JIORXIKU JCNTKKPKiaE, SATUttlUY. MAY 6, 1911. Pancakes and Pumpkin Pics , i 0 hi QCAO efrheaa had w,h was ktr wartis I The has eat gat asaaag ' Am uay f"W earv. w( SW ansa th n Wra aad ; the abr hrafc W w4 hud stp far MOt aasl bad mH part 1 to pay eaT fb hiSa. y. war An saftr rh af a iWu j a th nrtn. a tts ow row voir. af W Hm- ta itHM it k uitt hm l e . Ta lads.- ta Nt Tnaraaay vuag ta aorUI aicet atli aocwr. an th frtll ins ill hav arg th program PaAoiag lU b a of b featnr erf ik -rng. an1 tc cream sad rak iU) ai int4 I T TW r imu 1 . aa I twh ivmiikf mmmM' mt I I , I nf ar aewn re- J -" " force la (a Cirmlt h ft " " V" w" - " I Tlmcm Oris Thajec. to V , 1 J 1 j sarg ear. af arred f " lrUt eauv aaa ssarrW January X. 1 i v U ww ad a II I tfc I ax tw chiUcca. -"JT -is AAA tte .-an. rv r r great rrv for i learn, and Clears, aaaa 11 2 aad hair cajtful iwwi a mur trath. Kit watt, twa tai a huriered Uh and hat tkirrt i raatUnt t lb afker ama4 vaa i fait era aAar liiim aiobrnwtiax "Vacktac Utfaj TVa IU at lev amiaataa.- a m aval a4ar ta aaja yaa gat a kaaaaad m artr aaal i( Raty. t mt tw hot aaa far tree "Hartal TV-a ta viArw taa kiai that ah i alaaw mat m rlrtiai mt CI hart Ka arat waaat vaiaaac hrav fraat. h r the i arpai7 aa4 a4aatratk. aj. t'fnk. ITa hara bacar hr aaj4 aa ha ttMH ta i,iaa arft aJa h an a mrmrit m4 I tl av rai taat -ark.ta t a tha ararat atrvak f hart a aaaa rrr ha. aW I'm (ama( ta via "Ta thar hea a mtmrj ta w4 ataacr aha aaaaC Tm taurine arva4 far aaanr Chtaw hectcr. rm rrrOa oXcra taccthcr ta pa ta Jtra Tart. Aaat Sai 17. ea cak?" TVa ha4 ta 4a It far Aaovt forty aW ajarvera. vt: refl with mirpr4 rraaav If at hi out thai ta taJtTlAaaJ rjia htir lha raw. fill aaUr rw-hiraa fafl aa Hrv fc ftac ar th xa a ad X ta raaw ha raa af arataa- ta hala. ftaaaa tikr a aea rlaaaaiaa hi thai. naar rartan for proa mtp tm rhl tha aaatlax Battp4 ta -rtHL Tata rtet f rl -tMr4 aaat af thirk ma. wtitaa T alt cr aa4 ra;4rrj r rr7 jatty. tn- thorah!r ztiaJa tha proaa pit (haa aa4 rua thraa throvrh a. viadr. hat aroai rmbhlBX tha atlaahraoch aa aaa. h aa piirnic. Baat tha vhJtaa of ta cxa or mxh. tha by pw twat ma lata mt4 pruoa. If at in i ta aJt ta taat m&& a ta ajcanfaJ of acmr. Th tV4jra7 af thia iafe AtvmmA T7 apoa ta thorveraaaa with which tha taTTtta art "T4ta t rur. a wU twt tecTther per tvta a r iaa. Whip ta rrraai preaB rra!y wrrr the top f pot Cis. thca fxt th vhlrtwv rrcaai nth biu of th JCy ftrr with 1 1 r. tf prrfrrraC vtth a rastanl froai th fhta f ati tx. ta hMHial of th va aaO th vrtra. Bn a- rnaU It h If thta ni racr arrr aaalrl- plted! nv auar parta raa TM iaflaraca U thia d-rnioaj That ta th ata. T. jatTi hai ta rank memt aa4 tttart. hat ha raa rt aerialty Haw yva eah4 aoaaethinc that erarybedr has prajaedr . mimt a hrtr. atraorw. hat Pra tft7 fMpli praiaa aoy puaptia -Atythiac iar aty paartfcta. Wha thry a4 f hav a hotel fen try th la I aaa4 ta aeO ' ' ptaaptia jot. daaraa at paopat aaa U rata her ta eat aiy paacatea. Oh. 1 gtx bM af pralac." -Aaythin- pcratiar a boot yaw plea a4 paacakee?" akd th p4dW "I t at aa thcra vat. bet they C tb prtla. Kbb it vaa a poraUar tviat f th vratt Saaaa folks aaia "ParaJiar tvtst, rt? Weil. thaTa Kw Tart la aJvaya looklac for porallar tviata. Cat! TJai! A pa ratlar twist la Jfrw Tort nuaas a bar rrt of saeaty for th tvhrtcr. Look her. aw. G th stuff ta th hooa f aaak plea sad paacakee T With tmabUa- tipa aa4 tear ready t start. Aaat Bally rrpUd a was eery poor. Tbea tau at what ta wasted sad fit dxlre rr ta Bristol aad frt tL in ha caaaed paaapkia thai time of yaar. hat wall asata that do. Gm Twa atodsua aland rbirkrua. aoe f raw aaaatf. oo sJk-v f a frw krbm. a UrtJ rh aaralry. aeaaantap f aait aad p;t-r. rwa carfttle of cwid water, aa bp has tahteaaoafai owtrd cU Oa. osta fatry. a raw cz. aw hard routed e aad a few alra'f UKJOXISTS TRIUMPH. raea ba t faraaa 'Aeraa Aaaaat Lahar la Laa aslss. Kar Vfay IS. 1X th aniaut f La Aareie hae hea atratcllac f th rirat t arraaa. whbh rifht ha oraie4 rbeca by aWI Knt vd eaa4Ter. Oa the dale sueattuaed the of th brewing Indoor ry were Wlrev t leae rhrtr ptaoea. Khortty anerward the lra trade were dra tat tae rwnliil The kaswe was the 0vrc. salt for 4i Coart acaiaat a bass ahe 4 Thay Loask. a4 II yeara. Mrs Thar atya her busbaad raraed aad or at hr. Sad t Moratrg' Katerpnaa. RULE OF CAPITAL. How Democracy Is Choked - Pittsbur, D.$trkt In Cat th rhirteas lata aeau amail JBta aad UU otit the booe. 8tla th aaaaepea. Pat the boaea. aerka aad fteard tat a twa , with eaeufh eo4 water ta ror thna; also the alaa, hertai aad aeaaoeia Let all almaaee reatly for aa hoar aad a half. Pt a layer of ralckea ta a croddlne Ua, thea aaca si Ires of rold bam aad hard boiled eft gpriakl er tbeae rsey. peptr aad aalt. few dart it the Wlelaad area af th rwtal Brewery of raa FTa rlar aad th aeetsry f th Raa Ire Brewiac rotaiaay arttled their differ area wtth their fsrearr etnulareea. Th ajtreeaarot rearhed (Taat t mmnm aaofi. aa larreaa Mil wajrea r- the workaira aad the reraoeal frwa th brewertea of the Oik breakers. Th! la rheertac aewa. W rwarrat alat hearrQy the trad aatuotets lai saediately coartriied aa wrU a th.e who ar atlQ eaxmred la battle The a la food. Vk-torr reata with ta. war earaera aa th reaait f the mm pietioa of thia loe drawa ovt ruaarat Thla. however, la hot a prWlBtlaary trltJDph. aad others are rare to roate speedily la Its wake. By It tb bark hna of the oppoaltlua f trade aaka- Wvm la th rraetly atra-kee aad op priaxd CaHfornla rlry la bmtea. aad tt ts oaly aoreasary so fee the aak hrt forces to rharrt with aa nawarer-la- front all aloe tb llae. By so do In they will aona aweep their Wtter aad atallxiiaat fuea Into the pabltr roa teaipt they so rk hly snertt. PUY DAY. FOR CHILDREN. TEMPER OF STEEL WORKERS. Mill BAIT FOR SpvtlCw. Efforts to Ca'ca Tt:a h tz Cllmala WW ni IN aoen At aariaa readlnt a tb Uaa Haa Reawtt CoasVt. That Make Far wm aa latatrab)e ! ad la aat Ma CKaf4. I rem Plan t ataka Labor 0s Gesatast Hei.aay ef tb Vsar. A plan wkirb may result In tuakluc Bapeat the tarera tlfl th dtsh l. rntt fiAbor dy;f aarlooal play djy mm caea poor la the e4d water. Put oa u ua ot pastry. Lierorat It with Joarea of pastry, giate It with beaten rt"X aad bake for two boars la a qalrk w bet-la with and then In a Whea It bj oVjo rift oat tb crater ornament sod poor la tb aKxk amad frota th boaea. "Bat I doat aaderstaad." Tnea listen lo at. I'as lookiaf ta go lo Kew Tort aad epea a raach pfav- Theaa'a got to b aoaBcthia to aarcroa tt. I hare rot ta bar a pormUar twist to some dish. If yawre got a twlet oa passptla plea aad pa a eat oar fortaac ar aaade. Ill dl- rld with yom. Tb aatoelBbed aad floatrated Aaat ally told the peddler what she moat antra to snake a trial oa. aad b dror away aad retaraed wtth tbea. Tbea to took th as aad cat op a lot of wood aad thea pot la two boora work ia th fsnVa By that time the plea aad paarakea were ready for htm H locked with a pleaaed eye at the oep rich l.rwwn. aad he minced asd rhewed with tW palate of so epicure Thea to deeoared. He "Weed down tw pvatpkla pte aad more thaa half a doaen paarakea aad tbea abveed bark aad as id: -widow, yoor rot ur Tto pom liar twiatr Thar a tt. Nerer ate sorh pie and paarakea la cay life. We'll bar an Kw Tort runalac after 'eta. Now yoc. oMt keep qalet for a month or so t . ..... . warn i aeu nay Dorse aad wiron aad stock. I want to borrow erery avtHtar I raa. aad I want to to to tb y and look ap a place. Wbea I'm ready IU rom for yoa." Bot I'm old. aad I'm homely, and I taint rot no rd rlothet.- ah pro tetd "Doa't yoa worry about that Ton yt prartlc away oa that twist of tb wriat aad zpert m bark bre In foot week." whether t ranter or New Yorker, yoo'r aeen th pla you're luacbed tber. Tb alrbt of Aaot Bally la the window with tor calico dreaa and whit collar frylog tbe but brown paarakea at a raa store has mad yoo boot ry at ooca. Tea, there's a aim to tH yea that tte Aoot Rally and an other tetllnc of fcr pumpkin plea, and kwld tb plac yooTi flM rerytblnf aa clean as a nw told dollar and tb et-tln peddler koeptot an eje on walt f and patroaa. - Tb "twtf caorbt on from the first day, and It la ataylnc right by tb Par. Hondrada of tboiisanda of paopU bar rom to know Annt Hallt sVhB alkkA a ' i. ana mere ar tewe That Ara Good ta Eat. A rariatioa of tb old Mm Irish tow haa th meat rooked with toma toea. pepper and potato la plac of th aaaal carrots and other regetabie. For a brown stew rat tto rooked or arooked meat la ptorea. roD them la low aad fry them browa la diipplngt The torn la bat water aad boU anUJ tto aaaat la withla flfteea mlaataa of tolag tender. Add potatoes cut la place, a greea pepper or two with th aeeda remored. and rot la piece aweet red pepper or two DreoarMl la th aaas way and a half cnpfol of tomatoea. Keaaon with aalt. pepper aad a little paprika. Clan Frrttara. Tb following batter ia excellent for dam fritters: 81ft a plat of floor with a teaspoonfol each of aalt. turar and cream of tartar and half a teaapoonfa of odt. Add a tabieepoonfol of melt ed hotter, one egg and half a pint of milk. Mix tb flour, turar. salt, soda and cream of Urtar together and rub uuroga a aier. Whip th egg Ull rery light and etlr It Into the milk. thea bett It gradoally Into tb dry lo gredleou. When tb Utter U smooth Ur a ery actDt pint of chopped clams into it. taking care not to add enotirh clam Julc to nyjisten It too much, fry oa a hot griddle. aoggested by Frawts T. Sltiiuiou preaklrnt or the Uo-oIb ark l-ird. at tto dlnaer given recently by the Playgroond Association of 'hfc sV'o to Joseph. Iee, preaideot of the I'Uy groond AaaorUtla of Amrrtra. Mr. ftlmmona aaggrated that aU park boards and rommlaaion and all char ttabl and other similar organlxatlooa should begio preparatloa at wore to atake Labor day tb biggest holiday of tb year. The aatcearion was sec onded by Jane A Adams, who ia her addrea added tto further auggeatioa that a law be passed to convert er ery vacant lot Into a playground anfll eold for os as a bolldlng site. Mr. Lee. who spoke of the work . the riaygrouod aaswiatioo, aaid thai Chicago led the country In play apota for children. "Play is growth; It is the way a child beromea a man." be said. The ports of today ar too unreal. In heball and football and other gamea we boy aome one rise's play. What we need lo do la to encourag the blg Injun' spirit of the boy, but encourage It under aopervlslon." Trade Union Notes. NapJtan Cake. For neapolltan cake prenar two cak tatters, on white and tto other yellow, and divide each batter Into two part. Color one naif of tb white bat- ier. a beautiful,, pink . and - leave, the other half white. Color and fla vor ona half of tb yellow batter with choco late. Bak each of th cake la layer tonn ana when cold plac tto layers Boston Photo-engravers' l.'nlon haa discontinued all oat of work asaesa menu, there being no further nd of tbeni. The Kbeet Metal workers' union of Boston baa increaaed Its death beneiit to WUO and ibw eiterdl its sick and accident benefit system. . Tb new prlr list for tasters of tb southeastern MaasacbasetU district haa been agreed upon. It grants bet trr price thaa the old schedule. Hpeaklng before an audience of tbe metal workers of Toledo, Batnuel Com per declared himself unalterably op poaed to the amalgamation of tbe thirty-eight divisions of their trade. ""The Qu Inry TMiss.j granite- cuttem onlons have entered Into a new live year agreement, effective March 1, by which an Increase of about VA per together with a nice soft Icing flavored i"11 on ,D l rured by the with orange Julc. Tb yellow layer I n- may urn navoreq wltk oranir luic If desired and tb white flavored with vanilla or almond. Tb pink mar be flavored with strawberry or roe. PPPe Nuta, Of pound of pulverized stirar. ona pound of floor tvery scant), three ears. two ounce of chopped citron, on ta bieepoonfol of cinnamon, on aaarter of a tea spoonful of clove, one-quarter f teaapoonful of Deuoer. one-cm r- tr of a pound of chonned ta. Beat tbe an ear and erra ona our, then add tb other Ingredient, tto citron last. Put In llttl lamoa In greased pan. Bak In moderate oven lltMtiaT tmm srfTllUr atlVaf tuJ at ! LTX .nZ J.V,W" tb i yor " ttractiv sundae prep. r. .. . ' many aherbt rMes at there ap wna ner ex anan) . -. "aad to think that Pv got money In tto bank aad won't bav to 41 In th poorhoa! aa mere ar gueata to be aerrd and sprinkle each wttb tnloced aft" meat - and paor around It soma finely flavored simp from a Jar of tto tost praasrvad gla- Ate Yoa a Stthsctibet to the Nevr DaUy? b'wr" bfor t ta booatlpg Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour aopport maan more trengtb, tor tto work. Will Yoti Help Boost yout own Interests? RW Uarrtar. 1 nap tr ktoil. i rmr... M raw MSM aaa .u.. " Th Han Francisco Typograpbica union la making arrangement for the entertainment of 5,000 delegates dur ing tbe month of Angust, when tbe annual convention of tha International Typographical union will te held. To fore John B. Lennon, national treaaurer of tbe American Federation of Labor, out of the National Civic federation a motion waa adonfed h th Seattle Tailors' union to exclude all member of that organization from th National Civic federation. The t;ary find.) Illinois steel plant recently notified 1,000 men who bare been laid off for a considerable time to report for duty. Another 2.000 men will t taken back In tb same plant on April 5, when tb full quota of 7.000 men will be at work. Th Cleveland city council unani mously indorsed Representative p. ana bill to limit thw working day of all' fenaalea employed In ma an facta b tng, mercantile or other commercial es- tapiiMhment to eight hour and ttolr working week to forty-eight hours Nw tourc of Read Material. W. II. Matton la taking aamplet of the cement gravel from th county's gravel near Barton, wlfh th Idea of having th Portland Railway Company put a apur Into th pit from th main line so that gravel may b hauled to th various districts along tb rail way. If he la successful aa he hop to b, th northern part of the county will hav new sourc of excellent road material. r M! A. riTCrl tn tun. "Maety-alae per real of the atea are 8orialata, if by that jvm ateaa wh.i hat a rapilalrst.'' aaid a aa aorklag saaa f geaaia breediiig bai ur t taow la PHtsbara Ihls stttiod th oat rota f a trnm iiui k. -a atowly auklag headaay atu. IS2 whea II. C. Ft k arat the araxHl akertia gaards to drlre the strtk ln wartaaea off tb r-oaaiiaa t noanestead I aW raoaatna cxmdltha wi-t na mea devalop T-nmaxa ftlnr w ii h re- pert to auca af tbe toore fundaatea tal qaeatloa of tbetr Uvea.' This la e perially true la a crisis sirs ml a. differences ar ftirrotfeo. It waa Inu la 18EC at Iloaumtrad. and it waa agaia la February. lt when, with the mills oiwratlag oa torelr one fourth tlate. the CsrooKte Rteel rou Py rat rrum to t per rent th of ia who wer not durtn tha earn In eooach to lire Tto lengthening of tbe worklnc flay, the choking of dnxwrsttc lustt tattoos aad lb cwn It sway of t tt eanptoyera hav wurknl it ox ire than wetl organ lard induatrtal machine Tto flash of IndtKnatioa bate did away often, but ea b time tbe emrx-r hav glowed a llttl redVr. Tto te worker sees oo every sM vldeor of aa Irreslstll.le power. It teiia him what wagrs be may expn-t to re-l aad where and when b must work. If h prutrsts b l Ignored or rebuked. If he talks It ver with hU fellow workmen be ts likely to be dla narged. That th overwhelming ma Jorlty of ateel aurkers ar bitter t ward their employ era no oo who has mingled with theai enough to catrh their spirit ran deny. -Among tb .EaglUb arklag work era, from tb staudimlnt of their atti tod toward their w.k. there ar four claaana. In a certain element amoni; tham enthoalaaat la forgotten. Tber ar th older mew who bav waited for a revival of something like democracy tm western rraasrlvanla. lint h.. deferred maketb tto heart si. k." Tbe year bar don their work. Tame men look dull eyed oa a world from which the brightness Is tone. This group, wall numerically stronr ka a ma II compared with the whole body or employee. Among tbe moat there xist vsrying kind and degrees of nope A majority of the workmen feel thai it 1 only through tbelr effort. and mat of the community toretber liun. li ed against tbe opposing powers that weir industrial freedom Is to be wou There la still a firm belief on the nart of many that sum day tb mills wllf b nnlouized. Tto argument Is logical ltuatWn la growing Intolerable, in workmen say; there la a limit to human endurance, and when that point is reacne the men will rise as one. organic and make tbelr demands which then cannot, tbey bold. I safe ly refused But yeara hav goo by since union lam waa overthrown, and every twelve montn lias seen tto control of the employers grow more nearly absolute T . ... ooaer sucn condition eoclallsm 1 making headway. Thla cornea from a turning away from a political organi sation that bis lovlted the iupjwrt of wortingtnen. yet failed to Interest It elf In any Important legislation for their benefit. If tbe workmen were one roDTlnced that there etlsted possibility of tb election of the go clallat candidate ther would follow mor than a landslide; It would he avalanche. Tb last group I approach with heal tancy. for many regard aa aensatlonal any statement of fact that rune conn- ter to their own experiences. There i a group of workmen In the ateel uiatnci whose social hope Involve physical resistance. How widely they may prevail l do not know, but It seemed to me 'significant that some of m most intelligent should bold the rlew that tbe only way out of tbe sit uation la through an appeal to force. Horn will deny th existence of any injustice in toe institutions of society mat may not d remedied by Individ. oat effort. Tboae who defend exlstint condi tion In th ateel mills also resort to tto "high wage- theory. But men ar not recompenaed according to tb dgre of risk Involved In their trades. At best It la possible to determine a cissa naa, not an Individual one, and th workman's problem Is Individual. Br MMII A. t Pit ft TON. mertcaa wepapra an ring advrtlamata and aotkwa designed lo lur ar fs raters lat Canada Pr hly thla stuff la paid for. t la hard ta aaderstaad why anybody outd pabllsb It for any other res That glv to tto who! traus- adtoa a rertala fla old Beaedlrt Ar hold flavor. Arnold waa paid also II oaly tried to eel I a fort to tb British, however. Tb parpoa her ama to b to aell Aatartcaa rltlaeua to tto. British. Tto probability la that thla kind of treasoa wlU fall aa elg aally aa did tto other. ! It waa ipu r that lalbd Arnolds little acaeasa Per ha pa tb aam method will help la th preasnt raaa! . tt I easy t aaderatand why tb Can dla a goverameat should try to la dar paopl to aettl oa Its lands. Kv ary aa It raa mt procar la aa asset. n hacome a proJoceT aad a tatpay- r. It la a llttl harder to s a by aoy ABMStraa awapapr r syndicate f ppra ahoakl to aopatrlotlc aough to I prial tto asatter prepared by tto Ca ts dla a goveraateet to furttor this porpoa. va though paid straight ad fartlalag rat for tto spar, star ach Aaterlraa faraaar lnducd to go t Caaada toraaa af tbea advertlas toata aaeaaa tto lea af a aubarrlber sad a rorreapoudlng lose to tto mer chants with whom tto Danee doe aad to tto rota inanity la which It la pabltetod. Tto bardaat thing f all to comprehend, however, la why say A mertcaa farmer a boa Id to misted by thla advertising aad pr agent material Into going Into a i trosea aad aparaiy aettiad wtklaraaaa aad lata reaouaclng tb stsrs aad 1 atrlpea for tto British flag. Aatriea Aem Still IrailabU. Thr ar still millions of acre of ! land opea to entry la the Catted I State. Outaid of tb- reservation there la tb eoortnuua expana of Til.- ! WW.X acre. If Alaska to excluded, aad that la fully as dealrall as sow f thia Cans dla a land, ttor ar etlll -t3.P71.C7l acres In tto l ulled Vial propr that ar ope for entry. Allow ing 110 acre to a farm, thla give room for 2.I40.R23 families. If forty acre b allowed to each farm there oold to space for four time as ma ay, or nearly lO.orm.ono famllle. approximately 50.Ono.OtO pooU. Thla la outaid of th forest and other reser vations, much of tb land on which Is opo ror settlement on aasv terina4 Loci Ram still haa plenty of sot! for his people, plenty to hold comfortably twlc as ma ay aa bow Inhabit his domain. Thla land atlll open for entry la erat tared sll tb wsy from Florida to California aad from Minnesota to tb gulf- Tto conatant spread of Irrlga- I tloa la bringing thousands of acre Into I profltabl smalt farms where as much " mao rrom an acre aa from fir acre la many other sections rwn tto II f giving streams th so railed America a dsrt la dlaatpearln Out. aid of th reclamation belt tber ar ventaui empires of desirable land awaiting ntry. Minnesota alone haa thaa IJiOO.OfN) acrea. V.t,r..v. haa Baarly 2.000.()t)0 acre. freeon Ulna 1710.573 acre. Waahtnn. k.- a.ivu.iKai, south iNtkota 4JW2.HCH arraa ! worth nakota l.10.fc. Florida each has about SoO.aiO acre. Alsbama. Kansas. Louisiana. Michi gan. Mleelaalppt. Oklahoma and kits soorl each haa smaller amounts, whll Arlaon. California. Colorsda i.i.k Montana. Nvada, New Mexico. Utah and Wyoming each haa Immense tract. ranging from 20.ono.ono to nearly an.. in i in - . iJsis(7 4 Jlotlke Neo BAIL Y ? The EBogn W Will You Help Us -Boost Your Own Interests? 000.000 acre. rertll Land For Settler. Nor la all of thla land arM wlthoot Irrigation. Very mu"b of It Is fertile, but hereto form It ha L- - distent from railroads and therefor toe not been taken. Much of It can to tilled by dry farmlna. Th. of sora of then Immense state, h.. carcely been scratched. In addition ttor la th emplr of Texas. Th Texas lands belong to tb state Itself but ar open to entrv .i. ' m terms aa th government lands iswoer. Asl.Ie from the Isnrf to ntry, tber ar millions of farms already take which can to purchased t figure that would make them prof- ' l" larmers with a Uttl cash and K"uiy oi energy. With th reign of Mh nri 4. - f ' MUU in movement toward tha cii . i.. ... ' - uo n.ion on earth offering such or o rarmer ar the Unit imim. aii inea ml n. In .. """" ra. Tb constant cry ,hat tbr not anougti nrodiica,! on tb farm.. Th population of tb " increasing at th r.. PVtAM ml et svswv w w 7"" '.'"vw per year, and most aaa-th ,,h C,tto"- Th- mouths mean an Increased mark.t .a mor prosperity for th farmer. Ther whan ti. ' Un ,n our hl,,or7 lay at bom than now. Uer la wber ;u" 'P' and where they ar go ing to Mr In ever Increasing numbers. Why, ther ar nrsctlcsllr nAt w - mm Mwuwns rarma in maiiT of th carrier, I year $3.00 mail, i year 2.00 Send in Your Name and Remittance But wer a ma a to consider himself j tbat ta th handa of enterprising farm coqio d nude to yMd fortunes rvnai adrantacea haa r.n. rerompenaed by high Wffges for long aours ana lack of touch Artlsane Meat In Regular Session. Th Artisans met In regular session Thursday night at th Woodmen Hall, and four new members were taken In. Ith tha world and for extreme danaer aw.u la not thereby fecomtiaed. There must to time In tbe home for the de velopment of a sentiment not whoiiv concerned with bread winning and for the rearing of children etrong In body UU UI1I1U. i .( Thero are thre waya In which con dlflons may to changed through bp position Interposed by the workers trad unionism, politics, revolution. Through either on or othef of these mere is bound to to a revolution ere long that ahall have as Its goal th restoration of democracy to the steel workers. New Yarfc Printers' Unisns. Ther are twenty-on unions of the printing trades In New York city with a membership of over 23,000. Pared to all thla to Induce a s.n. . to forwr hl American clflsenshlp w I Put You ri elf n Ad-Readers Place... When you write your classified I ,TI '.ny klnd 01 d try to e tac,df1 J ' U Juat the inlormitio I d t And If you wart M ad-reader and war. iwi " T d of that kino. " X tlluatratai PLIAtC NOTICE. To Introdoo Tha MoraJag Eoterpris Into t large mr ty of the homes ;n Oregon City and Clackamas eountr the management haa 6ald4 to make a special prlo for tha dally laauo, for a short time only, where th subscriber nays a year In advaao. By carrUr, paid a year In aarraa, M M. Mr aaafl, mmU a yaa ht ad vaa, aj M. Paopl who gave our canvaa r a trial subscription for on or mor months, at ten nta a " wk, can have tto dally dativ ered .for a year for ft 00 by paring a year la ad vane. People who gar our eanvaa er a trial aubaortptioa, ty mall, for four months at a dol lar, may hart the paper for a rf roria.0fl.4f atld air.ln ; advance. Subscribers to th Weakly ' Enterprise may change their aubsortptlons to the daily, re ceiving credit for naif time on th dally that the weekly Is paid (a advance. - When they shoos to add cash to the ad- aboo payment equal to a fall Tear's adrta paymaoA ttor may take td rax tegs of th 11 rata.- - We make thla special prie ao that people) who have paid la advance on soma other dairy ana wish to take the Mornaag BatarprhM, may do so without ff too groat oxpsnoo. a e ' 4 eolnps "The Snail. S tell l.v Ik. UMIIIamaont M Ckrs Field. Automobile section. l ale, II cents. RIAL tTAfl. tiAsvaral Archibald snd Bessi Minnie J. Mtrs, IH rz 33, township I south, rsui. - j Ho- ...-fiV Henry Knight el si to i""-.- lot 10. block 3, Canoy; i Loufsn firsnt et al TO fti acres, section ships aouth. rsnne 1 May M. Merrltt lo MatHe u'l. Inls 13 t " i alve, block 13. Mlnthoni; e T. R. A. ana '""""'" ; , JUU OF . . . w block Oulncv analtion i 1370. wood tn IOtt Kinne, "-," M unset Msgscfns Foe May. "Ml of the West," by Olen An- SatiirdayiJ? Prices Claret Table Win Port.VVlnfy Muscat ai Chrry. "'"':9lZ Doubts fltafP n Vfht,k,y. rgulr . y j D. M. KLEDBI