Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 14, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MORNING mrmtPKlak SUNDAY, MAY 14, 191
At the Portland Theaters
1 1
Summer aniusemeat. It being o( th
light and Suffy klad that cauae on
(o forget hi buatnaaa troubles or do
meattc worriea, and enjoy a coaple of
hours of real fua and laughter. No
wonder It haa become so popular with
a vast number of theatre-goer.
Tha favorite Actor, Paul Gilmore and Ma company, will present Clyde
Fitch's comedy. -The 8aclalorr. at the Hcilig Theatre, Portland. Ore
gon, next Saturday, May 20 at the mitmet .and "The Mummy and
The HumminBird" In the even inn.
; ed so much favorable comment aa this
! oerformance of "Jim. the Penman"'
( did. So remember ibat neit week la
Roberts-BereefvRoberts Cloaa En- tne Mt of lne tri-star aeason. and that
gagament at Baker. !on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday
Thta week, beginning Monday even-' matinee and evening and Thursday
ing. May IS. will be the closing week the play will be "The Country Girl."
of the trfatar season of Florence Rob-. and Friday. Saturday matinee and av
erts. Theodore Roberta and Thurlow , ening and Sunday evening the bill will
Bergen at the Baker. It has been one be "Jim. the Penman."
continual feast of artistic acting for .
patrons of this theatre, and a treat
such aa will seldom be enjoyed In any
city. Three people of thin standing
supported by a clever acting company
like the Baker organisation, forma an
actinr force few managers care to
Well Known Organization Now Play
i ing at Bungalow.
The popular Lyric Mualcal Comedy-
take the responsibility of offering their Company opened ita Brut week at tha
patrons all at once, for the financial ungniow vim one irrmruu.u ruu
risk is no small one Neit week will and scored a high water mark record
be devoted to two bill, the first part not only in the matter of attendance,
extending to Friday evening. -The but also In the real hit the company
Country Gtrl.r one of the cleverest created. All the jfood old conditions
and classiest rip-roaring fare come- that made the Lyric so popular down
dies ever written, with a wealth of town have beea continued at the Bun-
beacttfn! ncenenr and costumes, and galow. including the. trifling price of
esceptiooally strong acting roles for admission, the matinees every day and
all throe, as well as moat of the bal- the two evening performances, the
ance of the cast Whl presented in first starting at T:45 and the second
San Francisco l.v Miss Roberts. "The at :1S. and the great chorus girls
Country Girl" held the second best contest every Friday night, Vack
record "for the season, and as every- West, the two Dutch comedians, have
one knows San Francisco is one city made friends with the audience, right
that knows what it wanta theatrically from the start and there is not a dull
apeaking. "The Country Girl' should moment while they are on the stage,
prove to be one of the moat popular while Jeanle Fletcher, tha new prima
of all the offerings made here during donna, late with Kolb k Dill, is one of
the eight weeks' stav of Mist Roberts the most accomplished actresaea and
and her notable associates. singers ever seen in a popular priced
Thre has been ao much . demand Attraction. For the second . week,
from all aides to repeat the opening starting Sunday Matinee, the bill will
bill. "Jim. the Penman." that Manager be "The Financiers. containing a
Baker baa decided to again present It wealth of laughable situations, new
for tha last three days with the Satur- and attractive chorus numbers, all the
day matinee. -Jim. the Penman will latest song bits with bright costumes
open Friday evening, and those who and beautiful scenic effects. The
tailed to see it the opening week stage of the Bungalow being much
should surely not fall again, for it will larger than that of the old Lyric. It
positively be he last opportunity they affords opportunity to put on nany big
will ever get to see such a production chorus numbers and color effecta.
of this superb old play with three which are taken advantage of to the
.1 - V Vf.rli U-.f , r Ml Vat h- filU.f rtfnt
In in this city this M-ason ha creat- The Lyric habit Is a good habit for
THERLOW BCRQEN. with Floranca
and 1 Theodore Roberta, who close
an ahaigement at the Baker Thea
tre thi week.
among the cnunciiEs
Baptist Cor. hfaia and Ninth ateta.
Rev. a A. Hay worth paator, rva
111 Ninth: & 8. IS noon. II. K. Cross
anpt.: moraine service 10:30. even
In T:S0, Y. P. 8. C. K. :S0 p. m.
and Junlora same hour. Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30
p- n.
Evening -Mothers."
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth Sta.
Rev. A. Klllebrand paaiar, rea. 1
Water; Low Mass a. at. with ser
mon: High Maaa 10:30 a. m., with
sermon: afternoon service 4:00.
Maaa every morning at t:00.
Congrwgatlenal Tor. Main and' KWvrntk
uwia. kt. wa. M. proctor pastor,
rea. ses Third: S. . IS soon. Joha Law
rr eupt.; morning servlce'-IS.tS. vn.
tnc J W young pop4 Wfwkly
prayer nvwrtlsg Thurdr at T 10 m.
Morning subject "The Parable of
the Lost and Found." , '
In the evening Rev. p. K. Bauer, of
Salem, paator of the 1st Congrega
tional church of the. Capital City, will
preach sermon of Interest to public
school teachers on "The Ideal Teach
er. Mr. proctor w ill preach at Salem.
ChHst Kv. Luttteran 0r. tatith sad J.
Q Adama strrets. Rev. P. Schmidt
pastor, rrs. so J. J AdaJKi; 8. 8
Jo a. m ; iching sftrrsoons of Pr'
and third Rundavs at I I In KncH'h.
othr Suadar services momlnss at l
with prrachlng In Cermao.
Christian 8iance Ninth and Cen
ter streets. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday school 12 noon. Wednesday
evening I p. m.
Oerman Kvansetlcal Cor. Elchth and
Madison streets. Rev. P. Wleveslck paa
tor. res. Ill Madlsna: 8. 8. 1 a. m..
momma service it. yocag people at i
p. m and preaching at p. m. Prayer
at 7-M sw aa.
We' faverlta and charmino comedian na. Blanche Ring, will present her
- ''Big musical comedy success. The Yankee Qlrr, at the Helllg Theatre
Portland, Oregon, for 4 nights, beginning next Sunday May 21. .peo
lal arlca matin Wednesday.
XXJlsv M,.M ssvaws.aav .
a.1 . 1 . B A Alesa w -.
.i a-.a u mmam have tha sapport of all. Tha saw dally kaa
i , . vi. .v w.rr 1 tm hAnatina- Oraaoa City sad Clackamas County. Tour
V. anppott BtaaM mora atrangth for taawork. ' , - j
,Vm You Help ttocst yout own inter cstsr
Tot a limited time taa Karats; atanprta win s aold to paid In advance
rrTrJr l:i : ...I.. UN Bar. Mr. goencer. lately from the
ry UaU. t yasur..... u.. ..i. 100 EaaU to to ba tha naator of tha Mar-
- lind.m year aama aww ramltumaa - ; , ' " j quam-Molalla . and Mulino ' churebw.
meeting Wetirwiliy
who mad alow progreaa up ibe it-im.
npiwrtlng hlmaeir tf a
laid on Ibe tables .When he re bed
the lable where ibe yuu.iii r'l-er
ami the fclri sal the man Miu-d and
stared rmiilsbly el 1 lie gin..
Ky. Msi-el." he UT". "
HirtHiienlng giaov. 'wsr.l Ham. l
yuoe wanta uie l ihn-w huu uui
win. ay r j .
The girl uttere.1 a little' rry and
(a.b.Ht an apinnillnit glatne '
8am. "h. take lm a way r abe rll
nervously. ' . .
Just Ihen the waller blustered up
aud with Utile, ceremony ejected the
newcomer fnm tb l-lu'' '
The girl wss rising frm her neat
and fumbling in a small bag lb
bung from her waist. un ihHl
aside bis own unfinished meal
-If vou"re afraid of thai fellow. Miss
Matei." ba aa beginning when lha
girl put out a protesting bsnd
"tln,yoo are mistaken." she said,
with a broken little laugh "My name
Isn't Malwl. and I never ssw blm be
fore In my life. He was merely of
fenslve. that" all." ;
Suddenly arose and reached fe
his hat. "Thla la a pretty tough sec-
! tkm.". he said quietly. "I wonder u ,
By CLARISSA MACKIE j you'd Jet me put jroo on a car tor 1
The girt hesitated and looked at Mm
Their eves met In a kma. eamesl. al ;
aoridng glance. At Isst the girt uttered ,
a Utile sigh of relief.
"If yon will ba so very kind." ahe ;
aald gently.
The, waiter grinned sardonically a ,
tney paia ineir rwni sum i'"
II will preach at Marouatn w. n
church Sunday, MT I. . .
Mr. Mumpower. from Btone. assed
through town Wednesday on his way
to Scot t a VIIMa to attend II. U 8kir
rin's funeral. 4
The following are registered at lh
Klecttlc Hotel; 8am Untim. Percy
Shllly aud wife. Sandy: Tht) ma Hill,
Sam Linulaa. Hany IJnely, II . Ran
die. C- Btwklen Yed Schafer. Molalla;
C. J. Clemeut. Portland; K. V. Cox.
Jake Mltta. Aurora: V. M. .111".
IttrsTJ. Kelly, D Caaslday, Kd An
derson, 8. U Rat.hbun. rlty.
Off I
And Whit It Accomplished j
Tor tlim
e Copyrtaitt by Amencan llss Asse-
elation. Illl
vWrveHrflTM arr 1 1 ItJhM
Dunbar stepped out of the tad Park
row building with a plrasaut aense of
freedom, lie had turm-d lu hla last
page of ropy for the Humlny edition,
and be had twenty bouts of rest and ! f (D ruurant together.
reUxallon ahead of htm. to cam iun
"Which wsyT Inquired 8am as they
bar. the moat Indefatigable worker on on tnv sidewalk
the Daily L'nlvene. reUtatloo meant
seating hla pleasure among naonts that
must fnrnlah copy.- la bU youthful
entbusUsm hlanife had Ibua far con
elated of work, aleep and work.
On thta Saturday night Sam was In
spired to aeek the garish lights of the
Bowery, la some restaurant there b
might nod tha type of yonog man be
was looking for (be weaker brother
who had lost hop 'and self respect and
who waa' burdened with a multitude
of vires, yet to whom there might be
some alumbertng spark that could Je
fanned to a tame of renewed Interest
la Ufa, amblttoa and. In the end., rep
atabl citlaenahlp. If be could pWe
that this might be done with some of
the degenerate sons of to rlty. per
hap a measure of the gold that was
steadily poured toward the enlighten
meal of the heathen of other lands
might be diverted to thai greatest of
all charities at home.
Now be strolled slum the Bowery,
mingling with the crowds that throng
ad tha' aldewalka. looking here and
there for a cheap eating boose wberela
be might 8nd what be waa looking for
Sam Dunbar was banging up hla bat
la a chop boos preparatory to tak
ing a aeat at 00a of the polished cher
ry tables when the vacant eyed youth
whom b had picked out for bis prey
Gladstone Christian Rer. A. H. Mulbey
pastor, res. Gladstone: 8. S. 1 a. m .
N. C. Hendrtrks supt.; morning srrlee
It o'clock, evening service I M Week
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7.M p. am.
Mountain Vew Unlev (Cong ) 8. 8 S
p m. Mrs. j. H. Qulna supt.; rliM
Study every Thursday afternoon;
prrarhtng ?:! p. m. scood and fourth
Bundavs In January.
Method lit Main street cor. Seventh,
Kfv K. V. Zlmmnfmaa pestor. rve, ear
Sixth and Washington; 8. S. :4 a. m..
C. A. Williams. Qladatone. supt.: ntoin
Ing service ia:4t. Elpwortb League S:M.
evening service 7:10. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:1 p. an.
eVesbyterMn Seventh street cor Jeffer
son, Kev. j. r. LainaaDnrwugp psstr.
res. 71 Jefferson; 8. 8. ! a. m . Mrs.
W. C. Orea supt.: morning service 11
a. m.. T. P. 8. C E. :4t p.M.I even
ing service 7:1 Prayer meeting Thurs
day I p. a.
Morning subject "Our Mothers."
Evening "Unbelief."
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. L.
Jones paator. res. Clackamas; s. P. It
a. m.. Emery French supt.; prearhlng
services each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:2 p. ra. Chris
tian Kndeavor Thursday evening 7:1
p. m.
BL Paul'a Episcopal Ninth at., near
Main, Rev. cnaa. W. Roblnaon paa
tor, re, at Rectory, Ninth and Wa
ter at.; 8. 8. 13 noon, Wn. Show
man, supt.; Prayer meeting Wed
nesday 7:30 p. m. Morning service
10:30 a. m., evening service 7:30.
United Brethren Cor. Clahth and Tavlor.
tier, r. ciarae pastor, res. fort land;
S. S. 1 a. m., Frank Pvker, Maple
iaa.. supt ; morning servio 11. I. r.
S. C. E. p. m., evening service 7.
Willamette M. t No regular preaching
services, a. n. p. m., Mrs. stesina
Zlen Lutheran Cot. Jefferson snd Eighth
streets. Key. w. K. Kraaberger pas
tor, rea. 720 Jefferson; S. 8. :! a. m.,
Hev Kraxberger supt.: morning aervlce
U l. evening 7:41, Luther League T
p. m.
Way uptowo-Nlnetyeecond atreet.
retnrned the girt "U yea will put m
on n car"-
-I'H are lo that" eahl Ram "There
an elevated at at Ion two block dwe,
1 will be glad to see' jou all the way
home If you will permit me." be ug
geated. -Yoi are very kliul. hot perbap I
am uklng yoa oat of your way." aald
tb girt.
-Not at alt Thla la my night off."
They walked awwly down the brie
Uantly Hchted thoroughfare, tb gin'a
face quite hidden by the enormous
beaver bat Ram Dnntar walked fry
straight hla broad shoulder tbrowa
back aa If braced to meet some el
peeled troobl. bis handsome brows
knitted la perpteilty.
Wot a word was spoken antll they
were la the train rumbling aortbward.
"I would Ilk to ask you what you'ra
doing so far from bom." hesitated
8am at last. . "That's a pretty tough
part of tb rlty. you know."
"I do know It" b aald quickly.
-That la why I went there."
-Because It Is tough T he relisted,
She nodded her bead, and the broken
feather wagged In unison. "1 doa't be
lieve you would Ilk to hear why I
wentiLhere "
IIe looked uncomfortable. "Welt I
would like to 'bene" be aald bluntly
"Tou r to young- to be wandering
around the city like thU,"
"I'm not aa young as I took, ahe
protested. "I bop yoa wilt under
stand me I sappoe you II down
there yourself, bat I had a ml as 1 00
dowa there," 8b blurted It out If
relieved of a burden of secrecy.
"A mission! Then yoa ar aett la
ment wort err"
-No Ton as. I am 1
Cap O'Donnel baa secured a position
at Hawley's paper mill and haa en
tered upon his duties.
Railroad Need Not Publish Tim
Tabl In Paper.
SALEM, Or May 13. (Special
In anawer to a request for aa oplniin
as to whether the Railroad Commis
sion haa the authority to compel rail
road companies m this state to pub
lish time tables la circulating news
papers, Attorney-General Crawford
holds that there sra no law la effect
requiring such publicity, and In hit
opinion th Railroad Commission Is
not authorized to demand a publica
tion of time tablea, ven If should
find that tb various railroad com
panies operating In tb state were
negligent In posting th hours of de
parture and arrival of trains at the
respective tatlons, .
Th Commission asks for tha opin
ion for th purpose of ascertaining
whether or not railroad could be re
quired to advertise train operations
In th vnt they failed and refused
to post notice in their passenger
stations. Tha Attorney-General be
lieves that to reqnlr railroad com
panies to advertise time tables )n
newspaper would raault In news
papers charging any rata they desired,
and thus work a hardship on tli
transportation companies without
giving - them an opportunity to re-
monatrat unless iny go to law.
"oa. tag a bin a wait aas caiao.
suddenly aroae from his aeat and ap
proached the caahlara desk. 8am look
ed around at tb taf petrous of tb
place. Two flashily dressed mea tat
la a distant comer. Her and tber
a man waa aUng a aolltary meat and
directly opposite aim a girl waa bent
over tbe greasy bill of far.
There waa something la the droop of
her boulder that appealed to blm.
They looked Ilk boulders that were
acenstemed to carrying themselves
proudly, bnt now. they bunched to
gether, and tb atsormou be vet bat
was so flopped down about the girl'
face that be could a nothing sav a
round whit chla aad a pair of red
Up that undoubtedly trembled.
Regardless of the waiter's disdainful
glance sod tb tnsnltlng laugh of a
man la a striped salt of cloth, Sam
reclaimed hi nat aad moYetf scross to
tb Ubl occupied by th girt Sbdld
not lift ber bead at hla approach,, Sn
merely nowea 11 lower over in mmea
cardboard antll tha broken feather oa
her bat nearly swept th tabl. -
Tb broken feather decided th mat
far for Sam Dunbar, t If tber was no
drgenerat young man to b reclaimed
that night ber waa material to bis
band, or, as be told himself, for hla
pPr. .
Tb waiter sooted a card under
Sam's no and thanpad a glass of
water on tb tabla.
-A porterhouse steak and coffee."
was his decision. .
"And yonrar Tb waiter snipped
tb question at th girt
"A sandwich and s cap of tea,"
cam from andr tb bavr hat la a
very small vote.
Th waiter departed and returned
almost immediately wltb th tea and
Th girt slowly lifted br bead and
made a pretans at eating tbe food
Sam, apparently absorbed la a new
paper, noted that tb at datntlly and
that ber band war pretty and wall
kpt fler-fac was charmingly wet
Ind reflaed - . . r
Where bad h com' from What
wis she doing ber oa tb Bowery T
Sam asked himself tbea question
be discussed bis meal, n wished
tbr wn something that b con Id do.
IT felt thai ah needed protection.
Rer wis tbe timidity of Innocanc
Tbr waa 00 gull lo th frightened
bine eyes that ended hi.
As opportunity cams Tbe , door
wting open, and s mas entered, .a
awiggerlng. twtf dmnkeu lodt1dnaC
porter for tb Dally Sphere. I bar
com In contact wltb aom of the en
fortnnata girl of the city, and I
thought that la my spar moment I
might get dowa among them aad per
hap be tb means of leading a few of
them back Into a better life.- Sb
blnabed rosily under th disreputable
II sighed with relief at ber coo f ca
tion -tint tbst was s mighty danger
ooa thing for you to do." be advised
ber. ''Too might get into serious 1 rou
ble yourself. Tonight waa your Brat
attempt 7"
"Tea. aad I waa aa frightened. I
picked out that cbopboue. and I flt
so perfectly awful with this wtcbd
feather id my bat" Sb reached ap
and plucked out (he offending feather.
"1 euppose I'v mad a fallur of tb
wbol thing Just when I thought I waa
going to accompllab such a uobUJ
work. Tber Is s man oa th Unlvr
who res r be young men la thla way,
and bin l'ampl Inspired me to do
Ukewla. Ul nam I Dunbar"
-Parfaip w caa work together."
aald Sam 'quietly, flshlug a card from
hla pocket and handing It to bar.
Sb uttered a Uttl cry of delight
How vry strange"- ah wis begin
nlng,' when a sudden thought brought
th roses to ber cheek one mora "To
thought yoa thought yoa wsr going
to sav me fa be askd quickly.
It waa Sam's turn to bluah. "I might
bars known you war different" b
aid apologetically.
Sb wivd tb feather thoughtfully
-Not wbll I wore that Mr. Dunbar.
I bellev w ar coming to my station."
' Sam accompanied ber to ber bom
la a most Irreproachabl neighborhood.
In tb mootha that followed It was hi
good fortun to Instruct ber la othsr
matter ouuld of tb ipbr of pbl
lantbropy. la th and thy formed a matrimo
nial partnership sod worked together
lor tb reclamation of unfortunate.
One a weak they entered tbe res
taurant. wbr tby bad flrst met sod
dined under tb contemptuoni glanc
of tb waiter.
"I don't know If I ever told you,1
Sam, bnt I believed yoa to ba a repro
bate when yoa eat dowa by me tbat
first night and I'wa so afraid of
you" .
"Tou'v got over It bra rely enough."
replied bar bmband. trying . to look
henpecked and dismally falling In bis
attempt S.
J Put Yourself in the t
Ad-Recders Place... '
When you writ your classified
ad or any kind of aa ad--try to
Inclnd In It lust ths Information
you'd Ilk to find If you wra aa
ad-radr and war looking fot aa
sd of that kino. 1 -
If you do thisto aren a imall
eitent your ad wUI bring Kr
BULTSt ' r . , f
Help Us
Your Own
By catties, I year $3X3
By mail, t year 2.C3
Send in Your Nam2
and Remittance
b aV
' PtIAaB NOTlCt. ;
To Introduo Tb ' Morning
EnUrprla Into a larg major-
4xlty of tb homos la Onta
City aad Oackamas aaunty tb
asaaagmat has dlid to
mak a asocial prto for th
dally laaua, tot a short tlm
only, whr tha aubsartbar nay 1
a yar la adraaoa.
By carrier, paid a yar la )
ft s3, Bali B
Fopl who gar our
aar a trial subseriptioa tor oaa
or mor month, at taa asaks a
waak. caa hav th dally doalv
ard for a yar for fl.M by
paying a yar la adraaoa. -.
Paopl who gars our aava
sar a trial subaorlpUaa, by
mall, for four month at a d
lar, may hav th pa par Cor-a
yaar for $1.00, If said a yr la
ubaarihara to th Wkly
Eoterprla may ha- taalr
subscriptions to tb tU!!y. re-
' wiring ardlt for baft Caa en
tb daily that tba weakly I
paid la adranea. Whan tay
vhoo to add cash to tba ad-
. vane tymnt qucl to a full
year's adraac rrymast Ciey.
may tak adv&aU; of tb fl
. rate.,-. . - ,-,
mak f'i t" lAl prle
ao that p: t Mr r 1
la adrazca t. i r -u. r y
and w' "1 t3 t Li '.zr-: -Eat-;
- , r r da sa wi-t
. - hotel
Tb following
at tb Elaine Hotel: M r
Mowry, Roseburg: f J f
waukle; C. Hunter, Mol". '
Barber, Portland; A. A.
Portland; P. i. Richards,
Rltter. Hubbsrd: W. l BJc
; L00AN. ;
- Hl.s IvaOorber wiiU-1
land to th hospital
Sb I reported 0BV1 ,
-Tdy'." hW
favored Mr. and Mrs. 8;
wltb a call laa;ln J 1
a a aouvdnlr ot lb ar.
Mrs. f. Oarber asl '
deraon war corvf "I1""
day and Thursdif. A
Mr rasndls . b
iosph B. P'Tli1'
eighteen months foremin
bindery department
City Enterprise, baa i re
Saturday for r
Joined by his wife tn"
d. n. lit'