UOHOTMQ ENTEBP1UBE, FlilDAY, MAY 10, 1911. For The Ladles Who Care Xb reason this i ftore U jjrowin o popular, is because L .re first to hate what Jhe ladies w. L .IV.."! . latest tyle. Udles want stvle, and here you et itVlC and qUOf V t modcsf prices. We are n?J .bowing the La voue coats and suits for ladies, and , udies waists with Kimono sleeves, in the new black ,DJ white neis ana marquisette In plain and iancy em broidered effects, v.. , . . LEVITT Sugponaioa Bridge Corner An Early iprlnfl. 5 I LOCAL BRICrS Mr. Wrldusr, or Beater Creek, waa U ibl city " weaneaaay. Otlo Hiryker, of Eldorado, wa la tkl city on Thuraaay. L U. Fuller, of Caroaa. Waal)., waa h ihiuJty " lina Thursday. Tt Produce Union sell Hajr and fred. illns Ana Allilrxla oaa goo to Klk City lo vIhII it undo, Mr. Randall. Mra. Klibyaon, of Phubet, waa In Alt cliv on Wednesday. Ira lis kins, of Salem, waa In this cKj on a bitnlness trip Wednesday. Tbt l'rxiuci I'nlon sell Arsenate "John Krnpf. of Aurora, waa. In Ore- fig CHy ' Thuraday. Mr Klard Rtuart, of Portland. I ttettlni with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Tliomai Warner. , Mra. Kathryn Ward Pope, of Port- hod. waa In tlila elty vlaltlng wUb jlailvra on Wednesday. - To Produce Union aejla lierry- train. II lu llniin runnel and Mra. R. N. Horfiiin rry.'of Portland. i"r Id this ettron Wednesday visiting friend. - . Charliu Welsmandel, of Carua. waa IIdqbi H i- Oregon City bualnea vial krs in WYdneeday. . 0oi. Smvens and Fred Kanie- Nth. i( li aver Creek, were In Oregon City lnintiiraa Wednesday, Mr. Multnr and daughter, of Carni, were In thla city on Wednes- ... . Vr, An Jones, on a of the well- know residents of Carua, waa In tbia tlty on Imalucas Wednesday. Ilimr Krhoonborn. of Eldorado, waa H (M city vtalitng bla parenta, Mr, m4 Mm It. 8rboenborn, Tuesday. JThe Omemah Ladle' Aid Society M Thursday afternoon at tba hm MIm Ada Hldwell. s F. E. Krcati and wife, of Eugene. tare among I ho Oregon City visitor M Wednesday. f" ! II. T. Smith." of Canby. was In tbla tit; on Wednesday, registering at tba Jiectrlc Hotal. " "T r. T. CoIIInirorPornand.-waa-tn talt city ou Thuraday awning tba wst or Mlaa .Nellie Derby. ,; Frank Haberlarh, one of ba prom k)nt fruit and vegetable produoera of Clvkimna, wag In thla city on buat Itaa Thuraday. ... ' A. n. Zwelfel, of Molalla, who la known In that acctlon of tha rovnty, wag tranaactlog bualneaa In Uli city onVVedueaday, . M. h E. Flynn, of Bllrarton, Oregon, a In thla city oa Wedneaday and Tburadny, and raglatered at tba Etoe- Wo ntl. , . Miaa May Kambo, wbo Buffered a trrloua Injary ta krpln aoriia Um lu, and recently waa atrlokent with pneumonia, waa aomewbat Improved Thuraday. Turn Evana, of Carua, who la am oyd at X)ak (trove, paaeed through 1)1 city on Wedneaday, where ba illpc hla home and to get a aupply f Jeed ibr hla boraea. ' wa-.:. Y ottS for the A S For and we will give yotf with a ; NEW ' rr 4 months sutidriptlon BCaxrter it Sc the month v TO THE : ' . MORNING ENTEftPHIE A Beautiful China PAQtlE ed Hindsimely There are a tariety aVftirns to choose from,' Make your selection tarly - 1 Sobscribef fy Have IfWii Too f To an- y rttuni BhWcriber who will bring us four new jMicyna W will present ;, one of these 4mt viiaiiv-sj, , A' JLtVtCtfbWIUT it MADt AT THE OFFICE OP THE BANK or: ORCOON CITY BUILDING William DUkeraou. of norlug, i ilvi-d lu ibl, (. on wadneaday a 1 111 rmnuln ....!( . . " "uruay aa a gueat " hiiu mra. inarl Kourtiith 8trtx;t. 1'arker, of Mra. Augusta Warner, of thla city, U lav tlila tnorulng for liwd Hlvr, whore alie will L a aueat of Mrnd Mra. Ch.rlea Alright for a William I)lck.roii, of liorlug, who hua buen vUlilng at 'Iit fcuinu of Mra. Iharu.a faika, at rourtecuth Htreei. lor thi puat week, will leave for bla home H.iturUuy evening. itev. t'harlea Itobluaon. wha rei.tly eft tr St)W yorh hlli di.rphia, I'a., will arrive In thla city today. Me will I ac:ouipauld by hia lter ami a Mlaa I'erclval. th laii.r of I'hlladclpbia, who' will pond the auinmer in (hla city. Rev. Mr. Itohln boo wired lo frleoda In thla rliv .iut. lug be bad been very aurceaaful In Belting funda for the new church. Mra. J. E. Vatcher and father, h I'w-k, arrived on Thuraday mornlug from Chicago, HI., by way of Cnllfor. nla, and will make QrMim Cfty the(r home. Mr. Vatcher la In bualm-aa In thla city, and preceded bla family tare about a year. They have rented the UtiW bungalow joii Center Street between Kteventb and Twelfth Bireeta, and will take poaaeaalon on Satur day. Mra. Vatcher and Mr.' I'eck were accompanied here by A. D. Vatcher. irt and eon, Marahall, who will re- nmtu Id thla city for a abort time until they dxcldod upon a twrmaiicnt lorn. Hun. They will make their home In Oregon, HAVINU ptirchaaed the Block of grocfilea of Client her A Hchulu, will make pilcca lo clone out. J. 11. Matt ley, 7th at reet. MISS FOLLENSBEE AND R. V. JEFFERSON WED MARRIACE IS AT CHICO. CAU WHERE YOUNO COUPLE WILL LIVEi Tbe marriage of Mlaa Myrtle Fol lenabee, of thla city, tleBt daughter of Mr. and Mra. K. b. Follenabee, and It VNJefferaon, of Chlco, Collfornia, but formerly of thla city, waa solem nized on May 13, at Chlco, California. Tba wedding waa very quiet and only Immediate reladvea of the bridegroom were present , The bride haa been vMtlng In Chleo for aome time, and her marriage waa aomewbat of a eur prlae to her many frlenda in thla city. Mr. and Mra. Jefferaon are well known In tbla city, wbr they have many frlenda. . Mr. Jefferaon la the on of the late O. U. Jefferaon, and be left aome time ago with bla mother andjier .family for Chlco, where they I have purchased a ranch ana wnere they will reelde. bridge Club Entertalna. Mra. lena Cbarman entertained the Wednesday Ilrldge Club at ber borne Thursday afternoon, the' prlaea being won bv "Mra. Nleta Barlow Lawrence and Mra. J. rt. Humphreys. Tnore were 24 giieata. A luncheon waa aerved. The decorations were of pink and hit flower. ; Church To Give Mualcal. The choir of Hhe Gladstone Chris tian Church la rebearalng dally for tbe musical to be given Sunday night, which promt to be the toat suc ceaaful entertainment of the kind ever given by tbe cburcb. Elaborate preparatlona also have been made for the Brotherhood ban quet to be given a week from tomor row night eMaB-Meaeaaa mbhmv mbm Read the- Morning Enterprise. IX 61nonths subscriptloii By Mall t 25c the month U .r Askhig Stories from 0 4.0QAN me meaatee aoem to be getting a new alurt I- .hi . " , " , ' u, coinmuniiy, J. Minder la having a reeidc realdence built "o ma larin. m...I,;.,.Fun U -own ler. y "D4 mui Bab- K. C. Ocrber la Buffering from an abaceaa on bla law. nrMii. ,i oporatlou. Harding Orange haa completed n gottathn. for a park alt, adjDW he present proeprty. The laud waa parcbaaod from J. M. Tracy . -ff;'. ,,utcl'ln l visiting her brothor Vfllllam Uy,.,., flf Tbe Dalle., thla week. Humor has It thm-. . Ai... a --'wvv aa ve I ua oi on, of Htonea prominent youm men and a Kodlitnd vmmv i.h. cently. " '. The Ixiwer Locan M'hmil will nliu. the prlmury rwiu thla w.,.u .ii ,v. prliuHnarB r(n Jiext wook. ouuacriDe for the Dally Enterprise DOVER Mr. lluntlnaton brnimht nn . load of powder Saturday. uircn uoiierta went to VurtnA Uaturday, returning Monday. U. 11. WOOUlu had china of eighth grade examluatlonB whirh were given Thursday and Friday. Jamea Wolfe and mil i:nWrv. atteudd . the dunce at Han.lv Haturduy evening. Mr. and Mra. Shaw and famiw vldlli-d at K. D. Ilart'a flundav , Mr. Griffin had a load of liimtiAr hauled Saturday.. He will Iwiin building aoon. Mr. Morrison went to Creaham KumJay after some boraea. Mrs. E. I). Mart and her mother Mrs. Dill, of Flrwood, were In Iiover Mond.iy. v M'n'nodley relumed from Welches Sundny. C. A. Keith hauled a loud of household goods for Mr. Lwla Thuraday. C (iulovaon drove out from Port land Sunday. . . Have you ifcn It? What? Why, the Dover Uasehall team. All are Invited to- attend the etiteitalnment at Flrwood Hall Satur day evening, May 20tb. A fine program baa been prepared. f STAFFORD Men are busy on our hlghwaya and bywaya. Some from Clackamas County, and a force from Washin ton County, have been cutting down Ihw hill and fixing the bridge by the HolHwarts place. We sllll have occasional showers, enough to keep down the dust. Mrs. J. O. Cage came up from St. Helena am( vlalted the old home and neighbors a few daya, returning to Iter home on Wednesday.- Sbe ha been quite 111 and In bed for a week. Mr, and Mra. Itryand, with their son , and daughter,' visited at .Mr. NusHbam'a Inst Sunday. Their home la at Clacknmaa HelRhta. They have another fine boy at Fred Daker'a, a week old. Mra. Rather Toedlmer la slopping a week at her uncle. Ed Sharp's. ; Frank Meckel, wbo formerly lived on what la known as Bhafer'a Hill, died at Portland on Friday, after a; long and painful 'Illness, and waa bur j led On Sunday. He wna a brother of: Mrs. Adolph Dolkar, ' , I Tbe telephone got tangled np wtynj the IrollevUlrPB from the brick plant at TUalatln on Sunday night, and put ! the telephone out nf commission, and ( Iris reported nearly aet fire to many . housea, and one man received quite a ! shock aa he attempted to Use hia telj epnone. Perhaps 11 will be remembered thai Mra. Nemec'a two-year-old colt atray ad off on Oregon City Booster Day. Her boys spent a number of daya kuntlng tofLitbut. got, no trace of It except that It followed a team a Tar a John Farmer'. Two weeka went bv, and they were forced to give wp the colt a loat. which was a heavy lose to her aa ahe la struggling to pay a big mortgage on ber horn. But when the Enterprise of May S arrived two neighbors, young men grown, aw Henry Snyder' ad. of a colt having atrayed Into hla pasture and hastened to Mrs. Nemes offering to find her colt for $5. She had but S3 and gave them that. In a few hour they re turned -with the colt, having paid for the advertisement, and one of them took the purse from hi pocket, emp tied the content. Into hi hand and gave her tbe empty purse. In a few honra August Delkar aaw tbe notice of "Found," and hastened over aa any neighbor should, to tell her, but tbe colt had been delivered. Tbe clreirm atnnce did not get to tbe eara of the publlo for about a week, then It stirred up a tempest In a teapot. One man said: "I'm a German myself, but I call that a dirty Dutch trick," but another said: "No, I would not Insult our Dutch, neighbors, a not on but would have called bar attention to the notice, and her boy could have gone for the colt, but 1 call it a dirty, Russian trick," and ' another, "The boya sold themselves cheap; a dollar apiece," and Q on. Mr.,Btid Mr. BuajM. and Mr. and Mr. Harry Nea qX the Church of (lod, were ut on Bunday laat, and held rvKt the achool bouse at A- U and IP, M. Ml', '.j Mra NnraVam 'Mr. and Dernl, Mra. Elgen, Mra. Miller. ,n . Mr. Kettar met Saturday and r.ashed window, desk, and aertibhed floor at , the achool houe. Bcnooi closed on Friday. ,. Mr. Gage, and Mr. J. Q. Gage rode over 8unday afternoon tp Bee Mr. Sharp nnd her married daughter. Mr. Moaer haa been building near hla son, Bam', and again gone Into the chicken bnalne, having bought 200 little Incubator chick ot Mr. Qua Gebhardt, paying thfcrefor 10 ct. apiece. Mr. Powell bna been kept busy pre paring dtaner for comer and .goera. She 1 goo ok na" etB ne,t table, an those. whaCome once like to come aln. Mra. Mlternt wnt back to their homei hear Mt. Tabor on Saturday to help celebrate A little granddaughter' btrtfeday and put up gooeberrle for homj consumption. . . ' - ' EAQLK CREEK. " . tm Baturday, May JO, a picnic 'wM be irlven by the Eaale Creek Grange. There will be a good program, con sisting Of an addresa to be delivered by State Master C. B. Bpenee, reci tation, aongs, tc. Everybody come, bring your dinner and have a good time. . ' , DlcH Gibson traded a cow and calf to Matt Zogg for a cow last week. Mr. and Mr. Trcd Ely went to Ton )aat week to vWt Mr. Ely' relative, Out qi Town hi fattier being III, and they wished iu see Dim. , Dick tllbsoo (raded a horse for a buKgy Saturday. School closed In district jio. SO last Friday. Mlaa Rosa Moehnke, teacher of Dis trict No. 60, went to Oregon City Sunday on her way home. Mr. Viola Douglass and Mr. and Mra. W. -F, Douglass spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Jamea DeS baser, of Flrwood. . . Mr. and Mrs. Huntington called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass Sun day afternoon. Mlaa, Ulna Douglaaa went to 'port land last week to work for - Mrs Ktockholm a while. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood le vlalted wlthu Mrs, Woodle'g parents, Mr, and Mra. Murphy, Sunday. The'Bellwood Lumber Company on Deep Creek, ha aome difficulty In securing hand and 'aeeplng them. Men will come and work a few days, some stay only a day then tbey leave. Two men came tbe first ot the week front Estscada to work at the mill, Juat staying one night, returning to Katacada tbe next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg, former resident of thla pluce, now residing nar. Oresham, visited their old home laat Wedneaday. Mr. Berg purchased two plga from Dick Gibson wMJe here. TWILIGHT. Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Harvey are spending a few dsyg with relative In Mullno. Mlaa Anna Wllehart, of Oregon City, was a guest of Mrs. Jamea Hylton last Saturday. Sam Hess and toi.il ly, of Canby, were dinner guests laat Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Schrelner. William Sheer and children, of Port lund, apent last Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. Henry Sheer. . This week closes a very successful term of school. Mlaa Lessie McDon ald la the Instructor. Mlaa McClure, lately from Texas, haa her sister and family visiting with her. who Just came from Roaehur and are looking for a location. They are pleased with thla country and ex pect to mane this their home. - Mr. Hylton received word from hia daughter, Mra. Strain, of Eugene, that her tittle son Kenneth had been run over by aa automobile and waa In a very critical condition. - Adnlnh TnknV - i r .. Hw.uumv. no viueuiuvreu By hla old friends last Saturdav hv postal card shower. It belna- hla twenty-second birthday anniversary. MARQUAM. Rev. Mr. Spencer preached hi first sermon to a full boose laat 8unday. John Ring wa badly cut under the left eye while helping to clear awav some brush and grass. Joe Jones let bis brush scythe, slip and It cut a gash In Ring' cheek and Into one of hi nostrils. A physician sewed "np and dressed the wound. Mr. and Mr. Edgar Shaver and WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. . . j ,x Graduate Nurses Pad 2243 Home D-298 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, ' Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SPOKANE . ' PORTLAND - May 1, 17, 18," 19, 20. .11.' Qamea Begin Weekday at 9:30. Sundays, 1:30 P. M. ;,: LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boy Under 12 Free to ; Bleacher Wednesday. EXCURSION FARES EAST 101 1 During the month of May, June, July, August and September, on date, shown bttow, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell-found trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland at follows. TO FARES Chleafld y.: i. wv Council Bluffs i .'.'. $ 73.00 60.60 60.60 60.50 , 0.o0 Omaha ,..' Kanaa City St. Joseph , 8V Iaul ; :.vw Paul, via Council Bluff w. ,0.60 64.40 Mlnneaoolle. direct 60.50 Mlnneapola, va Count 1 Bluff 64 40 Boaton 110 00 Nw York 10900 at. Loula . 70.50 Washington, D. C 103.00 SALE DATES May II, 17, '18, It, 22, 23v 24, 25, 27, 28 and 21.- . June 5, ?, B, 10 12. 1$, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and tib. July 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 19,. 20, 26 2 and 28. AtTnUst 3, 4, 8. 14 15,' 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, i 28, 29 and SO. . September 1, 2, 4, 6, d 7 StoMvera vlthln llmlta In either di rection. Final return limit October Jlst. " For fare on way through California Inquire of any outhrn Paolfl agent, or write to 7 WM. McMURRAY, General Paaaenger Agent , Portland, pregen. child, " of - Olad - Tldlnga, " attended church here laat Sunday. Fred Hubbard waa la town Sunday. ' Ouy 0. Larkln cam home on tbe 13th from Salem, where be I attend ing tb Summer Normal. Mr. and Mr. Ouyer Calqulat will move t Washington aoon. Several of the resident were call ed to OreoD City May 13 to settfe a school difficulty, of Mis Hew. Among them were Mlsa Ld!l, R. D. Hub bard, Tom Drake, J. R. Sklrvln, Mr. and Mra. William Olson and Fred My ers. " i Bert Hubbard and famllv mmrm In town Sunday, calling on -friends. ' , JENNINGS LODGE. One of the most Dleasant social Ca therines that has been held at this place for aome time, wa the one held at tho Jennings Lodge school bouse on Wednesday evening, May 17, when the members of the Community Club enter'alned their families and friends. Despite the Inclement weather 179 were present,' who enjoyed a fine pro gram. Mr. George A. Shaver, chair man of tbe program committee, in troduced Mr. George Thompson, the teacher of the achool, who gave an addresa of welcome which wa fol lowod by a duet by Mr. Mabel Sladon and Helen Palntou, - and recitations were given by Shelby Shaver. Anna Heater and Fern Hart and a reading by Mrs. h. C. Palnton were all well received. Mr. . H. H. Emmons spoke on "Unity" wJilch wa listened to with marked attention. Mlsa Mabel Morse sang a solo: Mlsa Morse waa at her "et and pleased her listeners very mucin A eoclal time followed In which the neonle took tha onoortunitv ofettlng acquainted with tbe many newcomera who have recently come to mak their borne at this place. Ice cream and cake were aerved In the adjoining room, and the first pub lic gathering which has been held In the school bouse waa certainly a de cided success and much credit 1 giv en to mose wno bad tbe detaila of program etc. In charge. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hodaakln. of Vancouver, Wash., e'ent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. T. J. Spooner. r Mlas Mary Pierce la one of the happiest little girls at thla, place, as her riding pony which strayed away last week, ba been returned to her. Mr. and Mr. Mlsner. recently of Spokane, Mr. and Mra. Olln Ford and Mr. and Mra. Edwin Newell and Glen Newell, of Portland, were auests of the P. D. Newell family on Sunday. J. A. Boeabe. of Newport, arrived at the Lodge, looking after business In terests. CLACKAMAS. In an auto accident which occurred Monday afternoon on the Webster road, Mrs. Benford and Mis Lane were seriously injured. The former sustained a fracture of a knee cap, and the latter a sprained back. An ambulance waa called and both ladle were taken to a Portland hospital. word Is received from Mrs. H. D. Jennings that her health 1 much Im proved. If no relapse occurs she will soon return borne. Mrs. Jennings is at the home of Mra. Plckard In Port land. Olive Peterson, the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Fred Peterson, la 111 with stomach trouble. Dr. Norris of Ore gon City, I in attendance. Mrs. Jones, wife of the Rev. J. L,. Jones, ha been confined to ber room and bed for about ten daya with a se vere attack of nervous prostration. A. E. Holcomb and family, of Port land, and C. W. Casto of Cams, apent Sunday with R. B. Holcomb and fam ily. The sale of the Leach place, aa noted aome weeks since, did not ma terialize; but last week W. E. Leach made a bona fide sale of all bis prop erty here, and will oon leave town. Clackamas regret to lose any of Its citizen, but it ha a changing popula tion, ao we welcome the coming guest and bid God speed to the departing One. v. V Isaac Johnson, W. W. Smith and Otis Welch are busy hauling powder, wood, lumber, piling, etc., every day tbat the weather will permit Good work Is being done at tbe cem efery. An Iron front fence, with handsome arch and gateway; tbe side and back fence made good and durable: tbe enclosure platted Into numbered lota, to which warranty deeda can be given, I a email part of what ha been done under the man agement of the Clackamas . Cemetery Association. . SCHUBEL. Mr. and Mra 8wope vlalted E. W. Hornscheck Sunday afternoon. Will Moehnke 1 building a board fence along tbe Beeson Hill road, which adds to the appearance of his place and makes It safe now for travel er around "Cape Horn Among the Shubelite In Oregon City Saturday were Mr. Kllnger, Her man Moehnke, John Blubm and Rob ert Glnther. Tbe baseball game Sunday after noon between Shubel and Logan re sulted la Shubel'B favor 8 to 4. Tbt make four aucceaalve games. Some cattle from an outside district are apt to be taken up here some of these day It not kept at home. No cattle are allowed to run at large in this precinct, and the owner are ad vised to watch their stock. George Klrbyson,, whp wa home for a few daya, has gone down the river again to work at hla old trade. n the matter of the Estat of Ernest Marshall, a minor, It appearing to the Court from the petition of Julia Callff: That she Is the duly appointed, quail fled and acting guardian of the person and estate of Ernest Marshall, a minor. . . That said Ernest Marshall la the owner of a one-ninth Intereat In and to the following described real estate situate In Clackamas County, Oregon, to wit: The East Half of the North East quarter of Section 15, T. 3. 8. R 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian, and that aald Ernest Marshall has no other property and there Is very little In ome from said property, that It 1 necessary for the aupport, education and nurture of said minor that said property be eold. and It will be for the best Interest of aald minor and the persona Interested In aald property that the same be old, that the pro ceed thereof can be used to educate said minor and ucfc part thereof as will not b neceasary for uae for ncn purpose can he Invested so a to bring better return than can be polbly made from present arrangement. , That the person and those inter ested Jn said lands and the next of kin of said Ernest Marshall are: Ju lia Callff. hi mother, Harvey Mar shall. Susan K. Rhode, Alice Marshall Kerr John A. Marshall, James Frank Oglesby, Charlea E. Oglesby. George A. De8hlelds, Marlon Dflfihlelds, Fran ce DeShleld Yank. William Marshall and D. M. Marshall. . , That It for tbe best Interest of ald It Wouldn't Pay to Adyef&o ';-'.' i ' : . . t , , " ' ' f f i t " " V A Poor Article- " . -.v.-v.-r- Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honeaty for ad-readera now.daye, are DISCRIMINATING. They know vali-es they know GENUINE things, genuine opportunities. . Any article which can be old by advertising la, by that Uet, a ' GOOD article. YOU are safe In buying a thing which ha "eto4 the fire of publicity. . ,-, ' .. .' . " . t The maker of a widely advertlaed article, commodity, le al waya en trial for hla bualnes Ufa. He cannot amrk, nor cheapen hla product and this Is tha beat possible protection fo the eenswmerl V ' ' ''',..:'..-.)',; V You are SAFE In buying advertised things It' the logle of nowaday business eondltlona. - ; s estate that said aale should be at pri vate sole for cash In band. It la therefore ordered that the said uext of Jrin and persona interested In said estate appear at tbe Court House, n Oregon City. Clackamae County,' Oregon, at the County Court room, on Monday, May 29th, 1911, at 10:00 A. M. and show cause If any they have why an order and license to sell the Interest of aald Ernest Marshall -In and to said real etcate should not be granted. - '' ' - April 27th, 1911. ' R. B. BEATIE, ', ' ' Judge. 1 Wants,7 For Sale, Etc Notices under these claaairied headfrna will be lnred at one cent a word, fir' Insertion, half a cent additional Inaer tlona. one Inch card, fl per month hail Inch card. (4 line) f 1 per month. Caah muat accompany ordar unlt-aa on. haa an open account with the Da per. N ilaandal responalblllty for errors; when iTora occur free corrected notice will EH printed for patron. Minimum chare lie WANTED. WANTED Yon to know mat we buy all kind of Curio, that w are In tbe market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have a good assortment or second hand Furniture and Tool on hand for aale to thoae in need. Come anJ see ; perhaps we have Juat what you want. Indian Curios and trinkets for aale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. FOR ftALC FOR SALE Bicycle nearly new, (Cheap. Inquire H. C. Hurlbut, 324 Washington Street. FOR SALE Two One . residence lota 10c Sheet The following list contain a few number selected from the cele brated "CENTURY EDITION" at but 10c a copy. 8ome number in. any blgt)-prlced editions would cost you from 25c to 75c a copy, and they are, no better. ' We guarantee that each and every copy la a good as, or better,-than tbe copies, you have been buying at many time the price we is)c If every cftlm we make la not as represented we will refund your money witnoui question. . - . Standard 8onge From 1 - "CENTURY EDITION." - Alone. G. Med.,' Fltzglbbon. Anchored, G. Low, Watson. - Angel Voice Ever Near; Roberta. Eve-Marie, F. High, (Hear U,' Oh Father) Millard. - Ave Marie. Eb Lw (Hear Vn, Oh Father) Millard. Bird and the Rose, The, F. High, Horrock. Calvary, Med., Rodney. Cheole Love Long, Ed, Lw, Mon crleft. Daddy, Ab Med. Behrend. Dally Question, (Eng. and Ger. Words) Meyer-Helmund. Dear Heart. C Med. Mattel. Dream of Paradise, Low, Grey. From The Toll of the Sea, Trevel- yan. Harp that Once Thro Tara'a Hall, The. Eb Med.. Moore. Hear. U. Oh Father,' (Ave Maria) F. High, Millard: Heavenly Song. The, Bb Med., Gray. If All the Girl Were Roses, Doug-lea.- Jerusalem, Eb Low. Parker. ' Kathleen Mavoumeen, Eb Med., Crouch. ' Last Hope, (from Gottschalk' Fav orite Melody) Reiser. " ' j. t Laat Rose of Summer, F7"Me4 Moore. Love' Old Sweet Song, Ab High, Molloy. Ijve' l4 Sweet Song, Ab High, Molloy, Mendelssohn ' 8prlng Song, F. Med. Lyric by RosenfeM- Palms, Palm Branches, Ab Med., Faure. Rosary. Ab. Med., King. Star of Hope, (Sacred Song) F. Br. nf Rt. Joseoh. Toreador Song,, from Carraen Bb Med.. Blzel. . When You and I Were Young, Mag gie, F. Med., Butterfleld. Standard Inatrumental From "CENTURY EDITION. American Medley (Music of the Union) C and G. Grobe. Arabesque Valse Eh, Lack. Argentine L, (Silvery Thistle) F, Ketterer. ' .- M '' ' Barcarolle (from Le Conte d Hoff man) F, Offenbach. Berceuse (from Jocelyn) Ab, God ard. Bluebird, Melodle C,' Schiller. Butterfly A, Grieg. ranarv Bluette). C. Schiller. Aam daim Hn fin ih Aarh V-enveu v a vy. - - - er Clriblrlbla Walt F. Pestalozza. ' Crimson Blushes, Tone Poem, Op. Ll:ht CavsJry, Overture A, PP" . i ' ' Mioerere f from "II Trovatore ) Km, 'Dance on the Green, Op. 250, F, Bonn,,.. ; p - ; Theabove are only a few of the. "CENTURY EDITION." which are tbe puoiisnea price may oe. - Pav ua a visit It I worta'wnii to inapwi um Edition, or writ for a complete catalogue. It a FREE. Don't pay more than "Century" price. ; , .. .. , ' . Huntley THE EXALL STORE 9th and Washington 81., very cheap. Terms.. Enquire 418 7th 8t , . ACREAGE One to five acre In light of Oregon City, $150 and $200 per acre;-good level land; one mile from car line. Clyde a McRae, 100J Main SL, Oregon City. FOR 8 ALE Must sell, cow, hog, sheep, goata, chicken, machinery, cream separator, fruit, piano, ofa, side-board, Jar everything. Call and tee Maiden Route No. 2 Oregon City, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN I have at 7 per cent: $2000.00, ' $1800.00. $1100.00, $850.00. $400.00. $300.00. Improved real estate. 40 percent value. J C H. Dye. 8th ft Main Streets. BUILDER AND CO ""-at ACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all claaaea of building work, concrete walka and reinforced' concrete. Re. Phone Mala 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land title examined, estate settled, gen eral law buslnesa. Over Bank of Oregon City. . - U'REN A 8CHUEBEL Attorneys- tr Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prao tlce In all courts, make collections ; and settlements. Office In Enter fprls Bldg., Oreion Cltv. Oregon. B. H. COOPHR. For Fir Insurance and. Real Eatate. Let ua handle your properties we - buy, sell and, .exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. Music Sale , , Day Dreama. Reverie C. Llchner Dreaming, Nocturne C, Llchner. Dying Poet Bb, Gottschalk. -- Edelweiss Glide Eb, Vanderbeck. ' Fairy Wedding, Walta OV Turner, Flower Song F, Lange. " . Flower and Fern O, Reiser. ' General Grant' Grand: March F, Mack." ' ' '-''' Gypsy Dance, Dml. Llchner.. '.-'"" ; Grand Imperial March C, Drnm- ' heller v' v ''- V Heavenward March F. Vtlbr. ' Herdsman' Cottage Eb, Helna. Humming Bird. Walts F, Schiller. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Cml, Liszt. , . . , La Sorella C, DalbreL . i Laat Greeting (L' Adieu) Eb, Schv-brrt-Heller. . , . - IJaten tn th Mrwbtne Tllrd fl. Hnff- man. - Little Fairy, . Waltx G, Streabbog. ' Love and Flowers, A new Flower 8ong O, Aldrich. -Love by Moonlight Bb, KlnkeJ. Lullaby Db, Godard. '".' Mary Pet Walt O. Mack. . .. -' Merrr Widow. The Waits fl Ixhar. Midsummer Nigbt'a Dream, Op. 76 E, 8mlth. Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2 Cml, Beethoven. . i ',' Mountain Bell JSchottlsche F, Kin keL Music Among the Plnea Db, Wy- man. .-, My Treasure Walts C, BecuccL Pilgrims' Cboru Eb. Lang. Paluta Pesth (Famous OcUve March) Db, Kowalskl. Scale and Chords, Cserny. Silver Nymph, Op.' 164 Eb, Helna. ' Rounds from the Rlnalnr Rocka Db. Walter. - npinnina: duuk r, aiiiimnimva. . -Spring Song A, Mendelasohn. 8Ur of Hope. Reverie F, Kennedy. 8tars of Glory F, Kennedy. ; Traumerel and Romance T, Schu mann i , Trovatore, 11, Op. 39, No. 3 Eb, Dorn. Tulln O. Llchner. Twilight Reverie Eb, Guy. Under the Double Eagle, March Eb, Wagner. Up In a Swing, Reverie Ab, Mon talne. . r , ' ., ' ; Valae In E Flat Eb, Durand. Valse Arabequ Eb, Lack. Whlnperlnga of Love Ab, Klnkel. . Whlppoorwlll, Nocturne F, Schiller. W1U O' the Wisp, OP. I". a"' Jiinarmann. " r-. .tl - , Witche' Dance D, MacDowell. , Woodland. Echoes Db. Wyman. Verdi. . ' ;f , j' 1 , r William Tell, Overture 1, RolnL Ixleen hundred number emP;ltit aold at 10 cent a copy no matter what . - - .v.m Bi? D o G i