Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    uoiutiNo nrnaiPiuaK Thursday, may n, ion.
Stories froni Out of Town
wa ar ui Bar
Joyag eralag fwW. .
W. r. Doagla m a Fortlaad vtartor
mm day last week.
: Mr.' ;Wota Doaglaas rnsds a awst-
mm trip to Portlaad TBeeday
' 8rI of um yoeng (oH-C Ub
. esatghboraood atteaded the ball mum
t Cstacada Shut aftaraooa. Tmj
were asiiows to e th Darkle play.
TU iuh waa played by UteKa
lecada Grays aa4 th CXaata, la
Kegr tea of Portia.. Th score
wa It to f la favor of th Dartie.
. - H array aad H alley Gibaoa were
kaon4 8o4t, Mar 7, by the cte-
Dover, sad anr a prosalaeat Basta
ataa of Bandy, waa YtalUag relative
aaa rrteada km Seaday.
' Mr. Wood) aa Mlaa Berg boa
rail oa Leah-Monrlsoa 8aaoa af
bratlag their 4ta Birthday.
of thetr relative aa4 Mead gathered
at Um boa of Haitar Gibeoo, part
labia of a flaa rBickea dinner, and
Beading tba dar AH bad) a pleasant
tlase. We bop they win eajoy maay
aaaee- each birthdays.
Those present were: Jama Gibaoa.
H- S- Gibaoa. 'Mr; and, Mr. H array
Gibaoa. Mr. aad Mr. H alley Gibaoa.
Mr. aa4 Mr. B. a Gibaoa. Mr. aad
Mr. Raipb Gibaoa. Mr. aad Mr.
Hesery I'dell. Ira. Agae. Herbert,
id'ilk rdeD. Dora. Kart Haaai.
aad Fraaklia Gibaoa. Mr. Toia Doug
las. Mas BtBeDowglasa. Ed. Doaglaas,
Sam WUsoex Mlaa Blanch Miller and
Mr. Jetty Cooler, of Portland, aad
aoa. Le
Ales Baker u helping WTT1 Doog
laaa pall op some tree Tweaday.
Several of .th rtrwood young people
t rolled over to Doref Sunday.
Waller Kltxmlller. of EuW Creak.
waa a looking over kia far.
Da rid Miliar at leaded tba baU gaata
at, Batarada So ad ay.
Mr. Parker, of rtrwood. aaa made
arrange! to parch a pi
from tba Flrwood Dover - TetepaoM
Heary Uoeil aaa bought a gasoline
drag saw oat At. with which b wtU
rat cord wood aad dear him.
Edwta Bectelaoa, of Chicago, was
visiting Um Moniaoa family Sunday
aad Monday. f ,
Mr. Grigta baa aettled oa railroad
land la aertioa three.
Ray How aad Clair Corey were
axing ap the DoTer ead of tba Flr
wood-Ooer telepboaa tlae Satarday.
It ta aow la to order.
Moaroe b1 - returned Saturday
erealag from Ponlaad.
Mr. HaaUactoa la rery baay Baking
preparatloBa to aae kia gaaollne ataasp
paluag oatflt.
taa abere tkay apaat tba day wtth
tba rraak Board aaaa faaiUy.
- Wadaeaday eeraiac May ITU a
aortal win be grrea by tba Coamaalty
Crab at tba acbool boa a.
A party of frteada of Mr. H. H.
EaiBMaa took part la tba Uaacbtag of
tba Dixie oa Suaday foraaooa.
Mr. Ctoaway aad calldraa have ra-
taraed froaa a vlat with bar paraata,
Mr. aad Mr. DeSblelda. of Clackaaaaa.
Mr, rraak Pratt, of Car a, v tailed
oa Prjaay wttk bar aiater. Mlaa Sua
Smith of tala place, '
Mr aad Mr. Wabb are rece4rlag
ooagratalatloaa apoa the axrlral of a
aoa oa Suaday aaoralag.
Mlaa Maada Smith, of Oregoa City.
wU be aatertalaed at tba H. C PaJa-
taw- aoeae tbl weak.
Jinks Romance
AU Vh Ta'
Oertkt lr Aawraa rie Atm.
rlaltun. ml.
Profeaeor WUey. of Newburg,
la WtlanavUle oa Friday afteraoou.
Mr. aad- Mr. Aabery Wood peat
Saturday tn the Roae City..
Mr. Hartaborae went to Port la od
' Saturday oa baaiaea..
Eta Baker baa been i pending a few
day at home.
Mr aad Mr. Cheater Tooxe. hare
reated 'the Knott place, and will more
la thi week.
Mr. Geo. Todd baa been ill. bar lag
bad aa attack of appeadicitia. bat 1
now aooMwhat better.
Mr. Bethune weat to Corral IU oa
Monday, being called there by the
aerioua Illnee of ber aiater, for whom
the doctor gire no hope of recovery.
Mr. and Mr. Hale Cal ptfeGland.
Tiaited Mr. and Mr. Prank Tooze for
a ibort time laat week. ,
Mr. Chalapaky ha been ao til that
It waa found neceaaary to renKrre ber
to a Portland hocpital laat Tburaday.
Her many friend wish for ber a
speedy recorqry.
Mr. Alison" Baker has been spend
ing a week rutting relatives la Port
tend and 8L John s.
- Mr. Todd. Bother of A. P. Todd,
of Mt. Hoed View, and one of th most
noted pioneers of this section of
ry. died at ier hom near Sherwood
oa Sunday, May 7th, after a long Ill
Be. Tie funeral n largely attend
ed, and Interment was nada la the
Hood View cemetery on Monday af
lernooa. The missionary tea given by Mr.
Prank Tooze laat week was a very
ejoyab!e social function. Dainty ra
freskmenta were served during the
afternoon, aad a allver collection taken
for the purpose of mission help. Mr.
8haWs address waa very Interest
ing and Iny roctlrr. The fallowing
ladies were present: Mr. Alison
Baker, Mrs. Elmer Jones, Mrs. George
8ely. Helen Murray, Mrs. Mark Seely,
Mrs. Tsylor, Miss Taylor, Mr. Dodaon,
Mis Glassup, Mrs. Npshaw and Mr.
Prank Tooxe
The W. A. C. lost out by 1 count
In the game played against the Wen
ona Club on May 7th. the game stand
ing 4 to 3 in favor of the Wenona
dab at the finish. Both teams played
splendidly, and the umpire waa hlgb-
tv IIHIinllni mnt m t Mnrti Kl fa 1 m as- 'In
making decisions. Th W. A. C. boys M"- J 2hlv to 00 ,h ,,ck Il,t
re made of th truhlu- and t.V. I ln tor Tuesday.
defeat wtth the same courage and ' ' " G" 'V , h" ,fn ?,u'l
th- Unrai. hirh t.. h tin I P001 e last few days, is a little
- --r ,
their way n".n of the time.
A. H. Harvey mad a business trip
to Portland last Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Dodds, of Caaby, were
Sunday gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
Mr. Fred J. Meiadl and children,
of Portlaqd. a few days at the home
of her parents, Mr. aad Mr. Geo.
Laxelle. thla week.
Mte Maria Haney h".a bean coa-
kBned to her home the past week, Sba
was poisoned by ivy.
Monday waa cirrus day iaJTwtllghf
and teacberanrchildren warg1ven
W. A. Dodds Is la Corrallls this
week attending State Grange. He
was sent a a delegate from .Warner
Grange. '
MUs Grace Snooks Is recovering
from a severe attack of tonsilitls.
The family of B. L. Boylan haa the
measles. Mr. Boylan I quit sick
He hopes for her speedy recovery.
Miss Leonie Snooks was calling oa
old friend Thursday.
Old friends from the East are visit
ing with the family of Frank Black.
The entertainment given by th dra
matic club laat Saturday evening for
the be Dent of the sidewalk fund, waa
a aneceas, both socially and financial
ly. The committee deserves - great
praise for the well rendered program.
A large number , of friends from ad
Joining towns were present to help
the good cause.
Wedding bells are reported for the
near future.
Mr. Haskell has built a fine barn on
Mt Hood street.
Mr. Houston, who Is hauling gravel
in Portland, spent Sunday nt borne
with his family.
W. G. Hall. Lis Csrran. Geo. Er
erhart and Mr. Pearl Everhart spent
Sunday at Rock wood with Mr. and
Mrs John Everhart.
Joseph Owens haa rented his house
to Rev. W. C. Gross and wife, lately
from th East.
Alvan Brandt Is on the sick list
and bad to quit school. Ha ha facial
J- W. S. Owens made a business
trip to Forest Grove last Friday and
returned hotn Monday.
D. P. Ssbrum aad R. N. Wood worth,
of Hood River, were visiting Mrs.
N. M. Aldredge last week.
Mr. Dill cam froaa Tarn kill oa Sat
urday for aa over Suaday visit with
his daughter, Mr. Catrta Mora, aad
waa aocompanlad bom y Little Cal
vla Dill Mora, who ha enjoyed aa
outing down oa tba farm.
Tba Oregoa City District Sunday
School Coajreatloa will be held at
Park pi aoa oa Thursday. May 11. A
program will he glrea at th forenooa.
afternoon aad vealng aeaaioaa with a
basket dlaaer aad supper. While this
Sunday acbool waa aaabl to send a
eetgate a number hava decided la at
tend oaa or more of tba Interesting
A delightful theatre party was
formed to bear tba Lyric Musical
Company at th Bungalow, when Mr.
aad Mrs. H. H. Enuaoas entertained
Mr. ana Mr, cuahtng. Mr. and Mrs.
Meisaner. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. Mlaa
Abbott and Miss Sarah KamlaskL af
ter which auppae'wasaenred at the
Hoff Bran.
Glen Newell and Clifford Mors, of
Portland, visited at tba bom of the
former's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
Newell oa Suaday.
Misses Millie and Ellea Hart were
Oregon City shoppers on Wednesday.
Word bis beea received of the death
of the Infant aoa of Mr. and Mr. Cbaa.
Kinase at their ham ia Portland.'
The Klrms family ware-former real-
den is or this place and sympathy Is
eitended la their bereavement by
their Lodg friends.
W. A. Mack aad family are pleasant
ly located oa the banks of th Willam
ette where they will ra)oy camping
during th coming summer.
Mr. Pierce Is making some decided
Improvement oa his river front prop
erty, a . bath being on of the coo,
tentence added. David Clarke la do
ing the woih. "".
"Jlaka." said oa ( a party f tivlt
way vet era as a -vmrtle. wbea bad!
head snot 'wet a f w si-eara of white
hair aad -s h nas sums alwais anel
Wbea ha i lowed bis Jawa, wu L4u't
yaw ueVer git tnerrn-dr
Jluka a'nerwaed h. Wff. rtxroased
than th other way ul aak):
v Tberea a rotaat In my life."
A romance! duat nsraa to say
there' any romatxt or ever has bees ,
la ya! It wooVdn t be aat'r'l t yu
"I wasat always like I am aw. ao
anerVa yoa feller. I waa alevk enough
whea w was fighting Johnny Iteti.
. "WelL tall oa atHtut your ronumc.
-It begaa when we w.s goln' n, that U'INNIS MAY SUCCEED DAVIS.
too a siaat at rwrovra saourg. n n
Here lb tiry f bw Jim
I .DeialMPiy. lb Detroit's second
ba-e.'t. was cured or umpire
ImIiWi. After Dal bad had sev
eral run I ua with tb officials
president Johasoa railed lb De
troit sua aa tb carpet.
-Mr. Pelabanty," said Baa.
"the Um b) not far off, I'm
afraid, wb yoa and h Awer
Iras IragnV will bv ta part
company. I'm aot golug to spend
amch time arguing with you,
bat I wast I tell run una tbinav
Tb aest tlm yen bar auy
trouble with oo af my
pi res yoa will have played your
last gam tbla rirrult. You'll
be wla l pay doe atteuiloa la
thla. I mean what I say." Jimmy
has beea eery qalet ever alar.
Th v111r correspondent feels sure
that the ren! tents of Wllsonvllle and
vicinity sao tv reli-d upon to stand
loyally by their county officials, as
long as tbey are guilty of no greater
wrong doing than trying to Improve
th road of the county at large. If
those who are at the bead of our
county government are not going to be
allowed to exercise the-lr freedom of
thought as American citizens, then
bow long are we going to be able to
plac suitable men at the head of af
fairs When Judge BeaUe
sheriff of this .'county, he per
formed his duties faithfully and
well, and his record waa above
reproach, and now that he has
been elected to the position of county
Judiy, be seems to be performing hi
duties with the same degree of
straight forward manliness and
Justice, and trying to do what Is best
for the county at large.- We have no
axes to grind with the county court,
but in the spirit of justice and fair
play, would it not be better for tne
residents of our country districts to
remember that Clackamas is a grand
old county, and that the business
men at the county seat, are trylny to
place her in the front ranks, where
she rightfully belongs, and If we join
hands and pull together, we can have
i better.
Mrs. B, F Unn made a business trip
, their mill Wednesday morning to
.-(toy a few days.
Little Verna Gottberg Is sick again
and a trained nurse I with her.
N. H. Darnsll waa transacting busi
ness In town Saturday. He bought a
new wagon and came after It on Mon
day. Born. Saturday. May C, to the wife
of Hhv. W. C. Gross, a daughter.
Mrs. Kverhart and Mrs. Hall made
a bustnesa trip to Portland Tuesday.
The former rtttirneH hnm In a v
m-aa i "
enlng and the latter went out to Roctf
wood to spend a few days with Mrs.
J. Everhart, who moved there nearly
two week ago.
A very enjoyable evening was
panned on Thursday of last week at
the home of Mr. and Mr. II. C.
Paintow, when the member of the
Grace Chapel gathered at th above
home to talk over plana for the ensu
ing conference year. At o'clock all
sat down to a bountiful repast which
had been furnished by the ladlea of
the church after which a social time
of singing wa enjoyed and at 8 p. m.
the member repaired to the chapel
for tbe weekly prayer meeting. Those
present were Mrs. Lucy Newell, Mr.
mnA Jlmm t)na 9 A m . t. U c n M mm
. . ... .... DI'U iV.IV. UU.IUUI.H, MX,. IVJ .111 I. .
good roads, good schools, etc.. but If pntt Mrt. JonMt Mr. and Mri. j. p.
upon every little pretext, the county
government is to be subjected to ridi
cule and torn to pieces, will soon have
Clackamas In tbe shape of a thread
bare garment. It Is to be hoped that
we will all stand shoulder to shoulder
for good govenment, which cannot
have unless ss Individual itossess,
the spirit of honor and justtre.
Strain, Rev. and Mrs. Heverllng, M.-
and Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mrs. Geo.
Morse, Misses Mabel Morse snd Car
rie Scripture snd Helen Paintow;
Wesley, Ruth snd Esther Heverllng,
Bessie and Arthur Roberts, Newton
snd Etta Strain, Donald McFarlane,
Slyde and Frank Jones, Doris and
i Mary Paintow and Mr. and Mrs. Pain-
, tow. Regreta .wer received from
DOVER. Mrs. Bandstrom and Mr. and Mrs.
" The ralni of the last wick or ao Islah Shenefleld, who wer unable to
hay don much good for th crops . be present on account of aickneas.
bat bar put a stop to th road work I Mra. T. C. Rice, of Newberg, has
and land clearing to a great extent. I been visiting with Lodge folks for a
V Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeShaxer mad I few days.
a trip to Portland last week. Mrs. Carrie Weygandt, of Aurora,
' Alex Bews and Vlo Bodley returned i visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
from Portland Thursday. o. D. Boardman and on Sunday Mrs.
; Georg Wolf, a, former resident of .Boardman accompanied ber to Olad-
Ate Yoti a Subscribe to the
uiNe7 Daily?. '
If Th Morning Cntsrpris Is to b a fuccessful as th Interests of Oregon
City demand It must seeds nay th support of alL Tb new dally, haa
a bl work before it fa boosting Oregon CUy and Clackamas County. Tour
support inans tnor strength, for fhwork .
Will You Help Boost yotif own Intci-csts
For a limited Um th Morainf Sntarnrls will bs'sold to paid la adranc
ubserlbara as follows:
By Carrier, l vav .'.,'. ii iti . T;tr ft M
v 'Py Mail, i year ......;....;. ftvM
and In yaar nam and ramltUnae. " ''...,'"
The basket, social entertainment.
which was given by tb Janne school
on Saturday evening. May t. waa a
complete lucres In every way and
29 baskets were sold and $56.40 was
A sad mystery happened In the
neighborhood last Thursday, when A.
Anderson committed suicide by hang-
ng. The reason why he did It are
not known bat a not was found on
tb table on which" he said that he
waa tired of llfe.i He bad lived at
Colton about four years snd was 64
years old. He leave to mourn hi
death a daughter-in-law, Mr. Ander
son, of Portland, and a nephew, Carl
Bergren. at Barlow. Hs was buried
Progress.-near bis old home where his
wife and son are buried.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 0Mx were vlstlng
with Grandma Dlx last 8unday.
C. Stromgraen was butchering hogs
Friday and hauled them to Oregon
City Saturday. - r-J
E. Berglund la busy hauling potatoes
to town at present.
Shaw purchased
a horse Isst
Edward Bergelsen. of Portland,
spent part of the week with the Mor
rison family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, Joseph De
Shazer. wife and two daughtera were
Portland visitors one day last week.
Mr. Reed brought his wife home
from Sandy Saturday. She is still un
able to bear her weight on her left
Miss Leah Morrison, Alice Berg
house and Eleanor Bews are taking
the eighth grade examinations this
r.arlord Keith wss home over Sun
day. H. H. Udell and family spent Sun
day with Mr. Gibson, of Barton.
The Dover M. B. Sunday school was
reorganized May 7. Rev. M. M. Reed
waa elected superintendent; Mr. Shaw,
organist; Miss Eleanor Bews, secre
tary and treasurer. Sunday school
every Sunday at eleven a. m., AI arc
cordially Invited to be present.
The farmers are happy as a result
of the rains.
The Hults Brothers are driving
ties on Milk Creek.
O. F. Kay and daughter. Miss Stand
Inger, made a business trip to Port
land Monday.
The Beaty brothers ar preparing
to drive piling on tbe river.
C. N. Holman and mother visited In
town Monday.
C. L Staudlnger was In town Mon
day. Mrs. Raymond JJIckey visited
friends In town Sunday afternoon.
Mayor Allen mad a business trip
to Portland Saturday.
The Oak Orov Junior baa ball
team defeated tb Portland Colts Sun
day. Score 13 to It.
The Oak Orov athletic club team
defeated th Sellwood team Sunday at
Sell wood. Score 14 to t.
Miss Nefll Wlnsonred and Grace
Knickerbocker, of Mllwaukle, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Chsrles Worthing
ton and attended th ball gam.
, Ex-Road Supervisor Harris and sev
eral of th discharged men went to
Oregon City Monday morning on busi
ness. - Mrs. J. B. Evens was a Portland vis
itor Monday.
Mrs. Lillian Riley went to the Lone
Fir cemetery Monday morning.
Carpenters ar repairing tb Wis
singer house.
Mrs. Bert Williams and alster war
visitors In Mllwaukle Sunday.
Mra. Bertha Whit and son. Homer,
spent Monday with Mrs. White's moth
er, Mrs. Howell and family.
Mrs. Ed Austin and sister, of Port
land,' wer visitors In 0k Orv Fri
day. -
Mrs. Feibfg visited In Portland Mon
day. . . .,
Mlas Blackerby, of Woodburn, is
bers visiting her sister, Mrs. L. E.
Benty and family.
- Margaret Anglln Wd Writer.
NEW YORK. May Margaret Ang
lln, actress, Is today th bride of How
ard Hull, a former actor, now a maga
zine man. Tb cottpl wer married In
SL Patrick's cathedra! by Bar. JTaJher
RlsaoUr Tbay. will -sail this weak, for
Europe and will motor through France.
there was a place particularly cel'cl'at
ed to avow down mra and hav plenty
af tint to do It. that Inclined plane
takes th rake. Ua nearly fifty year
atac ar was led up there, and nobody
aaiat ytt roand out who waa reanoa
elble. Mr. Liacola warn't no soldier,
bat If bed area he'd known It wa
a good sis ugh tar pro sod, trathln' esse.
"Ma aad Bob Aker waa irudglu'
long ski by side, expectla either one
ar t'other wooM drop. We wa bii
Meade. AU of a suddlst Bob pitched
forward. 1 dropped out and beul vrr
bin. II Juat bad time before be fell
oa t'other aid to tret?h out a band
with a ring oa it snd say:
" to Sue snd tell ber I want
her ta marry ye In trad wf ae.'- v
"1 Dolled tba rlug off hi finger, and
a died while I wa S doin.' H. Sllptaa'
th thiag oa any own finger. I got up
and hurried along to uiy regiment,
though area la this short time the place
where we'd been wa as wkle aa a
cbnrrh door.
"Bob had) had plenty of time to tell
so alt that waa nereasary, for he'd
told me tb rest often before. Law,
aow th boy did. talk about that gal!
Sb-rwaa h loveliest thing oa earth,
ao good, ao gentle, so lovln. Then be
would say: ''It nearly kill me to think
that I may git killed down her aad
me other feller'll take my (U- with
ber. If any ma a doe I want you to
be ber husband. BUT- if I knew h
wa goln' ta yon It wouldn't seem so
bad.X.- He'd oftea showed me the ring
she'd given hlm.-anThVd given ber
one in exchange. -
! was powerful sfferted by all this,
neeln' Bob killed right beside me and
his tujraln th its I be couldn't bare
himself over t ine. I tell you I was
all broke np."
Tbe old man took' out bis band ker
chief, blew bk nMe and Incidental)
touched h la eyes with tbe wipe.
"Oh", don't get nisudllnVTltiksr
"I came out O' that slaughter all
right, and a amui as I'd got IMt a
trifle nut n my mind I fell to d res in In'
o bis gal. I'd go over plan to break the
news uf Hob's me swage and all about
It. I wondered If t could persuade her
to take me Instead V IW.b and bow
long I'd lie a-tloln' It. Tbere'd le lots
o' delkwy required, and I didn't know
bow a .rough bap like me could git
down to It. The only thing 1 could do
would lie to, do the best I could. '1
kind a thrt that a giod deal depended
on my glttln' the gal, for I bad soui
bold on her Bob bad mad tb ra
quest-and I didn't bar a bold on any
other gal and no prospect o' bavin'
any other hold. , ,t ... - .
The war ended at hist, and I'd 'a
gone straight to Bob's gal. but I wss
mustered out far from ber home, and
I didnt bare no money to buy a ticket
with. Resides, f waa out at tb neat
o' tbe britches. So 1 bad to go to
work to git the cash. Of coarse when
I got a ptst-e I conldn't git my em
ployer to let me go off conritn' a gal
whose hert wss Ilk enough buried
down In Virginia. Anyway. I dldnt
like to ask him. and so I kep' a -putt In'
the thing off and pnttln' It off till a
number of years went by. All this
time I wa plnln' for the wife that I
wa ex pectin' to git"
"By gum. Jinks, you air gtvln' na a
romance, aln'i you 7"
"It was ten years befor I got round
to goln to give Bob A kern messsg.
"I remember mighty well th day I
went to th town sbs lived in; a Til
lage In a valley. I found the house,
little cottage wita wtstsrla"-
"Oh. cut out them embellishments."
'"There was a man. standln' on th
corner, with his handa In his pockets,
cbawln' tohncrer. I went up to him.
nd" to open conversation I asked blm
for a chaw. II give it to me, and
then I asked If h knew Bob's gal. n
said he'd known her ever sine she
was knee high to a dock. Tbenl told
him . that wss beside Bob Akers
when he was killed and he bad sent
s ring and a iix'saag by m.
"'What wss th messager tb man
"I kind o win tad to get somebody
to belp me curry this load o romance
that was breskln' m down, so I show
ed him the ring and told him th hall
etory. He Jlst yared me and stood
looking Into my ayes, snd I knew thst
somep'n wss workln' In his mind.
"Tonng msn.' he said, Impressive
like. 'Boh Akersf girl married ma a
month befor Bob was killed. If yon
want to give her the ring and relieve
me I hain't no objection to your dota
It. Ton may hay fought In th war,
but yon can't wrsstl with her no
man can.'" .-.'.
'Tor heaven'a ask, Jinks, Is that
your romancer j ' K
Tie's made It' nt of whole cloth.
The reason he hain't got a wife Is
Vans couldn't git on.?
lasftaaUaaa'Aes That Mak Plans Is
Dvla Hint a Hs Old Clllna. .
Is Jsck Mc Ionia, that ar that Con
I. ale alack bas buried la a bole, to eac
reed Uarry Dsrta St first Us for lb
Athletic whea lb Utter get ready
to glv apt Indication seem ta point
exactlv la that directum. But. while
th fans sr doping the situation out
now that Baa Uoueer ba gon minor
Uagwaward. Coonl himself Is say lug
ft; h
Phot by Awtrlea ITsss Asaoclatloa.
J c H'lasi. ATBLanrs aaaar ptiutt
urtct.iaa ;
nothtng-excefit to tf that "when
Mr. Devi cannot play Orat bas for
tb Athletics we'll bav sontboUy
t her that can."
flowever. there ar severs I slgnlfi
csnt thing t-onnected with morning
practice which (end to point lo Mc
Inn Is as tb man In reserve for tb
first ark. . During tb looming Mr
Innla can b seen practicing around
bag No. 1. Every now and thea ba-
for a regular gam yon ran see hint
on first going through tb signal.
It ba long been a problem where
Conns Mack would find a place for
such a rattling good man aa tb little
chap from Gloucester, Mass. Mclnnls
Is. aooutfletder, snd) there Is no roota
for him st second, abort or third, so
tb probabilities are that befor tb
Season I half over be will replace
Harry Dar Is.
As a bitter Mclnnls measure op to
a high stsndard. For bis knowledge
of tb game, hla ability to fathom tb
attack of tb other fellow, to call th
turn on his play, be stand with few
superior In tb American las rue.
Cannot on predict that this boy.
trained In such a msnner, will de
velop Into another Eddl OoIHnsT
Then within a' season or two Connie
Mack will bar tb slickest young la
field In th nation.
Breenahan Can Hanoi Pltahee. ,
Baseball critics ssy Roger Breanaban
to tb shrewdest handler of pitchers
tn th major league. lis to an sxpert
In getting good work out of bis green
staff. Th main spoks In Roger's sys
tem to to "keep th batter la th bole."
When th Cardinals ar oa th offen
sive Bresnsban 'reverses their order.
Hs tells his batter to "wait oat th
pitcher." Bases oa ball win many
games for th St Louis club. .
Brldo to Cload for Rom Fsstlval.
WA8HIN0T0N, D. C.,' May f. Th
War Department will not obect to clos
ing the drawbridges for. two hours
on June 7 on account of th Rose Fes
tival parad at Portland. " when ad
vised by Congressman Laffsrty that
Portland would mak such a reauest
Captain Johnston, to whom snch re
quest wouio t rererrd, said he
thought thera would b bo objection
by th War Department.
SL Louis critics ar tooting Mike
Mowrey as "tb greatest third base
man living or dead." They ar mar
veilng at bis fielding stunts
Captain Oeorge Mortality of tb De
troit Tigers doesn't drink, smok or
swear and Insists oa but fellow play
its going to church on Sunday.
Philadelphia fans ar taking up a
fuDscriprJon to present a burs wsgon
to Sherwood Ms gee. the champion
batsman of tb National laagn. .
Jo Kslley, Billy Keeler. Johnny
Lnb, Tim Jordan, Eddl Pbetp. BUI
Bradley, Ed K II Han and Oeorge Win
ter ar a few big la guars who are
making thing bam for Toronto,
Dick Hohtltsel to a crack football
Player, Bob Bechr IS a "whits man's
hope." Larry McLean to a near cham
pion pool playsr, and Mlks Mitchell to
a baseball player. Soro (las to that
Cincinnati team.
Th Riverside school closes Tues
day with picnic. -.Thlrty.flvs dollars
hs been raised with which ta buy Jc
cream. ' '
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