Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 06, 1911, Image 1

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The only dally iisavoaBpsr i V
Iwmk Portland and 4mi) Jroe O
latee Wi every Beetle of Cteefca O
maa Ceunty, with pope latter of
4 BO00& Are yy an aovartfaarf
' aubesrlptl-M Morning
nSwHM will be resslved for O
! ITiI in w ''
i 74 -m Uw Bri0
w a, J
VOL. 1-No. 102.
Peb Weei, 10 Cents
-. 1--.; -T- T T"" V'"' ' " '' '
fav)L3 IVtni mi ivniuvw
right la a Strong for Councilman aa
for Mayoralty Labor Ticket to !
Be Rechoneo wnn wets
Favor Lombard.
' -A
Oregon City and Vicinity-
Saturday Hho era. woatorly
Oregon Saturday Fair
aouth, shower north portion;
westerly wlnda.
PORTLAND. May 6 Day Lombard
U conceded the probable cboleo of tha
TOtn of, Portland at tho primaries
(0Biorrow for mayoralty nomination.'
EWtlnneerlng muat atop tonight at
l-alva o'clck aa provided by tbo cor
rupt practice art. Tbo polls tomor
row l)l be open for seven hura.
Kstlmates ar that about 15,000
vote HI be c"t tomorrow afternoon
tti iooo or 5600 will give a nomina
tion Haturday afternoon mean a
Hgbt vote, alwaya. although ono might
mppoae that with ao many, candidates
la the Arid for all tbo nomination
Out thiM would bring out their
friend and rauae a bory vbt.
UDrd will carry tho WeiSlde
md make deep Inroada on tho Eaat
gtd practically all of tho Ruahllght
atrvagt h cornea from tho Raat Hide,
akert he Uvea, but how much bla sup
port will be la problematical. There la
i strong anil Ituahllght sentiment on
ill tide of the river and thla la chiefly
friendly to Umtard. Buahllght'a cam
paign haa been full of blundera, tho
..1,1... I na Hlna his lllnnra and
iriiMif " " m - - -
particularly his, "Hence on tho Coun
cil. ,
Al great Interest la taken In tho
Never before In a municipal campaign
Via there been ao much dlacuaalon of
' (ouDclrmen. Tbo old metnbora who
r trying to "coma back" aro almost
vttbout exception tho targot for tho
tater. It w(ll bo surpctalng If Coo
auDon. . Maker.' Beldlng, Driacoll or
Kublt pull through. Deldlngs Case la
cosaldared absolutely bopeleaa In tho
tlitb Ward, for even ahould ho bo
amloated tomorrow hla defeat by
Hoatag la anaured In Juno. Thero la
I iraeral movement among Republl
tt$ In the HUth Ward to write tho
ibh of John Montag on tbo Ropubll-
na ballot. In thla mannor Holding
ty be knocked oat la tbo prlmarlea.
Labor ;nlltlclana bavo boon active
tka paat week circulating literature,
and" there la a ancalled labor ticket
! the field, but whether It baa tho ap
proval of the entire union organUa
tta or la. put out by aetf-oonatltutod
Mera, no one appear to know.
The bt ttlng la light. There la 11000
Mted on Lombard agalnat $800 of
loahlltht money at on cigar atoro,
Ud ao takera," aa Ruahllght coin la
VANCOUVER. Waah.. May 5
Charged with being prepared to com
mit th. groaa mlademeanor of Inatl
gatlng an encounter, commonly called
a aparrlng conteat, the throe organ!
aera of the Vanoouver Athletln Aun.
elation, Incorporated. W. O..Tmery.
ancVetary; rred W. Browne, preal
dent; and O. H. (ftud) Smith, treaa
urer, ware arrented today on a war
rant from the Rupreme Court by
8herlff Ira Creaap, a few houra before
the aparrlng exhibition between bud
Andxraon, of Vancouver,, and Danny
O'Hrlen. of Portland, took place.
The court, Judge McMaater, remain
ed In aeaalon until after hla uaual
houra, and the three were tried and
the Judge held them - under $1,000
bond, not to hold a aparrlng conteat
within the next It montha In Vancou
ver, or Clark County. The atato waa
repreaented by R. II. Back and Charlea
W. Hall, and the defendanta by Jamea
. Rtapleton and P. J. Klrwln.
The affidavit were algned by Rev.
C. R. O. Poole, paator of the Flrat
lUpllat Church, and Rev. J. H. Iter
ringer, paator of the Irvlngton Metho
dial Church, of thla city.
Ilud Andoraon and Danny O'Brien,
principal, were then before tbo court
and Anderaftn aald he did not Intend
to uae bodily violence In the con
teat. " Both were held under bonda of $500
$250 each, which wa later fur-
. """" !zl 7" '"k
nlahed, not to take part In a boxing
ronterfr a year.
SALEM. Or., May S. Mra. Carrie
Kerh, who waa aentenced to the
pnltentiary to aerve 15 yaara for
uaalauKhter, and who waa received
u the prlnon a week ago, haa boon
ferrrd to the Stato lnaano Aay
!, ahcre ah la now employed
?rtLJltjrramovaLfrom prlaon-XonUiUi
wment waa duo to the recommenda
" of Sheriff Btevena and the Cover
n w plan of reducing tho coat
4 operating not only tho aaylura but
" other Btate Inatltutlona by ualng
"'let labor. Mra. Kerah waa aa-
lined to kitchen duty at tho aay
The dog polHonfr lat hi dirty
work In tbla city, and the police are
doing aome detective work, and If
the partlca are caught, they are to be
dealt with according to Uw.
On Thureday morning the pel dog
of Mr. and Mra.- Herbert nanninn,
who reuld on Fourteenth afreet, waa
found In apaama in the front yard. At
that time J. R. Humphry' family pet
waa down near the Hannifin gate, and
upon It return to the Humphry'
home It waa eclied with convulsion
and died aoon afterward. The Han
nifin dog wa given medical treat
ment a aoon aa It waa found HI. and
u ! nrobable that Ita life will be
aaved. '
Mix Hannifin upon Investigation
found a good alxed piece of aauaago
meat covered with a white ppwor.
Thla waa taken to ono of tno a rug
atorea In thla city, where an analyaia
waa made, and waa found to contain
a large amount of atrychnlne, enough
to kill a child.
The police have thla meat and are
working on the caao. - Both doga that
wera nolaonerf bv the criminal were
harmleaa. and were neta of tho fam
to which the belonged uoea
the scoundrel who la throwing mia
Dolaoned meat around know that bo
la endangering tno uvea oi nine oui,
who may pick up tho aauaago and eat
It themaelvea, ad aome children do?
A pcraon who will throw poiaon
around In thla manner for tho poor
dnmh hrutea to auffer In agony la
coward of the worat kind and deaervea
runHhment. The ClacKamaa lovnir
wd. clean run a' aro a delight to
!"t'v bn cauaht with th oooda.
"."eonvlcted of oettlna away with
wallaat. thlna In L. SYSTEM
ROTHES tRla aoaaon." Juat nabbed
Klna Qaoroa Carina red atrlo. It
?,TV. and by the way Ita a Semi
2"h modal. . You'll pardon ua,
youf But wa eant help Itl Wo
I Mttar valuea. Tho price la our
laat argument.
Humane Society will alao take up tho
matter. One of the realdento of thla
ritv haa reported to a member of the
u..Man urylATT nr nnniin in iiib iw
a olece of meat formed Into a roll and
T .. - ... . J I
tkia eiiivi with crooaeu
... fm.nH bv hla dog. but hla animal
waa too mart, and ho burled It, thue
....nin. tinrrtble death. The meat
jrlven to the Hannifin dog on Thura-
day waa thrown to u over me iu.
aa It haa no mean of getting oyt of
the yard.
ice Brothers
Not Like Other
tth and Main St. .'-
Canemah Church Scene of A Pretty
.vMi waa etveiiTBt the' Canemah
rhnrrti on rrlday evetorhV by' the Ba-
daf echool puplla, and waa In charge
of tho auperlntendent. Mia Helen
rh.mherlaln. Tho affair waa well
planned and carried, out, and a moat
enjoyable evening waa apent by .the
niba Thar are about 40
,i.iirf attending thla Sunday echool
and Mine Chamberlain divided theae
Into two division, ono called the red.
while the other waa tho blue In the
IK. red a won Out and It W3
up to tho bluea to entertain. The
V.h...h v.. nrettilv decorated with
May bloasoma, and mualo and game
.ninii tea cream and cake
in.. nvami..rtain'haa been auperln-
tendent of tbo Canemah Sunday achool
for the paat two year, and alnco tak-
in. xharra ah haa interested muij
of the children oi mai ipi 'u
church work, and tho Sunday achool
ate meana of drawing attention to tho
critical atato of affaire In Alaska,
whose development la at a standstill
because all the native coal la tied up.
The directors of the Clackamas
County School Lesgue will not hear
the protest of City Superintendent
Tooxe agalnat the action of Principal
II. M. jamea, of Eatacada, In ahuttlng
out the Oregon City high achool debat
ing leam from an opportunity to try
for the championship of the league.
Thero la a local teachers Institute at
Mackaburg. Saturday, and- many of
the- direct or a of the league deaire to
attend, and the hearing on the pro-
teat haa been postponed until a laler
day. The Charge of City Superinten
dent Tooze that Mr. Jamea Called off
the debate between Oregon City and
Eatacada. thereby completely ahuttlng
off the former team la flatly denied by
Mr. James, who comes very cioe to
nnlvlna- the short and ugly word in
Ma denial.
It la very probable that the fur will
fly when the hearing la nnaiiy neia
and no doubt the truth of the contro
veray will be brought out. Local edu
cators are Inclined to sympathize with
the Oregon City pedagogue, aa hi
team haa had no opportunity to oe
bate with Parkplace. which Is credit
ed with holding the debating cham
pionship of the county.
Commencement season la here. The
high achool In Oregon City haa a fine
graduating clasa thla year of twenty
m.mhera All members of tho class
ar. enimidered strong students, by
v. f.miitv Manv expect to go on
I UTT - .. .
to college In the ran out. moai
i.i nn mirh ni ror a lime.
....- . . ...m
Tha commencement exerci-a .....
k. hM June aecona. Drouauij m
Shlvelye' opera house, rresioeni n..
rwki iihinv uoueKe. win mo-
- . - . . A
liver the commencement auuicaa
the High 8chool glee Club will ren
der the musical selection on tho pro-
r5-mi rtaaa hlatorv. propheay
. .iii annrnnrlate numbers will
also be on the program. A play on
iti.j "Tho Rivals" la to be put on.
sun arrancementa for the eighth
w" - a lit
grade promotion exerciaea, win u
nounced later aa they are not yel
complete. ' '
The membera or tno juno u i
Tknmiin wavna Howaiu.
....... ,- nr.l.h
Ick K. Baker, nay iniy "- "'
Milton Oeorge Nooei. muq v
Park. Harel M. Tooze. Harold Avery
omu. j nothwell Avlaon. Madge
n.i.kthin nernlco Dawaon, Ethel
una,..----. qm,,
Rhoda Pursirun. nay
7eta Mae Andrew. Louise Alvlna
J,r 4 . . - A tana XM -
Mattllda Deute, mw
Culloch. Frank Ollbert Clark. Fay C.
a.. iPvAivn tttiruiiiK. IKIUWI .a
tltKUUia biv"
One of tho largest aalmoa caught
so far alnce th season opened waa
caught by Frederick Humphry, of
this city, which weighed 44 pounds.
The 'salmon waa on exhibition to-the
Huntley Brothers' Company' window
and attracted much attention. Mr,
Humphry left here about 5 o'clock,
and It waa only half an hour after he
had thrown hla hook and line out the
aalmon waa caught
WASHINGTON, May 5. 8enator
Chamberlain baa Indorsed the request
of the people of 8ubllmlty, Marlon
County, to have a postal aavlnga bank
established at that place.
Taama Oelng Eaat Prop All Clubo
Will Return In Time to Take
Part in tho Big
ASTORIA. Or., May 5. What
promises to be tbo greatest track meet
ever held under the auspices of the
Pacific Northwest Association of the
Amateur Athletic Union, la billed for
the Aatorla Centennial Celebration,
when , the annual championships aro
decided during the laat week ' In
August, most likely Auguat 28. At
least 60 of Jbe best atbletea In the
Northwest will be present from the
vartcua clubs, while a relay race open
to every high" achool In the state la
waa reaponaible for the citizen of I
Cordova engaging - In tho "Cordova
coal party." -
Tho dispatches, of which thero wore
about 80, were turned over to tbo In
terior Department by President Taft.
In his reply to their message. Secre
tary Fisher aald he waa now atudylng
the situation In tho territory thorough
ly and would render auch relief as he
could aa aoon as possible.
52 puma W TO .K CUT
Doubtful if ' Enough Signatures Can
Be Obtained to Call Special .
. ." Election to Oust . .
' V . Officiate. .'
: . " - j
The report that peUtloas aro In
circulation for tho recall of County
Judge R- B. Beetle and County Com
missioner Nixon Blair was the pna-
dpal topic of eonversattoai oa the
atreeta of Oregon City today, and tho
general aentlment among tho people
of tho city that tho effort wold re
sult In failure, because of tbo general
lmpreaajon that prevails hero that the ,
ralgned later, wer. brought In along .7 ZZctZn ot
witn aeven cnminaia, one av muracnr county road a.
COLUMBUS. O., May 5. 8tato Sen
atora George K. Cetone, L E. Huff
man and L R, Andrewa, Repreaenta
tlvea A. C. Lowry and George B. Nye
and Senate Sergeant-at-Arma R. J,
Dlegel, under Indictment for soliciting
bribe, were arraigned . UxUyVbIor
Common Pleaa Judge E. R. Klakead,
In the criminal courtroom, and plead
ed not guilty.
Prosecuting Attorney Turner aald
today, that many unsigned communl
catioajai had supplemented and
strengthened the data In his posses
sion relating to tho alleged corrup
tion in the General Aaaembly. The
accused leglslatorawlth the excep
tion' of Nye and Lowry,-who were ar
Scene On Molalla Railroad No. I
tr- a i,av
iter, and Beao-wa.
CORDOVA, Alaska. May 5.-Tho ex-
a I Vai
cltement over the aumping oi
Ataaka Steamahlp Company's coal pile
Into the bay aa a protest against Pros-
MamVTaft's failure to even acknowl
edge receipt of any of everal hundred
cablegram ent to him lat Baturaay.
asking hire to expedite the opening of
the Alaaka coal flelda, aubslded today.
Deputy MarshalB aro . guarding the
company's property today. At Seward,
where the jteamshlp 1 company haa
1600 tons of coal, guards have been
atatloned. It la thought thero will be
no further trouble. The mob's action
waa taken, not from ill will to th
steamship company, but aa a detp-r-
Molalla will be the Hvest town lu
Clackamaa County today If the plan
of the directors of the Clackamas
Southern Railroad do not aup up,
There la to be speaking and. more
apeaklnc and then aome apeaking
with trimmings of speaking at the
booster meeting to bo held there at
30 thla afternoon.
Being the chief point on the now
road. It Is the expectation or toe oi
raotnra that they will have the larg
at and after the Plana are expiainea.
the most enthusiastic crowd of citi-
niu that tha old county has ever
turned out for a meeting of thla char
The rain la delaying the wora on
the road a little, but after the rain the
riirrarant nnu of laborers will work
ta-lca aa hard and the Kraae win travel
along the aide of the biua in a moat
surprising manner, tnere is ui
h. work to do on the section of road
from where work-commenced o the
haa nt tha Kewell Creek canyon, out
nothing to wnatJhera waa ?bea gra.l
In a- was started.
Tha nhntozraDha that were taken
of the grade are to be reproduced in
the Morning Enterprise ana me nri
m. ih flrat nag of this t-
r - . -
should the meeting thla afternoon
he a successful as the prospects
would lead the directore to believe the
gracea tho first page of thla la
Mnia'ia will undoubtedly bo finished
Hla mimtnor
Thr .la no good reason why It
ahm-id not be so and that la what the
heaiiM t f the road are going to put ! up
n ii.. Minnie most Interested The
rtrieana of the rich Molalla coun-
try. -
L09 ANGELES. May 5 The IS In
dlctmenta voted by the Loo Angeles
County Grand Jury yesterday against
inh. i McNamara and his brother,
Jamea B. McNamara, charging them
with the murder of the IX men who
lost their-Uvea 'October 1 last In the
exprosiofwhlch destroyed 'the Time
office, were today filed in Judge bom
walla court. The evidence, upon
which the Indlctmenta are based will
he held secret.
The three Indictments against Ortle
MoManlatal. the alleged oonressea
dynamiter, charging him with dyna
mltlnn the Llewellyn iron Worko la
hi. itv laat Christmas day, In which
Uvea were lout ana wnicn,
planned by the Centennial Athletic I
Committee, a hand aome etlver cup be
ing given a the prize. Gold and ati
ver medals will be allotted the win
ners in the various field and track
events In the amateur championships.
T. Morris Dunne, secretary of the
P. N. A., who resides In Portland, is
doing much to help along the Centen
nial meet. Originally It waa planned
to held the annual athletic champion-
ahips on Multnomah field In Portland,
but that was found impracticanie on
account of the recent fire, which de
stroyed the club house and grand-
atand. Multnomah very generously
turned the meeting over to the Aatorla
Amateur Athletic Club, which will be
responsible for Its success this year.
Secretary A. Oulllume of the Astoria
Club la co-operating with Mr. Dunne
In securing the best athletea In the
northwest to attend.
The Seattle Athletic Club, according
to Captain Brailey Oiah, la preparing
team of eight men to the
and tho others accused of petty thefts
and burglary.
Following' the pleaa of not guilty,
the prosecutor set the trlala for the
week after nexL '
Tho Oregon City Commercial Club
must get behind these officials, tf
. w . i. H...., - uiA a fimmnunr
attorney In discussing tho matter. "Wo
all urged the court to appoint a road-
njaater and If aome of the supervisora .
are so disgruntled that they aro going
to resort to the recall, wny n is up
to all of oa to line up for tho protec
tion of tho court. .The people oi vrw
gon City, aa well aa the rest of the '
county, are certamjy Interested In the
building of permanent roaoa.
rti InfArmallna reached Orexon '
City today that there aro no lees than
82 petltlone In circulation In various
sections or ciacgamaa. ouuiy,
that about J.000- algnatures have al
ready, been obtained. If thla report Is
true, which 4s aouotrui, a anmciewi ,
amount of algnatures bare already
been obtained, for 25 per cent or me
vote cast for Supreme Judge is re- ,
quired, which would "mean close to
1,300 namea In thle county.
. if thai natltbmara are Successful W
obtaining enough names to order a
special election. It will mean that tho
people of Clackamaa county wiu
given an opportunity to
straight proposition of whether tbo
old wasteful metnoo oi btow
and repair of county roada Is to bo
followed, or whether -tho new poncy
of tho court In endeavoring to eon-
serve tho money or too taxpayer-
to be Indorsed. - i " r
Ask the Clalrmont Literary Society
They Know.
All arrangementa have boon com-
ni.t for the entertainment to
uavvvw a -
Another Surprise at Canamah,
." A aurprlse party waa held at the
home of N. J. Kirk, of Cantmah, on
Thureday night la honor of Halite I
Klrk'a 12th birthday anniversary. Re
freshments were served, and a very gtven this evening; by th Clalrmont
v.a m b-i.v 1 1 jt.rar anrietv at the Clalrmont
rn joy a Die time waa uw. aa. v.i m.-., - , KI.,
wa. assisted by Mrs. Robinson In the school house, the P
. nnnia I ara n co towards erecting Boootn at
present were: Mlsa Haxel Cole, the Clackamas County Fair to Septena-.
Miss Lcota Carothers, Miss Etu mx- Der. x,-.hiir's
on. Miss Edna Lund. Miss Hallle - Who Is Who ,? - and
' ,., i I t .ra two nlTlti that Will
KlrR. Miss Irene noomsuu, ma va-o. - - - - ' " 0f
tie Smith. Leonard Nuttal. Georgie be preaented by the young people ox
Klemsen. Albert Robinson. Albert that place, and voc.n and
Lund. Freddie Lund, Georgie Lund, tal mualc will alao be oa the pro
Wllllam Smith. gram. . .
. . 111 ... kla n i. -
in junw-mu "ul " ""am w w , . a e
Astdrlh" intact for the August meeting, o WT A M TP Will .. . -' " .
Glsh informed Mr. Dunne that 8eattle ,
would help make the Astoria celebra- a
tlon famous.
The spoaane Atnietic t-iuu wi-i o . .. ... : m
.end a team ot from eight to twelve ; fe have several uyers waiting and many coming.
men. ana tne Vancouver, a. V.. aio r ; ff 1arj is for sale and WC DHCC ntni twuic
tic Club will be represented by its o J r
famous all-round athlete. Gillls, and a see US at Once,
team of ita best men. Glllla competed
5 to 20 Acre 'Farms Near Oregon City
..nHaratnod. Include th McNamaras
for complicity, were also filed.
High School Playa Baseball.
Tho Oregon City high School team
will play Gresham today at Oregon
City. Thle Is sure to be a hot game.
Ail fana wilt enjoy the game and a
j!bod crowd la expected to greet the
visiting school team. ....... .j
against the world champion, Martin I o
Sheridan, of New York, and was nare
ly beaten out. He alone will be a big
drawing card. '
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club will send a full team and In ad-ditdknor3an-KelleyrhoWer'of-he
world's 100 and 200, yard champion
ships In the sprints and a broad jum
per who represented America at the
London Olympic games In 1908, will
slao secure the attendance of the
world famoua Forrest Smtthson, the
only man who ever topped the 120
yard hurdles In less than 15 aeconds.
Csptaln Jack Hlckaon of the Multno
mah Club, Is already assured of Kel
ley In the broad Jump and feela rea
sonably aure that he can induce
Smith, who Is now In California, to
return and run tor the club In the
The high school relay promises to
be a big hit with a four-man team
from each high school In the state.
Athletics In the various high schools
has grown wonderfully In the paat five
yeara and there is not a school of any
pretension in the Northwest that doee
not boast of a school trsck team. Each
year the big colleges, the State Uni
versity at Eugene, and the Oregon
Agricultural College at Corvallis,
sponser meets at which the state
championships sre held for high
school boys, paying the expense of a
altfHKan team 4Thts haswfostoMd an
athletic spirit such as no other thing
Is capable of doing, and when the
crowd gather In the old baseball
grounds In Astoria, which have been
made over Into an up-to-date- field,
they will wltnese the beet efforta of
the best type of Oregon boy.
While the date has not been de
finitely arranged. It Is very likely that
August 26, which falls on Saturday,
will bo finally selected. .
WASHINGTON. May 5. Secretary
or tho Interior Fisher baa answered,
by mall, the cablegrams which were
sent to President Taft by tho cltlsens
of Kalalla and Cordova, Alaaka, ask
ing tor relief from the coal altuatlon
In that territory. Failure to receive
replies from President Taft yesterday
Phono: Pacific M. Homo A-186. 612 Main St. Oreoon City.
Our delayed shipment of Rexall foods
has just arrived. If you are one of
those who have been impatiently wait
ing for them. Send us your order now.
Rexoll 93 Hair Tonic
. ... KexQll 93Sh0ir5OO ' y.
' - t '. . a i j 1 ' ati
- Rexoll Alternative 1 .
Rexoll Liver Solts
Rexoll Coffee
And all the rest of the famous. R;
all -line. ., V- v. -;rj .b;U
Hofltlcy :;D3C:
ha gained In membership.