Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 06, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Pa rents Will Take Pleasure
. nMlciot the beautiful assortment of boys' new
10 in suits and "Mother's Friend" waists nd blouses
!PIr north window. While these are only a tery
i J of the many patterns we carry, it will five you an
i . of the fine quality and styles we handle. Brin
Suits $2.50 to $10.00
Suspension Brldf o Corser
i)at two mm of Judge Melvia XJood
man bad been msrderta by alleged
revolutionary bandits at their father'a
hacienda, Buena Buceso, not far from
Acapulco. The neighborhood of tb
reported crime It aald to bt overrun
by bandlta, who owt no allegiance to
any organlxatloo.
Mr. Wllaon says alao that Ameri
cans In Mexico City are becoming
Baptlat Cor. Mala sod Ninth" streets,
Rev. g. A. Hayworth pastor, ret.
Ill Ninth; 8. 8. 12 noon, 1L E. Croat
aupt; morning aervlce 10:80, even
ing T:80, T. P. 8. C. B. 6:30 p. m.
and Juniors same hour. Weekly
prayer meetlDg Thursday at 7:10
p. n
alarmed, and that the unreal la due Catholic Cor. Water ana Tenth Bta.
In aome measure to apprebenalon of!
the failure of peace negotiations and a
prevalence of anarchy,
Patronise oar advertisers.
local tyicrs
,il linker end Kirs Caaalday.of
. . .hi. rlty on Frlds.
Pr' . .1 111. la was
'Lion Tliy " business Friday,
"puur IUt. roptUr Prices,
1 n.Mamlth'S. ' -
J ' .. . b vl.lla.4 frlenda
I "on flty on Friday.
ii a. rii"i,,r' n ,,"r,,B7 ' u,u
L,ks Evans, of llaaeiuaie, was in
U0 Friunj.
to flurhHrd.-of Isvrr ret ", waa
0on City on Krldsy.
u. uldner. fNk- WM
Lai. city ,l l"",n,," inuieua.
frank Miller, oi piiu... -
F7 ... W..I..II. ...... l
Arthur Aw""', oi '" -
Lku iv on i j
T f Hlce. of Jennlnita Lodge.
,u In Or.-K-.n "lty Friday vlaltlng
u.. Novelties in Mimnery every
. . . i - - i l.iMamlfh'a.
W si ' "
TVosiu mIm. f IKHiver Creek, wss
...... ......i.tM.a in firvKfin i nr
k..mun 1 I in""- v .1 -
m" t.Mt h. of CI,'vela"ndT"Onlo, Is
ii tilt city, and is regisiereo at in
Octrlc Hotel.
Kr. and Mrs. W. II. Martin oi Kalem,
tit vUllli'K m it' "7 lr irw
(Vairr Willis, of Canity, wss in
k city on Tliuraiiay ana rnuay on
lira Vsrm-y mid Mrs, Meredith, of
knaioo I.hIk". cre In this city on
fctlarsa Friday.
Wte 0...V Wall, of Canby. one of
bttell known iH.Ilrnts of that city,
verton, where he went to attend the
funeral sfrvlrea over the remains of
the lute T. Davenport, father of Hom
er Davenport, tbe cartoonist. Mr
Jack wi.a an old-time friend of the
aire, unariea iiurna, jr., and son.
will leave tbe Drat of next week for
Powell River, British Columbia, where
tney will make their future borne
Mr. Iiurna pirrrdd his family to
liiltlsh Coluinbla two wecke ago, and
It employed In the pappr mill at that
place. Mra. llnriit and son art at
present visiting with relatives In this
city before Ihflr departure.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, wbo hsv
lxu visiting .for several months at
Kort Atkinson. Wisconsin, tbe guest
of relatives, have returned to Oregon
City on Kr I ilny morning. Tbey nave
bad a most .delightful trip, snd while
lu the KsmI celvhrated their golden
wedding anniversary, whtcb waa . a
moat enjoyable event, when many of
their relatives attended. .
. Thurston Johnson, formerly an Ore
icon City boy, but now foreman of tbe
Uregonlnn, was lu this city oil Friday
and a fishing trip at the fslls. In com
pany with F. Alexander. Uotb are
very enthusiastic over Rshlng for tbe
Koysl Chinook, snd before leaving
for their homes In Portland, succeed
ed In getting three large salmon, and
did not have to buy tbem either, but
caiigbl I hem with book and line.
Mrs. V, A. hhewmsn and son, Alon
will leavf thls city on May 15 for
Portland, where they will remain un
III Msy 10. when they start for Tlon
etta. Pa., where they will spend three
months with Sirs. Hhewman's parent,
Mr. and Mrs. (1. K. Watson". Hefore
returning to tbla city tbey will visit
In the state of Ohio and New York
During their absi-iice from this olty
the Hhewtnan residence will be oc
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Swlfi
sua child.
Braid and Buttons Art Seen
en Most of the New Models.
Cor. Rib A Main. Oregon City.
Two Sena of Judgt Mtlvln Goodman
Raporttd Murdtrtd.
WAHMINOTON, May 5. Increasing , h t , rorm.t fr the aeason'a out
anxiety, approaching alarm, It felt by ioof jreH. Kor Instance, the bat of
administration offlclalt for the safety Ltraw braid and velvet hns the aide
iu la (his city on Friday
un H Fisher and Mrs. Hcnmiser, B.u WM,
iCtrui. . ie in Oregon ( Ity on rrl- u lots. d house, barn, lots of
tar. fruit, sulendld view, for only $1600, H
W. A. Il' vliimn. of Esiacada, an at-.raKh, t,Nlanre terms. Bee roe about It
iotmy of t lint city, waa in this city
a bsl bualnesa Friday. , ;
Erich and I lei man Dietrich, of Kl-
twtdo, eri anioiig the Oregon City
rtitlort on Friday.
Jo Bliiiteinsn, of Reaver Creek,
vu imung the oregou City bualness
iWllofi on Friday.
Mm. Kirniiler nnd daughter, Kaibryn
t Portland. ho have been visiting
nt .Mrs. t). W. Kastham, returned
their home yesterday.
Circle "t"' of Presbyterian church
nllknld a inmket In Deutto building,
ktrtih Kiiet-t, Saturday at 1:3')
Ellery ('up. tie of the well known
mklrats of Willamette, Is very' HI at
iW home of his daughter, Mrs. Arch
lorn, at Willamette.
t. Sielner, of Heaver Creek, one of
iht sell known farmers of that place,
m trannkctlng business In thlt city
Route Agent E. A.'Rapp, of Wells
firio Express, apent the day In Ore
W City Friday.
rrtnk Htilpley, of Willamette, la
iht champion fisherman of Willamette
m far this Keasnn, snd on Thursday
of thlt week, having caught tbe larg
t lumber by hook snd line. . .
County AsReasor J. B. Jack, return
f oa Thursday afternoon from 811-
i fcr-'.vv r:- '
an ast otrriwDoa dkb
Careful study of this picture will
anppiy one witn many nuns iu rriu
of Americans In Mexico, especlslly In
the vicinity of Acapulco, on the Weat
Conditions described ss Intolerable
were reported to tho 8tate Department
today by Ambaaaador Wilson. It Is
probable naval forces will be ordered
to Acapulco at once.
Btate Department officials plainly
were worried by the disquieting ad
vices received from the American
Ambassador, deaplte the fact Mr.
Wllaon aald the Mealcan War Depart
ment had aent urgent telegrams of In-
atructlon to the commanding officer
at Acapulco to afford sll possible sld
to Americana.
elaborations wtuYb are one of the new
notes In millinery. The duluty stock la
embroidered with, the, smart French
knot, while tbe Jaliot Is edged with
venlse lace. The coat, cut on the ac
cepted straight lines, cornea Just a lit
Ue below tbe hips sud Is profusely gar
nlabed with allk braid and very large
Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, ret. Ill
Water; Low Mass I s. m., with ser
mon; High Mass 10:10 s. m., with
sermon; afternoon service 4:00.
Maas every morning at 1:00.
Congregational Cor. Main and Eleventh
strsota, Hay. -Vim. M. Proctor paator,
- ras. tot Third) S). noon, John ixjw-
rv soot.: snornlna sarvlca I. JO. even.
In a 7.10. youna people :I0. Weekly
prayer, meeting Tbureday at 7:10 p. n
The aubject st 10:30 will bo "The
Foollahnesa of Preaching." The ser
vice at 7:46 will be' under the auaplcea
of tbe Brotherhood. Tbe pastor will
take aa bis topic "The Preaent Day
Demand for Moral Leadership." C. E
at I p. m.
Christ Bw. LuOleren Cor. Elshth and J
Q Adaros streots. Hev. K Schmidt
outor. res. tot J. Q Adams: H.
I 10 a. m.; preaching afternoons of first
and third Sundays at 1:1(1 In Knalleh
other Sunday aervloea mornings at
with preaching In Herman.
Christian Science Ninth snd Cen
ter streets. Sunday service 11 a. m
Sunday achool IS noon. Wednesday
evening I p. m.
Oerman gvangelleat Cor. Elshth and
Madlaon streets. Key. Wleveelck pas
tor. res. 711 Madlaon; B. 8. It a. m.
Iltrnian Behrader, Motiron atreet. supt.
mornlnc service 11. yoena people at
p. m. and preaching at I p. m. Prayer
meeting Wednaaday at 7:10 p. m.
Olad.tone Christian Rev. A. H. Mulkey
oaator. rea. (llaaatona; 8. B 10 a, m
N. C. Ilendiic-ka supt.; morning service
11 o clock, evenlna eervlce 7:10 Week
)y prayer meeting Thursday 7:!S p. m,
Rev. Wood will speak at tbe morn
Ing service. 11 s. m. and the pastor
at tbe evening aervlce, 7:45 p. rn,
Rev. Mulkey will" deliver an address
st the Dedication of the Central Chris.
tian church, at E. Salmon and E. 20th
Portland, at 2:30 p. m.
Mountain V'ew Union (Cone) S). S
p. m.. Mrs. J. H. Qulnn supt.; Hlble
hlndv every Thuraday afternoon
prrachtns 7:10 p. m. second and fourth
Sundays in January
Methodlat Main atreet cor. Seventh,
Rev. U. K. Zimmerman pastor, rea. cor,
Sixth and Waahmston: 8. B. t 4t a. m
C. A. Williams. Gladatone. aupt.: morn
Ina aervlce 10:46. Rt) worth Leajrue ttlO.
evening aervlce Tiltv 'l-ayer meeting
Thuraday 7:10 p. m.
Preabvtenen Seventh atreet cor Jeffer
son. ttev. J. ri. iana.oorouan iimeitir.
rea. 710 Jefferson; B. B It a. m , Mrs.
W. C. c.reen aupt.; morning aervlce 11
a. m.. T. P. B. C. E. t:4i p. m.. even
ing service T:M. Prayer meeting Thurs
day I p. m.
At 11. the pastor will speak on "The
power or First impressions. i no
evening aervlce, 7:80, will be a song
aervlce, tbe paator s theme being "Tne
New Song." - The choir will render
the following special program. An
themsby tbe choir. :
"Give Tbanka Unto the Lord," Car
rie B. Adama; "The Strength of My
Life." Creswell; "We Praise Tbee.'
Gabriel; "Give Unto tbe Lord," Car
rie B. Adams."" :
Mra. Wentworth will give s solo and
the ladles' quartette, Mra. Leon Dea-
Larzea. Mrs. Elmer Cooper. Mra. A. K.
Froat and Mra. William Green win
render "Only Tbee" by Ira B. wllaon.
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. U
Jones paator. rea. Clackamas; B. B. 10
n. m.. Km fry French aupt.; preaching
aervlres each Sunday, alternating be
ii m. and 7 St D. m Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 1:3
p. m.
St. Paul a Episcopal Nlnthst., near
Main, Rev. Chaa. W. Robinson pas
tor, res. st Ilectory. Ninth sna wa-
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
May 2, 8, 4, 6, t, 7.
Garnet Begin Wtakdayt at 8:30.
undaya, 2:30 P. M.
Boy a Under 12 Free to Bleacbera
The "Fall of Troy" la the Ortatttt
, , . Fljm You Ever Saw.
The Electric Theater Is showing a
wonderful picture thin 'afternoon and
evening. The aubject Is the Trojan
War and tbe title of the mm la "Tbe
Fall of Troy." The people who'eaw
thla anlendtd picture yesterday say
tbey never saw anything like It be
fore. Tbe settings snd costumes are
beautiful and the story Itself Is In
teresting. The fact that It la an his
torical pageant detracts nothing from
Ha heart Interest.
You will do well to take yourself
and the children to see this greatest
of the great film atorles. The chan
It one that may never come again.
'. D. Lehman who It putting ap a
new Are kiln to burn bis illing, win
hereafter burn oil.
m la bulldina a very substantial
furnace and when completed, will add
another Industry to Mllwaukie.
Tbe, moving picture ahow la s.thlng
of the' past, having gone to tbe wall
for want of patronage, l oo uaa.
The streets sre so muddy the school
children are everlastingly roasting tbe
mayor, contractors snd councllmen
Very noor Judgment waa shown ln-tak
ing sway tbe walla In front of the
old Evangelical building, before ready
to do anything.
Like sll Jobs of this kind, main
streneth and bull headedness, seemed
m he the chief characteristic. Irrespec-
Jflve of what the long Buffering public
Mrhad to put up with.
But ss Mllwsukle's population la
mnaiiv Herman and like her Eastern
namesake, ahe has to be noted for
aomethlng (In tbla caae not beer)
characteristic of the German, she had
to go at her street worn "hina aiue
it whs amualng to see two,' up-to-
date, hobble aklrted females from busy
Portland making lun or our muuuy
atreeta Thursday-afternoon. The last
aeen of them they were waaiog ansio
deep in mud up Washington atreet by
Wetzler'a property toward the new
It la likely they kept going rather;
than attempt to get back onto Main
street again. Later developmenta
prove that after s round sbout trip
thev took a boat home from tbe "Tav
ern" and let their teet nana
board all the way down, to Portland
In order to wash the clay off.
Rumor haa It that s new barber
shop will be opened next to the post-office.
V. 4-.
A FTERyou put your ni
meal on the table, jt
sit down and consider the lay
out for a moment. Ask
yourself earnestly. "Have I
got the greatest value for the
money spent on this meal?"
Yon Bought Yotff- Groceries at this
only one answer can he. made
you- have done all that a clever housewife esn do your meal
la the nearest approach to perfection that la possible In a
meal. But only the best groceries the kind we have built s
reputation for, can ASSURE you of this.
Try some of our leaders and become a regular user
Bast Butter, 2 (be. .........60c
Full Cream Cheese ....20c
Coffee "None Better 44
Highest Quality Tea pound 75o
Seelty's Beet Flour sack 1.50.
Canned Sweet Potatoes, pre
ferred stock grade'... ....20c
a. E.
housework. Experience not so Im
portant at wllllngneas to learn. Ap
ply 1006 Main atreet, Oregon City.
WANTED Ton to know that we buy
sll kinds of Curios, that we sre In
tbe msrket for second hand Furnl-
Ture aidTools. We also have s
good ' ssaortment - of - second - hand
Furniture snd Tools on hand for
sale to those In need. Come snd
see: nerhaps we have Just what yon
want. Indian Curios and trinkets
for sale cheap: some that are very
unique snd also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth atreet.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
ter ats.; 8. 8. 12 noon, wm. anew- N . ,. tneM ci.Mtried haadmas
man. aupt; Prayer meeting wea- wl), mM.,,i at one cent a word, first
. wAMi. Mwle I . . i w.t, - Miit additional Inaer
nesasy i:ou p. - "I" " TI-i. n , monthi half
.uonln. aervlM 7 ' 11. I none. '
Owner can have same by paying
for pasture snd this notice. R.,
McCUntock, Oregon City, Oregon,
R. F. D. No. 3.
HARRY JONES Builder sad General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully
- gtyen on ; sll classes of hwlldlng
work, concrete walks snd reinforced '
concrete. Res. Pbowe Mala 11L
FOR SALE Splti pups.
Locust Street
Inquire 442
O. D. EBT, Attomey-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, lend
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law bualness. Over Bank ef
Oregon City.
FOR BALE Young pigs. Call Home
' phone, O.' M: May, Beaver Creek.
10:30 S. m..
ih .rrf it lineal tl tier month.
Cash moa accompaar ...... ----
buttons. Tbe sailor style, eupplcmetited United Brwthren Cor. lhth and Taylor.
venlnc service 7. printed for patron. Minimum enerae.
. 1- n .... the collar Kev. r. t,iarepea.:
run miiiuir.r.., ... t f rmi
Iine. aupt : morning
lantn ana i y . ' - w
or. rea. I-ortland; has an open account with the PPr. No
B. 8. It a. m ank Fvker. Maple iiaancuu ri.U"n, 'h'-i
aervlce 11. 1. r I error, omii v.. . .. ia
8. C. K. t p.
Tbe skirt reculla tbe models of fJv
veara airn with Its paneled rout and
aide plalta. The touches of satin nnd Willamette M. E.-No regular preachlnt I -
FOR SALE 2 fine thoroughbred Jer
sey bull calves, S months old. R
L Badger, Oregon City, Or, R. F.
D. No. S. Phone Beaver Creek Cen-
. tral.
. ... . aervlcea 8 8. 1 P. m., Mrs. Keama nnit,
the large buttons bring It up to dale Xwiu
Buede ahoee with rounded toes, a neai z, Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth WANTED Girl for
parasol matching the dress and white .,.. R.v. Kr.tb.rjjr p. GIRL WANTKU-o
tued. gloves complete tbla smart out- SStSi'x moTnm-.rv"; 8ummon,.
At. .... "I0- v'nln 7 "' Lu,h'',T In the Circuit Court of the
In nearly all tbe new aults tbe fa 1 -
Th matter waa taken up by Mr. ToriHi trimming la bruld. especiall)
. a A I. .a k . .a ...av.aatlsWtSSeS tfrkVfYlSl
Wilson, st the result or tne report i tbe wiue oraiu. won a a..u..."-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
ninnar t Maols Lane Today. Ells Cronin, riainun.
aa m.m I W .111 M AA 11 B-AaTll. I VS.
the collar, cuffs and revert and trtms . today, wmiam Cronin, Defendant
Your Last Chance To See
lilMUKB aJCSIB B,Wta.j I a
the skirt as well. ... ' ' noon . ho, dlnner will be aery- To William Cronin. the above nameo
ram-Is of braid coming down tn. men of the p.ange. The defendant: ,0r
. .w nt the tacket and con- ' ...i .... with the . In the name of the State of Ore-
tlnued in tbe same way on the skirt lectur,r., hour, and music and recita- gon. you sre hereby mnlrt to ft
CLOSE IN 4 lots facing Madlaon St,
rand view, very cheap; 440.
Terms. CLYDE A McRAE, 1003
Main St.. Oregon City.
TJ"RJBN A 8CHUEBEU Atlorneya-av-
Law. Deutacber Advoxat. wm prac
tice In ail courts, make collections
and settlements. Office la Enter
prise Bids Orecoa City. Oregon.
Dealers, have choice bargains la
farm lands, city snd suburban
homes, good fruit lands snd poultry
ranches. Bee us for good ' buys.
Near S. P. depot.
TAKEN UP Three Jersey calves.
M. H. COOPER. For TVe insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties we buy, sell snd
exchange. Office In Baterprlse
Bldg., Oregon City. Orecoa.
are distinctly the thing
Narrow braid Is also very aman.
especially when worked out In orna
mental deslgna on tbe skin ana cobu
a touch of color Is added -hy ori
ental embroidery on the collar, sleeves
and revers. There Is merely a hint of
this, snd It la not allowed to ueoome
too prominent In the color scheme. -
n in evi-
tlons will be on the progrsm.
191 I
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above named suit
on or before the sa aay oi juue, un,
aald date being the expiration or aix
weeks from the first publication of
tbla summons, snd If you fall to sp-
pear or answer said compiaim. iur
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
his complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving me uouue
of matrimony "now-exlstlng-hetween
Ruttons are also very muc
.....;. ihni .r i n as trie color
urmr, " I 1..-. Jl. I"" Thla eum.
... . h. t . ..a tiimm nr or i uunno ma monini oi - - p i th, nminriir ana uewuuiiui.
.. wt, and some of tbem silver or gilt August and September, on dates mons It published by order of Hon.
I These latter are very amall-qulte tiny,
In fact.
B , W
Bed, spring and couch called sanitary
cotiche We will sell on account of
over sotck for
Just like cut, except that back will not lift up.
rurnlture and Hordworc
Edslwsitt For Kongo.
A very charming custom haa been
inaugurated In Belgium to honor tbe
birthday of Queen Eiisaoein. tier
last anniversary was nlnde "rose day,"
and the sale of the queens birthday
roses realised $20,000, which was giv-
. ii... e. a. Jk
en to the tntiercuiosis renei muu. i jq
The oneen baa now issuca
official proclamation In wnicn ane an- lChlcaao
Bounces that it Is her roysi pleasure Council Bluffs
that nti her next birthday tbe edel- Omaha
weias shall be substituted for tbe rose Kansas City
shown btlow, the
T- Camnliell. Judge OI tne wrtui.
Court, which order was made snd en
n the SOth day of April, 1911,
and tbe time prescribed for publics
Mnf la aix weeks, beginning
.. .'i.l... I ... .. i o...rrfatf Anril 19.
Will Stll rouna inp livmi. ""Iwltn tne lsaue ui av,-, - - k - -
1911, snd continuing eacn ween in-.w
after to and Including the Issue of
Saturday, June 3, lu.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Oregon City Via Portland
Percheron Stallion
Oregon City , in Farmers' Feed Barn
I)oAAroo Sired by Polly; first dam, Queen; Second dam By
Pedigree. coior. dapplebay. Weight 1800 pounds.
Tmt. To insure mare with foal $12, Single serYice $8- Sea
lenilM wn io To Insure colt to stand and suck $15,-Car -will
be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded, money be
comes due at once. . '
G. W. Boyer, Owner and Keeper
at follows:
ft., m mortal
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County oi viva-
$ 73.00
an an
60.50 John C. Baker, Plaintiff,
an an I VS.
.in u.nne K Raker. Defendant
OUiW . fwarrfn
64.401 In the name oi me owi .
devoted to the fund for comnatm, me - M.50 Greeting: . . ;
. t .L.kntia In IhB KAnirO. I " . M a anl Vnu UnnnS PV . nHHCI jvj v-w
Bleeping ...a." Mlnneanol s. v 8 Counc l Biuna o-i h anawer the
a. M t.j HnekAair SlYBlinSa (III 1 ltmt I dsn nil 1 aAltllrOfl III SB II IITT a a puia
eSS s u-. -msj r-v.vv-::::::::::::::::::: as SS- T. aSSsn??J:
-Kongo atrocities. uue 8t LOU,
effort, of King Albert 1. to .no, r.- w..hlnoton, D. C " eompUlnt on or before .aid
honest Intention to remove that ataln. W.vL Plaintiff will aDnly to the
oMLL. Wrt IW c r, for tne relief demanded In his
M A OA OK 07. OS I plaint tvwlt-
May is, if, in, i. - ' " -,..
ana . , i i,.i- tKa hnnde nf matri
June B. 7. 9. 10 12. , 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, "T-.i-tina- hetweea the Plain
- rnuii uvw v as
snd 30. ... :nH the Defendant, snd for sucn
Ribbon Uort. and white strlDed ribbons sre
. . M... -.Ilk
Rlnrk aat In atrlpes sre anowo to.
on whits taffets slso. August S, 4, 8, 14 15, 1, 17, 21, 22, 23,
Faille ribbon Is being usea wmn oj 28, 29 snd 30.
milliners, especially In black and white 8;ptmb,r 1f A 4, B, 6 s d 7.
COmDinailonn. ni -
ni meet In the nremlses,
This summon. 1. served upon you
by publication thereof for tlx succes
Blve weeks, once esoh la th
Oregon City Enterprise s i dal y ; news
oaner of general circuiuu y""-""-
".. s-i. .... -e meokamaa.
rrint a" ro aeen Jy.rVwhe're. most 8t0IK,yer. within limit. In either dl- f- County of Clackamas
prims m .,,. .,imn rtnal return limit nrnn. by order of the Hon-
.ii in ths llnhter colored patterns.
Flually Mnck and wnite coeca.
fetas sre mnch In yogue In Psris.
Sometimes the Urines running one way
art In Mtln woven into tue iu..
other words, although not a great num
ber of ribbons sre snown.
we do bars are wauurui au -
lu wears snd design.
rectlon. Final return iimn
October gist.
otd,. nroron. by order of the Hon-
nrahla J. U. Campoeii, juage oi i
inquire or any "-" . "--." " h,,c.tion. April 29th(
jmW V Sa - f ... . . W
For fartt one wty through Callfornl.Lboy. entitled Court,
For. "rT" Pacific dated the 28th day of April,. 1911.
p vi v " .
agent, or write to
Central Patttngtr Agtnt
Portland, Oregon.
dated the 28th day
nf flrat miDHC
Date of iaat publication, June
imh, 1911
C. H. DYE,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Forced Sale
of the W. A. Holmes
stock of clothing, drv'
goods snd shoes
opens this morning
at 9 o'clock, and con
tinues until May i24
at which time the
stock must be ,dis
; posed of.
SEE Big Hand Bills For PZUC03
' ' t"
S ii