Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 19, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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carcoa crrr, orsgok
E. K. KOCMC. Etwe and PwbWi
Tailer aa eiraal rleaa BMtter J
mtt a. ! L at vhe M( eaUa at
Cur- Oraewo. mmtut Um Ac af
appear aad word waa received frost
kta secretary that he to HI at ate tome
la PrerMenc. R. I,
45 Years Ago
Exhibition by Blind to Show : .
. They Can Earn Their Living
run w scncttrmii
Om tw. hr
rmmr Mrmlh. k
IV week, ky earrkie.....t, .......... .10
rvt ra. a km nm tnti...'.n
Flra Para, per fcae, aided imnlini
pi peaWw aa paew, Bark
fir laaertta,.... IM
i From Oregoa City Knterarise, October
I 17. 1S6.
J Dedieatioa. Ball. By partniaaioo of
I fca o, imiu vn iimu; nfu,
Ron paper MkH ikaai flrat pa. pee toe
tuxt lnea nasi
Itua paper atker tkaa drat pax, par tax
tke llth last., tke pw pepermUl
f building mat opened to the Oregon
CUT Brass Band. u4 dedicated by a
public kail, which pataed off quite
axreeably. notwithstanding tbe storm
blca raged outside.
Co Saturday last aa Mr. Zahalser
rat ami ax horn from the Stat
Fair the toaxwe of hie waxon. broke.
vara deeren.d1ag BUI Beer the Fttl-
.....e io nouM, v aica mgnteaea ue
to recsJar aerer- kereee and caused tbe wagon to apeet.
killing a little aoa, aged about 7 rr
LJrzr. SJ instantly.
A mini ki Mil ' Into aettv.
ira eiMiuoaat. , I v --
B.t tar aearMstaa- b At Waafet I Operation at Tb Dellee, but at th
C&tarpHa wiu W ika aaa aa to tha cuta vaa apartoaa tha operatlYM vr
arreatoa. Ta ktnS mad waa uartvr-
raslM an4 ball-dollar plocoa,
Note. (Tb balMia rrferreJ to la
ao tocfc for m W il payav. aa4 tka aa j th Brat pararapb vaa located oa th
w rufiimit mat uii fir ri lira
tiaaca aa k. '
Waata. For tlala.
mt a war fk-a
ark aiMitKiaai.
far the weekly. Wlwe Ute adrertlaoaMwt
la iraaerenvd rraea U tally to the
hf, mltaern rkaac. tka rata wiu
Caab ahouM imnrur
aarty ia uknm to bulniaa arnea af
the Enterpnaa.
Laal advarUatac at kaj a4Tartkrki
Ctmta aaVerttatk and apifkil traaetoal
a4-artkCB a( Tc ta Me aa tock. accord. J
ajtoa bridx Aa articlo from the
aame paper deacrlbiBs tho proceaa of I
aaaaafactaro will bi quoted later. Thla
waa before tbo'tlma ot wood-pulp
apt Baje adrar
buartMo: a4J
"Ftra flala" aa J Baaknipt Sa'
tacnaata J&e tock first
ItanaJ laajrtlnaa bum si
- Newa imu aad rU wrtttasi artteka
jl nitl. wtlh totarra to local taaiam,
will ka (tad lr atopki'd. Hajectad mm
atilpta aavar racoraed i
aa ky atojaaa to prepay
May 19 In American History.
1790 laraet tatkaav. famoua Beroiw
tioaarr aoadier. died: bora 1713.
IMS-Ratiflratioa nf I be treaty under
': whtrft MrtW-orerlxd furlfomU and
' .New Mesw to ibr I'niti-d State.
1SR-Natbantel ' Hawthorn. mTrtl.-t.
dkl: a.-v1 tSfty Btoe '
J3i- Meary II. korrv Bnancie and
!irv-tor ot the standard O'. rwtn
: pa ay. died la .New tor, bura IMtt.
f: f. wnji 'tutiny tit DK.a tiimnrrew.i
Heart to Heart
fia K :1.
12H a. ki.
rj- 4JH: ttK rfc?s
Twenty -aerpo Tolunteer Brenkra
bava aerTed aerca lon years and will
recaiTw exempt certlficatea frooi Orw
gtm City. Tbey ara eertaJuly ca-tlUed
to wBatTer aoaon tk dty caa be
atow. , rtsbUac Are, aad tbat wttbowt
alary. U kero a part.
J: J. XaHy. waaud
at Eataeada,
poo a ckarjo of -tirahat mnmrj wm
fer rW arrtewtaa. to ib ebief ewre
tm a . 4mT m-a -. i - -
. On axtkorttiea of C3arba aad VIilIv Brt
No Bkkcicr bow taa
PaW fja3ta, ore1t look root for
;" waa
i to eeJorea
Wa aaaeleetioB pnmJke Be a
IaTB-TT axya that Biaora km sray
at f aakwina, ibal fawiJ'nc wi3 aot
W witrwirned "ta waiorscf aud TJiat
wuuieii ms aa to aaJmoia Tbewe
aMy aot tmCOCjiof ts tbc saitwai a.
aawmne akt iatbBax wiB art be
juBTBlrtod ta iktno otber tbaai aalaora
Aa ajrn! cbarrbaoaa wbo pasaed
away aot ton aco wbiSa 4yiac said.
"I wraat to rs to God. tbo Fatber.
Tired, wcra. wear; of ala daja. tbo
fooI,njin was like a rhIUj who at
ereninx time ca:to for Jta fatbvr aaJ
raacbes for bis taad.
Aad we all-
la oor better momenTa. as at tbe
last of Ue. wo all rorae to that slmplo
klasblp God's fatboraood aad oar
Tike as a fittber ptrUfb Ms ebll
dreo so does tbo Lord pity tbees Ibat
fear blm."
WTa'aro faU raj:drs-'Ybiidrea cry
tag ta tbe alcht." to be aure. yet cbii
drea -rryln; Abba Fatber.-
la ottr callow wisdom we tblak to
snow many tbiaxa we do Dot know,
aad ftaally. harta boied tbo compaaa
of oar reliclous tktaklns. we come
back to tbo atiaplo faltb wa got at
axKber knee.
Acdren. all of am. .
Uko rbCJna. wo r!ay at tbo nsao
of R.'e. aad. tike tbeaa. we Kre of our
earrh.'T piayiUaca And tbeo. loartnx
tb broken toys arrowk oa tbe grouod.
eyea for aocae ooe
I .will " P'"li-"ir w1 NT"' -x- --VV-
K . '.j
botoa by Aaaertcaa Preaa AaoocUUoa.
LINO persona are out so belpleoa as tboos wbo bar tbelr ctrbt ara
Ukoty to beUero. Tbey caa perform ma ay tasks almost as well as
tboos wbo bare good eyea. Indeed, tbey do ue work better becauaa
tbry bar aotbiax to distract tbelr nUad. aad tbelr trained flnxea
Boa rapidly and wltboat laiermptio. Tbo Aaao laUoa Ftr the Blind In New
fork recrnlty bvld aa eiblbitk to tbo Xletropobtaa i-ra How with a
View of eduraUoK tbe public rexardlne tbe abilitlr atxt the neJa of the
blind. At this exhibition many articles bmOo liy tb tilinl wro obowa. and
tlshtieKs workers alao perrirmd tbelr ttaka. ih)i aa arav'uc nttrx. nUu
rbalrs. bruoms. Ureaaee, etc, Tb A.claf!o For tbe Bili.d li ia rUet Jt ai.tum
to bo trd la erettlng a bol.dti.u- that wl aecre aa a b.u for the blluil ai1
csn slao be uaJ as a workHT. It is Intended to spend ri. io the t t-,!:U
hie. tbe p!Ba for wbkh baio levo drawn. At tbo fair bll In New York i
aiderab'e money waa raised to te a (bled to Ik bu.Ull.n; fui:L f.'tl .ite
gained y t!e a'e at ao-t.a .f a bate sroxhalr mrnV br a M hd wurWt.nn.
aad trt o0 I Ye Uiii '!. ,bc nawl iha ih;:h.i n . i . ..
aho.- w-ra pwdv at tl- e1.: 1! lk abuoa a Klil tomuiaaer. ot.d t:
atar abawa bind tr !.;-. o.Ratiao briated fa nUI ti i f, tk t: t ..I
osai Ftoid LaadiFS to aW Douoad
9t CcCtaVatlawfrp.
BbesJey jrV. Prttarr. wUi tie
tbe of tbe awtaaooi atbrrv- rbam-
loasisljo for Jaia-r sjd secW Title
Jaoe aad Jury 1. Toe crenr f.
tbo armjor ctosa will be bf-d m tne
latter kasaed date. A similar iM of
roatenta wtil be held ik b- ttj wK. l ie
bkg as follows: Ooe baodred yard rva.
20 yard rua. 440 yard run, &j yard
raa. awe anile rua, tire mile rua. 131
yard hlgb hurdle. 239 yard low burdlc
pole vault, running bop. step sad jump,
throwing fifty-sis pound weight,
'throwing sixteen pound hammer, put
ting sixteen pound shot, throwing tbo
disnts and throwing tbe Jareiln.
Bales of tbe Amateur Athletic union
will govern, and tbe games will be
opea to all registered athletes.
wba wOl I'.Tt oi la bts powerful bo!d
Cbl'drea 111
Like rbesa. wo sail our gayly eo3nred
vtaw ia oy sbifo rbat eoase to aarbnr
web tbe pwor staff t tut wo can gala
T rs down wader rbe Sim of aalaad
rwiut But. arbetber our ablro reoae
ta or, no. U coaBea a dar wbea we
a tnrra take pieoaure ta--ber BaP.Lar1
Ve are rt rtfdrrO-
L!ke efcnflTw gtog to tbetr blJdry,
we r torwnry aw our wy. aairi
asarb of bapraneaa arirb a few an-gr
tears, and. tike rbeen. whea tk el
day la fewe wo ret ara wHb huxsrd
step, aad ot oreatJdo wo long fyr tbe
Fatber wbo can rack oa aafe to aWp
la It aot aoT
As tbe weary etfld Irfts Irs ttrth?
arwja wttb taMwbtnw eyes sod rrW
"1 am Heed, fatber: take aoe an." so
VTbea tbe airbroase rasni we reocb
an the araas of our feeble fartb K
a baby 'a trust to rbe eternal lor and
yart what boaiBosa tnoa are sabocrlb
ing to tb stock.
tt seems that thla rafiroad will aIo
rreatly beaefit the drug, hardware,
dry gooia. clothing and rrocery stores
and small shops aad also tbe banks
S34 profeosioaat men and we would
nte to know tbe names of tboee wbo
ire helplcg to got this railroad
V: to rich Boarer Creek,
Moaao and Volalla rountrlea. Should
?ke road go through, aad there la hard
ly any doubt but what it win. t
ae8 to m. that every farmer
ttroughout tbe country would have a
warm spot la his heart for the bust.
Iti Posaible by their subacrlp-
tlOBs and should bear thi. I. i.a
iiicii vo mm
Gooseberries were brought to the
Orrgon market Thursdsy aad home;
growtrktrswbarrles are expected la a
week or leu days, If the weather be
comes favorslrle, for maturing. The
supply of oats baa been materially In
creased and prices pave declined to
t!5.(0 and tSMO.
tiertous damage Is reported to the
cherry and strawberry crops la the
vicinity of Oregon City aad at nearby
Willamette valley points by the hoary
winds and rata of the past few days.
The damaga to tbe cherry crop was
swere and It Is safe to say that at
least half of the fruit was blown from
the trees.
Accord lug to loading strawberry
growers the crop is suffering for the
lack of snnahlne. Tbe rainstorm has
continued for so long a period thst
ahlla the fruit has beea groalng. It
dues act ripen. . .
Ooetatiena for Oregon City. ..
POTATOES Beat. 1180. Rood
IMS; cotrmon. S. Uuylug, carload.;
select. 11.10; ordinary, 11. to.
FI-01'R AND . KEEO-Flour Is
steady, selling from ft to 15 SO; very
little of cheaper grades. Feed Is
higher and rising akwly. Bran brings
from t: SO to tZT.SO, shorts 91 to 30,
rolled barley U1.60 to 111 31. pftweaa
barley $33. whole corn 111 to 111.
cracked corn $31 to $31 Wheat 13)
to $33.
HAY (Buying ) Timothy $16 to
$1S. Clover. $11 to $11; oat hay. 114
to l: miked. $11 to $11; alfalfa, $1S
to $16.
OATS (Buying) Are hither, gray
from $2V&0 to $27.50, white from
$27 M to $30.00. . i '
BITTER (Puylngl Ordinary
i"nioirr - brtnga from - lie - lo JOc,
fancy dairy from 0o to 13c, creanv
ery 12c to fie.
ECrOS tttuyingr Are ranging from'
lie to foe. according to grade,
POl'LTRT ( Buying Firm with lit.
tie good stork offered, liens wit) bring
14c. If la extra good condition more.
j Old roosters are poor at to to 10c. broil,
ers bring from 1J to Set, with good
J WOOL (Buying) Wool prices are
ranging from lie tp lie.
j MOHAIR (Buying Prices on Rio
i hair have born way on. some having
brouKht as h'jh ss 2o locally. Quo
tations are ITHc and demand Is strong
HIDKS (Buying Green L hldeo, (c
to 6c; salters, Hc lo c; dry hides,
13c to 14c. Mheep pelts, lie to 75c
DRIED FRtlTS Local prices are
firm at from So trr 10c oa apples aad
prunes. Beaches are 10a
SALT Welling 50c to 60o tor floe,
SO lb. sack, half ground 40c: 75 for
100 lb. sacka.
Pcrtlsod Vsoetable Market.
II 25fi 11.50 perjaark: paranlna. 11.25
fill 60; turnips. 112561150: beets.
There's One Form of lnvestm-r
which la absolutely Mfe fsr i!'Ut
It aaver slumps In value. ' . '
Its Integrity la unqwestlensd.
Tha return It esrtaln,
frinolpsl It always available. . ' '
It hst a tltment of spacul.tlon.
1 It is ft Sartiigi Accotfat la
The Bant of Ongoa City
Th' Oldest Bank la Tbo County ,
0. C. LATOURETTf Presldsot
TraoaasU a toeral tanklof wii,(.
Own lxr. 4
there are already over 100 rabacrltiera
exclusive of Vlahno and MoUna. and
aould it be asking too mach to have
a Mat of the names of the f ubacribers j
pabUibed, aad every work or ao aal
additional ones that aubscribe. have !
tbelr names given also.
Of egon City Wood and Fuel Compaq
. F. M. BLUHM "
Ysur wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or 1$ Inch ww, ,
llvsred t sijy part of pity. Priess, reaaenabls. ' ' ' '
Eatisfaotlea gusrantsad V hor. '
: . . . ... 0n CH.
Home E-110
PscKIs Mala $SQ2
ft J L I ) -aed br a" tr aaiaUaV-.'2ltta U
fl I Ail mwixSSTr'
VV I r-i.Vli
I 1 1 I
B aa we-. n k aa a ' .i er-w
. -..wiwl"H m4 14
m "rm uwuaiiui paira ,44 li r,r.
: "A1. p r
ZTr tinrania aaa uneo lulte otifc
aMuiqani or roUr, whli-h aevrr ke-
" ' sad fhe-k rkMMa kit aaiall
i'waaa.wrs m v ilxmsq IIIOVInaT I ilf t
wv aj lira n
Jarm K AIIAtjIit. I k. alo a.. . - . .
ev tlw la a kkiJa aeaaai. Tkey wlak no more ttiaa
l'rtf.r.rrTUaree tola. prapanJ
la I0 OS per pair, but ka-Sdeartialne parpoaf, we ara
Watlaa tka IkUt raaktrliH
pad "O" alaa rtai Mrl. w
ia pe.M rial aattiaa, TM.
tire axH aallaat aa tk
wka-aOPT, tUUhlad
Aaa v aioiko.
Bh.mIp All - .
I. oa approval, Voa Oo'kot par a nai uui n
-oti traBg or doing business la Ut of subacribera.
oregoa aty. w anderstand that;
We" are all wanting the railroad, we
have been wanting It for 25 years,
aad have beea waiting expecting some
one else to come la end build It. and
bare been growing old still waiting.
The sttrt has now been made tbe
plan Is mapped out wisely aad there j
is no reaaou oa earth why we should
not all get In and help all we ran.
but we want tbe credit given to thoae
to whom It Is due. So let ut have a
VF.GETABLE8 Asparaaus, SOcfJ wJTiVoaTA-rT7 !!. -L: rr-' -. - . a
ll.TS per Tate; esbbage, aaw, $) per LPTSkatairiltJUl
buad.-edwelght; ra nil (lower. $L60 SCa
l-r doven: celery. California Dyr" pOsSSl!J
f per doten: cucumbers. V "tt 'ii i TTp.s'TlF
12 25 per dosea; ewplaat. 15c per lb.: li-.", 'fr".- TiSSS? '"- aatawa.Mal
garlic, locfil'o per pound; lettuce.
50c per doen ; hothouse lettuce. $1.50
$1 per box; peas, bcfjllc per
pound; peppers. S0ceJ5 per pound;
radlebea, is, per dozen; rhubarb. 1VC
(T3e per pound; sprouts, c; tomatoes,
$2f!$3 2S.
POTATOES Oregon. Jobbing price,
1150 per hundred; aw potatoes, 7c
07Hc per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon
$2.75 per 100; Australian. $3.(0 per
100; Texas. $2.2$ per crate; Callfor
alrtJperTrat. : ;
Oregon City Stock Quotations.
HOGS Hogs are quoted H lower.
Frvm 12S lb, to ISO lbs. Ic. from
150 lbs. lo 20 lbs, IHc.
VEAL CALVES-Vaal calves' bring
from ke lo 100 according In grade. .
BEEP. STEERS leer ,ters . lor
lh lu;nl matkets fvlcblbg ICto
o af that axed maa wbo so
many times had wearied bis urn-tat
Ufe ia tbe erertastlnx ansa What
more aarcral tka a that be sbouid aay
1 want to go to my Father."
Schaafse Making Good In Outfield.
One of tbe finds of be season Is tbe
veteran Germany Schaefer of tbe
Washington Americans. . When be.ati
Bounccl In low and bleb German that
be was going to lcoBe an omtVMer
and get a recular berth In the suburbs
be waa rhided tr ulng o? vnluable
OTyxea. tmt be It fulS llns bis own
rredMlona. He in liit'ln-. h! fieMJn
.a hvi fne, nnd M hr.n runhin; p.?-T-! verwt:t tr n n parue makt
h'.m a u ,s; 3!&g Z nr. la tbe lloa-rt
Ea-Senator Aldrlch III.
KEW YORK, May IS -Ex 8enator
Nelaoa W. Aldrlch. who was to hare
spoken yesterday , before tha National
Association of Manufacturers, did aot
7a puonakers of Th- Mom in a Knter.
' dtacialm reaponaiutlty for Iba antl
t enreaaed la . - .
avm 1 11IB. lO inMMM III . MUmmm K 1.
kjty la five In aa effort lo ka fair, and
with tbe view to the puklteatloa ot botb
autre to a question. Communication
most coma properly elcwed to insure pub-
Farmer Praises Clackamas Line.
Molalla, Oregon;
Oregon city Enterprise, t
Oregon City, Oregon.
To the Editor: We are havlnx a
great deal of railroad talk out tbia
way; that Orexon Cltv rommerriat
Club and Live Wires and business
men In general are boos tin x and nn.h.
me proposition along.
i n directors of tbe comnanv ramn
to Molalla and explained fully the
matter; bow it waa being conducted:
how the Oregon aty business men
were subscribing and It Bounded good
to me. and to all nr nelrhhor, tka.
I have talked to since the meeting.
. Tbe plan U feasible It Is the only
way for ua to get a railroad and tha
farmers of the Molalla entintr, ar
ready aad billing to do their part, aa
no doubt the Beaver Creek, Clark and
Cams sections are also.
But many of us would like to know
j A Recipe For Long Life I
: : C W- EUOT atdxnt Emeritus of Harvard University
'I I M II I tm H44fH44444444
r health nd capadtv for work at W rrntr-soven yeart of
age arc nnqxuxllv rood. I attril.tif" tLU Vxru!t to a goc4
COXSTITDTIOXr MODERATION in eating anl drink
ing a bxbit oi tiling nme EXERCISE and
TKESH AIR every djr aad ot aroiding all sorts of luxury and the
onatxDt ie of uit DRUG, rucb aa alcohol, coffee, tea and toharco.
aV- I
.-. - -
... - .
' v " " I MAGAZINE BINDING ' ' "
iu D u"w your magazines ana II n
I - , I periodicals away. There is -
I . much Yaluable information in II II
I them that will never be publish-11 - H
II ; ed elsewhere. The cost is little II ' ' jj
1 Ouf boy will call for the ma.. ' -r--- II
I - azines If you Phone. " II
. . ... L ;
III ,'.. . 'V ' ' ,T- III
SUe live weignt.
SHEEP Ai, ur m t M (0 It H
BACON, LARD tnd HAM, u Irs
' Real Estate Trmtftm. I
Tho followlne are tha rexl
tranifrrs that bar fees llei Is -lb
office of the county recorder:
Henry and Agnes Jason is TV.
Boggrss, Ms 1 to 16, Inrtuslsa, kkxH
17. lota 1 to 1. Inrlualvs. bloci t,
Oregon Iron A Steel Comptxr. nn
Addition to Oaarrxo: II.
John and I'rsula Norsk to Caw
Kuas. K0 arret of soctlot II. w
ship 6 south, range east; m.
l-nlted fltatea to J. C. BrtflUB
acres bf section 2. township I ui.
ran re 4 aaat
(Mnlel M. Ppstx snd Henriettt U
Spaft. to Eva U Ir. t a , ir
it . nMllamalla Trarla- 11.
Etta M MHIer to W. II. MUltf,
la Glttfstone; lisoo.
- Rrnaat anl Maacle MatlhiM W t
N. Lewis, lots l snd 2 of block Vk
Oregon City; $140t.
Tho following hvs regnirrra .j
the Electric Holel: Irn HWM
Halam- V V. Krealr Slid l
genv;. Charles Ahlon. Combs. oMk(
George Ssgsr. J. E. Ftynn. Bllw"
A. B.,Zwelfel. Molalls: T. T. Bnltr
ranh.-kfV -unmeler-rltTh -R-
ler. Comos. Wash.: Jlrry Toss1'
Portland; A. Smith, city.
' ' Unclslmsd Litu
TW. .. a out of nKUia"
lettere at the Oregon City aofjoBV,
for the week ending Mar 1. I" J
women a mh, u
rin. u rm o.tia lawyer.
ir. wt t i. o mm n i:. iv-
C N.. McClemsnt C. IT. -eJ
Rev. Ward W.. Miller, Watt, rtf""
Alex, Palmatler. Mrs. rhosbv. I
Mrs. Green Seriously I". ,
MTra. a R, Green, wife of tbt '
city policeman. Is seriously 'n.
her pnyWclan fears that l '
Ing from appendicitis. Mrs. C '
had been improving rapidly
Thursday when she sustslned r
lapve. '.',!
. ; - i
-Couple Ost li4r,8, f
Llla O. Orsnlhaw spd tM".
Pnwal! Dortland. rS tTtO'"
marriage license on Thtirxdxjr V-
Ing by County Clerk Malver-
The Orenon Cii.
Pruifand PrAod-C
Union !
Arsencfe of Lead
Dcrry Crulcs
ZZZ. 2!!-
i ' . , .
... . . ..... r . . f - ' . '