MOHN1MQ EliTCIIPaiai:, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911. Ladle' Waists One. mora J. lvltt't store prevee Iteelf the $l0f, TM hlpmil of heautlful LADIES' WAISTS ju.t .rrly.d. First ,hlpnt all ' " 't BOln9 ft. Nothing Ilk. thti Ms ' n"w" n 're, 1 ' I Jf 1 LHt ertlOfii l fancy nets, marquisettes, beautifully embroidered and SOlOrs. haylna tha stylish Butrk ...i. in " ... ' llIV nack and KIMONA SEE , OUR WINDOW DISPLAY J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner Heaving tha Deep. j ar v 1. 5" j ar v - tl ,7 W-.JT. TTi.ll. eld fellow, ait full going I - 'lb "i'"' recital In tho eaiooa tu- -Xo. timiiU you: I am if.vlt.g all tbe ftpU rerlluU I need" LOCAL PRICrS rtsnk K. Iavey. of Mtlwaukle, waa Ibis Hiy '" business Monday. Tb rmdure Union- sells Hay and Own Hitches, of nearer Creek, waa Oregon City Monday on business. Mr. Km rib, of Beaver Craak. waa thli rlty Monday. Tha Prouure Union aalla Arsenate eJUad. Mr. Wllliitm Stuart, of Carue. waa H Own City Monday. Mr. ami Mr. Forbee, of Carua, were a town Monday. flue, fr-h etrawberrlee, IS cent. M Vifr k Runs, Seventh at rent. Mrs. MIMtror Mullno, waa- In Ore- ua City Monday. Mr. Antlirw Kellenhoffer. of Carua. tie In OrcKon City Monday. Mr. ami Mra. Gardner, of Carna. ttrt In Oif Kim City 8unday, The Produce I'd ion aella berry- Mr. Cnxiit, of Mullno. waa In Oregon City Sunday. , . MlM Bertha Gnldamlth left for Port. hid on Monday afternoon to Tlalt rela Mru-L'hurltaJeonlniajlo'f Portland, via thin city vlalttng br parent, Mr.1 irt Mra. Van Hoy. E. H Markle, of Balfour, Outhrle a Co., waa In Oregon City Monday on Alaaya something new In the Mil linery line. Mine C. Goldsmith. . HIm E Winger, of Portland, waa In iklicliy on Hunday vlaltlnK with Mlaa florenre Crace. ' John A. Caraon, one of tha promt ant atiortipya of 8alem, la In tbla fit; on IckrI bualneaa. 8amul ricott, of Medford, baa ar ed In thla city and will visit bla rtw, Mra. George Bhepard. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlaa RIaley. of Con rd, were in thla city on Monday, "Hog tome here In tjjelr automobile. Mr. Allen Edwarda,' Norman How fi. Eph wla and Mr. Bly, of Cania, t to oak Grove Sunday to work. Mra. wink, of New Era, who baa "a the gueat of Mra. O. W. Oraca, warned to her borne on Sunday even .Grant White, of Canby, waa In tbla "'r on MondayTbavlna; brought aoma Jlhe railroad promoters from tbat Mr. and Mra. Walter Want worth M to Monuvllla on Sunday, where wy tilted with the Utter s brother, WMIIani and Ralph Marahall. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Treaaler, of Port land, were in thla city on Sunday the Hdae Harry n. Cart i. I V,d Mr"- c"". r"i Grove, have arrived In Oregon City wfrVl."'iln U"lr daushtfr, Mra. J?' L"'""' and little son. Gilbert, arrived III thla pit n n,..i.. from Nyaaa, Oregon, and will vlxlt iie ir aoout nve weea. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Utouretie, ot Portland, were In this city on Sunday vial ting at the home of Mr. and Mra. Charles Latourette. Mra. Ellen Warren, of K'ir who haa been vlaltlng her niece, Mrs. C. O. Miller and mInb Veda Williams, of this city, baa returned to her home. Mlaa Ethel Park, who haa been leaching the Wtlholt school during the paat aeven montba, haa returned to thla city, the achool having closed. It was a moat succeaaful term. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Hcott will leave on Tueaday morning for Portland, w iii-re mejr win remain during the week attending the Grand Lodge of the older of Rebokaba. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reohner 'and little on, Edward, Mlaa Edltb Jackaou and Mlaa Letha Jackson, of this city, spent yesterday at the botrfe of Mr. and Mra. J. H. Jackson, of Clalrraont. Mlaa Eva Iluncb, of 8Mkane, Waxh., who haa been vlaltlng at the home of her grandmother. Mra. M. Mulvey, of thla city, left for her home on Monday afternoon. Mra. G. A. Harding haa returned to her borne In thla city, after a visit In Eugene. She waa one of the patron- eaaes at the Junior Prom Saturday ev ening. , meet, some of the boys participating. est Crosa, Harry Hargreavea, Harold Smith. Uothwell Avlaon, Thornton Howard, Prof. N. W. Howland and William 8heanaa have returned from Eugene, where they attended the track meet, earn of the boys participating. I Mra. A. Johnaon, of Portland, was In this city on Saturday and Sunday vlaltlng with ber daughter. Mra. Max well Telford and eon, Earl Luts. Mrs. Johuaon was on her way home from Medford, where she bas been vlaltlng ber daughter, Mrs. Edward Lamport, nee Hit. Mrs. Fannie Ti. Voltt, of Indianapolis Ind , wno was elected supreme auditor of . the Roysl Neighbors at Denver Colorado, arrived in this city on Sun day, and will visit her alster, Mra. Ed Fortune, of Seventh and Jackaon atreeta. Tbla la Mrs. Vol tie first vllt to Oregon, and ahe la much Impressed with the climate and scenery, and conletnplatea remaining here for aev era! montba. ' J ' .V"'.' GoWmlt of Walter Ve1,a,Tr..Vj.o,.Mr'- Sola CirU Meeta Today. wliMtl.rCl'' .W.0n,l, ot wJodcrafL will bold a special meeting Tuaaday a? of balloting on candidates. All offT a, Ju'Vf Mrr, Couple. ,ub,,". f Multnomah county and Clyde W. fioggle, of Waaco couuty, were marrlel by Juatlce of the Peace Bameon. The young people were un attended and refused to give any In formation regarding themselves. Marrlaaa Llcanaaa i..,..a County Clerk! Mulvey,.UHned mar r. licensee 10 the following on Mon day: Iona M. Nelson and w V Parket; Anna Oaret and C. U Hub be": Alice M. RugKles snd James T. Hitttsii. FORUM OFJTflE PEOPLE BruI!,lP.?!,l!h'',', ot Th" Morning Enter- PMC fllMflnlm rairinaaill.llia.. ... T m.nt ,prw4 latCwlK .1 h" hVlv,:i ,?..:ff- '''"! Irf-et a 1 " ' r""'"'"WOti or iwin lQr to aa nuaalllrifi fM... irce.""'" proprly '"? ni" pub" Taxpayer Pleads for Good Roads. I"'; nome peraonn r praising and eome are finding fault f" JHr, our tiacKamaa road maater. 1 am In rn mn,.A nret and all the time. I have watched several of our road aupervlaora work In lbejat our. years and have no ticed the areat neoit nr ku.,i .......... I have aeen roada plowed and scraped to center, making a nil of looee dirt as late a October and NnnmU, v need to tell webfoot what the result was. Rock road costing the county 14000 per mile only laated two winters and waa full of bolea and ruts. In New Hampshire and MaaaachiiH. etta there are aeneral ma A munUr, to overaee each town. ' Roth states appropriate large aums for roada; Massachusetts about 1:10ft. 00O. Wlien a town rai. a amount for Improvement of roads the amies give a like amount, the work being dime under belr own engineer and foreman. TAXPAYER. Ace Callater Oliver King John Krupf Enla Yoder Enli Toder O. W. Owlnga J. Scholl 4 Co, City of Oawego Oelger Bros. J. Duns O. DeShlelda D Call Iff iii,iiiMri'Miif Frank Marshall .............. Heart to Heart Talks. By ZDrrrni A.mfiL . Judge Tbomaa P. Ryan,- of Salem, waa In this city on Saturday and Sun day visiting hlsjamlly, who are the guests of Mr. an Mr. Emery Noble I. J- Lagesnn left Monday morning for Henaon. Minn. Before bis return to Oregon City will visit In Wllllson, Williams County. North ixuota ana Ray, North Dakota, at the latter place la bla 160 acre farm. He will then proceed to 8L Paul, Minn. Mr. Lage son'a old Ifome waa at Benson, and be was In the hardware and Implement huainess at that Dlace for 18 years. He will visit with bis brother and als ter at that place. Mr, Lageson win remain for about one montn. THE QYPSIES ENTERTAINED. Mlaa Zlda " Goldsmith Carries Oft Bridge Honors. The Gypalea were enterta-ed on Saturday evening by Mra. M. D. La tourette at ber home on Fourteenth and Main atreeta. The evening waa devoted to .bridge, the prise being . ... in uiii zlda Goldamtth: Mra. E. J. Daulton aaatated the hostess In serving refreshments. Tne next meet ing will be held at the home cf 'Mlas Cla Pratt M , " Those present at Saturday'e meet ing were Mla Veda Wllllama, Miss Cla Pratt, Mlaa Almee Bollack, Mlaa ii.n nanitnr. MUa Reflate Daulton, Mlaa Zlda Ooldamltb, Mlaa Marjorte -Aons. . , Fot and we will give yoa with - . NEV ' 4 months subscription By Carrier .r at 45c the month 6 months' subscription By Mail. 4 at 55c the month TO THE :.r r-- MORiNING ENTERPm A Beautiful China PLAQUE Decor?ed KandiSaiely There are a variety of pattern to choose from. Make your selection early. , . - - " ' ; Stibscrlberi May Have Them Too To any present subscriber who will bring us four new subscriptions we will present them one of these beautiful dishes; -? - - v . " ' vj;y:V ALL eELEcVlONS MUST Bt MADE AT JHE Of NCSE OF THE Q) 2? cfrca :(ity txtetptkc BANK , OP OREGON CITY DUILDING MAN AND WOMAN. In a public discussion on equal suf frage recently aa Iowa orator ti- cluluied: . "Woman la Inherently weaker In body and Intellert tban manP la snei I-et us call the roll of history. Wbeu Israel was at Its lowest ebb a woman the patriotic Deborah restor ed tbe nation.. Sbe not only led the armies, but also wrote tbe battle bynius. From ber tbrone In Egypt Cleopatra ruled ber own country and ruled also the world's greatest rulers Caesar and Mark Antony. Tbe "golden a?e" of Greece waa tbe age of PerlcieeBut a woman ruled Pericles and Athens and waa able to answer Roc rates according to his logic Aapasia..; Babylon baa long alnce fallen. Once It waa great Wbo organized Babylon ruled It and led Its armies? Wbo but Bemlramla, a woman, ,- . . Wbo ebook Rome when even Hanoi baL tbe great son of HamUcar was unable? Zenobta, a woman. . What aoverelgn of Russia can be compared to Peter tbe Great? Only one tbe great Catherine. In the annals of England what two relgna stsnd ont above all others? Any schoolboy will tell you tbe reigns of Elisabeth and Victoria. Can Austria la all Its troubled his tory point with pride to a more emi nent ruler tban strong Maria Theresa? China with Its centuries of govern ment never bad an abler executive tban the late Empress Jal' An. . And of pocrleNa leader In battle wbo la above tbe Orleans maid of seven teea Joan of Arc? When gross tyranny oppressed the people ot South America tbe amssons alobe were able to free tbem. And . Margaret of Anjou leveled thrones. - Time and space would fall ns to tell of those early American heroine wbo fought, aide by bide with their hus bands, beast and anyage. and of Moll Pitcher at Monmouth and Hannah Wlnthrop of Lexington, of the heroic purses and splea of tbe Federal and Confederate armies, to say nothing of the. brainy women wbo led phllan throplea and won reforma and ' wbo distinguished our time inferior to menl I would undertake to show from blsl tory tbat where woman baa been given an equal .chance abe baa proved ber auperlorlty. " - ' COUNTY COURT Mike Koeja ....... Geo. William Kdd. Duchhoei ...V. E. Dewey Howard White .' C. J.'Herman E. Hinerwade! ... ' John Grabn . Clarence Slmmona Wilson Cooke , Bulldera Supply Co. Scripture A Beaullau ........ Eugene Cumina ... Ore ?a City- Foundry E;e M(lLa Lumber Co ..' Clarence Slmmona ........... Mra. A. Todd .......... Mra. A. Todd .... ;,... Roy Oarrett T. . '. . , .". . .". . Roy Anderson ....... John 8. Owlnga A.-Cftllter Cbauncey Krupf John Caato .t..'....... ..... . . . S3.1S 81.31 S4.00 65.63 46.8S 6S.63 36.7S 79.63 115.00 14.70 34.00 50.03 888.43 .73 385.94 19.86 56.00 - 6.00 10.00 13.00 63.83 10.00 45.00 ; 88.35 85.00 5.25 37.60 16.00 37.03 63.28 18.47 754.40 119.C9 11.75 11.75 5.87 8.13 Fred Marsbsll .. 6.11 City of Oregon CMy .8319.97 County Court a Commissioners. N.. Blair .....................6 27 W. .11. Mattoon ......... 23.00 D. C. Frost 4.., ' 3.60 R. B. Beatle 40-0 Geo,. A. Brown , 12.02 . Circuit Court Joseph Conrad ..f 37.00 Michael KrohL.. 3380 41.00 25.00 38.00 38.80 40.40 33.60 .6.00 4.80 42.60 38.40 38.80 43.00 37.40 37.40 37.30 40.20 39.60 33.20 19.40 18.30 18.20 19.00 l t r t..ji. " iviumv .....r.i W. E. Bonuey E. F. Ginther Cbrls Kocber ........ D. C. Yoder John F. Jennings .... A. P. Todd R. A. Wright H.'t. 8blp1ey ........ 8. B. Berg ........... R. W. Zimmerman . . . , L. J. Pal ma teer ...... O. C. Whltteo Chas. Hattan ....I,... Emll Gelbrlch ..... Hubert Engle Adolph Ascboff T7-. J. J. Cooke o. w. Atwood ..;';. John Kent ....'-., Wm. Fine .. W. K. ' Martnell Chas. Shockley . B. F. Weddle J. C. Bradley ..... H. 8. Gibson ..... John Aden ........ Ethel 8pangler W. w. 8mltli'......'........, Elred Powell Tilley Wyrlck ., Geo. A. Brown .". W. H. Cooke E. L. Shaw D. O. Wortblngton B. O. Server S. J. Robacker A. L. Robacker F. Mallett-.... Rolft-rt 'Richardson John Tedwell C. G. Smith Geo. A. Brown Willamette Hotel ........... C. G. Miller .7.:.V.7.7:...7 , Justice of the Peace, W. W. H. Samaom ,m ;. 48.30 20.40 , 19.20 . 18.0Q . 24.40 , 34.60 6.60 6.80 . 2.40 , "120 2.20 2.20 . 2.20 . 8.00 . . 5.40 2.20 . 2.20 , 6.00 . 3.40 2.20 . 6.00 . 2.20 . 6.50 .-4.00 F. A. Miles ..... Geo. Brown W. F. Schooley .. , B. Knppenbender Mrs. Gage Ausel But-kner . . E. Swanaon . .. .. E. Swanaon . .. H. Kruger , Geo.- Bush T7., D. C, Froat , J. R. Kelso .. Bert Da via ... Cbaa. Yatee .. C A. McKeen rrmtTTT ....... 15.20 36.20 1.70 1.70 1.90 1.90 5.10 5.10 6.10 5.10 5.50 6.20 5.10 2.10 2.10 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, . . Cor.. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SPOKANE - .v ve. PORTLAND May. 16, 17, 18, 1920. 21. Gamaa Begin Weekdays at 8:30. 4 iundsys, 2r30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachera Wednesday. EXCURSION FARES EAST . 1911 " During the months of May, June, July, . ' August and September,' en dates - - , shown below, the . SOUTHERN PACIFIC will well round trip tlcktta from Oregon City Via Portland aa follows: TO ' FARES Huffs ..$ 73.00 60.50 60.60 60.50 60.50 easo 64.40 60.50 64.40 110.00 109.00 70.50 108.00 Chicago Council Omaha' Kansss City .. St Joeeplt .... St Paul St Paul, via Council Bluffs .... Minneapolis, direct . Mlnneapol a, v a Couno I Bluff a Boaton ' . New York ...... ...... St Leula Washington, D. C. SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 24, 25, 27, 28 ana m. June 5, 7, , 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22. 28, 29, ana so. . . July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 2. ' August 3, 4, 6, 14 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 28 and 80. Septambee 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7. . 8toj-overs within llmlta In either dl- rectloe. Final return limit . October Slat For farea one way through California Inquire of any Southern paciflo v agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, ' General Passenger Agent . Portland, Oregon. ,v 4.. J t,t...fl. Mr. Rosentreter R. C Wortblngton . F. M. Morgan F. C Harlow E. T, Elmer . G. O. Bleaner O. Wlaslnger 8. H. Borland , ""' - Sheriff, Wilson A Cooke W. J. Wilson J. F. Hodge F. A. Miles E. T. Maaa Fashion Livery Stable Em matt Donahue Collection of -Taxes. cis a Pratt Ona Renner Myrtle Cross J. O. Blasts ...... J. M. Wlsner . Clark. W. L. Mulvey .:. ...... E. T. Qulnn I. M. Harrington ....... M. C. Mulvey ......... Tbe Irwln-Hodson Co. ., Recorder, L. E. Williams ......., Edith Smith Coronsr. Dr. Thos. J. Fox ....... Walter Marks ......... William Betcb ........ C. 8 Allen M. F. Kocsls S. E. Drew ............ Frank Osfleld J. F. Baker .. A. Generoekl Albert Boyce 8. C. Hulse . H. S. Mount Gilbert L. Hedges Thomas J. Fox .............. Assessor. ti G. Noe W. L. Starkweather E. W. Randolph L. H.' Klrchem E. Jack D. Engle Charles Thompson Arnold Schmidt Clara Mitchell ....... . Edith Jackson................ M. E. Gaffney , .- . Surveyor. Kllhan Stationery Printing Co. , H. H. Johnson 8. A. D. Hungate ............ Harry Gray ..r. D. T. Meldrum Bud Thompson Paul " Dunn D. Sherman ................. J. Sherman 8. E. Wooster . .' O. C. Klaetsch ..V.. Current Expanse. Huntley Broa.-Cov ..j , Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Home Tel. & Tel. Co.,v7..., Court Heuae. Pioneer Transfer Co Wilson & Cooke -3 'V 110 3.10 110 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 1.00 x6i 4.60 r.oo 94.60 11.00 3.60 3.00 .3 65.78 ,,, 65.78! ... 30.95 ... 9.00 ... ,25.00 10.23 1.80 ... 2.40 ..." 34.00 ... 3.80 ... 10.00 . . . 60.00 .,.t ft.ooJ ... 1.20 ... 1.20 ... 1.20 1.20 ... 1.20 ... 1.20 ... ' 1.70 ... 1.70 ... L70 1.70 20.00 12.00 13.C0 8 48.00 ' 42.00 63.00 i 39.00 103 ' 33.00 , C9.00 , 75.00 , 60.00 , 50.00 , 21.00 .3 111 . 13.00 . 41.20 . 40.40 . 105.40 . 64.40 . 64.40 . 4.00 . 4.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 .1205.05 . 24.50 . 1115 .f-.liOA, . .15 "filffc and ; niTUCH of the taste and pleasars IVil in eating good food depends on the sugar and syrups tised. v . , Thint'of the finished delight given to yovt morning meal when the syrop osed with yoor calces is pleaitog to yoor taste. Note that deiicioosness . when you drink well-made coffee with the' right kind of sogar in it. Small mat ters yes but i is fast those small matters that make life a complete success or a round of annoyances We have studied the question we pride ourselves on our V attention to details of the kind. Come in and ask us. Some Special Brands Offered This Week Tea. Garden Syrup, yt gaU, 60c Preferred Stock, "i gal, 60c Golden Syrup, a gal, 85e Caramel Syrup, 45c V Sunset Syrup, gal., 60c Cooking Molasses, gal, 40c J. E. OEELEY ; CORNER 9TH AND MAIN STREETS Notice of Application forUquorJUk cenae." Notice Is hereby Kiven that Marie Erlckson will apply to the County Court of tbe County of Clackamaa County, Oregon, t on Wednesday, 7th day of June, 1911, for a license to sell splrltuousvinoua and malt liquor and fermented elder, commonly called hard cider, In less quantities than one gal' Ion, at Clackamaa Tavern, In Aber- netby Precinct, aald County. Tbla ap plication is based on the following pe tition therefor. . . MARIE ERICKSON. To. the Hon. County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon. Gentlemen: We, tbe undersigned legal voters, residing In Abernethy Precinct, Clack' amaa County, Oregon, hereby petition your Honorable body to grant Marie Erlckson a license to sell. In Aber nethy Precinct at Clackamaa Tavern, spirituous, malt or vinous liquor or fer mented cider, commonly known aa hard cider, in lesa quantities than one gallon. It being understood tbat sales shall only be for use with meals and not at or over any bar. - Names, . Names. E. Rivers Geo. McKlnnua Ed H. Purgeson C R. Livesay Wm. McKlnnua L. McKlnnua Eddie Hlmler Joseph Melndle - Builders Supplies Co. Frank Mattoon ......... V. Harria .......... - Jail. E. T. Mags ............ County Poor, St. Vincent's Hoapltal . . R. L. Holman Mra. Rose Nehren ...""... Samuel Smith Mra. A. I Joy MrMs. A. G. Guymup ... Farr Brothers . C. R.' Thorpe Co. ,. . . . J. E. Seeley ... .' Insane. Dr. H. S. Mount Western Union Tel Co. Dr. M. C. Strickland . , Chas. Croner ......... Geo.' Brown ... 175 . 12.38 . v 135 $ 97.15 .1 58.00 . 20.00 . - 10.00 . 10.00 . 20.00 . 60.00 . 10.00 . 13.90 . 1.00 .$ 10.00 .. ' " , .75 . 5.00 3.00 4.20 3.00 Call at 414 .Water Street or phone 1501.. ;., Jack Froat Printing and Advertising. V Oregon City Enterprise .i.... 3160.25 Oregon City Courier ...... .V.. "86.50 Wild Animal Bounty. - W. P. Roberts ....T..3 3.50 G. F. Boyer ' 3.50 Adolph Ascboff 11.00 E. White ..... 18.00 WANTED Automobile Agents. . I have Clackamaa Co. open yet for tbe Patterson 30 and 40 horse power cars at moderate prices and would like to near from some live agent Answer quick. Territory closing fast. Arthur E. Laflar, gtate Dis tributor, Salem, Ore. Box 14. :. WANTED You to know toat we buy all klnda ot Curloa, that we are In . the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have s . good assortment "of second "band' ' Furniture "and Tools on hand for : sale lo those In need.. Come anJ see; perhapa we have Just wbat yow , want Indian Curloa and trinkets . for sale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. . FOR AtC FOR SALE Good second hand dellv . ery wagon. Inquire Royal Bakery, 7th Street . . " -V - John A. Howland 6.00 L. Hlmler J. H. Dunn P. C. Praeger E. E. Dune C. H. Dauchey. Jr. 8. Ltllle Sam Case Alfred Ladd Chas. Waer F. A. Wallett J. C. Pience Frank Ferguson C. E. Smith John Holland P. E. Porter Thos. Hlmmler W. H. 8mlth M. Everett T. T. Pankey J. W. McAnulty Theo. Huerth J. O. Smith L. L. Smith ' A. E. Daggett W. L. Daggett W. W. Smith , H. D. Marston C. E. Rolling Fred Hogg, Jr. Otto Hogg F. T. Reiling John Straight . Wm. Ettera B. M. Short Chas. B. Hepllng F. H. Oldenberg F. 'A. Jones ' James Monger Gottleib Zunnl 8. Glass A. Richardson A. Bolle W. B. Boerner J. S. Moore . H. Rodolph A. Krnger P. M. Murray Frederick Hupp- mann . Karl Schaffer M. L Smith J. J. Walker L. Furgeaon W. M. Holahu H. Hlmler H. Huerth C. H. Gray F. T. Prenachoff . J. Rlttenhouse M. Rivers W; E. Rauch t C. C. Lake L. E. Combs Frank E. 8mlth Geo. E. Marshal) E. R. Case - E. U Chaae a O. Patteraoa ,Wm. Mann--' Fred Hogg P. V. Monger C. 8tralgbt C. A. Cased ay N. Adams Fr F. Fisher W. Jetke : -G. A. Oldenberg Ang. Bolle F. H. Louie Blane C. Glass C. Rlttenhouse O. L. Smith Walter Glenandt C.-O. Smith . . Frank WHaon Wm. Boyer C. O. Rlnehart ' August Bolle (3) Alex Beaton . C, Boener G. U Wltherall - E. C. Swarts , J. Rhlnea i John Nelson John M. Davla . Hans Kraft K. J. Yabnson A. Flaherty ' Frank Bowers F. W. Hubbard H. Lubblng M. Dietrich J. H. Barnett A 8. J. Jones John SL- Smith J. P. Serres Mike Gensbelmer C. A. Mann A. Rlgga E. B. Barnett City Treasurer's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that there are sufficient funds on band In the treas ury of Oregon City to pay all outstand ing Road Fund Warrants endorsed prior to July 7th, 1910. Also all Water Fund Warrants en dorsed prior to October 6th, 1908. ; Interest ceases with the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 16th, 1911. . M, D. LATOURETTE, ! Treasurer of Oregon City. FOR SALE Two fine residence' lota 9th and Washington Sta, very Cheap. " Terma. Enquire 418 7th 8t . ACREAGE One to five seres in sight of Oregon City. 150 and $200 per acre; good level land; one . mile from ear line. Clyde A McRae, 1003 Main St, Oregon City. - t " FOR 8ALEV House, two 'Iota, on cor ner, house recently built; 12x28, two . rooms, brick, flue, other Improve-' ' ments, good soil, garden In. v Splen did view of City and Mountains. Good reason for selling. For loca tion inquire - Mr. Winkle'a store, W et Oregon City. - Harvey Buck, ' Oregon City. LOST. Wants, Tor Sale, Etc Notices under these elaaalfled heading will be tnae'd at one cent a word, flrei Insertion, half a cent additional taaer tiona. One Inch rard. SI per month; hail Inch card. (4 lines) tl per month. Cash must acoompaay order unless on haa an open account with tbe paper. No financial responslbilltjr for errors; wtiere errors occur free corrected notice wlU b printed tor patron. Minimum eharce lie WANTED. LOST Back comb, rhlnestone aet :. ting. Leave at Enterprise. Reward.. BUILDER AND CO'OJWACTOR. , HARRY JONES Builder aad General , Contractor. Estimates chew fully given on all classes of building work, concrete walka and-relaforced concrete. Res. pboae Mala 111; . ATTORNEY. WANTED Woman or girl for house work, telephone Main 3063 or apply 1306 Main Street WANTED Room with private family ana occasional use or piano, sner man W. Moody, at Andresene JeweN ry Store. v GIRL WANTED Girl or general housework. Experience not ao Im portant as willingness to learn. Ap ply 1006 Main afreet, Oregon City. WANTED Girl for general house work. Good wagea for light party. O. D. KBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates nettled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN A SCHUEBEL, Attorueya-at-N Law, Deutaeher Advokat, will prae ttee In all eourta, make eollecUoaa and settlements. Office tn Cter prise Bids, Oreco City, Oreson. BL B. COOPER. For Fire Insurance and Real Eatate. Let us handle yomr properties we bay, aell and exchange. Office In Eaterprlse Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. I P etc h e f o n S t a l 1 i. o o VTLL HAKE JC2ASON AT Oregon Qtjr, in Pattnzrs Feed Dam PpHidrPP' Sir y PoUy; firat dam, Quean; Second da Et r dapple bay.v Weight 18C0 ptuuii. TprriC To lnaare mare with foal $12, Single acrvlce 13. Sea I II liUe Nn 10 jo inaure colt to stand and tuck $15. Care will be taken to prevent accident, bat will not be rer;9&sf! should any occur. If mare la removed, sold or traiid, money be comes due at once. C..V7. Eoycr, Ot7cc? ccJ 1!-:: l