0N(Cd ' auaoorlptleno ,,r lh Morning e . III ki Mealui Ina A NTEKPR1SE The only dally nioiaaasi' fca twees) Portland and atom; alraa) latoa In ovary aootlon of Claotaa. e mas County, with a peptilatle of O) 30,000. Aro you an advetleerf WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I 5 GO VOL 1-No. 10G. OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. Peb Wkex, 10 Cents MO.KN ! f-il I l""Moe tlm al epeolal ! i est benefit ric. JUAREZ IS MADE CAPITAL OF REBELS TOWN TAKEN AFTER TWO DAY'S BATTLE AND FEDERALS ARE PR HON I. TAFXRECOGINTK)Pi IS TO BE ASKED J, 1 pnnittt Not Resdy,.-However, to ! Ornl H 40 Government , Troops and IS Robots Slain. - BL pAHO, Tx , May 10. Tba rob ,li bve raptured Jauros and mado It Ik provisional capital. Francisco I. lUJrro, Jr., baa boon named Provl iltasl President. Ha expects Wash laittdMo wcngnla tba belligerents' rfcbts Ocurrsl Jiisii J. Navarro, the federal conmander U being bold captive la a ,0001 of th barrackB, which fur two itt ha bravely defended aalnst tbo ,rr onslaught at tba enemy. Ho prrMdorod wlib almost bla entire prrtson after a heavy loaa la billed uti wounded. t . MatliTO, Jr., fluabod wltb vie lorf Is surrounded by bla moo and firsrs. II declaree that ba la roady hr pco. lladero dwlarea Ibat tba Moilran lowamrnt must doal fairly wltb tha M?olutionlUL Action and not prom bt Is demanded. " la improvised boaiiltala aro many vwsaed attended by physicians and ursrt from this city. - t :. . K' Tka federal dead aro said to number warty 50. while the rebel dead Bum Wr shout 15. with a totalwounded of ISO The total number lost probably Krrr will be known, aa deserters srt many and tba dead have born aarlea qul kly. Among tha dead were Cbiootl TaialMrrl and Captain. Sarhu- Oa tho American aide of the Una i htv bvra killed and about 17 founded, soma of them being leno s(lx engaged at a dlstanoa from the Tb surrender of tba town by Uen- tnl Navarro took place at about ) I'tlwk, General avarro Riving bla ivorf to Colonel Garibaldi, of tba In wrrKio army, after tha febela had eoaplrtely surrounded tba barracks u4 threstenud to annihilate tba gir nwa within Ills yaa dimmed aa be KnvDdered. but Colonel Garibaldi, tits a bandnhaka (hat beopoka bla aser admlrsilon for tha brava flgh tVteoeral leader had made, assured kia every courtesy. .Rebel offlce'rt wl sp and extended to tba federal assajaader ihelr sympathy aa Mesl tut (or him and bla men. ASEBALL RESULTS. Ptriflc Coast league San Francla s i, Portland 2: Sacramento I, Vern al 1; Oakland t, Loa Angolea t. ' Nonhwestern League Portland t, Vucoovor 2; Seattle 1, Tacoma 0; Mtne 12, Victor! $, " Amrtrn League Cleveland 6. Boa- k I; Philadelphia I, flt, Loula ; York 8. Detroit 1 Chicago I, Witblijton I. " ' t. ""tonal league St. Loula 4, Brook- 'v h New York 11. Chicago 1: PhlU rMa , Pittsburg I; Cincinnati I, IMcaT. II TArrwONT RECOGNIZE MADIRO A8illNaTON, May 10. It wae do (1f4 here tonight that Prealdent Tft tt not willing to reoogntau tba 'llforsncy of Madaro. Tba head of Mexican government bara la to make a demand of tha Praal "t tomorrow, ' rVron ' EXTRA I EXTRA I t ABibout tha naw thlnoa In yatam T" th Juat earn In. '. about elaaa, thay will auraly Every little L. Eyatam elasa all It'a own. - . ONLY 115.00 to ESOOO. ht do you ay MBt wt w you T -ice Botticffc IXCLUSIVE CLOTMIERE ' ; Hot lika Ciaaw- r'; '- an. Main ta.' . )' O. A. C Librarian to Attand. COR V ALUS, Or., May 10 Tha O. A. C. Library la to be represented at (he annual convention of tba Ameri can Ubrary Association at Loo Ange l's, Cal., by Mrs. Ida Kidder, Uta col lKo librarian. Mrs. Kidder will push the movement for an agrlruliursl II biary branch of the A. L A. while at lliecnvwttlon, and beforr returntiiR to Cnrvalll nest fall will visit many of the larger' educational Institutions of the Km st having agricultural II brarlee. Oakland Re-elects Mott OAKLAND, Cal., May 10 Frank K. j Mott la again elected Mayor of Oak land, having defeated the Socialist candidate, Thomas Booth. , Quake, Shocks California. OXNARD, Cal., May 10. Little earthquake shocks were felt hero at ( and Siljjf'rlock this morning and a allahtly heavier one at :04. No dam age resulted. GROVER HI TO BE HELD FRIDAY EX-GOVERNOR AND ONE OF THE FRAMER8 OF OREGON CON STITUTION DIES. PORTLAND. Or, May 10 (Spl.) Tha funeral service of Lafayette Orov er, ex-Governor of Oregon; ex-United Slates Senator and one of tha framer of the Oregon Constitution, who died suddenly this morning, will ba held lo Trinity Episcopal church at I o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial will ba In Rtvervlew cemetery. Mr. C.rover waa born In Itethel, Maine. November 19, 1823, and cama to Oregon 60 yeara ago. In 18S7 Mr. Grover waa chosen a delegate to the atata constitutional convention and waa one of tha leading minds In drafting the constitution of Oregon. Ha waa later elected to tha atata legislature. From thla position he was elected as tha atate'a first rep resentative In congress In 1858. In 1870 he waa elected governor of the atata and waa re-elected four yeara later. In 1877 he resigned the gover norship to become United Statea sen ator, where he aerved the state until 1883. x It waa when the Republican party waa confronted by defeat In the effort to eloct Rutherford B. Hayes Preal dent, that a National Issue waa placed within the handa of Oovenor Grover. When the vtea were counted It waa found that Iioulslana. Florida and Ore gon were the controlling factora. By rullnga which tha Republlcana adopt d Florida and Louisiana wera placed In' satisfactory position, but ovary electoral rote from Oregon waa atlll necessary. Three electora bad been choaen In thla atata, receiving a sufficient vote. It waa found that one of tha number i wtr watts, holding a post- office po"IU Lafayette, and the Democrata producer the toniuuu.uir al provision which forbade any man holding a public office from being chosen aa an elector. . . Governor Grover Issued a certificate r.f eleotlon to Attorney Cronln, of Portland, In tha placa or Watt, and on tha recognition of Cronln m ' Watta C"--V- r.t. of tha nartlee. Through- out tha Nation tha namea of Grover Cronln and watta w. -tongua. i , The two Republican eleotora not aJcTad would not recognU. Cron n and refused to meet with him. Watta resigned bla office as postmaster, waiThosen by the two Republican ""t. .1,: theory that they bad tha right to fill tba vacancy, these .viimni esst the votes it..... intn office, and men wnicn pin ri" hla .i.i m.ii. w airaln given nis poatofflca. Party pe" throughout tha country ragea. -- .v..... inn h verv forefront er waa imuni. ---. of National prominence, being or?" OI f -..,., k bv hla aoversariea suu hf, fVtlow party membera. - . Ml, Resrd tha Mwiln BntarprUaV THE-WORLD TODAY. OF PUPILS BE EXHIBITED TO PUBLIC DISPLAY .: OF . WHAT SCHOOL CHILDREN 'ARE DO ING BEGINS FRIDAY. . TEACHERS TO WELCOME VISITORS Object la to Acquaint Cltlzena With What la Bolng Accomplished . Exhibition In Wolnhard Building. Specimens of the work of every child attending the public schools of Oregon City will be ahown at a public exhibition which will be opened Frl Ing. Thla will be the first public ex hibition on an extensive scale of tbe work of tbe school children of this city. The object of the exhibition will be lo acquaint the parenta of the child ren and other residents of the city with what la being accomplished In the schools. Teachers will be pres ent to welcome the vlaitora and ex plain the plana of work. Superin tendent Tooze will also be ou hand most of the time. In order that every one may have a chance to see the Vork of tho child ren two days have been aet aside for the exhibition. It will begin at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, and the door will not be closed until 9 tnat evening. The exhibition will ba open to the public from 9 o"clock Saturday morning until 9 o'clock that evening. In the grades work In the following subject a will be shown: Arlthimtui', language. geography, history, manual training, physiology and hygiene, apelllng. clvlca. nature study, maps, drawing and penmanship. In the high achool specimens of the work In the following will be shown: English compositions, history and clvlca. mechanical drawing. LAtin translation, composition and gram mar forma, mathematics, physiology, botany, chemlatry, physics and Ger msn tranalatlons. RUSHLIGHTS FOES AT SEA FOR CANDIDATE MANY CITIZENS URGED TO MAKE RACE FOR MAYOR BUT DECLINE. PORTLAND. ; Or., May 10. (Spe cial.) The opponents of A. 0. Rush light are having a difficult time find ing a man to oppose bim on aa Inde pendent ticket. Since the nomination for mayor of Mr. Rushlight by tha Republlcana last Saturday every effort haa been' made to find a man to run against him, but without aucceaa. Exactly 10 daya remain In which to flush tha right kind of a cltlxen to be tha Independent, and tha aearchlng partlea, of which" there are aeveral, will continue their Investlgatlona up to tha last minute, If necessary. A dosen aultable cltlxena who would fill tha bill ara adamant In their refusal to enter tha political race, which la quite aatisfactory to Ruahllght and equally aatisfactory to Thomas, tha Democratic nomlnoe, who . contenda that for an Independent to coma out will apllt tha vote and allow Rushlight to win. . , Mayor Simon la atlll considering; John F. O'Shea poaltlvely balka: John Burgard saya hla business won't let him; John M. Gearin deollnea with thanks; Tom wora is ainu.. w .a io 0n down me nne onu-"--. ... . u iEi - Mayof, powa Is .being- boom In aomo qiiaitere, C. W. Hodson a riame WORK Is IxMng talked of, but so faraa known the proposition baa not been utto Mm. ' . , In the 8lxtb Ward, the Insurgent Ri'publicana are camping on tbe trail of Councilman Beldlng, and predict they will defeat bim with John Mon tag. Democrat, In June. There 1a also talk of an Independent agalnatCoun- cllman Kubll In the Eighth Ward. Dr, Edward Locke, who served In tha Staie Senate last session. Dr. J. E. Josephl and Richard Deich ara men tloned aa possible material with which j to defeat Kubll., SUNDAY SCHOOLS MEET TODAY. Clackamas County Convention Haa Fln Programme. The Oregon City District Sunday School Convention will do held at Parkplace today. There will be three sessions, morning, aftrnoon and eve-. ing. Basket lunch at noon will be aerved. , , v The following la the grogramme Scene On Molalla Railroad 5 e rJ hi- ENGINEERING OBSTACLES OFFER NO BAR TO PUSHING WORK OF GRADING. - i ; 10:15. Praise and prayer by Rev. J. L." Jones; 10: 30. roll call and reporta from achool; 10:i5, appointing of com mutes; 11:00, banner home depart' ment. Mrs. D. C. Latourette; 11:25, organised school work, - Rev. A. H. Mulkey; 11:40, teacher training; Mrs. H. M. Smith; 12 ociock, nasitet mncn; 2:00, aong aervlce; 2:20. banner year with the boys. Rev. J. R. Landsbor ough: 1:45, buslnesa aesalon; h3;10. Intermediate, F. Tooxe; S:50, aolo, Mlsa Ivy Roake; 2:30, "la the Child SafeT' Rev. Spies; 3:50, round table. Rev. C M. Phlppa; basket aupper; 7:30, devotion, Emery French; 7:45, anthem, choir; 7:55. "A Banner Sun day School." John W. Loder; 8:15, aolo. Mra. L. M. Olmatad; 8:20, "What Shall the Harvest Be." Rev. C. M phlppa. Useless Lights Turned Off. SALEM, Or., May 10. In order to reduce tha current expenaea of tbo Capitol building, Secretary of State Olcott Issued ordera tqthe Janitor that hereafter no llghta be allowed to burn during tha daytime In the lobblea on any of tha floors and- that all Mghta In the 8enate and Representative chambcra must be kept turned off at all times. For th paat few yeara hundreds of llghta have been allowed to bum day and night In the lobby on tho aecond floor, and In the rotunda. DISTRICT DISPLAY PLANNED Many Sections -To Have Exhibits at Clackamaa Fair. Secretary Laielie, of tho Clackamas County Fair -Aasoclatlon. announced Wednesday that arrangeraenta bad been made for the district dlaplaye at the fair to be held on September 37, 28, o and 80. Maple Lane, Warner Grange, Barlow, Gladstone and Oak- Orove are among the aistncia m will be represented. It Is also thought that Mount Pleasant and Willamette will have displays. Couple Goto License to Marry. Amy Hartson and Herbert W. Pry me ware granted a marriage' renso on Wednesday afternoon byt County Clork Mulvey. CLACKA MAS BERRY HI BIG on MANY DEALERS EAGER TO TAKE ENTIRE CROP OF OREGON CITY UNION. V' ' a-aasawaaosoaa CAS Cf EOXES READY FOR DELIVERY Botter Fruit Expected to Bo Grown Thla Year Than Ever Before Mstbods Are Inv 4 proved. Tba directors of tbo Oregon -City Fruit A Produce Union met Tuesday night In tbo office of tbe manager. Those present were George W. Wal dron, president. O. D. Eby, B. Kup ponder, George M. Laxelle, A. J. Lewis, C. W. Swallow, George De Bok and M. J. Laxelle. Tbe most Important matter considered waa the disposal of the straw berry crop. Several buyera were preaent and anxloua to obtain tbe entire.' crop of the Oregon City Union, aa the berries produced In thla section are of a very fine flavor and quality and are aought 'ofter by the dealers. It la - understood that In all probability the atrawberrlea of thla section will be purchased by the R. F. Hosking Company, of Portland, although as yet no papers have been executed. Manager H. G. W. Miller reported that tbe membera had used 2000 gal lons of lime aulphur apray already thla year and at present be waa distribut ing arsenate of lead. Thla shows that the Union is having effect upon the methoda of the growers and pros pects are that more good fruit will be produced In Clackamaa County thla year than ever before. , , The Union baa Just received a car load, oXatraw berry, boxes . from - the factory and will distribute them among the growers. Each - grower mast have hla name and number on the crates and after the berries have been Inspected by the manager, the stamp of tha Union will be placed on the crate. This is the first time in the history of Oregon City that strawberry buyera have been attracted here and this only goes to show the "Importance of the Union to this section. ' i A. ' CANBY TO HAVE RACE MEET. Parade And Horse Show Also Bo Given. Canb; win uave thrs year one of largest and best race meets and horse shows ever held at that place, the date of which will be Saturday, June 3. Some of the best racera of the North Pacific circuit will be entered and raced on the track of the Clacka maa Fair Grounds. - Cash prises will be offered for the racers, while premluma will be given for the ahw horses. A parade will be one of the featurea of the morning. The horse ahow will be given on the streets of Canby, and the races at the fair grounds. The Canby bund will furnish the music. National Fratornitloa Urgsd. WALLA WALLA. Wash., May 10. A recent Issue of the Whitman Col lege Quarterly contalne the full text of the report of the special committee appointed by the board of overseers to Investigate the matter of college fraternitlea. The report la compre hensive and recommends the estab lishment of National fraternitlea un der careful aupervlBlon. MAN SLAIN NOT IDENTIFIED. PENDLETON. Or., May 10 After two daya of unceaalng work on the Umatilla murder mystery, the officers are as much at eea aa ever. One man In Pendleton aaid he recognised In the dead man a passing acquaintance of a few dayB ago. He aaya that the mur dered man la John Casey, of Brock ton, Masa. Querloa have been Bent to Brockton for Information. SALE OF SEATS STARTS TODAY. "Bod Riding Hood" and "The Gypsy Queen" To be Prooontod. Tho box sheet for the presentation of "Red Riding Hood" and "Tha Gypsy Queen'' to ba given t the 8hlvely opera house on Thursday and Friday eveulHgwepefied thla, morning,., and, from the demand for seats there la no doubt but there will be a largo crowd. "Red Riding Hood" which will beglven on Thursday evening, will be partici pated In by mora than 100 children of thla city, who will bo beautifully costumed, "The Gypsy Queen" will be given Friday. These two onter- talnmenta ara to be given under tha auspices of tbo Daughters of the King 6f the St. Paul'a Episcopal church un der tbe direction of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, who recently arrived In thla city from Chicago, and who have bad much xperlencea in putting on canta tas of thla order. Bailiffs To bo Tried Today. Tho trial of Water Bailiffs Gustaf son and Mundell, -charged with catch ing trout lllagally will be held before Justice of the Peace Samson at 10 o'clock thla morning. ' Tha trial waa postponed Wednesday because of tha abaence of wlthessea who. It la aaid, will testify that they aaw tbo accused men with aalmon the last day of the closed aeaaon. The bailiffs declare that they are not guilty. MAN KILLED IN PLANE FALL. 8AN ANTONIO, Texaa. May 10. Lieutenant George M. Kelly, of tbe Thirtieth Infantry, U. S. A, waa killed thla morning In a fall from a. Curtlaa aeroplane at tbe Fort Sam Houston. Ho waa making a fight, and when about 60 feet from tha ground shot forward from bla aeat - landing on hla head. Hla ahull waa fracture, and he died In a few minutes, without regain ing conclounsneaa. - Kelly waa a pupil of Glenn Curtlaa In aviation, and came here about three weeks ago from, San Diego, CaL where be received his first lessons. It la believed tbe accident waa caused by the unexpected starting of the engine while Kelly waa making a landing. ARRAIiGEIlEIITS MADE FOR POST CARD DAf SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE AID OREGON CITY PRO- MOTION PLAN. . . TO Oregon City will be a busy place next Monday. That day haa been designated "Post Card Day," and It la expected that thousands of cards will be mailed from thla city to var ious parte of tha United States. Tbe plan originated wltb the Live Wires cf the Commercial Club, anJ the details have been arranged by a committee, composed of Major L. S. Noble. E. E. Brodie and ML J. Lazelle. The children of the-city school have been supplied with carda by the Commercial Club. They ara expected to devote a part of the day to address ing and mailing the carda to friends Their parenta, and. in fact, all cltlzena are urged to mall post carda to per sons in various 'of the country. An ticipating the great demand for the carda. many of rne merchants have ad ded to their stocks and are displaying the- cards in their wlndowa. It la believed that thecarda. all of which will contain Illustrations of points ol interest in - Oregon City and Clack' amas County will attract many home seekers. . Church to Be On Old Site. ALBANY, Or, May 10. The mem ber cf the First Presbyterian Church hare decided to locate their new build ing on the atte of the present church. corner of Fifth and Broadalbion streets. ' At a meeting held some time ago It waa planned to build the new structure on the northwest corner of the college grounds facing Ferry street. The structure will cost $25, 000. 1 Rich Gold Lodge Found MARSHFIELD. Or., May 10. A re port cornea from Curry County that Edward Miller and J. W. Baker have found a mineral ledge near Agnes which Is rich in gold. Finds In that part of the county bava been made at different timea, but Usually they have proved only to be pocketa. TO HAVE SANE FOURTH. Pernflaalon May Be Given For Harm less Display. The Gladstone city council met In regular aession on Tueaday night, and among, the Important matters given attention was ttie passage of an or dinance prohibiting flreworka In the limits of Gladstone. Thla waa In re aponse to a demand for a sane Fourth of July this year. Special permission may be gtven for a harmlesa display of flreworka in tha evening. Aaron Burr'a Manalon To Go. NEW YORK, May 10 Another New York landmark, the famous Aaon Burr mansion on Riverside, drive. Is to go before the advancing line of modern apartment houses. Tbe mansion, 140 years old. haa been sold at auction to a builder, and will be torn down at once. James Madison, President of the United Statea, oc cupied It from 1804 to!806. ' Patronise our advertlsera. 2004040400404OwO0Ow0400004M' V ANTED I r . 5 to 20 Acre Farms Nf Oregon City f We have sever 1 buyers waiting and many coming. II your place is for sale and the price right come and ee ns at once. W. F. SCHOOLEY CO. -. paoHlej HMO, Heme Atffi. 404040 40404040 00 wOw0404w40404OdMw04OOwe404er( ZUt mmt urged TO BID TREATING PETITION TO MAYOR AND CITY ' COUNCIL FOR MEASURE : IS CIRCULATED. . MANY SICKATLTiS HI C3TO Action In Line With Recent Regula tion of Saloons and ' Pool . Room Law Now Bolng - Considered. , . " . An antl. treating ordanco la being agltaed In Oregon City, and those who favor It aay that tbe measure will be passed. A petition to Mayor Brow- . nell and the City Council urging tha paaaage oftho ordinance la being cir culated by Harley C. Stevena. - Mr. Stevens baa obtained aeveral hundred . signatures, and will aubmit tha petl- tlon - to the - Mayor and city" council when he- baa obtained 1000. The agitation la lit - line with the . recent reform movement ' that waa started when an ordinance ' waa passed providing for glasa front doors and windows for the saloons. , An odlnance before the city council now providea for the regulation of the pool and billiard rooms. . It prohibits card, playing and all gamea of chance ' In these places, and makee tha aamo provision aa to glass doors and wln dowa aa the saloon ordinance. The petition for tho antl- treating ordinance recite that- great barm cornea from tho custom of treating in saloons ' and clubs. " It ' la contended that many persons are induced by . friend to drink who would not do - ao otherwiae. . - . Foiling la the copy of the petition: "To the Honorable Mayor and City Council or Oregon City, Or.: Wo tha undersigned, residents and taxpayers , of Oregon City believe mat great harm cornea from tha custom of treat- -Ing in places whore Intoxicating li quors are dispensed and believing it to be for the best interest of thla com munity that aaid custom of treating be prevented, wa therefore petition , your honorable body to prepare ana nasa an ordinance making it unlaw ful for persons to treat or give to any person or persona any . intoxicating Uquova of any kind 1 any saloon, drug atore, club room or any other public place - within the corporate ttmttf or Oregon Cltyr and your peti tioner will ever pray. BAILEY'S REMOVAL IS ASKED BY GRANGERS RESOLUTION INTRODUCED OP POSING REFERENDUM IN SCHOOL MONEY. CORVALL1S, Or., May 10. (Spe cial) Multnomah County delegates offered a resolution today at the con vention of the 8tat Orange looking to the removal of State Dairy Commis sioner Bailey. In case he falls to re Blgn tbe Governor la asked to remove bim. The Grangera were entertained at the college for luncheon and din ner. Columbia county Introduced a ring ing resolution opposing the referen dum on the educational appropriations and another opposing the approprla- ; tlon of money to defray expenaea of an ambassador to the coronation of King George. Douglas county presented a reaolu- -tlon favoring a key to tho unwritten work. Lane county presented a re quest for information relative to co- , operation. Delegatea from Linn county favored ' more Btrlngent laws relative to tuber cular livestock and tho spread of the -disease. Following the report of the commit tee on credentials and other prelimin ary work, aeveral committees to take charge of routine work of the tour days' aeaalon were named. Mayor C. V. Johnson delivered the addresa of welcome from the city, and Professor W. F. Gaaklna welcomed tha vlaitora In behalf of the Commercial Club, of ' which he Is president. C. B. 8pence, v master of the State Orange, respond- " ed for the visitors. An addresa waa riven bv President W. J. Kerr of tbe ' college, who spoke on "Tbe Place of the Agricultural College in Kducauon." Former Clackamaa Teacher D4ea The Misses Effle and Anna Smith, of Gladstone, have received word of. the death of thtr aecond Cousin. Miss Emma Wendt. which occured on May 4th. at the home of ber parents, in Maple Plane, Minn., where aho had been 111 for aeveral months with tumberculoala. Mlsa Went waa for six yeara a teacher in the Minnesota public achoole, and also taught in tkta county, where oho apent about one year. She leavea many relative and trlenda to mourn ber lose, j z Main Cw Cxt'O CT-.