Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 11, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    no?jm:a nnzzxzizz, TUunabAY, may 11, ion.
CZTGC3 crnr, orsgcj
t. K. BRQDIE. Edltee ed fMklUMc.
' "fcntar V.
T . I Ml. a tfca a.
attar )
np agalna these and My "Howdy.
We hefter tUa sitae rtgkt lrit
Tk tit Is' Friday evealat at
O Ckje t U'CMBerclal stub-1
WUI vow a there '
Head of Oliver! Cromwell Is on
Exhibition In British Museum
mn tr scsscernMi
(mm Tmt. ns
Si UnaiKa. ar
fr Ho ar
lo l.M
............... .IS
Aimnsxc iato
JJrrt P. a saca rsret tairtl.ia....H
P"".! Ma, KM
Fl fbiiil - . " .
MM taa.rtloM
k per
ft? Am
Aet af llBiafej I" . '
vT!Twt ALL WAVE un troubles.
himij ! : I Oram di nra uIm
19 PM UIMl llceaae of 1100.
i Oregoa city etys tke aalooa bu
snail Rot Mil llauor to minora, to
draaka; and to others. -
OrMTUI ftt tails tk fe.U s...
the tatertor of his resort fauet bo on.
TJilL fHwfroat the sidewalk.
m nit m who rana? BUT NHL
Oi-egoa City tMlata that If the sa
loon man violate .aa ordinance rela-
IB-.... A
m: mi
WlM fW Bala. Te Iteat. et-. MM
-i " .TrT " Mi Ball MM
, - additional. . . , .
V.,elBflBr. BertBnlBdf Weakly
( telly, for advarHeaMenia art taimlallj
for tha smakhr. Whara tlM advartleraa t
- la tranafarred from the daily ta the ersek
tr. wunovt ehaatr. ths rata will tea ta
-. m tarii for tua af I ha Daaar. a4 la m
Caah anaiiM arrtMipaaf ' arar vk
-.. Mrty la unknown ta Malnaaa afflca
tna fatarpriaa. - ,
'.' Laca) wftatn at traj adranlatn
; Clma vrtMa and apaeUl Iraaaimt
aaVarUahic tfco to tc an tnchrmccwd-
Wtr Sale-' aa4 Baaknpt Sala" a4rar-
. (laaaMBia utra first tnarrtioa; addi
Uoaal laacrttaM aaota aaattar Ma 'laaa.
"! ' Mawa llama and van writ'aa arttelra
"."T- to tocai raadara,
, m UuM Pw- Rajrctad nun-
-t r rmimwv iihhh aonoaBpaa
tlM tO kid MMtlNl kO Will
OMt Of bustllMB.
Oigoo City Ik now aaktxj to ncL
aa amJ-trMUnc ordlaaaco, hlrk will
BMaa that oTory maa mti for hi own
irink, or com wttkoiit
But. wick all of tkoM rMtricttona.
and tha on propoal, thera .aro 10
aatooaa la Oragoa Oty, whtck U Btor
tkaa plenty . On of tkam la a Mar"
Mlooa, ao that tha ntmn of tha city
from llctnaca la not quit f K.000 per
aaaum. . ... ...' ' -.
Wa raaUy f aoma aympatky for
the saloon maa. tmt wa ninat andar.
taka io light kla battlaa whlW wa kara
ao many troablea of our owa.
Thera must bo a fin profit la tha
aalooa buaiaMa. or tha pockata of tha
aiooa maa would aot Band far tbla
aort of nreaavre.
if, fJuA- i '.
Mayjt In American History.
t,8TfcaCofeorata ram, Vlmimac
deatroTrd by her romaundw In ur
" j it to prevent hrr raixura bv tb
18TX-TtionM Bn hMnan Um.I. w.
4-i' anthor of Kbrldnn a n!l." dW:
- bora IR22.
lMfr--DnwYMtto of the ball f io
international cnlnn of . American I --"";
ftepabilra (Temple ef Peace, b, w-ptwapaper maa coocernin t, bler J a.
a ta WaabtnKton.
, ' (From bom today to aooo tomorrow.)
Saa aeta 7:02. rbea 42; moon aeta
-dS a-a-i t ' p B. ""Ut-Wt
.Inaction wttb Jnplter. paaainr from
veat to anat of the planet. 1V4 aegreea
aooth thereof: aama boor, aaatera time,
an Jopttafa aateUitea wort of planet
Baa's oacllaatloa. 18 octrees north of
ealeatlal soMtor.
Tbo dlractora of fha " Clackamai
Soaifcara Railway Co. have extended
vaa iBTitatloa to th people of Oregon
! : I Oty and Claekamaa County to attend
V .' a maaa meeting at the rooma of the
. Oregoo City Commercial Clnb on Frt-
-" day evening of thin week.
Thia meeting ia called ao that people
Intereatedr-and we art ibould be
aaav baar tha import nf tha Hlratnra
Heart to Heart
Tbla la a true atory I got from an old
:, on tha progresa of the work. The dl
., reotora are working without aalary,
.tkey .are devoting no little time for
. tb good of the eauM. and they prop-
.' '. .err feel that they should havo the
.,. aaaiatance of every public spirited
- .;." maa la the county.
- -Nearly a. mile of -the rClackamaa
' 8oathern' leading out of Oregon City
ti'i, ;.; a" graded, and a force of men
r yl.:. kept busy.
Toe directors propose to construct
j. , the first division to Beaver Creek as
?: t '. apeedily aa possible.
Tbey are earnely striving to do Vg
Uce White of the supreme court
It la a lore story. ' .
Tears ago wbea Mr. White was a
young lav atodeut at Loolavllle he did
not look the maa be baa become. . He
Wks renla ol. awkward, self eonwiona.
but there was a certain aomrtblnc about
him that bespoke a strong character.
He fell to love with ooe of the beau-
tteaolL.tbccity.and was accepted
White told his sweetheart tbey aiiiai
wait until be could ret a foot bold tn
Knter another aultor. . ' '
The latter was rich and- the srlnn at
one of the lea dins famllleaTbe girl
threw White over and married be
wealthy young man.
which nearly broke Wblte'a heart
though In tha end it make a man of
White became a great lawyer and
went to the senate from Louisiana
President Cleveland made him a lu-
tlce of the supreme court, and later
President Taft promoted him to i
ruler Jimtlpr.
w." -'- .. . " . . ' . , ; ." - f:- " '
.IT, A-5 : - j
. Vi. ? N-'-;i',r:-;s
.it . , I
; 7 .; ; fjl . . - : -;; X. .
" ,, RITQRY.
mumi turn nur-wu
Laroer thlpmants Ars Raaalvad In
Portland And Prlaea Have
Fallen to HM a ,
Crata. ,
Fhote by Amertcaji Press Association.
UVER CROif WEIX, or what Is left of blm. h iten
last. Wbea be was alive and was known as "i Vvs- tnr-' plmtotf. I , J
raDbv waa unknown, mil nnr nip ..t i (K'k otrffered
wl " "IT 7" 7 " .... , , ood condition mor. nu
rvui iwinunKs. ana artista are not ala.--nvtir;ile.,n:..s lully when , roosters sr. .mr at s in , in
blect tsa man as rMWOTfol ai-d-aa- liifluaiiiiiil
Tha potato market holde Arm de
spite the arrivals front loa East- The
best continue to sell from 11.30 to
II 60 In lbs local markat' A fiihl for
the strawberry trade la being waged
la Portland, and a. Seres competition
with the growers ss probable loses ia
expected. Berrica are 'arriving In
larger quantltlea and the prlcea have
dropped to It 50 a crate.
Quotationa foe Oregon Clty.
POTATOES boat, I1S0: good,
11.15: Common. 1. " Ruvlna. earlnal
select. t!0; ordinary, $I.M.
.steady, selling from IS to fS.60; vary
"i -wf.r aiaura. . raeo ia
bigher and rising slowly. Braa brings
from !.& to IST.B0. aborts 117. roll
ed barley 3t.S4 to IS1.S1, procesa bar
ley M. whole cora 3t o 131. cracked
corn 31 to 133., Wheat 131
HAT I lav la aolna- nn All Lraitoa
are "rom i to 11.60 higher than whea
last quoted. Timothy 111 to lilt
clover, is to $11.60; bat bay, I6.S0 to
117.60: mixed. IIS to liasa. aitair
- - - .-i
OAT). Ara . hlahar. mrmw
froot - $n to 30a white from $17.64 to
UlaTTER OrdlnarvTiinnlra Mum
from 16c to !, fancy dairy from 30c
(o 13c, and creamery flu to 5o.
EGl Ara ranslna I mn tin in
I0c. Beoortllng to grade.
POULTRY Firm wMh little aood
, aiw-a unnerao. Mens -will-bring e If
m extra gooa condition more. Old
.There's One Form o! Invests
r ; W,h rt-'F safs for swyMa.
It nevsr aluin.s In value. , t . ,
Hi Intasrtty Is unqusftlsnsd. ; - ,. '
. Ths Ntvm Is fartsli
. ' , Frtnolpal la always available. . k '
It baa ne alsms-t af spssulstlsn.
It is ft SATtag-i Account la
Tlic Baoi cf Ofcgon Qtv
Ths Oldcat BanW lit . '
". " mmm a UV VOUatJ
O 0. LA rOMKFTTB Praaldaul " . ' lt J TV ' '.'ma-
oi UKiiUW cjfY, OREGON
r I. UAPITAl4 ftaomgii
Tr.astsaftanersl Benfcl. BastnM - 0m fpti , -
Ofccoa City, Yood and Fuel CoqCJ7
Youf wsnts suppllsd with any 4 foo f 1f
llvsred ts any part sf City. Priaea, rsaasnabla.' ,
' i . .
Satlsfactlen guaranteed. , -
HeWS B-110 . Caa' a.V" '
... i .V Csr.tkaNetsV,.
r-as'ns main eiv- . x M
aubJectafM,NHrrfulnaa4ttuai k.a'dnrmt rl K,e!LKTJ:r.A0 t
a of his life. But the above picture shows w bat rr-n.rll . needidenmnd. -USj-".
lay. for the nholoersDh waa mail ml. hIum-i iim. in, ! n F ....... ..
i what has not been done heretofore.
and they have set out to accomplish
the construction of a railway line con-,
aeetlBg Oregon City with the interior j
of the county along the Molalla road.
What are you doing to heir? '
Are you standing pat? !
Or are yon boosting? j
Why not attend the meeting Friday I
aigbt and at least show our good I
Harmony between the residents of
Oregon Tjtty and the people from the
country districts Is a thing to be de
aired. We must have It. The Inter
ests of the city and country are mu
tual Some of us in town' bave been
slow, perhaps, to realize It, but w are
coming along the right of line. '
We like to have people from the
country coma Into our own office when
tbey come to town. We like to rub
WWdllOU mleeiiiwl I.t
aoroe aa higher than I bat of president.
Again the whlrllirle: of tlm
White and the proud Blue C.rasa belle
Ou the day that Justice' White was
sworn In a pale woman sat lnlbesu-
praDe roan rnsmoers.. rne wore wid
sw'a weeds and bad kgown many rids
sitndes. A suitor at the bar of the
august tribunL tears filled ber eyes-
tears or memory and regret.
Bhe knew the new Jude. but he dirt
not suspect that behind her veil waa
the face of bis old sweetheart
The womsa at last reoort waa am.
ployed In one of the departmenta at
bnt the chief lustb
tbe later rears
tooka like today, for the photograph was made.only a short lime aen la the
Bntiaa museum, where It waa deposited rc-eutiy by the Kevr t h-rh-W Hkloaoo,
He said It bad been In his faniilv foe thFM raiaratlima 'i-.... II ,lll n litrji
while be waa still the lord protector, of tirest Britain. The protetiorats lasted
anoux a ytjar aner aia Oaatn. and some months later parliament ordered that
Cromwell'a body be removed from Westminster abbey- and ban Red Von lbs
iDura, vuiriM neaa was set on a pole on the top or Westminster
halt " The bead Mew down and waa oli-ked nn bv a aentrr. who aaeratad It for
many years. The grewaome relic passed through several bands and waa si.
blblted.ln various private museums until It earns into the poasesaloa of ths
Wilkinson family. The picture above abowa the head-M It appears today sad
also a Ukcnesa ofomwell painted by George Walker.
Miss Flora ArmatroAg accompanied
nomoers ox ua rsi-omega Fraternity
of the Deo tar College of Portland, on !
a. outing trip up the Columbia on a
A. L. Beatte. Mrs. Gertude Lewth
waite. Miss Marlon Lewtbwalts.
siesmer to The Dalles
Birthday Party 01 van Mrs. Egos.
airs, j. r:reer or Willamette, was
snow not bins- of bar Pbe Is not t
tnow who attend hfsb functions.
;irta ,
Be careful bow yoti mistreat r d
f rd ibit honest, encrseilc roitmr tei
low who rotrses mnrrlDir ymi. rh-i :,k '
T'hi to wnlt until heiran liiiike n li.nn.
fur jott
lk lo tli. nfilcome
Ila he l.r- lr,M and .ir;ictcr If
I i oil can ef irrt to wall
I Wd-n Alnii.iM .lii...'t, ,..,n
i'tu MieM T"li ih; Kfitit'k; mm..
lmi(l,uu. nr ruliuril. n-1 -imd
for hi rirsl il, , HiH-Hri.-i:
lrxwp,u hiwver. Sicfili.-i ,,,..
But M Tod . with rire dITtf!i
Injill.r, r,w ;e SIIwrt'irlr.V of ft
s tnvr! .,ct.
W!.(, um.klii-j tm u husband look l
nentti fri'r
And wait! " '
Bridgo Club Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Eber A. Chapman ea-
tertained the Tueaday Bridge Club at
their home on Tuesday eveing, the
prizes being won by Mrs. Cert rsde
Lewthwalf and Dr. A. L Beetle.
TThe house decorations were of dog
wood blossoms. Refreshments were
aerved. The guests were: Mr. and
Mrv W. A. Shewman. Mr. and Mra.
) tS. Jones. Mr. andMra. John Adams,
Mr. and lira. B. T. McBain, Dr. and
Mrs. Hugh 8. Mount, Dr. and Mrs.
given a surprise party on Ual Monday
afternoon, the occasion being her flf-tv-thlrd
birthday. The affair waa In
the nature of a poet card rush and
poet ca'da were lo be found In every
nook and corner of the home. During
the afternoon, Mrs. 1. W. Greaves
aerved light refreshments.
Those present were Mra. C. Mont
gomery and son. Kenneth, of Port,
land. Mrs. Jerry Baty and bob. Gerald,
of Canby, Mra. 1 1. W. Greaves and
son. Harold. Mra. 8 R Rhsdia ani
dsuehtara tath. anrf r..,k..l .-a
Miss Bessie Egg, of Willamette.
WOOL Wool nrlcea ate ranaln
from IK. to" He.
MOHAIR Prlcea on mohair bave
been way up some having brought as
high aa 39c locally.. Quotations are
37 We and little demand. -
HIIXK8 Green, bides. Bo to do: sail.
era. 6Vae to 6; dry hldea, lie to
HC. Hheep pelts. S6o to 75c Mcb.
I1R1K11 ntl'ITH l-iwat nrtM. an.
firm at-from so to 10c on apples and
primes, reacnea srs loo.
8ALT Felllnar Sue lo Soe lor Una
60 lb. asck. half around 4ne IK f.,r
100 lb. ucka.
Portland Vegetable Markets.
8ACK VetlKTAiium r'.ml. ;
ll.lSfl 11.60 pen, sack: parsnips, .23
ft 11.60;-turnlpj $1.23411.60; beets 1
K0 ET A I1LE3 A sparaaus.
sn ft !7"" wi
v... i-r ..n; rwowB, new, i.r. jj j i
nunateaweizni: csuiinu-er -irT...-:--- v
$1.75 per doxen; celery, California, 75c
Wc per doien; cucumbers, II.501J
$3.15 per doxen; eggplant. 16e per lb.;
garlic, locfjllo per pound; lettuce.
60c per doxen; hothouse lettuce. $1.60
012 ner box: mu Bcoitn u.
ponnd; peppers. 80cf36c per pound;
rauianes, isc per doxen; rhubarb, Jc
fl3e ner nound: sDronta a. ,nm.t.
$2C$3.25. 7"
POTATOES Oregon. Jobbing price,
h i) W (? ispSSSi
saaaje tukaa eovste - - ' ""'"eai
1 vSM I Ky .ataaa!..!,., , ,
e a-r pajar pw g V BSf MaaaWaaai at ha I , , -a. M
eoaiaa i.ornaa a siahUh ehiati an,.ll-- . f ,'
ptiuetar withonk ai le w I a Ilia al ...... Tl I . . -
I!" iaa.aiaMaaa .a. 1 Z7?Z?rrzrm-7'mm . 'effc .
$150 per hundred; nw ' potatoes,' lc Oregon City Slock Oustttltat
CTtte per pound. t ' HOOH Itoga are quoted Ho low
ONIONS Jobbing prlcea; Oreaon I fT?"5 1? 1 '5?. n vm
13.50 per 100; Australia. .$3.60 per lRLCAhv-V& ea.M M
100; Texaa, $125 nr crate: Califor from aa to ioo accord Ina to trtox
nls, $3 per crate. . (f . BEEF STEEns-Beef Hn.
the local markets are fetcnuif v
He live weight.
8HEEP Are Orm at 4c la k '
weight. , '
Patronise our advertisers.
Public Control Will
: Prevent Selfishness
By Cardinal CIBBONs
7 J.
, N Important condition in the industrial development of this
vvuuiry is tne isct tiiat tho right of the people to FAIR
AND 'IIONT.RT- T7I P A Tf PVT L V. V! i . ,
y. . - ".iui.,i vj iu uig uunness in
..' sunded and progressiye men.'.
''r Iaw ..are being pataed and enforced for the proper regulation
:.ul control of great eorporations, particnlarly public serrice com
: v ptnies, and the rights of the people are each year being better
' - guarded and protected. . - V , ' " ."V ,
Pc has B right to, EXERCISE intelligent control over
; corporations which gerve (t.with neceaaitieB. ? No friend of his race
can contemplate without . painful, emotion, HEARTLESS monopo
lwta exWbiting s grasping avarice which hai dried, up every senti-
went of sympathy'fa the public $jA created a" sordid 'selshneia
4 which is deaf to cries of JUSTICE AND PAIR TREATMENT
r VLD NdT'-et effected by any inoivioual efforts.
. t
, ...
u x - r s ii
u I X ' X ' , III ' RomiI ths Morning tfnterprlts.
I . X . ' ' X -
' i ,. III" " A anJlj BIB aJ rLsa
aTB ' if' ' X ---- adT X II jf ew WVamffi bis ays v""i
' :: : I magazine dindH . ; (fp
I . . Don't throw your magazines and - ' ' . efes-
periodicals, away. There is ..-.:''.,'.''.,-,,.,.;. ; v , ,: 'imrl-Ji-
i ; ,C much valuable information in .: :'-. ' ' '; 'Whan snsvi .,' .
'.'.",. .,'"..'',', r ;., them-that will never be publish- " , .- " . j:' " jT?
. 'V " ' ed elsewhere. The cost is little " '. ' . v' '' ' ' ''"'' K-rSllffe
; ? :- .. " , Our boy will caU for the mag- 7V ' . ' '. '"'V lmXVA
"' ' ' L ' ' - " . ' - - ""7 .'".'' i. , . , "Whafa ths differ W
" .X , ;.".'''' - , ' '..,:'.. . : . . X, -: ' -., i' (T out of the waterage
.-''--''.r-'-. -?---V.-::;
,- 1 - --- ... . . . . , , .: ' X
The Orefldil
Pruitorid Pre
Arsnnofcof tccd
Dcrrv X'rafes .
Ilsy. tiroin end Tec