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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
MORNINO ENTERPRISE SUNDAY, MAY 7, ,1011. 1 -V-L.' At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIG&T ; " ' 7- ' . . ; .i . ' v i ': v.. , '--.- b 7 I 1,' L ( ! Thlf." haa given the stage another of those Intense ' powerful - mau which reach the .highest pinnacle of dramatic fore and Intensity la 8am on. which, with Florence Roberta, Theodore Roberta and Tburlow Bar- n In th caat will opa Bast Moo dar evanln at tha Bakar, batnt tha aevoth, and lait but on of tha waaka or lhM thraa notabla etara la Port land. IIkcium of It title, many thaa-tr-Kora hava bn lad to ballava Samaon la aoma aort of a Biblical play or a historical on, but wa wUh to aaaura thara that It la nalthar. but, on tha contrary, a vodara aoclaty play fllM with graat act In j pana and Intvnaa dramatic ollmax. "Bamaon la ona Maurlca Rrachard, a powerful flnaarlal man and ona who has rlaan by hla own Individual afforta aaalf mad man of peculiar typa and tam pormant. Ha a marrlad to a young woman, Anna Maria, who haa antar rU into tha union for financial raaaona, 8ha la lonaly and depraaaad and ona evening atoala out with a foruar waetheart. on a almpla enough plena- ure, hut a maddier diacovering it. tell Uranchard, with tha reault thai ha awalia her return, and In ona of the moat gripping dramatic acenea ever Introduced Into a modern play, wrlnga a confeaalon from her, word for word. Then he plana and ata cutea a terrible revenge, causing a tremenduoua financial crash In which he goes down with the there to utter ruin. From the wreck however cornea to Ann Marie a true appreciation of what a man her husband really la, and In the end aha learna to love him and tha ply cloaea happily after all. There are many atrong acting charac ters. Theodore Roberta will play tht role of Samson, In which he will give further proof of hla reputation of the beat character actor on the American stage. Florence Roberts will play (Anne Marie and Thurtow Bergen will play that of Jerome, the lover. Mat- Mnees will be given Wednesday and r Saturday. HQLIG. THEATRE Seventh and Taylee lira eta. Phones, Main 1 A lilt FOUR NIGHTS MOINNINO. MAY 4 THURSDAY-SATURDAY NIGHTS A SAT. MATINS 1 By MauHee Matertlnak y Paul Hsrvlou "Hday Night y Heart Bernstslnf Auther ef "TH1 THISr. SIAT SALE OPSNS TUESDAY, MAY S. Frederick Thomaeen Preaanta tha Dramatla Sensatlan The Spendthrift Thursday Emotional III Evenings SI.M. l.0O, rSa, SOe. IS4Sa Sat. Matinee 11.00 75c, 600, )5. fe. Seats now selling for engagement. - At Hsllig Theatre Neat Week4-Nights Beginning May 11. Special Price Matinee Saturday. The Oreatest Actress OLQA NBTHERSOLB (Llsbler A Ce Managers) Thursday-Saturday Nights and Saturday Mattnie Doubts "SISTER BEATRICE" AND "THE ENIGMA " DOUBLE! BILL, fcy Maurice MatsrllneK. ByPsul Harvlou. Friday Night " THE REDEMPTION OF EVELYN VAJDRAV" y' Henri Barnatsln, Auther af "The Thief." Beat -sale opens Tuesday May 9 Evenings S2.00, 11. &0, $1.00, r&e, SOe. Matinee 41.50, 11.00 75, 50o, S5o. 25 Woman'sWorld Pretty Girl May Marry Rih Mr. Alter. THEODORE ROBERTS, in "Samaon," at the- Baker Theatre. NETHERSOLE AT THE HEILIG. DoJble Bill Opena Ntxt Thursday for Three Nights. Olga Nethersole will present the symbolical Maeterlinck play. -Slater Beatrice'' duriogher engagement at the Helllg Theatre on May 11-13. Sarah Bernhardt only decided recent ly to Include tne aame play In her renretory. The contrast which that -coincidence will Invite forma a thea trics 1 curiosity which la seldom en countered and which deserves the keenest Interest of theatre-goers. To Maeterlinck, as to all the great mas ters of the drama of the thesis, or the drama of the symbol, there la a sen sual and a spiritual aide. Which will appeal to Olga . Nethersole? Upon which will Bernhardt lay the emph asis of her great art? It will at leaat be interesting to watch for the answer. Oi LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY. Popular Fun Making Opena at Bt galow Sunday. The Immenae following the Lyric Muatcal Comedy Company haa won during the paat year will be delighted that their favorites will move up to the Bungalow for the summer Instead of moving to, some other city. By apt-lal arrangementa with Geo. U Baker, Keating and Flood have been able to service of the cosy up-town playhouse for their attractions, and will oien Sunday matinee In tha l cited antagonism, but In each esse ; screaming travesty, Welner A Schmlt- iney nave practically oeen aroppeo : aei in uia sevuia introducing iwo from the repretolre of the comedians. West A Zack who "Stater Beatrice," in which both , come here with a record of success J Mias Nethersole will be seen here. U In other cities thst Is sufficient guar- a miracle play revolving around a j antee of their ability to make people young nun a renunciation of convent , laugh every minute they are on the Hfe for the world and love, her fall to ' stage.. Alao the new prima Donna, the lowest depths a woman can sink Jennie Fletcher (late with Kolb A to, and her final return to the con- Dill), bids fair to create a genuine! vent and death. During the nun's absence from the convent the statue of the Virgin. wblc she attended comes to life- and performs- her -do ties the symbolism meaning that no sin Is too (treat for forgiveness and no person earthly or divine, too great to stoop to assist the erring. In addition to "Slater Beatrice," Miss Nethersole will also appear in two-act play by Paul HervieuT the French Acadomlcian called "The Entg sensation. The large stage of the Bungalow will admit of much more elaborate scenic effects aa well as augmented chorus and settings, to tha end that patrons of tbeLyrtc pany will doubtless receive more than ever for their money. Prices will re main the aame aa have prevailed at the down town house, now being wrecked for ptber purposes. , Two performances will be given every evening with matlneea dally. Friday Other committees later. too Bitiesaa -en gaged la a duel of the same sort. On the eve of Bernhardt'a appearance la New York In "La Samaiitaine." Olga Nethersole in the New Theatre re vived the Maeterlinck play. "Mary Magdellne." Both of these plays ei i ma. Miss Nethersole has already re- ; night will be the popular chorus girls vealed two of the best plays of this i cqntest. and neit week Messrs. Kest master to the American public. "The 1 lag A Flood hope to see the stalling ijhvrlnth'' and "The Awakening." faces of all their regular patrons at ... me HungsJow. fchd as many moie as 8AMS4N OPENS MONDAY. C-B crow1 ,n to h opening week . of the old company In the new lora- Streng, Modern Play by Henri Born- t,on stein to Be Presented at Bakar. - . Henri Bernstein, author of "The p.tromse our advenleers. Mias MaoacaiNa r rosea The "two grs-es"-ihat la what New Tork society calls the Mlaaea Katherlne and Madeleine Ta Image Kon-e. the two lovely daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil llam H Korre. The younger of the two, Ml Madeleine, haa rei-elred so " T H E SHOW THA T'S D t F F Eft E N T" Will Exhitt - OREGON CITY, MONDAY, MAY 8TH Two Performances -2 and O P. El. Two Porformanooa AE (Bo 200 PERFORMING ANIMALS 200 mu-b attenlloa from Colonel John Ja cob Aator that giMulp bints at the prob ability of sn en- gement. Mr. Aator's former wife. Mm. Ava Willing Astor, who obtained a decree of divorce from him In November. IDOH. now reaMe In England with their nine year-oitl daughter Muriel. Their son. Victor, who Is about twenty, lives with his father . UhuiM .tii B... ' k One DAy Only also twenty year old. wed Mr. Astor sne will succeed to the leadership of jsew Tork society, which the Aator women have always held, and to the aplendld Astor collection of jewels. Besides, she will be mistress of the Fifth a veil oe manalont the Kewjtort' vma and the aplendld country bouse at Rnlnecllff-on-the-iludaon. where Mr. Astor built a half million dollar gym naaium for his former wife. The Forces are Interested In yscbtlng and all forms of outdoor sport. Their home la at 81 East Forty-ninth street. New Tork. Wlrllsm II. Force, the father of the two beautiful girls, la a member of the New Tork chamber of commerce and Is prominent in the business world. Their inotlier Was Miss Katherlne Tal msge. Going to Msalce by Team. Going aft the way to Meilco by team 1 will be the unuaual experience of Mer rill Veteto. son and daughter, of Cen tralis, Wash , who passed through Oregon City Ftidsy. Mr. Veteto Is a cousin of""E: F. Veteto, of New Fjra. , Attend Automobile Banquet. O. C. Waldron of Waldron A Wald- ron. has returned from-Portland. where he attended a banquet given , at the' Hotel Portland by the KM-F Northwest Company. Immediately after the banquet a descriptive lee-, tore, accompanied by moving pictures, wss given, by F. M. Smith, Special fsc lory representative, A Sign of Popular Affection. 'Weren't you Indignant when people you didn't know called you by your first name?" "No." replied Bejiator Sorghum: "but 'I've worried a groat deal since they've shown a disposition - to stop It." Do not join the Knockers Club; and avoid all fellowship with the folk 4 who are trying to wear the face oS tha clock. Read tha Morning enterprise. Heart to Heart Talks. Bjr nrWTN A. NYB. 200i All MILWAUKIE. e e & ... r. ii. uenman wno is putting up a new fire kiln to burn his tiling, will nerearter bnrn oil Is A WISE ADAGE. Out of the common eiperlence of oar Amorlcaa life baa been coined. In the vernacular of the street ."an expression that contains much of philosophy. The saying U: "Keep atlll sod aaw wood." la physics you find the striking force ef a moving body by multiplying the velocity by the weight, in terms of boman life yon get the force of a man by multiplying his ability to do by his ability to keep still and wslt. Keep stUI. When the fouadatlooa of the great deep beneath you seem broken no snd the wives of advemr fair threiteo to lie la bulldlnv a verv ai,Katnii furnace and when completed, will add-0Trwb'lm u 11 ln,f "srd to do, anomer industry to MUwaukle. i ne moving picture show Is a thing ACTORS 200 l.. Monster Lion '4Neto" tiding: Arabian Horses Elepnants, Lions. Tigers. Pumas. Leopards. Zebras, Jaguars; In steel arenas under direction of famous male and female trainers 3 Groups of Savage Beasts id Salutation or tne paat, having gone to the wall lor want or patronage. Too bad. The streets are so muddv tha school children are everlastingly roasting the mayor, contractors and councllmen. Very poor judgment was shown in-taking away the walls in front or thm old Evangelical building, before ready id uu auriaing. uice an jobs of this kind, main strength and bull headed neaa. seemed to be the chief characteristic. Irrespec tive or wnac tne long aufferlng public nan to put up with. ui aa Miiwaukiea population It mostly oerman and like her Eastern namesake, she has to be noted for sometning (in this case not beert characterlstio of the German, ah had to go at her street work "hind side oerere. ii was amusing to aee two, up-to- uie, noooie Skirted females from busy romana making run or our muddy streets Thursday afternoon. The last seen of tbem they were wading ankle ecp in mua up Washington street by w ewers property toward the new depot.'" It Is likely they kept going rather man attempt to get back onto Main street again. Later developments prove that after a round-about trip mcjr ioui Dai noma from the ' Tar mu aim ici meir reec nana nvar. . Doard an the way down to Portland in oraer to wash the clay off. , Rumor has It that a new barbed shop will be opened next to the post- uuii-e. IL'-h School Horses, Sca Llont, BrArrfDogs, Pontes, Babboons Mai hoi of novel .and seasAtlonAl Acts. Vt tt Ctrttt pATAde a OREGON CITY, MQN. RJAY 8 bat- Keep still There Is nothing to be gained by cry ing out. Hps re the Indifferent world recital of your griefs. Keep your head and conserve your strength to save what may be saved from the wreck of yonr hopes. Keep atlll. When lover proves recreant or frfanit aeceives. court not ridicule by pro claiming your wounds. When affliction cornea or bereavement: whn mi.... . "iri irs tone threatens, nurse ronr hnn. i private. Keep still. There's power In keeping still. And to be effective one mum nnt the ether half of this anotbeirm-aaw wood. . . Wot U Salvation. Thera health and bleeeedoese and peace In the reg olatton task.' No matter bow Dolo-nant the sorrow or how keen the res-rat m dire the disappointment, there's steadl Of aOUl la dotn tha mtVWmtntnmA Saw wood. If ron bave no wood to saw. no wort inat nts your hand and mind, yon an of all men moot miserable. Ton cat only nurse your sullen pride or brood wver your raiien fortune and tell ovci and. over to yourself what yourself Dstse to near. " i x, . ' That way Hoe) the state of mind tha eonrta rsbellloa or meditfltes doapnlr.;: "v ami ana-saw wood!- T the Nev; DilL will be appointed Another White Heoe In Discards The trimming Al Kaufman received at. the hands of Jim Flynn In Kansas tUjy rrlday night, ellmnatea another hpe" among the beaviea. vr&y Kaufman should have ever be touted as a coming "champ" Is quite beyond the fight fana. Moat of his "scraps" were of the frame-up variety. The race has narrowed down con siderably In Ihe paat few months. Do I fore the end of the year Ihe ellmlna (Ion process will be completed. Two Divorce Ewlta Piled. Bulla . for divorce were filed here Saturday by Frederick Roaa against Frsncls Amelia Ross and Ethel Miller I against Claud B. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Koaa were married In lndon. I England. November 4. list, and she says he deserted tujr June It, 106. Mr. snd Mrs. Miller were married October 7. 190S, In Albany,' Or, and she charges him with desertion No vember Si. 1909. George C. Brwwnoll Is her attorney. , 1 , jl . 4 The" Mognky 'it- Will You Help Us Boost-Your Own i w a Interests? By cat tier, I yeat $3.09 By mail, f year 2.00 Si- Send in Your Name and Remittance w PLCAtf NOTICE. Rose Shew tot for June S. me lacnamas county Rose So ciety met at tne commercial Club parlors on Saturday afternoon, and the ... Vw ,or iam mo"r rose show will be on Saturday June t. One of """"VB wni oe a children's floral i"'""' me committee is com F'w ?i Mr' 9"renc Farr, Mrs. J. L. Waldron and Mrs. 8. 8. Walker. Too can waste 'voni' w incnon. Ton ran thmm n.. elf down In the rosdwny by whlrf ea pass and cry aloud nod refuse r. t on, or you cao cllurh fr teetl and travel with the cars ran. na if yon will only keen atlll .. to on In tha freanented k t.. strength win come and serenity sn" ope. . ii A 4 e Ta Jntrodvea The Morning Enterprise Into a largo major. Ity of the homea '.a Oregon City and Clackamas eouatv tha ' management haa deolded to make a special price for tha dally Issue, for a abort time oaly, where the subscriber pays a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year la a4tvaea M.M. & swafl, awM a year la ad vaaoe, M-M- People who gave our canvas aerlt trial subscription for ona or more months, at ten cents a week, caa bave the dally deliv ered for a year, for fj.oo by paying a year la ad ranee. People who gave our eaavaa aer a trial subseriptioa, br mall, for four months at a dol lar, may have tha paper for a -roar far fi.OfrVif peidmr la advance- ' Snbacrlbera to the Weekly . Enterprise may ehaaga their subscriptions to tha dally, re elvtng eradlt for half time on tha daily that tha weekly la paid la advaaea. Whan they- choose to add cash to tha ad vance payment equal to a fall year'g advance payment they may take advaatri of tha fl -,rate.. ;i we make tkie special price ao that peopU who have paid la advaaea oa aoma eCher dally and wish to take the Moratog Enterprise, may da so without too great expense. e) A ' e) unsst Migaxine For May. "Mia of the West," by Olen An- drus. " Beautifully IllaatraWk J colors. "The Spsll." a by the WIIMsmsoBt. "Wf Greater Chinatown." bjr d" mi.ij i.....nhl1a aaetmL 9 I0IU. ngiuiMwM sale, IS cents. THI POULT. V VAI Bometlmes Her I1 m " . It Is worse thsn aoas. J Turkey eggs st Ul give gwd. salable eawaaw' W , mas feast ' I Leave It to the old art the best nest to lay . It better than yon , .1 Two sprinkling a 1 sene oil should keep aJT from Insect pe- Get lb. acreena ovsr w now. ao that MitnZtV turb your favorlles wl aateepat ec. rt your chicken ysrdsT Co'" with wire netting. , Tw thieves. ; WATC Specials;!-; fcf C2St S&tutdAf 421 Mil-''f 5-