Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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J. Lovitt
fit. tut. boy! What doe tbla
if I bop do not find you danc-
njei the tubbatb dayr
So, sir. !' only swallowed a frog,
aat Isaf quit dead Tt"
Ilaj Wlnnlo Gardner a vtaltlng hor
anata at rarua.
firrtca MayOeld, of Mayfleld, vm
lOrnvn City on Wednaaday.
( TW Produce Cnloa aella Hay and
I If. rvthrt- and family, of Graham,
wt la (K'-ioii City on Wadneaday.
J ir. Crook, of Mullno, waa In Ore
P City Thttraday.
( TW Produce I'hlon aella Araenate
I Kim Pearl Crlatoer, of Carua, waa
, Oregon City Tueaday.
( Mr. and Mra. Frank Miller, of Shu
a), atra In town Tueaday.
TW Produce Union aella berry-
I IWnflcUmlt Broa. of Clarke,' w ere
(Oregon City Tueaday.
( Rl Biark. of Bhubel, waa In ' thla
l as budneaa Tueaday. ,
( kra, Monday evening to the wife
(Mr. DavU, of Fifteenth and Jeffer-
Btraeti, a nine pound aon. .
I I luriley Tyrrel and ft. M. Benton,
lNttle. Waah., were In thla city on
kaseia Wcdneaday. I
I feecUl Netdeton Shoea for men, !
per pair. Oregon City Bhoe
' . In Duekland. V
Furnlsha With Operating Room .
Ward and Private Rooms.
Graduate Nurses
Pac 2243
OttfffG for the
For and we will give yot with a
4 months subscription
, 4 ' . By Carrier
;, at 45c the month
- TO TrlC :
A Bcautirul Chin PLAQUE DC0Mted Hnime!y !
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
'ke your selection early. 4 . v i
bscribera May Have Them Too , J
To any present subscriber
-F subscriptions we wiu
-nutiful dishes.
Mr. and Mr, mnk Gulnther of
Mr.. Abel OutbT of OfY2 W.
ro;.J)!,,n,,. ,rt""'"-nt fruit
fhr.owour0W..;:;. ...
Now stylae In N.ttleion Hlioea-.n
N. Chrletner. who recently came to
w:ry.Coun,y' '
William (Jilssenthwalte, a Droml.
n-nt f.rm.r of ..y.r Creek. w.H
th. clly Wedneaday n bush,,.?. '
Ralph Howard. .f, ..
Mr. Moalar. una .r -.. .
Mra. hov wiuuitvaxi ...j .....
daughter. Helen will u...'. ' .1-
Hod River where they will visit with
toe former a sister for a few weeka
C. I Ol instead or 1111 t
In thla city on Tuesday and Wednes
day and registered ai the Electric Ho-
Olio Miller, who haa he.n 1
Km V. a tin . I .. . . ' J m '
... ...-,,. uanway, ijRi,t 4
1 "r 1 vrapanr at inn nirn !,...
t.n 1 ne waai wue, haa resigned.
aa . x.
mto at roriund nn v.rfn...i..
morning. May 17, to the wlfa of Allan
rerry. a nine pound aon. Mra p.m.
waa formerly Ml rireta Hi-1,.1.1-..
ki. v "'
lull Cfl.
Cll .... St.... . ... .
"I. I "Ml a llUlia Will Fwilrf an
aalo Thursday afternoon at Mra. Ro
ams rout a reaiaenra, 412 lKh Street
Hale rommenrea at 1 o'clock. Every
body Invited.
norn, May 9. at Roaebura. Oreaon
to (ha wife of Itulph Russell, a 14 yz
pound aon. Mr. and Mra. Ruaaell were
formerly of Oregon City, Mr. Russell
balng a linotype operator In the office
of the Oregon City Enterprise. Mra.
Kussmi wa formerly MUi Ramaay of
" " V ifli4iliU.
Kniert Bchoeiiborn. a oromlnent
youoa farmer of rartia.' whrwa home
waa recently vliilted by iba alork and
who left a bouncing loy, la ao oroud
Of the newcomer that he Durchaae,)
one of the flneat baby carrlajea la thla
cuy 00 weoneaday while here on bua
lueaa. K II. Moaa and wife, of Hudaon,
1a.; were In Oregon City Wednea
day. They are thinking of locating In
thla county and are being abown about
by William Heard, one of the leading
hooatera. Mr. Beard waa a native of
Hudaon. Wla., and knew Mr. and Mra
Moaa when he lived there. '
Mlaa Rather Uvltt, a pupil of MUa
Bottle, went te Portland on Wed nee
day evening, where ahe took part In
the programme. Mlar Levitt, whoae
home la In the Eait, and who la an
excellent mualclan, la making her
home In thla city for the preaent. Her
mother, Mra. 8. Levitt, and Mra. J.
The M. E. Sunday achool la prepar
ing a good program for Children a
The Flrgrove acbool will on the
evening of the 19th have t good pro
gram. The Redland braaa band Will
take part.
. Arthur Funk and Harold Barrett
have Juat recovered from meaalea.
J. C. Batea la at III very III and U
not expected to live.
U. C. Armatrong, Earl Allen and
Grace Allen are on the alck Hat.
Jamea Fullcm and otbera are work
ing on the road, which will aoon be
ready to grade and lay plank.
Mr. and Mr. Bud Oldham are dia
lling Mr. and Mra. Ed Oldham.
A new at ore building la being built
on the Charlea Latourette place by
Mr. Henaon. Other peraona are liv
ing on the old place and there la talk
of a blackamlth ahop and barber ahop.
Vernon Smith got hla Angara caught
In the coga of hla gaaollne engine
while grubbing. They were cruahed
ao badly that part of all four had to
be taken off. , Dra. Mount and Fox
waited on him.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Schwart are pre
paring to build a large realdence.
Judge Marrlat Couple.
Judge Ilea tie married on Wedaeeday
Mite Lena Eaton and Mr. Charlea
Home D 298
6 months subscription
v By Mall
-. at 25c the month
who will bring us four f
of these :
presenx one
n A T"Ft LLZJ?lL- 1
. . . -i
M .
' ' ' ' ill !. ,. , . . mm0
Stories from Out of town
""" - - a . i , . i,,,.,, a ,
....i "I!"""1 nt nl Kraln
?J . " " row,,, nicely.
w.ii tlty. nd family, of
WalUc, ui.nd. ,r. v,,,tln '
nd relatlvea at thla place.
Jj'hn Evana ja building a etore at
Mulltio and thla town will M,n boa"
two mercantile eatabll-bmenia.
Clarence Mallatt and wife Jtave
new baby girl, born May 7.
m.' J.VH"?r'M of Seattle vtalted
hla brother. Robert, of thla pluce, la at
week, returning to H-attle Monday
Oacar l)anlla loft Tuoaday for Wy
omlng : where ha .... ,0 UWe charge
rain Ug """" ""d "'K"B ,n
Walt Waldorf and Calla Manning
were marrlH In Oregon City laat Bun-
There will m another railroad
meeting at the Grange Hall Friday
night, after which Ida dirt will begin
to fly at thla and of the road.
Park Wallace and Charley Danlela
frn painting their realdencea.
Mr. and Mra. Dlven and Mr. and
Mra. B. D. Hart apent Wcdn.-aday and
Tburaday of lant week In Portland.
W. Parker recently Bold bla place
to a Hood River man. '
A. Malar and eon, Antone, apent
aeveral daya In Portland laat week.
The work on the Mt. Hood road,
gear Mr. Walton'a place, haa been
complied and la now In fine chape.
Mr. and Mra. J. A. Shaw of Dover,
andMr. and Mra. L. Prtdumore of
Threealx vlalted over Sunday with
Mr. and Mra. E. a Hart
A numtier of Fir wood and - Dover
people attended the Grange at Bandy
Remember the Doll Social at Fir
wood Saturday night. A Jolly time la
Mr. Wlrtx gave a very Interesting
lecture Sunday artornoon and will
lecture again on May xt. ,
Mine Mary MoteJI la visiting at
Irene Alt came out from Portland
laat week and will apend a few
we-ka at home.
Mr. George Offlold of Klumulh
Falls la vlalilng with bis father-in-law,
Mr. R. M. C. Brown.
Mr. R. McCllntock had a swarm of
beea come out of the hive laat Sundnv.
J. M. Glllett hived them.
Mra. Katella Hall, of Buena Vlata.
near Salem, la vlaltlna- with her nar-
enta, Mr. and Mra. H. B. Nlckela, this.
wee, nne has two of her-children
wlih her, the youngest six weeka old.
their father.
Mrs. J. p. Koehl la a little better
thla week. Her eon. Will Jonea. il
with her yet.
Mra. Burkner. of Portland, vlsltnd
frlenda here Tueaday.
H. A. Dates and wife, of Bellwool.
visited their parenta. Mr. and Mra. a
r. unit, Sunday. Mr. Uatea haa rent
ed the Linn farm for a dairy rancu,
wnicn win re known aa the "Lone
Pine Dairy Ranch."
Mr. Uaty. of Duam Street, la 111.
Jack Darto and family, lately from
Michigan, are moving to Maple Lane,
Into the house near Latourette bridge.
A. P. Linn la on tbe alck list again
thla week.
. The Mountain View Sunday School
Bible Study Claaa met laat Thursday
ai me noma or Mra. j. uorbett.
Messrs. W. O. Hall and F. F. Cur-
ran are laying a new 6-foot board
sidewalk and J.. M. Gilbert la setting
tne material for a cement walk.
Mra. Mabel Sager. pf Bhubel, called
on retail vea here Monday
The regular meeting of tbe Men'a
nualneaa Club waa held In the fire
hall on Tueaday evening. The next
meeting will be held Tueaday evening,
June . 1911. A large attendance la
Professor Jamea, of the Eatacada
School, visited tbe Canby High School
Friday afternoon.
The eighth grade took the county
examination Tburaday and Friday
There were eight in the claaa. The
results have not been received yet
Tbe High School puplla are prepar
ing to take the final examination on
Wedneaday and Thuraday
Emll Gordon, of Gordon Bros., waa
brought before the court Monday fore
noon for violating an ordinance of
the city In respect to obstructing the
sidewalk with aacka of potatoes laat
week, and plead guilty, changing the
plea that he made last Wednesday af
ternoon. The court Imposed on him
a fine of $20. City Attorney Stlpp,
from Oregon City, waa here to con
duct the proaecution.
A ball game between Canby and Mo
lalla will be played at the Clackamas
County Fair grounds next Sunday af
ternoon. May II. Music will be fur
nished by the Canby Band, and Dr
H. A. Dedman, Mayor of Canby will
toas the first ball acroaa tbe plate and
"Doc" Sailor Intenda to try to catch
C. F. Romlg haa aold out hla Inter
est in (he real estate office to J. L.
Combs, and In return haa bought Mr,
Combs' Interest in th property south
of town, which, la known aa -the do
dger House.
Tbe well known play. "Eaat Lynne
will be played at Canby. Wedneaday.
May 17, by local talent from Wood
burn. t ' '
The Mlaaee Aalle Haley. Lillian
Mltta and Ruby Toedthemeier were
home from the aummer normal at Sa
lem 8aturay and Sunday,
Biua are up for the race meet to be
held at the Clackamaa County Fair
grounda June 3. On that occasion
there will not only be trotting, pacing
and saddle horse racing, but there
will be on exhibition ahow - horse.
Puraea are being secured for th rac
es. Musle will be furnished by the
Canby Band, a dance In the evening
and a fox hunt at night, by Vaughn
Broa.' famoua pack of fox hounda. No
entrance feea will be charged. Entile
cloae on the day of the racea.
Mr. Roger, from. Hood River, ,who
formerly owned land here, baa return
ed tb Canby to make hla home. He
haa rented Mr. BImma' houae In the
north part of town.,: V.t,U'
The . Third Quarterly Conference of
the M. B. Church of Canby met at
Canby Monday evening, May U. Rev.
Jamea Moore, the auperlntendent , of
thla district, waa present and presid
ed. The report of the various de
partments of th church for th quar
ter were given, and theae report were
very: encouraging. The conference
then adopted the recommendatlona of
the official board of th church In re
gard to the waya and mean present
ed to proceed with, the plana of erect
ing a new church at Canby. - Tb out
look Is very good for a 16000 church
building within tb next year. Cen
tral Point had two delegate at this
conference. Carua, the other charge
belonging te thla circuit, had not re
ceived notice, and waa not represent
ed. Last Saturday evening Judge Beetle
and County Commlaslonera Mattoon
rand Glair arrived In Can by on the
a: JO 1'. M. train to Inspect the Joaalyn
bridge acroaa the Molalla, which baa
been cloaed for aome time.
.. John Wllllamaon haa moved hla fur
niture to Canby, and haa taken pos
session of the property which be
boiiKht of J. L. Combs.
William Maple, J. Wilson and H. H.
Ecclea, attended the Grand Lodge I.
O. O. F. held at Portland May 17.
Meadamea Carrie Beaton and Ella
kocher attended the Kebekan Assem
bly In Portland May 18. ,
Jamea Aoaiua waa a Portland vialt
or Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. George Weeka were
Portland visitors Monday.
Mr. Tbad Btepp of Molalla made a
business trip to Canby Tueaday.
Avon Jesse waa In town Tueaday.
. Ed. Creasy Is visiting at the home
of hla brother, Rev. C. L. Creasy.
The boys club gave Miss Lou Albee
a surprise party at the home of Edi
son Edwards at Lakewood on Monday
evening. The club presented Mlaa Al
bee with a beautiful fountain pen. The
boys furnished and served the refresh
ments. All members of the club were
present, but two. There were twenty
eight In all and they certainly had a
good time.
Thursday and Friday the eighth
grade of 21 pupils took the examina
tion. Thla la the largest class In the
county. Oak Grov cornea next with
a class of 19. The achool will cloae
May 21.
The Milwaukee atate grange will
bold an all day meeting Saturday, May
20. Dinner will be aerved at noon,
and the .afternoon wIM be taken up in
memorial exercise for tbe departed
Mra. Ike Mullen and Mrs. J. A. Pe
terson, who are 111, were taken to the
hospital at Bellwood Tuesday.
Mra. Gould baa malaria fever.
The mother and teachers club win
bold a meeting Thursday afternoon
and the eighth grade will give their
program. ..
The ladlea of the Catholic church
will give a strawberry social In the
city hall June 3. See announcement
Archbishop Christie, of Portland,
waa out Thureaay looking over the
wit b the site purchased for the
Mr. and Mra. Shupp, of Tacoma, for
merly of Mllwaukle. attended J the
Evangelical conference which waa
held here last week.
Rev. E. Radebnugh and Mra. Rade
baugb are receiving the congratula
tlona of their friends on the birth of
a daughter, Friday, May 12.
Mra. Mary Baker died at the family
home two and one-half miles eaat of
Mllwaukle and waa Interred at Mll
waukle cemetery. The service were
held at the Catholic church Monday
morning and conducted by Father
Berthold and Father Hugenroth. Mra.
Baker waa ti years, old, and leaves
three eons and two daughters.
Tbe relay race between the Mllwau
Hie ciup- team ana tne ueiiwooa team
waa postponed until May 27. The club
bad a practice race Tueaday evening
and Roaa Swaggert made the run In
12 1-2 mlnutea, being the beat mnner
The city recorder diamlaaed the
caae of Kellog and Wfclsh who were
arrested on a minor charge,
Cr. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta.
May 16, 17, 18. 19, 20. 21.
Games Begin Weekdaya at S:30.
8undsys, 2:30 P. M.
Boy a Under 13 Free to Bleachers
. Wednesday.
During the months of May, June, July,
August and September, en datea
ahown below, the
- will aell round trip ticket from
Oregon City Via Portland
as follower
Chicago .....
....$ 73.00
Council Bluffs
Kansas City .
St. Joseph . .
St. Paul
St Paul, via Council Bluff
Minneapolis, direct
Mlnneapol a, v a Couno I Bluffa 64-40
Boston 110.00
New York 109.00
St Louie J 70-50
Washington, D. C 108.00
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28
and J. -
June 6, 7, 6, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
nd SO.
July 1 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 16, 20, 26 27 and
28. : '
Auguat 3, 4, 6, 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30. ,
September 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7
Stop-over -vkhln limit In either di
rection. Final return limit
.October Slat
por'faree one way through California
Inquire of any Southern paemo
gent, or writ to
General Passanger Agent -
Portland, Oregon.
MAY 18, 1911.
Mra. Maggie Johnson waa In Oracon
City on bualneaa Wednesday..
jonn Miner or Courtney wis in Ore
gon City on business Wednesday. Mr.
MUler haa aold hla farm of 10 acre
to Mr. W. H. Buoy of Portland, and
will give possession June 1
Tbe city council let the contract for
the Improvement of Washington
Street to the Coast Construction Com
Bids will be opened Tueaday for tbe
Improvement of Harrison Street.
Special meeting of the City Council
Wedneaday afternoon.
The P. R. U p. Company were
notified to grade Front Street and the
county road where tbe. tracka are
from curb to curb to tbe top of tbe
rails. Tbla abould have been done
when the tracka were put In, If the
law bad been complied with.
Mra. J. C. Elklna ta 111 and in tbe
Bellwood Hospital, where she will re
main for a few daya and recuperate. ,
I be Errol Quartette will give a
dunce Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mra. H. E. Sharrow were
given a surprise party Monday even-
lug in honor of the tenth annlveraarr
of their wedding. Tbey received many
useful presents. Coffee and cake was
served, cards were enjoyed and a
good time had by all present.
Mra. W. E. Craulley and daughter
arrived from Hood River Jhls week.
not a vacant nouse in town and
peraona coming to Mllwaukle every
day looking for houses. ,
' , JEvangalleal Church.
Sunday achool at 10:30 A. M.. F.
Berkemeire, Supt
preacblng at 11:30 A. M. b? Rev.
Shupp, of Tacoma, Waah.
Y. P. A. at 7 P. M. Preacbinc at 8
P. M.
Mid-week ervlcea Prayer meeting
Wedneaday evenlnga. Choir practloe
Tburaday evenlnga. Teachers train
ing Friday evenlnga.
'St John the Baptist Church.
Low mass and sermon 8 A. M.
High mass and aermon and benedic
tion 10:30 A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldron are moving
Into their pretty new home which haa
Just been completed on Jennings Ave
One of tbe moat pleasant meetings
which the Pastime Club ever held waa :
the one at the home of Mra. Ertckson
od Tuesday. Sixteen ladles, were pres
ent. Tbe afternoon program waa in
observance of Mother's Day, Mra.
Gardner reading "Somebody's Moth-
er.T Mra. Morse and Mra. White aloft
furnished readings. Dainty refresh
ments were served, "such aa Mother
used to make."
Mr. and Mr. Hardy were Oregon
City business visitor on Tueaday.
Mra. J. S. Roberta ha been quite 111
Mr. and Mra. Hardy have recently
purchased the pretty home from Mr.
Geo. Morse, and are at present occu
pying part pf the house. Mr. and
Mra. Hardy and two eons recently
came from Canada. Mr. and Mra.
Geo. Morae have not decided where
they will locate, but their friends hope
It will be near this place. - -
The many new people coming here
are getting nicely located. Mr.. War
ner and family have moved Into their
new home which they purchased from
C. D. Slocum. Mr. Warner la making
aome added Improvement In the way
of papering and painting.
Mr. and Mra. Conway and Mrs.
Jonea were Mt. Scott visltura on Men
day. Mra. Conway also 'enjoyed a
visit from her father, Mr. DeShlelda,
tbe latter part of tbe week.
Mr. and Mra. Lalng of Portland will
spend the week with their daughter,
Mrs. H. J. Robinson.
Mr. and Mra. McFarlane and Don
ald and Alice apent Sunday at Kenton
with Mr. and Mra. Ralner.
Mra. Dunlap, who haa been th pat
alx montha in California and other
places of interest in the Northwest,
Including Portland and its suburbs,
baa returned to her home in Detroit,
Mich., after a pleasant visit with her
brother. Mr. L. Wilcox.
Mr. H. C. Palnton haa purchased a
new auto and on Sunday motored to
th home of Mr. and Mrs. Thiaa near
Mllwaukle, who were formerly Iowa
friends of the Palnton family.
Mr. Johnson haa moved Into the
Klrmse cottage while building an ad
ditlon and In other waya beautifying
hla own home On tbe County Road.
Dr. and Mra. Holt have recently pur
chased acreage of Mr. and Mra. G. D.
Board man on Hull Avenue and expect
to build a nice house aoon. Dr. Holt
waa for a number of year a misalon-
ary in China and baa been for year
the Pacific Coaat secretary of the de
partment of the Presbyterian church
that placea new men in th field, and
on Tuesday evening of laat week gave,
an Inspiring talk on missions, at tbe
banquet given by tbe Presbyterian
Brotherhood of Oregon City. In his
talk, he told of the especial need for
men for the ministry and also asked
tbe women to aid In influencing tbe
young men toward the ministry. Tho
Lodge people are Indeed glad to wel
come Dr. Holt and hla family to thla
Mr. Thoe. L. Lewla of Salem vlalt
ed on Sunday at tbe Hugh Roberta
A temperance program will be given
at the Grace Chanel on Sunday after
noon. May 21. at 2 P. M. George
Thompson of Willamette will give an
address and other member of tte
achool will give readings and songs.
All are invited to attend.
Mr. and Mra. SheneDeld and Mr.
and Mra. G. D. Boardman attended tbe
Evangelical conference which ta being
held at Mllwaukle, on Sunday, and
heard Bishop Bowen.
Mra. Merritt of SeUwood entertained
with a 600 party at her home on Wed
nesday afternoon, when one of our
Lodge matrons, Mrs. Charlea Red
monds, waa the geust of honor.
Mr. and Mra. H. C. Palnton ana Mr.
and Mra. Hugh Roberta auioea to
Mllwaukle on Monday evening to
call on Rev. and Mra. Shnpp of Taco
ma, who are attending the conference
at Mllwaukle.
Th member of Grace Chapel were
pleased to hear that Rev. Morris H ov
erling will again be the paator for the
ensuing year and will preach at the
chapel on 8unday afternoon at S P. M.
The work of patting UP poiee ior
the electrlo llgbta at tbla place haa
been started and aoon the people of
the Lodge will enjoy thla accommoda
tion, which la one of the object th
Community Club haa taken up to do
for the public. '
Mlaa Msble Morse attended the
meeting of tbe Bethlaa at tbe home
of Mine Morletta Hickman on Thurs
day last. -
The entertainment and basket Boclal
given at Barton under the auperrlalon
of Mlaa Blanche E. Miller waa a- de
oMut aiirrasa. There were 29 baa-1
keta and 1147.15. wa obtafhed, the
moat that haa ver been made In
Clackamaa County. Mr. Samibn, from
y" a? It- E&&r-T'A T - C 40
MUCH of the taste and pleasure
2a eating gooA food depends on
the sugar and syrtips used.
Think of thefinish 4?liglit
given to your morning meal when the
syrup used with your cakes Is pleasing to yoor taste.
Note that delicioosness when yo drink well-made
coffee with the right kind of sugar in it. Small mat
ters yes but it is fast those small matters that make
life a complete success or a round of annoyances. We
have studied the question we pride ours elves on our
attention to details of the kind. Come in and ask us.
. v Some Special Brands Offered This Week
Tea Garden Syrup, t gsU, 60c . Caramel Syrup, 46c '
Preferred Stock, '. 0- 60c
Golden Syrup, '2 gal, 3Se
J. E.
Oregon City was the auctioneer. The
baaket that aold for the highest waa
Hazel Glbson'e and said for $21.50.
Two baskets went for twenty dollars
apiece and two for ten apiece, while
there were aeveral Ave and alx dol
lar sales. The young ladlea deserve
special mention for the baaketa were
very pretty and unique. It Is Aot
necaeary to atate that the boy were
very generous. The prize for the
prettiest basket waa awarded to Miss
Blanche K. Miller and. Miss Mattie
Burghardt. Theae two baaketa were
of the aame design.
One of the prettiest thlnga on the
program waa a ribbon drill by twelve
young ladlea. Tbe girls were dressed
In white dresses made Grecian atyle
and carried pink ribbons.
Member of Wacheno Tribe No. 13
- Attend Bervicea.
The funeral services over tbe body
of J. W. Mayea were held at the Hol
man undertaking parlor on Tueaday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Many of
the member of the order of Wacheno
Tribe No. 13. 1. O. R. M., attended and
marched to the cemetery where the
Impressive burial service of the lodge
waa given. Many beautiful floral of
ferings were on the casket. The In
terment wa in the Mountain View
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under theae claaatflad beadtnir
will be Inearte4 at one cent a word, first
frneertJoa. half a. cant additional tnaer
tlona. on tnoh card. II per motitbl hail
tr h card. 4 llnea) tl per month.
Caah must aeoompaajr order mleae en
haa aa open account with tike paper.. No
financial reapoaalblUty for error; whert
error occur free eorreetad aot toe wilt s.
printed for patron. Minimum eharc Ike.
WANTED Room with private family
and occasional use of ptaoo. Sher
man W. Moody, at Andreaen'a Jewel
ry Store.
GIRL WANTED Ctrl vor general
housework. Experience not ao Im
portant aa willingness to learn. Ap
ply 1006 Main street, Oregon City.
WANTED Ton to know tnat we buy
all kinds of Curios, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We also have a
good assortment of aecond hand
Furniture and Tools on hand, for
sale to those In need. Come acJ
Agents for Standard Pattorno
Specials For Saturday May 20
Corsets, short and medium lengths. Colors'
white and gray, v Perhaps yon, need one for eyery
day wear. If so you can buy a. $1.00 to,Trir
$1.85 corset on Saturday for......; ..
Another' I6t of 'those -men's '50c' work shirts
with ' slight imperfections. On Saturday r
two for.....'- y .s
, .' . - t -' ' r .-
. . " '' '- J ' j - ' ' -
') Only ! two to: one customer -:
Suneet Syrvp, gal., SOe
Cooking Molasaca, gal, 40e
see; per ha pa we nave Juat what you
want Indian Curio and trinket
for sale cheap; aome that are very
unique and also very rare. CEOSGBS
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. .
FOR SALE Bicycle nearly new,
cheap. Inquire H. C. Hurlbut. 324
Washington street.
FOR SALE Good aecond hand deliv
ery wagon. Inquire Royal Pakery,
7th Street
FOR SALE Two fine' residence lota
9th and Washington Sta., very cheap..
Term. Enquire 418 7th 8t.
ACREAGE One to five acre In eight
of Oregon City, SlSO and $200 per
acre; good level land; one mile
from car line. Clyde 4 McRae, 1003
Main St., Oregon City. -
FOR SALE Must sell, cowa, hog,
sheep, goats, chickena, machinery,
cream separator, fruit, piano, sofa,
aide-board, jar everything. . Call
and see Maiden Route No. S Oregon
City, Oregon.
TO LOAN I have at 7 per cent:
$2000.00, $1300.00. . $1100.00,
fOWV.W .-iw.w, uw.vv. iiuiftv.v.
real estate. 40 percent value. . C.
H. Dye, Sth a Main Street. .
- i i . .
HARRT JONES Botlder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all classsa of batldlng
work, concrete walk and reinforced
concrete. Res, phone Mala 11L
O. D. KBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstract furnished, land
title examined, estate settled, gan
eral law soslaea. Over Bank f
Oregon City.
TTREN ft SCrTTJlTBBL, AttorneysHkt-
Lew, Dantseoer a a to at, win sre
tloe In an courts, make coflooeJoa
aad settlement. Office In "Enter
M us f'"m . VHvS uw, Uliaua. '
H. H. COOPER, For Fire insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties we . buy, sell and
exchange. Office In naterprtse
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.