noiUTb:o EinznpiuoE, fiuday, may. 12, 1911. Alfred Trousers 4 . U the only tore where the younj men can get ' Alfred Trousers 'of the famous "'Society Brand" t. wwu.. uw tr.y., tins, 1.. mlvlnr. Tn haw (h . !7e pe top and are the "classiest" and most up- ' Atit trousers of the present age, for young men and 0"' w . th-m I. UJi. efl who siay yof j.v mini m uur iiiiuuic indovv. . . - - J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner All Una Aug. Splinter . F. Bullard J. Peterson I1MIMMI R. C. Bartln ,) , Chaa. Croner W. J. Croner 0. Stinnett 0. Coonaman C. Crawford ,oo U Mauts . . ; ' 7t ao F. T. Qlbba M.00 B. D. Barnsy tt.W Mauls 54.75 I A, Schmidt 71.00 B. If. Smith ig.oc J.'Josl 3goo L. Drlck 44.00 w. j. croker ; 28.00 J. Gafrney ,, 23.75 LOCAL DRICrS vafo i ' irl'"'' ,:n,on "" irhmliH. of " hubel, waa In thla . ThtirHtlny. rfkolt llroihem, of Kldorado, were am .... r-.-,. . K HI! rnj. - ..j.... i.r Mullno. waa In thla ht, i ... I V ...111. A ............. V. pnxliit'tt rnion n'"""'" t.. nf ru-aver Creek, waa Creek, waa Us city Wedneaday, I, jotirx. of leaver 1 k-on city Thursday. U Al Aiidrdro la III at bla homo. aruntb and Division Street U Oeoritr? 'iirbeaon. of Bhuhel, Lfc OfflC'D I ly nwiwwwj, produce rnion eella. Jlay and I UBd. .i. of riarVwi. waa In thla I f tdariiday. u l. of Carue, waa In Itfte L Thurwlay. L Crook. . 'f Mull110. ' ,n ,n'a k Thuraday. 1 J. Helve- ,,M ' ,n """" inown am of Kldorado, waa In thla city !! In Hie track mmt, ar ataylnc at tho Hnavrr building. Tb r war ac- compnnl. by Harold Bmltb, mnnager . . m i. .... 1 111a leam. Mr. and Mra. rhrl Coattllnr and baby have arrived In -thla city from Albany, and will maka their home at Ballwood In tba near futura. Thay are viMiung Mra. iKxtitllna'a oarenta. Mr aim Mra. IWirnlcr, of (irwn point. Mr. (K.iuin win go Into biiMlnaa at Bell wood. Mr. and Mra. P. W. Dreeman. who nave bHii apondlng tba part two with tha former'a b rot he,1. W. C. (Irefiiman, and wife at Bornevllle, Or K(n, have returned to their home In llila city. K. ('. Ureenman la au-irlnti-ndnt of the United Btatea Klah llulth.'ry at llonnerllle. Th rtitnrtalnment that waa to U4V11 been alven by the Clalrtnont Literary Society on Haturday evenlna at Hcu ver 1 reek, haa been poatponed, on ac count of tha entertainment at tho Meitrlcl arhoolhoHMa on that evening when the achtMil exerclaea will take plarn. The; literary aoet4y-wlll ki 11 a entcrtalnmant tha following KM urduy. , , WANTKD You to Vno that tha En terprlae Job printing department la tba moat completa In tha 8tate outalda foHland, Try It for your next printing. f 61.00 62.00 11.15 20.00 33.00 6J.00 60.00 36.00 '70.00 pwtHuKhea. of ll. aver Creek, waa U illy Tnuraoay. lie unnitni in p( oti !m a. Jonca. of Oama, waa among (Wfon rlty viaitora on weonea- n?Uia Miller and aon. of Carua, llltniacxy on ouFin" run md Mr. Unht. of Clarkea, made Nnlnno trip to thla city on w Irirt riiika. of 1'nlon Hall, and Hen plpka,of Mount Pleaaant, were Jn ijktCaai'loay. or rarna, waa among ,0r.H -TMy-tmalneaa vlaltora on urxhy Cxti tlolnmu. of neaver Creek, u imonn the Oreaon City bualneaa iton onVedifday. H. and Mra HWhard Miller, of etaid, were In 'Ma city on Wed- In. Clara Ilrure. of Portland, who ycn rUltlnR her alatera, tha'Hllaa iViInn, ha returnfd to Portland. 11m Lulu Ki)Knglr. of Cortallia. i arrtte4 In thla city, and la tha Ht of h ulater. Mra. I L. Porter. Dr. and Mra C. II- Melaaner left laat (ht tor Iowa, where they ware callod the acrlnua lltnea of tha formera khrr'a child. Hr. anil Mra. A. J. Petera have re- Wi from a vlalt to Centralla. Juh. Tbey have purchaaed 10-acra karh nuar Molalla. Kur?l ,(,'n:iinnl, formerly of thla kind who recently went to Dorlng, tat lie haa accepted a poaltlon, waa tha city on Wednesday vlalting He left for lmrlng thla morn- to rcHiinm hla work. well Avlaon and Thornton How. af thla city, who left yeaterday ene, where they will partlcl- Rcfram ct O'd Ceng. 1 . I "tl'bere the ruilr ouubt to grow. COUNTY COURT Road Dlatrict No. 14. C. Martin 6125 J. V. Unit 63-M K Hornahuh ... 50.00 Ml. Crawford ' M Mult llrotbera 318.37 Alfred Danlelaon 80.20 John Erlckaon "34.75 11. r. Linn .... Will Evemhod . John liarto .... R. Clark ....... P. Bherrublo ... W. McCord .... J. V. Green .... O. A. Pagankoph D. E. Proat .... D. Wt Teckert . O. C. Newman Wm. Stewart .. L. T. Cinclarl .. H. llenrlcl 1.... Harry Rheltey . . Emot Hughea .. Henry lUnrlcl . 0. Btrong ...... Mr. Meyrlck .., Mr. Roettger ... W. FJIartnell . L. Hhockley O. Bhockley ................. W. Hughea P.- Wr Henrlcl Tom lilnckhurn Oeorge Egglmann O. (lulllra .., Sieve Londergan Abe Thomaa Chrlat nicbter E. Edwaidg E. Lewla E. Bnyder b. C.armlre Charley Jonea A. Paraley Frank Henrlcl Road Dlatrict No. 15. Pope A Company 0. Crlieeer J. Carouthera Carl V. Draiim R. E. Criteaer A. UKn .................. Wllaon & Cooke W. Raney O. P. Bailey . . W. M. McCord P. E. Frank W. Johnaon 8. Naah C. E. Black U Mat toon p. C. Boylan Wallace McCord Frank Hendrlcka J. E. Gage W. Groshong Road Dlatrict No Wm. Caaeday C. W. Frlcdrlch Tom Blanchard Geo. Kelland 80.78 32.18 ; 1.00 18.7M 21.80 Alfred Bwanaon 84.80 Baa Andaraos ................ B. A. Bwanaon , W. Jamaa ................ i Klmar Peteraon .............. Alfred Anderaon , , 13.50 13.(0 16.50 5100 32.00 18.00 14.00 7.P 15.00 2.50 16.00 12.50 16.25 12.60 42.60 66.60 6.00 60,00 52.FO 62 85 38.00 40:50 39.3; C9.IKI 11.23 61.80 . 70.85 ' 80.00 68.85 65.85 John Wall Par Weatbarg Frank Countryman Joe Carlaon 20.62 Claud Winalow ' 14.50 Road Dlatrict No. 22. Robbing Broa. .'. 1 117.20 P. E. Pendleton 63.76 CW Engla 62.00 Nela Norqulet 12.00 F. J. Painter ...... i.. 34.00 Albert Engla 64.00 llert Palmer .'..J... 19.00 Lew Pendleton 16.00 J. Bahrndt, 26.75 M. Bahrndt 26.00 Ira Boyer 2L75 Walter Beck 25.50 Road Dlatrict No. 22. R. Wllaon O, W, BcramJla M. Walch ..... f. Hilton .j. H. Oertlar Road Dlatrict No. 26. Robbing Brothera ., Tba Bchafar Lumbar Co. ... D. H. Ramaby Parry Kayler E. May . 0. Bergatrom C. W. Herman J. R. Cola 8.00 111 8.00 8.00 6.00 Ola Mudgklna ... W. W. Elkina ... Carl Goran aon . , . Chae. Glen ..... Graham HungaU Milt Trulllnger M. M. Jameawon P. B. Noyor John Callahan Abb Ruaaell . , '. E. Johnaon Geo. Ball Road Dlatrict No. 23. J. H. Kraua Grant Planti Carl Potwln -. John Goetg Fred Bachert Geo. E, Ogleaby E. King J. R. Marie 8. H. Tterr 6, I Mill Armatrong Dave Shepherd H. H. Deetx .. Road Dlatrict No. 24, C. E. Miller Oliver, King Oliver King ..IT. Roy Yoder Will Aakln Lao Aakln rrr-.v. . A. J. Laia Glger Broa. Dan Hoatettler .. Glger Broa C. E. Miller I P. 8pag;le G. E. Wyland ... O. E. Wyland -n. Abe Jonea H. H. Deeti H. H. Deeti Solan Klnrer .... C. W. Carothera . C. W. Carothera . Dan Hoatetler Dan Hoatetler ., 20-" I John Rogl , I5-00 John Rogle 12 00 j George Brockart 8 1 George Brockart 10.00 30.00 16. ..3 2.84 3.15 31.50 15.00 D. Criteaer N. Criteaer 28-25 N. Norton 57.00 W. a. Randall 42.75 D. J. Hughea E. McArthur H. Engle Doth 1 m THREE IN ONE Bed., spring and coticli called sanitary coticL Wc will sell on account of r - $3.75 ; :..'.J.rv:-' ' . f mm BUSCH Purnlture ohd Hardware 30.00 30.00 26.60 $ 8.00 . 27.50 , 3.50 . 4.00 . 18.00 . 10.00 . 41.25 . 17.00 .' 22.00 . 1.50 . 1.00 .50 .8 15.50 . 8.00 . 9.00 . 13.60 . 16.00 ,. 37.50 . 16.00 . 5.58 . 8.00 . 55.50 . 40.60 . 18.00 5.00 6.00 "2.00 4.00 3.00 3.50 2.25 16.25 .75 7.16 - 2.501 1.00 38.00 32.00 4.00 12.00 9.50 4.00 . 17.00 22.50 8.00 '35.00 8.00 , 21.00 , 4.00 . 18.00 . 18.00 . 5.00 . 54.00 .', 27.00 . 2.50 . 15.00 . . 9.10 "MUM 8.44 26.50 44.50 27.60 21.00 42.00 8.00 H. Wllaon 22.00 E. E. Judd .....t C, 8. Herman L. Bergatrom E. L. Palfrey F. Schatzman B. F. Harleaa 1 3; Bradbury t C. Daugherty :. P. J. Kayler O. V. Adama Fred Daugherty Lloyd Shaver W. H. Engle Ben Stennlnger Road DletHct No. 27 John Barth ... Carl Barth Orvllle Jackaon . . .' .". . . 777.'. . . A. H. Logan Jobs Novak Oeo. Koaa . E. D. Rlngatead . Frank Bbarmaa . Ooo. Marta E. Pitman . , V. Pitman.; Oeo. Cleater , A. L. Pitman A. Sackett . C. Frlckan Omar Wllllama Dave Fox .... J. IL Ferguaon W. C. Moor . i(allfM)l 10.00 10.00 AA ........... .vw i...;..' 4300 13.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 13.00 82.00 10.00 60.00 28.00 AugiiRt Staehely 46.50 7.60 62.00 89.50 40.25 . 8.00 . 10.50 . 15.00 .3 6.83 Fred Chlnn -w Geo. Randall 81.60 Ernest Gelbrlcht Emll Gelbrlcht Tom Pennmann Wm. 8taehely J. R. Corothan ; I'-00 J. Rettlnger 26.00 Wm. Thomaon F. Schelbner , L T. Sinclair W. H. 8tewart Road Dlatrict No. 17. Carlton & Koaenarana Co. . . Road Dlatrict No. 19. J. D. French 00 E. C. Aahby Fred E. Churchill 24.00 R. p. Wallace 24.00 F. H. Wallace 00 Lewla Churchill 12.00 Roy Criawell 7: .. Oub Stuw C. E. Mlllef :. C. E. Miller Roy Criawell Carl E. Hilton , S. B. Bur Road Dlatrict No. 24. Leo Aakln 3 10.00 O..O. Hoffman a.5 oWr King 400 Roy. Yoder 8.00 A. S. Thompaon -20 ' ' Road Dlatrict No. 25. F. Wehner $ 4.00 F. Merti 8.60 Wm. Brown . Olef Oleaon . . J. T.' Drake . . Chaa. Blrcbet J. R. Nelson . I. D. Larklna John Falconer Albert Barth Wm. Oleaon 4 Road Dlatrict No. 28. J. M. Blnkley Trojan Powder Co. A. L. Brougher ... Robblna Broa. A. Miller ......... Ben Johnaon Roy Pelky ........ Jean Pelky L. Bowman Frank Bowman ... Zeb Bownran , H. Englerr. Arthur Carter Tudor Swlfel . ... Jamea Marta .... Frank Hoekle ..... Charlea Thomaa . Scott Carter ...i. Nick Sabe Elmer Sawtell J. Bagby ......... A. Zwan-, Benny Boylea . . . . Frank Sawtell .... C. Austen ........ Joe Sowa E. P. McFarlane . . V. Davla ......... Aloney McFarlane W. F, Glerney .... J. F- Jonea Vincent Sowa Charles Green F. Mortenaon Jay Jonea ........ Roscoe McFarlane F. Holt George Groahong , Dan Groahong .. Enock Sowa .... George Slaughter 12.00 12.00 6.00 22.00 . 34.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 8.50 13.75 6.00 9 32.50 10.50 37.00 8.00 13.00 36.00 2.00 . 18.00 . 16.00 4.00 . 4.00 . 2.00 . 3.00 Alfred Dale 30.00 Roy Thomaa 26.60 C. Jorgehaon 24.50 Archie Hubbard '. 19 00 Joe Woelfel ; 19.00 Road Dlatrict No. 29. H. Andrewa .......$ 16.00 3.00 8.00 36.00 64.00 4.00 2.00 ALJcy Oeo. Keller . W. J. Howard John, Scheuhj A. L. "North . Ed. Young Marion Millard Amoa Millard ................ Mas Nawhlter ......7. U.i) 12.C3 4 ... ,4.0 23.00 .8.00 24.60 2150 26.00 83.50 Charley Newhlter 23.60 Walter Strung'... ........... Stanley Ferret, Jr., ........... C. Reama ... Bert Parka M. Bardaley a a ' t . 33.00 33.50 34.60 26.00 ' 4.00 Willie Cloaner . . . , 18.00 Wm. Tucker ... Joahua Hayner, , Frank Millard . 16.25 16.00 .13.00 Robert Guttrldge ............. ' 16.00 John Brown .. H. Martin Chaa. Klnyon A. M. Connell C. McConnell . E. Toughmon . j v Road Dlatrict. No. 80. Eaat Side Mill & Lumber Co... 8 15.90 J. Wlllbroad ... Jeo. Wllaon .... George Walah .. J. B. Mitts .... C. D. Keaallng . . A. H. Reynolda . Ed. Harnaqk Bargains at Edcly s For Friday and Saturday " Ladlea and ehlldrana eanvaa Pumpa and oxford a at 68a and 65o. Chlldrena ' Hiawatha Sandala t 65c, 76c, 880. Chlldrena Shoes 25o up. ' Ladlea nhoea $1.60, 11.76 and B to 12.99. ' r . Mena hoea $1.65, 82.10 and P to 83.60. . . Ladles' White Walata 60c, 756, up. " Bu ChambrayWalata, SOc 'BiaeV i Walata 60c, 75c $1.191 Lawna and Dlm.tlea, all eolore . 7e, 80, 40c, 12c . 111..U Koa BOc. , iJ00. S1.60. . -V Olrla Qlngham and .Galatea Draaaam, 26c 60c, and up to 98c Jaa. C. McLaughlin C. .E. Smith Edwin Froat D. Trulllnger .. L. T. Sinclair Wm. Stewart Road Dlatrict No-20, Wllaon A Cooke Ed Grace v B. Sullivan '. L. Grace R. Putt C. " 8tromgren O. D!x ..... '....' J. Puts ... J. J. Jonea Ph. Puti A. Beurer . Jeaae Maxon ( W. H. Wetlaufer R. Haag P. Sullivan C, Haag A. Oaaaer ..... J. T. Grace F. She A. Bonney U. S. Dlx Road Dlatrict Nc 21. Jonaa Peteraon E.'. A; Swanaoa ,. . John Wlcklund .. John Seagren s. . . Fred Carlaon fi. Aaplund Evert Erlkaon Andrew Johnaon Andrew Bwanaon Anguat Dahlstrom 3.00 1.00 4.00 29.75 43.00 36.00 64.00 A. Wlllbroad 1 00 12.00 3.00 1.00 53.00 8.75 7.50 3216.20 13.60 32.60 19.00 26.00 22.00 6.00 15.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 . 14.00 20.00 18.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 14.00 3.00 . 4.00 t 8.00 15.00 4.00 '4.00 180 12.00 - 4.00 34.75 26.25 24.75 EXCURSION PARES EAST 1911 During the months of May, June, July, August and September, on dates shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland aa follows: TO FARES Chicago Council Bluff a Omaha Kansas City 8t. Joseph ' 8t. Paul 8t. Paul, via Council Bluff a MlnnuBS Ha. direct Mlnneapol k, v Couno I Bluffe 64.40 Boaton New York St Louis Washington, D. C, .$ 73.00 ., 60.60 . 60.50 . 60.50 . 60.60 . 60.60 . 64.40 . 60.60 ' 110.0P 109.00 70.50 108.00 3 4.00 212.25 14.40 23.30 38.00 60.00 38.60 33.00 35.00 33.00 37.00 19.00 39.00 39.00 85.00 40.00 26.00 42.00 52 00 60.00 56.00 38.00 50.00 14.00 37.00. 31.60 23.S0 19.00 19.00 19.00 33.00 6.00 5.00 13.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 18.00 .12.00 9.00 F. E. Davidson . Wm. Dyer ..... A. J. Monk H. M. Fox J. Weaain ...... E. Shipley ..... H. Farmer .. ... A. McVay ...... Pete Emmott .. J. Johnaon ..... Wm. Bollock ... H. Worthlngton Wm. Baker .... Wm. Nagle Geo. Maden .... H. L. Papoun . . . John KUlee .... Hugh Baker . . . . O. C. Davidson Tom Fox Geo. Baker F. E. Whltten . . J. C. Hainea H. Borland ..... H. W. Wade R. Oldenatat ... Oeo. Nagle .... Road Dlatrict Nc 81. R. Oarrer W. Nusabaum M. Claua ' 98.00 42.75 29.00 28.00 18.00 13.50 7.00 2.25 32.50 16.00 2.25 13.50 13.60 13.60 2.00 7.00 . 7.00 98.00 '70.00 60.00 68.00 63.00 43.00 60.00 35.00 5.00 30.00 I 4.00 . 4.00 2.00 120.00 26.25 12.00 2.00 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. VANCOUVER PORTLAND , May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 .' Gamee Begin- Weekdaya at 3:30. . Sundaya, 2:30 P. M. - - LADIES DAY ' FRIDAY. Boya Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednecday. , Wants, ror Sale, Etc: Nolle under these classified tia4tn will be Inaa at one cent a word, flrsf Insertion, half ent additional swr tkma. one Inch card. 11 ' months naJf Inch card, (4 lineal ft per month. Cuh must aoeomDuy order unleee ene tiea an open account with the paper. Ne financial rreponalbtllty for error, where errors occur fr corrected notice wtU be printed for patroo. Minimum eharxe Ike, WANTED. WANTED Girl or woman for general' house-work from 9 i. m. to J p. m. 35.00 per week. Address Mrs. Fred T. Smith, Gladstone, Oregon. GIRL WANTED Girl tor - general housework. Experience not bo im portant as willingness to learn. Ap ply 1006 Main atreet. Oregon City. WANTED Girl' for general house work. Good wage for right party. Call at 414 Water Street or phone 1501..' ' SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. June B. 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22. 28, 29, and 30. . ' - - - ' July 1, 2. 8, 4, 6. 8, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. August 3, 4, S, 14 18, 16,' 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 80.' ,. September 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7. t Stopvera -elthln limtta In either di rectlod. Final return limit October Slat. For farea one way through California Inquire of any Southern Pacific agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Paaaenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Earl Groahong 2.00 Ben Thomaa.. 2.00 H. A. Lanea 25.00 Harry Kenelb 22.00 L. D. Shank 55.00 N. B. Wade 7.00 Lealle 8bank 63.00 A. Wyland 44.00 Geo. Crlte Ben Wade Bert Bird ....... Wm. Bird Blaine 'Bird Earl Bird H. Wllaon Ray Wyland .... Guy Wheeler .... Luther Nlckelson Jamea Nlckelson Ed Wyland . ... Floyd Ferguaon Willie Crlte .... Willie Rlngstead Adolph Hugal ... D. C Scott Frank Ferlan .. F. C. Scott .... A. D. Sherman . George Houber O. E. Couver , J. B. Couver .... Wm. Knapp .... Abe Hardy ..... C. H. Hardy O. Ferlan John Novak Geo. Koaa E. D. Rlngstead Frank Sherman Geo. Marta . . E. Pitman . V. Pitman . . Geo. Cleater A. L. Pitman A. 8ackett C. Frlcken Omar Wllllama ; Wm. Knapp Road Dlatrict No. 28. Guy Wheeler 1800 Luther Nlckelson 35.60 Jamea Nlckelaon i ..; 61.50 tVvlAnfl -' 34.50 UU v w - - - - Floyd Ferguson Willie Crlte Willie Rlngaflad ....... Adolph Hugal D. C Scott Frank Ferlan .,....'.. f. c. scott A. D. Sherman ,,.'.,.' George Houber O. E. Couver :..t. 22.00 20.00 22.00 16.00 16.00 22.00 2.00 27.50 18.00 35.50 51.50 34.50 9.00 8.00 38.00 38.00 32.00 20.0C 20.00 31.00 22.00 19.00 36.00 12.00 in no ! 19.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 42.00 13.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 13.00 32.00 12.00 Sharp Broa. Wm. Schats H. ElHgsen G. Saum Road Dlatrict Nc 82. A. Vobs 8 18 00 C. J. Calklna ,e,. H K E. Todd 32.00 A. Holinagel ...... 771...7.... 1.00 E. O. Jonea 1 12.00 H. Heater 4-00 G. Buaton .UQ J. Flcken 12.00 W. Obuat 2.00 H. Voaa ....";.........'........ 8.00 . Gross , 4.00 W. C. Heater 37.00 . C. Moreback 81.45 Road Dlatrict No. 33. Estacada Mercantile Co. 7T. .$ ,26.60 Beal ft Company 44.75 Horner Broa. ..' 157.00 Henry Cromer 43.00 A. U North 2.00 Ed. Yonng ,.. 8.00 Martin Millard :.. l0-6- Timothy Powers 4.00 Max Newhlter 10.00 Road District No. 33. Chaa. Newhlter 3 8.00 M. Bardaley 6.00 John Schlnk 15.00 B. Parka l-60 Walter Strunk 13.50 WANTED Room and board with pri vate family, with privilege of nalng piano occasionally, only noon and. evening meal desired. Sherman W. Moody at Andresen'a Jewelry 8iore. ' Phonea Main 2912 or 2653. " 1 WANTED Blda for " School Build- 1 Ing. School Diatrict No. 28, draw- inga and epecmcatlona may oe oo- , talned at the residence of J. R. Oat- i Held, Concord Station. Blda to be bud- mltted to A. C. Arnold, Clerk of the ' School Board-or C. W. Rialey, Chatrw f man, Milwaukle, Oregon, Route No. 1. ; We reserve the right to reject any. or all blda. Blda will b received up to Monday.. May 15. 1911. ; WANTED You to know tnat we buy all klnda of Curios, that we are In the market for second hand Fnrnt . ture and Tools. We also have a - good assortment - of second hand Furniture and Tools on hand tor sale to those in need. Come acJ see; perhaps we have Just what you want. Indian Curioa and trinketa for sale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near nun atreet FOR SALE. ACREAGE One to five acres In algh , of Oregon City, 150 and $200 per , acre; good level land; f one mile ; from car Une. Clyde ft McJUe, 100 3, Main SU Oregon City. C. Reama ... Rob Mattoon Stanley Tureld 10.00 55.60 11.50 W. Tucker . . 14.00 W. H. Kandle 12.90 Robt Guttrldge W. Closner ... C. Kandle C. S. Bard Fred Newhlter Harry Howell . Archie Howell . W. H. Kandle . Roy Wilcox ... Carl Howell . . . C. S. Bard ..... Henry Cromer Chaa. Bard ... 8.00 7.50 4.00 16.00 20.60, 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 5.15 100.00 A RARE CHANCE If yon want half a city block with shade and mitt trees, garden and berries, good J house and fine view, see the home . .. of 8.' P. Davis at Tenth and Taylor streets, which Just now can he had at a low price. Photos In Post Of- -flee window. ' . BUILDER AND COTW ACTOR. J. B. Couver Abe Hardy .. C. H. Hardy . 0. Ferlan ... 9.00 8.00 38.00 38.00 3300 20.00 20.00 31.00 22.00 19.00 36.00 30.00 19.00 8.00 Henry Cromer 137.25 Harry Howell 64.00 Archie Howell 49.00 Howard Newhlter 51.50 W. H. Kandle 51.60 ; C. S. Bard 63.00 j Roy Wilcox HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. ' Estimates cheerfully . given on all classes of building " ' work, concrete walks and reinforced eoaerote. Rea. Phoaw Mala 11L ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attornert-Law, Money, loaned, abstracts furnished, land ' titles examined, eatatea settled, gen eral law bnatneaa. Over Bank of Otwgoa City. - Carrol Howell . , Albert Folsom ,. W. A. Bard Press Howell . . . Ed. Closner .... Victor Smldt ... W. T. Smith ... E. H. Tlson .... Charley Folsom 36.00 38.00 32.00 40.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 ' 22.00 TJ'REN A SCHTJEBEL, Attorneya-at-Law, Deetscher Advokat, will prac- ' tlce In all courta, make collectlona and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg O rearm City. Oregon. FREYTAO ft MONET. Real Batata Dealers, have choice . bargains la farm lands, city and euburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. Bee us for good boya. Hear 8. P. depot. , B. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Eatate. Let aa handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office la : aTaterprtae Bldg., Oregon City. -Oregon. . ' . ,. Percheroo Stallion WILL MAKE SEASON AT " Oregon Gtjr, in Farmers' Feed Bzm VfiAlArOV. Sired W PoUy; first dam, Queen; Second dam Ev rtUlgrCC. tolot, dapple ty. Weight 1800 pounds. TprrtK. To baure mare with foal t. service 3. , Est I CI 111 3. tQn 10 To jnsure, eolt, to aUad and euck $15. Cars , 'trill betaken to prevent accidents, . but wilj not be reponi.t!3. should any occur. v If mare is removed, sold or traded, mossy Is-, comes dne at once. ,: - "," G. V. Boyer. Owner and IIcc:? t