Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 14, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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t eat p
c k. anooic, taita m whiihoe.
. lUt. at tfce mm
-rlaaa aMtter it
Act at Marc
0a Tr. a
is MnilM, by ateJI
rvwr , ay
iimnsiM lira
, "Vet laa. ar
First Pase,
rrwJ poeM
. IH
In rial "
lw HWMliir tha ftrat pin Mr tax
flnA iMflflptfto '!' tSc
Baa hi xlwr I lua flrat pace,: Mr teak
eadea atatt toaaa 4 (to
' tUaeala la par Dm; ta ragalar aeVer
-; Wtau. Par Mala. Ta Meat ate .. aae
seat wera
eaca analUnaal
Katae for adeertlatnn ki ws" Wrthty
Batarartaa will ba Iba aaaM aa Br tha
Sally, for advert lamaeata art eepaclaUr
far tka an Sly. Wbera the a4aruaat
ta tranaferrad free the salty la tK war
r. wtthoat eJiaae. taa rata wlU aa U
mm mtcm far taa at taa aeper. aae lea aa
.. . aai u la vn knows la liuaHnaa cfflo) or
Ua ,-rtarprta. . ...
l-eaj aararOatag BtJrgmJ advertising
Clreua edverttatag aad apUI traaalaal
.. advertiataa at e ta Me aa took, aurora
m ta -epectaJ esadltloaa govarntna taa
rtra Bale" ana Bansrupl adm
its lee taaca rirst btaertioa
. N'awe Hi an sad wall wrtttaa arttetaa
at aaarik ants tataraat ta local rai dira,
anil aa gladly acceptae. ftojreted ataau
aallf ta aarar returned uajeee aeronpa"
a mf suatoa la prepay aoacaaa. . 1
'iilla,,.',.i,"ii1'..''T-Mi.- 1 J. . I" . , , .,
' Uiy U In American History.
imBobert Owen, social reformer,
founder of eettlenwatii la tbe Unit
ed State. tKM-IT.tiMtl IVA
IT57 Coarentloo niet In 1'blbtJwli-hla
ta frame the feovral HKttfutlon.
lmt-l-anli- 0 Nrar "ii.rk k Kv
change. e-ed:iij: faiiiirv. .if hi.h.t
tan lan Jriiirt. i..t-t :rfi.-
A mere an .f..r aim utt.i. lot.
' "died: Uwa 1K
Clair PI aa tin and Isaacta vhlca aa
strar taa pron and hop crops ara to
ba tosoa tka aubct of Uraatir
tloa by th atparta at tsa Oracon Art-
cultural " Coilaita. Tka wark bacas
this wk kn Professor H. 8- Jscli
soa ssd H. r. WUsoa want to 8sJm
ta lavastista taa praaa pasta ol tha
districts, aa fonad wo lasacts do
Id a amch harm to jrouac grana. May
It lhr go to ladapaadaaea to hart a
lt work oa hop crop pasts. -
Tha Salem fruit ttaioa has doaa
mack to facilltata tha latsilatioa
harlnc nada sd sddlttoa to Its hulM
Ing to pravldo headquarters for' tka
ipsrts ahila they ara at worn laera.
Mother Thought To Have KHtod
Freak Hatched At N.lflM.
Mrs. Wlliaai Dann. whose home la
at Gladtone. and who recently set
oaa of her prlaa hens on fourteea
eggs, found to her surprlee a. few
days mo a 1 four kncced chicken la
the neat. All of taa eacs piarea
under tha hen hatched and this freak
was amonKi tbem. Tho ef hatch
ed in the flight but at the time of
Its discovery tha lit la chicken was
dead, and It ! presumed that
the. mother killed It. Tha Jer
were perfect,, two of which were
where they should hr been while
the others were closer to lu head.
Had the freak of nature lived It would
have been placed on exhibition by the
owner of tha chickens.
X Riys Show Bones of Feet That
. Arc Worth Fortune. to a Dancer
Pacific Coast'
V. U P.C.
Portland" '...:5 17 55
San FtsdcIkco -. - U. tl .533
Oakland 23 .511
Sacramento 31 II -500
Vernon SO 33 .465
Los Angeles , 17 , -5
North western.
Spokane ,. 1 5
Seattle 13 .575
VaacouTer --IS 10 .543
Tacoma 0 14 .417
Portland 14 1
Victoria vt..: ......... 1 -J73
. 11 V ': I '
. '.- '
II UtV-.i P1 : VSL' : f I4
I ' III K t'f I N 1. Ill
II d;-M
ff -x ) a V'-L if
fPVoai soon today to ouou imotr.i
Saa arts 7u&. rises 42V; moon rtes
Sl p. as.
. Let every man Jack of us wear a
caraatloa today.
z- aaa
Did yoo hoar of Joe Sheaaan. the
boy who made Oregon City famous at
Euceae. Happily, there was no offi
cial to that out oar high school ath
letic team.
- a . '
Those who failed to attend the Mo
lalla railroad meetiag at the Commer
cial Club Friday, night did pot hear an
extremely lucid presentation of the
scope of the project. Nona Interested
should miss tha story of tka meeting
la Saturday morning's Enterprise.
Oar ova Attorney-General sari tha
state railroad com mission cannot force
the railroads to advertise lime tables.
This Is a decision that the public
should appreciate. The opto km of Attorney-General
Crawford Is a bright
-and shining statement. In the mean
time there ia no way for as to learn
of the time of arrival and departure !
of trains except through the medium !
of the-. stalk master, who is always
busy and not always court eons. How
beautiful traveling would ba If all
depot scents were like our own Eddie
-4s .
One hundred and fifty tons of wool
from tha several thousand sboep be
longing to a firm of sheepmen In one
. of the Washington farming sections
will be taken on a rather elrcui'ous
routs in Its trsntfer from seller to pur
chaser's place of business. It wss
taken to Portland by steamer and
there loaded onto an ocean vesel for
.San Francisco where It will be tran
shipped and taken to the Isthmns of
Tehauntepec, in southern Mexico,
where It wfll ba carried serosa that
country to the Atlantic coast and load
ad oa vessels for Boston. The buyer
is of the belief thst he can save a
considerable amount In freight charg
ed under what the cost would have
' been had the wool been taken acroxs
the continent by rail transportation.
The f)eecs brought from 9 to 12
cents a pound.
Oregon Agricultural College Starts
CORVALLIS, Or., May 13. Spo-
Heart to Heart
I am an optimist However. I strike
a minor note occasioaslly. Now that
ater Sunday la far enoush away let
ma sound that note. ..
For aeTeral weeks- preceding that
Sunday I nted the advertising of the
milliners a ad tailors and .'ready made
dealer. If you remember tbey ran'
Uke thCr"-
'Easter millinery.'
"Garments for Easter Sunday.?.
"Get Into the Easter procession."
And so forth. Without desiring to
be Irreverent It seemed to rue there
was a kind of "resurvevtloo sod what
will you Wear for aa Easter bonnet"
mixture of surgestloa In the newspa
per announcements.
Too are
Tbe Fourth of July baa been turned
Into a sort of rro between a Pain's
pyrotechnic display and a beer picnic.
The olMerVauce of Memorial dy con
sists lanfly In portia' and pe-dlng
events. We hare almost ruloed Christ
mas by tbe preholidsy ruh and our
extravagsoce la giving.
1 said to myself
Ara we spoiling this most significant
of all tbe Christian festivals by mak
ing it an anonal clothes exhibition 7
My wife did not tblnk ho.'
llowrrer. by Judicious questioning
as we came home from the services 1
learned from her that' one of her
friends, a regular church communi
cant, had stayed away that day be
caue she was afraid she might look a
little hlDT In the midst of the new
On tbe other band
I could not help but note tbe fart
that there were people in tbe church
that Easter morning who neldom had
been seen there. Perhapa they came
to worship.
And I thought of all the tired mllll
nem and inllors and sewing women
and clerk who nnd been rushed at
Biof day and night to fumlob forth
the trappings of the Easter celebrants
Were tbey at eburcb?
Day of alt meaningful days In the
long 2.000 rears since the angel rolled
away the stone from tbe mouth of tbe
sepulrher and'ttrnught life and Immor
tality to llgbt through tha gospel of
the rewurrectW.n!
I mnt have thought aloud, for my
wife said:
"Well, the new things were perfect
ly lovely And there certainly Is noth
ing wmng In wanting l wear and see
the beautiful things. Is theref
"No." I said. "No, bar
DCCATION la aa Important when applied to ana' extremity as to aha
other. For Instance, Hiss Bessie Clayton has highly educated toes.
To be sura, aha has not neglected her mlsd either, and aha aaa many
charms of person, but her educated tooa and tha muscles that control
than ara la mora ways than one her real support. Mlaa Clayton was wan
knowa as, a dancer la taa United States a few years ago. She retired fmm
the stage' for a time, and whoa aba resumed her career abe resumed It la Lon
don, and Just now she la tbe rage over there. So great was the curiosity about
tha ease with which aha could suppnrt berwelf oa her toes without nsing aaetal
toe capa or other supports that X ray pictures were made to show the forma
tion of the hooea of her nimble fee if The manner la w.hlch tha foot Is arc bad
while MUa Clayton la dancing Is clearly sbowa. -.
were opened Friday afternoon until
they were closed lant night 'the large
room was thronged with people. . Nev
er before had a public exhibition of the
sork of the children of this c)ty been
given and the residents were amaxed
rat the excellence of tbe specimen
. i io n. It was generally spread that
! Orgon City la providing educational
I facilities equal to that of any city In
the country. Tha Industrial drawing
J specimen, the object of which la to
i give the pupils Initiative wss one of
Th. ..Mhiti,.. .v- i T.w.'the leading attractions, and It Is the
The exhibition- of the work of tb ; iusi tkat thia sncMfara maxh.
I children of the Oregon City Schools In j (Kj of instruction 1s far superior to the
i the Welnbard building attracted ' 0u one. . "
(another large crowd : Saturday and t The crowd was large Saturday
j Superintendent Tooe haa been urged tbM i( WM impossible for Superintend
ent Tooxe and tha corps of teachers
to explain the work to all. However,
by scores of persons to continue ft
j several days this week. He aaid la it
night that be had not decided wbeth
I er thla could ba doner Because of tha
remarkable Interest taken In the ex-
niniuon suprtntenaeni Tooxe also-haa
been asked by tha management of tbe
State Fair to have an exhibition simi
lar to the ona Just given at tho state
fair. Thla matter will be taken up j
oj irw uoara 01 mreciors 01 me
schools And tha superintendent In a
few days.
The exhibition attracted persons
from all porta of tha county and even
J other parts of tha state. From the
umn me uoors ot tne exninition room
and a general understanding of how'""'
the children are tangbt was obtained
SliOK l.'i LOCAL
tfffRNE my
There Is a short ago ,b ll,lr
of vegetables la Oregon City Car
rots, turnips and heels will coma In
the latler part of next waeh.whea
prices ara e peeled to become more
reasonable. Tha PPl of vegetables
now is limited o rhubarb, radishes.
. . 1 . J. a h lumiit
leiiure, green wan
The publication of tha drmand for
mohair led to several growers bring
ing In loads to thla market Saturday.
Quotations for Oregon City.
POTATOES-lleat, 13 10 13 50, good
1335: common. 3. Buying, carload,
select. 13,10; ordinary, tl .W-
FlXH'rl AND. FEED Flour In
ateady, selling from 16 to JO; very'
llttla of cheaper grades. Feed la
higher and rialng slowly. Ursa brings
from I &0 to $17 &0, aborts 131 to $JV
rolled barley I3I.&0 to 133 33. process
barley J3. hole corn 31 to 132.
cracked cora f 33 to 3S. Wheat f 33 ,
to 333. ' ' j
HAY (lluylng.l . Tlmolhy !
lit. Clover, 313 to 14; oat hay, 114 !
to IK; mixed. $13 Id 114; alfalfa. 111!
to li. . -. i
OATS Buying Are higher, gray
from 2 to 123. bltt from 127.50 to
130.50. . . ;
BITTER (Buying! Ordinary
country brings from 15c to 30c,
fancy dairy from 3"c to 22c, cream
ery 22c to 23c.
EOCS Uluylngl Are ranging from
ike to !0o. according to grade.
--PO''LTRY (Buying Firm with lit
tle good stock-offered. Hens will bring
14c, If In extra good, cyadltloa more.
Old roosters ara poor gt tc 10 10c. brott.
rrs bring from 2c to 24c. with good
WOOL Buying I Wool prices are
rsnglng from 12c 10 He.
MOHAIR ( Buying Prices on mo
hair have ben way up, soma having
brought as h'gh aa 3o locally. Quo
tations are 37Hc and demand la strong
HIDES I Buy Ing Green hides, Ec
to Cc; sslters, 5 He to (He; dry hides,
lie to lie. Sheep pelts, 2Jc to 75c
each. ' . '
DRIED FRI'JTS Local prices ara
firm at fmm tc to loo On applea and
prunes, peachea are 10c.
SALT 8elltng 50c to 0c (or floe,
50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for
100 lb. aacka
Portland Vegetable Markets.
lt.23fftl.50 per aark; parsnips. 1 12
OH 50; turnips. t. 25011.10; beets,
$1 50.
VEGETABLES Asparaaus. 0cr
11.75 per erate; eabbage, flew, 3 per
hund.dwelght; ' cauliflower. 11.500
11.75 per doxen; celery, California, 7Sc
efftftc per doten ; cucumbers. 11.50V
12 25 per doten; eggplant. 15c per lb.;
garlic, incfllSo per pound;
&oc per doxen; hot house
03 per box; pass.
pound; peppers, 0c(f35c
radishes, itc per doxen;
f(3c per pound; sprouts.
There's One Form o! Investr
whicK la ahaalutaht ..f. t
, ,wr svtryana.
It navar glumpa In .valus.
Its Inttgrlty la unuostlansd.
Tha return la aertaln,
Prtnslpal la alwaya avallsbla.
It kit no alamant af pstulstlsn,'
It Is a SaTtngi Accoont hi
The Bant cf Oregon City
Th Oldtht Bask la Th County
CAPITAL, 10.00000
Traaaaata a antral Banking Business.
Om trwt, a.
Oregon Qty Wcod and Fuel Coapi:
Your wants supplied with any quantity af 4 foot sr 1 inch h
II vrd t any part af City. Prises, rsssensbls.
Satltfastlan guarantead. '
Hema 1-110 1 '
Paeiflo Main 3M2 V
Phor year s
Cor. Kb t4 CaV,
Of an e
IV L 1 --r t. W luraliil C VT o:,.'"" l-'
I All '"jy:"- so sltoa Tgaj ra' PaaV?"'r-'
i H M rn Prrl auZ
UMiuuum.,T a.,.!.. . "
XMDWl.KkUM I 1 1 '
a -" -4 1, imtw im
ava, vataa, ara in iwl MMm w a.
A kaiMlml Uwnaud nalra aiiiil U4 vp.r
waawfitriivnf i, livelr and r
rwin, Terr flnraMe sn4 lined ana
a M-Ul qulu ( rnlrfvr, wlttrh awear re
maw liaraaa sad ahW-a rknea mm imi
puurtan-s alUwmi allavlae tha sir to
a barehunarxtaof iellenfniM al.Sr
eiacinintiuwirureBaoir luMiimau
or tales la a ohula aeaain. TheawaiaSao
aa erdJnarr Ura. taa iMnolararwUuiMf aual
rlea lr aeeerU layers of Uila, eiMlall
ltanalha tread. Tha nnl, mm ni 1
la IIS 1 pT pair, hat liadractldna pnnni we sra
Oar hxier la rmalvad. Va ship O. O. l. oa apuroral. Xu
I - - 1
etuiuwrrs HI PatlastastalitMXii
Ni as ones n.'J -Si SSt.'!Sramm'
13 asaai ftvaaltsaff I atft a4FA439Basa) fsaT4 aaaAaiaBs.
lira W4U MM f
salr. AUaraMl
iw w Dot pa s am awl 1
Derthlck Club's New Officers. -The
elllwrs elected at the meeting
of the IiertMrk Club on Friday after
noon at tbe home "of Mrs. Charlea H.
Cauflleld, were aa follows: prenldt.
Mrs. John F. Clsrk; vice-president,
Mrs. Anna 8. Ilavea; secretary. Mrs.
Theodore. Osmund; treasurer, Mrs. I
L Pickens:
Show Women Crimi
; nals No Ier cy ;
They're as Bad as Men
K Br JuM NORMAN i. DIKE of Brooklyn.
FT: ALtiitE U o sex in crime. A woman who comtniU a felony
fl ' ghoald receive no leniency merely bcc:rje hc i a woman.
, 4lf women desire EQUAL R1GHT.1 "iWintiet be prtf-
i'i ; ; par a . ?
?. I am quite willing to believe in .fact, I am Very well convinced
there iboold be no'aex in POLITICS. But I imit eay, as a judge,
I am entirely convinced 4here should be no sex in CRIME.
' ' " ' f ',' , , '-' . . " .
' . It is ridiculous to plead for a lighter sentence because the crimi
nal involved happens to be a woman. In Bornj, cases that very fact
xsales the wrong more difficult to understand. - ;i
' - - . ' .-
! ' . '
'V. ' " ' . r .
' ',
, . 'a ' .
Read tha Morning enterprise.
I K)TATOE8-Oregon. Jobbing price,
I2.&0 per hundred; nrw potatoes, 7c
t?7He per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing prlres; Oregon
13.73 per 100; Australian, $3 60 per
100; Teiaa, 13 23 per crate; Call for
nla, 3 per crate.
Oregon City Block Quotations.
HOCiti Hogs are quoted 4c lower.
Front 1ZS lbs. to 130 lbs. IHc, from
1 160 Iba. to 200 lbs. SHe. '
I VEAL CALVES Veal calves bring
' from 8c lo 10c according to grade.
lettuce, l.60 r wjiVJaCSLSTO
per pound: li&Tw-5aiftSa
rhubarb, 24r ifUTeT.T-
c; tomatoes, J V,7i J 1. j-1. rf-r'r immm way aaSaari
BiMaeaBaaaMMtoaaiOT -a. m. , A
' HREF STEERS Ueel steers for turvsyors Perm Partmn
tit n local tnnrkets aia felchtug SH'C'i E-.fl. Oreen and & Merrill k
SUe live weiant. formed a psrtnenMp m istvrrws
SHEEP Are firm. at tc to Se live
4 UACON, LARO and HAM, ara firm.
draftsmen, and have reotet wan
tha Masonic bulMIng, Ur.Qnm
Don 1 throw your magazines and
periodicals away. " There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
Oar boy. will call for the mag
azines if you Phone.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif eri
thla city, and Mr. MsrrlU rw
cams to this city from Lo
California. .
(Continued from asfi I)
EMaraif delated Mount Mi
then debated an entirely lit"
Qiirsilon with the Psrkplsce h
1 lug tbe debate.
' frofeasnr Jtmes denN iWj
!hd leen any Intentloa to
Oregon City Wh, School eit t
, ct.ntesl. He. said thst tot?,,
Tone was at fault declarinlMt'
! bate had been arranged hatwtei t
Oregon City and Etarad teW
that Superintendent Toon W
telephoned that the 0rl C7
' would ba unable to take P w
; that soon after he wm Pl c'
1 cf the debating work as
' principals of the chooli Mklnf fc
f their schools would PrtkiPj"
the debating cotiteta. Hj ' l
about two weeks before tbt
1 for the debstes Snperlatwd'at T'
I told him that be thongbt the v
! were to be between the WJ ,
! and that he did not set ajw 1
I gon City High School cwu I rn
. . , ik. Tlili aala ! "
left Estarada without aa oppot"
na P - - -
James aald
1 Tout about a weea oeiw- : -
'. a a n rial in
aet for
tha Oregon city r"
Mlaa Olover, prlndpol
achoola, testified I" n,lf M
or Jaraea' contention. . .
Before taking uP thj P"J ,
rintandent Tooe th
ofheera as followi: C.
Canby. president ; A- o.
lary, and Mra. y. "r
orer. These offlcera wlh t'
arlntandent Gary, as l
school pupil-. J"
Howard and Kenneth Hn'
choaon thet 'efoBi
Jamea wase-elected Ml
bating work.
The Oregon
Fruit and Pre
. Union
ArsendlcfM Us
Dcrry Crotcs
i:cy,0rc!n cncJT