MORNIKQ ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MAY. J3, 1911. 0 t Ladles' Waists i Levitt's iltit Breves' Its If tha "aul.. a. 1' ii . 1, shlpmer-t ef beautiful LADUr WAI6T6 just srrlv.d. First .11 said out flrttf thOSO Sfa oolnfl fsst. Natal.... iil. At Lkipintu - -,- - " "e nsm hai svsr " """ " , M .reasons l f"y " mai-qulsettss, beautifully embreldersd I, wij nd t0,r"' h"V,n8 "tH ,ty",h DuUh Mek "d KIMONA $L.V- OUR WINDOW DISPLAY SEE J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner Ansther 8lsm st III. IH . we iliat sn aclor bat teu fur Doiiiirl. Hu!U"i Hbnkeapearean r Tbrjr don't niske enough to buy ra tkho LOCAL PRUTS I. ghlr, "f New Era, waa In this os Tauritfliiy. Lpnxltiir I'nlon .aells Hsy and horns DuvIn, of baver Croak, It tbl ! on buelnees Friday. prtrl MeCubbln, of Logan, la liof frli-niU In this city. tales KuuilK. of Canby, waa lo clljr Friday n buslneaa. , prolines I'nlon alla Arsenate si grhoriiiKMii. of Carus, waa lb city on Thiirmiay afternoon. bper Trulllnicer, of Wood burn, vie- la Oregon City Iho flrat of Ibo taj utm HIhK baa relurnad from iiod to Kind it aummer with parontai. - T. Barnard, a deputy aberlff of klind, H4 In Ihla city Friday on Mi R !.. a well known farmer Mulalla. ww in tbla city on busl t Friday. . - a rrolti(' t'nlon aella berry Irbert Kohhlna, one of tbe pronv hr nn r. or (lie county,- waa Ell city n IiumIupm Friday. irlri RpHiigler, one of the well i renlMi-iita of Carua waa In tbla on Thursday. In t. W. Fry, of liubbard. waa In is ymtPKUy visiting her brother, tut B. Dlinli k. She returned home light. pj CurliRHon, of Rhubel. paaaed righ thin Hty on Thuraday on hla borne from Portland, where be been vlxlflng with frlenda. n. r'ulloy, of St. Johna. paaaed rilh thin rlty on Thuraday on her to Muiino. where ahe will be tap Wof Mr. Durat. p. George A- Harding left yes- J for Eugene, ' where ahe k on of the palroneaaea at the from. A ... 1 1 I . . i . ..... Mcora ami son, who " T,"IIln w"n Mrs. MsCord' parenla. Mr. and Mra. W. W. U 8am on, of tbla city, returned to' their ..... in i-umana on rrldajrafternoon. JIa LtOUlna WalLi,. Un n Tk, d"j; v-ln for Kufue. where abe will vlalt with frlenda, nd will alao -..riiu mo nop 10 be l.n tbla rn Ini. J. R. Stafford, who baa hn vlalt lnf hla parent, Mr. and Mra. W. D. Stafford, of Mt. leaant, rHurned to lilKKa. Ktutrrn Orenon, tbla week, wbora i) with a aurveylna party. -Mlaa llertha Koerner, Mlaa Sadie nipman, Worley and Cbarlea Krey fornitnt n automobile party that came to tbla city on Thuraday evuln-, and whllt here were the cueata of Mlaa Hedonla Hhaw. Roy Wardnn, who recently arrived In Oregon city from' California, and who haa been vliiltlng with Mr. and Mra. C. D. latouretle. of tbla city, left yaaterday morning for Hood River, where he will upend a few daya. Mra. cbarlea Spanaler. of Carua. and Mra. J. It. 1 1 ark aon. of Clalrmount. paancd Ihrouirh thla-cltv on Thura day on their way to Portland, where they will vlalt for a few day with frlenda. Mra. Swanaey. of New York, who Wfta to accompany Rev. Charelea Rob- Innon and hla alater here from tbe Eat, will be unable to come becauae of poor health. She had planned to apend the aummer at the old home at Rvae Farm aa the gucat of Mra. tan O Nell. Mra. K. II. Reddaway, who haa bten vlalllng her parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Warnock, of Mount I'lcaaant, left tbla week for The Da Ilea, where ahe will Join ber buaband. who recently went to that place from Portland. Mr. Reddaway I connected with an Ice plant at The' Dalle. Mra. C. K. Myers and family, after making their home af Mount Pleasant for aeveral year, will move to tbla city ihla month, having rented tbe Col realdence on Rlitb atreet near Center. Mra. Myera haa sold her farm at Mount Pleaaant to a M. AIcUa, of North Dakota, who will arrive abort- y with hla family to make uregon thlr home. Local Team To Play Llnnterl Prlc llroa. baaeball team will go to Unnton on the 12 o'clock car on Suu day. where It will play the Unniou team one of the faateat tearaa of Multnomah county. Many of the fans of thla city will accompany the baae ball team- On th following Sunday Pric Bros, team will go to Aurora, where U will play the Aurora team. Social Night of the Artisan a. . Thuraday nlKht was the social night of the Artisan, and Woodmen haJI waa titled. The early part of the ev ening was devoted to the following programme: Instrumental aolo, Os car Woodfln; recitation. Mra. Hammer y; vocal aolo. Mlaa Maude Kohler; recitation, Ralph Barbur; Instrumental aolo. M las Maude Kohler. The pro gramme was followed by dancing, and Ice cream and cake were aerved. The affair waa In charge of the cadets or the order, tbe cbslrmsn of the com mittee being Mrs. Paul Naumann. WANTED-Small advertisements for this ool'imn. Prices very reason able. See rates at bead of col imn VA"i'v j w , chertah and protect her king- i ior THREE IN ONE Bed. spring and couch called sanitary couch. We will sell on account of over stock for - $3,75 furniture and Hardware - Bargains at Eddy's For Friday and Saturday Ladles and shlldrsns canvss Pumps and oxfords at Me and So. ,t , Chlldrans Hiawatha Sandals t 65c, 75o, 150. ;, , Chlldrans Shesa 25 up. . , (-dies Shoes $1.60, $1.7S and Mens Shoss $1.68, $2.10 and UP to $3.60. Ladlss' Whits Wslsts SOc, 76c up. - . Blue Chsmbray Walats, $0d V $1.00, $1.26. J , , Black Walete 60o, 75c, $1.1' Lawns and Dimities, all colors ; 7c, 8o, 10o, 12c. . Beys Wash Suits, 60c 80c, UQ, $1.60. Girls Olngham and Galatea Dresses, tSo, 60o, and up to IBo. oaicnYGi fflHIB OF MAY DAY MISS RUTH LATOURKTTC DC SCRIBCS FSSTIVAL AT Mc MINNVILLt C0LLE0K. MU Hutb Latourette, daughter of Mr. D. C. latourette, a senior at McMlnnvllle College, wrote the fol lowing Intereatlng deacrlpttou of May Day Featlval at tbe college: "On Tunaday morning we awoke to find a cloudy aky and a fine mist dampening to sloibes and to aplrlta alike. Itut pn-paratlona bad gone too fur lobe. dropped then, ao we Went ahpad trying to luiaxlue the aun w juld shine soon. "About ten o'clock tbe auio parade beKitn. There were about eleven auto altoKether, and they were decorated very prettily. The queen and ber maid of honor bad a special car, then the archblahop, herald and guard were In another. Tbe Maypole danc er In two more. The queen'a maid In another, and bealdea these 'each sorority .and 'fraternity and tbe litera ry eoclety had one which they decorat ed. Tbe D. D.'s wss decorated In greeo, In a moat fsntantlc, manner. Tbe Adelpblea In blue and white, the Agora, (the lltftray eoclety) in apple blooniM and bunting. Tbe Tomanl waa was decorated In Indian atyle, and aeveral of the glrla In Indian coa tume rode In It. I can't remember how the U L. auto looked. Our Kap pa car waa trimmed with yellow and white bunting and pejinanta, and aev eral of our glrla In Oreek costume rode in It. .. , "The' parade came up back of the college and the royal party went In aide. Then, after due deliberation it came , down tbe college steps snd around-the campua by the "gym." The herald came first,' proclaiming with loud "Hear ye'a" the approach' of theiiien. Then came the two guard In military coatume, followed by the atately archbishop Prof. Doughton In long flowing black and white robea, with a high pontlflrar.heid4rea and a glittering croaa In hla band. - Tbe queen'a maid of honor, two little glrla carrying the croaa on a cushion, the queen heraelf In all her splendor fol lowed by her four malda and two Jest ers made up the procession. I forgot to asy that the May pole dancers came tlrst twelve boys sna twelve girl csrrylng Ivy chains on their shoulders. These marched flrat In two lines to the throne beneath the old oak, and knelt with the Ivy chalna on their snoutaers until inn, royai party pasaed between ihem nip the stepa of tbe platform. "On the platform In front or the throne tbe queen snd her court stood in solemn array, while the archblKhop In a long funny apeech, at the end of which he made the queen awear by hfl well-lined Latin grammar, that she KITCHEN SHOWER AT CANEMAH. Useful Gifts Peeaented to Mrs. A. T. Marshall By Frlenda. A kitchen ahower was tendered Mrs. A. T. Maracball on Thursday evening at tbe fltokea hall, Canemab, and moat enjoyable time was spent In dancing. Ice cream and eake were aerved. Mrs. Msrschsll I a sister of Mrs. Helen Smith, of Canemab, and ahe haa com to this 'city with her aon to make thla her home. Those attending were Hlsa Evelyn Holachu, Mlaa Bunny Owenby, Mlaa Ada Froat, Mlaa Beryl Long, Mlas Ads Uedwell, Miss Genevieve Bchats, Mils, Helena Smith. Mlas Maggie Shank, Mlaa, Marguerite Smith, Mra. Anna Maracball, Mra. Agnes Silvers, Mrs. Mary Csrothers, Mrs. Clint Ruther ford. Mrs Frsnk Scnell, Mrs. Ben Kby, Leutl Carothera, Mra. Cbarlea Ladd, Mra. Duncan Shank, Oecar Smith. Melvln Young, Ernest Young, Pete Long, Louis Smith, Arch Long, Oliver Frost, Elbon Long, Harry Whiter Rbea Cole, Louis Smith, Eddie Vondershe. La Verne Maracball, Mer rll Calloway, Orrln V. Smith, of Sell wood; Milton Smith, Carnott Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Spencer, Mr. snd Mrs. 8am Stevens, Mr. snd Mrs. Karl Smith, Mr. and Mra. Clayton White, Mra. M. J. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sbeehan, Mr. and Mra. P. H U. OF 0. COURSE FOR SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BE GIV EN TO METHODOLOGY AND HIGH SCHOOL WORK. -eH - I'NIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene. May 12. (SpeclaL) The course of Instruction, designed especially for the public and high school teachers of the state, to be given In the Summer 8eHlon of the University, hsve been snnounoed In- a recent Bulletin of the Summer School. Special attention Is given, to Methodology, snd to both Administration snd Supervision of ru ral, city and high school. Outalde of tbe University faculty, which will give the customary coura es, special lecturers have been se cured, smong whom are ex-State Supt. of Public Instruction, J. H. Ackerman, snd the Incumbent, 1 R. Alderman, also S. C. Ball, of tbe Portland city schools, J. O. Colllcott, City Superin tendent of the Tacoraa schools, T. J. Gary, Superintendent of the Clacka mas County schools, George R. Mc Minn, of the University of California, Ruby Shearer, of Portland, and J. Percy Wella, County Superintendent of the Jackson County schools. These Instructors will give the work above referred, to in Methodology, Supervi sion and Administration. Tbe Sum mer 8esslon Opens June 26, and lasts for sis weeks. '; COUNTY tOURT C. Kelnhofer F. Kelnhofer K. Schreckenback H. Oldenatadt H. Brink . l.....r..... H. Llesman W. Kaiser . J. Shaw 0. Scbnoor F. Cross ;...'...,.. J. Zimmerman ......, A. Cross ,. ......, F. Zimmerman f... P. Scbroeder .. ...... A. Thomas . ...i..... W. Koellermeler .... 0. Cross Vanderabond E. Bolkmann 8. Moaer . H. Toedtemeler A. Rypczynakle M. McCloud C. Heine' J. Erlcaon 0. Settje C. Preater O. Tldeman Road District No. 36. Joe Homyate Austin Taylor .'. A. E. Taylor E. F. Anderson .'. Wlllard Stanton BlufTori Stanton John Stanton A. M. Anderson Oscar Rye Cregerson Bros , Road District No. 37. C.,W. Kruse Mat Relber Andrew Kleber David Leyler O. O- Kruae -I Road Dlttrlct No. 38. Crystal Ice Co Frank E. Harmar Co. ....... Fred H. Harris W. A. Snovelle J. H. Shupe E. R. Harris ............... Clayton Coleman. ........... Jesse Harding W. M. Holt K. Cunson J. Moran W. F. Warren Vera Hunter Oskar Skoog ,,. O. Bout rum C. E. Harris Clyde Scoffin T. R. A. Sellwood M." Montgomery ., J; FroemJr dom throughout her reign, crowned her majesty Elva I. Queen of May. (Thla aentence I ao lung It remlnda me of that one In the flrat book of Caeaar, Chap. It) Then the herald arose and read the queen'a proclama tion, a long speech proclaiming a holi day, commanding all her loyal sub jects to cease from study and throw off the galling yoke of the faculty, and devote themelvea to Jollification and sports. Then tbe orchestra played snd we hsd time to look around us and take In all the elghta. It waa real ly very pretty the old oak with Ita leaves Just beginning to come out, spreading its branchea over the queen and the court; the malda all In white, the queen herself a very pretty girl and becomingly dresaed, the. two guarda carrying their swords, stand ing In front and to the aide of tbe queen, stiff ss ramrods; the Jesters In their erary costumes, the two little crown bearers, and then below the ex pectant happy crowd, and all around the green grasa, the ' budding treea and all the spots dear to the heart of every "Mae" studfinL But preaently our thoughts were broken Into by the ppearance of the May pole dancers who marched out In front of the queen (where the May pole waa stationed) snd gsve a fancy drill before winding the pole. They used cardinal and pur ple acarfa In this dance, which waa exceedingly pretty. They wound the pole twice, In a different way each time. I wish you could have seen It. After this we Ksppa girls sang Men delsohn's "Spring Song," hsrmonlied In four parts for girls' voices. "This ended the ceremonies for the nvimlag. There was a teon's m?Uh between some McMlnnvllle players as P. U.'g men had failed to put In an appearance. It was dinner time at this stage of. the game, ao we Kappa girls hied ns awsy to the Music Hall where we had a lunch aa we did last year, you remember. Had It been dry we should have had It outside, but everything waa too wet. After a good dinner, we hurried out to the athletic field for the base ball game with Co lumbia University. Ob, thst game! I can feel the excited ah I vera go up and down my spine now, whenever I think of It. During the first five Innings Columbia made five and we didn't get a thing. Our boys seemed to go all to pieces. Then they got up their nerve and made three. We be gan to take courage and yelled like mad. There was student in front of us who wsved his fist so madly In the air at each good play for Mae that he almost invariably made a dent In his derby hat, and after each spaam had to take It off and press It Into shape. In the seventh or eighth In ning our boys got In some fine playing and two more came In almost at once. There had been another In before thla so the score was 5 to 6 when these two runs were made. As the last one came In the crowd went mad. They stood up In tbe grandstand and yelled and screeched, the boys on the Held nesrly turning somersaults; the aforesaid student kicked and waved his hands wildly' and made a perfectly Immense dent In his cherished derby, and all this time a Columbia fielder wss' searching frantically for the base, and our man was , running his legs off to get nome. AH made It Just a second ahead of the ''ball and' the crowd breathed again Ater that neither side made a thing, and the game waa ere.? Tbla victory was especially wel come, as Columbia baa a fine team and we expected to lose. With this ball game all the festivities, excepting a conservatory recital, were over. Thla came In the evening and was very One. The day ended without rain, and tbe aun had even aesigneo to show his face a few times.". Road District No. 33. Stsnley Kerre). Sr. .v ...$ U-00 Ceo. Howell 12.00 Frank Howell ........... '. 12.0 J John KlKKlna 12.50 Jamea Cro,mer 30.00 John Closner 11. 25 Road District No. 34. Wilson & Cooke $229.95 Pope & Company 16.00 C. A. McGlnnls 7.7f Beall V Company 13.25 H. FUher 60.62 J. Adamosky 38.80 F. Suede ... 18.00 M. Bock 18.00 M. Gross 15.75 M. Pendo 18.00 E. Wllke 47.80 E. Cross , 33.17 A. Mayes 24 75 R. Scbroeder . 23.00 F. Yaater 2.23 C. S. Fiegles 1M5 E. Athey .- 36.56 E. Tiederaan 28.12 R. L Miller 27.00 W. E. Fiegls 27.00 J. Kaiser 27.00 M. Perlot 15.75 EXCURSION PARES EAST 191 1 . During the months of May, June, July, , Auguat and September, on dates shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland Dillon Olds Carl Carlson Geo. Blgham H.-Theason East Side Mill ... . Kelley Hardware Co. Warren Emmona John Tiapord IJndsay '. W. H. Smith Wm. Stewart Warren & Emmons W. H. Smith V.... J. Fremyer eVrn Hunter , J. H. Harding .'. Carl Carlson W. F. Warren ; C. W. Coleman J. H. Shupe J. Hart H. Rlppey ." Wm. Holt M. D. Montgomery E. Harrington C. E. Harris Clyde Scoffin E. D. Rothe W. D. Smith C. Smith '. Road District No. 39. Beall ft Co. ...$ 7.70 W. J. Wilaon 6.00 Pope A Co. 1.25 Wilaon Cooke 81.40 Ai Mather 2.45 Oregon City Machine Worka . 2.40 L. F. Sinclair ............... 90.73 Wm. Stewart 10.00 56 4.60 US0 1L25 8.00 8.00 76.67 28.25 41.62 27.00 77.12 . 63.00 . 66.36 . 65.31 . 14.00 . 39.93 . 47.25 . 49.50 . 36.00 ., 27-00 . 38.25 . 6i.25 . 6.75 . 2.25 ." 9.00 . 6.62 . 26.00 . . 3.37 . 1.23 .$ 10.00 . 20.0t. .' 14.00 . 8.00 . 12.00 . 12.00 . 12.10 . 27.60 U W - .,675 t 47.75 . 34.75 , 37.25 . 25.50 . 56.75 .1312.00 . . 50.06 . 47.50 . 35.00 . 27.00 . 38.25 . 29.25 . 36.00 . .29.25 . 30.50 .. 30.50 . 34.75 . 30.50 . 11.25 . 30.50 . 89.00 . 55.95 . 170.00 . 21.20 . 2.25 . 6.75 . 9.00 . 7.50 . 24.00 . 27.23 . 35.55 . .8.00 . 9.80 . 2.00 . 40.58 . 25.00 '. 8.90 . ,7.00 . 11.25 , . 10.13 ,. 11.23 . . 11.25 ... 9.30 . . 9.30 ... 6.75 .. 9.00 ..' 7.88 . . 6.75 . . 2.25 .. 16.88 . . 22.00 . . 30.00 .. 11.00 .. 27.50 . . 5.50 ... - - -aj--- :-' -.a." i-.-.'.-Vv MUCH of the taste and pleasure iq eating good food depends on the sugar and syrtips used. Think of the finished delight given to your morning meal when the syrop osed with yoor cakes is pleasing; to jout taste Note that delicloosness when yot drink well-made . coffecwith the right kind of sogar in it. Small mat" ters yes hot i is fast those small matters that make life a complete success or a round of annoyances. We . have studied the question we pride ourselves oa our . attention to details of the kind. Come in and ask us Some Special Brands Offered This Week Tea Garden 8yrup, 't gal., 60c preferred Stock, , gaU 60e Golden Syrip, ' pal-, 35c Caramel Syrup, 45c Sunset Syrup, gal-, 60c Cooking Melaaees, gal, 40c J. E. CORNER 9TH AND MAIN STREETS Albert Sbanborn Frank Jaggar ... C. A. Caseday . . . C. E. Stewart .. Tom Evans .... Dick Davles J. F. Studeman . Tom Daves Fred Kamratb . . . N. Caaeday Dave Evans . . . A. Trafton ...... Otto Striker ... Herman Fisher , Wm. Stewart L T. Sinclair ... . ........ 1. (To Be Continued.) 61.25 12.00 25.00 24.75 Moody at Andresen's Jewelry Store. Phones Main 2912 or 2653. , Y WANTED Bids for School Bulld- Inr. School nistrict NO. 28. draw- 14.00 inga and specifications may be ob-. 10.00 talned at the residence of J. R. Oat 4 00 field, Concord Station. Bids to be sub- W 1 CJ-V. n a r. vit ni.l.. nk.i. man, Milwankle, Oregon, Route No. 1. We reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. Bids will b received up to Monday. May 15, 1911. 3.00 8.00 7.00 5.50 33.75 71.00 6.00 2.50 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and .Twenty-fourth Sta. VANCOUVER PORTLAND May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Games Begin Weekdays at 3:3a Sundays, 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY . FRIDAY-. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. WANTED Tou to know mat we buy . all kinds of Curios, that we are In the market for second hand Furnl-' ture and Tools. We , also have a good assortment of second hand Furniture and Tools on hand for sale to. those In need. Come acJ - see; perhaps we have Just what you want. Indian Curios and trinkets for sale cheap; some thai are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Two fine residence lota 9th and Washington Sts., very cheap. Terms. Enquire 418 7th SL Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices undor tlima etaaalflao' haadtnst WIU b taMMed at on cent a word, flrai Inaction, half a eont additional tnaer (ion, una Inch card, fl per moatbl hail Inch card, (4 lines) fl per month. Caab mu'it accompany order anleae on haa an open account with tha paper. No financial responsibility for srrors; where errors occur free corrected notice will b printed for patron. Minimum chares lto as follows: TO FARES Chlcspo :.-...$ 73.00 Council Bluffs 60.60 Omaha Kansas City .... St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffa Minnsspolls, direct Mlnneapol s, v a Counc I Bluffs - 64.40 Boston -110.0P Nsw York ... 109.00 St. Louie '. 70.50 Washington, D. C. 108.00 60.60 60,60 60.60 60.50 64.40 60.60 . SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. June 6, 7, 9, 10 12. 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30. , . July 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28- . .... August 3, 4, 6. 14 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 80. September 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7- Stop-overs within limits In either, di rection. Final' return limit October 81st. For fsres one way through California Inquire of any Southern Pacific agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portlsnd, Oregon. - C. Caswdsy ., Tom Evans ., Bill Davis ... Tom Davied . Clyde Drlscol Jacob Schoft E . White .... H. H. Smldt .. C. Wlsmandle J. M .Elliott . N. Crlsner .. '6.00 5.00 10.00 3.00 58.00 54.00 68.00 50.00 50.00 52.00 52.00 Frank Jaggar 18.00 E. A. Pugh . . . App Jonea .... F. Miller Otto Striker i. N. Shanborn E. Bly Allen Edwards J. B. Jackson . H. O. Lien ... F. M. Foumal . J. M. Elliott .. John Irish .... 30.50 8.00 37.50 12.50 45.00 41.25 31.00 60.00 66.25 33.00 21.00 43.75 E..' White 1 15.00 Clyde DrescoJ . Harry Shanborn R. J. Shockley . A. H. Heater ., C. H .Horning . E. White ..... H. H. Smldt C. Wlsmandle F. Miller W. Q. Crooker , Otto Striker R. Shanborn . E. Bly ..... Allen Edwards F. M. Foumall ...... J. M. Elliott ......... John Irish Geo. Brennor L. H. Sutherland Hans Linn .. Ante Buckner I 16.00 24.50 16.00 12.00 4.00 14.00 ''12.00 16.00 15.00 6.00 15.00 11.50 1260 10.00 18.00 16.00 7.60 29.00 16.00 14.00 10.00 WANTED. GIRL WAITED Girl for general housework. Experience not so im portant as willingness to learn.-Apply 1006 Main street, Oregon City. ACREAGE One to five acres In sight of Oregon City, 3150 and $200 per acre; good level land; . one mile from car line. Clyde a McRae, 1003 Main SU Oregon City. A RARE CHANCE If you want half a city block with shade and fruit trees, garden and berries, good house and fine view, see the home of S. P. Davis at Tenth and Taylor streets, which just now can be had at a low price. Photos in Post Of fice window. BUILDER AND COTfLACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder aad General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given "on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced aoiwratn. Ka PhOM Main 111 . . WANTED Girl for general i house work. Good wages for right party. Call at 414 Water Street or pbone 1501.- STRAYED From Jennings Lodge Wednesday afternoon, a bay pony1, roach mane and clipped. Red halter and -one front ahoe missing. Re ward for return to Albert Pierce, Jennings Lodge, Ore. WANTED Automobile . Agents. I have Clackamas Co. open yet for the Patterson 30 and 40 horse power cara at moderate prices and would like to hear from some live agent. Answer quick. Territory closing fast. Arthur E. Laflar, State Dis tributor, Salem, Ore. Box 14. WANTED Room and board with prt vate ramuy, with privilege of using piano occasionally, only noon and evening meal desired. Sherman W. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen oral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. . U'REN a 8CHUEBEL, Attoraeys-at-Law, Deutsoher Advokat, will prao tloe In all courts, make collections and settlements). Office In Enter prise Bids, Orearoa City. Oregon. FRETTAQ a MONBT. Real Sstate Dealera. have choice bargains Is farm lands, . city and aabarhan homes, good trait lands and poultry ranches. See ns for good buys. Near 8. P. depot. B. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance and Reel Estate. Lai m handle your properties we boy, sell and exchange. Office tn nhiterprlse Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.- -. TTD Tf T TT TT V t""" lA Ay JT VI inj P c r c h e r o n S t at 1 1 o n- WILL MAKE SEASON AT i jj Oregon City, in Partners' Feed Barn PpHirfrpp. Sired by Polly; first dam, Queen; Second dam Ev Lrz'aljz: aline. Color, dapplo bay. ; Weight 1800 pounds."" TsmK. To Insure nure with fosJ $12, Single aerrke (8. Ge- .l III J. Mn 1Q To jaanr, colt to stand nd suck $15. Csre will be taken to prerent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded, money be comes due at once. , G. Y, Boyer . Owner acd Ilccr Read the Morning Enterprise.