uousixq ErrnnpaisE. Tuesday, may j, mi etteuzze CUD-SUB to mw4; wwwrtt, tr; hmmn, itsun. ' Andrew Carnegie Is Hale and lit r kuM: m " : Hearty Ncarini 74th IMrthday DSIC3BB ; tlM Mr 1M: Axrllu Ufl 1M. Tnm UU Okllfar- ; Ma totafrNy to- iiaa)aiia. 4 TM ratvra) t MrUI, . rnmtoat ta arwcyt tvallatl. . H aa w ltwH ap lawUttoiv "7; It to a STt3s Accoont to O Cbr HOC ttocs r o(4 H fwt ta. lit Ita M 1M IMi Wr. fMNB CKtAMfiAMOtrOCLCORAH- M u. lo mita. IS The Baci cf Oregon City , Tt Oldrtt SAlk la tU Caaaiv rem M le avr4lM t4. BKXr mOOtf Brtf ttr for -y JtUKCP Art ftm U ktoM u -aWnwa41 mm aatoaBBaW BBaBe ton- mmmm oaw iBaaB . :. - : . v - .'!' - f - ). t'awS4)ON CITY I I I !Cl!7 FTTitTTl Tfl PI TO n t .TTTTi i, ir, I I A ' I 'tOnwm CHy market. Br. tea?, fee i at ) mi ; ' t f I odjaa par m vawur mm tar ! naM ' B r ; .1 I . to tn flrwa tke aaCr a tt - I ' : . ' 3 . . I i party toTrw' tm Mm!m" . ' I '" '. - - I . tMEMrto VV, I tl frtM tg to WmmJ t U D a anal rultiai meruaa- t j I ' .sT" ' ' I ' : .. T"."i aa. awwwai aaar--; vi. - -h ' ' -i' 1 - I tawana utoiw oa iccow crnr orrtciAL hcwwapch, ! fl Cnv; V C A t J! t ill z: : -h ( v i -11 BACOX. LARO 4 IIAU, r If CATTLK DCMANO OROWft. Ht frMj Lcl rM i PORTLAXIX Or. 'May I IUclpa for ilr Irti wk of May at tm port. ki4 trkrHi r aa followa: N cmim. is3: raiTM 41: ao. ! - h. - -' ' - - - . Bkala 1 j 1 TV. mhU Kavka - 1 ha kirk. .tWIa Mk iM T MJ ro4 actoaa tq to w nJ o tX D mui " . ; r J. Ub. . - : : - - ; , . ZZB-aii THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIliC of ORCGOT1 CITY . OREGON capital mjmm . I a, b toW4 aoM ail tW vay from CM 10 acio woonaal MSa ta tto Nwtr ! I- . . , w ' I w' waryltaiaa-tTiaiatal1rt Wli faWVRVkaV M aMfeatofl aMAB MM u . . for!a. riM tVttB iWao - -- -- PrUaja4 lflWfty laratalajft ta iVMitt auaajtoiitoa tto afgy sear ajja?y. 1 llama, tot tto aurkot ralll4 aa4 CKINIST W ffr r-1. 'rka) otaaMiiary Ma4t u - tow., laparta 4tk faIU nla. 1: Mai BK Hato itc 101 rOURTH TfittT OROON CiTY. Hay 9 In Americah History. ltOO JoAa , Brow ef '). atoHftwato. tora al Torrn-.o Ooaa.: tfiatrd at Ctoiira. . Dte.2. lC . MM Battb ton 0r Pt a. Mcitro: .turrtt t.t WOO TT (' r'r'l ' lxrr. fWr aat K' - tv" rjckf la tbr 6-Ul ei t.tf Uava rsaataH at Baiil HaVAarafa Era "&. ajXtor of -Utaiafc.- -8. Dax.." uarT aavd blT faoraiair ot m&m era fetf. tod: tors 1KB. i rM wall (MaMrtac lb fact ikal .a large abJpnat of Caatrs toes vaa Ctjr- Ito toaxka aa wait Wkllo It vo14 i ; U-U: waiwa. S. BamA. crloa4. ta forrT top of 7 It. oraiaary ; amvT, il l. iwaat raaaiiy anni oaiy IXOrR AXD FEITT rVaar to j lie aa4 akick. roaat4rla tk kaaty . aTotoyrtsac rroaa u to ry aaiaaaorwc or too ia a yary , ; bus of ckamjar ptM r4 la :aafct arMto Ui4a4. Ttora ta a anr' i ; aitor ato rtoU stoa It Braa artaga ' d-H4 ! ta ka rVr araar, boat rraaa su aa mi, ootii in. rail- atnii4 ariiiM nsai 00 to .. iA' ai aa at acsa aaJ IM acarry. auO aac r a til to 1 AATItOWOtolCAl. CVENT. Htas today u mm T. raws 444; m a. am. jlaaiTa Matrmry ta rvcsarrWa. lierrary 1 of totsra. ad THE AJM It TO DISCREDIT!: ' 1 rbdBfj amwaatau ttav ba Cno , . JLimra tto trjaatj-lo rto ffrt taat ?mti lxxxt, bo vapUc4 In clax w .-i of atMWfe rco4 ca&-rartyn by j to BraaaUrtoo, Hob Ka;peBbar; t Coswy Coor. i 4twUm? tto fat , -La-ra U'4fr," FrBk Mister: aalary 'A IIS pr day for hla wort j 5mot:i gaaahopr." Lyasa Tto fart ia that Mr. Jaguar & va X-rrr; -CWlr." M!a Jaa MazU; toea drawlnr. a iattxl aaUry. H ia ;-M?iiH Ja. Mm ADf! Kap oot aftr tfc nvoT. H doa t n ptoton'fer; Clainaooe Quarttt. Mr. If. Bat to f Btboalastie for mnUrra Brandt. Harry Confer. Henry Brandt. mr-fhoU In f 1 r mrr in ...t ; fTird Ctfer: rxyatYm. Miaa bwildlBC. H- told the metnbera of th I pimyVe-t. "RoaebeDr'i Lovera. wort, aton to rharse of .to 7.''.. .- v E'l . . . .. . . BIj: Wuiitrtoa Smith. Ralph Cap road work, ta pay.htm t-..er tUj;)H J.rv ftrvn. Carl Barney; eo&aidered to north. Mr J "rVti J'oea " M'a Olia JaakOTn: rar'a entt'uUMii r-rt1 a ""Mr. J'a." E Kappnbeder: tehM- 'here he pa ni hand into hla own porfcet aod jck a 'am rnad rIV ,akc wHk aprtngy ate ttot bust bW fea.'f inn d ot kar Aae aa eswneat Ukeaeaa ef if rmi !rwter t-. (t. Tork onJy a few day a. aad with X a r ' Vr irl M- raraesic. theft' daaarntcr Marxmret ad Mr. Caroea strr Mr (VnTt In ate fcftieth yoar wtoa to aurrhd. aad there .fi It- rte b fc w ,. utwH oark TfTlioBia aa amy to left after Mr Caraene ka 'v -I .-. t-; jwnr hug for Jnat now to to arrocaff hW litoe lu(.,. fr areral Ho waa reeeatiy tto Ke( af tor. f ; ;i l-..- rra ly ike JSow Tork Preaa ekaa. Ia a brief prb hr l--a.w s- wnu!ltt a tto work ttoy are doU for pear, aad to r1 I'-u' j 'noiHtoaeor by aylaa; ttot wtoa to ana yoac ate rrealwM atal.t'tWa Ui u-ae a rep-w-iet. tortey tn to St pwxoaa bar ley $33. akole rora (31 to Itt mKte4 ' cor 122 to I3X Wtoat O t HAT Hay to coin a. Ad graJoa ; art froai II to tlM fcibrr tkan laat aotd. Tlaaothy Ilk to Itl: rloeor. flS to tlnVM; oat toy. IIS.M to , III Jd; aaiied, U to f 1M; alfalfa. 4ll- OATS Aro kbxber. gray aoOiaC froaa IT7 to Ud, wkire from f7.M lo Bl"TT EX Ordinary country hriac jfronm lie to 2c. faney dairy .froca EGCSAr), magint froai ike tot Sheep nurket reaaalned Brm to blgb- or. with atork fairly well repreaented CnBforain ewen' brodgbt t-S. yoart kmgn tVM. ; roatlauea tto top for toot aprlng lantba. a kilo wettora mare S to 11. 44, with n mj ong de Tbo following tnWaaro repreoata- iito: , 11 fceera ............ ..ir4 (4 - ... Oregon Qty 7cod and Fuel Cocc-t F. II DLUHU Vawr eftU awppHarf with gay onUty of 4 foot ar i inch Ilvrn4 to a ay prt f City. tatlafactloM twaranteod. Hoaad nVtlP Pm1m Mala 1902 rVtcoa, rtaaooabJo. wanf.aV "hart t 'tt4Mx Car.kthM, 0fanCH. Chief of gut of Ut Army. t ITMj an lafortual gathering of momborn of URRRIIt AT MURALT HOttt lid Sl 1 Cowa 1 I - Lamb . Wettora r-; arcordtng to gra4e " POCUTRT rrn atth hi tie 'tork ofnrered. Hoaa wUt-krtng lietf ta etra good eoadittoa more. iUdH5 iloca . . rooatera are poor nl c V lc. broil-' "'...J era bring froai 22 to tic. wtB rood Kwea .. demaad. ' ' XS " .... WOOL Wool prlrea ar ranging , ,v " , (rota lie to 144U" -(111 " L MOHAIR Price' on mohair bar ! B,, - ' been way np nonao harlcg brought aa T bigb M25cJocnUy. Qwxatlona are I -I uf1 127 ..1179 ..III) ..1M0 ..1004 .. U .. 21 .. 9 . 191 .1134 ,. 90 .-111. . IS4 . 25 .1704 .1120 413 4.14 4.7J AM tV7 I to 7 to t.44 5.2S 7 2S 1.54 47t 7.14 T.I4 4.10 .H 4 7. at the eflUnalaaxnt nt on Satardaf eTenlog Bearer Crek Kmmmm Wot." to Ce: aalt- hide.' 12e to t awaarto r n I rr 7e each. er for the e and he reejTinx a rent tor Be uae nocht&e. Th Entrprle ia not 'A tht maicec tbae esplaaakxi for the beoefit of Mr Jarw. aef for tb lafrmatVn of tboae who may hae hrl tfee atortea tiat are b-so circnla-ed, prerjaialy V, diarr4tt 1 mr. jntt for bet'er CM.'tiota. . Tto tocrnicr Eot-rprl . ju.t tele braxtng tto foonh RKm'b of iu exiat -TBe potrooare l fca relved If ery gratifjiiig. Tim p',: of Ore ga City and CUckamaa County are apprecU'Jor a bright daliy newhpapr, the only dally between Portland, and Halem Art yon a anbacrlber? aa ; . . J. D. Btevena. who vlllltVd W. S. VRt-n on th? atreet corner in Oregon City U Saturday nii?ht, may be en terainlng, but that , ai He can do -lUxW hitm and jtxxL..VVliat1 Bteeni tniaka peraonally of Mr. l.'Hen ia of, no value In ohaping the opinion! th'.- arerag man. 44 Clackaman will not have a dull Sum mer. There la in prospect the 14 daya and four day of the Clackamaa Coun tauqua Aminbly at Gladstone Park, and four daya of the Clack imaa Count' ty Annua Fair at Canby, bealdea min or evtnta. 'What do yon think of the nerre of the individual who would aleal from the ah'. riff? too. Kip Raw Qoar?te. Mm OUa JacLon. Miii Maml Woan&i. MUa A K-ppeakeoder, MiM Ebl Ball. MJa '- MaxweU. Every nsaber of thia prorramar waa wefl receitred aod 'bone talnr Ir in -he plale aboaed they kad w-tard tbeir paru carefully a their r well glren. There la no doabt bot there wU3 be a large crowd -4ao- CUBIT LITERARY k Mm ENTERTAINS . SAME PftOORAMME TO BE PRE. ENTCO AT CAVER CREEK ATURDAV EVENINO. Z The anterulnatonf gfrea on gatur- day erenlDg at Clalmont acboolliouae by the Clalrmont titerar Society, waa ym decided aucoeaa. ( Tbe bulldlnc vaa 01104 to Ita capacftjr by aa appracla tire aadieoea. v The proceed, which 'amounted to $15, will go toward the reetioa ef a boots at the CTackamaa ,, Cotrnty fair to be held la Caaby. It waa decided M preaent the aame pro . gramme at Beerer Creek oo RatBrday bight. .1 " -v., .... V . The following wae the progranmo . glrea: Dnat. Mlaa Woarma aad Mia Hall; recitation. Mia Staph: gong, Mia Hllma Hota;- recltaUon, Earl - Iimi; playlet, "Who I Who,' tb eaat of character being a follow: Btoonv i - X 1 i tt mma nikiw mug. ! HIDES Creen hide. Sc era. (He to CH: dry He. Sheep pelta. 2V to I URIEL FHl IT Local price are ( om at rrom ac io it on appte anT !pmB. Peache are 14c. ! SALT Selling $0c to te for flao. 14 lb. aack. balf groaad 40c; 75 for j 104 lb. aacka ...1300 00 each . . . 254 04 each 2 Driver C Chunk rrm 00 r 172 00 ch laeiiuoao commute oa aauitary . af Wri.nd. mt a.... r- . fair Tb-rd.y. .,prd the o in ion ; r V!,!,'!'- that . latrryeatlo la Me.lco wlU bei . ,Jr 9 laerltable and that It would lak j A BrDrU rty naa ieadtra) K, 204.000 American trop to patrol the ?4 Mr "nrlt Murali oa fatvse troubled repablic. brought no little ' evening t their pletiy Vobm aw : chargrla lo Adtolalatratloa circle, j Pea or Creek, by . f.. ,7. ( Today a napping brought oat freab f rlMlll ' " ' ramor ihat frk-tkHi etlat betweea J1 r,WMla - Tb " aa I he War aad Slat Department orP' la tm aud mutic. UlWit the baaduag of affair connected wlta rwHMlng ronteit t; r OalUia ial the Mealcaa aituatlop. - Mt. C Muralt, peanut race, Mr laitl A department report alao waa pee-oad Mr- l m Robhlna, u4 that alatent that Secretary Kaosl re making I he laret buraber of arj Igaatloa la the near faiare would!0"1 of lb word "bear' raXnT not eanao aarpriae. No coaflrmatloa j niaekbura and Mr. Hmlik. At Utf waa obtainable, a auggaetioa lhat , no"r a-iicto r-rmbmBti Knoi might . retire frora (ho at ate po rtfolio waa rarrent va before tkej SACK VEGETABLES Carrot. $1.25611.54 per mark: parsnip. 1123 ftlXSA; tnmlpa. 1125011.54; beet, $1.54. I VEGETABLES Aspanura. 90c .j $1.75 per -rate; cabbage, aew, $2 per ! bBadedweight: raoMflower, HJOfr $1.7$ per dozen; celery. California, ,75c &90e per dozea; cacaaaber. JMQ ' 12 25 Pr dozen; ecgplaat. ISc per lb.; J garlic. l'0 12c per pound; lettuce,; Pe per dozen; hot bouee lettuce. $1.50 j 612 per box; pea. 9ellc per pound; pepper. 30et3?5e per pound; radlabea, lie per doieafrlabarb, 2Hc i 1 XhoXcnr Sins Be As Scarlet TODAY At The G R AN D Praent were Mr, and Mr. 0 Bun, Mr. and. Mra (2. a. I'aeohopf. r mi Mra. p. Mertarhlng'Mr an Mm rait, Mr. and Mr p Undat, n u Mra T. Illackburn, Mr. and Mn. t II. Itoettter. Mr Jind Mr. P. A lb ler. Mr. and Mra (I R. Gwitlla, HM Miy Dvvla. Mia MUta Blake. K Nora Roettger. Mlaa Lola Monti Ml fleulah Hornbuh. Mint Mirk hlertechmr-. I'aul and rraak w- arte ar ii"H ""'""f, t Mi 1 1 1 1 hlnr. Prrry ffmtth. rnrd Blnta. If The moat preclou ooaaaaaioa la KNOX MAY RESIGN, nr. 1 k.i r.i WA8H1SCTON. May 1. Storlea ! t,,,,,B .T. crcie outjf door printed tbnt Cenernl lonard Wood. J .'1 eight hour aleep. - . Rebel Mtnae thekluna. CANTON. May 4. The revolution- erved. A 'moat eti)oyabl la a Kaat River. 57 anile north of Hong koeg. and 45 mile eaat of thl city The anihorltle bav dlapatcbed troop I lo Inteicept them. thar HorBAhuh. Evelyn Haajlar. krnk Murall. Lola and liaby PaOttDg Richard .Qwtlllm. Everrtl BUckktn aad Louie Rpettjcer. MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much raluable information in them that .will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little OKI CITY ENTERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. TfLO-A niDEn flf li? JrVA 4 Mf1rt to rid aad e.kiut a aunt Uw M "SW a aaul re nolrt and annoaaeat Merrie. Waaiptaaarmaerwh"antMr a . aow raa BAra' ria immk r fl- rkie U. btcrcW and put u lo an r to r V ou peetwtly aaiMted or do a.4 U k to W h, eeri and -ja a I' way ( pni WWW II pww aw r.r-i i'i'liv: iSLTr-'r t.' 1 V'V ' CiViJ wareeaea xuVvm and Ura oar aaaaariala-e V -s uWWwt-i.2lzrs 'Jla 77. v r I Lftftl V 11 in 1 xt;i' aveta t..,2Zflm? .1 ui,J7iTT"i toMitill" l.e fmtr, tm m MWm mmZ . - . wan to -unareo iuwummI p, Ira told la year. I nm parol I ml whlfh eluM an mH nix, z tzrii . -aW to-i-J ia aia o Ti TV-..T"l"r anoa 01 umm wm sane. I I elalklMl-'' mmA amtmm ttm atn te ee oj T r;o.rU'?a- fCtorrVV.', n'oTlrto to P-r pair. All dwj SrSlSi rl. Vo do aoi pay a -. . 4a Imrmijlu wilt $ln m 52 n... A k a eaaw . . . f-a I '-y IP ij 4Wtoyaatato It Wouldn't 'Pay to Adverfc , A Poor Article- - ' ' NorVprnpolt!e ef doubtfiii mrit 4r hentr-' nowaday, are DISCRIMINATINO. They know vatt-W " GENUINE thlnoa, genuln epportunltl. -. "w; arimie wnion aan D eeie ay aevaniatn 6060 artlel. yCU arg aafa In buying a thlnj wblch h tht fire 4f rvt.'tclty. v . . . '. ' ' .'" ' The maker of a widely advertlacd artlat. way an trial for hi bualnea lift. ' H cannot ahirk, ner prfldu'el and thl lo tb boat poaalbl protection fo' the U commodity, Vou are SAPE In buylnj advartlMd thing nowaday bualndu condition. ' ' ; . ' , tlM IfMillMOKlM I a ? II i.l 1