Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 17, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MQRNING KNTEKPliialS, EnKKSDAy, MAY 17, 1911.
Copyright by Anrtni Pre Am-
elation. lll.
Charming Id Hsr YsMtMul
CntHveissm and Patriotism.
- .It vii In lb o hie ii time, when trv
' slera westward fruui tb Mlasourl river
went by wa(oi train ayatetn. I a
young man then and bad aoui tnouey
' which I bad invested In tb ilk of
mining company' on Clear ("reck.
' about twenty aillea went of Denver.
Neva ranie that tboae operating, the
mine bad atruck a rich rein of ore, and
"I I concluded ta go oat and look after
Bay Interest.
80 I joined a wag.m train at Kansas
City consisting of two wagons. Tbe ,
owner, John rVarsdalc. was taking his
'family out to IVnrer to settl there. )
xney consisted of bla wife, bla son.
Henry, twenty year old. ami . bit (
daughter. Amelia. Ilenry bad taken a
course of nmlidn at an eastern uni
versity and waa going to put ont hi
shingle In Dearer. , i
Tbe re la nothing 'liki being thrown
with a girl constantly and not seeing
other glrla to maka a man fall In lore.
And I suppose It'a the satue with a girl
la reference to the man. At any rate,
wo bad been on the road but a few
days when I began to consider Amelia
. Dr. Henry Scandal had a whole
.library of medical books with bjra
and studied whenever we' were In
ramn. Fie was an enthusiast in bis
profession. He beanie a celebrated
physician afterward, bat at that time
be was almply at the beginning f bis
career and alwaya yearning far some
o to fall 111 that bo might apply his
Unfortunately I waa destined to
aeed bis attention. My heart would
get to beating. rapidly at the alighted
provocation. The young dx-tor on
beating of my trouble unpacked a box Tbe Mexican girt of fonrteen is as old
I life 11 . . B BT J- -
If I- "
t - i
1 snaaauassssmianMia' m r mil aiti ! lanaaaa m I Hal I
College Men Busy Preparing For
Annual Meet In Cambridge.
Lovely In faco la the Mexican seoo-
Irlta. but she does not retain her love
nnena kug At thirty-Ore sue Is a
wrinkled and forbidding olU crone
of books that be. bad Intended not to
pen tM be reached Denver, got out a
rolnme on heart dlea.e. ran his eye
vr tb Index till he cam ta "pali.l
tarlon" and familiarised himself with
. my case. Then he Improvised a ntetb
oacope, pU7d It against myebei. over
toy heart, listened and looked Sertoli.
X knew by that look that I was
doomed. He told mo that I nwt not
consider my case hoeieM. wbk h I
understood to mean that It was hope
leas, especially since he told me thit I
anight live quite awhile. Bnt the next
Boralng, feeling more hopeful. I told
the doctor that ' I thought be tnl-ht
as the American of elghteeit.and she
grows old faster. Tbis. partly due to
tbe climate and partly due to tbe u fi
sh lives. Mexican women of tbe low
er or middle class pay little attention
to hygienic rules. They eat all sorts"
of Indigestible footLs, and they are not
1 particular about bathing. Tbe women
.or tbe lower class are of Indian or
of mixed race, partly Indian, partly
Spanish. Tbe women of the various
Indian tribes differ much In tbelr hab
its, speech and point of view. Tbey
hare large soft dark eyes, long and
glossy black hair and dtep olive com-
piexionsvr A Mexican woman l a
kave been mistaken, whereupon he good Jud?e of character and a devoted
aid Tery decidedly that I wonld find
,oot. If I lived to reach . Denver It
" would be nor than he expected.
This broke me all up again, and I
I con tinned to decline during tbe rest of
the" Journey. I couldn't make tbe
lightest motion without my been
beating like a trip hammer. I Uwt
flesh and was so near run d wn thnt by
tbe time we were approaching Denver
reclining place was made for me In
one of tbe wagons. t
-'I conceived a great respect for tbe
11 ai - -
niM-mi wipmuK power or tne
young doctor. ITe had told me that If
I reached Denver alive I would do
well, and tbe nearer we got to tbe
town the more rapidly my heart beat
It occurred to me that he didn't really
expect me to live even so long as that.
At any rate I made up my mind I
would not
When within ten miles of Denver In
camp on evening I aent for Amelia
Rcarsdale and told her that, being at
tb point of death. I would have no
further use for worldly wealth and
handed her my mining shares that I
bad transferred to her. I refrained
from telling her that I loved ber.
thinking that, being dxmed. It would
be better for her that I should keep
By secret. Amelia waa certainly very
grateful, trtfd to comfort me and de
clared that If I lived she wonld re
transfer the shares to me. To this I
replied that I had given up all hope:
that when her brother told me It was
not likely I would live to enter Denver
I had doubted his power of diagnosis,
but I had been getting worse ever
since, and I knew now that be was
While we were talking Dr. Scars
dale cam to tb wagon and aaid to
"I fear I hav mad mlstak In
your case. I got bold of a book on dis
eases of tb heart I hav today been
reading one on Indigestion, and I
shouldn't be surprised If your heart
trouble la du to that cause."
"Vou aay you fear you hav made a
mistake." I remarked.
. -Well, I fear yo haven't"
, "Diet for few daya, and I have
some peptonic pills I'll give you."
I took the doctor pills, and th fact
that be bad got bold of tbe wrong book
concerning my case convinced m that
he was not Infallible. My mind drifted
, In a uottier channel, my heart atopped
beating so rapidly, a ad I waa a new
Amelia insisted on returning tbe
mining shares, which made me feel
very jeap. I went up In th moun
tains to th mine and returned a few
weeks later a very rich man. 1 waa
much surprised that Amelia did not
look a beautiful among other woman
a an had seemed on tbklkall plains.
Indeed, I thought her anything but
neauuiuL Bh Imoarted to ma ttuJ
wife and mother. When one of them
marries, even though ber husband may
have been a poor man and she herself
a person of means, be at once becomes
master of ber funds a ud If she chooses
may introduce all bla relatives into
th household for tbe wife to support
Cnder snch an Imposition the wife Is
expected not only to be agreeable, but
even if necessary to wait upon the In
truders. They are very clever with their
hands, and Mexican drawn work la fa
nous the world over.' Tbe women of
tb masses adorn tbelr garments with
tbe drawn work, handsome caps and
headdresses of It being worn by tbe
women of some sections.
Intense patriotism la another eaar-
actertstlc of Mexican womanhood, and
tn tb struggle which has been going
on each side has found be sympathy
and assistance of their women of
Bean assistance.
Red and SI u a-Teas Wall Balanced.
Cornell'' Strong In Distanss Events.
Ysl Harvard, Princeton and Mishi
gan Will Be Facters.
After luoulb of practice college atl.
letM are bow putting the linlhlng
touches, on their traiumg for Hie tutcr
collegiate track ami Odd uicvt nhh-li
will be held In the Harvard madiiiifa.
Cambridge. Mass, May t ami 27.
Tbe UH meet was productive of
on! on-t m-ord. but hi view of tbe
great performance of a i.uiiiUt of
men In their preliminary workouts It
would not he stirptiiiig If re-rds I t
the wholesale should go by the bosr.i
In tb stadium.
Although dual nice I lure been
care so far this sensou. there hate
been occasions oil which the merits
tbe various teams rsn be Judged.
Nearly all the universities, with tbe
except lou of lrlnceton and I'cnnsyl
vanla. have UnX heavily by graduation.
but new men from tbe under class of
a year ago have been developed, so
that this meet should te as Interesting
aa any of tta predecewuira.
Craig of Michigan. Iieldath of Syr a
ruse, Bernn vt Cornell.- t htsholm of
Tale, fiurdk-k of Pennsylvania and J e
norner of Michigan, all winners of
events last year, are still In comiteti
tion, to say nothing of any number of
the men who scored second, third sud
fourth places for tlielr respective
teams. At races on pnMr do not al
ways come true when tbe men are
running along on the actual cinder
path, predictions as to the outcome of
tbe meet seem a little out of. place.
However. In reviewing the material
that Is on hand for thla year's tests It
la probably best to begin with Penn
sylvania, the winner of the 1910 meet.
Tbe Quakers, despite the loss of
Ramsdell, who showed up so briUiant
ly a year ago, will be very strong In
tb sprints, for Minds has been run
ning up to his old time standard.
For the longer distances Murphy has
a lot of good men In Billy Paull. Boyle,
Foster Gray, Church. Levering and
Wolle, On the whole, the Quakers
have a good fighting chance to repent
their victory of a year ago. '
Tale has been greatly weakened
since the 1910 meet, althouah George
CblstioimT- funer of the high huid es
State of Oregon to Fted B. Madison,
on beast quarter of southeast quarter
and southwest ouarter or soutna
Quarter of section t, township 4 south.
range i east; 5M). .
John and Mary Straua to Q. O. Ma
ronay. laud In section II, township J
south, rang 4 east; IIUS.
Mies CaHa Louis Manning Wads.
Miss Calls Ijwuio Mannlug, of Mu
lino, waa married at noon on Sunday
ta Walter Waldoif. of Oswego. Tb
ceremony took place In the parlor of
Iho Methodist Kpccopal t hurch. Kev.
K. K. Zimmerman, officiating. Only a
few Immediate friends witnessed th
Hints and 8uaat'n For Drsts'n
Oneself In the Faihiei.
Th dull aurfacetl silks promise to
b more faahhwitute Ibis year than
tn many a acajou " ' ' "
A noticeable style lit the new tailored
shirt waUta Is the uO'a are nar
rower than those of last season.
The severely pluln wide whit linen
collar and tb ruffs to match which
tnru Itnrk at the elbow on tb elliow
sleeves, are amart accessories for tb
simple dreaa, whether linen or-wool.
Ttie soft allka ar among the new.
eat and smartest tnaterl.ita for young
girls. Thla dress Is made of dotted
allk foulard. " The skirt r nsUta of a
pMM fey JioorWan ! Amu
ruiton llt.
I . . .: . .. -
Smart Dressing Call Fee Ample Va-rtety-ln
Won en are realising that several
yokes or chemisettes to accompany
each waist or dress are a necessity,
saya the Dry Goods Economist Th
great variety tlta In this
season's- collar forms is surprising.
Squares, pointed and round shapes are
seen In every modification.
Th novelties In plauen lac have
been produced In original shapes,
among which tb sailors again-play an
Important part
Bound Dutch collara ar brought out
In every suitable material possible, and
marked originality la abown In trim
ming these. Hand embroidery, motlfa.
materials In contrasting color, cluny,
Irish. Armenian, vsl and venlse laces
and embroidery ar nsed with excellent
Fancy fichus and large rorday collars
ar already meeting with quit an an
usual degree of favor considering tb
early atag of the season.
Handsome new effects In black and
whit combined ar being shown In
high class neckwear. Plain black aatln
and black and whit striped foulard
ar being combined with embroidered
batiste, cluny. Irish, val and narrow
black edgings.
Tb present sty I In dresses and
waists la tasking extensive us of
yokes and chemisettes of plain and
fancy nets and all overs of every de
scription. Thla form of neck finish Is
tecomlng to all types of women, which
explains Its enormous vogue. It I ab
solutely necessary that the lac and
net yokes b often removed to b
cleaned, as a few days' wear soils
them hopelessly.
I --; Star.,
Norway's Goat Girls.
A Norwegian goat girl la abl to tak
fact that for two years she hsd had a ear of a large flock of goats. She
lover. In Denver and that sh waa to j watches tbem while they grax, mllka
tnem and aa its mem. in last iaix is
be married in a few dars.
Here was my chance. I gave ber a
wedding present consisting of enough
of tb mining shares I owned to msk
ber Independent for life.
My medical experience convinced m
f tbe power of mind over matter.
Interesting. She takes a llttl bag of
Bait, aad tb goats crowd about ber,
leaping over each other's back, for th
privilege of licking her band after each
d'p In tb bag. Sh loves bar goats
asd makes pets of ths young kids.
9 1111, by AawrtcaA Press Aasonatloa.
ssokos chisholm. Tain's cases sca
at the Peon relay meet recently, and
Robert Gardner, who tied with Pah-
cork of Colombia In tb pole vault last
year, are still In college. Tale can't
reasonably hope for much this year.
Cornell, as usual. Is not very strong
In tbe spring, bnt has some corking
good men for the distance events
However, with tbe squad Trainer
M oak ley has on hand the Itbacans are
hoping that th Bed and White's
chances In tbe Intercolleglatea may tie
better when the time comes around
than tbey seem to be now on paper.
At Harvard tblnga seem to b a little
better than they were last year, al
though none of th performances In
tb class games were especially nota
Princeton stlU has Cook, Dwlght,
Spears and Simons, who scored In tb
Intercolleglatea last . year, and several
other men who look very promising.
Michigan has three stars who will
nrobably show up very well In the In
tercolleglatea. Craig, who won the
320 last year, Is running better than
tver. norner should hav things his
own way In tt abotput snd nanavaa
will glv Paull tb ran of bis life In
tbe mile. '
Dartmouth has soma very gixxf mate
rial Ibis yar. of which Harry Hlllman
Is making tb most
Harry Babcock, th captain of the
Columbia team, seems to lie about th
only man the Blu and White ha wha
can be relied upon to do much of anything.
fftl iAA !
IT I I ii M
I ti 4 I
!T '1 '
otarliHn ruin.
flv gnred upper portlen and Is fin
ished with a slightly circular flosuce.
Tb waist Is very simple, the body
part and the aleevea being cnt tn on.
Thla Mar Mantes pattern Is cnt hi sties
for glrla of fourteen, alsteen asd lhtn
rears of S(. Send M rents to Ibis Met
giving numbers w slat m and shirt SMS
and thr will b premptlr forwarded ta
roo br mall. If In hast wnd an addi
tional two cent stamp for letter pastas,
which Insures mors prompt delivery.
i and Butterflies Fee the Sens-
mee Ht Trsn (parens Sleeves.
No hat will be In atyle this spring
unless It has a hothouse display ef
Bowers and butterflies. Even the wed
ding hats and the acrorapanykig
bridesmaids' bead coverings, which ar
exempt from the wide brim ban, mast
hav tb flowers and tb butterflies.
An outfit of this kind that ! being
prepared for a certain occcaslon la
made with a trimming of ribbon rosea
over a drapery of lac. Tb bride
bat has an Immense butterfly of silver
Sleeves on all evening . dresses are
very trans pa rent, often t being formed
ef tall or lace.
Distinctly new and fetching among
tb fascinating fabrics for children's
frocks sre tb hand embroidered cat-
ton marquisettes that bar an eyelet
Ase You a Subscriber to the
Ne7 Datfy?
If Th Morning Enterprise la to bs ss successful as th Interest of Oregon
rite demsnd It must need have th support of all. Th new dally has
' a big work before It la boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour
support means mor strength for thawork.
Will You Help Boost your own Interests?
In ad vane
For a limited tlra th Koratag- atetsrprlM will bo sold to paid
ubrtbvs as follows: v
ry c
: r r
i i
-v. 1 year ,
1 y-
j "r Haas and remhtasna
tsal Estat Tranafsr.
OREGON CITT. Or.. Mar 17.Tbe
following ar th real estate tranafers
that hav been filed In tb office of
the county recorder:
Hand Brothers to Lotta Chha
Smith, land In Henderson Ijielllng D.
U C: $10.
Joseph Berton Hicks and Emma
Mav Hick to ElUa Caldwell, lots
and 4 of block 28. Mllwaukl Park :
Alexander and Lena Boll to Fred
M. Johnson, lot t Of block 7. Edge-
wood; $500. . '
James A. Bunnell to Lueinda snd
Charles B. Bunnell, 1 acre of . Oak
Grov Park; $W0. ,
rsoT slooss ron atiasaa.
design. These hav a whits ground
with tb embroidery don In all tb
naual colors.
Th blouse that Is trimmed to glv
s bolero effect Is tb very newest.
This on I mad of two material, but
pitch treatment Is by no means neces
sary, for th bloos can b mad of
on material throughout with perfect
success. The sleeves and body por
tion ar cut In one.
This May Manton pet tern is cut In sites
for aWts of fourteen, el it sen and eighteen
years of saw. Send to eenta to thla office.
Wins aamhee, cm, and It will be prompt
ly forward, to you by melt If In hast
eend an additional tw sent stamp for
bmer postage, wkleh tees mere prompt
Sellvocpw - . v. , j
Thav rfei't couiulenc In uiy has
band." said Mr. Ackley to Mrs. Brad
abaw, "and th reason why I hav
coufldeiicv In blui I Ucause he's s.
carvlesa. If h had occaslou lo keep
anything from me he couldn't do It.
For liiMtance, If he should recelv a
lov letter from any HUiflliuiM aourc
he would l sure to bare It lu bl
"But how would that glv blm
awayr asked Mrs. Bradhaw.'
"Why, tuy dear woiuan, there's not
a night wbcif he ta lit bed and asleep
that I don't g through hi xa keta."
"It a the only safe way with men."
Tim ra met when Mrs. Arktey lu go
Ing through her buaband'a mm kets re
ceived a abork. She came uhii a bit
of aer on one stde-of w hk-h waa her
husltand's name written In a wouiau'a
hand, on the other certain myatertous
figurea-J. 12. 0. S, 8.
Mrs. Ackley turned pale. She love r
ber husband not wlthsiamllnj the fa-
that she thought It necessary lo watch
him. Kb hud gone through hi mm k
eta for year dreading that she would
find something to convince her of his
Inconstancy, and at last the blow had
fallen. She almost wlshe.1 ah bad
remained In Ignorance. Possibly sh
would hav burned the message had
not curiosity nterMsed to prevent her
doing so. She wined a tear from her
) eye and looked at the paper again.
There wer the figures 1, 12, 0, 3, 5.
iHxilitlesa every figure atood for soui
loving word.
Getting her feellugs under control,
she begun to putsle over the figures
with a view lo their Interpretation.
It waa the first day of May; there
for the figure I mUhl refer to th
day of the month But 12 rnm next,
and tbe twelfth month la IKvciuImt.
By heiMtiiilng at the other end the
theory fitted better. May was the
fifth month. The figure. S coincided
with the month exactly. The next
figure. 3. might stand for the day of
th month, 0 possibly marking the
hour. Tbe figures Indicated thnt the
sender wished Mr. Ackley to meet ber
on the 3d day of Msy (tbe next day
but one! al 0 o'clock. Twelve might
mean tbe termination of the meeting,
the hour It would !e necessarx for the
' rm m n I I.. - a Kit. flu. w a l n ...
front U to 12 In the morning or 0 to 12
In the evening. "I have It." she ex
rUilmml. "The figure I Indicate that
it Is the first 0 to 12 of the hour In the
dsy or In the niomlng. of ionise It
I wouldn't do for them to im!t In the
i evening. I might have something lo
say about thnt.. In the morning, when
) he Is at his office. I am stiptNiaed lo he
pow-rlcMs. VV shall see."
Having doubts about Hie correctness
of this derltttiering nf the message,
he tried n in her theory. Possibly the
figure might stiell a word that would
mean a whole sentence. She tried
several plana and at last hit npon one
making the figures represent letters.
The first figure was 1, and A Is the
first letter of th alphabet.
-Eureka r she exclaimed,
Then ah read. 1, A: 12. L; 0. I; S, C:
5. E Alice. , '
"Aba." sh cried, "so the nam is
Alice' '
Sh tbonght over art the women she
knew, bnt none was named Alice.
ner'Tltal cetild not. therefore, be on
of ber friends or acquaintances. She
must Is? snwie one her hnstmnd tmf
met whom she, bis wife, knew noth
ing ahont. She would ttneartb this
plot, but she would not spoil It by art
fins; It 1st known that sh ponaesand
tbe secret.
. Whevt Artley cam bom for dinner
and gave Ms wife tbe nrnrnl mnrftal
kfss he noticed that her Hp wer cold.
"Don't feed very well, dear?" ho ask
ed. Mrs. Art ley declared that she- was
perfectly weft fCeverthefess, though
she fried to appear as I, ah failed.
Tb next day Mrs. Ackley, after
breakfast, went to ber Botbefa to re
main for the day. She could not bear
to remain In ths nous with -the man
who waa deceiving her. $he telephoned
him during th day that ah would
remain away all night Sir. Ackley
passed th evening at his club, went
homo at 9 and th next morning, hav
ing breakfasted, went to his flic.
Ther h found a not from a man
with whom he bad an Important bowl
ness desl asking htm to be at a certain
plar at 9:30 a. ta. Mr. Ackley left his
offlc without saying where he was
going, no did not return till half past
When ho did retnra bo found hi
wtf tn the office looking Ilk a thun
dereloud. She had been ther three
hours "nursing her wrath to keep It
warm,' and an accumulation of Tin
dlctlvenes bad placed her In a con
dition frightful to behold.' Those In
th offlc were waiting an explosion.
When Mr. Ackley entered he looked at
lis wife, astonished. Without' a word
sh took from ber portemonnule th
cipher message and handed It to blm.
( "Mis Qnlmby," said th gentleman
after glancing at It, addressing his
stenographer, "ther ar tbe figure of
tb new ssfe combination you wrot
ut for m and which I couldn't And
yesterday."- Then to bla wife, "Have
you bad your lunch, dear?" 1
.Mrs. Ackley went out-quletly with
ber husband. What was safd between
them th offlc fore did not know.
They Inferred that tb memorandum
of th ssf combination hd something
to do with Mrs. Ackley'a long wait at
ha offlc.
wPut Yourself In the i
Ad-Readers Place... -
When you writs your classified
ador any kind of an ad try to
Includ In It Just ths information
you'd Ilka to find If yon wsr aa
ad-readr and wra looking fot aa
ad of that kino.
If yon do this to even a small
extent your ad will bring ft-
rsuLxst " -' .
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By carrier, t year $3.00
' . , i ' 1
By mail, t year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
To Introduos Th Morning
Kntorprtao Into a largo major
Ky of ths homes in Orsgoa
City and Clackamas aouatv th
management has dsldsd to
' mak a special prio for th
dally Isms, for a short bum
only, whsra th Mbsortbor sags
a year In advaaoa.
By carrier, paid a ysar la
advanoe, tg.0.
By annfl, nsid yssw la nV
vaasM, tf,M.
a Psopl who gave our oaavaa-
aor a trial subscription for on
or mors months, at ten cents a
wk, can hav tb daily doll
rd for a ysar for $a.0o by
paying a year ta advanc.
Poopl who gav our eaavaa-
aar a trial subscript lorn, by
mall, for four months at a dol-
lar, may bava ths papor tor a
yaar for flOO, If paid a year la
Subscribers to th Woakly
Entarprlas may chang tbotr
suhserlptlons to th dally, r
xelvlng credit tor half time oa
th daUy that th wookly la
paid la advano. Whn they
ehooea to add cash to tha ad-
vane payment oqual to a full
year's advanc payment thy
a may tak advantag of tha ft
rats' ...
W maka this spaotal prioa
t so that psopl who have paid
la advanea on aomo othsr daJty
and wlah to tak tha Morning
Enterprts, may do so without
a too great axpanso.
Mrs. Howell A: js Ai: l.y. '
Mra. W. II. Howe.l is atteuulng tha
Rebekah Assembly at l"orlla" tt
week. Mrs. Howell Is treasurer
th Odd Tellows Home In PorlU"
snd waa formerly president of
Kebokah Assembly.
Th following are registered t lK
Electric Hotel? Oeo. Webb, 8n Tt
Cisco: J. C Argo. Spokans. W;
Robert Hnron, Wootlbiirnj R. Br,''
Evert Edward, St. Loula; Ben UJ
wood, Coltonr T. A. Tratixer, PW
land; A. O. Hovey. Eugene; u"
Brockart and sons, Needy; Mi J
Moss, C- 'R Moss. W. C Mlngold, Ur
Orove, la,; r. Mohatt and '
Broken Bow.Xeb.; R. W. Win.'
McDonald, O. W. Lawrence, Porti"
E. W. Ilrbel. Portland: ! T.WT
nan nit.ti.Brf. n s rhsner.."-
Lth. Portland: W." H. Cooie, Pof
.ll. Unlit PlenlC
. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Todd. Mr.
Mrs. Hsrry Jones and son, J-C'T' i
111 Todd, of thla city. 1
party that left hera on Sunday bw
log for Hubbard, where they r
tha day picnicking. They w
tha old homa of tha Todd. .
Patronita our svsrtisers.
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Special Safe
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