Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 21, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    For The Ladies Who Care
ni reason this store is rowib so popular, is because first to have what the ladies want in the verv
Ladies want
ih C " q"0,,tV t modCSf prices. We are now
.howint the La Vooe coats and suits for ladies, and
i waists with Kimono sleeves, in the new black
od vhi,c "el9 marquisette in plam and fancy
LtAtnd effects.
Suspension Bridge Corner
A "Trw Spert,
ljgM-ril tHi you a dollar I strlks
lifrouna nru
1 L Psrker. of MapU Lane, waa In
V dljr Ha nrtlity on business.
Nr. and II i n. A I Jonas, of Eldorado,
Mr la Oregon ''"7 Friday.
lowland Elward, of Beaver Creek,
m n ihli i Ity ) Friday.
Mi Auttin. ft C'arua, waa la Ibla
fij oa Tniirnnujr mi puHincsa.
furies Jiiiii-a, of Heaver Creek, waa
I til fUy Saturday.
XU I'nxl ur I'nloa sells berry,
mua. '.''
& Davall, of Eldorado, waa In thin
hl oa buaiiu-aa Saturday.
IT. inn tr; itciaon. or unerai,
mil Or. yon riiy on Saturday .
Ci-taln A II Graham, of Portland,
m it ihiH i iiy on bualueee Friday.
' TW Proline t'nlon Bella Arsenate
i lata. ,
i 1 Murray, of 'uteralt, waa In Ore
jaiClty iratiKiiri Inn tiualness oil 8nl-
fin, IJiiiI'-hd. n Albany, la vlaltlng
a 4iurhi r. Mra. Edward Horn
Mi l"V Produce Tnlon aalla Hay and
( CUnde Howard, of Mulino, waa In
ta city the Imtrr part of tbe weak,
come nn business.
I la Al 8 Ihh nlxrn, of Essex Cams,
.taipanl'd by Mra. Irla McCarthy,
ltla Oregon City City on rrlday.
fCC. Spem-e. a prominent raaldent
ASrsrrr Creek, waa among the Ore
.taClty buKlru-aa visitor on Saturday.
0ral Clearance Bala on all Pat
mHais. MlaeC. Ooldamlth.
( lr. ind Mra. Charloa Spangler, of
,, were In thla city on Saturday,
aj hlle here vlalted with relatlTea.
( lr. and Mra. Dunne Rly leavea thla
fr Tualatin, where they will
the dny with relatives.
I fni Nelson, of Portland, waa In thla
Tea Saturday, visiting hla mother,
Nelson, of Seventh and Center
Wrt Pumpa for ladlea, 3, at TTe
City Shoe 8tore.
MJai Hai. iird. a well-known
P"l woman of 8prinwater, who
iMbeen very 111 with eplnal trou
Aaj Impnivlng.- - . .
M K1 Hornahuh. of Bhubel.
ri Ihn.iiKh thla city on Friday,
V" ay t Portland, where the will
yt friend a.
I fy Ellen Grace leavea thla morn
J Portland, and will visit until
evening with Mlaa Helen
YOUVS orthc AsfcSfflg I
Fof and we will give you wlthV -
4 months ' subscription
- By Carrier
" at 45c the month
TO THE ' . -
beautiful China PLAQUE Decorated Handsomely
There are a variety of . patterns to choose from.
Hake your selection early. , -
Subscribers May Have Them Too '
To any present subscriber who will bring us four
Jw subscriptions we will present one of these
kautiful dishes. - '-.
u selections must mad at the office op the 1 '
mmmmmmmmmmmm I before raturnln -.-i.-.. ' . , .
style, and here vou pet
Chllilrrn'e w White t'anvaaa button
Hho-H. II.2S U $2.0l. The Onicon
City Hli'iw Btore.
.Ml. (. W (k'HCM ItlllVHS l...ln
Warren, Ok'koii. h"r ,..
the gueat of Mra. HaVer and other
frl.'Uda fur a few tluya.
Mra. Mortimer Corkrt-ll, , of lin!.
bard, arrived In OreKon City on Fri
day aflerniMm, ami will ape rid Huiiduy
with ber motlivr, Mra. T. Parka.
Mr. and Mra. Herbert Hannlnii will
leave on nent Huuduy for Canada,
where they will vlalt relutlvea at tnelr
old home. Ti,ey will remain for a
month In Canada.
Aak for. Premium Coupons with
every pun-tiaae al The OreKon City
tlhoa Htore.
Mlaa Hanel Kranrea and Mlaa Nell
Caufleld will apend today In Portland,
aa th gueata of Mlaa Olaa McClura,
who la recovering from a anvere at
tack of typhoid fever.
Mlaa Viable Prance left on Haturday
morning for Katarada, where abe will
renuiln until fiunduy evening with
Mlaa Mable ilover. otiu of the High
fclrhool trai here of Katarada.
For Style and up(o-dat huta at
reawnialilu prlcea rail on Mlaa C.
Mlaa Ana Alldredae left on Friday
morning for Klk City, where abe will
vlalt for. 10 dnya with her uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mra. Mentor Randall,
who are the owrvi-ra of a Inrae ranch
at thai place.
Kdward Stewart, who haa been the
gueat of her parents, Mr.-and Mra.
Thomaa Wanicf, for the puat week.
returned to ber home In Portland on
Haturday afternoon.
Mlaa Orlaaa Flatter, of thla city, and
Mlaa (iladya Hyrom. the latter of
whoae home la at Tualatin', and who
la making her home In thla city for
the pTeaent, left on Friday afternoon,
where they will vlalt with the Intter'a
parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Ilyrom.
Mra. Charlaa Irwlng, of Indepen
dence, Oreaon, Inn arrived In thla
city for a vlalt with ber brother, J.
K. tfevley. Mra. Irving waa formerly
Mlaa lennle 8e'ley, of thla city. She
waa a r co in nanled by ber III tie clUd.
Mra. II C. 8tevena. wbo-baa .ln-eu
vlaltlng for thn paat 10 daya with her
brother, John Crawford, of Yamhill,
who la one of the prominent farmera
of that place, haa returned to her
home In thla city. Mlaa Muriel Stev
en, who accompanied her mother to
Yamhill will return Monday.
Mra. J. J. Tvbln and little daughter,
May, will leave on Wedneaday after
noon for the former' old borne, where
Ibey will vlalt Mra. Tohln'a mother,
Mr. Ieo lararn, of Merldan, Conn.
Before returning to Oreuon City they
will vlalt Mr. Tohln'a relatlvea at
llolyoke. Maaa. They will be gone
about three montba. Mra. Olaon will
meet (hem at 8prlngflild.
Mra. J. A. Balloy and little daughter,
Dorothy, of Iia Angelea, Cal.. Mra.
J. E. Tappan and daughter, Marlon, Of
Portland, were In thla city on Satur
day vlaltlng their brother; (1. J. Howell
and wife. Mra. Pulley waa formerly
Mlaa Nannie Howell, of thla city, and
thla la ber first vlalt to ber old borne
town In 10 year. She will vlalt In
Portland for aeveral weeks, and ex
pecta to return to thla city before
leaving for her home In California.
Mlaa Winnie Jackson, who has been
teaching achool at Gooseberry, East
ern Oregon, returned lo her home In
thla city on Friday, and will apend
her aummer vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jackson, of Mount
Pleasant Mlaa Jackson waa accom
panies by ber brother, Marahall, who
haa been attending achool at that
place. Thla la Miss Jackaon'a second
year of teaching at that place, and
she will return In September, where
she will teach the fall term.
Mra. Henry 8treblg and Ml Lna
Streblg.-who.Jcft here otT April SO,
having been Called to Mtdford. Wis.,
by the auddcndeath of the latter"a
father, Frederick Streblg. and whoae
burial took place on April 25, have re
turned to Oregon Qty. Mra. Streblg
6 months subscription
By Mail
' at 25c the month
returning her vlaitt h
mother, Mr.. M. Mlelk., at Handran,
"Inn. she aLo vlalta4 in many other
In that Btata. Tb.y were both
iad to return to Oregon. While
doming through Whit. Earth, Minn.,
Ibey experienced a snowatorm, which
llayed tb train two days. Tb.
wethr u eitremely cold, and otf
the third day It wa ealr.mei; warm.
Coupl Granted Llens7v"-"
Margaret Uurton and Vernon Ow-
oil"' IV r,ll,l,Ml marriage llcenae
m... ?uir.U"y ,rti" l-y bounty
I leik Mulvey,
Army ol TwIrlers Not Always
Big Help to Team
Pa Record Shew That Small Sqiisda
ef Hurler Wars Suffioiant to Carry
Off Flag Large Staffs Being Carried
by All Club This Year.
On of the moat 'difficult problem
Ibat buaeball uianugcra have before
tbeiu la tli number of pitcher to car
ry on the payroll for , the beat all
around reault. More money la nec
essary at the prevent time to aecure
a uralrlua ataff of bos men than waa
paid out to a w bole, team leae than
twenty yenra act, '.simply becauae
three tliuu a ninny pitcher are con
sidered neceitaary for a major league
team today.
Thirty yenra ago Tommy Bond pitch
ed the lloHton club Into the champion-,
etilp elngle banded. At that time tbe
cluba only ' played about 100 gamea
each aeaaon, and there were aeveral
very weak cluba In tbe circuit.
Home twenty ream ago Tim Keefe.
Mickey Wetah and Ed Crane did tbe
pitching for tlie New York Ulante and
landed a winner, playing a 132 gamo
schedule. Keefe and Welsh were the
regular men, with Crane to fall back
on. while Tltcomb waa groomed for
Ten years later Boston won tho
championship - with Nlchol. Klobe
dnns. Stlvetts. Sullivan' and Lewi for
bot- men. still playing tbe ahorter
schedule and having boa men always
lu condition. .
Lent aeaaon the Athletlca won the
cbamplouahlp of the world with sis
bos men Render. Coombs. Plank,
Morgan,' K rauae and Dygcrt and tl.lx
number of pitchers waa conaldered low
for such a grand performance, eveu
with big money In eight for winning
tbe final eerie. ' "
A grenter numter of pitcher I em
ployed by the major league cluba this
year than ever before. Several man
agora bad more than fifteen pitchers at
the training camiia. Of course some of
them have been sent hack to the ml
nors, but the ten in leuder doelare they
will carry an estrn supply of bos men
The demand for pitching material
baa developed Into a inauln which la
fattening the espense account of the
magnates to an alarming degree.
Experimenting with untried t wirier
la a gamble that every wide awaltf
mauager la willing to tbance. But
there la such a thing as overabundance.
Too many . plU'bera can mJu a flrat
class ball team. Good manager with
an extra supply of curve artlsta can go
astray In ruuulng thlnga In accordance
with a system. Tbe Juggling of tbe
bos department generally produced In
affectlveueas, because there's uotblng
so beneficial a a regular turn. With
ulue or ten pitchers warming up or
aittlng on tbe bench no manager can
be expected to produce luvinclble work
on tbe mouud unlesa be narrows tbe
staffs activity to five or sis flrat class
Pitchers nowadays complain thai
they are overworked If they take part
In more than one or two gamea a week
Soma of them Insist that they must
have at least four or Ave daya' real
after a alege of nlno Inning, no Bmt
ter bow easy tbe opposing team may
be. That la why the club owner and
managers (eel compelled to carry so
many bos men, even though more
than half of them are not first class,
Christy Matheweon la an exception
to tbe rule. Ha la willing to .pitch aa
often aa McOraw calls upon him. Rus
sell Ford, who la receiving a big aal
ary thla eeuaon, will not pitch unlesa
be Is physically ready. That Is an
agreement be made a year ago with
President FarrelL
There are a number of clever pitch
era wlae to tbe fact that the arm must
give out sooner or later and that each
bard game brtnga the end In double
quick time to cut off the princely aal
ary for a new move on the checker
board of Ufa.
Gambling Would Kill Baseball.
Tbe gambling lutereat haa closed fif
ty race tracks In tbe United Btatea In
tbe - paat - twenty years. There a
hunch in thla for the men In baseball
Los Angelea (ana can boast of
deaf and dumb catcher and a
one armed aecoud baseman, but
Dutch Coomba of the Redondo
club, ao far as known, la the only
pitcher with cork leg. While
railroading Coomba met with
mlafortune In the loea of hla leg.
Daapltt thla handicap, hla work
escels that of the average eemi
' pro pitcher, and ha la to tb Moon
stone 1o the Trolley league what
John Coomba la to th Athletlca
In tb American league. Coomba
recently pitched a alsteen Inning
gam and at the finish declared
hlmaolf ready for more. ' Last
aeaaon he pitched for tb Ben
nett (Mo.) club, which won
thlrty-tbrea out of thirty-five
game. .
I t.n. jounm people 1.1. wmw I , i
(w .
2 X
H 55
co H
o c
1 '
First Baptlet Cor. Main and Ninth
Flr.t Baptlrt Cor. of Main and Ninth
streets. 8. A. Hay worth, paator.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Rev. J. R, Knodel will preach
In the morning. The paator will
preach In the everting on the sub-
- JeeV'Gettlng Out of Sodom or Nar
row Escapee." There wlllt be a
' special musical program aa uaual
In the evening. Sunday achool at
noon. Christian Endeavor at 6:45
p. m. Junior at 6:45 p. m. All are
Invited. ' '
Catholle-rCor. Water ana Tenth Bta
Rev, A. Hiltebrahd paator, rea. 913
Water; Low Maaa 8 a. ra., with ser
mon; High Maaa 10: SO a. m., with
sermon ; afternoom service 4 : 00.
Maaa every morning at 8:00.
Congregational Cor. Main and Eleventh
streets, nev. wm. M . iTnctor paator.
rea. to i ntra; a. B. 12 noon, jnnn low
ry supt.; morning service 10:10, even
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, warti and private
rooms. k. , '
(iroduate Nurses
Pac. 2243 Bme D-298
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth
- . May 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21.
Gamea Begin Weekday at 3:30.
Sunday. 2:30 P. M.
Boy a Under 12 Free to Bleachers
During th month of May, June, July,
August and September, on datea
ahown below, the
will Mil round trip ticket from
Oregon City Via Portland
aa followa:
Chicago. S 73.00
Council Bluffs 60.50
Omaha M.BO
Kansas City 60.50
St. Joseph (0.50
St. Paul 0.50
St. Paul, via Council Bluffs .... 64.40
Minneapolis, direct 60.50
Mlnneapol a, v Couno I Bluffe 64.40
Boston 110.00
Nw York 109 0
St Loul 'O-50
Washington, D. C 108.00
May 16, 1T, 18, 19, 22, 23v 24, 25, 27, 28
and 29.
June 5. 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
and 30.
July 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and
August 3, 4, 6, 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 a d.7.
Stop-over -rttbtn limits In either dl
rectloa. Final return limit
October Slat
For fr on way through California
Inqulra of any Southern Pacific
- agent, or writ to
' wm.-'mcmurray,
Gnral Paaaenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
21, 1911.
roung people
prajrer mac tin Tburaday at 1:1 p.
Preaching at 10:80 o'clock by Ren
U 8. Bollinger, of Highland Con
gregational church, Portland. Eve
ning subject, "The Lawyer' Oppor
tunity for Moral Leadership."
Christ Iv. Lutn eran Cor. Eighth and J.
(J Adams streets, Kev. Y. Schmidt
. paatur, res. u4 J. Q. Adania; . a.
110 a. m.; preaching aternoona of flrat
and third ftundaya at 1:10 In Knllah.
other Sunday Mrvleee mornlna at
with preaching In Uirmu.
Chrlatlan Scienoe Ninth and Cen
ter atreeta. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday achool 12 noon. Wedneaday
evening 8 p. m.
Oermsn Kvangellcal Cor. . Elchth and
Madlaon streets. Rev. V. Wleveatck pu-
tor. rca. 711 Madlann: S. 8. 10 a. 10.,
Herman Hchrader. Monro atreet. aui.t.:
morning aervlc 11. yoeng people at 7
p. m. and preachlnevtit i. m. Prayer
meeunsr- weanraoay at 7:v p. m.
Oladatone Chrlatlan Rev. A. H. Mulkey
, nuator, rra. Olndatone; B. 8. 10 a. m.,
N. ('. Hendrlcka aupt.; morning sorvlve
11 o'clcM-k, evrnlng aorvlce 1 .in. Week
ly prayer meeting Thureday 7:10 p. m.
Services at Oladatone, Sunday, May
21: Bible school at 10. Rev. 8 pi ess
of Clackamas, will speak at 11 a. m.
and a musical entertainment will
take the place of the uaual sermon
In the . evening. This promises to
be the best musics! treat the peo
ple of Gladstone have enjoyed.
Mountain Vlw Union fCong.) 8. 8.
3 p. m., Mr. J. H. Qulnn, supt.;
Bible Study every Thursday after
noon; E. C. Dye will preach at 7:3J
o'clock Sunday evening.
Methodit Main atreet cor. Seventh,
Rev. E. K. Zimmerman paator, rea.
cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. 8.
9:45 a. m., C. A. Williams, Olad
atone, aupt.; morning aervlce 10:45,
Ep Worth League 6:30, evening ser
vice 7-30. Prayer meeting Thurs
day. 7:30 -p. m. Morning subject,
"The- Blind Man ' of Jeruaelam."
Evening aubject, "The Unrealities
and Inhumanities of Chrlatlan
rebytr,art Seventh atreet cor Jeffer
son. Kev. j. K. Lnaoorougn paator,
rea. 710 Jefferaon; 8. 8. 10 a. ra.. Mra.
W. C. Orecn aupt.: morning aervlce 11
a. m , Y. V. S3. C. E. (:4ft p. in., even
ing aervlce 7:10. Player meeting Thurs
day p. m.
Morning aubject "Honor Reward
ed." Evening "Why Am I Not a Chrla
tlon"? Parkplace Congregational Rev. i. L.
Jones paator. res. I'lAcaajnas; B. B. iv
a. m.. Emery French aupt.; preaching
eervlrea each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:1 p. m. Chrla
tlan Endeavor Thureday evening 7:10
p. m.
St. Paul's Rev. C. W. Robinson, rec
tor. Daily services: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a.
m.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
day aervicea: . Holy Eucharist' 8 Ja."
m.; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m.;
Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a.
m.; evening prayer and sermon,
7:30 p. m.; S. 8., 12 m.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 p. m. -
United Brethren Cor. -eighth and Taylor,
Kev. I r. Clarke paator, rea. Portland;
8. 8. 10 a. m.. Prank Pirker, Maple
Ine, aupt.; morning aervlce 11. Y. P.
8. C. K. ( p. m.. evening service 7.
Rev. F. C. Clark will occupy the
pulpit at 11 o'clock Sunday morn
ing. Willamette M. C No regular preaching
prvlcre.-8. 8. p. m.. Mr1. Reama
ZUtn Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
. atreeta. - Kev. w. K. Kraxberger pi
tor. rea. 720 Jefferson; B. 8. :J0 a. m...
Rev. Kraxberger aupt.: morning service
10:30,-evening 7:46. Luther League 7
p. m
Sends Music To Friend
Her Childhood. .
PORTLAND, Or., May 20. (Spec
ial.) An errand entrusted to ber 33
year ago suddenly flashed Into the
mind of a Portland woman recently,
by some strange trick of memory. She
performed It and haa Juat heard from
tbe one who asked the favor so long
Mra. John H. Buck, 361 Vancouver
Avenue, who wasn't Mra. Buck 33
yeara ago, waa a music teacher lu
Robinson, Kansas, at that time and
one of her pupils, Laura Kelly, gave
her a dollar and asked her to buy two
songs everybody waa singing In thos.i
daya. "Gates Ajar." and "Coma Little
Bird and Live With Us."
. The other day, when eating break
fast, eome curioua twist of recollec
tion brought back the neglected er
rand and she recalled the errand giv
en her and the namea of the songs aa
well. .
"I'll go and aee If I can get that
music, she aald, jumping up from
the table. She went down, hurried
through-the atock of one of the older
music house and waa fortunate
enough to pick up th very aonga ahe
wanted. She mailed them, together
with a letter, to Misa Laura Kelly,
Robinson, Kansas, hoping it ralghrt
reach her former pupil.
Misa Kelly bad married and has
children of her own. but the postmas
ter at Robinson remembered her and
abe got the music and the letter. Thla
week Mra. Buck received k letter from
the former Laura Kelly, now Mra.
Theodore Work.
"I have given up my playing now,"
she wrote, "but I have a little girl
who la Just about where I waa In
music lessons when I wanted those
pieces, ao I will have her learn them
and play them for me."
WARNING! -To ownera of Doga. I
will shoot any dog I find In my pasture
at Junction of Abernatbey and Clacka
mas Heights roads. H. W. Strelblg.
HAVHNQ purchased the tock of
groceries of Guenther ft Schulti, I will
make prlcea to close out. J. H. Matt
ley, 7th street.
Couple Comes Here To Wed.
Amy B. Rowland end Sherman T.
Elliott came to this city on Saturday
afternoon, obtained a marriage llcenae
and were united In marriage at the
Baptist parsonage, - Rev. S. A. Hay
worth performing the marriage cere
mony. The bridegroom la from Hoi
brook, Oregon, and the bride from
Are you a subscriber to the Morn
ing Enterprise! If not you should call
and let ua put your nam on th autf
script ion list Immediately.
Specially Interesting to Women.
Few women are physically perfect
and. In fact, medical records go to
how that perhaps, th great majority
of women auffer from some more or
lesa aerloua ailment peculiar to her
To place a reliable treatment within
the reach of auch persouar-one that
did not contain anything In any way
injurious to the ayetem Rexall Vege
table Compound waa first offered fqr
ale. i ' '
Practical demonstratlona hava since
proven that thla preparation, having
for Its baals th formula nad by a
reliable physician "bo mada a apao
ft Wouldn't Payta Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honeety for ad-readers,
nowadays, are DISCRIMINATING. They know values they knew
GENUINE things, genuine epportunltlsa. '
Any article which can be Sold by advertising Is, by that test, a
GOOD article. YOU arc aaf In buying a thing which haa "stood
th fir of publicity.- w
, i ' .
The maker of a widely advertised article, " commodity, Is al-
waya on trial for hla business life. He cannot shirk, nor cheapen hi
product and this Is the bast possible protection foe the consumer.
You are SAFE In buying advertised
nowaJaye business condition.
laity of auch cases, la all that has
been claimed for it, and we offer you
Kexall 'Vegetable Compound with tne
asauranc that It will prove beneficial
In the, treatment of auch cases, or we
will promptly refund any money you
may have paid us for It.
Rexal Vegetable Compound can
be obtained only at our store The
Rexall Drug Store, price, fl.00 per
bottle. Huntley Broa. Co.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Blackerby are be
ing congratulated on tbe arrival of a
little daughter at their home Wednea
day, May 17. . .,.. . ,
Guy Dolia returned to hla home
at Cherry vllle, 'Thursday.
Mr. Carfle Douglass, of Dufur, Ore
gon, who waa a delegate to the Re
beca'a convention held in Portland,
spent tbe week-end with. Mrs. E. C.
Warren and Mra. Charlea Worthing
A theatre party consisting of -Mr.
and Mrs. A. E- Armstrong, Hester
Armstrong. Mr. and Mra. E. C. War
ren and Mra. Carrie Douglas attended
the Orpheum Friday evening.
Mr. and Mra. B. Lee Paget and son
Lowell attended a social at the Tay
lor Street church Friday eveaing.
Tbe men from the Oregon Road Oil
Company of Portland, were here on
business Saturday.
F. H. Harris waa a Portland visitor
The addition to the Green building
is going up slowly, owing to the
weather and bad condition - of the
roads, making It hard to haul 'ma
Tbe Girls' Band haa been hired to
play at the Canby (air thla falL -
Mr. and Mra. Endicott purchased the
Olds property and will move here from
Portland the first of June. Mrs. Endl-
rcott'ls-the primary teacher In 'our
Mrs. Proctor sustained a sprain to
her ankle Friday.
The Ladlea' Aid epent a very pleas
ant afternoon Thursday at the home
of the president, Mra. George Sherk.
Quilt-blocka were made and refresh
ments were served by the ladlea.
The school board held a meeting
Thursday evening and elected the
aame four teachers, namely. Prof.
Buttler, Mrs. Green, Mra. Berry and
Mra. Endlcot.
Rev. Hoover, of Monmouth, who Is
visiting in the Eastern States, has
placed hla pen of Rhode Island Red
chlckena In tbe care of Rev. Reda-
f At the Evangelcal Conference held
In this city last week. Rev. Reda
baugh waa assigned to the Mllwaukio
charge for another year. Rev. Reda
baugh waa also elected secretary of
the Missionary Society.
A. J. Dowllng. of Orchard, Wash
father of A. H. Dowling waa In the
citv a few daya last week.
Mra, Wlssenger found some ripe
wild strawberries last Sunday.
A party of Masons went over to Os
wego Saturday evening to witnesa
third degree work. J. M. and J. H.
Snyder, George Wiaslnger, J. J. Miller,
F. W. Lecher, A. L. Reed. Mr. Conn-
ley and Mr. Willis made up the party
George Wiaslnger took the third de
J. W. Ray and C..T. Stockton were
delegatea to the Grand Lodge of Odd
Fellow In Portland thla week. Mr.
Garner and Mr. Wlsslnger attended
1911 Mitchell
Have you ever looked into the detail of construction and the
mechanical features together with the handsome appearance -ofthe
Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why hey are
being bought by people throughout the state, who know, the '
value of a food car. If you are at all Interested we will be
pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information
and can assure you that it is well worth investigating before ,
buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say .
it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell
you a car we will take care of your car one year free of
charge. . '" - . '- ' -. .'' -,. : . - -'' . 7
Price $1650 1 ;
Other moJels coesper. - FtaquippeJ F. O. ft OratfoaGty.
Phon us for demonstration and wa wiD call at your lorn for .
Some Good Bargain- In Second" fjTancI Cars
a . .. " i U ' ' .v
C. G. Miller, Agent
Garage Cor. 6th and Main Sta. ,
things It's the loglo sf
the session In addition to th regular
Mra. J. Z. Jones, of Jennings Lodge,
spent a few hours with friends- Tues
day last.. .
J. L James, while filing hla aaw
last Friday, felt a particle fly Into hla
eye.- It penetrated the outer part of
the corner and bad to be eut out by a
surgeon. ,
Mra. K. Strakoen waa seriously ill
last week, but Is out and around
again. ....
School closea th 26th of May, one
week from Friday.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under these elaaalfled headme
will be tnee-(ed at one cent a word, firm
Ineertlon. half a cent additional taoer
tlona. one Inch card, tl per month: half
Inch card, (4 lineal tl per month.
Cash muet accompany order unlesa one -has
an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected 'notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge lie
WANTED You to know mat we buy '
all kinds of Curloe, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. , Wa aiso . have a
good assortment of - second . band
Furniture and Tools on hand . for
aale to those In need. Come anJ
see; perhaps we havw Juat what you
.want Indian Curios and trlnketa
for aale cheap; some that are very
unique and also very rare. CEORGB
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street.
FOR SALE Two fine residence lotJ
9th and Washington Sts very cheap,
Terma. Enquire 418 7h St.
ACREAGE One to five acrea In sight
of Oregon City, $150. and $200 per
sere ; good level land; on mile
from ear line. Clyde ft McRae, 1003
Main 8U Oregon City. j
FOR SALE Must sell, cows, hogs,
sheep, goats, chickens, machinery,
cream separator, fruit, piano, sofa,
aide-board, Jars everything. Call
and see Maiden Route No. 3 Oregon
City, Oregon.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all claases of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete., Rea. Pboa Mala 111.
O. D. KBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abatracta furnished, land
title examined, estates; settled, gen
oral law business. Over Bank f
Oregon City.
U'REN ft 8 CHUBB EL, Attorneys-at-
Law, Deutseher Advokat, will srao
tloe in- all courts, make collection
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bld. Orexoa City. Oregon.
H. H. COOPER. For Firs Insurance
and Real Estate. Let aa handle
your properties wa buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Btaterprtse
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.