Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
ItOKNINCf EHTERPIUSE, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1911. 5 ( f f :'' i i. t I:'- HODfJIfiG ETITERPIUSE - OJLSGOH CUT, OREGON ROOIC, Kdlter and Pwbllenee.l "B)ntar4 a vary ,4-alaaa aaatter Ju. the pMt affioa at Qrwi Hint t. ltll. ai City. OrMot. tmdar th in of a. m.f v, ... ; Heart tq Heart rTallcs.p , ,; 5y PWPyfr.WYB. run tr sotscttmtii. On Tr, by is Months, b; Faar ainatha. far vnk. by outW if mall . by mall. .MM . 1 . 1 . .1 AmtTOVR UTO nrat Pa. par inoa nrat taaarttoa. . . ,11a FIret fan, par Inch added liutnlou. .10c PrjfTd poalttaa any paga, par Inch I Drat mMrttaM iu rrererrea poeuian any pan, par too added meerttona ie hub papar oiner than nrat nan. par taoa nrat htaartkm lie ., hub papar other thaw nrat pan, par at oh ad dad tneertlona .to Looala lto pr Una; to ra-u1ar adrar- nana aa uaa. Want a Kor Bala. Ta Rant, ata eaat a ward final In aortic; oae-half aant arn anaiiionat. Ratea for adrarttotnc In .ha Waakly Baterprtea will ba tha aama aa la lha dally, for advertlaamanta art eepecially far tha woakly. Whera tha advertisement ia iranararred rrom tha dally to tha waak ly. without chant, tha rata will ba to aa men roc ran of tha papar, and lag an aaca ror aptciaj pool t ion Caah should accompany arder whara party la unknown la bualnaaa office of ine Kniarpriaa. LWl adrartlalnc at legal edvertlatng vmiaa. -wArm - a tie Mtoraut- Tbat wee una of lb big algae at tha child welfare eihlblt bald recently In New Turk Too who lira la tbt wide open apace of tha countryside or you wboaa lawna or yard give room for children 'a Joy ful play, wbai do you know of child Ufa ta tba tenement districts of tba big dtleat if Clrcua adverttatna and aaaclal transient advarttslns at He to tOc an Inch, accord ma io epactai conditions governing tha "Flra Bala" and Bankrupt Bala' adrer twamenta He Inch llrat Insertion; addl ttoaal tnaartlona aama matter 3aa Inch. ' Nawa llama and wall wvlt'ea art I r Ira or maru. with local raadara. wiu aa g.aaiy accapwa. Kajacted manu sertpta navar ratumad unleaa aocompan- n ay alamos io prepay rinrraail CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. If' r ' :r;: May 7 In American History. 1774 WHHani ltiulrilt;t. uavul hero. wru: died IJvtt. 1SW - r'rao-e Kilx.-ilicih Hnrnnv. "Aunt Funny." xnl!ir writer fur cbUdlvll, illwl; Ihiiii .'J. 1910 Thorn-, lu ruK. (iii.t-r iie;ii tenuent r .New ..rk .(.v. kinu tbrouKbuiit tbf iuuir Mr- iusiv tor' U.vromt. dit-d in New Vtirk; born l.sai -" ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. - (From iiood today lu uooq loniorrow.) Eon aeta oas, rlaea 4:46; moon acs S.Ol a. m. THE RECALL IN CLACKAMAS. Tba activity of acveral gentleman of Clackamaa County tn atrirlnK to recall two county official la not to be commended. The atench raised by the recall in Eatacada Ja Jreah In the noattila of many, and they are still at it in Tacoma. The reeult will be that it will In a short time be 'difficult to persuade a capable man to seek an office, for he stands face to face with la tnoee regiona1lra children wboaa only place la ta the foul dark rooma frequently Infested with disease or la the atreeta.... la a alujjle block In New York city areor eilat-271 cblldrent . Tba population of a air el.ted iin ty aeat town of the middle west chil dren alooa. to aay nothlug of adults- Is conireated In a dlatrlct no blinrcr than the court bonaa etinare, and there la no plryrround but the atrewi. And listen! With uo other lnyirnmnd. of 71 children arnvltl lu York In July. 1900, half wer an-fHtitl for playliiK fame. The world hnx wrpt at the aorrowii of "Poor Joe. enmpcl'cil by the burly policeman to "movo mi." mid here h aorlety In the irtil of bis iwtnilnieni arreatlnir little rhildren for 'iilH.vltiK irainr mi the only ili):iMiiid they on it hare. Another exhibit bone a and huw of child life children forced at a ten der ajre to work" lu factories and sweat abopa. For Instance: Some of the mere tola work on wit low plumes, knotting forty-two sep arate fllamenta for a cent, or at the aire of four and Are years tbey make arti ficial rlolets 144 for 2 ceuts or they work twelre hour picking beans of coffee from tbe sweeping. And tbey die like Bleary : Much la belna; said about the coo serration of our natural reaourcea, but bow will vtm -compare the material wealth of srtll and forest and atjecam and mine with "a better crop of boys and ftirla?" la a tree worth more than a cbtldT TIi' uuty bpt'fiil feature or this New York exhibit .which finds Its parallel In all lurye cities is that one- half tbe world learna bow the other half live. And to know the-awful needa of these neglected children Is to find a way for betterment "The RIk Urol her1 society yon. and I must be responsible. We are our brother's keVper. Scion of the House of Gould Weds Daughter of a Princess W 1 L J $m 7 'i c. v5 I I ; 1 ' . Hi! M ' -" -r v.. -:-v. ' SWIM TO ADVERTISE mm t " . . . a A. a. ASHLCV TO SHOW ' WAn t CLACKAMAS COUNTY SCINES IN TMf AST. . A. 8. Ashley, of Maker, was la this cliy today and visited M. J, lelle, uHTeiarv of tha nublUity department of the orcauu City fonuuerclal Club. Mr. Aahlev. who la publicity man auer of the Ciiininerclal Club of Haher, ami r.irmarlv aecretarv. la arraiialiia to leave on trip throuia tne i uueu atatea lecturing toor. lie will take with him over ISO views of Ore- Kon. including many from Clackama County aa wall aa borne of this city; liiclmlln, the paper uiltle, wwlen in I II. electric Dalit pUnt and tha falls, Kiting tho MHple lu the far Baal some Idea t tbe couuty. lie win aiao nii views from I'ortlnuu. TUcse win oa iiaed with hla stereoptlcon lecturea, which he ctmieruplatee giving la many of the-ICaslerii'clilaa. Although Mr.. Ashley haa ieen n 'resident of Oreifun luta.few yearx I'S , There'5 One Form o! Invcstm-, whlah la abMlirtaly tsf tor tvarvaa. Ivl It navar alumpa In vlu. Its Integrity la unqueatlenee. Tha retMm It aartaln. Principal la always available., It haa ne alaman'l af apaeulatlen. It la a SaTtngt Accotmt tn The Bank of Oregon City Th Oldest Bnk la Tha County O a luATOURBTTB Praeldeat, x r J MlVa THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON OTY70REGON CAPITAL aAOOO.OQ. anaaato a Oaneral tanhlns ualnaea. Open Iran. . A.M.',,, fc J Glad-U-KUM Club Entertained. Mrs. B. TVAvitJon entertained the Glad-U Rum Club on Friday evening at her home on Fourteenth street. The evening was devoted to aewing. ana an enjoyable time was had Copyright by America Prase Association. 'MIL AT GOJJLD, second sou of George J. Gould and graudaon of the founder Uia Jortune. took the daughter of a prlu.-e as liU bride, ha v. lag thua excelled hie slater Vivien, wbo receutly married mtA Iel4a. an English aoblemaa To ba sura. vuuna Mr i:..ui.i- i.ri.u iul. n mu bat she baa tba royal blood of Hawaii tn her venis. Hawaii urvcr m much f a nation, and bow It la a territory of the United sutee. and there' are u. more uuee. but royal blood la still royal blood. Mrs. Jv ;..uij bef.-re1 br J aVkav sala aa. a.. .M a l arv . a ... aaie iougias uraoauu sue Inherit. 1 ber Ihwiiij frtnu oer oraioer. rormeny tne IHnceaa Kalklland. other Ke Mlaa Kir She also Inherited a considerable fortuue from her father, who ror eome time. Her mother married again, her aw-oud IiuhIuimI belnt: IIuIhmI Vos' xw rh artist wbo baa paluted several orirait of liW .t-Li us dior. Mlaa Graham waa one of the bridal attendnniM at the uinrrlni:e of Vivien Gould and Lord Declea.- Young Jay Gould Inherit, d tJ.tJtMt.tMNt from liltrMid father. Thla fortune haa been cunxIderaMy lurriiel ihmiuh Nkilifut In vestmeata of tbe young man's father. The sUive i lure wax uu.J a few days before the marriage of Mr. Gould and Mi t'nitiutu. J h la well pCHy U.lvaiiUliea Tof. the , taa y lUaslonncrly In charge of tbe Irromeae.'aera imrwi or the HarrTruaa-Uoea .with headquar ters at iHtriland, and baa been two years wtreeident of Batter, where he has boett one of the'pronilueut mem bera of tbe Commercial club of that city, 'tie will make the trip by auto, mobile, traveling In one if the Hud son cars, and win leave roruauu , about the middle of May, expecting to be gone about six months and poa: , albly longer. Mr. Ashley haa already been extern!- : td many luvltatlona to give his stere j optlcou lectures Id many of the rttlce ba la to visit, one of which la. before ta National Land Men's Aaaoclatbui I of Chicago, and also before tbe Land J Show to be given at Omaha In Octo. 'ber. '. . I Tbeaa Iwturas will no doubt tend ! to bring many to the state of Uregou. , All points of interest In Oregon. In-' eluding many of the Southern Oregon I towns as well aa Eastern Oregon and Central Orvgou towns w'll be-whown. R. W. & R. S.Ward MACHINISTS J" ,- Wa do general repairing. eren rnaelilnary mads work as new. Kaperta with aasellna nlna. Phonss: Main ItH Hama MsV 1M FOURTH STRUT ORI00N CITY. te I f Oregon City Wood and Foe! Company F. M. BLUHM Your wants Supplied with any euentlty 4 feet or Is Inch wat 4. Ilverad te any part of City. Prices, reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. r your sraVi Homets llV Cor. 6th ana Cwt., Padfle Main 3502 Orsgan city. LATEST MARKETS Tk- the possibility cfyiijig to run for hostess served refreshments to the office again, unless he knuckles following members: Mrs. m. n Ijir. FOOLISH QUESTIONS. r Yon have heard of foolish questions. And their answers, too, galore; Ilut however many you have heard, You are always finding more. i.:. i down to popular clamor on every question that may arise. Tbe Enterprise believes that County Judge Beatie and Commissioner Nix on Blair areatriving to do their best for the who'e county, without regard to and without favor for localities. Tbey have no doubt made mistakes, aa any public official will, and we wouldn't care a tinker s dam for the man who don't make mlstakea. He would Weed be a paragon. No recall petition can be filed on theee two officials before July 1, six months from the date they assumed office. We are of the opinion tnat some noisy people are only stirring up trouble for themselves. One piece of advice The Enterprise has to of fer, for which there will be no charge, ana that la for the county court to astertaln the identity of the road su pemsora wno are secretly trying to create a false Impression among the taxpayers, and then promptly fire those men. Clackamas County needs system In Its road construction. The personality of tbe men who are looking to that end is beside the question. The ex rendtiure of hundreds of thousand) of dollars annually is no trifle, to be used carelessly, without regard to method. uurette, Mrs. . Hugh Hemdnr. Mrs. WalteT Wells, Mrs. C. H. Melssner, MJsa Helen Daulton, Miss Bessie Danl ton. Miss Clara CauDeld. avoided, aa Either ex- tke-gruwthof'.thei aeea you CANTO ONE There's the friend wbo limping. From your snob marked boot and ahoe. Flower 8how Thla Fall. At tho meeting of the St. Paul's Guild of the St. Paul's Eoisconal Church held at the home of Mrs. G. A. Harding on Thursday, it waa de- blooming at that time of the year will be on exhibit, and prlzea will be awarded. There was much enthusi asm manifested, and tbe hostess ser ved refreshments to about 16 mem bers of the organization. Been buying something newf "Why, no," you sweetly aay to him, "Tbese shining, botite you aee, Were made way back in '76, And they were willed to''ttJT"--- '! Overfeeding must be I Tiur" also underfeeding young atock. . . Can t expect to succeed with broody bene. Incubators and little chicks. .'these daya, unleaa we stay close at home to meet all emergenclea. j Feed very little soft feed and you will raia more chich,'lf ydo must feed sort stuff don't throw it upon the ground. Feed It In small trough or on a clean board. - In heavy-soli localities, gapes are apt to attack young chlcka, especially when quartered on damp, heavy ground. In light, sandy soils this dis ease a practically unknown. Saturday brought forth .too changes In th, it.-, it rr, f lt M r k . t M A I f tr I M eiu.or K C.hiew. 'cr"' a.rawuernea on.usu. e ..or ix '--a$9 ln rl,nd market yester- paid for a single crate of Oregon ber rlea lu the local markets.' . Quotations for Ore son City. POTATOES Heat. J.60; good. 12.26; common. 12 Buying, carload, select, 12.10; ordinary, $I.y0. . FIX1LR AND FEE l Flour la steady; selling from 15 to 15. 59; very little of cheaper gradea. Feed is higher and rising slowly, llran brings from f 2S 60 to t.'C.M). abora 121, roll ed barley . $31 U 132, process barley $.13. whole corn $31 to 132, cracked corn 32 to $33. Wheal 32. MAY Hay la going up. All gradea are from ft to ft 60 higher than when WANTED Two furnished house keeping rooms for man and wife. Call Enterprise office. Tho' Your Sins Be As Scarlet TODAY At The GRAND last quoted. Timotny iiv to i.'i; till to; turnips. i 210I1.M-.Vh. clover, $15 to 116.60; oal bay, f I8 60 to ! II SO. . ' 117 50; mixed. $15 to fit 64; alfalfa, j VKGKTABUCH- flf. OATS Are , higher, gray selling from 27 to 3U, while from 1X7.60 to f .10 50. Hl'TTEM Ordinary country btinga from 16c to 2tc. fancy dairy front lot to 22c, and creamery 22o lu 8Sc. KGG8 Are ranging from Mo to 2oc; according (o grade. . . rOCLiHV Firm with little at.K k iifrffered. Urns will bring 14c If In extra good condition more, old roosters are poor at Be to loc. broil eta bring from 22c to- 24c, with Rood demand. WOOL Wot.l Dilcea are from lltrto 14c. I UNIONS -Jobbing prlrea; Orrea MOHAIR I'rlcea on mohair have been way up some having brought as high as 39c locally. Quotations are 374 aad time demand. '":'" ..".'"' HIIE8 Gre n hldea, 6c to Cc; sail ers. 6Se to Sc; drjr bides, 12c to 14c. Sheep eltanJc to 75c each. DRIICI) ntt'lTB Local prlrea are nrm s fr-.m c tn 10c on apples and ! prunes, reaches are lee. I SALT Selling 60c to ftoc for fine, 1 50 I" eack. half ground 4nc; 75 for .100 lb. aarka j Pertlan'4 Vegetable Markets. HACK VEGETAllIJCH Carrots. $1.250 $1-60 per aark; parsnips, $1.25 A "parasite. va 11.79 perrrater etti,bata, a, m hunLdweght; taulltlower. $1.75 erdoien; celery, rallfoffuifSc II SOc par doirn, rurumbera, tM ' $2 25 per dose'n; rrm-Unt. Sc m. v garlte. tocri2c - r pouatf; kn toe per dnana; hothouse letlwe, ft M i as m . ... tr ". iva, argui m. lUHIHll a. 1 . . . n . u jse per anal; . radlshce, lie .wr .orn; rbube.ra, S4 I fl Je ier pound; sprouts. K: tosutan i$2$a. . . I "POTATOES Orr..n b.kKU. u ;$I 5I per buudred, new-aoutoai, a r-..aln.l P0""" " UNION'S T I - I I ssaaBaasjaaBmaaBajaJBsH -I Blt tldl 1 INI I k ' - -a m. " f X i X li'jTTfl rvsi I ii - i KmuYmmamBMs-ssss IBBTI - 1IIIIIK' raj I IB? aaas - ' -aaaaw -'""T mi mm mi maiiii. r X vr III BMitlTt-BaBRAKfl7..n .T-7.7-; -4,um-mt ! Ix I it? "r-i-ira rcrc-rrcci iz X X i1lr9ir.i'l: -,7,r- r-rr7il X x r-.,i'l.'''.u,'r.bUwi . 3 IMIVKSrSsWHaaja, eS7"H" . ImCAZINEBINDINCl taMlji! II ,i.i I - II r l"tA I.Vt7i'lr1.'l !u' 'V.W e M par pair. All oin. Ipi I Don't throw your magazine sand I h'--" I periodicals away. There is I I 'iv-iHKaS I much valuable information in I rV'S them that will never be publish- I aSSte? I ed elsewhere. The cost is little jj LurX.'Zlrt"--. vj- I OREGON CITY PffERPRISE ' gfmcU; '"in""TOttP : r It' Wouldn't Pay , to Advertise I A Poor Article- ' J ii . y ... I II X X HI in x x ii n II X - X I II :; II S' . X $2.50 per 1 00. AuNtrslisa. XM m 100; aTeaa, $125 p r cratai Ctlir nla. per crate. , 1 " Oregon City" Stock" Onaati"'" HOtiH Hoa are quotas t lae From 125 Iba. to 150 Ibi. Iwa 160 Iba. to 100 ll. ISo. VEAL- CAI.VKH VVal calrts Win from Be to lic accirrllng to rtii. BEEF STEERS Beef atam (a-, tha local markets sr fetching IV He live weight SHEEP Are flrm-Kl 4e to U f weight. BACON, LA III mid HAM, art Ira IVfli" X . -T W W- sacNj m Ma, tn-ai TED-A HIDER AREfIT ?u7...,'l'ilifTi4tn'i a mi4. Uua ai WcWa rurtiMvMl by aa. Oaraeanuanvraaartanauaf III MTISM, ybh-fe ubm II rum era V n M mmimt trJli'Vl?1.'?" TB" ' PMiTBOla-iai I Herri .hlnhil.TZ.' . laniaiq or au not WUB W MW as FASTCXl Pa2S W f.".rn'" to blsbart arwtajawrlasb Tou aava 110 to ta ml.Wl. nwn ptoiu araa Mtrr t eu.rantM NM raf tint n roa rr ra oar eaUharnaa arid k-.rn uur auatanl 1mm ...n . " . "w w a uicyriaae a The controversy be' ween F. J. 9. Tooze, euperintendent of the Oregon City schools, and H. M. James, princi pal of the Estacada school, and head of tbe debating team of the Clackamas School League, has aroused no little interest among lovers of fair play. Mr. Tooze has a full and fair state ment of the matter In the curren issue of The Enterprise, and we rec ommend lis perusal to anyone inter ested in the matter. ea The council haa passed the now gas franchise ordinance by a unanlmoua vote, and negotiations will now be t opened, so The Enterprise Is reliably - Informed, to furnish gas for all . " purposes to the people of Oregon City t a reasonable rate. Away wlih the , hot cook stove In the summer. ". Oregon City haa a new Home Rule ordinance that will soon be In force. '. The occasional drinker will be care fill to take hie drop elsewhere than In ' a saloon where) hla beat girl can . .. watch him from, tha gldewalk. -":'', i 9 BRICKER SENT TO MIL. - - Oswego Man Faces Year's' Sentence r for Non-Support. .' Charles Brlcker, of 0wego, who " was arrested March 4 last, for failure to support his family, and who was 1ater released upon a promise to con- tribute 20 a month toward their sup ' port, was rearrested Saturday, having ' t failed to aaalat hla family alnca hln , release twa months ago. Brlcker will now make a (rantle effort to comply with the order of tha County Court and be facea a year la tba county Jail ; yr If he falls to raise bt money. :','' ! 1 . . V .i ': ' Nor a proposition, of daubtful nierlt ar honesty for aoyo nowadays, are DISCRIMINATING. Thoy know valt'oo-4hoy k" uamuiNc thlnoa. aonulna anaartunlilaa. - ' Any article which ean ba iold by advartlalns la, by thst GOOD article. .'YOU are aafe In buying thing which hai -" the fire af nuhllaltv ' .. . . .... , - . , ' v. n. ..... f Tk. . '',..;' . . . '.. . - itv. Is ' :'. w wioeiy aovertisea snioie, eo" wy en trim fop hls life. He eannot ehtrk, nor ehP M -p'roduet-and thla Is the beet possible protection for the onw"r; V?u are SA PI In buying advertised things It's ha I!1 . nowadays business conditions. : r---- xi i . -