Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 04, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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At the Portland Theaters
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4 rTl7i,S.'r
The Concord ochool will hold Its
closing exwrcieea Friday by eajoylag
a picaie oas the rtvr. hues Gladys
Ford to Ik air teacher.
Dramatic Sensation at the Tllig Theatre for 'Four Nights, Beginning.
4, With Special Pric Matin Saturday.
Vital Drama of Today for Four Night
at the Haiiig.
At th H01g Theatre opening
Thursday Bight. May 4. Frederic
Thompaon will give Portland Theatre
goers their nrst opportunity of wit
nessing "The Spendthrift.- the latest
dramatic work of Porter Emerson
Browne, whose "Fool There Was" has
given him a position amdng other
American dramatists. The piece la
a "vital drsms of today" and deala
primarily with the eitravsganc and
wasted opportunities of a class of
women who are numerous In certain
strata of society. The basic theme of
"The Spendthrift" appealed to Browne
for a long time before he set his
thought on paper and when he did he
pat Into his writing all the vitality
- with which the Idea was invested dor
Ing the mental evolution.
again and will renew her school work
Monday. Lexy had a aevere case of
blood poisoning.
The band girls are practicing and.
learning new pieces. They will play
In Milwankl Wednesday evening at
theaya clnb entertainment.
The Oak Grove ball team will play
the Popcorn Kings of Portland 8unday
at Oak Grove.
Miss Lexy Graham is able to walk
U E. Armstrong Is on the sick list
with a severe cold and -grip, i
Mrs. Suter and Mrs. Kshler were
Portland visitors Saturday.
Miss bonis Kennedy went to Naef
station on business Saturday morning.
Mrs. John Smith was a Portland
visitor Saturday. -
Mrs. W. M. Cederson and two child
ren spent Saturday in Portland with
Mrs. Cederson's sister.
Rnsset na re opened the , m.ornjnfor
rw. J.
I butcher shop.
The building for the postoffice
nesting completion and the office
I K. Bentley wma in Oregon City
Monday, on business.
Mrs. L. C Bentley and daughter,
rtoreac. spent the week's end at
Woodbnm. Oregon, with Mrs. Blaeke-
by and family.
The baseball game Sunday between
the home team and tke Popcorn Kings
team, of Portland, was a fine game.
Our pitcher Col man, struck oat four
teen men. All of the team played
Jlne ball. Mr. Fisher the new catch
er, none une wwl
Remember the entertainment Wed
nesday evening at Mllwanukle given
by the Boys' Club, the Oak Orove
band will play. -,
Miss LauIss Kennedy and Miss
8novall were Portland visitors Mon
Mr. Clutch, of Woodstock, was out
Monday looking after his property,
Mrs. L B. Armstrong and daughter.
Heater- apent Monday afternoon In
Mrs. Elmer Worthtngton left Mon
day afternoon to spend several days
1th friends at Falrdale.
Miss June Spauldlng and Mike
Oiarev spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas.
Worthlngton and attended the ball
Mrs. Isabel! Hilton spent the week
end at Rldgefleld. Washington, with
West ley and Mrs. McArther.
Ed. Olds spent Sundsy with his
family. Mr. Olds has charts of a
gang of men working on the ML Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Russell have moved
in the-Del rich house for the sum
mer. . Mrs. Isaac Hill who has been quite
sick is much improved.
Mrs. Rice was a Portland visitor
Mrs. Paget and Mrs. Chas. Blghsra
wss at the green house at'Meldrum
after planta Monday.
Mrs. Williams' cousin. Mr. Ray,
left for his heme In Missouri after
spending several months at Wash
oaghaV Washington, and around. Port
land. . .
Mr. Rice Is at home sick with a
severe cold.
Mr. McArthur waa a Portland visi
tor Wednesdsy.
On account of the recent rain the
rosd men are out of work.
F. H. Harris was a Mllwaukle and
Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
Earnest Harris left Tuesday even
ing for Spokane where h has em
ployment. Mrs. R. U Herron entertained a
lady friend from China Tuesday.
S. C. Alexander Is laying the side
walk on the south aide of the Green
building,;, which was torn up when
the street wss graded.
. Mr. A. Fisher leaves Thursday
Eastern Oregon, where
Mrs. w. weiis aaa cauarea wvai i
out to her father's, Mr. Murphy, on , be moved next week, the first of the
the Woodstock car-line to spend the , month.
day. Mr. Murphy feU down the cellar 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of Port
steps and broke the ligaments in his j tand. has purchased an acre and one
Hmbs besides other scratches. I half of River front from Harvey 8tark-
Fourteen people boarded the : 18 i weather and are building a line real
ear Saturday morning going to Port-: deuce which the family will occupy
land. That speaks well for our little
Severs) of our prominent business
men went to Oregon City snd were
taken Into the Elks Lodge Friday ev
ening, returning home in the wee
small hours of the morning, wiser and
we hope better ones.
when completed.
Miss Amanda Oatfield Is Improving
Mrs. Luc? Walker has returned to
her home In Hlllsboro sfter several !
months' visit with relatives.
W. M. Holt mad a business trip to I
Portland Saturday morning. I
he has excepted a position;
Arthur Graham will take charge of
the drug store when Mr. Fisher
leaves. .
L. E. Armstrong is Improving. and
will sttend the entertainment Wed
nesday evening at Mllwaukle, where
the glrla band will play.
Several of the prominent people
will sttend the boys' club exercises
Wednesday evening at Mllwaukle.
Its all over town. What? Mud.
The moving picture show has left
town, closed its doors and gone.
Chas. Hlrley. of Estacada, formerly
a rural mall carrier, was here this
WtK Exh&t
One Day Only
Two Performance- 2 and O P. M.-Two Porformancoa
i m n n in i
. J
I ilium
Ah I'M
(S HIS; . W,
w w 4
Monster Lion "Neto" riding Arabian Horses
Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Pumas, Leopards, Zebras, Jaguars;
in steel arenas under direction of famous male and female trainers
Gtoups of Savage Beasts
in Salutation
IUgh School Horses, Sea Lions, Bears, Dogs, Ponies, Babboons and a hos of novel
and sensational Acts. '
WMtseeda saomlns- on huslnes.
Mr. sad Mrs. felton. of Bellwod,
apent Sunday erealag with Mrs. Mar
gt Johnaosi and family.
The Mllwaakl grant tn k0,a
social meeting rrWay evening, large
number will be present and toasts
will be girea around the table.
Ladies: Uulld of the Episcopal
church, held an entertainment and
supper. Saturday night, a large at
tendance and a good time had by all
The dance by the Mllwaukle band
Saturday evening, waa well attended.
A Urge number from Oak drove be
ing present.
The Errol quartette will give
dance Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed from Nebraska
hss rented rooms oyer the poatof
He and moved In.
Mrs. Edna Hurst Is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mr- George At
Dr. Rar Stnrker has opened his
dental parlors In the bank building
Eva Clara, daughter of T. J. Clark.
Is unable to attend school on account
of sickness. ,
Jim Mathewa. the barber, has open
ed his shoo In the old stand
Mr. Snyder has employed a One
baker from the Bast.
Mayor Streib returned home from
his pise l Washington county where
he spent several days.
The Women of Woodcraft gave a
farewell surprise parly to Mrs. Cash
at the home of Mrs. Homer Mullen
Monday evening. Thirty-seven were
present and an enjoyable time waa
had. 'The evening was spent In mualc
and games, the ladles presented Mrs.
Cash with a silver berry spoon, and
cake knife.
Mr. and Mrs. Cash leave In a few
days for North Plains. Wsshlngton
Homer Mullen met with a sad loss
Wednesday morning, bis Isrge Mack
stallion took sick and died. When
Mr. Mullen purchased the animal he
paid thirty-two hundred dollars for
him. A veterinary was called but to
no avail.
Mr.- Ford. Mr. Harris and Mr. Rolhe
several of Oak Orove cltliena were
here Wednesday morning on busy
JThe Commerclsl Club met Thursday
evening. A discussion came uo to
If a committee should be appoint
ed to work with the Journal and try
to get n page ad and write up la the
Sunday Journal The committee on
better Are protection are still work
Ing. Matter of participating in the
Rose Festival was postponed on ac
count of being too busy with street
Improvement. The neit meeting of
the club will be Msy II.
A. U Bolated attended the lecture
of the American Instirntlon of Bank
ing at Portland, Tuesday evening.
W. S. Rllea. a prominent farmer
near Harmony,. Is quite sick.
Carl Smith of Mlnthorn. Is on the
sick list
Directors of the First 8tate Bank
of Mllwaukle. met Monday evening
and transacted the usual business and
found- gverythtog Itw encsllent condl-
The I. O. O. F. will give a banquet
for the Rebeccas Monday evening.
Mrs. Swlggart la suffering with a
severe cas of lagrlpper ,
Church Not.
Evangelical church. Rev. E. Rado-
baugh pastor. Sunday school 10:30
m.. services at 11:30 a. m., by the
pastor. Y. P- A. at 7 p. m., preaching
at p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evenings. - Teachers ' training.
Thursdsy evenings. Choir practice,
Friday evenings.
W. H. Counsel, who was awarded
the contract to Improve Main street
through the business district, began
work Monday. The contract price for
the work wss 1 13.000. and Includes
the grading of the street and laying
crushed rock for a distance of about
eight blocks.
This Is the first of the several Im
provements to be made. The council
Is advertising to Improve Washington
from Main street to the Southern Pa
cific car track, a distance of about
three quarters of a mile, the .cost of
which will range from $15,000 to $20,
000. Also It Is proposed to Improve
Harrlspn east from Main street, and
bids will be asked for In a short
The three Improvements projected
will cost about $50,000. It is proposed
to tkke up the Improvement of Front
street at a later date, and It will cost
about $20,000 to carry It through.
This street Is occupied by the Ore
gon City Railway.
Prospecting for oil has begun on
Aubrey Woods' farm, about two miles
from Wllsonvllle.
Mrs. Marion Young left on Wed
nesday for Corvallla, to spend a week
visiting her son Doris, who Is at
tending the O. A. C.
Henry Aden spent a couple of days
at T Brooks last week, buying a bank
rupt stock of goods, which n-hai
placed on sale and ihe store has been
crowded with bargain seekers In coo-sequence.
Those who attended the Booster
Day festivities at Oregon City, say It
was the best ever. The Commercial
Club of our county seat has certainly
been working hard to better condi
tions for this county at large, and It
would seem to be but a lust token
of appreciation, that when we farmer
folk want to go outside of our own
little village to do our trading, we
should patronize the merchants at
Oregon City, who are going down Into
their own pockets to help the county
com to the front
Ben Toor.e, who was reported as
being seriously III with scarlet fever,
is quite well again, the attack having
proven to be but a light case of scar
let rash.
Quite a number of village people
attended the celebration at Champoeg
on Tuesday, May 2, despite the drix
ding rain. The "Pomona" was
crowded with the happy throng of
pleasure-seekers, and the ship looked
very-gay, bedecked with flags ss she
wended her way to the little village
of Champoeg, where this historical
fete takes place- each rear.
A local lodge of Odd Fellows was
organized at Wllsonvllle on Saturday
evening. May 29, with about 25 mem
bers. The nsmes of the officers of
the lodge will be given next week. A
fraternal spirit prevails In Wilson
vllle, and doubtless th new lodge
will be a prosperous one,, on this ac
count. A missionary tea was given at the
beautiful home of Mrs. Frank Tooze,
on Thursday afternoon at two o'clock,
at which time Mrs. Upshsw gave a
very Interesting talk on "Missions."
The farmer near Wllsonvllle are
expecting big returns from the seed
sown this year, as the crops look ex
tra fine.
A Jolly crowd of young people en
joyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Peters on Satorday evening last,
at their beautiful and commodious
home near the river. Dahcluc. games
and must were features of the ves
lag's pleasure, after which refreah
menta were served, and the merry
makers bade a reluctant "goodbye'
in (he wake of the wee email hours.
Th. Uat uni of the W.- A. C waa
nlared with the Donald team oa the
Wllsonvllle diamond, and was splen
did am. reeultlng In another victory
for our village team, the reckoning
helna- I to ft. in favor of Wilson vllle.
The Wllsonvllle batteries did splendid
work, and the heavy hitting of Moore
of the village team was one of the
chief feature of the game. Joe
Thornton was pitcher for the village
team, had covered himself with fiory,
making eighteen strike-outs. The
pitcher from the Donald team was
Fellers, who proved a close second to
Thornton, making twelve strike-outs,
and playing a fine game. The next
game will be played against the Wen
ona Club of Portland, and la expected
to be a dandy. - -
jinnin6s LOOQS,
Mr. Dodsaoa, of Pleasant Hill, wss
a recent visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. 8. Roberts.
Mrs. Chas. Harria entertained the
Pastime Club of Meldrum at her home
on Tuesdsy, May second.
We are glad to note one of our
former mualrians, Ulsdys Boys, gave
a concert In her home at Kelso which
proved to be one of the best ever giv
en at that place. Miss Boys planned
the program and gave some very
skillful esecutloaa In concert Work.
She wss assisted by Mrs, Rose C.
Reed, th Portland contralto.
April XSth being the fifteenth birth
day of Helen M. Palnton. her parents
gave a party In her honor, which was
especially well enjo yed by the bevy
of lads and lassies waa attended. -
The home waa prettily decorated
with dogwood and Scotch-bloom, and
the evening, brought about by the well
plsnned youthful games. Miss Mable
Morse assisted In serving delirious
refreshments to thirty-five of Miss
Helen s school mate.
Mr. Gould Hoathmaa returned from
Uyle. Wash.. Sunday, and while there
purchased some, very choice lots In
the heart of the business center of
that city.
Mrs. Jennie Jones entertained two
of her fort land friends on -Thursday,
wnen Mrs. j. j. Adkios and Mrs. pea,
Williams were tier guests '.for., the
The many friends of Mrs. Geo.
Morse were pained 10 hear of the -ac
cident which befell Mrs. Morse on
Thursdsy of last week, when she fell
down stairs snd sustained a num
ber of bruises which hss con lined her
to her bed ever since. Dr. Mount, of
Oregon City, was called, who mad
her as comfortable as possible.- At
this writing Is doing as well as could
be expected.
Mrs. Crlsa. of Rlvervlew. Cal.. Is
occupying . the Haberman cottage
hlle receiving treatment from a
Portland specialist.
Rev. Heverllna- will orearh hla last
sermon of this conference year at the
Grace Chapel oa Sunday, May 7. The
conferenee wlll -convene la Mllwaukl
th following week, and a number of
our people are planning lo attend.
The Sunday school ha been graded
which seems to be more satisfactory.
This service Is held at I p. m.- Mr."
O. D. Boardman has charge of the
Bible class. Rev. Heverllng of the
young peoples'. Mrs. Lucy Newell of
the Intermediate and Mrs. Ulllan
Strain of the primary classes. A. F.
Russell Is the superintendent, and a
cordial Invitation is extended to all.
Mr. and Mrs Csl. p. Morse enter-
tslned at lea on Sunday evening when
seven of their friends enjoyed a so
cial chgjt at their home.
Mr. Mack, the 1-8. fish wsrden.
and family, wyKenJoy camp life dur
ing tb contthg summer on the banks
of the Willamette at this place.
Mrs. f. J. Bpooner returned on Sat
urday from a visit la Vancouver with
her alster, Mrs. Hodgkln.
Miss Edna and Lillian Weaterdeld
were, callers at the Spooner home and
Mr. Spooner la also enjoying a visit
from his niece, Mrs. Salome.
Mr. Edson Downing, of Sell wood.
was a caller at this place on Satur
Mr. J. P. Strain and Frank Pratt
were week-end visitors at the tatter's
ranch near Cams. '
Mrs. Dunlsp, of Detroit. Mlcvh.. Is
visiting at the home of her brother,
Mr. L Wilcox. Mrs. Dunlso has also
enjoyed a visit with California friends
previous to her arrival In Portland.
Mr. Williams who recently arrived
from Missouri, have stsrted to build
tbelr new home on the county road
near Coveil. Mr. H. C. Palnton. of
this place ha the contract for the
water system
Miss Vlvlsn Bpooner and Miss Vir
ginia Umbdenstock becsme enrolleg
in the school dnrlng the past week.
Mr. ana Mrs. Edwin Newell, of Port.
land, spent Sunday with the P. D,
Newell fsmllTi
The special meeting of the Jennln
Mxige community Club met on Wed
nesday evening or last week. Twenty.
Ave members were nreaent. Mr
monre, or me f. La. at P. Co., gave
the cost In regsrd to the lighting sys
tem and a number signed to have the
electric lights Installed at once.
A committee to look after the Im
provement of Jennings avenue, con
nlstlng of Messrs Mo Farlane, Flnley
and Welch were appointed. A ban
quet was also talked of and commit
tee or Messers P. D. Newell, C. P,
Morse, Geo. A, Shaver, J, Welch, H.
l Heatnman and Mr. Tompson to
further perfect plans for this. The
next regular meeting will he held on
Wednesday evening. May 3. All mem
oers are urged to come and help In
the work as the Community Club
neeas me assistance or all Its mem
bers. -
Mr. H. L. Heathman was a bust
iie visitor at me county seat on
Mr. and Mrs. Silas ScrlDttir and
the Mesdames Betcel and Parr, of
Oregon City, and Mrs. Moulton, of
Fern Ridge, were called at the home
01 Mrs. Geo. Morse during ha week
Miss Leah McOorern, of Gladstone.
spent Tuesday with Mrs. Chas. Red
w " , " ' w
fl -1' if. ' ' le
rJ ..i9urstir iv,
A d-Readers Place.
When you write
- wwsaiu -w
. TT 'ny klni " ad try tu
Include In It just the information
you'd like to find If yon ware an
ad-reader and were looking fox n e
ad of that klna.
If you do this to even a small
-rf , -V e-
3D A
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
Interests ?
By.cafficr, I yea $3.00
By mail, year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
To Introduce Tbe Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
Ity of the homes In Oregon
City and Clackamas aountv the
management has decided to
make a special price for the
dally issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber psys
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00. - -
By mall, paid a year In ad
vance, $1.00.
People who gave our oanvaa
ser a trial subscription for one
or mora months, at tan cents a
week, can have the dally dltv
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying g year In advance.
People who gave our oanvae
Mr a trial subscription, by
mall, for four months at a dol
lar, may have the paper for a
year for $1.1 If paldxnar In
advance. . .. , ,- . .
Subscriber To fliaeettjr
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the daily, re
ceiving credit for half time on .
the dally that , tbe weekly la
paid la advance. When they
4 choose to add each to the ad-
w payment equau 10 a roil
year' advance payment they
may take advantage of the $1
jate.. , v.-., . - ,
. We make this special prtoe .
so that people who have paid
la advanoe on some other esOy
and wish to take the Morneng
Enterprise, may d o wttaewt
tow groat eapoaoe.
- ' ' CANSY. .
Judg c. N. Walt, Cfty Recorder 0.
F. Romlg and Cpt. Almibr.
mitt from the Commercial orguw
tlon of Canby. were sent to Inter
ludge Beatle for the purposa " J"
ting him to postpone action
posing of the Josslyn bridw
the Molalla River, leading to CW
as advertised.
The result of the Interview "
the Judge promised to do ar rq
and give those protesting tM aw
tbe bridge an opportunity to pr
their reasons next Friday MhjJJJ
slon of Court why tali bridge
not be abandoned.
'. "
unset Mag'"e for M
.... ... t fllefl
"Nile of tne we- -
drus. Beautifully I"""'
colors. "The Spell." a weeterji
.v. nrilllafnuins.
07 me - - -
Oreater Chinatown, dt
Field. -Automobile iscmub.
sale, IS cents. '
Clarst Tabl Wine K H1
....'-It ft
....$1 tp
and MM
regular TT ,
Port Wine
Double Stamp
411 Main Strt
m a