Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 23, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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But TWt War Two Trape
mad Ona Neutrafoed
tha Other
By Delia B. Thorns P
Copyright by AimrtoM Prase Ah
o tattoo. MU.
"'My husband and 1 had been work-
the conaaqaaocaa. Bat It will earaty
break up my ralatioiM with my kv
band. Oh. dear! What ahall 1 dor
I started on, but not In tha direction
of ngr bom. My guardian walkad el
lentiy bestd me, I constantly giving
rant to lamentation at tha troubl I.
xpevtod with my busbaud. At tha
and of half an hour, not seeing any
and to our peregrination, tha man tolJ
ma that ha waa forced to ak ma to
tha chief of police.
"Give ma on mora chance,"-1 aald.
"I hart Anally mad up my mind -to
taka yon to my bonus to face my bus-
J band and hara an cud to tbla matter.
. But what a mtafortmie I bar bad In
getting Into tha wrong rooiuT
I waa at tha tlma quit m distance
1 from our rooms, but aim 1 kept a
Ine for aom tlma edm-aiins? the neas
antry la Russia and bad the good luck j f1111' th,' uo ,urn," wnww. aa
to aacap tba police. Our work was
don by manna of tuattor written,
printed and distributed all In secret.
80 long as we had no traitors among
na we felt comparatively afe. And
' nine we were all doing the work a
I matter of duty the only danger from
traitor as that aonte spy should route
among ua for the express punose of
betraying ua. The other dangers were
that the polio should get word of our
depota of aappliea or Intercept the mat
ter while leaving oor bands.
On day I weut to the main depot t.i
get aome matter ready for shipment.
Tba room was at the top of a business
.building, and I ctlntbed the stairs with
wx- ZafA
von aura anonta mn boss.
tba nasal dread lest I might find tha
room in the possession of the police,
for I knew that when they raided any
place boatll to the government they
' war accustomed to keep out of sight
that they might entrap any one Tun
ing it. not knowing that It had been
raided. When I reached the top of the
but ataJrcaa I paused and listened for
ohm sound In oar rooms, tine I ex
pected that on of oar society was
there. The only sound I heard waa
tba ticking of a clock. I put my hand
oa tba knob, opened the door and waa
boat to walk In when I stopped wtth
. a a tart. In the room were aereral offi
cers of police.
Immediately one of them waa aent
by kia chief to go tomy bom with
me. No time waa wasted, because It
was hoped to catch others implicated
ta the work we were doing, and at any
moment such persons might bear of
tba raid and be prepared. I knew that
tf I led them to my home my husband
would be canght with a Urge amount
of educational printed matter In onr
chambers. It waa my object, there
fore, to delay going there aa long aa
"What la the meaning of thisT" I
asked one who seemed to be the chief
at the party.
"Ton know well enough what it
"I know that I came here to meet a
friend. I may have got Into th wrong
"Ton go with this nun and show
aim where yon lire."
I waa not sorry to be refused, for
I could not have bettered myself had
be assent ed. I went down stairs with
th man who bad been assigned to the
work of forcing me to implicate oth
ers, bat I had nothing to gain by
doing so. since I i doomed, of course,
to Siberia in any event, and was not
likely to betray my own husband.
' 1 walked with the man who guard
ed me all over the city. At last he
topped and told me that if I did hot
take hint to my home he would take
me to police headquarters
The man did not appear very coafl
dent when be made this threat, and I
determined to try to deceive him. I
forced tears into my eyes, which was
aot very dlAcnit considering the situa
tion in which 1 was placed. I was
ware at fhe time that tbe tet war
for a woman to get the better of a man
Is through tear
"I am sorry for you." be said, "but
I must do my duty ""
"Ton donl understand whv 1 weep,"
I r piled. -Von think It is because 1
fear to betray some one at home. What
I fear is my husband, fie suspecta me,
aot ef disobeying tbe law. but of bar
ing a secret from him When be see
me con-.lng in under arrest lie will con
slier that his suspicions have been con
firmed" 1 can t hep that." sold the officer.
I bsve beetj ordered to go with you
to your homeland 1 tnust olx-y the
At thst moment we pased a friend
of my bcUinJ Swing me In charge
ef a tik-e nfftVer. be look.-d at me
wnnrmgir. 1 did not spenk to him.
bat cave bias a look which told him
ta warn my bulnd. By tbe wiiy he
tapped oat la tbe direction of my
boani I twlfared that be had understood
"aaa. If this war an. all I had to do
waa to kawp any attendant walking till
. any hasband bad bee informed and
had bad ttea ta remove-an rompro-
asaaataatof assMtfVaT
Well." I aald ta tba officer, if yoa
a heart I eappeaa I must take
bad done liefore, my attendant did net
consider that I waa deceiving him. At
any rate, he said nothing, walking be
side ute stolidly. I was In terror lent
my husband had not been warned. If
he had been I did not eievt to find
him at home, but did excet that our
rooms would be strlpcd of dix-urnem.
Our home waa on th second floor
of an apartment house. I led my
guard upstaira ami opened the door of
aur llvtnc rooms with a wlldlv heatlnc
j heart. 1 waa shocked to ae my hus
I band sitting in an easy chair reading,
i He gave me and my attendant a look
of wonder as we entered, but I knew
that it waa assumed- It told ute also,'
or. rather. I Inferred, that he had been
warned and had remained at horn in
th hope that h might save me.
I threw myself at his feet and beg
ged him not to condemn me unheard:
that the fact that I came In charge'of
a poll" oltloer would be explained
that I had made a blunder which had
resulted in very serious consequences.
In short. I recounted what I had wild
to the police officers.
My husband took - tbe cue readily
though I gave him plenty of time ti
understand by not leaving him an op
portunity for reply, so voluminous wee
my excuses for coming home In choree
of an officer. But when I pansed for
breath my husband raised me. took
! me In bis arms and said to me:
"I believe every word you say. I
j confess I bar been -Jealous of this
man. who has been trying to -Induce
you to look favorably upon him. bnt I
hare perfect confidence that you would
not tell m a He." . Then on pretense of
kissing me on the check he whimpered:
, "Lear It to me."
"And. now, sir." he said, turning to
the officer, "what can I do to ci-n-vine
yoa that my wife Is a loyal sub
ject of the emperorT
"I must search these rooms."sald
the man doggedly. '
"Do so. Go where yoa like. They
are all on this floor.''
But the man, though not very bright
looking, waa not so srupld aa to let na
remain In tbe living room while be
went else where-.-
Tou come with me." he said. Includ
ing both of ua.
"Certainly." aald my husband. "We
will assist yoa In your search. We
will open up every closet, guide you to
every nook, and - when you are con
Tinced of our loyalty I trust that you
will report It so that It may reach his
majesty's ears."
There were but few rooms, and we
or, rather, my hasband led h'm
through them all. In a cabinet was
foond a number of pamphlets that my
hasband bad published some years be
fore embodying suggestions to tbe gov
ernment as to how to deal with revo
lutionists and profuse with expressions
of loyalty. Tbe pamphlet had beea
written when my husband first be
came Interestetd In bettering the con
dition of our people and had greatly
pleased the government. But the sug
gestions had not been followed, and
tbe author bad taken tbe work of edu
cation Into bis own bands. I did not
doabt that he had placed these pam
phlets where they would be found,
though be bad done so. expecting that
an officer of higher rank would ex
amine tbam.
Th officer glanced at them, then
put them under bis arm to turn over
to his superior n poked his nose ev
erywhere till finally my hasband
threw open the dvr of a closet. The
man enter-!, and quick as a flash my
Dusoanu ci-.Mq tne 3or The man
knew at on.-e that he had been tricked,
pat his foot in tbe owning and en
deavored to force his way of. My
hasband and I both resisted, tat we
were eearcery equal to the task. One
thought of Liberia was enough to give
aa aufflcieot strength to bold oar own.
and. while my husband remained brac
ed arainst the .door: I. w ho am by no
means a lirht woman, brousrht the
heel of hit b-itvy walking brt down
on the oflver'a tT-. Tbe pain mast
have been later;, but be held hie foot
in place 1 oked aboot for something
heavier than my boot and in a Ore- I
place noticed the andirons. A lew j
onds absence was enough to brluac o&e
of them, with whl h I dealt sorb blows
that they must have broken every
bone in tbe man's foot. He withdrew
It, and I turned the key in tbe lock.
I. tielng dressed for the street, need
ed to put on no other clothing, and. my
husband selring his hat. we were
about to go downstairs when we heard
tbe door below open and. looking down
the atalrcHse. saw three officers of po
lice enter. Doubtless I and my guard
Had tteen shadowed. Tbe bouse waa
built In block, wall at tbe aides,
orten front and rear. We rushed to a
beftroom at the rear, locked the door,
made a rope of the bedclothing and
let ourselves down to tbe ground.
Running through the back yard to an
alley. I turned and looked back. Tba
police were at tbe window through
which we had escaped. In another
anlnnt we were walking with appar
ent unco ace rn on a crowded street
(f,J Milady's
lass, - , ' U
Care ef th Hands,
afany young wlrea whose husbands
are earning only rery mouerat in
come and who are consequently
obliged to do almost all the work of
tha house themselves often, either
through careleaaueaa or lack of time.
ao neglect their Jtanda that after a few
months of household toll they discover
that Instead of being soft and whit
and well kept, a they used to b befor
marriage, they are now coarse and
rough and th cuticle ar ragged and
Now, there la absolutely no need for
this distressing state of things, how
ever rough and dirty the work may le.
tf every day a few minute ar spent
In atteudlng to tbe bands, and there Is
scarcely a woman even among th
very busy ones who cattuot manage to
find ten or flfteeu minutes during each
day to give to this Important matter
It ta really an Important matter, as the
legitimacy of a woman'a claim to the
title of lady la often decided by the
appearance of her bauds.
And uow let ua se hew thes few
nitnutes auatihed front the buy day
ar to be spent In the first place.
always wear glorea for any dirty work
such as th cleaning of grates, dust tug,
aweeplng or polishing. IH not tbluk
that It ta too much trouble or a waste
of valuable time to do this. You Wilt
be well repaid, and In the end you will
save time, aa the skin will not become
lined-and aeanied with almost Ineradl
cable dirt, which must always be the
rase If dirty articles are touched with
the ungloved band. Gloves made es
pecially for thia purpose may b
bought for a small aunt, and two or
three pairs should be kept In us so
that each may b washed In turn.
When tbe dally work la completed
rub a tlttl oltve oil well Into tbe
banda and wash In hot water, then rub
with slice of lemon, digging the nails
ell Into It and waab again in hot
At bedtime waab- th ha mis thor
oughly In hot water with a good soap:
see that the nalla are perfectly clean,
smooth and even; push down the cuti
cle gently with a soft towel ami. last
ly, apply a little fold cream, robbing It
wall Into the akin, but mak quit sure
that th cream is pure. Perfectly pare
cold cream Is rather an expenalre Item.
bat the following la an excellent recipe
that can- be easily and Inexpensively 4
manufactured at borne: . Ooeounce of
white wax. one ounce of spermaceti.
Are ounce Of almond oU and three
ounces of rosewater. Melt the whit
wax, spermaceti and almond" oil to
gether orer a gentle heat, then add the
rosewater and atlr vigorously until
If thia treatment la carefully fot
lowed the hands will become beautiful
and need never abow algna of th
rough and often disagreeable work
which their fair owners are compelled
to perform.
Th calldrea of Canby are ta hara
th pleasur aooa of again riaiag oa
a Merry-go-Kound. Mr. C. N. Walt s
lot baa been rented and the work of
putting up tha awing la now In pnr.
0. IX Dlllard, from Oanby. who mad
a business trip to I'rlmevllle, Madraa
and Matolee, haa returneu.
i'auby la to have a Bra, tea and
fifteen cent atore, Gooda ar on tba
way. Th building la blng rushed
to eomplethm. The exterior baa al
ready received a cost of paint Mr.
Pfelster. who recently sold the busi
ness he bad been carrying on for th
Watklna Medical Company, la the
mrson to bo thanked for thia nw
commercial enterprise.
So Says Baseball Man !n Talk
ing About Diamond Marvels.
Copyright ay Anr s Press Asso-
vlsltoii. IMi.
aya It la Netiaeabl Fact That Em.
trasrdinary Sail j ,Tsrs Pep Ua
Only In Thia tpss ef TimJhn
ssn and Csbb la Prsssnt Decade.
' l-
"Pld you rer. muli' that baseball
marvels appear only one every five
year?" aald a prominent National
league baseball msu revetitly to the
writer. "U may seem facetious, but
nevertheless la true. Just go bai'k
over th list and you will see that
there have been but two .extraordinary
player developed during this pac of
time, and on of them la a pitcher. .
My point la alljMken and to my
way of thinking I easily proved. Thes
last five years both men hare gon to
and been developed in the American
leacue. On of tbeiu is Walter Johu-
son or wasuingtott, tnai marvelous f
Th army waa la ail exinau-d poal
tlon. The item had vef advau
m Tha vaneral ctimiuandliig bud
giva order ta malntalu lb strliiesi
dlsclnlln Any man caugut piumter
Ina must be abol without mercy r lu
tbe midst of thia teusloii a prlrate of
the Heveuteenth regliitent waa march
d under guard ta tbe eoloitel'a bead
oitarters. 11 wa a black ye(i young
fellow, acarcaly abov tb , limit 01
height at which recruit ar acceptwl
and not sign of a beard ou bla roay
-What ta IL aergeantr aaked tbe
colonel of tha noncommlaaloned oltl
mr who Bud in TOUUU recruit 111
"Th captain-6ruVrdi" replied
th sergeant, saluting, "to bring him
her to you, air. and aay that be a beau
pillaging.- .
"Whafa your nameT asked th rolo
nel of the prlouer
riVrklna. air."
Alcohol as a Clsanssr.
When you go to the waabstand and
carefully wash your banda with a gen
rou application of aoap and ' bard
brush do not think for an Instant that
your. hands ar clean. Th tenacloua
microbe refuses to be disturbed and
clings to tbe flash throughout th
whol operation, aay tbe Lancet
There are aome chemical compound
hkh will dislodge tbe busy bacilli to
a certain extent, but not entirely.
According to the Investigations of a
medical authority of tbe Prussian ar
my the beat result In th direction
of giving tbe banda sanitary cleaning
ar accomplished by tb as of alcohol.
bath of par alcohol will remove
about 99 per cent of tbe germs. Where
it Is desired to clean the hands bygt
enlrafly It is recommended that tbe
hands b not first washed with water.
for thia will ao adulterate the alcohol
that It can not accomplish lta work aa
effectively aa otnerwlaa.
GrMffling th Haie.
Dandruff causes the hair to faQ.
rains tbe gioes and causes a dull, life
less apfiearanc. Clean brushes, daily
attention to tbe removal of dust and
din. the discarding of thick, beary
"rats" and tbe airing and sunning of
tbe hair are a.1 preventive that any
woman can as. If tb batr Is care
fully groomed every day died ruff will
not form to an alarming extent.
Ate You a -Subscribe, to the
New Daily?
' ft Th asacwlw Earteeasriae la ta ha aa accaaafal aa tha lataraata of Oregon
C3tr fiasn-ii It assist need have tha aapport of afL Tha nw dally haa
a big asark before It ta kooatiatg Oregoa City aad Clackamas County- Tour
awpaatt a aaa aware ageagth tor the wort.
UHl Yep Help Boost yoof own Interests?
wtn ha eold to paid la adraaoa
t-wr a trssttatd tlasa tha
r '.bara aa fanawa:
1 ) av 0 ;
Ts Te the Hair.
Take one oune of tbe best black tea
to ten outf-e of boiling water, let It
eteej) until rery strong, strata ' and
when cold add bay rum. two ounces;
glycerin, two oancea; alcohol two
aumea; perfume, to taste, ghak wen
and It la ready for na.
Spirits of camphor. If applied la time
to tbe spot, will prevent tbe develop
ment of cold sores. A drop or mora
should tie put on every boor at least
through tbe day, ..and after twenty
four hours tbe trouble, as a role, baa
Diluting Glyriis.
Few aklna can atand glycerin, and It
should never be need without dilating.
Otherwise tb skin will become dry
nd parched. .
Dr. Dedmaa haa beea confined to
the house for aereral day by aa at
tack of rhenmatlam.
3. R. kfacy, of Canby, haa purchaeed
a Reed-French piano from Ed. 'Kroger.
' Mr. A. W. Butterfleld. president of
th United Statea Flower Map Com
pany, left Canby Tuesday for a all
week atay In tha East. He haa plan
ned to Tlalt New Tork. Washington
and Philadelphia.
Ilea Eaater Hotxman made a boat
nsa trip to Portland Wednesday.
Slot Lingsey and Mrs. T. Cewea
rlalted tha Lrndsejra hare Taaaday.
hflaa Ethel rergaaoa vial teat reta
Uvea hara raoenUy.
pitcher and perhai th greatest of
tbla year and former years. The oth
er player la Ty Cobb of iwrolt.
The half decade from liau to lisja
brought out IMtiber Kd Walsh of th
Whit Poz and Second Hasrman John-.
ny-Erera of tbe Cub. " I would like
to include Ittchera Matbewsoa-ut-lba.
Glanta, but really lellere that Kd
Walsh topa him. You see, he hasn't
the club behind bint that the other
two fellow have. It takra alit of
pitching to win a game for tbe Sox.
especially mat year and tbe on before.
"To return - to Johnsoa b - nrer
wa heard of until Jo Cautllloa signed
blm-ap. Straight from the deserts of
Mabo he lugged Walter, and Johnson
has been a atar ever since. II baa
not got what you call a
team behind him. but bla winning
average Is close to .SuO, and b haa
worked In a big tot of games too.
"Cobb, Speaker, Iajol and th other
magnificent hatter of tb Amerb-an
league find him bard proposition to
face. Pat Imugherty and Billy Salll
ran of the Chicago Americans, who
re pretty fine sluggers, cannot do any
thing but . whiff when they get up
against Johnson.
"tota of the time he doesn't need
many curves. Ills straight, fast ball
la enough to haftt most of th tatter.
In a aerie wtth the Whit Sox In
Washington last summer I d"n't think
he threw fifteen curv tll th whole
game. Hut when h haa to he can put
on every kind of dress that a 111 can
atand. ,
"There is no need telling of the mer
it of Ty Cobb. II baa figured In
countless column baseball stories. It's
a cold day when aome kind of layout
can't be woven around Tyrus."
During the discussion several took
exception to the baseball man's re
marks. They claimed that he waa
unfair; that If be counted In only two
players every five year that would
make about fourteen players of that
caliber since the National leaeue open
That'e not tbe point." continued the
baseball man. "I wanted to flgur In
the real, top notch, amazing stars.
They don't come any faster than that.
Before Walsh and Ever In that gen
eration from 105 to 19U0 1 would In
clude Lajole of Cleveland and Wagner
of Pittsburg. Others whom I would
place In the list are ComNkey. Clark
eon. Kelly, Jennings, Anaon and Itad
"I don't mean this aa any kno k
against tbe other players. It'a tb
earn aa classifying -th great actor
or the great presidents. I don't think
Sir Henry Irving would have justice
done him If yoa compared another
tragic actor of good ability with him.
Blr Henry waa a star of the first mag
nitude. Just as Walter Johnson and
Cobb are In their profession." -
The baseball man haa failed to men
tion Johnny Mcraw. and Willie Hee
ler. Tbe former waa one of th great
est third basemen tbat ever lived,
while Heeler wa great outfielder, a
wonderful batb-r and one of the speedi
est base runners baseball erer pro
duced. ' Aa for Christy Mathewaon, hta
equal aa a pitcher will probably never
be found. For twelre seasons he ha
been doing mound duty, and today he
la still without a an perl or. Johnson is
marvel, and la Walsh, bat Matty
outclasses them. Johnson may or may
not aurpasa Mathewson In years to
come, but be wilt hare to go some to
do It It Is mainly through .Matty's
great work la the box that tbe Ola tits
hara beea ao well up la the race for
Then how altout Eddie Collins, the
Athletics second baseman? He la a
wonderful batter, base runner and one
of the brainiest young men tbat erer
appeared oa the diamond. And there
la atlll another-Russell Ford or tha
New Terk Americana. Today he ta
th peer of all apltball twlrlara, and In
another season ba'wlll atand lb beary
hitter of his lesgu on their head.
When going orer tb list of great
bat players one cannot leave out Fred
Clarke. Show na one left flo!der that
ha anything on the Pirates' manairer
In any way. How almut Hal Chn?
A mora spectacular first baseman ner
r appeared In baseball There la no
way of figuring out how often wonder
ful ball players may pop wo. ' Tbr
Biay be on thia aaaaoa. ' Who knowaT
"Did yog break Into a bour
"No, air After th firing yairday
nd our adranc w came upon a
dwelling that bad been deserted dur
lag th acrtuimag. I. weut In and
aw a bracelet I look If
"Took a bracelet! What did yoa.
soldier, want with a braceleir
There was no rwspona to thia ln
vat I'erkln looked vrywhr ex
cept at bla commanding officer.
"Well, Perkins, do you tbluk tf 1 let
you off tbla time you ran leave pltlag
Ing aknr"
"I'll try. tr
"Wll. you can go back to duty; but
mind, tf you r caught another time
I'll bar to aboot you. Tbat'a th or
ders, and I must obey order aa well
as you. Nothing demoralises an army
ao mocb aa pillaging. We need all our
discipline ToTauiT agslnst tba enemy
Now go, and doh't let ma bear of your
disobeying tbe order again."
Tbe next day there waa mora fight
ing, mora shifting of aoaiiioo. otor
bouse deserted. Tbe acrlmmag bad
barely ceased when th colonel, stand
tng under a tree talking with an. of
ficer, aaw a man marched toward him
between two of bla comrade. Tbe
colooei'a brow darkened, for when the
three came near enough for htm to ae
their faces be recognised tbe center
man a Ptirat Perklus. Wbat trou
bled th officer waa that If Perkins
bad again been caught pillaging h
didn't see how be waa to avoid aboot-
Ing tbe Iwy :
. "I'm ordered by tbe captain to bring
this man to you, air, and say that be'a
been JllllaglJgJgaln.
Toa'r tbe man." aald tbe colonel
marvelous Jtnthanrlsoner. "I told yesterday tbat
If you wer caught pillaging again I
won Id bar to aboot yoa."
"Yes. air"
-Well, wbat did yoa pillage forr
Wouldn't belp It air; tblnga earn
too bandy ."
"What do yoa mnf
"After the fight aeeeral of aa went
Into a deserted bona, and thing were
lying all about"
"Wbat did yoa takr
"A necklaca" '
"A necklace! What la thunder could
yoa do with a necklacer
No anwr.
TTou know wbat I told you." '
"Tea. air."
-And deaplte tbat and yoer prom
Is not to offend again you entered
houses nd took gewgawa. There's
do ns letting yoa off again. Too'd
b cabbaging a pair of jeweled garter
next tlma Sergeant go to your cap
tain and tell blm to aend ma a firing
Tbe sergeant aa luted and waa about
to leave when tba colonel called htm
and whispered to blm:
"Tell 'the captain to bar tba gana
loaded with blank cartridgea. I doat
wish to aboot thia little fool. I'm only
going to erare htm."
"Aye. aye. air."
Wbeo tbe firing jaad arrived the
colonel aald to Prlrate Perktna; ,
"By order of tha general command
Ing I'm going to aboot you for pillag
ing. I lt yoa off one. Thia rim I
deem It my duty to carry out tbe gen
eral' order. Where are tbe articles
yoa bare taken r
Tbe recruit pat bis band In hta pork
et and palled oat. In addition to what
be bad confessed to appropriating, a
turquoise finger ring, a lady'a bice
handkerchief, a pair of allver allpper
buckle, a hatpin and three banglee
and a
"For ba van's eke." exclaimed tbe
colonel, "have I a aoldler to my com
mand ao utterly lost to all sense of
manliness aa to get himself abet for
1 these feminine baublesT"
ITIvat Parkin looked 00 the
ground, nia lip quivered.
"Stand op there." aald tb colon!,
placing tb culprit with bla back
gainst tree. Tb firing aquad were
aligned to face blm. Re waa a pitta
bl object erldently without enough
aense to make a plea or protest for
bla Ufa The word "Ready" and
"Aim" were given, but before tba or
der to fire came Perkins dropped.
"Sergeant." aald tba colonel "aprtn
kla him and set htm np again.'
"Tbe sergeant went ta tha collapsed
boy and loosened bla uniform Jacket
at tbe throat Then be returned to
bla commander and at sod aa though
he had eomethtng at importance to
"Well aergeantr
"H'a a girl, air."
Put Yourself In the;
J Ad-Readers Place...
When you wrlta your elaaalfled
ad or any kind of aa ad try to
Include In It Juat tha Information
you'd Ilka to find If yoa wera aa
ad-rader and war looking fot aa
ad of that klna.
If you do thia to area a email
a tnt-your aA will .bri; I
SULTSt . . . C
Axe You
Fo tike BJev?
The WjteoSm-
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By axttiet, t year $3.00
By mail, J year .2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
To Introduce Tha Maralng
Eatarprlaa Into a large aaajar
Ity of tha bom In Oregoa
City and Clackamas eowatr tba
management haa ess led ta
make a apectal rrtoaloe 4ha
dally Issue, for a abort Uaaa
only, where tha aabacrfbar pay a
a year la adranc.
By carrier, paid a year ta
adraaca, I1M.
By bmO. paad a
aaoa. ta.M.
People who gave oar caaraa
aar a trial Mbeertptloa for oaa
or mora month, at tan cent a
weak, can hara tha dally daitr
ared for a year for ISO by
paying a year la adraaca.
Ppople who gare our caarae
aer a trial eubewtptlaa), by
mall, for four moatha at a dol
lar, may have tha paper for a
year for 11.00, It aald yaa la
dvanea- V ' L . .
Bnbacrlbara to tha Weakly
Enterprise may ohaataj4tr
nbacrlptlona to tha daily, re
viving credit for half time oa
tha dally that tha weakly la
palj la advance. Whea they"
ebooaa to add cash to tha ad-,
ranee payment equal ta a fall
year adraaca payment thy
may taka advantage of tha ft
Wa make thia ayaalal artea
ao that aeeola who hara paid
la advanoe oa aama aaaar
aad wtch ta taka tha
Batarrrtaa, may da aa wrteo
too (eat axpaaaa.
. V . . ,
Klectrlc Hotel: E. E. H1J jj
wife. Portland: H. W. im."T;
j. w. smith aaa
Ralney.clty; C. Payne, rliyf J."
and hfra. Fred J. Itarcklay,
Wash. '
Mrs. Parker tnt.rtaln Yon l
Mra. C. J. Parker, nf rw
Strwt, entertained number of 1
folk Sunday. Among thosa fJ
present wer Harry frlmer, Ujm
Root. Mlaa Martha Parker, of r
land; Marcel Constant and wu-
Dickinson, of Boring
Notice ara posted up
for a
belng to buy a city para
Tbe tract of Und Which tha elty w
n n,.Mk.. I th trOV OWPV
lal la. f two mills.
city pn
I Which U
iu purcnase is ion ... l
Mra. Ogle. , Tha elect loa ,u w
oa Mar 17.
ast .MMfuii aaI Chapl
v rasssf mtwwffmrmtw " w
Mlaa Dorothy Campbell of W
Ontario, today - won tha BrlU'1 . ,1
men' golf champtonahlB,j4V-"
Mlaa Violet Haxlett, three P
to play. '
1 !
J T-J f-
tl tha I
Special Suit
fci nsst
Saturday . -
Z1 1:;! fir, i-