Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 26, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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E. . RROOIC. Mitee ano) FHMiafcer.
lll. at taa P"t eee ( Orva
IM An ef atra
mm w smsctimM.
Om Yer. by
tv Mflatke. b Mil
rnr atthe. a Mil
Oac af L a CaVter... .... ......
. 1
. .10
Aivamsns tms
, sVet fe paw iiki mat taearttna. . . .laa
-Tret Pan. ear lack eedee tannloM. .lee
' SVfM4 TK.m uy Baa, aar Inrh
fleet seertlaa. ... lae
trtm4 aoatttna say
444 hi n rt to 10e
Ram Baaar xhc taaa flrat paee. par fctea
flnt laairma 1
km Mptr etlMr thaa fleet peaa, par bMk
eeded BiaarUoo. Se
Lara is lee par Woe: la- e-lr eftver
tlaara a tea.
Waal. Far Sale, Ta Rant He. eae
caat a "Far flrat aieecOea; eaa-haJf sent
-fc additional
Rate far aarartletn ta the
Caterprtae will be the aaaaa aa ta the
Salty, for a4rartlaiata art eepedaJIv
tar tha ateeaty. WVr tha advertUwtat
la treaeferrad from the dally ta tlta weefc
a. aril boat ctiane. tba rata trill be Se
aa tare for raa ef tha paper, aad lee mm
Inch far special poalMoa.
Caab should accompany ardrr where
party la unknawa la baaineas office of
tba Katarpnaa..
LegaT advertlelng at legal aJrertlstng
, te.
CTrrue advertising and aaadal transient
'edvertsjtas at McloMeu tach. accord -ts
ta apodal coadlltaaa gerernlr.g tba
-Fire tWf" aad Bankrupt Bala" adrer
' fleam rats Ke toeb flrat Inarrttoa! addl-
avtloaa aaata matter a .
nrmtt and wall wrlt'ea arttclee
af atartt. with latere- ta local rwwm,
' artn ba gladly aecept. Re)eted maau
awtsra eerer ret oread aakwa aerompaa
lee by lUaH ia prepay
Uay 26 In American History.
1868-Ceoeeal Klrby Smith. C & A
sarreodered tba last Onfederste
1 in;, comprising all tba force ta
the mnambwissippi department
Cot aambertng 17XW0 men.
1803-Great fltod In Ulsalaalppl rmllry
' raarbcd Ita baUbp loaa aetlmated
at vtct $.V).onij.ono; many Drea loaf.
X9Q8 New York cltj celebrated Its two
knndrvd and flftleth aoolreraaiT.
1907-afr. William McKlnle. widow
. of tba lata preatdeot. died at Cao-.-
to. O.: born 1H47.
(Trota aooa today to noon tomorrow. I
Sua acta 7:1C riaaa 429: boob rlaea
SJS4 a. as.: J .-07 p. ru aaooa in conjaD
tioa wltk Karara. paaalnfroa west to
caat of tbe p la oat. SVi decree north
thereof; planet Uerrury aeea ristnc be
fore tba ana. Tab) date. 1751. Iron ma
taorlta of 48 kllotrama feU la Afram.
' Tale of vanishing; preachers cod
. tlnn to be told, coming from ever
' section of the country and including
practically all 'of the evangelical de
nominations. The latest come out of
' tba state convention of tha New Tork
? eongregatlonallsta which has bees in
session at Lockport daring the past
week. It waa reported to the meet
ing, in an official way, says the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, that It has
been found impossible to provide pas
tors for a hundred Congregational
' churches In different parts of that
state. The average salary In the vs-
.' cant pastorates Is $500 a year. The
report add that the high cost of liv
ing makes it Impossible even for an
unmarried pastor to live on such an
A man thoroughly consecrated and
"filled with the spirit' might, if alone
in the world, be able to complete the
merry round of a week on less than
110. And if not thoroughly consecrat
ed aad "filled with the spirit," bis
grilling might do him good In leaving
him only his flesh while thoroughly
ridding him of the world and the dev
il. "Could you lead a Christian life
on $5 a week?" one of a selecting com
mittee asked a candidate 'or a vacant
When Should a Man
Quit Work?
1 By J. C STUBBS, General Manager of Harriman Railroad
System; THOMAS A. EDISON, Crest Inventor, and Dr.
CEORCE P. E. SHEARS. Lecturer and Author
TVEN should retire
I from a c t i r e
" business life at
BIXTY-FIVE, not only
for their own sake, but for
'the take of any institu
tion they aim to HELP.
The) age of retirement
in the army i sixty-four.
Vm not sure but what it
ought to be sixty.
T. A.
. 1 intend to carry out what I
preach and retire from Vusineaa on
my sixty-fifth birthday. I am go
ing to do thia to STOP THINK
Thinking in bed killed Ear ri-
man. r '. He worked all day' aad
thought out his problems at night.
i J
" ''''':U'. ,.By Dr. SHEARS, ;
TfJ). OTH Edison and Stubba are 'RIGHT. , 'V. , ; v
jcj ' K " The question of retirement from medical standpoint
does not rest on the number of years a man has been toiling.
It's a question o'f the HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES. ; '
. If Mr, Sfnblm feels flat the strain of biwineMi life is too much for
' ""s rrsiiitiK lie doe ngbt to retire. If Mr. Edison feels that h Is
t0 Jo the WOrk for which he was put into the world"
pastorate la a small towa. 'How could
I live aay other kind of life oa that
atoaeyr waa answered. Aad yet, de
spite the wtadooa. and perhaps the
holiaesa of the answer, he waa reject
ed. It la this eplrlt of demand la assay
congregattona that their shepherd
shall mortify the flesh, aad make a
daily sacrifice of himself, hlch ao-
rouvts for msay resignations. There
are deacons aad elder and trustees
a ho not only put the preacher oo
short rations, but who insist. In ad
dition, taat he snail not eat them with
a relish. They want to see him lead a
Christian life on f i a week, and make
a weekly contribution to the mlrsion
ary box as evidence that he fs lead
ing it by choice and not under com
Some folks get excited and say they
hope for better thing when confront'
ed with the word reasonable.
With a new president, a mixed cab
inet, a division of governors and a de-
moralixed army the rehabilitation of
Mexico will necessarily be slow, but
there are plenty of statesmen who be
lieve themselves equal to the task.
Colonel E. Hofer. of the Salem Jour
nal, has taken the bit In bis teeth and
becomes excitable in his paper over
the fact that nothing has been done
toward the construction of new locks
at the Falls of the Willamette. "Pin
headed Oregon City polltlclana cried
graft and fought the biy at every
step, .but they went through." declare
the Colonel. Well, well This ia the
first time we ever heard there were
"ptnheaded pollUciana"' la Oregon City.
But maybe the Colonel knows. He
is pretty wise, financially. Still, his
questions are quite pertinent. We
think official Washington ia slow. It
has always been, and probably alwaya
will be. and if tne Colonel can atlr
things up. be should have a monument
at the headgates of the locks, over
looking the swirl.
One of Cleveland's pitcher recrnlta
la named Kauwell. If lie I a rent
litcher he will prrliaMr ft-n.
"Pin B'Vle. the Frt rnrt-vi re
cruit. I the ltt!n r f-r the CW
rax White S-'t In t!i t n-ri-e artre'.
Jack Thoisey. V'V VTi:n. I!uch
Bradley. Hen Ve.-e. ! ,r!;k KnrV
are fisbtinie.f.r Jfei J-Hi"- fiiVt lse
berth on the Ft :.-'. ,
Rssn. P.- ' !' "'v 'b
er. hs en rre-V"-' il---' ''.'.- ,'ie
one made frf-i t l " i M "f ' e
McOinnlty. Bl!l Ptih'eti .: fie wi!!
do for tat oTiit-anT.
That "dental drop" rtm-e IIicovered
by Otle Crandall of the New Virk Na
tionals requires the aid of a wetting
son and Crandall'n goid tooth, with
which be flanhes a ray Into a bancs'
eye. bltndlnr him.
45 Years Ago
From the Weekly Enterprise of No
vember 3. 1866:
Messrs. Thomas Rowley and John
G. Porter of this city have within the
past week, brought to this county two
lots of fine wool sheep to the number
of 200 each. The sheep are certainly
equal to any that, have ever been
brought into the county. The aame
gentleman have also purchased four
bucks of full blood, two of which took
first premium at the last State Fair,
and the other two took second premi
ums. Three of these were purchased
of Thomas L. Davidson, of Marlon
county,, and one of J. Mlnto, alsq of
Marion. For Oneness, beauty and
welcht of fleece these sheep cannot
be snrpaiised. We are pleased to see
our Clackamas county friends "branch
ing out'' In this line. The facilities
for sheep raising in this county are
unequalled In the State, and there
is room for a thousand head where we
live at sixty-five.
I think twice as much
and work twice as long
as either Ilarriman did or
Stubbs does. Ill live
If Ilsrriman had lived
right he wouldn't have
found it necessary' to lie awake
with bis troubles at night
If Stubbs retires hell retire to a
. With my system of living I
wouldn't be surprised if I should
live to be 'ONE HUNDRED
New Superintendent Named For
The Annapolis Naval Academy
I .At v Arj iir, :
academy at Aaaapolla, la a native ef Michigan aad until his recent ap
tolntmeat to the Abbs polls post was a member of the naval general
board, on duty la Washington. Ills but command was the cruUer
Charleston, and he had previously beta naval attache at London. Captain
Gibbons succeeded Captala John hi. Bowyer at Aanapdlls, who resigned on
account ef ill health, accord lag to the official announcement. It was ststed
that Captala Bowyer reaignatloa-had nothing to do with the recent slight te
a daughter of Prof tea or Beer of Yale. She waa a guest at a dance at An
as polls, and' aa uncompllmeatary remark waa made about her which threat
ened to become the subject of a congressional Inquiry. By 'direction of the
secretary of the navy Captain Bowyer wrote an apology t Mlas Peer. Cap
tala Bowyer will not leave the navy, but will be assigned to duties lea arduous
than those at AnnapoUa. ' ;
now count but a single sheep. Messrs.
Rowley and Porter design entering
upon the business largely, as the'r
late purchases Indicate and as It ousts
no more to raise fine wool than it does
Marted right. Fine, wool merinos,
to produce coarse grades, they have
ta. ted right Fine wool merinos,
such as they have, will average six
pounds to the fleece: while common
aheep rarely produce' more thaa three
to (our pounds. We have an evidence
of what result front keeping the b?t
sneep. in the production of Mr. T.
Nailer of Washington County. That
gentleman last week sent to the Fac
tory at thia city one French merino
Vfleeee that weighed 26 pounds, and
several of the fleeces from this flock
weighed twelve pounds, and the aver
age below that was from S 3-4 to 9
pounds each. Mr. Elliott, also of this
county has lately purchased two splen
did fine-wool bucks. We advise otners
to follow these examples.
The People's Transportation Co.
Since the people's Transportation Co.
came Into the posession of the prop-
the new supertDienoVnt of the Naval
erty they now own and control at
tfils place, they have proven an era In
the growth and prosperity of this cltv.
Their Immense works are now nearly
completed and ready for use. The
Basin extension waa commenced on
the 12th of last August, under the
superintendence of Cspt. J. Kellog,
and according to his own plana. The
new arm or extcnuion nearly reaches
tUelr Canemah warehouse and la
raised higher than the high water
mark of 1861. It ia constructed as
follows: Three parallel timbers IS
Inches square (stl the tlmuer average
this size! are bolted, to the bedrock
with 1 1-4 Inch Iron. Cross timbers
laid on and bolted to form a bottom;
three timbers are hulled on each aide
with cro ties every ten feet 17 feet
Iron is 2190 feet long. 20 feet wide In
the main on top, and 32 feet wide at
the angles, and from 12 to 17 feet
high. .There were 22 tons of bolts
used to fasten this ponderable barrier,
and. the workmen are now loading it
with hundred of thousand of tons of
rock. 4
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. . The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone.
Straaberrtea are scarcer la the local
market and In Portland thaa any time
this season and for several years just
befurejhs local berries ripen.. Berries
from Kouloern Oregon sell from $150
to $S a crate. .
California berries are ao scarce that
the price of Isillara was advanced lo
t3 Tee crate for 16a from 11.60
lo 7$ was asked even for Jessie.
As a rule there Is little call for Jessies
after the Orvson fruit begins to arrive
but the great scarcity of offering
from all centera force the call into
anything that looks like strawberries.
Advices received from California
renter state that the season there Is
oa the wane and the expectations are
for few shlpmenta from there to Port
land the remainder of the season.
Ouetatlvna fer Oregon City.
POTATOKS llest. It.eO. iood
13 18; common, 3. During, carload,
select. 12.10; ordinary. 11.90.
riX)UR AND IstED riour Is
steady, selling from i lo 15 SO; very,
little vt cheaper grades. Feed Is
higher and rising slowly. Ursa brings
from I2S&0 to 117 M, shorts !t to $30,
rolled barley 31.50 lo 133 33. process
barley 33, whole corn $11 to $33.
cracked com $3) to $J.V--Wbat $33
to $33.
HAY (Buying.) Timothy IK to
1 SI rinver. til In 111- oat bav. Ill
te 1; mixed, $12 lo $11; alfalfa, $16
to 1. -
OATH (Buying I Are higher, gray
from 2S to 27. white from 2 to
MUTTER (Turing! Ordinary
country brings from 15c to 20c.
fancy dairy from 2e to 32c, cream
ery 22c to 2So.
EOtia tiiuymgi Ate ranging from
lie to 2oc, according to grade.
POULTRY (Huytnr Firm with lit
tle good stock off.'red. Hen will bring
lie. If in extra good condition more.
Old roosters are poor at Se to lOe. broil-
era bring from 22c to, with Cx1
demand. ' '
I VOOlr-(,Ruy:ig Vool prices are
ranging from 12o lo He.
j MOHAIR Uluymg Prices on miv
hair have been -vay up. some having
I brought as h'ah aa .19e locally. Quo
j tat Ion are 37c and demand la strong
lllt)E (Htiying Oreen hides. Be
to Co; saltera, S4c to dry bides,
13c to lc. Hlieep pelts, 3&e to 7So
DRIKD FRUITS Loral price are
firm at from Rc lo 10c on apple and
prune, peache are lc.
SALT Selling 60c to 90c for fine,
60 lb. aack. half ground 10c; 76 fur
100 lb. eacke.
Portland Vegetable Market.
l 2Sfl$l.S0 per aack; parsnips. $1.23
'f$l 50: turnips. l.2Sfl 50; beets.
-YEOETARLES Aaparaaus. 9'cf?
$1.75 per crate; cabbage, new, $2 per
hundivdwetght; rautlltowrr, 1.E0T
$1.75 per doxen; celery, California, 75c
(i90c per doien; .cucumbers, 1 1.50f
$2.25 per doien; eggplsnt, ISc per lb,;
garlic, locOl'c per pound; lettuce,
50c per doxen; hothouse lettuce, $1.50
612 per box; peas, Jcfllle per
pound; peppers, 30crS5o per pound;
radishes, lie per doxen; rhubsrb, 24c ',
per poung; sprouts, vc; lomatoes.
176 13 25.
POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing price.
$2 60 ter hundred; nw potatoes, 7c
7He per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon
$2.75 per 100; Auatrallan, $3.60 per
100; Texas, $2.25 per crste; Callfor
nia, $2 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Quotations.
HOUS Hogs are quoted He lower.
From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs, c, from
People who "Invest".
In nterarleea arefalalna abnormally u-,
are usually dlaappelntad. - " Mr'
Tbsy fall lo t teverest they espestsd and th sentrsl at .k .
meeey passe te ether. slf
The weney saver theuld take lie ahanees with th a rem..
When you tfepealt yeur money en a Tim Csrtifleat mr Th
ino Deoarimsnt ef thia bank, R remalna under au
earns a aur and steady rat
la thia kind of an Investment.
The aoener you begin, the
The Bank of
D. a LATOUKBTTK Prooldeai
. CAPITAL, 940400.00. ' '
Tranaaaoa a eaeral Ranklnf uolnoee ..- , , Open tram a., m. a f fc
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Compaq
' F. M. BLUHM '
Your wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or 11 Inch weo is
Hvored to any part Of City. Price, reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed Rhoro your eri.
Homo R-110
Raoifle Main 3507
. fn H aa fa. aa
C ( 1 1 1 J I 1 1 1 X 1 1 , BBSKSi
,00 C:;icii:rn
art tit . M,.,. mU 4, t J
ca c::i u::i pku ft zztztii
A ouulrri UtuuMadiialraaMil U-4 rvar. !
U ilr and sav
rMlne. very darshla andfliiv-Hl liut.l vita
riuina, n ij anrania anq lirvnl iiut.ia altn
mam numm and ahb h iIum u
M A le
mi v ilssssSSSsf.
I Jll I c5Tc:r tarn ziiix Jt.'F
I j&L, sca.i fetor, r- rr I., iorwwr.-Jlrj'l;.'
V y oaeeae waae atavaua. - - - - - .
tHiactorra aithout slieelae the sir lu eanape.
bkrahanilmlaol letter from aaUBBed rutanees
aUtlnelhatUielrUiva have only harn 1-uaitv.l ua cmra
M IbIm in .LJ. T 1.- t.k . . .
150 lb, to 200
VEAL CALVE8 Veal calvea bring
from Rc to 10c according to grade.
BEEF STEERS leel ieera ' ft
the local markets or fetching' 6'c t
IHe live weight.
';...V .' - ..
... 1 f
i ' '
' '
a 'a
ef Ihttreat. There la no aaall.' ,1N
aoonor will you bo In paMMM
Oregon City
r. j.,'
Cor. 6th and Ctlr,
Orsgoa city.
!7SXSSiS2!22 -
Pcro-Precf l J
m mMKint. nun
lafmpah'. All ordrn Mpp-aaat
. w imt -ii ua pa
SHEEP Mie nriu at ec to C Hrt
IlACON, LARD and HAM, srs tm.
There waa a large attendaaco stai
meeting of the Woman's Club TM
day afternoon In Commercial Ch
parlora when the Hhaketpean)
partment of the Club bad
the afternoon program. "M!!,
was presenled In a moat admirw
manner, and those taking part
Mra. J,' W. Norrla. -Macbeth ;
E. P. Randa, "lianquo": Mrs. 1
Waldron, Mra. H. E. Straight. J
oimna, miaa num " - m
All were In costume. Mrs. tj j
Latourette gave the Introductory ns
Ing on the supernatural "Mae1-"'
Mrs. L E. Jonea the hlatorical
and Mra. Charles IX Utourettesi
the notes on each part
The caldron" scene-waa oven PfJl"
and those attending enjoyed th sbw
nocn program.. , .W1-
Th Shakespeare department. V"
la In charge of Mra. LB Joa."
taken up for atudy the following
torlcal playa: Richard H. H"7j;
Henry V and Macbeth. "Mcbsth
be the laat play td be reed by th
until the meetings In lb fu tnJl
.m.i.w. i iiv inviiiwia . ,
time have gained much knoK
through the Instruction of Mrs. .
and there Is no dougt but hof"
will be obtained 'or next ?r 1
M-. a.vl Mra. renders. f 0I.
Tlalted Friday night M tho y
Springs rnch, Iho guru of 1
Mrs. E. H. Roysr.
Mr.-and Mr. Oonre,-. nuro
Sunnysid i, Or., visited lit h y.
Springs ranch ftldsr.
Mrs. Walter MnndehlnkS "
Portland Tloitor Friday. . , ,
Read the Morning Eatorprls- ;
The Orcfloii 0
Onion v
1 f aad V iia rta Hr(7""
a - -