the Mitchell Automobiles te find the reasons why they are
beinE bought by people throughout the state, who know the
' ' value of a good car. If you are at all interested we will be
' pleased to demonstrate the car te you with fuU Information
and can assure you that it is well worth Investigating before ,
buying.. The car is absolutely guaranteed. to do what we say
it will. If not we are here to-make good. When we sell
' you a car we will take care of your car one year free of .
charge. ;; - . ''.' v .r, Vv.-:
Price $i650
Other mod! eksspsn ' Folly squippeJ F. O. B. Oregoa City.
' Phone n for Jemoastratioa and w wJl esllat your horn for ,
.''you. . : j ' l 4 :
Soma Gooi Barrfain Ia Second4 Han A Car .
G. G. Miller, Agent
Garage Cor. 6th and Main Zt$.