Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 25, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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it will make
Rah Rah Rah
Ha't " Highway.
: 'Xy t I
Raymond Loiialgnont, of Mill Blret.
Balem, who-naa bean vlaltlng with hla
eoua n Mrs. Chsrle Parker" returned
to lili home on Wednesday morning.
Mr. J. J. Tobln and Utile daughter,
May, loft Wednesday for Connoctlcut.
wbere they will remain for aewral
month visiting relative.
Mr. and Mra. J. w. Loder and aon,
Jack, will leave aoon for an Eastern
i?pL. Th,jr v,,u ,n m"n Pa of
MIchlKan and In other atalea, expect
ing to be gone moat of the aummtir.
William Htewart ami Mr. til..11
telephone officials or Portland, were
In Oregon City-Wednesday on bualneae
in connection witn the telephone sow
Mra. JMtllUS JMCObe. Of .Ht Jnlil.
Wash., la vlaltlng her brothera, Ku-
gone, uilbnrt and William ll.H...
ana her nlerea. the Mlaaea Luna-, of
i aurnian.
U you have arreaa or email tract
of land for al cloae In, llat them
wun me, aa I have a good lnnulrv for
email tract. J. L. Hwafford, Eighth
ana Main, Oregon City.
Mis Uilu Hpanglor. of Corvallls
who haa been vlaltlng at the home of
her alatnr, Mra. u U Porter, of the
Weat Hide, returna to her home, tbla
Mr. and Mra. Joaoiih M vera will
leave on Friday for Falls City, Where
they will visit' br -W4tNAUMyera
la recovering from typhoid fever, and
the trip la taknn for the benefit of hla
Mra. Joseph Jacobs, of Spokane,
Wlh , arrived In thla rlty on Wednos-
day and will visit at the home of the
Misses Iik. Ili-fore returning to
Hpokane ahe will vlsitrwlth her broth-
era, J. E. and U. I Uedgea.
Cut the coupone from full page ad'
vertlaement of the Atlaa K. Z. Beal
fruit Jara, In the May Issues of tne
Ijitlloa Home Journal, Woman'
Home Companion, Delineator, Do
algner. New Ideaa and aeveral other
loading publlratlona, and bring to our
more and get absolutely free one qt
E. Z. Si-al fruit Jar. Uaker ft Maker,
418 Seventh atrort.
Mr. and Mr. L. U Porter, who have
been on a two weeka' vlalt at Oakland
Cal., where they v have ben vlaltlng
the latter'a brother, M. L. Hpanglur,
and nlao Mr. I'orter'a brother, F. F,
Porter, of that place, have returned to
tbelr home In thla city. While at Oak
land another brotbur of Mr. Porter"
A. A. lortr, arrived from Portage,
Wis., and will arrive In. thla city In
about two weeka on hla way borne to
WlNToneln. He will remain In thla
city for a few daya. Mr. and Mr.
Porter were accompanied aa far aa
Balem by Mra. Hpanglur. who will vlalt
her mother, Mra. Kaymond, before
coming to thla city.
ilW l'p
Hay, Curly.-you're of
tm Hel Kanton, of thla city, la
Mr. Wldner. of Heaver Creek, waa
kOrrfo City on Wednesday
Ir. Crgok, of Mullno, waa In thla
I oa buflntHi Tueaday.
ru Produce Union aella Hay and
, Coohery
Ouce there lived a poor woodcutter
and hla wife la the middle of tbe for
est. He bad three sons, called Ed
ward, Ueorge and Albert. Tbe two eld
eat were thoughtless, but good nainred.
One day Edward, the eldest, aald to
hla father. Ml am going out to make
my fortune, father, and when I have
made It I will come back."
Hla father let him go aadly. On tbt
way Edward paaaed a trap with a poor
little mouae In It, but aa he waa ao
tbougbtlraa be did not think of letting
il out
A few daya after George aet out to
make hla fortune. He, too, paaaed tbe
mouae, but did not let It out
After that Albert left home to make
bla fortune, but when be came to tbe
trap be went np aud let tbe poor Uttle
mouae out. Instantly It became a
beautiful prince.
'Thank you. dear Albert," abe aald
to tbe aatoulabed boy. "A wicked
wltcb turned me Into a mouae. but will
you come and aet my caatle free?"
Albert aald "Tee" gladly. Bo be fal
lowed her, and at laat they came to a
grand caatle. When they went In no
body waa there.
Then tbe prlnceaa aald: "Tonight you
111 be tortured by Invlalble belnra.
Ton will see only their banda and feet,
but don't aay a word, and In the morn
ing 1 will come. Thla will happen for
three nlgbta. but on the third day the
entitle will be yours."
Itr. night, when Albert waa read
ing, ten pairs of handa and feet ap
peared aud pulled bla hair, pinched
and kicked blm, tore bla book to plecea.
etc.. bnt be never aald a word. Neit
morning the princess came and with
ber came a hundred attendanta. wbom
he bad made free by bla watching.
That nlgbt tbe aame happened, and In
the morning tbe prlnceaa came with
200 aerranta now. The third nlgbt
paaaed, and atlll be did not apeak, and
In tbe morning tbe prlnceaa came with
BOO aerranta and embraced him.- 8be
abowed blm all tbe cellar full of gold.
A few daya after tbey were married,
and after that Prince Albert went to
bla father's borne to bring blm to bis
caatle. The brothera bad come bark
penniless through - their thoughtless
ness. They all went to tbe castle, and
the mother and father lived with Prln
ceaa Marlon and Prince Albert The
brothera married tbe sisters of Marlon,'
who also had castles. They all lived
to a good old age, and when two aweet
little twin. Edward and Marlon, came
the party waa completely happy.
baa been a weakness but aa eompared
with the river marketa thla point
shows a strong condition
The aheep market waa strong with
aa active demand and a clearance waa
made of the entire offerluga.
Tbe borne market ha been alow
and 'the uanaacUons Indicate a lower,
range of vlue.
Representative tale ha been aa
100 Steers 117s fT.OO
124 Hteers ,.. .. II '15 6 5
220 Bteera .... , 1103 fl.KO
20 f)t-ra lots :;;
I Cow O'JO G.21
BALEM, Or., May 24 (Special)
Governor West today named J. Frank
Hughe of Gold H1U member of the
atate board of game and flah commis
sioner to succeed W. L. F1nleyrwho
resigned to become state game war
den, aucceedlng R. O. 8tevenaon of
Foreat Grove. J. N. .Wiener of Ore
gon City, was named superintendent
of state fish hatcheries.
Flnley, who ha . become widely
known aa a atudent of blrda and on
of the foremoat members of tbe Au
dubon society, was serving as tbe
'our year term member of tbe new
board. Tbe other four members re
quested ibat he resign to take tbe
position aa atate game warden, which
carrlea a salary of 2S00 annually.
L 8.1SiDS !
X Urttt la recovering from hla til-
Mi Anderson and family, of Eldu-
r In thla city on Wedneeday.
TW Produce Union sell Arttauate
Hat Mary (ilckerson, ot MoUlly, la
fjrtlni relative In Canemah.
for Ladle The new. nut brown
atto iboei, $3.50, at the Orvgon City
no 8tore.
I Ir. Frederick, of Molalla. made
yUm trip to Oregon City on Wed
.. ( Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, reel
U of Blitibel, were In thla city on
If P. Adams, one'of the prominent
Hdents of I leaver Creek, waa In tbla
f l oa buslneaa Wednesday.
Tk Produce Vnlon aella berry
I Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Hubbard,
tain tbla city onbualneaa Wednes-
It Van Hebber, manager of the Po
pe Northwest company, wii In Or-
City Wednesday on bualneaa.
I W. J. Oreen. of Balem. waa In thla
f'T yesterday n buslnesa and waa
(-wtsrea at the Electric Howl.
Hi Emily Cook, of Denver Creek
Nla thla city on Wednesday visiting
F M honif of Mrs. Charlea rarker,
I CUrle Snnngler. a well known
Apple Cooking.
Some people know only two wn.v
of preparing applea-to stew ir bake
them. Try some of these old ways of
presenting tu king of frill::"
For flout aitl make nio appie
butter or puree from tart fruit, aweet
ned to Uie and flavored wllh the
grated rlud of one lemon and cinna
mon or nutmeg, rut me puree u
the Ice to become very cold, thou
beat the whltea of two ege to a atlfT
froth, adding thla to the fruit, which
abould now be In the aerrlug dish.
When It cornea to the table cover tne
top with a cupful of ri h cream.
To make fried apples wasn
win Arr some tart cooking apples.
nt them tn slices a Quarter of an lr b
thick and fry them In butter umu
tender and brown. Predg with po
dered augar and erv piping hot on
wtrm plate.
Caramel apple may b made aa lot
Iowa: Into a aklllet pat one cupful of
light brown auger and one half cupful
of hot water. Let boll for three or
four mlmitea. then drop in flv nice
cooking apple which hare been pc'
ed. cored and haired, l-ct these atew
In the sirup ontU they are tender and;
flutry. then drain them out Into a
glaaa dish. In another ueepn hare
ready one tablepoofl of ,b",,r
melted with on teaapoonful of Oour.
and orer thla pour one-half cupful or
cream. When hot add to the boiling
alnirs stirring briskly for aertral Piln
ate, then poor orer th. apple and
erre either hot or cold.
Read tb Morning ffnterprlae.
YotM?S for thc
Pot od we will give yoo with
4 months subscription
By Carrier
' at 45c the month
- 6 months subscription
By Mat!
at 25c the month
sa i a
K Beautiful China PLAOUEU2: '3f ;? nanaspmeiy
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early.
Sobscrlbert May Have Them Too
To any present subscriber wno win d ".
..,u.xinr, ir will nretent one of these
IT . .
new subscriptions
beautif nl dishes.
, '4
Llttl Bey Blue's Parade.
Little Boy Itlue was sitting on th
gatepost waiting for tbe procesalon.
for It waa Memorial day. He wore a
tiny blue ault and a blue cap. and that
I tb reaaon why he waa called Little
Boy Bine, although hla real name waa
"I wish they would let me march,"
he aakl to Jilinself. drumming hi
beela against the fence. 'Terbapa
tbey would If 1 had ome Cowers."
So be bopped down from the post
and filled hi chubby flxta with whit
Oieye dn Isles and buttercup.
By thla time tbe music grew louder,
and Little Hoy Blue con Id ee tbe flair
and tb soldier cai at the end of tbe
long street Nearer and nearer they
came, and tbe cornet and drum
made such a delightful nolae that the
little fellow could hardly keep hi fet
"Oh. do let m march T h called
out "My grandpa was a older."
"To be surer said one of the men.
"fie waa our old captain."
And the tall soldier took tb uui
boy by th hand, and tbey marched
along the atreet together. And the
Bag wared In the wtna. ana me ddu
played Ita beat, and eren tb drum
major waa not aa proud and happy aa
Llttl Boy Blu.'outh' Companion.
iMsmsrlal Day.
The obeerranc of thla day In th
decoration of our oldler grare with
flower and th national colors is
custom that appla more perhap to
the older people than to tn ooy na
girl of tb couutry. Thl 1 natural,
for many of th older people llred dur
Ing the Uurk and dreadful day of the
civil war and can therefore betjer ap
preciate ,th patriotic derotlon of tb
brar men who gar tbelr errlce and
their lire In defense of what tbey
held dear. But the obeerranc la a
prlceleaa object lesson to tb youth ot
th country, and aa they see tbe ret
crane marching toward the cem
teriea to honor th .oldler dead tbey
.h.,M took berond th military dla
play, the music of th band and th
roll of th drum and think what It all
mean. '
Th Anolsnt Penny.
Th ancient English penny waa
th first llrr coin struck In Eng
land and th only on current among
the 8axona. In th tlm of Ethelred
It waa equal In weight to a three
penny bit. Till th tlm of King Ed
I the nennr wii o deeply In
dented that It might b l!r brokn
and parted Into two part. These were
called halfpence. Or when broken Into
four part tha wer canea iuur
thing or farthing.
Play BalL
Uow all th boye are playing balL
The diamonds r allr
With nlnss. professional and scrub.
Lik bees sbout a hlr.
And even whsr there Is but en
To pitch and on to bat
And on to catch thy atlll play ball.
Not base, but on old taU
Larg Numbsr of Bidder Kep Prlc
at High Mark.
The Portland Union Stock yard re
port aa follow:
Receipt on . tnis market for : th
A quiet but i !mprelve marriage
ceremony waa performed at th Bt.
Paul' Eplacopal church on Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock when Mlaa E.
Claire I'adiick, of tbla city, became
tbe bride of E. 8. Chaney, of Globe.
Arizona. Tbe marriage ceremony waa
performed by Rev. Cbarlea Robinson,
rector of the Eplacopal church. The
altar was prettily decorated with
whit flowers and fern. -
Th bride wore a becoming travel
ing suit of brown with hat to match.
She waa attended by Miss C. H. Per
clval of Pbidelphia, Pa., and Dr. W.
C. 8chultze, of this city, waa best
man. Mr. and Mr. Chaney left Wed
nesday night for Dallas, where they
will remain for several weeka before
going to Globe, where Mr. Chaney Is
engaged In civil . engineering for a
railroad company.
Mr. Chaney la well known in thl
city, being the daughter of Mr. Hog
dale of th West Sid. She haa been
stenographer and bookkeeper for ev
eral years at Dallas. Mr. Chaney is
a native of Pennsylvania.
T. J. Riding I Installing another
fireplace In hi house.
Mr. Rice, lat of Scott Mills, t
moving Into this town.
Jo Jones baa a crw or men reel
ing a building on hi property near
Bill Nicholson sold pan of horse
to a man wha Uvea near ML Angei.
Ferd Mortlson haa bought the
NearensoD sawmill and has ' corn
men red to operate It
G. W. Bentley and wife have moved
to .Barton.
Orvll Jackson has gone to Balem
to wprk.
Th rain wilt make corn planting
Mr. and Mr. Bucvanan, who
taught echool ber th laat year, hav
bought to acre near Oregon City.
for which they gave 3,500.
Mr. and Mr. Pfeiater maae a inp
to Portland . Monday.
Mr. Romlg Is moving in tbe Ulon-
Iger -house, which he recently pur
chased from J. L Combs.
Mis Ida Krueger went to Portland
Friday to visit friends. She returned
Monday evening.
Mrs. Katie Whit of Canby visited
friends In Portland laat week.
Harry Garrett went to Portland on
E. A. Krueger went to Portland
Wednesday on business.
Mr. L D. Walker and wlf went to
Portland Frldy.
Mr. Fred Howard moved Tuesday
Into Mr. Brown' hOOM.
- Th required amount of money for
renalrlna- the old Josalyn bridge nas
been raised. It waa raised by sub
scription of tne business men oi can-
J. Wl Keys of Portland baa rented
the simma house on Second trc
and intenda moving hi household
eooda here Thursday.
In the laat list or item em in it
waa erroneously aald that Mr. Eccle
bad been elected to teach the Inter
mediate room for the coming year.
Instead of bl getting the above place,
Mlaa Week ha been elected to nave
charge of the am 'department ahe
had laat year.
Mr. Pfeister has purchased an au-
tnmohlla from Grant Whit.
The Canby Canal company ha ob
tained rooms In the upper part of the
Silver and Gold Bead Fashionabla.
' 8moekiro en Children' Frock. - -Old
sliver and dull gold bead are
faahlonable; a lo steel, crystal ana
Black chantUly lac la being naed
on many dresses.
Bom of tb daintiest llttl frock
for Infanta or amall girl ar finished
. We Love The Children
MANY of the shoppers who visit
out store daily arc bright little
men and women. . And, they are shrewd
buyers, most of them in their way.
Tt ey are always welcome here and
yoti may rest assured that every at
tention will be shown to an order for
warded by theni-just as much as would
be given ywr self. It Is convenient way of getting
groceries In a harry and Is seel by many of yor
Jm Em
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private,
Graduate Nurses
Ptx. 2243 Home D-298
Cor. VaUghn and Twenty-fourth 8.
May S3 24, 25, 26, 37, 28.
Game Begin Weekday at 3:30.
8ondaya, 2:30 P. M.
nova Under 12 Free to Bleacher
During th month of May, Jun. July,
August and September, on dat
hown below, th
will Mil round trip ticket from
Oregon City Via Portland
a follow:
Council Bluff .....
Kana City
St. Jopn
8t Pul
St Paul, via Council Biurr
.$ 73 00
. 60.50
. ' 60.50
. 60.50
. 60.60
. 60.60
. 64.40
Minneapolis, direct w
Minnunsl . va Court I Bluff 64.40
Bcton JIMP
Nw York r
8t. Loul .
Ui..klnn.ll. n C. ...... 108.00
. -
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28
and 29.
Jun 5, 7, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
and 30. ' '
JuTy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 nd
28. -
Augu.t 3, 4, 6. 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and Su
rf 7.
on or before tbe 9tb aay or July, 1911,
and answer tb complaint filed against
you In said court and cause, ana iur
nt .n answer the Dlalntiff will
apply to tbe court for tbe relief de
manded in tne compiaiui, ti.
a decree of divorce aiaaomng me
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant and for
such other relief aa prayed for in ad
Thl aummona 1 pubiianea oy oruer
th. Hon. R. B. Beatle, County
t,ilirA nf the above entitled County,
made and entered tbe zun aay ui
mv. itl.
Date of first publication. May zo.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
FOR SALE Two fine residence lota
9th and Washington Hts very cneap.
Terms. Enquire 418 7th St .
FOR 8 ALE Top buggy, almost new.
and single harness, inquire jaca
ft Albright Store, 7th Street.
ACREAGE On to flv acre In sight
of Oregon City, 1150 and $200 per
acre; good level land; on mil
from car Un. Clyde McRae, 1003
Main SU Oregon City.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
..Am- thaaa claaatfla hsadtna
will bs lna- ird at ons cent a word. nn
h.ioB. halt a. eoit additional Inanr
tlona. Owe Inch card. U r month) hall
Inch ear. t imi Pr
Cash ninat aocoinpaar ordsr anlese
k.. .n ncoonnt with th papw. Na
financial rponslblllty for rrors; whort
mra nrnir fra corrected aotlo W1M
FARM LOAKS Dlmlclt ft DimicK,
Lawyers, Oregon City, or.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. . Estimates cheerfully
given on all elaas of bonding
work, concrete walk and reinforced
concrete. Re, pboa Mala 11L
printed (or pmtraa.
Mlnhnuni aharae Uc
with amocklng. Tb fabric are sneer.
and tbe mcklng I J'rencb band-work.
For dainty chiffon or llk are
waists Instead of ordinary ouiiona
bras ring of tb proper alae button
holed over In silk of a color to match
tb fabric or th trimmings ar being
used. In white thread this I very
nice for a Ungerl .blouse also and
easier to make than crocheted buttona.
811k. cballle and coetona how a
tendeucy of having a supplementary
border of solid tone. An Idea of the
mot novel effects may be gaiuea ny
mentioning a new tulle of white with
a t attered pattern of dull red rose
and soft green foliage. Tbe border
was In Greek key effect, and beneath
there appeared a band of solid black.
Tunic continue to be ex'-eedlngly
mart nd those of the present rea
son ar eminently simple. This one la
plain, yet most effective when a bor
dered material la used.
Till May Manton pattern Is cut In slsea
for slris of fourteen, slirteen and alahteen
vests of aa Send 10 oenta to thla office.
wium number. 6967. and It will be prompt
ly forwarded to you by mall. If In hast
end an additional two cent stamr tor
letter poata. wmcn insures '"'
Qeom GiS Fntefp
A ft A a
.ndln. O.M.rdBV K.v. heen 1S07 oP'"""",
cattle; 16 calve; 20CS bogs; 6211 stopover -vlthJn limit In either dl
aheep; 87 II. AN.' rectlod. Final return limit '
Th cattle maritet n remained octoner aisi.
teady to itrona; and I II. level of frf- on w,y throuan California
pnee nan cnuwu ... I Innulr Of any &ouinrn racmo
I ...nrilt. The nrsunes r ' "Hw"
least iu''t v1"""'" ,
ot more than th usual number of
compctltlv bidder, ha In a measure
Specially ntretlna to Womn.
Few women are physically perfect
and. In fact, medical record go to
show that perhap. th great majority
of women auffer from aom more or
lea serious aliment pc""r to her
To place a reliable treatment witnm
the reach of auch persons one that
did not contain anything In any way
Injurious to th system Rexall Vege
table Compound wa first offered for
ale. ,
Practical demonstration bav nlno
proven that thla preparation, having
for it basi th formula, ud by a
reliable physician who mad a peo
laity of such cases, I all that haa
been claimed for It. and w offer you
Rexall Vegetable Compound with th
aasuranc that It will prove beneficial
in the treatment of auch cases, or we
will promptly refund any money you
may hav paid u ror iu
Rexal Vegetable Compound can
be obtained only at our store Tbe
Rexall Dru 8tor. Price, 11-00 per
bottle. Hnntley Bro. Co.
WANTED Strawberry picker, write
or phone Isaac Lane, Clackamas,
Oregon. Phone Farmers 269.
WANTED You to know mat we buy
all kind of Curio, that w ar In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. W lo bw I
rood assortment ot second hand
Furniture and Tool on hand for
sale to those In need, com ano
ee: nerhaD we hav lust what you
want Indian Curio and trinket
for sale cheap; aom that are "very
unique and also very rar. GEORGE
TOUNO, Mam near nitn u-et.
O.' D. EBT, Attorny-t-Law, Mony
loaned, abstract rurnianM. tan
title examined. states ttld, gen
eral law business. Over Bank f
Oregon City. .
rj-RKN ft SCHTJEBEL, Attorney--.
Law, DeuUcher Advokat, will prao
tic In all court, make collections
and settlement. Office la Enter
prise Bldg- Orcoa City, Oregon. v
B. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance
and Raal Estate. Let a handl
your properties w buy, U a6
xchang. Office In BaUrpri
Bldg., Oregon City. Orgon.
SuDscrib for tb Dally Bnterprls.
1911 Mitchell Automobiles
nlnad tha hlsh line Of P'lCuS.
The hog market ha runalued fairly
steady. Some killer claim that thero 1
ant, or writ to
. . WM. McMURRAY, ,
Gnral Paaangr AQnt
Portland, Orgon
In th Circuit Court ot th State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Harry C. Griff lng, Plaintiff,
Maud K. Grifflng, Defendant. , .
To Maud K. Grifflng. Defendant:
In th name of th Stat of Oregon,
you ar hereby commanded to appear
In th abor ntlUed court and mom
.Have you ever looked into the details of construction and -the ,
mechanical features togsther with the handsome appearance '
of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they ara
being bought by people throughout the state, who know the v
alue of a good car. If yon are at all interested we will be
pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information
and can assure you that it is well worth investigating before
buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say
it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell
you a car we will take care of your car one year free of
charg-.' " '',.-'-
- ; Price siwo
Other moJel cheaper. . Fully .quipped F. O. B. Oregon City v
Phon. us for demonstration an i w wffl call at your Un for
Some GooA Bargain In Second HnJ C
C. G. Miller, Agent
. Garage Cor. 6th and" Main Sts-