Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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oaiGOV crrr, orsoon
E. K. BROCME, Edit aod Fwblleleae,
mm f soBsaurnm.
. IU
. IN
. .!
Oh Taar. br mall
la Months, br mall
rur straits, by aall
aw hv carrier
immm iato
first Pa par mo nret taiMrtJo. . ..!
first Paaa. free Inch adaed laaartloaa. . le
Prrfenrvd poelltoa) any pac. par b
flrt biaartton
ftararraa aoeittoa any paa. par
adrtr a laaartloaat. . . . ......
In paw athae thaa flrat pa. P ea
rm taMrtioa !
Sua paper athar thaa flrat pa, par fcseh
added aiaerUoaa
Larala lae par Una; la rafttlar adver
Hear to llaa.
Waats. Tor sal. Ta Rant. ale. aaa
seat a ward flrat Inaarttan: aaa-balf aaat
each additional
Rataa for aavertlern In .ha Weekly
Enterprtae anil ba tha Mm aa la tha
daily, for advartlaamants art aapadaUy
for tha weakly. flTiTt tha advartiavaaant
la tranafarrad from tha dally ta tha wee
ty. wit boat ebaaira. tha rata will ba aa
aa tech for ra af tha papar. aaa las aa
lack for apaetal poetttaa.
Caah should aceorapaay order whara
part la unknown In buatnaes. oftlca of
th Catarprtaa.
le) advertlalna at hel advertletns
Circus adverttatn and special Iraaalant
aeVarttalna at M la lae an Inch, accord
mt to special coadltloaa govarnlna tha
Tin Mala" and Bankruot Bala" advar-
tlaaaaant U Inch flrat (narrtioa; addl-
lliail tnaarUaoa una aaatter JSe Inch.
- Mewa llrma and wall wvtt'an arttclaa
af afartt. with imeraat to local raadara.
will ba a-ladly accepted. Rejected manu
ena awtet raturnad unlaaa aoroenpaa-
aa by ataipaw piaaijpoataaa.
tor to draw trad trow tk surround
In town. No rota caa ba caat With
out Brat ataktag aurcaaMa. . Thar U
quit enough trad going from Oregoa
City to Portia bow, without tha
practice receiving stlaaulua and a
rouraxeiwavt from such a worthy or
ganisation aa lha Woman" Club. No
doubt tha movement wu mad
thouabtlesaly. for tha prvtoua kiatory
of thta club baa bevnUo build up Ore
icon City.
In the various atrawberry districts
of Oregon, W'aa mgton, and Idaho tha
grower aro preparing to hart
abundant crop tha largest they bar
ever had atnc engaged In tha Indua
try. The recent ralna were quit a gen
eral all over tha North weat, which
means many additional dollars to
those who will have thla dellcloua do
mestic atnall fruit for sal. At Roae
burg. Oregon, a thra-days strawberry
carnival will be conducted for which
extensive preparatlona hava neon
made by the cltliene of that enterprta
tng town, located In the southern por
tion of the state, and surrounded by
some of the laraest strawberry Iteias
to be found In the North went. If tha
berry grower use good cara In pack
ing their fruit, says the PaciHc Home
stead, they will reap large financial
retarna from it this season. City denl
tens wilr bave the fruit at any price,
but they want It placed before them lu
the very best condition.
Hit! Unfurled to Greet Men
Who Saluted It Fifty Years Atfo
0 r O
- i ,i
;Cv ....
May 13 In American History.
1848Tbe rolled Sistea declared war
amlnst Mexl-o. f.Mimw ried
10.0)rt.(i0 to carry u I be war.
t8Cl-0real Britain iwued rolnnm
tlon of neiilralilT In Amri-an -1 v 1 1
luiltle of Hie il wr: a
skirmish hi rnlmet Hatw h:i. n.sir
Brasua SiiiiiImbo.
JSS4 Cyrus Mi ,nruil k. Invrnlor of
arrV nliurnl uim liiiory. .111 in
Chaaco. used wvmt lire.
ft)fi-Ciiiifrvin f BKVennira l" de
IliaTBte Ui"n the afate of the rouo
try mei tti Waahliigton.
1 910 Tb Tnlied Statea government
iikad iieriulaalon of Cuba to raise
the titlehlr. Maine, wrecked by
exploslun in Tlavana hrtxr Feb.
15. lsrw.
i From noon today to noon tomorrow.)
Bon acta 704. rites 4:40; moon rise
7:4 n. ax
Heart to Hecift
Dy rJ)W'W K. NYh
Btnger Hermann again aspires to go
to Congress from Oregon. He'll never
get there. Binger comes from the oH
t-lirw.l nt nnllflciana Ha t a fa
mous man, locally, 1 years ago, be
foro'the Oregon System came to uh.
Have you en the exhibit of the
Oregon City schools in the Weinhard
building? It s worth while. Ther U
no charge. This is the lant day. If
oa don't know the progress your
children are making In school, it's
your own fault. The showing la won
derful, and reflects credit on teachers
and pupils alike.
Oregon City welcomes a few hund
red pedagogues who are here today
from every B-ction of Clackamas
County. They are engaged in a noble
and uplifting work.
Ke p your eir to the ground aud
hear something drop In municipal cir
cle soon.
The Oregon City Woman's Club,
noted for many good works, has made
a serious mistake in diverting trade
from this city to Portland in the selec
tion of a young woman as their fav
orite to send on a trip to Europe. We
think a trip abroad would be a One
thing, but behind the trip la a scheme
on the part of a Portland department
WulkiUK- "ue iltiv ii"t i
tbruoeli lim ' i l'r .' "' '
iiiite.l Ik a i of I'lwi't"" ' !
dow -iil. over wbi li a wouiau
My friend wild: . ' ,
1jiI year that wiudow tvai rl
cf if rtn and tinta lie f Jtio rure j
beauty apots in all lliia prime" !
Then I thought of Humboldt's find ,
ing of the flower oo the crateta edge, j
The great naturalist tells of finding j
on the verge of tb crater of Vesuvius I
a aweet flower. There waa Just a
cupful of earth. Perhapa a naaslng .
. . m . k. - M L A ih.M I
Dira aaa aroj mt. auu i
on the fearful edge of things tb sun- j
hine and rain bad coaxed a nower.
So the woman bad grown on the Hp
of tbla crater of misery a little gar-
In profusion God has strewn them j
far up the bleak side of the mountain. ;
In.the cranny of the roc.ks. de in the
canyons, in wayside i'ossH,. God ha
flowers to spare, while our flower
must be carefully planned and plant-
ed In tended gardens. But. mark you-
Tbe flowers are planted first of all
In our hearts! 1
The cynosure of our eyes, tbey are
tended to give expression to tbe de
sire of our heart, whicbr desire Is s
faint shadow of tbe divine desire. j
Bd this woman must bave held a
flower garden In her heart.
Somewhere In tbe woman'a eon) were '
grace and beauty and fragrance, and
until tbla fragrance, and beauty and
grace bad flowered Into floral fairness
bwas not content
I Ulked with ber.
Praising ber effort to grow tbe Tines
and blossoms. 1 aaw through tbe line
of care and sorrow a aweet am lie
break over ber face. Her Illumined
feature and tb faint linger of tbe
girlhood In ber eyea were good to see.
Poverty and hardship bad not crush
ed ouf of her tbe divine love for beau
ty. Tier little garden on a window sill
was planted there like an oasla In a
desert, and she had grown some blos
soms that but for her bad never
bloomed. And she bad loved the ten
der growing things because, first of
all- '
There waa a garden In ber heart
Copyright by .Arnp.r'jvia. Frea Ararc'at!?. -
F lKTY yewW a long timenearly two generation aa asuafly Bgvred.
Mniiv n hitve jws-rd from tb ataga of Ufa aluc tha stirring time
of the i M-ln-iii.g of the civil war. Tha otbea day tb Seventh regiment
of New York reiterated Ilia flftletlt anniversary ot the organisation'
going to tlte fr.'iit. I i'e yountf men who now iotbb u raarioiawi Bn a
the same iin-via I hat were Ir.tvartyd by tbalr prdcaaara ta April. Ml. wblla
les ihan Ofiy survivors of the great war wba had betooged to tha Seventh
rod la-liiiid In cMrrUgea. 'Jhere were many change along tb Una of march
during "be half century rbat had elapsed, bnt at 432 1-afayette atrt tkar
was uo cbaiige, rom ooe of tb upper window la tk building at tkat num
ber fluttered a fiag-th nam flag that bad boon vnfurled whan tb Stk
regiment man-bed past on Its way to Waabington and thence to the bloody
battleQelda of tha next four yearn. And from the window two women looked
at the tramping soldier. Tbey wer Mlsa Tanny Underbill and Mia Loula
Underbill, slaters, .They lived lnJba Lafayelt afreet bouse la l"dl. and tbey
bung out a flag and waved farewells to tb boy In Woe. 'Oo tbe fiftieth anni
versary they-hung oat the nam flag and again waved handkercblefa to tba
marching men. It waa a pretty bit of sentiment that mad tear gather In
tbe eyaa of many af tha old veterans.
Mr. RebackcV Horn to Hav All .
Mrs. S. Robacker. who recently ar-1
rived In Oregon City accompanied by
her husband, daughter and son. from
Fort Wayne, ina.. is-tmuoing a mo-1
em bungalow of seven rooms. It will
have a veranda eight feet wide.
Among ihe comforts of this beautiful
home will bo a fireplace, bath, hot and
cold water. The house 1 on their
property recently purchaSt-d at Mount j
I'leasaiit. I
The hoiiHe will lie supplied with i
water by means of a gasoline engine. '
and the water pumped from the ex-
rolloni wall on Ihe nlac. It la. Mr.
uiia-iira Iniantton to have a shlnale
finished house, the: shingles to do
thoroughly oiled befor being pluced
on th building. Tb house i to
have double walls and double floors.
The rooms will be Jarge and airy.
There will be on the lower floor a
living room, dining room, kitchen,
pantry and bath, while on the second
floor there will be the three sleeping
apartments, each having clothes clos
ets, and linen closet. Tb contractor
i Is Mr. Ludt, of Mount Pleasant.
. Fined For Not Paying Bill.
Charles Olson, charged with de
frauding the City Restaurant out of
128. was fined $30 and costs by Justice
of the Peace Samson Friday. Olson
, had a board account at the restaurant.
Patronize our advertisers.
(Continued from p" I )
V. A. Huntley decrlted the prac
tical aide ot the plan and told of I lie
Hwttiotnlcal methoda of construction.
II declared tha Investors are getting
loo cents on tbe dollar for Iheir mon
ey. . .
i a
Opportunity Fin On.
Frank Buacb talked of -toe o.hi
tunlties In connection with the con
struction and F. M S IXt. who has
been working on the project nearly
four years, said ckniss County
offered the richest optsriunltles for a
railroad he bad eve' seen. "Tha ton
nage, the people and the land are all
There,' he declared. "W hava Issued
no promotion stock." Mr. Swift strong
ly urged Oregon City people to boost
the proKstion tb the utmost.
A. J. Lewi talked from ihe stand
polnMof the farmer, and he was fol
lowed by F. J. Tisue. John W. ixxler,
J. K U'aldron. Ceorge Randall. M.
Justin, C. 8. Noble, Mr. Marshall. M.
Telford and V. A. Shewman, all of
whom talked straight lo the point.
Judge Dimirk, Just before tha meeting
closed, made the statement that he
expected to obtain $50,000 In subscript
' tlona to stock from Portland x-iple
within the next three months.. .
1 Tne meeting uh certainly educa
' tlonal. and gave those present a clear
! er Insight Into the plans Of tbe direr
' tors, all of whom are serving without
compensation for th good of the city
and county.
, Strawberries sold In lb Oregon City
market Friday for SO cnta a bo or
two boxea for 35 cania., Tbr
a famine In tb Portland berry trad
owing to California shipment a being
delayed by a wreck along tha South
ern Pactflo.
It waa stated In Portland by lb
manager of a leading firm -lha t bl
company, together with another Arm,
bad (tad up practically all tb largo
strawberry producer of western Ora
gon for th present season. This baa
been th moat atartllng ploca of nwa
thu ifar heard regarding tb traw.
berry market. It meana, If tru. Ibat
competition will be eliminated.
Quotation for OrQn City.,
POTAT0E8-eat, IS.SO; good.
$215; common. 1. Buying, carload,
lcL $110; ordinary, I.W.
ateady, selling from 15 to 15.40; vry
Utile of chaaper gradea. Fd I
higher and rising slowly. Uran brings
. tta in in tit Kit. ahorta lit tO ISO.
IIVOI f'V'-V - "--! - .
rolled barley $31.50 to $3132. procaaa
barley $33. w hoi corn $31 to $12.
cracked cor $33 to 133. oai m
10 $33.... ...
HAY (Buying.) Timothy $1$ to
$11. Clover, $13 to lt:. Ml bay, tH
$16; mixed. $13 to $14; alfaira, ia
to $1. !
OATS ( Buying i Are higher, gray
from $! to $:8. whit from $37.50 to
BCTTKR t Buying! Ordinary
country bring from 15c to 20o,
fsncy dairy from i to 22P. cream
ery 85e. to"J5c.i .
pecs-illuvlnai Are ranging from
18 to 20o, according to grade.
POCI.TRY tHuying nrm wnn n
tie good atock offered. Hens will bring
ii ir in avtra ood condition mora.
Oldrooatersarepooratsc tolOc. broil
er bring from J2c to J4c, witn giaio
VOOI (Buvlngl Wool yrlre are
ranging from 130 to lie.
Mdll AIR t Buying Price on mo
hair have been way np. som having
brought aa h!jh aa 3e locally. Quo
tation are Vc and demand ta strung
. HIDES (Buying Green hide. 5c
to Gv; aaltere, 64c lo (Vie; dry hide.
ISc. to 14c Sheen- pelt". 25c to
each. - ---
PHIKU FRUITS Local price are
firm at from Do to 10c on apple and
prunes. Peacbe are 10c.
SALT Selling ,$0e to oc for fine,
50 tb. aack. half ground 40c; 75 for
100 lb. aack a .
Portland Vegetable Market.
$l.254$1.50 per sack; parsnips. $1.25
$tsn; turnips, $l.25ft$!5u; lerts
VEGETABLES Asparaaus. aocft
$1.75 per 'rate; bbage, aew, $3 per
hund.rdwotght ; cauliflower, $1,504)
$1.75 per doxen; celery, California, 75c
4rtHc per doten; cucumbers, $1,504 j
i .'a per aoxen; eggpiant, iae per in.;
garlic, 10c12c per pound; lettuce,
50c per doien; hothouse lettuce, $1.50
per box; peas, c(llc er
pound; peppers, 30c 35c per MMind;
radishes, 15c lr doxen; rhubarb, 2e
3o per pound; sprouts, o; tomatoes,
$2$3 25.
- POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing price,
$2.50 per hundred; nw potatoes, 7c
Cr7Vc per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing price; Oregon
There's One. Form oJ lnvestmenf
which la akaalutaty aaf fe tvryfif, 'l
II navar lump In valut.
It Integrity la unquMtlanad.
Th rlurti I rtaln,
Principal la alway avallabla.
It ha n lmnt f apaaulatlan.
It U a STtngt Account in
Ttie Bank of Oregon City
Tb Oldest Bank la Thg County
D. a LATOURaTTTl rraaldaal
XBTtaL Csiu,
Tranaaat 0eel tanking ualnee Opn tram a .at. H , ,
Or egoo City Wood and Fuel Company
1 '
Vor wanta aupplla with gay quantity af 4 feot r 1 Inch waia
llvrd ta 'any part af City. Priaaa, raaaanabl.
atltfactlan guarntad. Phar yWr a
Hem $11 10 Cr. 5th 4 Ct-
. Or city.
Pacific Maln,S50z
Y'WHv yr;
V I I iiitili aaAkaai
V J eaaoM aa ie v
Q aaOJ UWg UBUl raa raoJva saTi-amt-
btercta. We aniv loaarana anrahrra In ih. P " 'T Haj
la 4vanea. eM saW. and allow Tga) aaiTrTiTJ
Una sua mar rkla lia lrreta and put It i-TZ?"!
aetaal faayy e-. rtZ't?&,Vu"J?j
loa-dirat a d hya lha aiaaaraoarrr . u..tTr!?.?!'
P. bbfw aaawa BBMal BT BS lal aaw na SS aaklai a. a. ...
ntll worn wmtmivm tmr aktakkaamM L. ' . ?".
W ajliaaMfal at
r1 .- - r-a a rarVTSiTa 7JZ2TZ2?2.T
.-.. - . - . .
CO i mi 11 jU ft , zzzJttzxzr
trwfiafaiMliagiyatH aaHtfa r4 aw)e $4 A
Stat, T,i.aaiii aaa aat aH aaa rtt eat
A aumlraU UhmwI pairs aulal Ut yrsr, I
u livalr and If
SMialuutlllr ol ralrta-r. ablrb aaver la
aoaiaa pornaa ana hu-n rki an am
imiictarra llnonl alloalB ta alf lu
Hilin nundrvOaof Iruta aauad euatuinars
etatlilhl Utalr llraaaavaonlr tiaan iataiia4 ao cawia
or iaira in a vnota aaaaai. i nay waia no aawa lhaa
sa orainarr ura, ina uunotara raaiaun qnaitura bm
aivan ir aavarai lajraes o Uiln,
Un onaltura twin
etMtalla braDarad
labiiann tha Iraad. TM rwulir Irka d( Uwa Um
la 1 10 o la pair, bat for trrt lain farnoaia w ara
ri'"r or
makln' a anadal faatory prV-a to lha
attt m i nil
i - v
L 1
h-, .".
II ra
laathslsliiiatliili I
'A" a aaaalanxiaai V
ad "O" alaa Ma aisa TP
ta raaaat rial aaWaa Ha
lira aall aajlaal m w
gAay giDiaa.
only M atpar pair. All erdanuVaHea
'l.ta at
day Mlae la raoalaad. abl0 O. O. 1. ) amNoaal. VuudODutnricaMaMlM
aa attained andfond lhaaa strtrllr a rapraaantaq.
i wcviiiAiMtaattnaMai
tin rm IaOaalt&aarniiiiisataa4liiaitiryaaatiiia.
I 4 rattalifaia,aiaaaaaa. UmainurfaaiiiMitaMMkiai
I aaaar. raa fca. aaat Ww.WtMalM aaw ataa aaa Hiaraa t,imM.
I ??" aa aa alii 1 Uat ataawa immk a ijii aat autjlai ttti ma T.aa
i--iiL-JaMVTlapaTaaaiaadwai ga ajiftliawl aamatthaaa.
$t.S0 per 100; Australian. $3.60 per
100; Texaa. $2.25 per crate; Callfor
nla, $2 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Uuotatlen.
HOOrt Hog are quoted. He lower.
From 12S lo. to ISO lb. e, from
ISO lb, to 200 h. me. .
S Make Every Farm In I
the Land a
g School
O r 0.!
By Profetsor LIBERTY H. BAILEY, Director
or tne New York State College
of Agriculture
TTT is the responsibility of every parent o
II TRAIN THE CHILDREN. ThU rcfnsibility cnnot U
II DELEGATED to the school or to any other agency unleag
the parent DESIRES to give up the children wholly into
' the hands ot an institution, and this the farming people of our coun
' try do not care to eomider.
If the farm family must take a real part in the educational devel-
- ornnent of its children it must then have some kind of an ESTAB-
- hhiimm I lor me purpose, it the country cniia is to ve eaucatea
. TeBponsivelr to its environment and to the letter outlof.k for country
life the educational agencies must have such facilities and equipment
aa wrfll aalata them cIomaIt to the real ofTair nml tlm common thoucht
' of the community .The school must be a ntirf f the out of doors.
. 1 1 a .i IWt'f T T TT
;Md fields gnd wooda grid crops gnu live stock imift te iiiiuttn
- We Cgn pever aeveiop country mo .ruwimij uniu mo iiviiicn
anJ the schools gre orranited collectively. We must proiect the
ehool INTO TTE HOME and the home into the school. ,
. , i - -
Don't throw your magazintsand
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone.
. . '', ' t at .
tui. Biieaas nr niurmimn intillictuxl ntiriit in
I . v I' wa w . vaw ww. ... . . -- - - - - - -
f a
' f
X .m 1
- .
VEAL CAI.VKH Val talfw at
from ae to luc srcordloi togiat
th local market r felcslIV
He IW weight. . -
SIlERP Are firm at ie aJkla
f weight. . ... . '
- MABQUAM. v '
Rain has siopM m wort '
few d)B. ' .
A cro-vd saw the (U V
at the sclml liouxe on Nay I
A larae croad ltladei tk
rraam social st th " '
wa a ucceHs fiimacUllr
Socially. JU,.i'
Mlsa Kcho Ijtrklns adjll"'
Hubbard went to Metdowwooi
urday or a hrt vlilt I fl ,
Klraer Mauler was n"".
Miller cemetery My
quay was one of the pall
II. U Bklrvln died at aedti
cn May a.
Ttev. Mr, Pioneer, Mb
Eat. la to be the pa 0(;V
quam-Molalla nd Mullno ttm
II will presrh t Mruu
church Buiidsy. Mr M- ,
Mr. Mtimimwcr. from
through town WedDewUy
to Bcotta Mill to atta a
vln'a funeral. "
It Is rumored Ihst Aali
bM bought pHrtofth.Ratl'"'
near tha old Mortlaof MUL.
Mmbr Tak Tim ' Jf"1
Tb. city council of(WJJJ,f
In reguHr aeaalon W JV.
Ing and business of "P,
ouasad. Ail fM W tlii
axeept Chamber Ho- '
having been recent r
orda- to atold
thing Is thor.uhly
will be no time I"
la getting to work. TB -ba
held in th- Cro btt,Win
tb nanlt building.
' ' : Llttl. Child
Marjorl W.e
child oH. T. Burr, of. l-"
Friday. ' "
The Oregon ;
Pruitond Pre
Arsenofc of
Dcrrv Crates
Hoy, Grain c"-Implements