MORNING KNTBKTlUaK WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911. OMIGIIY TEAII READY FOX COM A CROSS, WILSON, SHIAHAN AND NARORIAVCS WILL ENTER , TRI-ETATB MEET. Tbe Oregon City klgh school ath letic (NO leave S Wednesday BH ing for Eugene, to participate la the trt-atate ireet, which will be held Fri day and Saturday of thla week. There r four men on the local team, and they will form a strong aggregatloa In the relay race. Ernest Cross ts entered In the 100 yard dash and the 210 yard run, Kent Wilson la the 440 yard run. Joe Sheahaa la the 100 yard dash. 820 yard run and high Jump, and Harry Hargreares la the 100 yard daah, 220 yard run aad pole vault. .All of the boys are la the relay team. and promise to make a atrong bid for points. N. W. Bowland, principal of the Eaatham building, and Bothwell Ari sen and Thornton Howard will loare Thursday to attend the meet. Joe Sheahaa will be quartered at the Beta Theta H Fraternity during his stay In Eugene. Logger Loses Suit Case." S. 8- Johnson complained to the po ilc that he had been robbed of a dress suit case containing a suit of I clothes, a blanket, shirts, etc. He said he was on his way south to a lumber camp. Johnson estimated his loss at $25. He said he left the bag in a saloon, and when he went back it was gone. Bridge to Close fee Rose Festival. WASHINGTON, D. C. May . The War Department will not obect to clos ing the drawbridges for two hours on! June 7 on account of the Rose Fes tival parade at Portland. When ad vised by Congressman Lafferty that Portland would make such a request Captain Johnstone, to whom such re quest would be referred, said he thought there would be no objection by the War Department. QUEEN MARY'S DOUBLE. The Lovely Crown Princess o Roumania. Who Likes Americans. ! ; - ' . V fTP 1 'ASS I j .'v-' A Z"': ' ''"''' j. ' :" ' ' ,: ( j4v-"n y : n t-V..t . . . ? .. -: , , ... If'' cnowx PBiwrmM of rocmawta. The crown prince of (ou mania. grauJ(lanlitT or Qucn Vietoris. who Is to reprment her hiiMlunde t-onntry at the coronation of lit-r coiiHin. King George of EoKlsnd. i-ourr a triUug re semblance to Queen alary, slthntigii the crown prince Is by fsr l lie letter looking of the twa Tbe crown prin cess wS tbe Princess Marie of 8axe- Oobarg, daughter of tbe late Trince Ai ded of Saxs-Coburg and of tbe Grsnd Duchess Marie of Russia, so sunt to the ciar. Altbotigb tbe 8axe-Coburg princesses were considered royal beau ties, yet none of them made twpeciallj good matches. Pin cess Marie, tbe eld est marrying tbe Insignificant Penli aand, heir to tbe Ron man Ian throne, shortly after all Europe bail Ix-en en tertained with tbe story of hi live af fair with Mile. Helen Vacerew o. one of the waiting maids of bis sunt. Queen Elizabeth of Roumani. Although Prin ce Marie's married life w lib the gloomy and not very popnlnr erown prince has not been a psrtlcnliirly hap py one, she commands tbe n.liulrarlon and devotloo of the Rouinsnluns. In every possible way she has tried to ameliorate their condition, lending her ' name and Influence to even worthy charity In tbe RoiiiiiHnlnu :ilinl and endesvorlng to poptilnrlxe th nntlonaf embroideries. Isces and Jewe ry. Prin cess Marie, nnllke Queen M -ry. likes Americans and encourage them to Visit the Roumanian capital. . Street. Oregoa City, Oregon, froca a point lot feet weet of the westerly Ha of Mala Street westerly to the east Jine or water Street, will be received by the Recorder of Oregoa uty. oregoa, vatil 4 O'clock P. M. N of May 26th. 1111. plans aad speci fications containing further informs tloa aad the kind of Improvement to be made win be furnished upoa application to aald City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for' a aum equal to nve pr centum of the total amount of the bid, which aum will be sub- Ject to forfeiture 4o Oregon City In case or the raUore or tbe successful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a written con tract ror sal a work. If called upoa to do so, within the time) specified for tbe same la tbe Ordinance providing ror saia street improvement rropoeais must oe made npton blanka furnished by Oregoa City. The right to reject any or all blda or to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City la hereby reservea. Each proposal must- state the time required for lh completion of tne entire Improvement work of said street which Improvement work must be done according to the Or dinance of Oregon City and the charter thereof, and the plans 4nd specifications governing aald work. Each bidder Is required to furnish separate figures for the doing of all concrete work with Clackamas river sand and gravel and for the-cover ing of such concrete work with one- half Inch wearing coat This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, mad and entered at a special, meeting thereof held May 8th. lfll. U. STTPP. Recorder. Notice For Bide. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals for constructing and laying a sewer along Ninth Street from Tay lor Street to Washington Street with vitrified terra cotta pipe having an interior diameter of 12 Inches and an 8 inch sewer laid along Tay lor Street from Seventh to Twelfth Street shall empty Into a septic tank, located at Twelfth street Can yon and constructed of concrete and ssid sewer shsll have the necessary manholes, lam pholes.. laterals and connections, will be received by tbe Recorder of Oregon city. Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. St. of May 25th, 1911. Plans and specifications con taining further information and the kind of sewer to be laid will be fur alshed upon application to said Re corder. Each bid must be scconi- paniea oy a reriinea cneck ror a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid. which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Ore gon City In case of the failure of the successful bider herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a written contract for said work. If called upon so to .do, within the time specified for the same In the Ordinances providing for said sew er. Proposal must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid conslderd most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of tbe Said bonds are to be dated the 20th day of April, 1011. aad shall mature la tea years frosa the date thereof, aad be payable) la gold coin of the iralted fcUatee or America, - aad shsll bear Interest at th rate of all per centum per aaaum. In terest payable semi-annual, aald ln tereet to be evidenced by coupons attached to aald bonds, provided however, the right to take up or cancel aald bonds upon the payment of the face) thereof with all ac accrued Interest to the date of pay ment of any semi- annual Interest paying period, at or "after one year from th date of said bond. Is lere by reeerved to Oregon City. Section t. The Treasurer of Ore gon City Is hereby directed to cred it upon receiving th purchase price of aald bonds, the face value thereof aad accrued Interest to th Improvement fund (Center) and all premiums to the general fund of Oregon City. Section s. Whereas th City Council of Oregon City hss hereto fore found that th condition of aald Center Street was and la dangerous to the health and safety of the pub lic, and has let a contract for the Immediate Improvement of the same and whereas the said street Is atill In such condition so ss to be danger ous to the health and safety of the public, and that It Is necessary to provide funds for the continuance of the Improvement thereof, and that said continuance Is necessary for the Immediate preservation of the health and safety of the public. in tne judgment of the City Council of Oregon City an emergency ea ists; therefore this ordinance shsll take effect and be In fore Immedi ately upon Its approval by the May or. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting or the City Council, held on tbe 8th day of May, lsii, and to come up for sec ond reading and final passage at special meeting to be held on th 18lh day of May, 1911. I 8TIPP, Recorder the Secretary of Stale, February 22ad. 1192. a amended by an act entitled "An Ace to amend sections 1. I 3. 4. a. . aad T of an Act en titled, "An Act to provide) for th (sua nee of bonds for th Improve ments of streets snd the laying of Sewers In Incorporated Cities and the paymeat of th coats of such Improvements snd laying of Sewers by Installments,' filed la the office of the Secretary of State, February '22nd. 1192, approved February 21th. 1901 and subsequent amendatory acta passed by the Legislative As sembly of the 8tate of Oregon; Th Mayor and Recorder are hereby authorised and directed to execute Improvement bonds of Oregon City, ""Oregon, aad deliver the asm to the. Treasurer of Oregon City, who shsll retain said bonds until ordered by . the Flonnc Committee of the Conn ell of Oregon City to deliver ssid bonds to the successful purchaser thereof, who shsll pay to said Treasurer the amount bid for said bonds. Said bonds are Issued for the pay ment of a portion of the cost of Im proving thst part of Washington Street, Oregon City, described above, and ahall not exceed the aum of 962S9.C3 In the sggregste. The denomination of said bonds shsll be as folio a: One for I3S9.83 and Twelve for $500 00 each. y Said bonds sre to be dsted th 30th dsy of April. 19M. and shall mature In ten years from the date thereof, and be payable In gold coin of the United 8tatea of America, and bear Interest at the rate of six per rentum per annum, Interest payable semi-annual, said Interest to be eVI denced by coupons attached to each bond, provided however, the right to take up or cancel said bonds upon the payment of fb-face' thereof with all accruVd Interest to the dste of payment of any semi-annual In terest paying period, at or after one year from, th date of said bond, Is hereby reserved to Oregon City Section 2. The Treasurer of Ore- work must be done according to the Ordinances of Oregon City and the charter thereof, and tbe plana and specificstlons governing said work. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a special meeting thereof held May 8th, 1911. U 8TIPP. Recorder. WANTED Two furnished house ' keeping rooms for man and wtr. ' Call Enterprise o trice. Notice for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that sealed " proposals for furnishing all labor ? and material for improving Twelfth Ordinance No. An Ordinance authorizing the issu snce of the improvement bonds in pursuance of sn act of legislature In the State of Oregon, known as "Tbe Bonding Act" as the same has been amended. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That In pursuance of applications of owners of property to pay certain assessments for the improvement of Center 8treet. Ore gon City, Oregon, from the north line of Seventh to the north line of Ninth Street; as provided by an set of the legislative assembly of State of Oregon, entitled "An Act to provide for the Issuance for the improvements of Streets snd the laying of Sewers In incorpor ated Cities and for the payment of the costs of such Improvements and laying of Sewers by Installments, "filed In the office of the Secretary of State, February 22nd, 1893, as smended by an act entitled, 'AN Act to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, r, and 7 of sn Act entitled, 'AN Act to provide for the Issuance of bonds for the Improvement of Streets and laying of Sewers In Incorporated Cities and the payment of the costs of such Improvements snd laying of Sowers by Installments, 'filed In the office of the Secretary of State, February 22nd, 1893. "approved February 28th. 1901 and subsequent amendatory acts thereto passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Stste of Oregon; The Mayor snd Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to execute Improvement bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, and deliver the same to the Treasurer of Oregon City, who shall the Finance Committee of the Coun cil of Oregon City . to deliver, said bonds to the successful purchaser thereof, who shsll pay to said Treasurer tbe amount bid for ssid bonds. Bald bonds are Issued for the pay ment of a portion of tbe cost of Improving that portion of said Cen ter Street described above. Oregon City, and ahall not exceed the sum of $5604.29, In the aggregate. The denomination of said bonds shall be as follows: One for $104.28, and eleven for $500.00 each Ordinance No. . An ordinance to regulate weights and measures, and tbe use thereof, and he use of Instruments and contain era used to determine weights and measures; 10 provide for th cre ation and appointment of a board of Inspectors of weights and meas urea, and prescribing their duties. and to provide punishment for s violation of this ordinance. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. Immediately after the golngnto effecf onhls ordlnsnce the Mayor of Oregon-City shall nominate and appoint, by and with the consent of the City Council of uregon city, ror-the purpose of In specting aud regulating weights and measures In Oregon City, and the use of Instruments snd containers used to determine weights - and measures, a board or three members, who shall be called The Board of Inspectors of Weights and Meas ures, whose term of office shall con tinue for one year from the first day of July, 1911. and until their successors sre sppolnted and quali fied, all of whom shsll serve without salary or other remunerstion. Section 2. It shsll be tbe duty of the board of Inspectors of weights and measures, during the first week in May. ijii, snd not lexr often thsn quarterly thereafter, to make such Inspection as It shall deem adequate to determine the correct ness or incorrectness of Instruments and containers used to determine weights an1 measures, and any shortage In any thing or commodity sold within Oregon City, by whom said Instruments or containers are used and by whom things or com modities are sold short, and 1m mediately thereafter to report to tbe City Council Its findings and tbe re sult of Its Inspection. section 3. Every person doing nnsineHs in Oregon City refusing to permit the Board of Inspectors of weights and measures to Insoect nnv Instruments and containers used to determine weights or measures uaed In ssid business, upon applies tion of said Board shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as herein after provided. section 4. Every person who shall sell anything or commo-'ltv in Oregon City that Is more than one per cent short of the amount repre sented, or who shsll use any Instru ment or container In bis business that weighs or measures more than one per cent short of that which Is the true weight or. measure, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished ss hereinafter provided Section 5. Upon the receipt by the City Council of the report of the Board of Inspectors of weights ana measures, the City Council shall consider tbe aald report, and Jf therefrom It shall determine that this ordinance has been violated by any person, the said City Council shall eause th offender to be com plained against, arrested and prose cuted. 8ectlon 6. Every person convict ed of a violation of any of the pro visions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by Imprison' ment In th city jail for not less than twelve .nor more than fifty days, or by both fine and Imprison' ment. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a apeclal meeting of th City Council on th 8th day of May, i9ii, and to come np for final pas sage and second reading at a meet ing or tbe said council on the 18th day of May, 1911. l 8TIPP, Recorder. upon recelrng the purchase price of aald bonds, the face vslue thereof and accrued Interest to the Iraprov ment fund (Washington Street), and all premiums to the general fund of Oregon City. Section 8. Whereas' the City Council or Oregon City has hereto fore found that the condition of said Washlngto 8Lwss and Is dangerous to the health and safety of the pub lic, and baa let a contract for the. Immediate Improvement of the same, and whereas the ssid street Is still In such condition so as to be dngeroua to the hearth and safety of the public, snd that It Is neces sary to provide funds for the con tinuance of tbe Improvement there of, and that said continuance la necessary for the Immediate pre servation of the health and safety of Ihe public,- in tbe Judgment of me vuj i ounru or uregon Lily an emergency exlMts; therefore this ordinance shsll lake effect and be In force Immediately upon Ha ap proval by the Mayor Kesd first time snd ordered puh- iisoeii st a special meeting of th City Council of Oregon City, held on the 8th day of May. 1911. U 8TIPP. Recorder. & ; ; of $500 00, approved by th Mayor - and. Recorder, and conditioned io - the holder of such lloense will not permit any nntawrul or disorderly conduct In such "room." or allow any minor to frequent or loiter In or about the same, and that he or they will rslthfully comply wltB all of th conditions of this ordinance, in toe conduct or such pool or billiard Section 4. Every pool or billiard room la Oregon City, shall be local ed upon th ground floor, aad th ' front wall or such room shall be so constructed, the entire width there of, that a clear unobstructed 4 may be had from th street of ev ery Dart of tbe Interior of such room by persons passing along th same upon th sidewalk. oucn front shall he made or transparent lass to within not less than four feet of th level or the sidewalk along the front of such room. There shall be no screens, partitions or other obstructions la such room, whstever, and no doors or entrances Into any other room or rooms there from, (except toilet). The fee for a license under thla ordinance, In addition to that mentioned In sec tion t of ordlnsnre No. 207. or Ore gon City, shall be $10.00 per quarter. Section 8. It ahall b unlawful for the proprietor or arty pool or billiard room In Oregon City, his agent or employee,-to permit any form of gambling therein, or any gamea with cards or dice or other contriv ance, whatever, or to keep or per mit to be kept open any such pool or billiard room later than eleven (III o'clock P. M. of every day or to open the same earlier than seven (7) O'clock A. M. of every day. Ex cept on days previous to the first day of the week, election days and holidays when such places may keep open till Midnight. 8ectloo 8. It ahall be unlawful for the proprietor of any pool or billiard room In Oregon Cilxv his agent or employee to permit-any minor to enter or loiter In or about gon City la hereby directed lo cfedirr "'oh room' or lo "" ,B or Ur any game oi poni or oiniaruo inerrin or any other game or chsnce either for amusement or otherwise. And any minor who shsll enter or loiter In or about any such room, or who shsll engsge In any game of pool or billiards therein or attempt to en gsge In any such gsme, or any other gam of chance' either for amuse ment or otherwise or such propri etor or employee as aforesaid shsll upon conviction thereof be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. tkm aV It shall be unlawful for any person or persons obtslnlng a license under this ordtnsnce to I suffer or permit the plsrlng of any lewd pictures upon Ihe well of such J room, or the dlsplsy therein of any , freaks, or nude ststuea therein, or to have In such room anything ex cept pool and billiard tables, and the neceaasry chairs for tbe con venience of the patrons of th same. No license under this ordinance J ahall be transferable to another. without ihe consent of the City Council. Section .7. Thsl ordinance No. 369, entitled an ordinance providing for tbe licensing and regulating of billiard, -pool and card rooms and to prevent minors tinder the age of I eighteen years from frequenting the sine, its s as Ate Yotf a - Subscriber to tbe Nevr Dotty? If Th Morning Enterprise Ir to b as successful as th Interests of Oregon CttT demand It most aeeda hare) th rapport of all. Th new dally has a big work before It la boosting Ore ft) a city and Clackamas County. Tour support means more strength for theworK. . Will You Help Boost yotif own Interests? For a limited Urn th Mornmg ntarpris WW be told to paid la advance subeerlbers as follows: , w . . Py Carrier, 1 year.. ........ $$0 Lf Ul 1 year. . . . . , , ?i (,. I,,' mi yoer name and remittance. - Ordinance No. . An ordinance authorizing the Issuance of Improvement bonds In pursuance of an act of legislature in the Bute of Oregon, known as "The Bonding Act" ss the same has been amended. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. That In pursuance of applications of owners or property to pay certain assessments ror the Improvement of Washington Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the south line of Second Street to th south line or Seventh Street; as provided by an act of the legislative Assem bly of the State of Oregon, entitled "An Act to provide for th lssuanc of bond for the improvements of streets and th laying of Sewers In Incorporated Cities and ror th pay ment of the coats of such Improve- mefUfid th tnylftgjbf 8wra by-Lame time file with si Id Reenrd. J ww.eeseivi.c u I IS VUSW V Ordinance No. An ordinance to license snd regulate , pool and billiard rooms In Oregon ity, snd prohibiting csrds and games or cnance inerein, and pro- nininng minora rrom frequenting the same, and defining the place wnere surn rooms msy be conducted and the manner of the front of the same, snd prohibiting screens, lewd pictures snd other attractions there in, and doors and connections Into other rooms therefrom. Also giving me neopie or tne ward In which such room is proiKised the right to remon strst sgainat tbe same, snd reserv h . mf council tne right to re. ruse a llrenae In Ha discretion, snd providing the manner that applrsnta for pool or billiard room license shull follow In applying for the ssme. snd repealing ordinances Nos, and 4o7. Oregon City. Oregon uregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. Every person desiring to carry on a pool or billiard room in Oregon City, shall first obtain a license therefor In the msnner fol lowing, to-wlt: Application for such license shsll be made, by petition to tne i:ity Council, and such petl Hon shall be signed by the snnll cant or applicants, and shall state tne particular place where such "room" Is to be located, and the time for which such license Is de- sirea. Notice shall also be given by the party or parties deslrlnc aneh license, by publishing the same for two consecutive weeks in a news paper of general circulation In Ore gon uty, and such notice shall state tne place where such "room Is to be located, and the time when such application will be made to the Council, and tbe same ahall also be niea with the City Recorder. Bo rore such application for license snail be granted, and license or. dered Issued. It ahall receive the an. provsl, by vote, of the majority of ioe memoers or the City Council. Section 2. The registered voters of the ward In which such pool or Diinsra room la proposed In the pe tition and notice above mentioned. may file at any time prior to the time for the hearing of such peti tion, a remonstrance with the Re corder, againat th granting of tbe same. And, ir upon the hearing of such petition and remonstrance, the Council find that a majority of the registered voters of such ward have remonstrated . against the granting of such license, then the same shall be denied. And, In case less than a majority of sach regis tered voters have remonstrated, . and the Council deem It against the best Interests of the community to . grant such license, they may refuse to grsnt the same. And when a license hss been refused by the Council, for either of tbe reasons above, no further applications for a 1lcens from such ward for a pool or billiard room therein, may be tak en up ana considered again, until tbe expiration of a period of three months from the time of th hearing last referred to. . -rBectlon 2. When th petition for a license under thla ordinance has been grsnted, and the fee for tbe same has been paid to th. r. Treasurer and bis receipt therefor filed with the City Recorder, the Recorder shall lasue a license to the twiur. or petitioners, provided thst such applicants, shall .k. . . , - - luq proved Msrcb 6ih, 1807, and an or dlnsnre No. 4S7, entitled an ordl nance to amend section one of or dinance No. 349, approved March t, 1907, ss amended by ordinance No. 438 or Oregon City Oregon, and re pealing section 2, or said ordinance No. 430. passed Dec. 15, 1909, and approved same date, be and the same are each hereby repealed. Section 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this or dinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, before the Mayor or Record er, shall be fined In any aum not ex ceeding Fifty Dollars, or by im prisonment for any term, not ex ceeding, twenty five days or by both such fine and Imprisonment. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council held on the 8th day of May and to come np for second reading and final passage at a spe cie! meeting to be held on the 18th dsy of May, 1911. L 8TIPP, Recorder. - Ordinance No. . An ordinance providing for building a Dram culvert from Fourteenth Street northerly to Fifteenth Street Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon city does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. It Is hereby provided thst a concrete drain culvert having wans ana arch s inch thick on foundation of 8 Inches of concrete and culvert to be 8 feet Inches deep by 3 feet wide and shall be constructed from Fourteenth Street Oregon City, Oregon, at the Intersec Hon of John Adams Street along Jono Adams Street to Fifteenth Street lo divert the water from Kan sas City Canyon Into tbe Abernathy ureea. oecuon z. mere la hereby ap propnatea out of the general fund sizug.w or so much thereof aa I necessary to pay for said culvert. owuon s. wnereas the water rowing down said Canyon, floods Washington Street and renders tbe same impssslble and dangerous and it Is necessary for the Immediate protection of . the aald street and persons traveling over the same that mis culvert be built Immediately therefore thla ordinance) shsll be In force and take effect Immediately upon its approval by tbe Mayor, Read first time and ordered pub lished at a apeclal meeting of the City council or Oregon City, held on the 8th day of May, 1911, and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting to be held on the 18th day of May, 1911 I STIPP, Recorder. Put Yourself nthe J Ad-Readers Place.. good and sufficient bond in; tti su4n 7 . When Vou write n i...fft.. T. ad or any kind of an ad-Kry to Include In It just the information e) ymid Ilka to find If yon were an ad-reader and ware kmiHn. ad of that kino; V7 " If yon do thla to even a small f egtent your ad will bring R e 8ULT8I ' J;"WT J e V e o) Td the Wev; DAILY? The Wmnrn i Will You Help Us Interests? By carrier, i year $3.00 By mail, I year 2.00 Send in Your and Remittance w PLIAtt NOTICE. T61 Introduce Th Moraine Enterprise 'Into a largo major- Ity of the home la Oregon City and Claokamaa oeuntv th management has deoided to make a apeclal prloer for th dally Issue, ror a short time only, wher the Mbeortber aavs t year la advene. . By carrier, paid a rear la advaswe. aaM. By BaaatL boM a rear I ad- v ea, ft,. People who gave our eaavaa. ar a trial sabaorlDtlon to an. or more months, at tan week, oaa have th dally daily ered for a rear foe una h Pylng a year la uttuM People who gave our eanvae- sr a trial auhaarlntlaai. he for four months at a dot- lar. may have the mm a year for 81.00. If aaM a aa la advance. Subscribers to th Weekly Enterprise mar chance their subscriptions to the daily, re ceiving credit for half Urn on th daUy that th weekly la paid In adyanc. ' Wha they choose to add cash to th ad vene payment qual to a fall year's advance paymeat thy may take advantage of th $1 rate.' ... We mako thla special price M that people who hay pe4d la advaneo ea mam otber aedty ana wis t lake tM Katerprise. auty Am se 9 'to great expense. . e) dru. Besutlfully Illustrated colors. The Spell." a western by th Wllllsmsona. "J Oreater Chinatown," by CU"" Field. Automobile sectlos. iw aale, 18 cents. - - '- . SHUIEL TCAM BIATi Clfcr. Melalla Nine Administers Dees W. wash to Mt Plestsnt I 'Th Shubel baseball Crescent at Shubel SuBdiyW of It to 1. Dolbrow snd BreM;"j posed tbe battery for flhubei. ' The Mount rie" uj oat Sunday at MolalU by t fc team, with a score oi i terlei for Mount Jr. and Nichols: for mois..- Jones. .... HOISI mv.-- j The following have refiit" i Electric Hotel: B. A. Bly, Oregon Cliyi j V wu J . Rarhandt. M. High, ' . . if A. Bailey, city; y Francisco; W. R''JTu Roseborg; 8. Taylor. PDrtltti. Oerblng. BHMset Maf-- "Nil of th y,-e,M y .-An-'i WATCH Special Safe fc? cext ; Sztctd&r D.n; KLEr:: ,-421 Ml . rt " ' n