Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1911)
morning larfEitPiaaiiv Friday, may 12, mu Tka water eweatkoa kern- kaa been settled. Mr. Downey, ewner of tba THE FORCE . OF HABIT By C ROB8IN3 AVDREUS OserrtsM hr wrv'V s Asae . taltufe. tat Stories from Out of Town water works, la layiag pipe aad will famish an wltk water waa wtsk It - Axe' CAN BY. TArrona The gentle rata etlQ mcn4i at la- terrala uooa the )m( aad the uMt. in grata BeUa. gardeaa. fmlta iu Cowers am deriving greet good from the BS-dtd MtllWt. Hamilton came after Martha, his wife, wltk a livery rig kwt wee aad took fcC Adolph Mlir had a Ha Br back aad kit klas across his eyes. It ni thought at arst he might toe om of tkeaa, bat at latest .eccowats they wem doing aiey. Mr. and Mrs. Holtoa aa4 dsaghtera, accompanied by a rM frtead aad Ml Carter, sprat Sunday at the! I kr visiting: ker .slater, Mrs, l Boaty aad faaUty. Mra. Maggie Jokaaoa. tre poadeaf, wishes It understood tkat tka Item crlt let slag tka etty ootclala akoot tka voadltloa af Mala Street, waa not oat a by ker aad la ao relscttoa of ker optaioa of tka work. Tka ETaagelleal church conference cpeaed Wednesday morning wltk E ders froea all parts of - tka United States. Sunday at a. aa. Blah- op Bos maa XX IX wtll preack also la tka erening. At 1 P. M. Ordlnattoa eec loe. , Tka Boys Club eatenaiawat glvea UT S waa well afteSMlaal aarf tt !U GagwB. ' waa Mllua nil nrM tai fka iv1? DTfA,!K.41 r' "rr to ba aaed aa tka club see tka day at tka family koasa oa Sun-jnL any. jtaaaat try. -sua aism a nance aa a-ttk tkeas. Tkay ara to ba mar rW tka 0rt of June, wa kaar. Tka young man aa a Uttla boy lived with kla father's family oa tka plara now owned by Mr. Weddie. Mra. Ida Delkar and two cklldrea sprat tka afternoon wltk Mra. Cage. Soma men were tkrougk bars tak ing pletaree lor post cards, and it was said tkat toa of them ware to ba aaed la a moving pictara show. Mr. aGge accidentally broke bis government thermometer, which aa-' cessjtate a trip to Portland. Ha has kept tka records at this placa for the past Ifteea years or mora. . Tkara ara tarnations oat for a ear prlaa party soma awning this week and tka aertba will tell tka parti ca la rs aaxt week. At present tka word Is ma. ' Tkcy ara having tka plaster which bad began to crack tAkea on tka vails la tka second story at Mrs. Nars barn's sad win hare tka rooms vreplastered and painted. OAK GROVE. rred Green, of Portland, will build a larga store oa tka north aida of kla present bolldiag to ba ased by War ren A Edaaonda aa a ware-house, and as a store bolkting by another tram. Mra. Hilton returned from Ridge- Del d Wednesday, Miss Kllgora waa a Portland visitor Wednesday. Tka Modern Woodman of America held their regular meeting Taeaday avening la Green a kail. Tka Girls Band win pUy Friday evening tor tka gtria social. Tka street work is moving slowly on account of tka bad weather. Charles Mason, of Portland, brotner of Mrs. i. R Grakam. waa injured oa Toes day and la la tka hospital wltk a fractured shoulder and vtker bruises. A Ira started Monday moral ag at :3 oa tka roof of Tbomas Kelly's larga residence oa tka rtrer road at Mtlwnakea Heights! Owing to the wind tka flames spread rapidly and la a few miaatea the boose was a roaring fa mace. Tka family lost all of their wearing aparel. Jewelry, and moat of tkelr furniture, Tka building was a total loss, partly eorered by ln araaea. Tka oat buildings were aara. The family will erect a tem porary bouse and will rebuild this .falL The fire waa a term shock to Miss Bessie Kelly, owing to ker ner vous cobojuob. nr. Keuy owns a The Mllwaakle Grange be id their tegular meeting Friday erealng at Grange ban. also a aortal meeting. W. 8. irRen. of Oregon City, gave a talk on single tat. H. G. SUrk- fsrgnmenta. aad while not aipecttag to tats oa taat aanjeci.. maaa a strong argument against single tas. C C. Dye. of Oregon Otr, Mrs. J. A. L. Casto and T. R. A. Seltwood slno made short addresses. The recular serai monthly meeting of the Mltwankia Commercial Club will be beld la the Cooactl Chambers of the City ball Thursday evening. May IU at I o clock. A fuD attead aace is expected ss e,nestioaa of great Importance will come up for con iter ation, a report will be called for from tka committee on better lire protec tion. The. Commercial Club will take up the' matter , of. a thirty minute car aerrice until 13 o clock aad consult the 0k Grove push club on this mat ter. Several other subjects may come up for discussion. Mine Hatei Wrmaa. of Oregon City, la staying wiik Mrs. Ella Maple. M aire I Lakln and sister. Rose, re turned home from Klamatk Palls Tuesday. Miss Rosa has been visiting ker sister sad family tba past sis months. She will resume ker position la tka telephone office tka first of June. Mrs. J. H. Reed and family will mora back to Mllwankle soon from Scap- an Oak Grove W. H- Prank was visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Homer Mullen spent Tuesday with Mra. Ol liver a( Sellwood. The Mllwaakle Junior Athletle track team will ma a relay race wltk tke Sellwood T. M' C A. team Satur day, May 20. Tka race will start at tka City Hall around Wills burg sod to tke T. M. C. A. at Sellwood. Those composing the Mllwankle team are Tom Lakta. Marcus Maple. Rons Swag Cert. Dan Bertrmlre. Ed son Edwards aad Lawrence Hartwig. The dob held If a rarnlir maartna Uaaaav .mil.. aad elected ' a new" captain. Arthur (bads veryenjoyable time Keller; risoa Edwards Is captain of the team. Tke City Council met Tuesday av ening. Bids were opened for tke Im ororement of Washington street. The Coast Construction Company waa the lowest bidder. Tke City Recorder was ordered to post ordinances for the improvement Tka City Council met Monday area- lag la special aeasioa aad appointed C. U Bates. Ckarlee Rotk and W. H Locke n committee to las pert tka three streets wklrk ware ordered opened recently ky act toe of tka Council . Ii was also decided at this msttlng tkat an opportaalty ba givea tke people of Can by to rota a special tas of two mllla to bay property for a public park aad to meet tka aeeda of otker public Improvements. It Is proposed tkat tka city bay tke four acres oa tka south aide of Iowa which kaa a pretty grove apoa It. Mra. Ogle offers the property la sack a wsy tkat It aaakee It easy for tke city to buy it Pour hundred dollars dowa aad f 300 a year for twelve years, wltk no In terest charges, will meet tke demands aad tbe city will bold a deed to this property. A special election will be beM oa May S7 to determine whetker Ike property is to be purchased. Rev. C. L. Creeey Is still attending school at Salem, having left agsla Wednesday morning. Mr. Creesv's brother Is visiting in Can by. , J. R. Newtoa and little daughter bare left for n visit to relatives at Twin Falls. Ida. . Mrs. M. J. Lee aad Uttla daughter Lorraine left for, Seaside oa ike Coast Wednesday morning where they ex pert to remain Indefinitely. This move was necessitated oa account af ker daughter's health. It Is hoped taat the ocean breeies will be benefl cial to tbe little girl who is In delicste bealtk. The Canny Canal Base Ball Club will hold a meeting at tka office- of the company by tkat name Tkursday aigkt for (the purpose of electing a manager , and captaia and also to make arrangements for the seasoat work. This la quite a ball team, snd did excellent work Isst season. This year tke team baa gained considerable strength by securing n new pitcher sad catcher. Joe Larsea snd B. Roy Lee of this city ware la Portland oa business tbe first part of tbe week. M. J. Lee visited tbe county seat Thursday. ' Engineer Rota and bis corps are surveying Mr. Hill's tract of land be recently purchased from Mrs. Salt marsh, through B- R Lee. L. B- Gorhsm. president of tke Can- by Chun ber of Commerce, la la Best tie on business. . Daniel Danlelson has purchased Ms 10. it snd 13. Block 31. from M Saltmsrth; consideration soA. This sale wss made by B. Lee. of tbe Can by Canal Company. Tbe traveling auditor of the South em Pacific Company checked up tbe company's office here-Wed needay and found everything ss ususl la splendid shape. He wss e,tilte surprised at the Increasing business of this station. . SUty Canbyltes motored to Aurora Saturday to. tip the light fantastic. All There Was revlulia la MciiVm. General Arrarra was susperttd by tke prrkltHit anJ closely wanked. Oa day a ttalt. calle4l"he general's aeadqtMrtera. " -General,- said tbe visiter, taking a anuanipt i-arisge frvea kia r.let. "knowing nar refulstiea ns n man of literary last, n critic of tke klnbr-f seder" "Cut that ant tnterruHed Alr-rea. I was once t hief, reader far t puU- llsblag bouse." I see. I kave kere a book of fw I'aiMM na titi oa the - I anl mrry t bear rbst Mrs. lash-am b avt reii Is sue very Vk? 1H da't know. mum. Kbe Jest said If ye railed to say sbe was sirs, but ake didn't tell ate to say bow atrk. if bpv kind are avail able. Wa kave a wkole rm full of Kii-nwe me; Ike fr-e of bablt is grejit. I was thinking I was back la tke ell Inrtsl s actum" "lint tfceae tenis of mine." mdttn aed tbe vlaltnr. "I ronler to be In that llchter vein nbkh U tbe only kind of puetry now popular." "Have yoa tried tbe let.-sn Pojw- lar MagadneT Heart to Heart Tallcs. By EDWIN A. POTE Oenernl. replied tbe vWtor Imprea- f slvely sfter S pause, "if you have been sn editor I he hoen a ron'rllHitor. f I'm on to that honeyed fabMu of ret ting rid of su author ' " Tbe general settled bark In bis rhalr ss one bracing blawrlf to bear aa author's reason why his eipertn'e la more valuable than ether siperten ei. Tboae la the room went about tnlr vsrious duttea. Tbe visitor met tbe general's eye and winked at hint. The latter raught oa. Tbe-ie poemm" continued the' maa with tbe Maaarrtnt. "were rompoaed daring a period of deep freitag. Tbe spring wsa coming oa and nature was awakening." IXAVINC TlftAstl "WeU." said aa old farmer friend, ef mine, "I bare sold tbe old place, ami asotber aad I will enjoy oarelve tbe balance of our days'" "Good." Hid. Aad yet. I wondered If say friend might not I laa 4taa rvwtl.lal A a fna MMlka. aka will do fairly well Kbe will kave ker boastkeeping aad sewing aad tkat art Bat Wast will the aid man dw) . Par years the aid couple kave gone early te bed: te rise early and work kard ataiost every, boar af tbe day. I aad It Is not easy to cksaga tke habits . Ton ma wake me nben yoa get I lifetime. tbrongh. yawned the general i 1 fancy at first the aid people will "One word more. Tearful April. 1 bare eatea their breakfast before stoat with Its cloud and thla gildel lining, j tbe lewaafolk are eat of bed. It bad pemrd Into Jane, and tbe roses will be a toug time for pa from break were unfiling their delicate petals" nt to dinner aad longer from dinner Tbe general rloard bis eyes, ta supper. "I seised my in ami yielding to tbe ! Tbera am bat few ckorea ta da ta hardware atom la MUwaakaa sad kasor ta Focrtn tttreets and adver- Tbnrsd 'tba sympatkr of an tka aeonl anH ' for bids for tke Improvement of Bert W aeigkbara. ' I Harrison street in ousrus or unden Circle went to Portland to drill Monday evening. Prldsy tbe Women of Woodcraft will Initiate seven new members, and will also have a banquet, tba lodge ehoaa sides snd called themselves tba Pat ; and the Leans. Tka Psta won snd J. S. 8smitb and wife aad Hearr Rat er sad wife left Wednesday morning for a few days trip to Newport. Mrs. Ellia returned borne from Neva da Taeaday. wker she spent tke win ter wttk her husband, who Is working ia tka mines. Tka Oak Grove Push Club held s ' wl" endeavor to fatten tka leans, very interesting meeting Thursday ev- i Tt L,,1 uxlllisry of tke Cstbo euing ta tka ckurck basement Coon- i chtfeb will meet st tbe boma of ty roads were discussed also other ! M"- M' Joknaoa Wednesday af anbjecta of Interest , ,rDOOn Mm. D. Toney was sn Oregon City J Th ""bers snd teschem clnb will visitor Prlday. I May is st the achoolbouse. Ron- Dr. aad Mrs. McPsrland were Port ! ,,n' business will be transacted and land visitors Friday I Bort ' m the eyes by Dr. Dex- .Mrs. Vlrril Clark snent mdmr In i wl" glvw. Portlsnd with bee mmliar Ur. k.r ... haMl al.A 1 fc. . i a me young ladles of tbe Sunday i vv neipeo mem school win hold s socisl In Green's ' lur,D8 ,b fir Bd ibm Um ol tkeir ball Prlday evening. Music and home- especially the Oak Grove peo reaitationa, with other features and D WDO w' belp save their refreshments will nil he evening. '"rn'l"'' "" home. Mrs, E. Psyne. mother of Mrs. L. OAK GROVE. Alice Bernln snd Herman Conway of tbe Concord school went i Oregoo City Thursdsy morning to take the State examlnatlona. These two pu pils were tbe only ones In the eighth grade. Mrs. Rowley, of Waabougal. spent Thursday with her daughter. Mrs. IHIsms and family. Miss Elizabeth Cook went to Port land on business Thursday. Mr. snd Mrs. Moore snd daughter were Portlnnd visitors Thursdsy. The poatotrire kaa been moved to tbe new building in tke Warren block. The Oak Grove school will close on June A lsrgg class of elgnth grade pupils bave paased and are preparing lor the closing exercises. Orvsl Olds Is seriously ill with ty phoid fever st bis borne. Dr. Strlcklln of Oregon City Is sttendlng. C. N. White is able to be up and around again after several months of Illness. The lumber for Wlllism Cederson's balmy The genera snored. The vlaltnr tank ed about klm and. seeing that the others la tbe room were lareomlng In fected, with tbe drow sinews that bad fillcn-npoa ibeiarhicf. laid lil manu- arrlpt on the table and -ileotly with drew. As sooa as the door bad rlowl kind the author the reternT swolk. lias he gone" be s-ked wild a shudder. "Ye, generst" -t- Tsklng np tbe mannriH tlvare remarked: "He baa pnt his Sddrr on It. but don't see snr staniiM fr Its return. law a. Tba town people will be too busy fa stop aad cast with tba aid gentleman Oe may try ta read some, but be baa not formed the bablt af continued reading, aad ba will sooa tire. Tbe change m kard aa blm. I know kla aa well I know that ta break up tbe routine of tbe farm do tka will give blm botk a mental sad pkyslcsl sburk. I ia afraid ka will lose kia Impetus. - A mA fKaa k. Ma a .ia I da will come ta fret I fear, beraase af lack of Incentive, bees use af bis empty hands. There am few things asore touching However, here's a eteus stating that he ( tUom who has will mil totoorrow - "7 earaeo bis r sauce to rest snd ) That nlaht Alveren t.-.k the W. bo has long looked forwsrd ta Tint home with blm. lie was not ! reiaiaiioa. goiag snout real .. ... . .. . . i nierrsiea in iw literary irm. nr in and dl-stls3ed- the meter ,.f the ver-e. PTven the dl i lm " woma twf Wiiua sfflataa. If It wss there, failed lo i .T 1 move Mm. He nuxzled for hour try- E. Armstrong, returned home from the DiGoIisranch near CherryTllIe Thursdsy evening. Mrs. Payne has been in the mountains since last Or- j tober, and Is glad tojie home again. Tba Oak Grove ball team will play the Sellwood team at Sellwood Sun- new nous is neinc nnusdMi rrnm a Thoinss Keiley and family wish to car here. Mr. Cederson Is building a I r htm- one resiaence sou in or nis mothers house, in the same yard Mrs. 'Chambers snd dsugbter spent inursosy in Portland. ' Mr. snd Mrs. Asher Kennedy of Portlsnd were visiting Mr. Kennedy's parents Thursday. Mrs. Krum wss s Portland visitor Thursday Ing to fliasHl Ley to a secret roeasage. At Ut. bv skipping all but every tenth word, lie sro-reeded. He was In vited to Join the revliitulf. carry ing with film the for.-e ntwl.-r hbt com mand. For doing he was lo be ap polnte mlniater of war. Hsrlng resd all of the raessnge he could find to read, and being astufled that there wss no more t It. he wrote his an-eptsiM-e of tbe pmfiosltlna) and laid down his plan of -ratioua. by making a dot over tbe words reqnlred to make np his message. This done st daybreak. In-tbe morning he went to bed. When tbe author came the tint day for bis manusprlpt the general said If my Mead bad built a house oa tbe old placa and turned tba farm over ta a sua or ta a good tenant It might bare been better for blm. Departure from old bablt and sur roundings at bla time af life la peril The cbaage Is too radical. Of course them am maay who retire from the farm and adapt themselves ta tba new conditions, but some will alwaya pine, and I fear my fine old friend la one. , I hope not WILLAMETTE. 1. W. Rlvem has sold bis Interest In the well driller to J. W. McGregor. Mr. Rivers will operate s large machine snd will drill for oil hereafter. Mr. Rivers ta backed by tron with money, who sre residents of Portland. Riv ers and McGregor, who returned from W. A. Hanson Is tending the drug I MolnUa on Saturdsy evening, where store for s few days during tba ah. they hare been employed drilling a sence of Arthur Graham, who will ; w" or McBride si McBrlde, of Port take charge Monday. ;'""'. who are owners of a 55$-acre 8. C. Alexander snd P. Hefty were rnrn- The were sncceaaful In get- in Portland Friday on business. t ting water, hut had to go through 35 Mrs. W. H. Moore spent Friday In fee "t sandstone. While drilling they Portland with relatives. discovered three streams of water and Tba Oak Grove Junior bsse ball thl water raised up within 25 feet of team defeated tba Portland Colts 8un-'ha' they first struck. Oil was also day. Score 13 to 11. discovered while drilling on this land. The Oak Grove athletic club team MCBride ft McBrlde are jubilant defeated the Sellwood team Sunday at Sellwood. Score 14 to t. Miss Nellie Welnsonreed snd Grsce Knickerbocker, of Mllwsukle, spent Sunday with Mrs. Charlea Worthing ton and attended the ball game. Ex-Road Supervisor Harris and sev eral or the discharged ' men went to Oregon City Monday morning on busi ness. Mrs. J. B. Evens wss a Portland vis itor Mondsy. Mrs. Lillian Riley went to the Lone Fir cemetery Monday morning. , Carpenters am repairing the WIs - singer house. Mrs. Bert Williams snd sister ware visitors ta Mllwsukle Sunday. Mra. Bertha White and son, Homer, spent Mondsy with Mra. White's moth er, Mra. Howell and family. Mm. Ed Auetla and sister, of Port land. wer.e visitors In Oak Grove Fri day. Mm. reiblg visited In Portland Mon day.. " ' - !... over getting the water on their place, as this has been needed for some time. One house, which was recently renovated will be moved up on the hill where the welt Is located snd Is s most desirable location for a resi dence. A. Thomas is foreman of tbe ranch and the two men were treated well while boarding with them, speak ing Id tbe highest terms of Mr. Thom as snd his good wife. J. W. Loder, who Is the owner of 13 acres In West Willamette. Is laying the land off Into acre tracts, and it is now on the msrket. Charles Kanney Is building an addi tion to hia house. A cement basement will ba built and other improvements mtsde. MX I It Msyes, who arrived from Stafford about five months ago, la building a house here. - Carl Moldenhauer is improving his placa by baring a new fence con structed around the premises. Altogether seven new nouses sra Ming; Blackerby. of Woodburn, Is being built at Wlllsmette, Ase You a Subscribe to tbe . If Tba Morning Enterprise is to ba sa successful aa tha Interests of Oregon City demand it most needs bar tad rapport of all. Tka aew daily has ' s big work before U la boosting O-msToa City aad Clackamas County. Tour support saeans mora sxren-ra tat taworg. - ' v. Will Yen lidp Bccst yog own Interests? wffl ba gold, to paid ia adraaee For A limited time tka Msraxaf aauswiiuaia aa roueaa: ' , - ; Py Carrlar, 1 year .............a..... ry tlsO, l year VaHM afgSMt WS fMHassflsMsMw " , f " r it m .At Real Estate Transactions Oregon Realty Company to Senton V Gilbert, tracta 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, U, rTultviiie Acres; 110. John A. snd Katherlne Bender Nils M. Wstnee snd Hllds Hslverson, part of tbe Hector Campbell n. U O. section 29. township 1 east; 14800. 'Lambert-Whltber Company to John O. Bender, part of the Hector Camp bell D. L. O-. section 29. township O south, range 2 east; tin. . - N. P. and Ida Halt to August Ander son. 7.12 acres of section 3. township, south, range 2 east; era Gasch to Mount Hood Ln1 Company, undivided one-half InierejJ. in tae aoutn-naif of lot IS, Hood View Acres; 110 Howard and Ten Broeck Whipple to Clackamas County, land In sect loss 1. Z, township 2 south, range 4 east; f I ft - D. Board maa and Ellazbeffa Board mas to Frances A dells Holt. ast half of hloetka i aad (2. First Addi tion to jenrttsgs Lodge: 171. The fotVywHtg am the real estate transfers that have bee filed la the office of the ttmtttf rufiut&n Joseph Kaaffmaa and Mallnda JR. Kauffmsn to Albert Ey man. 30 seres of section 3. township south, range 1 east; $1750. U L. and Ore 8. porter to E. Par ker, lota 2 and 2, block 7, Windsor; WO. Koren H. Ramberg and H. A. Ram- I am very mock obliged to you for your kind (permission to read your beautiful poems. I bare not. been struck so forcibly with tbe poetic fer vor of sny manuscript In many years. In these verses 4a the very soul of poetry, But In" Never mind that said the author. "I bave beard It a million times be fore. I know what yoa'm coming to." "Oh. I forgot" replied the general I am not now la tbe position of a publisher; you wish simply my honest Indlvldnsl literary opinion. Well, your poems are tommy rot. There Is neither sooth, range I Trmincsiion nor reeling . ar thought, it i iw-iu. rim in guar a suasesTKm. They am so bad that If you can mske them a little worse and start a few of them In some publication Intended ta be popular, with a rnrioua story shout tha author. I'm not sura but you could get a big sum for them.'" Thank you. general, for your very practical advice." Tbe general threw tbe manuscript at tbe author, telling blm to get out find If be ever came again on such a matter he woeld have blm arrested and his poetic ambition cut off by tbe garrote. Tbe young maa caught the package and, departing, made his wsy to the commander of tbe Insurgent srmr. Laylnr the pages on a table, tbe men- ge of General Alvarei was onlrklv eedphered. A few days later at dswa the reliels moved on the government work snd s ere joined by the troops of Getters! .htirrf The revolution was accomplished, snd Alva re was made minister of wsr. according to tba agree ment Later the deposed president asked berg to Maurice Johnson, 16 acres of t0 nrvr one bow ha had managed to section 31. township 5 south, rann 1 esst; $1500. John W. Loder and Grace E. Loder to R, M, C. Brown, land in Darling's Addition to Oregon City; $197. John W. and Grace E. Loder to Lvd. la Wlnesett;, westerly half of lot 83.1 ui'R'm city;' gi. John K. Morris to Flora Mnrrt, communicate with . Alvarez. He was Informed of tbe plsn. The young man who accomplished It wak made a cabi net minister. In tbe matter of tba Eatate of Ernest Marahsll, a minor. It appearing to tba Court from the petition of Julia Calls': That she la tha duly appointed, qualified snd acting guardian of tba poraofl aad estate of Ernest Marshall, a minor. That said Ernest Marshall ta tha owaer of a one-ninth interest la and I to the following described msl aetata situate In- Clackamas County. Oregon, to wit: The East Hair of tha North East quarter of Section IS, T. 2. 8. R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian, and that aald Ernest Marshall baa no other property and there Is very little la come from aald property, that It la necessary for the support, edtiratloa and nurture of aald minor that aald property be sold, and It will be for the best Interest of said minor and tha persons interested in aald property that the same be Bold, that tha orn ceeds thereof esa ba vaad to educate aid minor and lucfe part thereof aa will not ba neceasary for use for such purpose can ba Invested ao aa to bring better returns thaa caa be possibly mna rrotn pmasnt arrangements mat the persona and those Inter ested In said lands and tha next of kin or ssid Ernest Marshall am: Ju lia isiitT. bis mother. Harvey Mar. shall, Snaan E. Rhodes, Alice Marshall Kerr, JonD A. Marshall. James Frank Oglesby, Charlee E. Ogtesby, George A. De8hle1ds. Marlon DeShlelds, Fran ces ueunieias yank. William Marshall ana o. m. Marshall That It for tba beat Interest of said estate tnst said sale should ba at prt- .. a.w iur casn in nana. It is therefore ordered that the aald next of kin and persona Interested la ssia estate appear at tha Court House Ja Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, at th Cnnntw Pahp. gasa-a - - wwsss a a v-uim, on Monday, May 29th, 1911, at 10:00 -.. as. ana snow cause ir any they have why an order, and license to sell tba interest of said Ernest Marshall in and to said real Meats should not be granted Young Folks Are Entartatneri More than a score of the vonnr ia. ! ui Duiuin were anutrtsinaii n sn undivided interest Q lot 1, block weunesosy evening at the home of no. Oregon City; $100. MJ- nd Mra. h. D. McLarty, of that W. J. A. 8lmons to I. O. Dsvldson. P'"0"- ' evening wsa devoted to southwest quarter of southwest nuar- am' Refreshments ware aerved. ter of southesst quarter of section 7 I Amon" those present were Jdn Mnr- township 5 south, range 2 east; $100. V ' Km " "ndwulst, Nelta Draper, Kate Shannon to Wlllism and Msry ,cl-riT' "" Bhsw, Lilly Ann Harvey, lots 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. block "naw.n't. Maria McLarty. Data Dra- "F." of First Addition to Csnemsh. "T' DOT. Clarence Doty. Jim. 36o. :y 'y- nu voir, wuiiam John and ttara n at.i. 'm Martlfl, Mill Eva Wash. Mlsa I (III. .. v.n-.. vi win. a ft . .... " Oregon, 40 acrea of section 26. town- .."".7 --n jonueon, Mrs. Mar- i ' i tin sua ii sra if . r jra nip 2 south, range east; $l. -' lJ -BaaalMasaWsssa.jsB-asasBBaMBBaBBBSsat Read tha Morning Enterprise. I flubscrlha for tka Cast aa..i ' April 27th, 1911. R. B. t BBATIE. Judga. Put Yourself In the J - . . Ad-Recders Place.; When you writ a m.- .t-A - A - . ' " -wt.aaaaajgua.r-kl ay . d7,r r kind of an ad try to Incloda lg It just tha Informatloa rou d Ilka to find If yoa warn aa 0 td-reader and war ionirin u of that kind. ' "",1 a. t - a- . . I.. , ao in, "Tea a small 4 ; your aa will SULTfll bring Re- . SCJ?JI dk. affl tike BJeo AIL Will You Help Us Boost Vour Own Interests ? By carrier, t yeaf $3.03 By mail, i yeat 2.03 Send in Your Unz ' - and Remiitence w ; . 4 s 4 t-EAtd NODCC. To Introduae Tka Marmiag ataranaa lata a kwsj Ity of tka bamaa la City aad Clackamas esuarv tka managemeat kaa daetdad ts ataka a apaelal prtoa far tka dally issue, for a short Una only, wham tka aubaeribar pays a year la sdraaoa. By carrier, paid a 7 sar ta all, aaas a yeas? ta ad. People who gam aur eaavaa aar a trial aubacrlptioa Cor one or mom momtks, at tea oeats a weak, can ham tka dally aaMv. amd for a year for $2.0 by paying a year la adranoe. People who gave our caavaa- Mr,.'aJrU- tKlota, by: mail, for four months at a dai- jar, may have tha year for $2.00. If psld a year la advance- , v .7 i 8abscrlbam to the Weekly Entarprlsa mar ehar their subscriptions to tha t Zy, re- e 4) J eelvlng eradlt for u.2 time aa 4 ma oauy that tka weakly la x4 Pld la adranoa. T kaa they cnoose to add cs&. a tka ad sanoa payment a- J to a full raar'g advaaoa f ymant they may take adraat:- of tka $2 Vl Li tl'l iUaial aa. ao tiat sac:', who bare aald ta advmaeo aa aotaa other daOy aad wtsk to take ttto Mis aas Eatarprtaa, may aa ao.wlcawut too great axpeoae. drua. Beaatlfully nJ, colors "Tke Spell." V by tha WlllUaisoas Omate'r Cbiuatows." bf CM Field. Antotsoblle rttoa. sale, II cectj. MAN MA8WIID N.1t amucl Wider Allssss TW atrted Mir". . Samuel RUer has J Torca sgslnat Julls Rld-r. married it CTarleston-Four P Montgomery County w JJ bar 20. 1M0. Mr. R def alljf hla wife deserted him. I' Browaell Is bis attorney. Mrs. Vf.lktr Wj" Mrs j it Walker enteral 1 40. friends at bcr bomti il Wednesday anlni. Th won by Mrs. B- A. e -Lri-7-jsi.s.-.-f f decorations were of oo1 railing colors being of P"' yellow. . Refreshments -" WArrir---Ji aa... mIm.s able. See ratae U M. aad tktnaat Msfssfna for fthy. "NUa of tka Wast," by Gleo An TATC" . ...aBssS d. n. iac 421 Ml"