Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 19, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MORNING IfiNTEHPKltth, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911.
, , ......... . ., i V
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rice ro,t butter
, The following letter, reprinted from
Hoard's Dairyman, girt a descrlpt
lion of the moat wonderful cow on
( record:
Hoard's Dairyman: We briers of
Northern New York are Jubilant of'
tbi glorioua victory Just won by Mr.
E. H. Dollar and bit wonderful dalrv
animal. Pantlac Pet. But three weeks
ago Mr. Dollar and I were looking over
at -ret- in a pea (all, and I said
-Ert, she Is capable of the world's rec
ord If you can get at her." Mr. Dol
lar waa suffering from a severe at
' rack of the rheumatism then and
things looked pretty blue for him.
We left that evening for a trip down
the stare to purchase a carload of (he
black and whites. On our return,
. Pet hid given birth to a beautiful
bull calf and. was n a most Ideal con
dition for the record.
Mr. Dollar waa better and when the
week was up they began the race for
the victory that waa won with nearly
a half a pound of butter to spare over
the wonderful record of Pontile
Clothilda DeKol 2nd.
You will want to know about the
man and the row that won this vic
tory for I view this achievement as
more man than cow.
The man: Mr. Dollar came home
from the ljusy life of a mercantile
business in New York City to take
charge of the Dollar Homestead on
the passing away of his father. This
was but a little over a decade ago.
He has put Into the business the alert,
quirk preceptiveness thst he acquired
In his brief sojourn In the city This,
with the vigor, the sturdiness. the
practical' and acquired faculties of a
couotry reared young man put in on
those factors means success in any
business. He has made and is mat
in his farm Into one of the greatest !
dairy farms In the world. It is a hand-J
maae Tarm so to speak. All made
from the ability and vigorousness of
Mr. Dollar and his family. Mr. Dol
lar's own words to me. recently said,
portray his character. "While I live I
want to do things with all the will and
force there la in me" and he does
things that way. it is such a man
that was behind -Pef and she had
to do things at the pail that made her
the world's record breaker. The dairy
wwn snouia nonor Mr. Dollar. i
The cow: Pontiac J?et Is a wonder-!
ful. motherly formed individual, very
open in contour, with those widely set
fore legs that give a Urge heart girt 1
and capacious chest, with well sprung -
"f nm mai give a roomv, di
gestible cavity, with wide apart hips
and loins thst make a large maternal
""'J. covered by a medium, nnctu-1
ous, full of grit, and ailky skin, all of I
which goes to 'mike up a great dairy '
animal. She is a daughter of Pontiac '
Korndyke out of a low record daugh
ter of Hengerveld DeKoL
I think It was more rn bvr devoid. '
ment than In anything else that has
pvea her th chance and the blllty ;
to make the wonderful
she has. Calving as a senior two-year-old
at two years. 19 months. IT
Ut". and .beginning her first record 1
nearly three months afterward, she
Produced 15 645 lbs. of butter from'
-6 lbs. of milk in 7 days, and In!
30 days. 64.834 lbs. from 1I7 7 lbs. -
as a junior lour-year-old. she
made 27J lbs. batter from m.S lbs
milk in seven days, and 112.056 lbs.
"i ouuer id unity days from 2018 3 1
lbs milk. At six years of age she :
made 30.M lbs. butter from 483 $ lbs
milk la seven days, and 116 ,7 lbs. 1
batter from 2033-1 lbs. milk in thirty '
dsys. (
Now as a seven-year-old sh makes i
J7-67 pounds butter in seven days, I
asd her thirty-dajr record haa not been I
completed yet You will see that she 1
must have been . Urse an4, weJ.
grown two-yearold. She was given a i
good lest and a thirty-day record at
ner nrst caiving. At everv imi hr
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance ' authorising the Issu
ance of the Improvement bonds In
pursuance of an act of legislature
In the State of Oregon, known aa
"The Bonding Act"! aa the same has
been amended.
' Oregon City doea ordain as follows:
Section 1. Thst In pursuance of
applications of owners of property
to pay certain assessments for the
Improvement of Center Street. Ore
gon City, Oregon, from the north
line of Seventh to the north line
of Niuth Street; as provided by an
act of the legislative assembly Of
State of Oregon, entitled "An
" 'Act to provide for the Issuance for
the Improvements of Streets and
the Isyioa. of Sewers In Incorpor
ated Cities and for the payment of
the costs of such improvements and
laying of Sewers by Installments,
"Hied in the office of the Secretary
of State. February 22nd, 1893, aa
amended by an act entitled, 'AN
Aot to amend sections I. 2. 3. 4, 5,
6 and 7 of an Act entitled, "AN Act
to provide for the Issuance of bonds
for th Improvement of Streets and
laying of Sewers in Incorporated
Cltiea and the payment of the costs
of such Improvements and laying of
Sewers by Installments, 'filed In
the offlce of the Secretary of State.
February 2!nd. 1833. "'approved
February 28 IB. 1901. and subsequent
amendatory acta thereto passed by
the Legislative Assembly of the
Stste of Oregon: The Mayor and
Recorder are hereby authorised and
directed to execute Improvement
bonds of Oregon City. Oregon, and
deliver the same to the Treasurer
of Oregon City. who skill
the Finance Committee of the Coun
cil of Oregon City to deliver said
bonds to the successful purchaser
thereof, who shall pay to said
Treasurer the amount bid for said
Said bonds are Issued for the pay
ment of a portion of the cost of
improving thst portion of said Cen
ter Street described above. Oregon
City, and shall not exceed the sum
of 15604 29. In the segregate.
The denomination of said bonds
shall be as follows: One for $104.28,
and eleven for $500.00 each.
Said bonds are to be dated the
20th day of April. 1911. and shall
mature in ten years from the date
thereof, and be payable in gold coin
of the I'nlted States of America.
and shall bear Interest at the rate
of six per centum per annum. In
terest payable semi-annual, said In
terest to be evidenced by coupons
sttached to said bonds, provided
however, the right to tske up or
cancel said bonds upon the payment
of the face thereof with all ac
crued Interest to the date of pay
men of any semi-annual Interest
paying period, at or after one year
from the date of said bond, is here
by reserved to Oregon City.
Section 2. The Treasurer of Ore
gon City is hereby directed to cred
it upon receiving the purchase
price Pf Mid bonds, the face value
thereof and accrued interest to the
Improvement fund (Center) and
all premiums to the general fund
of Oregon City.
Section 3. Whereas the Cflv
Council of Oregon City-has hereto
fore found thst the condition of said
Center Street waa and is dangerous
to the health and safety of the pub
lic, and has let a contract for the
immediate Improvement of the same
and whereas the said street la still
In such condition so aa to be danger
ous to the health and safety of the
public, and that it is necessary to
provide funds for the continuance
of the Improvement thereof, and
that said continuance is necessary
for the Immediate preservation of
the health and saffy of the public,
in the Judgment of the City Council
of Oregon City an emergency ex
ists: therefore this ordinance shall
tak effect and be In force immedi
ately upon its approval by the May
or. Head first time and ordered dud-!
lisbed at a special meeting of the
City Council, held on the 16th day of
May, 191 1. and to come up for sec
ond reading and final passage at a
special meeting to be held on the
2th day of May. 1911.
L. STIPP. Recorder
same, and prohibiting screens, lewd
pictures and other ai tractions there
la. and doors aad connections Into
other rooms therefrom. Also Riving
the people of the ward In which such
room la proposed the right to remon
strate Against the same, and .reserv
ing to the council the right to re
fuse a license In Its discretion, and
providing the manner that applicants
for pool or Millard room lice use
shall follow In applying for the
same, and repealing ordinances No.
3t9 and 457, Oregon City. Oregon.
- Oregon City does ordain aa fol
rows: ,
Section 1. JJCvery person desiring
to carry ou a pool or billiard room
In Oregon City, shall first obtain a
license therefor In the manner fol
lowing, uvwtt: Application for such
license shall be made, by petition
to the City Council, and such peti
tion shall be signed by the appli
cant or applicants, and shall stste
the particular place where such
"room" is to be lot-sled, and the
time for which such license Is de
sired. Notice shall also be given by
the party or parties desiring such
license, by publishing the same -Joc
two 'consecutive weeks In news
paper of general circulation In Ore
gon City, and such notice shall
state the place where such "room"
Is to be located, and the time when
such application will be made to the
Council, and the same shall also be
filed,; with the City Recorder. Be
fore such application for license
shall be granted, and license or-
dered Issued. It shall receive the a
proval. by vote, of the majority of
toe members of the City Council.
Section X. The registered voters
of (he wsrd In which such pool or
oimara room is proposed In the pe
tition and notice above roenttoued
may file -at-any time prior to the
time for the hearing of such petl
lion, a remonstrance with the Re
corder, against the granting of the
same. And. If upon the hearing of
such petition . and remonst ranee,
the Council find that a majority of
tne registered voters of such wsrd
have remonstrated against ' the
granting of such license, then the
same ahsll be denied. And. In rase
less tbaif a majority of such regis
tered voters have remonstrated,
and the Council deem It against the
best Interests of the coir muni ty to
grant such license, they may refuse
to grant the same. And when
license has been refused by the
Council, for either of the reasons
above, no further applications for a
license from such ward for a pool
or billiard - room therein, may be
taken up and considered again, antil
the expiration of a period of three
montaa mom the time of the hear
ing laat referred to.
Section 3.. When the petition for
a license under thla ordinance has
been granted, and, the fee for the
same has been paid to the City
Treasurer and bis receipt therefor
Hied -sfith the City Recorder, the
Recorder shall Issue a license to the
petitioner or petitioners, provided
that such applicants, shall at the
same time file with said Recorder a
good and sufficient bond in the sum
of $500.00. approved by the Mayor
and Recorder, and conditioned that
the hoWer of such license will not
permit any unlawful, or disorderly
conduct In such "room.""orisllow
any minor to frequent or loiter In
or about the same, and that he or
they will faithfully comply with all
of the conditions of this ordinance.
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, before the Mayor or Record
er, shall be fined in any aunt not
exceeding Fifty Dollars, or by liu-
prisonnieul fur any term, not
ceedtng twenty-five dsys or by both
such nue aad IniurliwiunieuL
Head fit at lime and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council, held on the loin day of
May, 191 1, and to come up for sec
ond reading and final passage at a
apevtal meeting to be held on the
xyta day uf May. 1911.
U 8T1IT. Recorder. '
Ordinance No.
An ordinance to regulate eights and
, - measures, aad the use thereof, aud
the use of Instruments sud contain
ers used to determine weights ud
measures; to provide for the cre
ation aud appointment of a board
uf luspectors of weights snd meas
ures, and prescribing their duties,
aad to provide punishmcut lor a
violation of this orulnsuce
Oregon city does ordain as tot-lows:
Section 1. Immediately after the
going into effect ol thla ordinauce
the Mayor of Oregon, City shall
nominate and appoiut. by aud with
the consent of the City Council of
Oiegun City, for the purpose of Id
spevtlng aud regulating weights snd
measures In Oregon t'lty, and tbt
us of Instruments aud contaluera
used to determine weights and
measures, a board of three meiulwia,
who shall be called 1 lie Hoard Of
luspectors of WeUbis and Meas-
ruea. whose tern o( otttcs shall con
tinue for one year irotu the nrsi
day of July, 1911. and until their
successors are appointed aud quail-
neo, aupf whom shall eeoe without
A Man In Wolfs
t'upyrlght by Am.-rl.WiTss Aw
t-lstlon. IMI
init . tilbrsltar. I crossed the
strstt ami landed In Unifier in
transition front an Uugllsh army PMt
Id s"o Arab town Is about as tuarkol
s auy that cau I made. At Tangier
u suout bitu tne swuriuy us
live! wearlnf the baracan, a long
white cotton garment-probably the
togs of the Romans, who once con
quered his country, handed down to
the present dsy-aud of a different re
llgtou from what h has left on the
other side of the strait. If his system
of suierstltlon ran be called rellglou.
At Tangier I outfitted for a trip lo
the great desert of rUhars, aiming to
penetrate as far south ss Tust, thwuce
northeastward to TrlpoTT." I had sev
eral camels and a dosen men aa aerv
ants and gusrda.
There Is no lonelier place on the face
of the earth than the desert, though I
will admit that on a atarllgbt ulgbt
there la a solemn grandeur about It.
When we were not moving tt night lu
atead of the day I established a guard
about tuy camp Just as If we were an
army man-hlng through an enemy's
country, and, strange to say. this vig
ilance was simply exercised against
thieves aud robbers. The ingenuity
of these lying rascals la remarkable.
salary or other remuneration.
Section X. It ahall be the duty of They are natural spies.' They would
ini J"d of '"iwrtors of weights ,, ,. , g h nemt fr,.
Tf:;:: : ."r rr ' ,h2.lf ,h;
than quarterly thereafter, to make I conU, ,hf ,r b,0,U on Mr'"10 Bd.
such Inspection as it shall deem 1 " not- ""her Information as to how
adequate to determine the correct ' (DT rould rob us at another time,
bess or incorrectness of tustruiaeots One dsy a band of Tuareg, aa they
and containers used to determine i are called, came Into camp for the
weights and measures, and any purpose, I felt sure, of observation,
shortage In any thing or commodity . xb Mbered about aa many as ws.
bat as my force wss under the com
mand if a Kuroieaa and well armed
they would not think of attacking us.
That ssme night my seutlael I pat
one man on guard wss shot dead, t
beard the dlstsnt crack of a rifle and.
ratlin several of my men, hurried them
Ordinance No,
f0lj" heen enticed snd invigor-1 An Ordinance providing for building a
ated by a good long test. At the mws.
ent test Mr. Dollar had hr condition-,
ed and in shape to do her utmost
To one not versed in handling cattle
it would be bard to make them believe i
you could make such a thanr in ,n !
animal. But to one who washes their
development and sees the,; changes
fco oa he can see wherein some one
wii nnng oat a forty pounder witnln
tb next fire years. Yes. I am going
" ie you breeders two years to do
me stunt. 10u have got a hard one
oi you to beat Dollar.
Pontile Pef. we bow to you as well
as your owner, and we Holstein
Friesian breeders can congratulate
ourselves over this new record.
New York.
Ordinance No.
Ad Ordinance vacating the lots and
alley in Block Twelve. Oregon City.
Oregon s shown by the recorded
Plat thereof now on file fn the office
of the County Recorder of Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
Oregon Cltv doe ordain as follows:
Section l. That the lots number
ed from On to Eii?ht Inclusive in
Block numbered Twelve (12 Ore
gon City. Oregon, ss shown by the
recorded plst thereof on file In the
offlce of the Recorder of Convey,
ances of Clackamas County Ore
gon, together with the alley, running
through the said Block 12. be and
the same are hereby varsted, and
the said Block shail hereafter a: and
iaZ, !h Mm' had nTr bn dl-
. " iois witn an slley running i
Through the same.
Bm t,m" nd W"red pub- j
VT,'" m(K of the'
, City Council. beln on the 16th day
of May, J 911. and to come up for
, second reading and final passage
at a special meeting w u held on
the 29th day of May. 1911.
- U STIPP. Recorder.
Drain cnlvert from Fourteenth
Street northerly to Fifteenth Street
'rK'n City Oregon.
Oregon City does ordsin ss follows
Section 1. It is hereby provided
that a concrete drain culvert having
an snd arch 6 Inrh thick on
foundation of 6 inches of concrete
and suJvert to be 3 feet inches
deep by 3 feet wide and shall be
constructed from Fourteenth Street
Oregon City. Oregon, st the Intersec
tion of John Adama Street along
Joan Adams street to Fifteenth
Street to divert the wster from Ksn-
sas City Canyon into the Abernathy
Section 2. There Is hereby ap
propriated out of the general fund
1 12') 00 or so much thereof aa Is
necessary to pay for said culvert
section 3. Whereas the water
flowing down said Canyon, floods
Washington 8treet and renders the
same Impassible and dangerous and
it la necessary for the Immediate
protection of the said street nd
persons traveling over the same that
tnia culvert be built Immediately
therefore thla ordinance shall be In
force and take effect Immediately
upon its approval by the Mayor.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a s peel si meeting of the
City Council of Oregon City, held
on the 16th day of May, 1911, and
to come np for second reading and
final passage at a special meeting
to be held on the 2th day of May,
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance to license and regulate
pool and billiard rooms in Oregon
City, and prohibiting cards and
games of cbsnce therein, and pro
hibiting minors from frequenting
the same, and defining tbe place
where such rooms may be conducted.
ana tne manner of tbe front of tbe
Afe Yoo a Subscriber to the
' Ne7 Daily?
If The Morning Enterprise Is to be ss snocessful as tbe Interests of Oregon
City demand It most needs hay the support of alL Tbe new dally has
big work before It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Your
support means more strength for tbe wort.
Will You Help Boost yoor own Interests?
a United time the Morningr utawpriM sill be sold to paid la advance
, subscribers as fol lows:
By Carrier, j year ."...V...... ..'...A .......'....-.. $3 04
Br Maul, l year..... 2M
I a year mm and rewiHtuwsu. -
:;'v-v: ". ; .-.
- In tbe conduct of such pool or bl
Hard room
Section 4. Every pool or billiard
room in Oregon City, shall be local
ed upon the ground floor, and the
front i wall of such room shall be so
constructed, the entire width there
of, that a clear unobstructed view
may be had from the streer of ev
ery part of the interior of such
room by persons passing along the
same upon tbe sidewalk. Such
front shall be made of transparent
glass to within not less than four
feet of the level of the aldewalk
along the front of such room. There
shall be no screens, partitions or
other obstructions in such room
whatever, and no doors or entrances
Into any other room or rooms there
from, (except toilet I. The fee for
a license under this ordinance. In
addition to that mentioned In sec
lion 9 of ordinance No. 207, of Ore
gon City, shair be $10.00 per quarter
Section . It shall be unlawful for
the proprietor of any pool or billiard
room in Oregon City, his agent or
employee, to permit any form of
gambling therein, or any games
wub carda or alee or other contriv
. ance. whatever, or to keen or ner
' mit to be kept open any such pool
or billiard room later than eleven
111) o'clock P. M. of every day or
to open tne same earlier. tban seven
(7) o'clock A. M. of every day. Ex
cept on days previous to the first
dsy of fhe week, election davs and
holidays when such places may keep
open mi Miantgnu
Section 6. It shall be unlawful
for the proprietor of any pool or
Dimara room in Oregon City, his
sgent or employee to permit any
minor tyenter or loiter In or about
such room, or to engsge In or play
any game of pool or billiards therein
or any other game of chance either
for amusement or otherwise. And
any minor who ahall enter or loiter
In .or About any such room, or w ho
shall engage In any game of pool or
billiards therein o attempt to en-
gage in any such game, or any other
game of chance either for amuse
ment or otherwise or such proprie
tor or employee as aforesaid shall
upon conviction thereof be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be punished as hereinafter provld
Section 6. It shall be unlawful
for any person or persons obtaining
a license under this ordinance to
suffer or permit the placing of any
iewa pictures upon the wall of such
room, or the display therein of anv
freaks, or nude statues therein, or
to nave in such room anything ex
cept pool and billiard tables, and
the' necessary chairs for the con
venience of the patrons of the same.
No license under this ordinance
shsll be transferable to another,
wnnoiic tne consent of tbe City
Section 7. That ordinance No.
389, entitled an ordinance providing
for the licensing and regulating of
billiard, pool and card rooms and
to prevent minors under the age of
eighteen years from frequenting the
same, passed March 6th, 1907; ap
proved March 6th, 1907, and an or
dinance No. 487, entitled an ordi
nance to amend section one of or
dinance No. 369, approved March' 6.
1907, as amended by ordinance No
436 of Oregon City, Oregon, and re
pealing section 2, of said ordinance
No. 436. passed Dec. IS, 1909, and
approved same date, be and tbe
same ara each hereby repealed.
Section S. Any person violating
any of the provisions of this or
dinance, shall be deemed guilty of a
sold within Oregon City, by whom
said Instruments or containers are
used aud by whom things or com
modities are sold short, and Im
mediately thereafter to report to the
City Council ta findings and the re
sult of its inspection.
Section 3. Kverv uerson dolus
business la Oregon City refusing to ; out In different dire. lions sfler the
permit tne Hoard of Inspectors of murderer. I went myself, but saw aotb
Weights and Measures to Inspect j tug, only tbe great sandy 141 lows. One of
" "''V"J container, used p,, tn( . wolf running
to -determine weights or measures i ZZaw,., ' .
used In said business, upon applica- tf' ng was found,
lion of saw board shsll be guilty oft - I Dt
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction 1 6tirA m"n uJ proceeded on our way.
thereof ahall be punished aa herein-' Tnat nlht whlle every one except the
after provided. ' man on guard was asleep there waa
Section -4. Every person who another crack, and a sentry wss killed,
shall sell anything or commodity In Again I deployed my men. prut-eedlng
Oregon City that la more tban one farther than before, but Hot even a
per cent abort f the amount re pre-1 wild animal was found. There was
z::r:" 'riru" i opportunity for .n, 0n. to tide
one per cent short of thsl which is htmnt w,,n nU oarsc.
the true weight-or measure, shsll i 001 ,lk!3r to n- At any rate, we
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. wr" Oo"aed U gle up the search,
and upon conviction thereof shall ' surmised that tbe party of Tua
be ptinUhed as herelnsfter provided, rega who had visited our ramp were
Section S. I'pon the receipt by I hovering near us. Intending te pick off.
iiie my vouncn or tne report oils man every night till ear n amber
.u. iKsm vt inspectors ot weights i .hoold be So reduced SS to render us
uu measures, inrilll Utuncil SHBII -r. .
consider the ssld report, and If ! " L" . . " IT '"""7 .
Vrefrom It ahall determine that 1 - . w , V T
this ordinance hks been violated by nvnM"m WOMd fall Into their hands,
sny person, the said Cltv Cnuneii I Te oat fit won Id be a fort nue to them.
i coneiuaea tnat I mast stop tneir
shall cause the offender to be com
plained against, arrested snd pruee-
. Section 6. Every person convict
ed or a violation of any of the pro
visions of this ordlnsnce shall be
punished by a fine of not less tbso
twenty five dollsrs nor more thsa
one hundred dollsrs. or by Imprison
ment In tbe city Jsll for not less
than twelve nor more than fifty
days, or by both fine and Imprison
ment. Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of tbe
City Council, held on the 16th day of
May, 1911. and to come up for sec
ond reading and final passage sf a
special meeting to be held on tbe
2th day of May. 1911.
I 8TIPP, Recorder.
l-UKTUAND. Or.. Mar 18. ISw.
la 1 1 Portland suffered defest today
In a close game with Sacramento. The
senators garnered one In the second
and two In the third. McCredle'a men
came back In the fourtn with a brace
ot runs, but these ended their run
getting. Ryan's home-run wss a fea
ture of the game. Portland made six
nits and two errors to Sacramento
seven bits and no erfora. Both .Hen
derson and By r 9 in pitched good ball.
oemg sieauy si critical moments.
The Portland Sookane came was da.
ciareq on on account of rain.
Tbe following were the results
Pacific Coast League Sacramento
3. Portland 2; 8an francisco 8, Oak
land 1; Vernon 6, Los Angeles 6.
Northwestern League Portland
Spokane game postponed because of
rain; Tacoma 0, Victoria 0, called In
fourth Inning account of rain; Van
couver 4, Seattle 0. ' ' " "
National League St, Louis 8. Bos
ton 1; Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati pitta-
burg 6, New York 1; Chicago U. ph.
adelphla 2. ',
American Lagus Cleveland 9.
wasnmgton 6; Detroit 9. Philadelphia
4; New York 3, St. Louis 2; Chicago
iz, uoston g.
Mr. Wettlaufer was In isit. ..i.i.
t . . nii.,u,i
si weea.
Kd Grace was haullne- shlnrles last
Mr Bergman lost jjhorse..
Mr. Fawner la working for 8am El
Mr Battenmlller la building' a fence.
Mr. I Marauard want m Pnrtian
Monday. " "
Ham Elmer wss plowing last week.
Ed Itettman Is building a fence
P't Huver bought a pig last week.
Tn. ci.rks school Is going to hsve
pie and necktie social May 20. .
game at all hs sards.
Tbe next night I planted a tent pole
la tbe ground, fixed a crosaplere to
It, and, tying some ea pa no grass
about tbe two, I tuade the body of a
manikin. Thla I covered with a beta
can and put a fea on tbe head. Thus
I bsd a dummy sentinel who might be
shot to pieces without being hurt. I
had tsken csre to fix oar ramp on the
edge of an oasis, where I could elimi
nate the approach In one direction, and
noted a convenient place of conceal
menta bole la the ground a few
hundred yards from the camp. Boon
after dark, taking a rifle, I went out te
my note. Tbe moon gave sufficient
light for me te see any one approach
the csmp.
I had a long wait, for tt waa Bear
dawn before I saw any living thing,
and then nothing mere than a wolf
prowling around lav search of some
thing to eat. But having nothing
else to wstch, I watcbed tbe wolf.
He would stop here and there and dig
up tne sand, then go on, with bis nose
te the ground, to another spot and dig
again. . All tbe while be was Bearing
the camp. Presently he stopped and
after turning In a circle lay down. He
waa lost to view, but I kept my eyee
filed oa the spot where 1 bsd last seen
Suddenly at a point still nearer the
camp I saw a flash, heard a crack.
and tbe wolf, raising himself on his
hind legs, ran sway like a deer.
I had a good ylew of Ihe crearnre't
silhouette s gainst a line of dawn, and
I am a good snot on the wing. Itnbv
Ing my rifle. I achieved an excellent
aim and fired. Tbe wolf pitched for
ward and lay still. '
I had Instructed my foreman,
namet, that If he heard a shot to wake
tbe men and If he heard a second sine
to bring them out. In a few minutes
tney came running toward me.
eniiea,to tnroi and Joined them. Then
we went to the body of the wolf I had
slain. We fonnd hlra to be one of the
Tusregs who bad come Into oaf camp
s row asys Derore, a villa none look
Ing rascal, who seemed to bo a sort of
sneik among tbera. . ,
We scoiued the country for s while.
nut found no one else. Trust aa Arab
for finding a place of concealment.
I took similar precautions the next
night and for several nights, but we
were not troubled again In tbe same
way. Doubtless the robbers, knowing;
that we had got oa to their game, car
It up. , - . , .
w ' T" . . . W
tlssa. f il:
mi luurau in me
a S B m
t -
in i
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w i
in aw kf-w arf s a ar
IS. o ms Aew
Will You Help Us
i ii i
II Rnncr Vnur fiurn II
iiiaMrstiwri? w i
- r '
.....4- sw , . "
By catvicr, t year $3.00
By mail, 1 year 2.00
" ' 1 '1
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
1 ( t
te aw aaavue-
Ad-Renders Place..
When you write vonr iiui
ad or any kind of aa ad try to
Include In It Just the Information
you'd like to find If you were aa
v su-resusr and ware looklna- rm an A
ad of that klao. g
If you do this to even a small
extentyour ad wlU brlmc Ra- s
To Introduce The Morning
laterprlse Into a large) majer
ftyC ef the homea Ui Oregon
City aad Clackamaa eeuatv tae
maaagemeat - haa eesoed to
make a special prion for the
dally Issue, lor a aaert Uaaa
only, where the aubeertber para
a year la astraaoa.- -
By carrier, paid a year to
aavsjaee, sua.
By gtaCL pat
anoe, U.M.
People who gave
ear a trial wbeetiptloa tar one
or more BMssths, at tea ssnts a
weak, eaa hare the dally dettr
erad for year for ft-N by
partner a yaar ha adraaaa. .
People who gave our eaaraav
aer a trial ubaerlptla, - hp
mall, for four montaa at a gel
lar. may bar the paper fog a
year for $1.00. If paid a year la
advance .. , ,
Subscribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may ohaage Uelr
ubaorlptlona to the daily, re
eelvlng credit for' half time oa
the daily that the weekly la
paid la advance. Whoa they
ehoose to add oaah to the) ast
ir nest.
I one-yrsr-old daufMar
I. H. T. Iinrr, wu bo
, eompllrailon of ex
continuing here, making gardeat aa4
fields loojt their best.
Marjone, the
of Mr. and Mr.
tmA ImaAm a AAmlillr
tea and nneumoala wss the catiei si
her death. .
Extensive preparations are wpw
made to celebrate Independence DW
here. v The bllla will aoon be ready
S. .aa
The D. X. A. C. baseball club plaf
Dnrf.. amAm .fl.rnmin a TSTT B
W. .11.' ......... - .
terestlng wame, Boring beln W
outclassed at every atsge of the gaaa.
The sooreT. Of well, only 11 tol, aa)
tmn ,kru .ri slfls. TV0 01
Borlng'a pitchers were sUmtnea as
awmr (ha I uanuut aa though
ki. . .v. ri..k nrhnalt
of the Cluba waa practically ,nlr.
Ms mmA . J..n vnnd fUDPOrii
three double plays were mads by ev
team. The rooters were out la "H
mnA m a MnMAiV-itoi n tesm Si SSSS
wv a W.V V, V , .
heroes deserve. .
mi, u, tt. Iium'-i '
vlalln' at ha litn'l SVaiI KlllTinWr.
' Mrs. Thaodore Schmidt haa rata
ed from the Hot Springs very
In proved In health.
Road work was agala resumed
day morning aftaf the Interrupuos w
the showers. '
raaoa payment oqaal to a fall
vyera adraavee tMxaattl they
may take afrafitao, of the i
'' Wo make thai gpnlil ariee
to that peopta who her paid ' d
ra adraaoeoa aousw aOee aay ,
aad wlafe td taho G Uetag
aterprloa, gegy r Wrheut
too gr$U K30? i"" " . 0
a '-,..- v-. yiUy. ;.'?.. v .ii
&9 po gjj
The rakiac lUy aofrat : gra
- T7ATCH .
. , ,
2t pah rst
r i i i " v'uevii, ; f . - , , "