MORNTNQ ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, MAY 21. 19U. flORfllfiG ENTERPRISE ' OREGON CITY, OREGON C K. BKOOIE, Editor and Publisher. "Vnterwf aa rowd-ctase matter' Jaa (ary . 111. at the poet efrlee at Oreeoa City, Oregon, ender the Act of March a. UTS." ' i TUNS tf SLYSCtirmN. Ona Tear, bv mail ft M la Montha. by mall II Four atoatha. by matt... 1 far rak, by wrhr...,. .1 MVEITOK Um Flrat Paee, prr lacn first Ineartloa ....! Plrat Pa fa, pw Inch addea tnaartlosa. .lc Preferred position any par, per Inch - flrat tnaartlon lae Preferred position any pax, per Inch added1 Inewtloaaw ...le Run paper other than flrat page par tnrh flrat Inaertlon lZc Rua paper other than flrat pace, par Inch advled Insertions ............ .c looale ite per Una; to regular adver Meors to line. Wants. For Rale. To Rant, etc, ona eat word flrat Inee.tlon; one-half cent each additional. - Ratee for adrertlalng In .ha Weekly Enterprise will be the aame as la the dally, for advertisements art eepectally for the weekly. Where the advertkaement la transferred from the daily to the week ly, without chan re, the rata will be le aa Inch for ten of the paper, and lo aa lack for atcta poaltlon. Caen - ahoKl4-aompany order where party la unknown In business office of the Enterpriae. ' lral advertising at lgl ' edvertletrJg ratee. Clrcua advertising and apeclal traaalent advert lelns at r(c to 10c an Inch. accord In to apeclal conditions governing the "Fire Sale" arid Bankrupt Sale" adver tisements lie Inch flrat Insertion: addi tional Insertions aame matter We Ineh. Newa Iteir.s and well wilt'en artlclea f merit, with Interest to local readers, will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu script never returned unleaa aorompan tee. by stomas to prepay poaiaan. At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR., LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT Frank P. and luni R- Drinker to J. M. Russell, 8Q acres pf section 14. township south, range t eastj'IIO. J. M. Russell to Gem Hammock Fl Not Company, 480 aoree of see lion S4. township 6 south, range 4 east; $100a II. a. nd Elsie llsrtshore to OMo Vi . y . . 4 J C other European noblemen are acnem Imt to got the child and her mlllloot. Mlftt HOLMES ONLY ONI TO PAM Eleven Parkplacg PupMt Fall ent mlnktlen. MlM Mrl Holmca, the lS-yrKld duht.- of Mr. nd Mr;. W. A. llolee, m th only. pupil of h I pine- lltcb School who piiaiwd the eighth rdti eixkinlnatlon rerr-nily Blven the iniplli tht n hwl. Twelve twk th" fmlnkllon. Mlee llilme itvernite wm eWl. her hllheet belnn Urt. which In r1thiii'lo, nd In live olhor nludlct mhm reoi'lved ner--.'iiit' In tht ' ' Th niieailonk Mere uutikiwtlly dirnvull. WANTED You to Vn thl lh Kn terprlae Job prlntln tie parlment l the moat complete In the Htnte, ouialde Portland. Try It for your next prlntinr LATEST MARKETS There's One Form ol Investment which U bkoMaly tafe fer vervana 1 It mmc klurnps In vlot. lit Integrity la unqueetloned. Tht return Is certain, Principal la always available. II has n lament of peculation. It It a Saving Account In vThc Banl. of Oregon City Th 01det BarTC la Thi County PRETTY CHORUS GIRLS WITH LYON'S MUSICAL COMEDY CO, PLAYING AT THE BUNGALOW. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. May 21 In American History. i2kl John K ll. I.u.i .i-jlf t llie iHii: UM tl. I - tilV.'-fll-U IV'll All.H.' Vo. li I" tllrtrtl a v .i. I. l,.f .a.i .l.'-. l In Ni'V .rk; iirn ll.' ' Aliimii r'..ii,i-.'i."i,il w.i'im uiid 1 il l'l.'l 't M.ti" Ul at ilit-tl: tN.nt 1 -"v -" ' ! ASTRONOMICAL EVENTb ' (Kruui uuvu loti.ijr i. u-ii luaiorruw.i Euu iwli rl-o- mi; ium r;-" ; 1 :4U a. lu.; luoou ul tiivnlntl lilrultu ', east: auu'a Uevlliuiliuti. '-U3 derwa ' north of caleailal euatyr. i ' ' ' Mayor Brownell, In- assisting In lh - proeecntlon of a saloonkeeper, charg ed with violating a city ordinance, and who a as fined $75 and given a sen- . fence of tea days In Jail, baa. kept the promise made to' the people when bo was elected. The Mayor declared then that the owners of saloons would - not be allowed to violate the laws re lating i to fralmbing, minors and wo men. Ro Jo seeing that they do noX The success of the promoters ot the Clackam&o Southern Railway, which will penetrate the rich Molalla valley, should gratify every citUen of this county an State. The railroad will be of incalculable advantage to the country, and every person who In vests Jn the stock is sure to be well rewarded in a financial way when the line begins operation. ' - -" Secretary Lazeile, of the Commer cial - Club, announces that "Postal Card Day" in Oregon City was a de.i,er wl,b, hom he lUBt c'ed, Ion I DlinAAaaf ill ti crn onrn ash n ,1sm Wa elded auccesa and that cards wereBpecla, Bummer engagement at the mailed by the school children to all j Baker. porta of the world. There could hard-' The opening date "of Mr. Sainpolis ly be a better way to advertise the ,n j""1 uJ!day "; nd for ... s, , . the first week his sensational success city and Clackamas County and we of h,B torm engagement. "The Mid are delighted to learn that the "Live dleman" has been chosen by Manager Wires" of the Commercial Club, are Baker. This Is the play in wBlch, "Postal Card I 1 ne patneiic oia poyery- uMwr air. aaiopuiia iairiy set ineaire geers and critics wild, receiving col umns of praise for his wonderfully sr tlstle work, and causing the play to run an extra two weeka. During his coming season he will be supported by the full strength of the popular Baker Company and several old fav orites will be found in the cast. All the favorite old stock conditions that have made the Baker o famous, will be reverted to, including fhe extreme ly low prices for the summer, and with the three matinees Sunday, Wed nesday and Saturday. ."The Middle- tlon of the general governmtnt la Its work of crushing the rebellion, recom mended a spot on the west bank ot the Willamette opposite this city, as the most suitable place upon ttAf coast of the Pacific for the erection of build ings daapted to the manufacture of munitions of war. Mad not the hostil ities have so soon terminated, after this recommendation was made, we skeull possibly now have witnessed the worka in full operation, and ob serve frequent shipments of massive , guns, taken from the raw material which yet remains -burled throughout the surrounding hills. However, there yet may be such an institution here. If Mr. Johnson, by his style of "mak ing treason odious" should -bring about auch another Internal war as that through which the country haa but recently passed. Brother Jonathan will again straighten up his lean, lank form, and pointing to various localities, say "That at Oregon Clly must be Improved." An OH Mill. Among other new en terprises which promise to be under taken In this city speedily, we are Informed upon good authority' that before long an oil mill, will be In operation. There . are great Induce ments for such an establishment. In connection with the new paper mill. The cultivation of flax will receive a great Imnetus upon the commence ment of this enterprise. Ben Holladay has taken the 'new mail contract from Salt Lake City to The Dalles. From Boise City to The Dalles, the mail wilt be carried by C. F. Tbomaa Company, to whom Holladay has sublet the contractThe route will probably be In operation in a week or" ten days. man" will be followed by other great and Sofia Nicholson, 1 4 M acres of plays and productions in. which Mr. section 18, township 3 south, range 1 SalnpolU hne created, his preatest east: 110. ; suctpiea. . The Baker should prove to be the moat popular, amusement place In the city the next few weeka. Quotation for Orsgori City. POTATOKS Best. $2.50. good IStS'; coir mon, S. Buying, carload, st'lt'ot. IJ.10; ordinary. $l.0. FU)UR AND KKKD Flour Is steady, soiling from t to 3 50; very little of cheaper gradea. Feed Is higher and rlalng slowly. Bran brlna from 126 &0 to $27 BO. aborts $29 to $30, rolled barl. y $:U 50 to $33.32, procoas barley $33. whole corn $31 to $33. cracked core $3 to $33. Wheat $33 to $33. - HAY (Buying.) Timothy $16 t tin. Clover. 113 to-114: oat hay. $11 to $16; mixed, $11 to $11; alfalfa, $ljrf-" pstlfic' Main 350? to$l. OATS Buying Are higher, gray $27 SO, white from rx c. LATOimicTTi rrMMM p, j mktkr, r,h THE FIRST-NATIONAL BANK ' ot OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, I60.000.0U ' Troneaeta a wearol nklnf Business. Open trv. a. w. (.' . fc Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company F. M. BLUHM POPULAR LYRIC COMPANY. New Playing to Big Houaea All the Time at the Bungalow. . When you want a couple of hours' entertainment of the Utht and airy kind, with a score of pretty and clever chorus girls, plenty , of music and catchy jtongs and loads of genuine fun and l:ighter. go to the Bungalow any 1720. j John W; and Grace lodcr to W. S. Thomas, lots 15, 16, Hock 4, West Gladstone: 110. RIH,mn. Neiil r.fjiM Ana M-latloa. from $25.50 to to (!. U. and Ueorge USalle, lots 15. ft7 50 to $30.00. Irt. block 52: $450. .BUTTER (Puylngl Ordinary H. C. and Mary K. Stevens to Wlf- i.rH?fy Mn 'ro 1Ro lo t0e Ham and Winnie And.-rsen to Frank fancy dairy from StV 'to 32c, cream- Haggar. undivided 3-4 Interest lu Iota ery r:c to 350. 8 and 7. tlxfk 5. Oregon City; $10. Kt5(iS-lHuyiigi s and 7. blook &. Ore son City: $10. KtKlS-1 nuyfiigi- Are ranging from afternoon or evening and see the pop- nlar Lyric Musical Comedy Company, which under the management of Keat ing ft Flood Is now playing at the eoty uptown playhouse, for the summer. SAINPOLIS AT THE BAKER. Opening of Well-known Actor Sunday, Matinee In Groat Play. All classes of theatre-goers in Port land are more or less Interested in the special engagement of the eminent character actor John Sainpolis with the Baker Company, as Mr. Sainpolis played two seasons here and was gen erally recognized as the cleverest ac tor who has ever appeared In stock in this city. Since leaving Portland he has for .several years been support ing famous stars, such as Mary Man nering, David Warfleld, etc., the lat considering making Day" an annual event. 45 Years Ago From The Enterprise of October 27, 1866. United States Armory. During the year 1864 a commission appointed by the 8!cretary of War, for the purpose of selecting sites for the s ceo m mod a Tbouiaa F. Ryan aiid Inet M. Ryan to I-eo S. Burdon, lots 15, 16, block. 37, (iladstoue; $300. I D. K. BIIJ to John W. Loder. north- tw. i. . matin., .tort da at s-45 easterly half of lot "A", tract f.7. Wtl and two evening performancea the t lameite tracts; $1. first at 7:45 and the second at 9:15. 1 1 West ft Vack, those two funny corned- HEIRESS IS GUARDED, tans of the tall Dutchman and thei ,,.. ,. . short Dutchman variety are great! CHICAGO. May ao.-rretty 15)ear-laugh-getters, and Jeanle Fletcher the old Catharine Barker, possessor of prima donna Is a Scotch girl with a truly marvelous voice. There Is never a alow moment and the immense fol lowing the Lvric Company haa won tn thjs cltj Is the bet criterion of the Tleaing shows theygive. The new $30,000,000 Is today the matrimonial j earn mark of European royalty. The American princess, whose life reads like the pages torn from the old French chronicle, Is held a willing captive' In the spacious mansion of h lit- bring more. Old roosteTs" are poor at 8c to lc, broil ers bring from 32c to 34c, with, good demand. WOOL (Buv.'ngi iVool prices are ranKlng from l3o 10 14c. MOHAIR (Buying Prices On mo hair have, been "vay up, some having brought as h'gh sa 39o locally. Quo tatlons are 374c and demand la strong HIDES (Buying fireen hides. 5c to fie; sailers, Slfcc to tc; dry hides, 13c to. 14c. Sheep pelts, 35o to 75e ! nuiL-n rDriT-i..i .i.. J,. firm at from Kc to lOe on apples and bill starts every Sunday, matinee, and poisibi; to give better ind blgaer r !. latlw.t Michigan City, shows than were ever known at the ' Guarding her arc atalwart, allent men. down-town house. The same old pop- J The fiery dragon of the old chronicles nlar prices prevail all the time 13c ; , mipp,nte4l j ,nll, modern story aiiu ar, nmi iue rrr niuiirii, tn' lure t)e Chorus Girls' contest takes i of facts by n'soullcs corporation.' place as usual after each performance j The guardian of Miss Barker, accord Friday evenings. hng to the will or herTathr. la-fhe directorate of the First Trust ft bav- Over in sunny Sicily a young prince of chivalrous nntnre, fired with love and ambttlon, frets and fumes because D.,1 r . . . . -v ........ The following are the real estate 1n" BnlL transfers which have been filed In the office of the County Recorder: Anna J. Reinhardt and L. W. Rein- hardt to W. H. and Susie E. Gordon prunes, peacbea sre lOe. SALT-Selllng fioc to uc lor fine, 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1 2Mc$l 50 per anck; parsnips, $1.35 ri$150: turnips. $125$1.50; beets, I 50. VEGBTABIJ2S AsparasTtis, H)c $1.75 per crate; enhbage, new, 3 per hund.vd weight ; cauMCower $1.50O $1.75 per dtxen; celery, California, 75c i9oc ter doren; cucumbers, $!.&ff $3 25 per doren; eggplant, 15c per lb.; garlic. locQ lc per pound; lettuce, 5c per ilojen; hothouse lettuce, I.&0 Cf $2 pe' box: peas, 9c ft 11c per pound; peppers, 3ocf35c per pound; radishes. He per doxen; rhubarb, te Your wants eoppHsd with any quantity of '4 foot or it Inch wood . llvrod to any part or City!' Prieo, rossonablo. ' Satisfaction guarantee Phoro your ordar. Cor. 6th and CiMw, Orsgoa City. Homo B-110 II V I Jt ereta'o MM tftr niwt it osoeeja mum I Jr-"? t-tilM-.'.; .i Jl.IZL.' roar iaHfinrHipi, sun anoe van BAva1 rati aiaV7" whldi UM you knar ride the I4erela and Z l I." i If roa aralbea t perfMHlr aalUSeu w Al iL,i IluhTi ili?- factc:y Faucis zztesv: ittffj 1 1 JJ actual faetnryenrt rnvaarallO lo M mliWlruwrrimSh.'S!! ' II V" - I--. . esa ae m ! . il,7" TI-T iXlT I SlIS.lMS"Hl Hits! sSllas mmd ' fc.n.ftsMajMS III 30. township 5 south, range 1 east: $1XI. A. G. and Teresa Bornstedt to G. F. Ruege, land in Clackamas county; $10. The hero of this thrilling romance Is the Prinriplno di Santa Marghertta. land in George Crow D. L. C: $2.VK) .; . n8 ,rom Amer'- f7sc rr mnd aprout.' c- TomatueV J. J. and Caroline J. Stangel to' can p-lncess. and lcause bis missive, "2tanM' ?"- opnrona jory, 62 acres of section of love have never reacnea her with POTATOES Oreicoo iobblne nrlce their ardent words of his "grande I $2 50 per hundred; nw potatoes, 7c passion." ". . f J7 He per pound. onions Joo Ding pncea; Oregon $375 per '100; Australian, $3.60 per 100; Teias, 2.25 per crate; Califor nia, $2 per crate. Oregon City Stock Uuotatlono. HOGS Hoga are quoted He lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 Iba. 4, from 150 Iba. to 200 lbs. 8 He. VEAL CALVES-Veal calves bring from c to lOe according to grade. BEEF STEERS leet steers for i w w 2.",.1T,tJJ f s.ttsjess4liiaWi.r .wmm . n TiMJO FlefffMhrrn Pr-t-rn.PrARl t esasa w qw s sjssewsass o S SSI ' 5!lf-tsjli:iTireSi2SSS? U M aw awaav Asa as. a.asaJHa a.a osrevr mr eaevi a awweif pmrw aaw p awa fait a) awes pf fa a" lsisamssi i3KCXETc::urtcariCT!H (S aii,a. Vsea.aeoiin w0 mmt let e street, f '' " A auuureu UHMMauu nam aiMd lsi year, rttllnr. verr anrahla and Itnrd liui.u oiiK a simh-IsI ousllte ttf rt,lrfM.e. ahlrh Im. nmiea corona and alilrn no email "" V m tt.rm Ilt.-. l,.SI ........ 1. Ill hWlaa tka tklsk k atatliurtbalUielrllrrabavevcily been iMintpedui one I J 'A"aedaaaraatnps''i" vr Iwun In a whuin araann. Tliey welsh no more ua J I Oae "O" alas tim aina "M aa ordinary UrtbairaiKjtorwreaLaUiiOQualiuee betng J'l peaeaal tta aatuaa. TlsS a leen b aeeeral larra of thin, aeefilelle eeMred J ttra Mil eullest as HeJ j ralwiaoti the tread. The reeulsr price ol theaa Urea V esa OOFT, ILASTK Md i la 110 Oil per pair, bet risradeertlalne Himnsea wo ara EAST RlDiaO. nikln a soeol.l fsrturr to the rt.ler o otil S4 lOper pslr, AllnrlenhlMfdaMN ! da t letter Is reoeteed. i alilp O. O. 1. oo aiisual. Vuu do Bot p s eeul until lut etamlned and fcntnd them strlrtlr as rrentl. ' sMTJllLfT.? " 1 -riii mil i mit tw-w04.s srlr1lf eavtiass ' - m T?."- 4 " 1 ! " adi i hi iinv toa ras ee ttmk la mim sa imm i """ l format r mm leeyaea a-4 lnnii i sissiine. ,.rt. .n, aa assess a aa as la as a. If ra asaaraaair umss line, rx IS ism lWTiine I I I I' i t II - i SI ' uregon sweiin eoionization com-, heir to one of the oldest and noblest pany to Carl and Bertha Munther, , , . cu,,, . . north half of the northeast quarter of huu"P,, ' Sic ,ly' H U th '"'n section 8. township 5 south, range 8id,nt ' klnK"' 1ue,n"- ladies and east; go acres; $1800. knights to whom romance and love Edwin H. Peery to George F. Hen- j Were ambrosia and nectar. nioger ana rnene a. Henninger, iu acres of sections 9 and 16. township , 4 south, range 1 east; $1000. However, he Is not alone In his pur suit of the princexs. At least a dozen ih (oral mm lets i fetching 6Hoto 6'4c live wetirnt. SHEEP aim in mi at c to 5o live weight. BACON, LARD and HAM, Rio Orm. Subscribe for the DsJlf BntorprUe The Real Cause of the Increasing Cost of City j Govern- ment MAGAZINE BINDING e I By GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN. . Ex-Mayor of New York 'HE constantly increas ing cost of city gov ernment is due to causes far more SUB TLE and COMPLICATED than corrupt officials, dishonest bosses or rotten political ma- " ' " chines. . e THl BOOT OF THE MATTER LIES IN OUR BELIEF IN THE EFFICACY OF LEGISLATION. . This u the germ of collectivism which so largely INFLUENCES jrabtic opinion in the United States and is expressed in our legisla tion. , ; . . . There is not t city in the' Union that has not joined the procession toward collectivism as evidenced by the public utilities, public scrr ices and free institutions it supports. . ' ' The city assnmes toward the citizen at his birth the relation of a kind and generous if somewhat fussy grandmother and continues this relation till he has passed away. This experience of paternalism HAS MADE TILE AMEIHCAN PEOPLE ANXIOUS FOR roiiE. :. , .v. Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. PARKPUCE WINS DEBATE (Continued from pago 1) such rights were iiol "relinquish! Ai these mtn are both of high repot. nd lis apnearlof that there Is mlsunderatanding, e do " Mo Itrteot to render a uWIlon on thh (nln. This msy nt bo law, M " rrtms to us to bo Jurtlee. "Third That the hestl of tbs latins di-uartmeiil oftie Usgos had ' no rlgot to render a IJuhI dclslo si til your protest hsd htn difldss oj t lie Kxerullvt CommlHee. "In conclusion, ss I'srkplacs U acted lit gotxl faith, ws think, tot withstanding the various IrrViuUri tlfi, that the championship shouW ftwsrdt'd to that school. 'Uilgnatl "DIIKNTON VEDDEH ,' "resldesL "T. J. OAKY, "U C. DUKWARO. Spin hs Plsts. .1 t.l..t. la nil old fiimr rll'ra uw-x . MH h int Bcntrntlooi . . . . .. m all amr I of rmiflrell. I ne rninii"- - . Mini .w srrv the given a fltie unrf l-M i l'l B middle of the rm mlllng " name of sm.thr .Mver Tbs playitr h.e nnn..- I- '"'; ma and c-att h the pint.- i-f'- im'T pinning. If he fH '",v; ' h. felt, which he innM r-tt n. performing wue -turn s-i" him. nlt"l Oaf ie miii'""' . burg piarrr .)fl t.i.k i. tn I ji r tr ' wuii'u lie ur arnr In the center ant) tells a ,!,.. iirlnfflnl In th names of the vrli Chosen. At each men imnU tl.m t.f h" ml that itnt If " mil ra ninvar renreMrntlnil mill must get up nnd lmlfnt " falls tn do so he must s totK" to Ite redtHmed Inter The Besoluts Ptsbblt. It Is cruet, however you vl J T chase s poor beer end to Hoe n For miles as some hunt." aid the rabbit. -1 won- e And I don I ear whe Mks se t The Oregon CitV fruit and Produce Union . -SELLS Arsenate of Lcod Dcrry Crates liay, Grain and reed Implements '