MOKNINO KNTEltPKlalS, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1911. f THAT LOTTERY TICKET By M QUAD Copyright. Idl. bf AaaocUted Lit nry Praas . On day a trtanf wbo wm plaluly a bis last leg etaggered Into tb vll kmc of Scottsvlll and dropped down In th street la front of Iba tsvern. Ba wn carried Into tha hostelry and doctor aant for, and In two days be wss dealt Tha vsrdict at tha Inquest waa tbat ba bad dJad from sickness nd exposure. Whan tb coroner overhauled tha dead wajfarer'a pocketa be found lot r eimpi things and a ticket In a Prussian lottery. Tbla ticket waa In tn envelop and bad been kept clean. It waa for a quarterly drawing tbat would not take place for nine weeke yet. and according to It face It might draw a prlie of X-S-OOO. No on In BcottsvUle bad ever seen such ticket before, and very little waa aid or tbonght a boat It for three or foar da ye. or until a certain New York drummer ram to town on one of bl trips, n waa appealed to for Infor mation, and bia reply waa: .rWelU I gneaa yea. Tt boogh I them myself, tbongb I't never bad any lock. Why. Pv known four dif ferent men who bar drawn fortune In tbat lottery. It'a backed by the Prussian government and la aa good aa forty national banks." The drummer created an Instant ei citement about tbat ticket. It atarted right In aa a main topic of converse tlon and held the place. Then a light nlng rod man cam along and offered $100 cash for It. II knew three aien who got their start In life by draw log larre soma In tbat very tottery. Three days later a bog drover ram along and made an offer of t"JVk for. the ticket According to his story, on of toe members of the beef trnst got hla first 11.000 from tbat very lot tery. Then a tin peddler offered his whole oorflt for the ticket, and the town of Scottsville began to boxx. Of a sodden tbe landlord of the tar em demanded possession of the ticket, to have and to bold until the debt to him had been paid. A tramp had died la his bouse. Fie bad put In a bill to the fownsfor JS. but on thinking It over had concluded that $100 waa llf tl enough. Tbe coroner waa an hon est man. but be might get drowned In the mill pond and the ticket soaked to a pulp. The carpenter who bad mad the Ave dollar coffin Jumped bis claim to 130 and demanded that he be protected by baring the ticket turned over to htm. The sexton followed inlt. The' doctor In tbe case who bad sdmlnls tared only on doa f medicine bad not made out bla bill yet. but when he did If would b for at least $TO It was a case tbat bad bothered bim. and be couldn't afford to. be bothered for laaa than half a hundred. Then cam a day when ScottavlII waa almost a wept off Ita feet and left gasping for breath. - Along came a Mr Jones, a cattle and bog buyer. H u no old sport, but be knew a good thing when be saw It H alwaya In Tested In tbat lottery He bad bought tnat ticket In the city. He bad lost It on tbe road, and a tramp bad found It He must be banded bis property or there would be such a row as tbat part of the etate bad never beard of air. jonea was a good bluffer, but wnen it came to taking an oath he faltered and was run out of town men there came a deacon of tbe church from a village a few miles away. He came In humility and shame, but still be came HU rltliigr wanted a new church building, but tbe members of tbst particular faith were poor In purse. It bsd worried tbem. but It worried the deacon worst of all He bad figured every way be could, but could see no light until be saw in advertisement of tbat lottery. He turned to It as s saving clause. lie .sent money and g-t tbe ticket. It was against hla conscience, and be told noDoay or it. Whatever money tbe ticket drew wns to be freely given to th erection of tbe new rburrh This was no doubt the true story of tbe ticket, which bad been atolen from tbe deacon'a bouse by tbe tramp, but bad It been ten tlmea true it would not have been banded over to him. The day before th drawing, wben It did not seem tbat th excitement coo Id go higher without exploding some th drummer snd the lightning rod man returned Tbey bid sgalnst each other for to ticket. Perhaps they understood each other, but tbelr facea war very grave aa the bidding topped at $700. Then a bug bonfire had to be built to relieve tbe atraln Few alept tbat night, and next day a pabllc purs wss made up to send a messenger to th city for newa of th drawing. He didn't take th ticket with him oh. no! That would be tak en later on by a crowd of honest and determined men. eacb one armed to be teeth At the end of the third day tbe'mes engr returned. He was cheered. He waa assisted from the stage with ten der hands He was assisted to mount a barrel, and tbeo the crowd fell away and waited for bla words He calmly looked about him and then calmly eald: Teller -oMns. Tbat re ticket" - Thirty seconds of swful suspense. "That 'ere ticket didn't draw s dnrn ed tblngr On wild, long drawn yell of disap pointment and anger and terror, oa long hoar of kicks snd cuffs and re prisals, on awful night In which In fanta eboddered. and then Beottaville Waa herself again. - For the Children I PHna William, Hair Apparent th Carman Three. I X HER NARROW ..ESCAPE By MOLUE K. U ETHERELL Copyright by Americas Pitas elation. 1ML - r ... . Pbota by American Pisa Association. Th InnocenT looking little boy ber wltb pk-iured la tbe eldest son of lb crown rlm-e of Uerniany. If he out- Urea his fstber be will probably ait on th German throne. He doesnt look much Ilk a kaiser now. but be may grow up to be a great war lord. Hla nam Is Wllbelm. and be waa named after bla Imperial grandfather. Kaiser Wllbelm. Hla great-great grandfather. Wllbelm 1- wan th tint emperor of the German federation, bnd another ancestor wss Frederick the Great, a noted soldier, of wboae deeds moon has been written. Th Oldest Trees. There Is a yew tree In a churchyard at Fortlngal. in Perthshire, which Do Candolle nearly a hundnd yeota aso proved to be over 2.500 years old. and on at Hedaor. Buclaa, which Is UK) years of age. How P Candolle arrived at tbla es timate of th ag of thee living trees la a almple thing. Thla yaw. aa well as most other trees, adda about one-tent b of an Inch In circumference a year Humboldt makes reference to sn enormous bao bab trot In central Africa as the oldest organic monument In tbe world. It trunk la twenty-nine feet lu-dla meter. and Adamson proved that It bad not lived less than 5.130 years. This wss a mistake, however, for Mexican scientists bar proved that th hlontexuma cypress at Cbapulte pec; with a trunk 113 feet, la older by thousand years. Th gigantic Cali fornia red wood -are Impressive by rea son of tbelr number, great age and alio. Tbe sequoias of th Mariposa, esto vers and South park woods are mors than 1.900 In number. . The "grisxly giant" In the Mnripo sa group la 4.880 years old. while tho fallen "father of th forest" Is rery much older. Looks Impossible. Th possibility of putting a bulk as large as twenty quarters, weighing four ounces. Into a wlneg!ass already full to the brim with water seems re mote, yet It csn be done. First pro cure a wineglsss and wipe It perfectly dry Inside and out. especlnlly around th rim. Pour the water gently Into It from a spouted pitcher, using spring water If obtainable, until th glana la full to tbe brim. Then drop on quar ter at a time, edgewaya. gently Into tbe glass. As soon ss tbe edg of tb quarter touches tbe water let It drop, being careful not to wet the edge of the glass Much to your surprise, th water now stands above th level of th glaaa. but does not splIL Riddlemeree. Whate the difference between forma and ceremonies? Ton sit on on and stand on the other. What word contains tbe flv rowela In order? Facettoua. Why la I tbe luckiest of the rowels? Because It Is tbe center of bliss, whlla E is In earth and all the others ar In purgatory. Why are birds so melancholy? Be cause tbelr little bills are all over due. Why are buttons Ilk great men'a birthday anniversaries? Because tbey are alwaya coming off. Why la a flsb merchant never gen erous? Because his business makes him ael-flah. Peplta wss a Usxlcso girl living with an aunt In southern California Peplta was sn orphan aud had luher Ited a pati-b of ground, on which the two lived. Near by waa another ilex lean family consisting of father, moth r and on son, ttnriqu. Just coming of ag. Enriqu and Peplta. being neighbors and tber being no other young mn and women near, by to di vert tbem from each othr, naturally loved. On day a man waa aeen digging la a patch of ground adjoining Penlta'e property. He waa an American and. though roughly dressed, gars evidence of being a gentleman. . Seeing Peplta atandlng looking; at him curiously, be wnt over to wber ah waa and ask ed for a drink of water, peplta got It for him from a aprlng back of tbe bouse, and tbe stranger chatted with her. 8b asked him wbst be wss dig ging th hoi for. and he said be was prospecting. Tber bad been no bunt ing for lb precious metal there, he for, and Peplta did not understand what b meant. Th atranger cam over occasional! after tbat for a drink of water or to borrow something. He aald hla name waa Thomas Burkbalter: tbat h was th son of a gentleman In the eaat II hadnt got on well with his father and had com out west to shift for himself. Peplta thought him very Una. After looking at bla whit face Enrique' brown visage waa nut at all attractive. Enrique noticed a chance la her, bat waa at a loss to account for It. . Ono day a man cam to Uurkbaitera holo. H waa a well dressed man and worn a dla.oiood stickpin Inula neck wear. Peplta aaw him sn itm-s. halter standing together talking and looking over at her house. The strsa ger went away, and that evening Bnrkhalter came over to see Peplta 6b aaked btm about th man who bad visited him. but Burkbalter wss un commonlcativ oa tbe subject. One thing Peplta uoticed-tbst be wss very "' ana aererentlal to her. Bnrkhalter during tb next four or flv daya did aa much courting as Is usually done In months, sometimes In years. He quits carried Pepits off her feet 8he discovered ' that Enrique knew nothing ui all about making love lunriqu waa much distressed. What could ho do? But Enrlqu bad more ens than IVpita nod knew a little mora , about the ''world, though not mocb more At any rate, b bad aense enough to suspect that Burkbalter bad aom motive in devoting blmseir to Peplta. H went to an old rancher who bad alwaya been kind to him and told him bla trouble. On day Euriqu went to Urigsby, tbe rancher, and told bim tbat Burkbalter bad askrd Peplta to marry bim Tbat'e all talk."- said Ungaby. "No. no." cried Enrique; "tbey ere to be married tomorrow. Peplta does not wish It so soon, but tb msn In slsts. Mb would Ilk to rats a little money no tbat ab may get aom nw clothe to make her appear worthy of so line a husband." urigsby thought H waa something over la bis mind b said: "If Peplta la going to be married she will not need her farm. What anv needs Is a lift I cash. I will boy her property. Go and ask her for what ah will sell it But ssy to ber tbst I will not bny It unless she keeps my offer a secret. Too msy tell ber I will give her $000." Enriqu sorrowfully bore tbe mes sag and returned with Peplu. wbo was delighted to jet so- much money for what was really not supposed to b worth more tbsn half th amount offered. Grigsby drew np th papers conveying tbe property to Enriqu and placed a mortgage on It payable to himself "Now." be said to Peplta. "yon may tell whom you Ilk tbat yon bar sold yonr fsrm." In tb evening Burkbalter cam to his fiance snd asked ber If ahe would be ready for tbe wedding tbe nxt day. Peplta aald sb would and gleefully told 'him ab bad sold bsr property for tb enormous ' sum of $600. Then she showed bim tb money sbe bad got for It H stood looking at her with a blank expression. for som time, then told her to- put her nam on th back of tbe cbock and be would rid to a town . Miss Campball Golf Champion. PORTSMOUTH, Ireland. May 11. Miss Dorothy Campbell of Hamilton, Ontario, today won th British wo men's golf championship, dofsatlug Mlsa Violet Mailcit. thre up aud two to play, ' Brandsls T Aid Prob. WASHINGTON. May U Lula"D. Braudol. of Bostou, Is her to con Icr with th House comuilltt on th Postofflc Department which la to con duct an Investigation Into tbat brauch of th Government service. JOHNSON WOULD BE KIBLE WITH WINNER f Washington's Star Pitcher Pravas Handiaap Whiah Losing Tam Puts an Oraat Pitsher. Probably no baseball player In lb country la being more discussed !)' the fans than Walter Johnson, the Wsb Ingtou'a American stnr twlrjrr Jusi before th season opened Walter quit and refused to slgu s contract because he did not receive bis deiimud for an Increase In salary. Jobliii wantid $7,501) and a thre year coin met. Aft r a llttl dlckerlug the club com pro mlsed. and h atliicbrd bla John Han cock to a paper calling for $2l.uj tot tb next thre years. 1 Som Waahlngton critic clslm Ihsl Johnson's demands were too gresi ami hla record did not warrant the In crease and tbat b was not with a first A LONG TIME COMING Py LOUISE 8. CVMMINCS Copyright by Amerhsn Trass Aase-: elation. Mil. V ' f I .. it t ' v-r;-- '--.; -4 ftr'- z i turning At last Thread. Before th advent of spools thread tn njlle" distant and draw tb money waa supplied n akeins.- Th skein waa cut through at on end. and It waa wrapped In a bit of paper or cloth with tb loop projecting. A pta or a few stltcbes secured tb wrapper and thus kept tbe thread clean. Buttercup. Llttl yellow buttercup Noddlnc In tha stsss, Down tha road Is owning A marry llttl Isas. Curls are sll s-tosslng In the morning sir. If shs stoops to pick you Wouldn't that ba fair? Ah, I sueaa It wouldn't, For a yellow butterfly - Hips tha dew of morning 1 From your cup so h!-h! Bo hide among tha Hide from tha little lass. Once shs spies your beauty She will never, never pass. But ssyly stoop to plupk you. And tha thirsty butterfly Will never more sip nectar From your sup so high. Ate You a Subscriber to tbe v New Daily? If Th Morning EnUrprla la to b a successful as tha Interests of Oregon City demand It mnat neoda bar th support of all Tha new dailv has a big work tofora It In boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour support moans rnor stxngxa lor uwvori. . Will Yos Help Boost your own Interests? for a limited Urns tha Mora tag Kntorrla wllJ b sold to paid la advance aabaerlbara aa follows: iBy Carrlar, 1 yaar ftM By Mail. 1 w.....i, 00 end In jrsur nam and fwmlttavi. 8b v must be ready for th ceremony vy th time of bis return. be-dld as be bad ber. and. leaving ber. forget ting rhe kiss, b departed. Peplta waited all that day and tbe next for her lover, but he cam not isor baa ha com to tbla day. Peplta'a aunt at last told her tbat ba must have goo away with tha money for Iba farm. What should tbey do? Tbelr horn wsa sold, and tbey bad nowhere to lay tbelr beads. Meanwhile Grigsby bad gone to tha bole Burkhalter bad left with experts and bad found tbat Borkbaltef bad struck a vein of ore too narrow to pay. but beginning to open np in tba farm Peplta bnd sold, Tbeo came Enriqu and showed her bis deed to ber property and told her tbat It was likely worth a fortnn. And so It was. Grigsby furnished th means to develop It. and It waa aold for a large amount Enrique forgave Peplta and tbey wer married, but tbe wife never forgot ber folly and ner nnsoand a common Leav it to the old hen to pick out tne best nest to lay In. Sb can do It better than you can. " Two aprinkllngs a wk with kero sene oil should keep tha hous free from Insect peats.' But b thorough. Get tha screens over th windows now, so that Intrndera will not dis turb your favorites whlla they are aaleep at night. Ar you troubled with crows about jour chicken yarda? Corer tha pons with wire Batting. ' That will fool tha thieves. Photo by Antertesa, Peaas Asaoelatlea. Wilts johssow. wisaisoToa'a aasT rrrcasM. , dlvlalon team. Mor rap wer band ed out when th big fellow waa best en in hi 1911 debut. In contrast to this ar fane and crit lea In bla bom and other cities who are raring over the Ids bo wonder wise men. basetMillIcally, with whom tb historic jja mes of baseball sre ns familiar as their own. have bummed his praises snd hnve pieced him on a pedestal with tha greatest of tbe great. Vet there are those-those tblugs- wblcn do bim Injustice. Itecords are often a court of resort upon which Judgment of a player la based. Just thluk wbst one's opinion of Walter Johnson would b If one scsnned tbe pitching averages during the time Walter Johnson hss lingered smuug tb American leaguers aud based bis opinion of Johnson on tbos srersges alone! Walter brok Into tb big abow during tb season of 10U7. Mine that tlm b has been successful only once In gathering mor victories In any one season tbsn loss. A perusal of tba records of 1910 will show tbst tbst wss tbe only year In which Johnson glided above tb halfway mark. In tbe four years In which he bss steamed tbe spher over the rubber for Washington b baa gained a higher average than tbat of his club. Even In 1009. tbe year of tb big burricsue for Washington, which resulted In tb demise of Jo Cantlllon as a ni.ijor league manager and In a final a vera ire of .270 for Waahlngton. Johnson won thirteen ganio and lost twenty die. which gave him an average or M'i. To paaa from Johnson's Individual prowess, it Is Interesting to contem plate what effect a winning club will bar upon a pltcber'a fame and bis placa In th hearts of tb fans Imagine for a moment wber Jonn son would rank If placed with a team which finished one, two, three. Im agine bow that pill would look to tbe opposition as It sailed over tb plate wben Johnson had th confidence born of repeated victories. Imngln the tov of a high class club playing behind a pitcher whom vry club held in uw Bom people bar even goo so far aa to aay that Johnson never would los a gam If connected with a poo nant winner. Of course that's absurd Tb mere presence of a man of tbat caliber in tbe box la half tba victory Around the Waahlngton club's bench any day that Johnson Is scheduled to pitch one can hear th. pluyera ssy: "Well, there's nothing to It today. Walter la going to pitch." Those play rs go out on tb Held expecting to win, take cltancaa wblcb they would not Inks with a less reliable man In tha hot. The opposing manager gets a buncb that Johnson la scheduled to work There's no ns spoiling a good pitch er agnlnst this fellow." he will say to himself or one of his lieutenant, na'll wiictlmlly admit from th atari that bis team Is du to I defeated, and b will aend In on of his nnr- iiaoies to tak a chance. Thai's th reward a pitcher gets foi being a star and tb reward a club gcta tor having that pitcher oa Ita payroll. . "Would you Uk to blr a man for tb aesaonf Tb question waa asked of a woman wbo stood at lb door of a farmhouse. Sb waa about fifty years old. snd the quest louer looked to be leu years older. "You don't seem strong enough to work." said lb womuu yniMiiheticsl- ly, "but com In and I II gel you a snack." . Tber waa something In either lb old man's appsaraoc or th tone or hla vole tout remludcd ber of some on ah bad known before, nurei.v tbat walk waa familiar. She fed bltu. and wben ber son. a man of thirty. ram In ab sajd: Jak. tbla man wanta to oetp oa out for tb ha,ryes season. Can't yon hire him?" "W noed help, mother, but I fear the old man la hardly able to work all day In a field In th broiling aun." "I reckon there's som work In me. replied tb stranger. "Anyhow, I got to earn a livto' or gd to th poof farm, and I'd rather kill myself work In than live on lb county." "Wbr do you hall fromf asked th younger msn. "1 don't know." "Don't knowr "Ton sea. I'm on o' tho persons wbo auddenly forget everything. It waa abont thirty yesra ago, I reckon, tbat 1 waa discharged from a hos pital. remember comlo out of It. but I don't remember goln' In," "Tbat was about wartlm. waant It?" aaked th womaa. much Interest ed. " . . "I reckon It wsa, for they told in that wbeo I went la I had on a coat with brass button on It I'd been ther so long snd there bad been so many change' tbat no one could tell any mor tban tbat abont It". Th old man looked so lugubrious that th woman turned the snbject "1 tell yon whet you'd better do, nnry." sb said to ber eon "You'd better let him work for hla keep and do aa much or aa llttl aa be likes." - J net aa yon please, mother." said th son. So the old maa stayed with tbem. working sometime a wool day and sometime balf a day. Tber hung about bim that melancholy to be -pected from on wbo lived In a world from which tbe earlier part bad been blotted our. Tboa wbo had tsken him In wer a widow. Mrs. Harden burg, and bar son. Pbe had bees widowed thirty years, bsvtng lost her husband when the boy wss s bsby. Indeed, nenry bsd never seen bis fstber. nte mother bsd been married to a soldier boy wbo a few weeks Ister had gone to tb war sr1 bad not returned II waa never beard of after tbe battle of Pair Oak la Virginia and waa son- posed to have been buried among the unknown. On day wben th old maa suffered from a pain In hla back tb widow proposed to nib tb affected part with liniment nis shoulder blsde was ex posed, and sb noticed a Isrg mot on It Sh started. She bad seen oo ber husband's shoulder blsde Just such a mot. Th snap of both wer pe culiar, being of oblong shape with a protnborsnc on each aide, tb whole being not nnllk a clover leaf. Mrs Dardenbnrg as Id nothing to tb old msn shout It. but thst night when alone with ber son told bim tbst sb believed th old msn waa her husband and his father Henry considered ber assertion a mer wblm. nis father be bad alwaya beard bad been killed In battl. and tb mere alrollarity of a mark on tbelr vUltora back to oo on hla fatber'a waa hardly sufficient to bring tb latter to llfs. Prom tbst tlm Mrs. Hard en berg treated tb old man with every hind ness and attention. Bat an aald nothing mor abont her discovery to her son and did not mention It to any on except ber son. Ona day whil at work In tb barn th old man was kicked In tbe head by a horse. He waa removed to a bos pttal and examined by a aurgeon. who round tbat th new wound happened to b In tb same location as one tbat appeared to bav been mad by a nailer. Tbe patient remained uncon clone, and tb surgeon decided to re move a small portion of tb sknll thai waa pressing on th brain As soon aa tb operation waa finished and tb sufferer bad recovered from th effects Of tb anaesthetic that bad beeo ad ministered b looked at tb doctor and aaked feebly: "Did w lick mr Tick wbomP "Why. Johnny Beb! Ton moat b a contract aurgeon. aren't you? Anv way, you re not lo uniform." "Wbafa your name and regiment r asked the doctor. "nenry Harden berg, -tb Pennsri vanta 111.11 a m wn. sir. uaroanberg. von have been a long while coming to your own out you ve got there at last. The war ended over thirty yenrs ago iid sirs uaraenberg wns told that th "lost msn" ss the neighbors cm lea mm. was her hiishnurt .h. hi L.I.-., umnru do surprise, savlmr iht aha anew bim from bis walk wben be flrst appeared, and tb mole on bla about der blade confirmed ber. In bar opln 'u nun tne son th matter was ery different . U could not bel'eve tbe story till bis resurrected father nad proved It lo many ways. Put Yourself In the Ad-Readers Place... When rou writs vnur u..ifii ad or any kind of an ad ry to Inclnd In It juat th Information yOU'd Ilk tO find If von war. an A ad-reader and wr looking fot aa ad of that kino. If you do this to even a small "tant your ad will bring R BULT8I 'Age Yotjg a Xd tike New DAILY? "5aaaa ! The" Movnin pr Eategfjgise m Will You Help Us Boost Your Own . Interests ? ' ' " - -- - ( By carrier, I year $3.00 By mail, I year 2.00 Send in Your Name and Remittance - - V PL CAM NOTICE. - ... To .Introduce Th Morning Kntsrprta into a larg maj Ity of th . horn la Oroa City and Claokamaa aunt' th management baa 4idd to mak a anaclal nrle tor th dally laau. for a short-aim only. wbr th aubrlr pays a year la aavaao. By carrlar. paid a rear In advaao, HM. Br aaalL psJ4 a vsw ha aaV vanoa, II.60. People who gave our osnvaa- ser a trial aubsoriptloa for on or mor months, at tea cents a week, can bav th dally dMv ered for a year for fa.00 bjr paylDg a yaar la advaac. Popl who gave our oaavaa- ar a trial subsoripUoo, by mall, for four months at a dt- lar, may have tb paper for a yaar for f 2.00, If paid a rear In advance- Subscribers to the Weekly Enterprise may change their subscriptions to th daily. r calving eredlt for half tlm on tb dally that th weekly la paid la ad vane. When thy chooa to add cash to th ad vano payment equal to a full year's advance payment . they may tak ad van tag of th ft ret. W mak thla anoclal prio so that popl who bar paid la ad ranee ea am tbr asasy and wish to Uk th Mai Bang Enterprise, map do so without to great xsaasi. Tb CLCCTRIO HOTIU following hav reglstsred at th Klctria Hotel: W. McCotl aon Cltvs H. Burgoyoe, cltr; Lelth. Portland: W. II. Cook, W land: H. C. Humphreys. Porttaai; B. Hopkins, Portland; W. t- power, L. D. Munciownr, W. C 1 U Price, Portland; II. UnH. H land; Joseph Closser, fJ Corstens, Portland; II. Cooper, rn lioey, Independence; u J. ttwi' York; B. smitn, rornsnu. r:hlld la BurWd. The little child of Mt. "1 SprlnfM who died suddenly nt tlie famllf 3 waa Interred this wk In tha Pr,l water cemetery. Never use the office telephone aMaalnlnv Annvanlenca. If J01" 0 are to 'nhone. aay what la to ffnletlr, Intelligently and W Tber- are houses that ar tn their courteoua telephoning. WJj temper at a 'phone g'"1 . . . i. mil v l eiepnone counesy -as courtesy alwaya Is. , - WATCH Special Sale for next Saturday D. M. KLEMtff 421 Main $trt