Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 25, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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aaa - fc
C E. RODIC tdltee and Publlther.l
"Dnar4 aa
err . ten. a
aaeond-claaa matter Ji
&t tha aoat efllce at Oraeoa
-21 ly, Oraron, Under the Act oT Marc
im.", . ' .
raw ir scKcnrnoR.
m Year, r stall
ts sfnatha. by nail
aur Moatha, by mail
er waaa. by Mirtar.i
.St. St
. 1 tt
.......... 1
. Amirotm iato
riral Put, par mea first laesrtloa.
first hn par taeh added laaartloaa. .las
erred BoaltMt) any PS, par moa
and girls a better chance. HI
at policy la only humiliating to tha
students and ought to b aa humil
iating to the auperlntendent of pub-
llo inatructlon,
44. '
Chief of Pollca Cox, of -Portand,
charged with neglect of duty, baa been
acquitted. Nothing els was expected,
s'.' tM ' ' ;;
Mr. Lorlmer la to bo tnveetlgated
again, thla tlma. It la to bo hoped.
with better results. Illlnola haa had
an awful smell about alnco Ita Jack
pot was created.
Mexican Insurgents Name Peace
1 Envoys and Continue Fiahtind
mnwm . . ,..iav
poeittoa aay aasa.. aar I
tairtlaaai let
ftua paper othar taaa first paga, par
lua papar
flnh urn
ftua paper athar thaa
Joseph 8lmon or A.. G. Rushllgat,
which?- Some Portland rotors think
It la a choice) between two evlla, and
that Simon la tha leaser. In trutaJ
pace, par aea . L .
tiaeale Ita par Mae: la raeralar .adrar-I rial, thourh ha eartalnlv rannnt ha I
. . . . M
Waata. Par Sale. T Rent, 'ete.. aaa ,ru"rV raiurm wr.
seat a wara flrat laeertlen; aaa-katf eaal U'a are of tha opinion, however, that
ach additional. ...vm. i.. ..- . .... ...
. r .Hkh. a. A W.k. " wmu oa a uuwawaru ir
abiterprtae will aa tha aaata aa ta tha I former.
tally, for advertiaameata art especially
far the weakly. 'Where the adrarttaraMitt
a transferred from tha dally ta tha weak.
I, without ehanaa. the rata will be Sc
aa laeh for ran of the paper, and Ite aa
taca ror apeciai paatuoav
Caen should aeeompaay erdar where
m aaknawn la auamaea amca e
aarty I
(he Bni
Legal advertlalag at trial advertlatni
alaa. -
Ctreoa advarttatns and special trajtatant
adrartlalas at Me to toe aa men. aecora-
, ai ta apart al eoadltloaa to"1'" the
Ttra Sa)" aJ Bankrupt Bala' advar
r annaata tse taeh flrat Inaertloa: addl
tlonal aaaartloaa aaaaa asaltar Ma laeh.
Newt Itama and wall witt'ea artlelaa
jf aiaiit. pwlth raleraat to local readera,
,v- will aa Sladly accepted. Rajaetad asaau
aortpta aaver returned ualaaa aarompan.
ted by atajaaa to prepay poataaa.
Uay 25 In American History.
180V-Ralph Waldo Emerson, preacher
and philosopher, born: died 1882.
1861 General Butler Brat applied the
term "contraband of arar" to fujtl
ttTO t la rea. remains: to return them
to their former owners.
1907 Theodora Ttlton. editor and au
, ' tbor and plaintiff In the famous
' Beechor-Tlltoa trial, died: born
N 1835.
' (Tram noon today lo noon tomorrow. i
Sun neta 7:15. rises 430: moon riaea
820 a. aa; pUoet Uercury seen rtainjt
Just before tbe son: llfiO a. hl. moon
la conjunction with Mercury, passing
i from west to east of tha planet.
It la aald that tha Democrats need
to gain only fire seata to give them
control of the United tSatea senata.
Well, whoa fault la It? Who but
registered Republicans sent a Demo
crat from Oregon to tha senate. If
It doesnt happen again next year we
shall be greatly surprised. There- are
many thousand Republicans la Ore
gon who will aejer vote for Bourne,
should ha be nominated In the pri
maries, u is doubtful If the nan
who bolted the head of the Republi
can ticket can obtain more thaa a
plurality ote
Husband, Suing, Charges - Desertion.
Hsrry C. Orifflng. who waa mar
ried to Maud K. Grifflng oa Septem
ber , 1899. haa Instituted anlt for di
vorce, alleging that ahe deserted him
May IS, 1905.
i vj t-'-aiS,;, ..-.f . -U-v r2
The farmers of this section, belnx
convinced that the price of oats will
not advance thla season, have begun
disposing of surplus holdings. As a
result tbe price naa deorensa some
what, and another slight Cecrenso Is
probable. In the Oregon City market
Photos copyright by American Prats Association, ItlL
Heart to Heart
II ILK tbe Mexican Insurgents stopped fighting for a few days while
the peace negotiations were golag on, they were not Idle, a ad when
President Diss's refusal to. resign waa made public they were ready
to begin aa attack on Juarea at once. They thus showed that they
were well organised and hsd a definite Idea of what they Intended to do. One
of the plot urea printed above shows the advance guard of the Insurgents firing
oa tbe federal troopa. It will be noticed that at least two of these sharp
shooters sre Americana These men are either Influenced by a spirit of ad
venture or are lured by the good pay offered by tbe Inaurgenta. Many of the
aaen In tbe Insurgent forces were formerly United Btatea regular toldlera. Tbe
ether picture shows Francisco L Madero, tbe provisional president earned bj
the Insurgents, and his advisers. Msdere la the man with the black whiskers
slttlug with hla legs crossed and bis hat la his Is p. On his right with the
derby haL la Benor Gomes, peace commissioner and formerly representative of
the Inaurgenta In Washington, while General Go naa lea is seated on Madera's
left'. The man standing behind Madero with hla hat off la tbe provisional
president's father, and tbe heavy set man behind Oonaalee la General Bis
The others la the plot ore are men high up la the Insurgent cause.
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Quetatlvna far Oregon City.
POTATOES Pest. 13.50. good
fl IS; common. "I. Buying, - carload,
telecUlllO; ordinary, tl.90.
' FliOUR AND FKKD Flour Is
stesdy, selling from ffi to ,5.50; very
little of chesper grades, reed Is
higher and rising slowly. Urau brings
from 2 50 to $17.60, aborts III to 130,
rolled barley 131.50 to 131.31. process
barley 133, whole corn 31 lo 33,
cracked corn 111 to 133. Wheat 131
to 33.
HAY (Buying.) Timothy 111 to
111, .'lover. Ill to 111; oat hay. 114
to III; mixed, III to ll; alfalfa, 116
to.l. . .... , -
People who "invest"
In enterprises premising abnermallw i. '
'are usually disappointed. ' twro,
Thty fall e gtt the Interest they aapetted and tha t,,, .
menty pattsa to ether. . ",fwi.
The money esvsr should tsks no ehanoee with the era
When you depoeit yeur money en a Time Certiflette tr u '
Inge Dtptrtmtnt of thla bsnh, it remains undtr yey. a" tv
trns a aura and stesdy rste of Interest. There It he 512!!:
In thla hind of an Invtttmtnt, rttltla,
TK. aaanar vau bsoln. tha 100 Btr Will VOU ha la ...
- w .
growing halanee
The Bank of Oregon City
D. a LATOURKTTK President
r.J. liETti.
Tranaaets a tv-nerel anklng welneee.
Open from 9 K m.
How many people can give correct
answers to the questions propounded
to the youthful applicants In the
eighth grade examinations In gram
. mar and civil government The lists
of these questions were published In
.The Enterprise Wednesdsy morn It
tnd clearly Indicate that L. R. A
derman. state superintendent of pub
lie instruction, has hsd an over-plus L his logic f
of college training to the detriment
of . hla sympathy and understanding
with the rural schools. This -statement
Is made upon tbe official In
formation that out of 307 pupils In
Clackamaa county who were appli
cants at the Tecent eighth grade ex
aminations, 227 of them failed, though
144 failed In one or two subjects,
which entitles them to another try in
the June examinations.
Explain and illustrate by sentences
the difference between an attribute
complement and an object comple
. ment!
Can yon do It? Of course not. and
you may not need to know. j
Training the mind of the child is!
no easy task, and It should be done!
Which sack to look bar and the brka law
Ta Ond tha brakes life and mend Ita flaw.
, Edmund Vance Cooke.
He mends broken men.
He Is Warden Tom Tymsn of tbe
Colorado penitentiary, and the repair
ing of broken Uvea la his specialty.
Instead of striped garments sad
armefl gnsrds nnd lock step and spies.
Tymaa a tea his "honor system" a
45 'Years Ago
From the Weekly Enterprise No
vember 3. 1866;
PI BUC SCHOOL The fall term of
the Public School of thla city closed
yesterday. The following statement
system by which prisoners are treated of the attendance of pupils during the
not at convicts, but as men L'" "7 .'r. o. u
To. a. . . ...... k. . I ' ruuKtym,.
aw eeaan aavy am uia as t-a Mm vi r a U un.
him." saya Tom Tymsn. Can yon mend
Colorado state . prisoners are em
ployed a part of tbe time In building
state roads. The men are sent out to
working squads miles away from any
habitation. And iliey are "guarded"
by one msn.
Each prisoner knows be csn get
away If be wtntt to. and there will be
nobody to shoot st him. And yet. such
Is tbe trustworthiness of burnt n na
ture when It la trusted, of a total of
743 employed laat year only thirty
eight made an attempt to get awsy.
Of 100 meq ninety-five were faithful.
Can you find a larger percentage of
reliability outside prison wals?
Moreover, life In the rosd csmpa ac
tually is made pleasant for tbe men.
About tbe campflres in the evening
there Is a'pbonogrsph. One csmp has
a portable organ."
Each prisoner tskee in oath when
carefully and Intelligently, with the I b F" 01,1 ath the road gang that
primary object of giving to the pupil
such Information that he can moat
easily retain and which will be of
direct service to him In later years.
. What doea the constitution state
relative to the following: Writ of
habeas corpus, ex-post facto law, di
rect tax, tax on nobility, persons ac
cepting a present from a foreign
Suppose a man met you, a person
of mature years and average Intelli
gence, and fired this volley of foolish
questions at you. What would you do
to him? Find the answer In the po
lice court
.Mr. Alderman la no doubt a very
fine man who has made a reputation
in educational affairs in Oregon. He
waa connected with tbe State Uni
versity for several yeara. He exhi
bited some points during the cam
paign that marked blm as rather an
adroit politician. But we do think he
could climb down tbe perch a bit and
get closer to the actual needs of the
country schools and give' the boya
be will not "throw down the warden
or tbe ayptetn. Just ns Jndjre Lindner's
boys promise tbey will go slone to tbe
reform school snd not "dlsirrsce tbe
; Judue."
Besides, the state grants each man
who faithfully does outside work ten
day a month additional "good time."
That's all.
Incidentally Colorado bns a One tv
tem of state ronda. enKrlnllT In ibe
mountain dltri-ia. at very low cont.
If Tom Tjmnn Imd his wsy tbe men
would lie paid mil wmrin. the inonpy
to p their fnmlllin r he'ki'pt fur
tbem pwidltijr relecae
TytPiin ''t f h a-hn
brenk mr Inn-a nre not viclona. nnjv
weak " And "tt'e Men iliiif n nrlaon H
B plm-e ' fin'Wh r-"l(..r rn rc'iti-in
men I tit In " i-f-h Mr. r-f"
Tii "!l "' II 'i ift-'i'
I , ,11...',. i. t,..t ,),.' T
hli ii l '.-(." . .'.! hi 'il
tl . !' ! f -T III '. M
rln"'1" t rl i""'flfr hnf
nrt 'i i"' Wi-lon n the "ifnnnt
Of O'l-"-.-
"I ivr a in prl'Mi i.'l yi-snr Jnio
Poor Cat! She,ToofIs a
Menace to Health
Ja By Dr. C B. REED of. Northwestern University J
yr- Jr JJJE . principal obstacle to a general and truthful realization of
ll ' , , ' the danger connected with the domestic pet is found to be
'a' , the sentimentalist who are unwilling to admit that anything
': .-. . . ' on which their affections are centered can become in any
degree a MENACE.
, The woman who refuses to give her child a redhot poier as a toy
i has no hesitancy in putting- into its arms the more DANGEROUS,
. because more insidious1, plaything, the family cat.
IUNQWORM and, TAPEDIWI Are spread in the aame way,
and pns germs find eaiy lodgment ji' the thick hair, from which the
CTH0KINQ TIANT) quickly ebnteya them to the human body. ' '
Primary Department Miss Pam-
bran. Teacher: Number of boya In
department, 28; number of glrlr8C;
average attendance. 50. t
Intermediate Department N. W.
Randall, Teacher: Number of bora
In department, 37; number of girls.
30; average attendance. 45.
Higher Department 8. D. Pope. B.
A., Teneher: Number of boya In de
partment, 16; number of girls, 24;
average attendance, 31.
summary Total number of bovt on
roll, 81; total number of girls on
roll, gi; sggregate number of girls
on roll. 171: avertre attendance
during term, 126.
The next term will commence on
Monday next, the nlnfh in.t. All
the branches comprising s thorough
English, classical, mathematical and
commercial education are taught.
Any desiring Instruction In one or
more branrhea of atudy can arrange
to attend during the hour of recitation.
man has 'returned from San Fran
cisco with a very full stock of mer
chandise, full particulars of which
sre given by advertisement. Mr. R.
Ralston, late of Ralston and Myers,
haa also returned .with a heavy stock.
Our resders will be able to poet them
selves with regard to these niattera
by an Inspection of our columns.
P. 14th Infantry, commanded by
Lieutenant Klstler, left Tbe Dslles
for Camp Watson Inst Thursday.
NEW, POST ROUTE It Is stated
on the authority of tbe postmaster at
Jackson villa that a post route haa
been established from Jacksonville to
Silver City, Idaho, by tbe way or Ft.
A LINEN FACTORY A great many
desire to see a linen factory estab
lished In thla city. Aa an evidence of
the demand for linen fabrics we msy
state that the tack factory of Mr.
Ketter In thlt city, for eighteen
months, worked up linen goods to tbe
amount of $300 per month.
OATS (Buying) Are higher, gray
from 25 to $27.. while from If 26 lo
nt'TTKR (Duvlnar Ordinary
country brlnga from lie to ioc.i
fancy dairy from 20 fo 32c, cream
ery 22c to 25c. "
EOOS tnnyingi Are ranging from
18e to 20c, according to grade.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit
tie good stock offered. Hens vsl bring
14c, If In extra good condition more.
Old roosters are poof at 8c to 10c, broil
ers bring from 23c to He, with good
WOOL (Buying) Aool prices are
ranging front llo to lie.
MOIIAJR I Buying Prices on mo
hair have been vay up, some having
brought aa h'sh aa 39e locally. Quo
tations are 37 He and demand la strong
HIDES (Buying Oreen bides, to
to 6c; sailers, BHo to 8V,c; dry hides.
12c to 14c. Sheep pelts, J5e to fSe
each. -
DRIED FRUITS Local prices are
firm at from ftc tn lOc on apptes and
prunes, peaches are lee.
SALT Selling BOo to 90c tor One,
50 lb. ssck. half ground 40c; 75 for
10 lb. sack a
Pertlsnd Vegetable Msrksts.
$1.25011.80 per Back: parsnips. $1.35
fill 60; turnips. $1.25 $1.50; beets.
$1.75 per erste; esbbage, aew, $2 per
bundled weight: cauliflower. 1 1.6047
$1.75 per dosen; celery. California, 75c
f0c per doxen; cucumbers, $1.50
$2 25 per doten; eagplaut. 1 5c per lb.;
garlic, liirQISc per pound: lettuce,
50c per doxon; hothouse lettuce. $1.50
r$2 per box; peas, fc-tfllc per
pound; peppers, 30cC36e per pound;
rail lanes, I5e per doxen; rhubarb, 3 "4 c
ff3c per pound; sprouts, 8c; tomatoes,
POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing price.
$2 50 per hundred; nw potstoes, 7c
Cf7tye per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon
$2.75 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per
100; Texas, $2.25 per crate: Csllfor
nla, $2 per crate.
Oregon City Stock quotations.
HOGS Hogs are quoted c lower
From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. c, from
160 lbs. to 200 lbs. 8 He. '
VEAL CALVES Veal calves bring
from 8c to 10c according to grade.
BEEF STEERS leel .-teers for
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Comply
Your wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot ar H Inch
llvtrsd ta any part at City.
Satltfactlon guaranteed
Home B-110
Pte'flt Main 3507 '
Prises, reatenahlo.
Phore your ars
Cor. th ts4 cslr.
Ortftt Chj,
1 1 'TV I , . I tn diravl ol a and hare tha BaauraZ. IT? ' fMf
V" aae
VBsW.. ai u
I f atandhava lha axanu .. T7?Tr T a a I
l.rl. Bat kA aU a L. ." "! . "r ait ha
Wanlll wZuil?" "ZXZ"
m pm M M ai. T
MaMaaaeievat-aa, t 1 nrrar, lmtiiar i t I iu
a. tii tiaTTia.tiaiiiifc fr: """ u'a
raaflai J M a. aaj ajj tiaTljjiawtow.aiwto fr-"
A buniinHI I hmiaatnl ua Ira at 11 la.l
DESORtTtaMa til . tt
la iivair tnd seat
runna-. very clnrahla tnd i4 alk
a icial quality ( roMirr, ablraj uavar l
miawa pvroas a ad bU-a rkva an ama
uiMtarra viiMMit ailoaiaa tha air tu ease.
we aavaaamirrua .f iriiar rrxa eallaSrd euaUanrra
statins thai Utolr llroakaveorily tawn puaniwd md onrm
arlal.w lnahuUaaaiin. 1 baz wWa Kmnra lhaa
tt OrdlnarvUra. UMnunoliinitoUiiu ualiua
Sla br aawral larrra of thin. aianUII a J lire aMIl arlli
ralecwlrtatraad. Tha raral.r frtcm ot IW tJm laf KTuiAaMiaJ
k tit M ralrH Ivtilnniai4 mnoM an iiUf aiOISO.
onlrta StprrBalr. All ordaniahlnHaai
loaeaaotpay a oral uum
a w m pair, on l ir SO tm-i I ra iiiillK a
snaklna- a apaolal f actor rprtoa lo lha rl'Wr of
wawHngarM. n a aoiD J U It. o
bare eiamlned and tnmmi thata atrlrtly aa
Zjn VaJ
Mlaa laa Ma wjttaHw
A"aS aaaalara atrtat"
tad "O" alaa Mai atrla
mvtmt rim aatUaa, VUt
VMII aallaat a WMr
the Ihs1 markets are fetching 8Vcto
C'ic litre feignt. , '-...
SHEEP Mrm at tc to to live
velishi. '
BACON, I.AKD snd HAM, are firm.
rteail I be Marulng enterprise.
l "'
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines ii you Phone.
' 1
Trnstefs of will of Peter TyU It
Elmer R. Shipley, oae-fowlh Interest
lot 7. block 18. Oteeto, $L
Truttees of Stella t. Shipley ttd
children to Elmer R. Shipley, lot i
block ,18, Otwego, $1.
, Kesldusry legatees anow
Sophia C. Pratt to Kltter 8Wp
ley, three-fourths IntereA W T.
16, Oswego, $1.
I Judith fcniler to Henry u4 Dot"
j Holms, 11.33 acres, IowbioIi 4 twu,
I r-nge 1 wett. $$50.50. '
Elvira Bsltmsrth to DuW taW
son. lois 10; 11 and 12, Hoc. .
Canby. $000. . .
R.'and Helen a Blumta u4 "
I and Elsie a Harris to A. W. Bolt
32 33 acres, section 1$, toa"1' '
south, range I east, $L
l& Cantwell to Cssstsdrlt
lots 0, 10, 11 and It. block JO. Catty,
$800. ... . wi
Axel Anderson to R. f. H,"
1, 2 1 and 41. block 8. Hydt PM.P
State of Oregon to
Gladys J. SlopiT, 40 acres
cret. tectton 20. towntnip I
range 3 east, $3000. m
Earl. D. tt and ElU-t'- f
E. Marshall, south half of
of northesst quarter of ontn
ouarter. section 29. towsiWl.
south, range 4 east, $1.
V.nn.lh lanrfarharK 10 '
snail, 5 acret, aeciion -
south, range 4 east, $B0. . .
United States to Ba1
northwest quarter of north tw
ter, section 38, township I f
range I eatt, 40 acres, certirw
Samuel Rastall lo Lt' JZ
vlet. northwest quarter of vrr
quarter, section 36, township I "
range I east, 40 acret, $1. .
Theodore and May KB. 0or:
Peter Kloottra, tract In OnfM u
J. P. Snyder to C. Charltos for
28.98 acret. section 32, towDt-P
south, ranfo 6 eatt, $1. ,
C. Charlton Snyder to X
der, east half of southwed frlf
and west half of southtttt
sectlpn 33. townthlp 3 tooth, rtw
east, 40 acres, $1,
. Gltdttone Msn la A,r,tf'
Andrew Orletthaber. of O1
Is In the county jail, htvlnf o t
rested Monday on a chargt
sanity. Orlesthaber's oompiD-
an alcoholic form and when n r
sober he will probably ,b "w
The Oregon G .
Fruit and Proc
, Union
Arsenctc of Lcfld
Dcrry Crofcs
Msy, Grain end TcW