Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1911)
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. Alfred Trousers fliiiUthe only tore .whert the youn men can get the Alf'd Trousert of tht famous "Society brand" mike. These trousert come in the new frays, tins, ,tr!p nd mlx!ure - The7 hve ne rrn-nent Seise, ft top wd are the 'classiest" and most up. to-dste trousers o( the present ae, for 'younmen knd men who stay youn, Sec them In our middle JLEVITT Suapenalon Bridge Corner LOCAL BRICrS a warren, of Oak Orov. lira, b .. . . . ' I ' ihii rlty on weaneauay i- ... ... . . Ur. Albert K"Mt or """T' w" rit on Tuesday. Tb4" TPlir I'oton sells berry. ,"jwsas I" 00 Tu.r. Produce fnloti II(iJKrwni . ... i-i.h tbiM week (or Oak where " orh' piwliiff Triton nulla Hay ajid .i. n larkann. of Clalrmont. wss , Ait y "n 1 """"' ujrrr gehortiborn, of Eldorado, wa i Dill rlty n Wednesday. iM r i'""1! r leaver fwk. wag i this city ,ou business' Wednesday. Kr. Crook, of Mull no, wii In this Wednesday. ft Monniuin View Hunday School rsl Study IH mvt at the home of l J. tJfllW" iiiii - a J et'rHldfUt of the Canby ...i roWtmtiy, was In 'this city on 'Ktday on bualneaa. . it. ana Mm. Otto Striker., of Eldtv i, were among m Oregon ciiy m. visitors on Tueaday. uu. t t i-('nMlna and Francla r married by Juatlre of the gamma HtimUjr. Ur. Minnie I my ie vteiting tun n.r. fii'Mh. of Canemah. Mrs. (.rvnlilmce la at 0W.' tlrt Bower, "of Portland, who ha tliltlng Ma roualn. W. W. II. fa, ba nttirned homo. Cm. tth llnrnahuh. of Portland. Ik Wat of Mlaa Berth Prlebe, into rity. I ar V. M'T. the Portland wool Waist, was in Oregon flty Wed- Iff. hUurlcr Illnford. formerly Mlaa Vtt Gmiit. of Portland, vUttd Ned kera Tuoaday. ' - v ( t H Sno1raaa, of Mull no, on of At arawlnant raxlilnta of that Cll. to h this city W'dnc aday. IIP. Cat and harlr Clrmnnt. of Vrtlaid, re In thla rlty on WVdnra. wara anions I hit tnthualaatlc VWfffB (t thf falla. ' Itw Wxman'a Club -will mwt nt V Commirrlnl Club roonia thla af wooo. knd iho Oprtlon of offlrcra 4 tiU plarn iihLower ComP''y. r mar rloaVKMiday. Mra. M. IDrlcKa, who' recently un a aurnlcal operation at the Bfllwwd hoapltal, rftitrnad to thla rlty Tualx aftrrnoon, and la at the horn of her brother, Charlea D tourette, Mra J. W., a former realdent of thla city, but now of Marshneld, haa arrived In thla rlty and la a gueat at th home of Mra.- E. K. Htory, and will vlalt other frlenda before return Inn to Mural, fluid. . II. Ilemlry, who rerently arrived In thla. rlty from Canada, haa accepted a ooaltlon aa aaleaman for the Kl'h lull lxroihy Mhne Company, of Port land. Mr. and Mra. Hendry will make their home In thla rlty. Mlaa May Uamho, who haa been auf forliiK from Injmlua rerelved In Feb ruary, la improving, and, la now able to leave her room. It will be aome time ln fcre aha will le able w reaumu her xi"ltljcjlth the L. Afaliiafore. Jack Cautleld. who haa been at Man dan, North Dakota, for the paat two year, where he baa been engaged In railroad ronat ruction, haa returned to hla home lu thla city, lie probably will locale lu I'ortlund, after vUltlng at 111 home In thla city. Amy llartaon and Herbert W. Pryme were united In marriage on Weilueiiday afternoon by Itev. 8. A. Hayirth. pan tor of the Uaptlat rhurrh. Immediately after the cere mony the couple left for Portland their future home. . The marriage of Mlaa Carrie Brhata mnn, of Molalla. and Claud Hall, of thla rlty, waa aolemnlxed on Tueaday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mra. Dudley Woodward. Mra. Woodward he lug a alater of the bride. The mar riage ceremony waa performed by Itev. 8. A. Hayworth. Mayor O. C llrownell and family have moved from their Tiome In this city to tblr handaotue new residence at (oiirord. where Mr. Brownell haa a 15 acre tract of land. Mr. llrownell will returned to thla rlty to make hla realdenre In December .and occupy hla realdenre here at 002 Klwvemh atreei. lUndaey and W, O Vaughan, two yClirkimaa County' moat proml M borwmci). and realdenta of Can I, ttrt In thin rlty on hualneaa Wed- I Ilia Ceorxla Marra. of thla rlty, mi teen on an vxtenaea viait at Pranrlaco, hna returned to Ore- City. Mina Marr vlalted In Aa- idi bar any home. Mlaj Lottie Hacker and John Mor he I employed aa conductor for 0. W. P.. Company, of the Portland CANBY. Mr. Chrla Craft, who had been In a portUtid on account of an operation, waa forced' to return to Portlnnd fot further medical treatment! H'-r hu band apent Bunday with her. Mr. George llrown waa In Canby on hualneaa Monday. . The following letter remain 'Un called for at the Canby ixwtoffloe'aml were advertised on May 0: Cummina, Mra. K. M.; lUxh, J.; Knight, Maude; lUth, J. 'II.; Itoaa, Mr. Clair E. Mra. A. II. KnlKbt la Malting frlottd and relatlvea at Portland thla week. Mlaa Ollle Jonea, of Portland, la via King her alater, Mra. Maaterton, of Ihl place. Mr. George Spencer ha iurrhaaed a piano. The reKular Quarterly Conference of the M. E. church of Cnnby will meet on May IS at the church. THREE IN ONE Bed. spring and couch called sanitary coach. We will sell on account of &m slock for I $3.75 i FRANilVlBUSCH Purnlturc ond hardware It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise ' V A Poor Article Ner , aiu a m . LA.a -la, aki-aal dairtt , proportion or aouoirui mmm w, nwnf htotom A . . . "y. are DlSCPllMINATINQ. - They know vamea tny "new . NUlNt thlnga, onulne opportunltlea. Anlf irtlole whloh can be eold by advertlalno !. by that' teat, niel. YOU are aafe In btiylnfl a thlnq which haa "etood of publicity . Th maker of a widely dvertlaed article, commodity, la U lyi Wl for hla aualneae life. He lannot ehtrk, nor cheapen hla et-nd th,s u pj0Mb, protection for the'oonaMmar. vu are iapY b-uyBg advertised thlnge If stha logic of ' "ya builneaa condition, ' , , '. t . WILL INVtSTIOATa SUOAH. WA8HINQT0N, May 4.-Inveatlg4-Won, not atone of the tngar trut, but of all branches of the sugar Industry, waa provided for today by the bouae tulea committee, which, appointed Unroot (Republican,. Wis.); pou (Democrat, . N. .ft), and Kardwlok (Democrat, da.), a ubKmmlitee to redraft llardwlck's reaolutlon.-of yea terday, which waa". aimed oolely against the sugar1 trust. Y Woman'sWorid A Woman Whe .Taaahaa the Pear Ho to Cok.v A. . , ' " - S if ' I ' ' ft--- V - c ' - - '' IT-.: i . t jar." V v i Miaa wiNtraau oihss. One of the liioat uaeful ersons In the great rlty of New York la Mlaa Wini fred Gllil. expert dleturluil. MIh Qlbl shows woukd of the working claaa bow tbey may exiieud their mea ger Income to the beat advautage In the pnrclinite of fotal. Mlaa (libit on retiet auppllf a family with iicx- tlons as to w bnt fotal la inimt aulteil for tbelr needs ami how It should be cflo'rf-i ed in onlvr" to retain Its tioiirlaliment. Many Mxr houaewire Ktruirglliiif with the problem of how to reconcile ber In come with the hiird fucta of the high Coat of llvlnir haa reaaop Jo bleaa Mlxa Uiliba. Mirny a worklngiiiau owes hla better health iitid lniritiHcI edlclcticy to lb well cMilsc(J and auxtalnlii); food which throtiuh her luatructlon hla wife I eualiletl to provide out of bl aleuder Income. Liillilren In Hie pulilk acboola, are runliled to do better work bcoanse tbelr inotbei-M inch morning can tliiu provide l hem with good Tbli adding to lite well Ih-Iiik ami cum fort of imtujr people and Indirectly energising-the work of the city la no fueuu iicblevement for one Utile wo man. N j Mia liibli doe ber work under the auspice of the New York 8ixict.v For the Improvement of the Comlltloii of the Poor. Every day ahe gmn nmnng the borne of the telieuieiila. where abe la known only aa the vlxlilnjr cook Tboae who know how eagerly tuiMt wo men '"swap rclM will mrt 'In anr prlaed to learn that aluioat lnvarlnbly ber apienmiK-e In Hie tenement- la hailed with pleasure. For several year abe baa been doing her work, and grad ually the rcirt of It. spreading to oth er commuiiltlea. la lending to the eatab llHbmetit of similar dietary work for the poor. LOVELY LINGERIE JACKETS. Silk and Usee Are Uaed For the Meet . Fetching Models. Very pretty are the aeaaon'a abort dreaalng Jnckebt and oegllgei. Tb soft Dreaden allk with lace and rib boua make a combination that Is very charming, as ahown In the picture. This lace la valeiicleuuea. and the allk la In psstel shudea of pink and blue. A ribbon band about tbe bust give the upr part of the Jncket a yoke effect. Narrow plaits on tbe aleevea and on tbe bodice add to Ita ornnteneaa. The aleevea are of tbe flowing type, pro fusely gnro lhcd with lace. Among the moat, admirable rest ffowna are aome kitnonoa variously May 14 Is Mothers' Day. BALEM, Or., May .(Special ) Governor Weat laaued a proclamation today asking fof the universal obeerv ance of Mothers' day, next Sunday, May 14. Flage will be displayed In all public places and white carnations are to bo worn as a mark of recognition of the "purity, beauty, love, cbarlty and fidelity of all motherhood." COUNTY COURT Expenditure for - County - Road - fee Month of April, 1911. ' Road District No. 1. """ Dnall A Company , , f 62.00 A. It. Klrkley .;. 45.0Q O. A. Battlo 92.50 H. A. Bat tin 100.00 J. A. Davla 12.50 A. Millard 43.89 C. E. Baltln 67,60 Wm. Smart ....,, S2.60 Clevot Battln 29.26 J. Hunter -. ;.. 29.25 D. Kelt 24.75 O. Newton 20.25 Dan Carney i . SO.OO C.Dunham., 24.75 Roy Otty 37.60 Read District No. 2. ; Al Tate ............. 77 X 10.25 Oeorge Wlcklund 27.50 X.'V. Wlcalund ...,.... 12.50 P. Hanley 4, -17.60 J. W. Bennett . . . . 27.50 A. Mather 1.00 W. miaberlach 17.95 W. H. Smith '. ' 15.43 Wm. Stone .', 15.00 1 Road District No S. .. W. W. Cooke ' v : : " t B4. natan , , , It Lebeks V.V.7.7.."."" Nick fkhrolts Chss. Krebs ........ Road District H. Perret Paul B. Melnlg John Mlckelwlch Ely Enlck Nick Barch ..... .' 3. Gordon V. Gorse .... John 8mlth . Mike Jehule Steve Miller' Henry McGugln BrTtrlatr; Geo. Gibbons Chas, Bailey ........ Win, Btrack ... ...... WlThomaa r. O. Cooke .....:.V.. Earl Tong ...'.".T,7Z Marlon Tong .......... John Moore P. Morltx Herman Gerbardua, Br Harold Gerbardua ...... . Fred Eckert ; F. Tong H. Featbera Chris Eckert Elmer Tong .'. W. Moore J. H. llowerman .". V, Guatarson , Mr. Dalm A Fred Commer , C. Woolfhagen Wilson A Cooke Fred Eckert J C. Elliott ft Co Road District No. 4. Miller Lumber Co. GfB. Linn , , . ...$ C0.00 .... 17.00 7.7"" 38.50 ... 33.50 I 32.00 ... 36.00 10.00 6.00 45.00 2,00 4.00 22.00 16.00 14.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 2.00 1.60 160, 385 30.10 " ititilMlinrt ............. District No. S. 7""u 19.50 3-00 2.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 ..I s C. R. Lovell . II. N. Barton Elgin Barton John Glthena Road H. A. Beck ...... O. W. Boring ..... J. E. Patter ...... L. Rltxer Henry Hum fleet . . Jim Taylor A. J. McClung ... J. A. Imel Theo. Rehberg ... A. Werner A. J. Lane ....... J. A. Rtchey ...... W. 8. Keckler Dave Haley ...... H. Fredericks W. Frederlcke J. W. Rfeota J. W. Roota ...... J. W. Roota ft Co. R. 8. Smith 6.40 Road District No. 6. H. Perret r..... 5.00 Paul R. Melnlg , 31.75 R. E. Jarl 11-80 Oleson Lumber Co. 72.40 A. Anderson .. -50 28.00 42.00 , 22.00 25.50 2.00 2.00 8.00 47.00 4.60 -,16.00 30.25 24.00 11.50 11.00 12.00 6.00 60.60 112.00 25.96 NO. 7.- 15.00 4J.7J 31.75 ,6975 8 1.75 .' 62X0 S.0O too too 400 ... 4.00 ... 1.00 ... 8.00 ... 2,00 ... 6.00 7TT 62.00 ... 16.00 ... 0 60 . . . 8.00 District No. Road. District No. 9. m - .-r - - E-itacada Mercantile Co. A. H. MIllbr'T.'.i............ Nlpk Rith Fred Una C. A. Johnson Robt. Miller ................ J. y. Hart Bwelrman . .7. .......... , N. Srjieel ...r Will Una ... Road Ottji Paulson Peter Ruhl ' Ed Harder Paulson 1 Harold Joyner Henry Klinker ......... Wm. Held Henry Johnson .......... Peter Rath ... ..v. ...... - Road District No W. "A. Rhodes Estacada Mercantile Co. , F. Rhodes W. Rhodes.. W. H. Dwyer C. Wheeler . ... t ..f 63.00 .. .26.00 .. 25.00 .. 89.00 .. 14.85 ..' 16.00 .. 6.00 .. 18.00 16.00 .. 8.00 20.00 18.00 , 8.00 .' 8.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 20.00 10. KWI . ! 2.25 4.50 31.50 31.0 81.50 10.12 11.25 20.25 15.75 i "29.25) 6.75 - 100 15.75 281 13.50 2.25 36.00 27.00 63.00 41.50 63.00 58.50 36.00 56.25 68.82 45.00 68.50 64.00 45.00 31.60 27.00 27.00 I" .85 1 MA ' fashioned uf Jaoaneae crape, shaaea aatln and a curious sort of gnute. What could be more charming tbau a klroo- o of delicate wistaria mauve gause. band embroidered with trails of wis taria blossom? Tbe shsded crape neg ligees are lovely. - There la one abndlug from lemon yellow at tb abouldera to a burut, umber at thejn(llea oem. the gradations being so skillfully blend ed tbey seem to form one win ine rich all over erobroldorle. while an iher ascends from a dep damask to soft blush roe pink and Is worked with a hanglug design or wiian tons and great open roses. In SuDscrlbs for the Dally Enterprise' EXCURSION FARES EAST 1911 During the months of May, June, July, August and September, on dates shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC 1 'will sell round trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland E. Strunk E. Jlnkens .'. P. Holm F. Crawford J. Memmel O. Call..:' Isgllsn ... F. E. Thomas ...... 8. Jlls G. De'Shlelcfk ..... A. Yocum C. Davla H. Tracy ; J. Duna . . C. Duncan 1 D. Callff G. De'Shielda ..... T. Beeby ,. . F. E. Thomas O. C. Kleatscb. .... M. M. Klaetsch ... O. Wagner , J. Ingllah '.. H. Duu A. ButlerN... T. . H. Wooeter Road Dlatrict No. 11. Gladstone Lumber Co. ........ Trojan Powder Co. (C. H. Don-; chy) 25.60 C. H. Douchy 4 4.60 John E. Smith 50.00 C. Peckover 29.50 E. Rauch 27.50 B. M. 8tone .'f. ......... 11.00 Mack Rivera 28.00 B. Rivers 8.50 P. Smith : 2.00 O. L. Clyde ,. 44.00 yA. Becton ' 35.00 F. Valecrt .'. 40.00 C. E. 8mlth ,.. 2.00 Road District No. 12. H. Swales $ 66.00 F. G. Rlebhoff 37.00 A. Eaden 23.00 O. Stram 33.00 M. H. Rlebhoff 16.00 H. Hageman 19.00 P. M. Hageman 4.00 A. Under 17.00 T. Eaden 6.00 Joe 8prague ....v.... 14.00 Wm. McCubbln 10.00 B. A. Benson ....... 7 ........ . 10.00 J. Durlg 6.00 J. Schuttle .7. .' 8.00 T. E. Anderson 2.00 J. G. Mnmpower 2.15 E. Cerber . 12.00 H. Tschopp 8.00 F. W. Rlebhoff i . . . ' 32.85 Wltfon ft Cooke 150 Road District No. 13. Red land Lumber Company .... "2.40 Andrew Lenthold v. 2.00 N. 8. Oldham 70 . 1 ni77UGH of tte taste and pleasure aLVsli io eating good food depends on tbe sugar andsyrtips ftsed. - Think of the f inished delight given to your morning meal when tEc , syrop ttsed with yoor cakes Is pleasing to yoar taste. Note that delicioosness when yotf ixinlc well-made coffee with the right kind of sugar in t. Small mat ters yes hot t is fast those $mall matters that make . life a complete success or a round of annoyances. 7 rWe, have studied the question we pride ourselves on our attention to details of the kind. Come in and ask us. Some Special Brands Offered his Week Tea Garden Syrup, t gal.. 60c - Caramel 8yrup, 464. ' . '. Prefvrred Stockia S- 80c' Sunset Syrup, gal., 50o ; .Golden Syrtip, gal, 35o Cooking Molasses, gal., 40e ,7 ; . Em SEELEY CORNER 9TH AND MAIN STREETS - Woman's Long Sleep Puzsles. LAS ANGELES, May 9. Special.) Wrapped in a sleep from which physi cians have failed to arouse her,' Mrs. Beulah Hawkins, 60 haa been at her home here since Saturday without moving and taking only such, food aa has been forced through ber lips. Three doctors, called In by relatlvea. admit they are baffled. Mra. Hawkins breathes regularly and apparently la resting peacefully. field. Concord Station. Bids to be sub- mltted to A. C. Arnold. Clerk of the I School Board or C. W. Rlsley, Chair man, Mllwaukle, Oregon, Route No. 1. We reserve the right to reject any or . all bids. Bids will b received np to'' Monday, May 15. 1911. , . - BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. VANCOUVER PORTLAND May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Gamea Begin Weekdays at 3:30. Sundays, 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. as follows: TO Chlosgo Bluffs FARES 73.00 60.50 60.50 60.60 60.50 80.50 4.40 60.50 64.40 Council Omaha I Kansas City St. Joseph St. Paul -. St Paul, via Council Bluffs .... Minneapolis, direct Mlnneaoole, vl Couno I Bluffs Boston 110-00 Now York.." 109.00 at.. Louis 70.50 Waahlnaton. D. C. 108.00 ; SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23v 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. i Juno S, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24. 29, and 30. July 1.-B, 3. 4, 5, 6. 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. August 3, 4, 6, 14 15, 18T7, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 a d 7. Stop-orers within limits In either di rection. . Final return iimn October Jlat. For.farea one way through California Inquire of any soutnern pacme agent, or writ to WM. McMURRAY, Ceneral Passenger Agnt Portland, Oregon. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under Mimo elaaalrlaa haadlns will be InaeMtd at one cent a word, rtrv Inaertlow. half cent additional knser tlona. one Inch card, tl per month' hall Inch card. 4 line) 11 per month. Caah muat aeoompany order onleaa en haa an open account with the paper. No financial respoaaiblUty for error; where error occur free corrected ant Ice will b printed for patron. Minimum chare lie WANTED. WANTED Good competent, girl for general housework. Apply 619 Sev enth st Corner Washington. Don Allen . . E. N. Berreth Oscar Welch J. T. Fullam ............ Road Dlatrict No. Everhart 4 llall F. MBIuhm Josl A Scheruble A. Schoenburn 14. 19.2S 10.90 82.00 22.50 I 6.35 6.76 : 108.05 43.55 W. Frledrlch Straight A Salisbury Pope a Company . . . Wilson A Cooke . : . . J. B. Cumins ....... A. R. Stephens .... O. F. Olbbs ........ C. C. Glbbs C. C. Glbbs ........ C. S. Still well ...... Fred Schmlti W. Lewis II. W. Foster E. D. Barto . a J. Thorno. D. J. Thorne W. Brenner . P., Linn I Ceortfa . . George Roberts ............ F. F. ShaTrrard C. A. Clark '. C. A. Clark Walter Yoder ...A. C. Bullard . . . ... .-. F. Albright ,. (To' bo Continued.) t ... 6.00 6.15 162.15 17.95 32.00 65.00 90.00 15.00 45.00 r 44.00 68.75 34.00 ' 46.00 65.00 6.00 42.60 ' 47.25 57.50 53.75 84.00 (8.75 7.50 , 81.00 61.25 47.00 WANTED Girl or woman for general house-work from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. 85.00 per week. Address Mrs. Fred T. Smith, Gladstone, Oregon. , 1 ..... i WANTED-You to know tost wo buy - all klnda of Curios, that we are) in - -the market for second band FnrnV ture and Tools. Wo also bar a ' good assortment of second band , Furniture and Tools on hand for sale to those In need. Come anJ - ae; perhaps we bar just What you want Indian Curios and trinkets for sale cheap; some that are very -anique and also rery rare.GEORGE .YOUNG. Main near Fiftb street,. FOR SALC7 FOR SALE- Eight cnoice building lota at a bargain In Gladstone. En quire at thla office. FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano. mahogany case, $175. Inquire at Enterprise. ... , . - . v. FOR SALE Incubator and two Brood-. ess, gooa conuiuou, sio xor au. H. Mattley, 7th St. . ' ' . CLOSE IN 4 lots facing Madison Stw grand tlew. very cheap; $440. Terms. . CLYDE a McRAE. . 1003 Main. St, Oregon City. -. . , LOST. LOST A pair of gold rimmed glaaees. on Seventh, between Taylor and steps, Monday, May 8. Leave at Enterprise bff ice. 1 BUILDER AND COTw ACTOR. " GIRL WANTED Girl for general housework. Experience not so Im portant as willingness to learn. Ap ply 1006 Main street, Oregon City. HARRY JONES BuHder aad General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all elaesee of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res, Pboa Mala 11L - WANTED Girl or woman for plain cooking and general house-work. 81eep here or home. Address Box 409, Gladstone, Oregon, or Phone Main 3044. WANTED Girl for general house , work. Good wagea for right party. Call at 414 Water Street or phone 1501. WANTED Room and board with pri. vate family, with privilege of using piano occaalonally. - Only noon and evening meal desired. Sherman W. Moody at Andreaen'a Jewelry Store. Phones Main 2912 or 2653. WANTED Bids for School Build ing, School District No. 28, draw ings snd specifications may be ob tained at the residence of J. R. Oat- ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles exajnlned. estates settled, gen eral law business. . Over Bank of Oregon Oty. - U'REN ft SCHUEBEL, Attorneys- t . Law, Deutscber Advokat. will prao- Uce In all courts, make collections . and settlements. Office In Enter prlae Bide Oracon City. Oregon. FREYTAG MONET. Real Etat Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city 'and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. See us for good buys. Near S. T. depot.' K. H. COOPER. For Fir lasuranor and Real Estate. Let na bandle your . properties w buy, soil and exchange. Office - In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Oracon. Pet p h c fon St a Hi 6 n . WILL MAKE SEASON AT Oregon Gtjr, in Fattnzts Fec Bam Pprfidr. slred 17 Poly; first dam, On rcuillL. gjine, , co p bay., v TprrrK To lnaura mare wtth foal $12, Single servlca J3. . C:s-: I VI 1113. M1I 10 yQ jngure fat to stand and suck $15. ..Cm : will be taken to sreTeat accidenta, but will not bo rei;cat'7!. should any occur. If mare la removed, told of traded, money It cornea due at once. .' ' , , 7 '' - , i , - . s ' ' y ' . h " !' ' .. xGe Ye Boycr , O wnct and IIcc 22 ieen: Second dam Ev- Welght 1800 ponnda. I , . . k- 7