Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 07, 1911, Image 3

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    1 1 1 STr i Chela
IB i Ml U AOamm
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C) 3.
The Game Won
have the bojV clo.hlno trade won."h
1 for u$ because we carry the largest aisort
boVS' su,,s ia oar clt' No trouble to fit
eDiLr here. Drlnhlm In and we will show you
I Usure our new sprint, iioca. a look it all we
K .convince you.,. Sunday today, , notice .
our vin-
Suspenslon BrJrJf Corner
j r -
kaur":y;...n..-. ws. la Orr
,IVi? ' v visitors Hsturday.
I"1" .......In Price.
O.rtlD. of ranw. was In this
Mf"' . , In
i Hi"
Mllllnwry every
u In
.'...uii'i In
" : .. ... nh'i
(-t I ,111.1'.
' ... I ... n
.ll (II I WIVM,
,.i, fit In
oiuhm. f "
,.. miurdiiv.
' . ........... ... m n.
...Illvull. r ir-.
of 1 leaver -
...... . c ...... .1.1.
L th Ori-K'"! i " 1
,"' . . , ....
II. of hnilWI. waa in
transacting "
.. .. . ... ). wife of llfrmau
M-"V Ul.l. . BOB. Th
mnonK in or
nf Ciii'l",
wm In Oregon
iimI Mr-
. v.- -- ...IJ
tlnlliirii r
r.k. my vUltoi
lrk lni I nlp.
tnnn i',l,"r'-" '
U, Ailru. "f nni. Iranian
I" " ' . u.lur.
),,;pni in in-a"n ." w-....
L Durnrll. nf Ulwral. a promln-
k. ItflniT. ..f in-avfr rr, .
Humify, ioi(ld with vwal nuin
lion. J. T. Appfraou ike upon the
aubjacl of land grant coll and M.
J. III, pirNld.-iit of tha local
alumni, apoka In a humoroua way
upon rolleae day. Other ap-akera
war Mra. L, K. Junea. Mri. (jixlfray,
Cha. T. rrkr and K. 8. Thayer of
A daluly luiirlieon waa aerved' the.
O. A. C. people. At a lata hour the
gueata departed, but not until all had
eon gra tula ted the hoMti-aa upon thlr
very plranant avetilnic. Thoae preannl
were: Mr. and Mra. W. II. (lodfrey
Mr. and Mra. I K. Jonea, Mr. aud
Mra. Walter WelU. Mra. Charmai
Mra. Ihiwer. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Matt
tley, Hon. J. T. Apperaon. Mlaaea Mar
caret llerroiu of Corvallla, Ethal
Thompnon of Portland. Loulie Hunt
ley, Marnaret Caufleld, Marabel
Cheney. Mae Hiulth. IIh Hrace.
June CtiNrman. WlnnU Haney, Maud
Mattley, Mattlex, Meaara. Miller,
W. H. Thayer. f. c. Ilrodla, Roy
glelxht. Cbaa. I'arkar, C. T. Parker,
M. J. Laiella and Hon. Cbaa. T. Parker.
lauaaa and tklrta Cut an tha Early
Nineteenth Century Lin.
It la folng to ba a great cotton tea
aoa, and i-ottona ara going to oa tolar
tad wuera formerly they hava bean
Belf tone ara ae-n on atreet dreaaea
of woolen or of entln. and tbw ura
frequently brlghteued by the Introduc
tion of gay thread Ititerapre4wttli
gold or allrer.'
Tb rait majority of moJela follow
the k I mono aleeve Idea. In in jay In
stance there la a deep yoke faUlon
ad on kimono line, with a aballow
lower aertlon In bib form.
Flowered aattn are bloaaomlng out
Uj alih M'a lleiirlrl, war In !ln the atorea UU co-erad, wltto tba
dt on Haturnay.
Vjtlta ' t arua, icrom-
L b; hi fi'inll)'. wera In Ihla
ot gituriiuv.
k BU, of Carua. mong tna
Li City rlnltora Satur-
firker. of forallJa, waa In thla
i8turila. vtMliIng lila aon.
filrbitim. of Albany, waa in lata
a Friday, n-auterlng at the
SHon KIuk. of Portiana. naa
Id unnn City knd la vtaltlng
W mnthT, Mi. A. E. King, oi
k pleaMitit.
Vn H. tin K'ry, the teaael grow-
MMoUlla. un In ihla city on t ri
wurnlnit i hi home Saturday
Wrj Htlte and Charlen gpenrar
rrkUf niitht for Cnthlamat, oera
looa bunmi-fn In ronneftion wn
hper Mltlit. They will return
kij nornlnx.
h. . A lllldt-iirand. of Bt. Jo
Ko, U arrlvi d In thla city, ana
tiitlDg hir lfr. Mra. Mary M-
Mr. .Illl(l4-brand naa oen
WJiii th lm r with her daughter
t K. Rf IH-y. nf Heat lie, and ex-
(itow-turn to her horn In. Mia
t th firm of tin- week.
librrt RohlihiK. of Hood Rlvtr, on
m prominent applegrowera ot that
k tud who formerly realded at
m, wm in thla city Friday, vlalt-
Uibroth-r. Herbert, of Beaver
ft Before returning to hie home
poi River, he will vlalt hla par
f, Mr and Mri. Mark Robblna, of
0 A. C. Party;
to' the -n.'Ht enjoyiblo pel t lei
aaioa n ulven at thalr horn
ifciwtk ntnet laat night by th
H Hand and Hll MatUey. Th
wert beautifully dacorated with
tnKwn and Oregon Agrlcul
fi Orii-te pnntmnta and colors ai
ulven aa a reception tp
ClKkiinju'Mtiity p.-A. .C.J
U AMOC ill nil.
N enin waa pleasantly knt
PPiiea and amuaementa. Mlaa
grate fnvored tha aueata with
ell rendered Instrumental
cttoia. and likawiu miu IauI
Oregon City Lad Whip Graaham At
caneman Park Saturday.
The ball team of the Orexon City
IiIkIi achool won from Ureaham 8anr-
ay by a arore)f 6 to 2 In a very live
ly Kme, played on the Canemab Park
ground. .
Tblawaa on of the moy hotly con-
eitted game of the season. Out of
lx game played the Oregon CHy i
lada have won Ave. I loth team play
ed a good game but th local boy
proved to be too much for the vial
tors. Very few errors occured to mar
he gam. '
Telford, the local pitcher, twirled a
good game, the vlaltora getting only
four hlta off him. Th Qreaham twirl
er also pitched a good game, giving
Oregon City only alx hit.
Following a th lineup:
Oregon Oily Qresham
Hargravea ...3d b Jonea
Haker cf. Kern
Hart a Stanley
Telford P Thompson
Hrenner ......... .c.,.-. , . , Sunday
Michaels lal b... Hosa
Morris .- 2d b . . . .Quesenbery
Frederick rf .Robert
Andrewa If Ityon
fabric, banda on aklrta. lining for
wrap and little fancy bag ar fa
toned of them.
Tbl blouse, combined with tb soft
girdle, give the blgli watated effect
now considered so desirable. One or
two miilerlaU may 1st used In making
It, and the front may be embroidered
or braided 4UDIC CUULLBT.
- This May Mania pattern Is cut In ai
for a thirty-four, ihlrty-slx, ihlnyelaht.
forty six) forty-two Inch bust measure.
mmjk is mhIi ia this ornos. alvlna number.
W1. snd II will a prbmptty forwarded I
vou by mall. If In hl send an addi
tional two ont ststnp for teller postag.
whlcH Ihsuraa wore frompf ilti
Laarn from your mlntakea but don
crv over them. We beat redeem the
past by forgetting It.
Luawran Cor. Btghtk aa J.
tris, nv. f. aunmioi
PMtut, ra. K J. Q. 44ois; . a,
rio a. m. i prcaohlng aflsenoona of first
and third lundar at I 10 In Eoall.h,
4 Km SMtda aarvtaa asornla ai i.J4
arllh n.BA .'I. I n m In f l.rm. n
f ' Christian Sclanoe Nlnttf'a'nd ' Ce
toe atraaia. Sunday gervlaa 11 I. m.
Sunday, achoof- 11 Boob.- Wednesday
evening I p. m ; , ,
Oerman Svanaaltsat-Cae. - Blahta and
Madlaon atraals. Hv. K. Wlavnluk Baa
lor. ras. Til Madlaon) S. a. l a. nj.,
. Haraian achrsdar. Munroa lrat, supt.j
morn ins aarvlca 11, jroi-n paupla at 1
a- m: and m-aarhtng it It, a. Prayer
maatlng Wadnaadajr 4 t p. m.
o1adtn Chrletlan Rav. A. H. Mulkajr
Rwior, raa. Ulaaaton; a. a 19 a. m.,
. Hndr1-k supt. i morning arvU-a
II o'clock, evening sarvlea 1:1(1. 'Wet-k
ly prayer maetlng Tbursdsy 7;A0 p. m.
Rev. Wood will apeak at th morn
ing service, 11 a. m. and the paator
at th evening eervlce, 7:46 p. m.
Itev. Mulker will deliver an addruaa
I at the Dedication of th Central Chrle-
tlan church, at E. Balmoa and E. 20th,
Portland, at 2:30 p. m.
Mountain V'aw Onion (Con ) S. B I
S. m Mrs. J. II. Qulnn supt.; Illbla
tudy every , Thursday afternoon;
Krrsi.hlng 7:30 p. m. around and fourth
undava In January.
Methodist Main atreat 'cor. gnventh,
nmw. a,, r. .iiDnmnnu vaiur, rva. cor.
Hlxlh and Waahtnaton; ft. H. t:4t a. m
C. A. Williams, Oladatonr, supt.; moin
Ina iwrvlca 10:46. Km worth Iasua :W.
evrnlna ervtce 7:10. Frayrr meeting
1 nuraday 7:l p. in.
Morning subject, "The Team Work
of peter and John"; Epwortb League
at 0:30. topic, "Honoring Our Profee-
1 alon"; popular evening service at
7:30; "Th Old, O'd Story,'! Inermon.
song and picture. The fMlirea will
be rolored view of lilble scene by
famous artista. Subject of, aermon
"Crowned Heads of - the , Spiritual
I Realm." . .
Praabytsrian Seventh strerl cor Jrffer-
sin. Kav. J. K. Land.uorough pastor,
rrs. 710 Jefferson; B. B. 10 a. in . Mrs.
W. C . fir-n supt.; morning service 11
a. m.. T. P. B. V. K. t it p. in . ven
Ing aervlre 7:10. Prayer mretlng Thurs
osy p. m.
At 11, the paator will apeak on "The
power of Ft rat Impreaslona." The
evening aervlce, 7:30, will be a aong
service, the pastor' theme being "The
New Song." The choir will render
the following special program. An
tbema by the choir.
"Olve Thanka Unto the Lord." Car
rie R. Adaml; "The Strength of My
Life." Creawell; "We Praise Thee;
Gabriel; "Give Unto the Lord," Car
rie B. Adama."
Mra. Wentworth will give a solo and
the ladies' quartette, Mr. Leon Des
Iarzes, Mra. Elmer Cooper, Mra. A. E.
Froat and Mrs. William Green will
render "Only The" by Ira B. Wil
ParVblacs Cenoraoatlonal Rev, J. I.
Jonrs paator, res. Clackamas; B. B. 10
a. m Emery French supt : praarhlng
services each Sunday, alternating be
Iwaan 11 a. m. and 7:1 a. m Chris
tlan Endeavor Thursday evening 7:30
P- m- ' .
St Paul'a Episcopal Ninth at., near
Main, Rev. Chas. W. Robinson paa
tor, rea. at Rectory, Ninth and Wa-
., ter ata.; 8. 8. IS noon. Wm. Bnew-
man, aupt.; Prayer meeting Wed
neaday 7:30 p. m. Morning 'aervlce
10:30 a. m., evening aervlce 7:30.
Oregon Realty Co. to H- A. Hanson
northeast quarter of northwest quar
ter, and that part of northwest quar
ter of northeaat quarter between road
and west line of northwest Quarter of
United Brethren Cor. Ctahth and Taylor,
. Hav. L. V. Clark nastor. r-a. portiana
H. B. 10 a. m.. Frank Pnrker, Maple
lane, sunt : momtna aarvlakKa.
8.C,B I . Pv- m. evening service
Wlllamatta M. E. No reaular preach In
ae-rvlcea 8. 8. I p. m.. Mrs. Reams
2 Ion Luthatan Cor. Jefferson and Eight
itmll. Hev. W. 1C Kraiberaer paa
tor. res. 720 Jefferson: 8. B. I II a. m
Rev. Kraiheraer supt.; morn In aervlre
10.30. evening 7:46. Luther league
p. IP
Mrs. E. Payne, another of Mra. L.
Armstrong, returned home, from
tha ' DKJoMaranch a ear OherTyvMle
Tburaday evening. Mr. Pay no ha
baea la th mountain alne laat Oe
tober, and la glad to be horn again.
TH Oak Orov ball team will play
th Sellwood team at 811 wood Baa
day. ,i
W. A. llanaoa la tending lb drug
store for a few daya during the an-
ane of Arthur. Oraham, who will
take, charge Monday.
8. C. Alexander and P. Hefty were
la Portland Friday on bualnea.
Mra. W. H. Moore spent Friday In
Portland with relative.
Evangelical Church New.
Th 28th annual aeaaloa of the Ore
gon Conference will be held In the
Mllwaukle Evangelical Church, begin
nlng May 11 at t a. m. Bishop Thomaa
Bowman. D. D-, of Allentown, Penn.,
Ill preside, .
The annual missionary meeting will
be In session on Wednesday, at 2 p.
Beginning on Wednesday, there will
be preaching every evening by one
of th visiting ministers. .
Th teachera meeting will be held
with F. Hirkemler, Friday , evening.
The growing Sunday acbool baa
made It necessary to build a class
tent. The lumber la on the grounj
nd labor- will start at once. i
Looa I News.
Mra. J. Z. Jonea, of Jennings Lode,
waa visiting In our city Wednesday.
John H. Broetje, wlf and daughter,
of Oak Grove, departed Tuesday 1pr
Switzerland, for a vlalt witn inenoa
and relatives, ,
Sunday la opening Way at crystal
Lake Park. The program for the af
ternoon will atari with the ball game
at 2:30 p. m. Prof. Thlelhorn'a orch
estra haa been secured to furnlah
music in the pavilion for dancing dur
ing the afternoon and evening. , Free
boating and free ocean wave for the
children. Everybody welcome.
An additlqn. la being built to Inland
atatlon. '
Mr. Peters Is erecting a new borne
at Mllwaukle Helghgi. ..
E. O'Conner. of Denver, la the guest
of E. T. Elmer, thta week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fob Maple were vault
ing Mr. Maple's mother, MrjL Ella
Maple, Wednesday.
Harry Marsh la the New clerk In the
Mllwaukle Mercantile Co.'a store. Mlaa
Dixie Cafall having resigned.
E. C. Good, a friend of Mr. Peterson,
from Dakota, la stopping in Mllwaukle
for. the present. Mr. Good will prob
ably locate In this part of the state.
'Harmony school gave a basket so
cial in their schoolhouse Saturday
last. The proceeda are to go Into a
fund for the purchaae .of a piano for
the school.
The Boys' Club gave an entertain
ment at the city hall Wednesday even
Ing. The affair was well attended and
all the numbers were good. The Glrla-
Bank, of Oak Grove, furnished the
music. We hope those bright little
glrla wm often visit Mllwaukle.
tH spring and couch called sanitary
cli. ' We will sell on account of
fsotck for' - r ,
! a v $ 3 7 S
'i like cut, except that back will not lift up.
Furniture ond Hordworc
northeast quarter, aectlon 26, town
ship 4 south, range 4 east, 64 acrea;
Oregon Realty t-o. to II. A. Hanson,
north half, aectlon 16, township 7
south, range 4 east, 320 acres; $10.
Bernardino W. and Grace M. Spang
to H. C. Hardman, 14 acrea, aectlon
21. township 2 south, rang 1 east.
J. T. and Winifred Mclntyre to
William L. Borthwlck. southeast quar
ter of southeast quarter, section 24.
township 2 south, range 6 east, 40
acres; Il.WO.
George C. and Julia Arudt to E. L.
Fmloy, one half interest In mining
claim, Molalla mining district, quit,
D. J. Thorne to George C. Arndt,
mining claim In Molalla district j quitclaim.
W. A. Garner to Mra. Hannah Caro
line Rllea, on acre, aectlon 31, town
ship 1 south, rang .2 east; $250.
Hosa and John scbuttei to u.
Shiiuert, 36 aquare rods, section ZZ,
township 2 south, range 3 east; quit
claim. "' -
Fred and Julina Madison to Emma
Munhoven. west half of northweat
quarter, aectlon 7, township 4 south,
range 4 eaat. 80 acres; iiu.
C. D. and Sedonla 8. Latourette to
Gottfrlend and Selma Benson, tract
8, Ellda; 1 5 SO.
M. B. and Lulu M. Godfrey to win
Inm B. and Hattle-V. Barkadale, lots
j 4in4 8y Tualatla-Meadowa15,64
acres: 110.
Peter Madison to Fred Madison,
weat -hnif of northwest quarter, sec
Hon 7, township 4 south, range 4 east,
80 acres; quitclaim.
Baptist Cor. Main and Ninth tti'eets.
Re. S. A. Hayworth pastor, rea.
Ill Ninth; 8. 8. II noon, H. E. Cross
. aupt.; morning aervlca 10:30, even
ing 7:30, Y. P. 8. C. E. 6:30 p. m
and Juniors same hour. . Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at 7; 30
p. m.
Morning topic, . "The Last Lone
Step"; evening topic, "TJnaearchabla
Riches"; communion follows morning
eexmoa; a half-hour musical program
prooedes evening aermon; . Sunday
achool at noon, H. E. Cross, superm
uvodent; Juniors at 7 p, ro, and Seaior
Christian Endeavor at 7. Mrs, , Ada
Wallace Unruh. of Portland. , will
speak Taeaday afternoon at 3:30.
Ererybody Invited. Strangers wel
come. ' ' ' :
Catseaflo Cor. Water ana Tenth 8ta.
Rev. A. HI llabrand pastor, raa. 813
. Water; Low Maes Urn, wlta aer
aaoa: High liaaa 19:34 a. n, witb
aarmoa; afternoon sarvloa u 4:00,
Haas every an nr nlng at 8:40, ,.'
Conoeesattonal Cor.' Mala and Eleventh
streets., nev. wm. M. maaior paator,
rea. to Third; 8. S. II aaon, John Low
ry aupt.( morning aarvloe IS. 10, van
Ing 7:10. young people t:M. Weekly
prayer maatlna; Thuraday at 7:10 n. m.
The subject St 10:30 will be "The
Foolishness of Preaching:." The ser
vice at 7:45 will be under tn auspices
of tb Brotherhood. The pastor will
take as his toplo "The present Day
Demand for Moral Leadership.? C. E.
at 7 P- m- ' . . i
J. 8. 8mlth and wife and Henry Sut-
er and wife left Wednesday morning
for a few days trip to Newport.
Mra. Ellis returned home from Neva
da Tueaday, where she spent the win
ter with her hiiBband, wbo is working
In the mines.
The Oak Grove Push Club held a
very Interesting meeting Thursday ev
ening In the church basement. Coun
ty roada were dlacuHsed also other
subjects of Interest.
Mra. D. Toney was an Oregon City
visitor Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. McFarland were Port
land vlsltora Friday
Mrs. Vlrgfl Clark spent Friday In
Portland with her mother, Mrs. 8harp.
The young ladles of t he Sunday
achool will hold a social In Greens
hall .Friday evening Music ana
resltatlons, with other features, and
refreshmenta will nil .he evening.
(Continued from pa- 1.)
cernlng the matter that 'definite ar
rangements had been made for our
school, until at the Canby meeting. I
thought reference had been made only
to our Trades. Gladly I took up the
matter at once. It la true as waa
claimed, however, that I would not
then or now force a contest of this
kind unon any student or students.
Such work must be voluntary for best
results 1 personally urged tht atu
191 I
During th months of May, June, July,
August and 8eptembr, on data
hown below,- tha
will sell round trip tickets from
Oregon Cify Via Portland
ss follows,:
Council Bluff
Kanaa City
St. Joph
SL Paul ,
St Paul, via Council Bluffs,. . . .
Minneapolis, direct
Minnapols, vs Couno I Bluffs
Nsw York
St. Louis
Waehlngton, Di. C
.$ 73.00
. 60.50
. 60.50
. 60.50
. 60.50
. 60.50
. 64.40
. 60.50
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23t 24, 25, 27, 28
' snd 29 . ,.(
Juns 6, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 88, 29,
ana so.
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and
28. -
August S, 4, 6. 14 15, It, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30,
September!, 2, 4, 6, 6 a d 7.
Stop-overs within ltmtta In either di
rection. Final return limit
" October Hat
For far on way through California
Inquire of any Southern Pacific
agent, or wrrt to
General Paangr Agnt
Portland, Oregon.
dents to try for the team plans and
to do their part in all other' educa
tional functions of the county. The
team was selected less than two week
before the date of the general con
test. '
Only three days before the team
waa to go to Estacada, one member
of It withdrew on account or ner
mother's Illness, and tbe alternate
ipft achool for the remainder of the
week, aick. 1 phoned' these fadta to
tha Dresldent at Estacada at once ana
he without hesitation, nimseti, set me
time for the next Friday evening,
March 17; I offered to pay for any
advertising and other necessary ex
penses Incident to the postponement
of one week. "Mr. Tooze" whoae
Ignorance, Is skillfully portrayed as
asking for S week extra did not plead
for extra time. He alnjply phoned
the conditions of the learn. . He could
have either responded with the team
crippled aa it was or he could have
forfeited the game. The preBiaem
who claims nower to declare tltlea
even over the heada of the executive
committee could have demanded then
default In favor of his .own team
Did he do It ?
On the contrary, he set tne aaie one
weak later and this aecond date con
sequently became the authorized date
for the O. C H. 8. Estacada debate
and on this date the former team waa
ready to meet and expectea to meei
their opponents at their home town;
laaiCiLAllfl..Pggl.ft. -' - , , Ta-v-
(3) In one place our friend said bo
knew the O. C H. S. was weak knd
needed more time so he gave anotner
week, and In almost the same breath,
oblivious of this sweet charitable
spirit claimed tbe superintendent had
shut his own team out by not bring
ing them to Estacada on the date set.
He, himself, changed this date to 8
week later, and then arranged for the
Mt. Pleasant team to come In the
place of the O. C H- S. ' ;
(4) Again ne says: " At the date
set" (referring to the first date be set)
-the other schools debated and two
of Oregon City's debaters whom Mr.
Tooie Informed me could not be in
Estacada that same night on account
of alcknesa were at Parkplac and
took dqwn the arguments used In de
bate." Here our friend again "sees
through a ias .Ur'aiy.'".
Neither of ' these dealers reported
off tha team op account of Illness
were at ParRpiace. Two otners, one
of whom had been aelected two days
before, did go and probably took
notes. The Oregon City superinten
dent, while not suggesting It, knew
tbeae members ot tha team were go
ing there, but did not believe any injustice-
lay in th act thea apd la of
the same opinion now. No MtemF
waa made to dlaguiss the attendance.
That ther was no unfairness to Esta
cada' team la obvious: (l) I aj
the same privilege and no complaint
i would hav ensued, (b) 81mllar cop
ies of literature containing same argu-
wen. vn ma earn question wr fur
nished all schools of th county, by
the atate library aa ther Was little
to be gained from this source. tr
The mombera could have obtained the
exact argument of the Parknlac. a.
outer rrom-a snortnand renor m.i
does It matter anyway where tha in.
lurmsiroq comes rrom in these con
testa wnose enter giorr shnuM nm
la tha winning, but In the practlc
writing and speaking offered f
(t) Again our friend was In error
In tbl quotation: "Mr. Too aays
Mt. pleasant listened to tha sams da-
bate,", (nf erring to. tbe Parkplacs .de
aau. .'.'..That. U .Impossible as ML
Pleasant waa debating Gladaton on
that asm evening. ? Now this woold
bar amusing if tha ' writer had tot
taken himself so serious In trying to
make out someone else aa misrepre
senting the-matter. What Mr. Toot
did Inform th president of th de
bating department abonrwa that "Mt.
Pleasant had com over to tha Eaat
ham school oa an afternoon before
tbe night of their debate with Glad
stone to hear tbe Eastham team de
bat the earn queatlon. We did not
object to this, and did not bellsv Mr.
Vedder would. He did not. Did the
president of th department of debat
ing as an officer of the league object
In behalf of Gladstone? No. Strange
Indeed, he arranged for s debate for
his own teim with this tesm for the
very night which be s presiding of
ficer of th league had set foY the de
bate with Oregon City. Odd Isn't it
that It was wrong for Oregon City to
vlalt Park place debate and not wrong
for Mt. Pleasant to visit Oregon City's
debate on the same subject? Mt.
Pleasant'a team was defeated, of
course, at Eatacada.
: (6) Agstu the "bungle" and "wav
Inc privileges, etc.," are but, half i
quotation. I did say to the president
of the debating department upon tbo
latter'a statement that Park place had
complained of havlng. to debate the
Oregon City team In case it. should
defeat Estacada, that If auch should
be the result, and we were In the
wrong, we would not Insist on debat
ing farther. Thla would not have
been Inconsistent with the conditions
of our protest as can be seen by read
Ing It.
Any way there was a new question
entirely debated at the nnala between
the Estacada and Parkplace team so
the Oregon. City team could not have
profited from the argumenta formerly
used on another aublect.
(7) But tbe greateat "Joker'of all
Ilea In the fact that on Sunday even
inc the president declared himself
satisfied with his previous arrange
ment for the debate between Oregon
ntv and Eatacada teams at Eatacada
on the following Friday evening and
assured tbe superintendent of Oregon
City schools that everything would be
In- readiness at the appointed time.
Then within a few houra afterward
be began official negotiations by
phon with the Mt pleasant team
(guilty of tbe same offense witn wnicn
he charged the Oregon City team) to
debate his team at thla same time snd
The Mt. Pleasant team being told
by the president that the Oregon City
team was not coming to Estacada,
granted the request -not knowing why
the team here was not to go, and
then he phoned to Oregon City not
to report, saying he would explain
later. No satisfactory explanation
for such treatment haa yet been re
ceived howevtr. His stated Inability
to understand why Oregon City pro
tests as shown In next to the last
I paragraph In this morning s article Is
Tbe statement in the last paragrapn
hut one that the Oregon City team
was shut - out- of the debates tnre
time by me Is a matter for the execu:,
tlve committee to decide not Mr tnV
one official to dictate, but each of
ihese three rlaima baa been anown
fallacious In the preceding discussion,
I believe. '
In conclusion, let me say that we
have confidence In-the' Judgment and
fairness of the executive committee
to pass upon the protest submitted
to them, that we have no desire to dlc
tat i, or to ' malign p"""" 'but
Vaughn snda Twnty-foarth Ste.
. 4
May 2, 8, 4, S, t, 7. '
Games Begin Weekdays at 8:30. ;
Sundays, 2:30 J. M.
Boys Under 12 Free to 1 1 Bleachers
Wednesday. ,
Wants,lFor Sale, Etc
Not lor under those clawlftad heaaftns
will ba lnaacd at on cant a word, flrat
Imnkm, - haM a Ml aJalUuoai . tataar
tlona. on Inch aaro. 11 aar month i half
Inch card, (4 llnaa) II par month.
Caab mult accompany mOat antoae an
haa an oon account with th papor. Na
financial reeponalblllty for errors; whar
arrora occur free oorractad nr.tlr will ba
printed for patron. Minimum share He.
WANTED TO RENT A six or seven
room bouse, not on tha hill. Address
this office. .
GIRL WANTED Girl for general
housework. Experience not so im
portant a wllllngneaa to learn. Ap
ply 1006 Main atreet, Oregon City.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Good wages for right party.
Call at 414 Water Street or phone
' 150L
WANTED Bids for' School Build
ing, School District No. 28, draw
ings and specifications may be ob
tained at the residence of J. R. Oat
field, Concord Station. Blda to be aub
mltted to A. C. Arnold, Clerk of the
School Board or C. W. RJsley, Chair
man, Mllwaukle, Oregon, Route Na 1.
We reserve the right to reject any or
all bids. Bids will b received ap to
Monday. May IS. 1911. !
WANTED You to know mat w buy
all kinds of Curios, that wa are in
th market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. Wa also have a
good assortment t of .second hand
Furniture and Tools on "hand for
sale to those in need. Coma an J
see; perhapa we have Just what yon
want Indian Curio and trinkets
for sale cheap; soma that are very
nnlque and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street.
FOR SALE-Elght cnolce building
lots at bargain In Gladstone En
quire at thla office.
FOR 8ALE Incubator and two Brood
era, good condition, $15 for all. J
H. Mattley, 7th St. . -
RANGES Overetock of Ranges, new
and second-hand, cheap. J. H. Mat
tley, 7th St. ' . .
CLOSE" IN 4 lots facing Msdlson St,
grand view, very cheap;- I44U.
Terms. CLYDE McRAE, 1003
Main St., Oregon City.
TAKEN UP Three Jeraey calves.
Owner can have same by paying
for pasture and this notice, R.
McCllntock. Oregon City, Oregon.
R. F. D. No. 3.
shall patiently await the final deci-
F. J. 8. TOOZE,
Superintendent Schools.
nreeon City. Or, Maich 20,1911.
To the Executive Committee of the
Clackamas County acnooi
gue: - '
Oregon City high school nereuy re-
spectf",ly protests:
(II Against the treatment accorded
her team by the Estacada high achool
through the authority In charge of
the debating department of the Clack
amas County School League In coun
termanding arrangement, to denote
with Oregon City team at Estacada.
March 19. 1911.
(21 Against a final decision being
granted to any school within said lea
aim before the petitioner's standing
-and rights in the league have been
passed upon by your executive com
mittee. . ,
Further. Oregon City higb scnooi
aa her right according to
customs and regulations governing
school contests wlfere a school team
stands ready to fulfill its part or me
rotative to such contest
and Is prohibited by its opponent with,
out Just and sufficient cause the de
cision forfeited to her by Estacada.
the 10th Inst'
SeTifrttlve-to rte acesli"--i uiw
fairness now In circulation In Clacka-
maa County: recognising tne nonor oi
the school ajr stake through these ac
cusations believed to be circulated
with the approval or memoers oi iu
league: and her debating team having
been shut out from competition with
ether members of the league, after
having acceded to every condition
suggested by said officers, the Ore
gon City high school requests full in
vestigation, by your executive commit
tee, of the conditions nder ques
tion. ' -Hoping
for ail early adjustment of
hia matter In the interest of the
schools and league of Clackamas
County, to your honorable body this
resnectfullT submit.
Per Superintendent Of scnoois,
LOST-"-SHcker coat in Oregon City
last Tuesday. Reward for return to
Enterprise office.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Rea.' Phoaa Main AIL
-' ' ATTORNEYS. ' ' -
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abatracta furnished, land
titles examined, estatea settled, gen
eral law buslneaa. Ovar Bank i .
Oregon City. "
UREN ft SCHUEBEU Attorney--
, Law, Deutscher Advosat. win prw
ttce In all courts, make coflctloas
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Blds, Oregon City. Oregon.
FREYTAO ft MONET. Real Batata
-Dealers, have choice bargains In
farm lands, city and suburban
tomes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. Sea us for good buys.
Near 8. P. depot, i
B. H-i COOPER. For Fir maurancr
and Real Eatata. - Let us aanai
your" properties wsbuyr-sell-snd -exchange.
Office in Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
Chicken Thief Must Srv Year's Sarv
i tencs In County Jail..
Having broken his parole, Grover
Clemmons will have to serve a year's
sentence In the county JalL Some
weeks ago Clemmons was evicted
upon s charge of stealinr -ens
from IIL O. Starkweaf
Grove,1 and Judge Canr .
J It was not Ion
arrested in porti
Bntte. ' Ha is n
County Jail serv
i I
1 I
: "'
t c h cfr o n S t
I CI III): wB!"f "I foaJ $12, Sinai, Hrrie, ,
... ... ,on To Insure colt to La JiV Se-
T FTPrertnt accident.. hVe It""" "c Cera
ram. 1- IWOTcV. -old at ZJZ "WM
comes dn at ance. vco, soia or traded, money t.
gi G. W. Boyer, Owner and Keep.-,
L .
: mm
. - t