Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 04, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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: : CSZGOSI CUT, orecok
C E RODIC, IMf wd PMbll-he.
, "Kntered nn a alaao Mltar Jan
et the pomt (me at Oroa
oc Htm
uary Kit. at the entoe
Clir, Oreoa. aader the Art
, im.-
toms tr JCBctirnon.
flw Ttw, by ul... i MM
aim Mentha, by Mil IH
rw Month, by maU 1M
Par ntk. by curler... J
"tret IVa vr ear tin rneerttoa . . . .1 In
rtmt Pmc. per tnc added laMrtlMt. .14
nwfnrg iKmiKm any , pal mra
first rnearttoa ...It
Preferred aonttfcai any Hf Mr lech
added hnirUf,... ...1
Be paper e4hee than first page. tech
flnrt tBMrlM ...lie
Run paper ether than first pace, sac hc
added rttopa be
Locals lee par Mae; ta reg-alar adver-
tlaara ee nae.
Wants, Fw Bale, Ta Kant. ate., a
eaat ward flrat taearttan; aae-aaJf aant
aara addition ai.
Ratee for adverttetns la tba Weekly
Eaterprlee wtU ba the aarna aa la tha
ally, for adverttsementa set especially
far the waakly. W)wa tba edverttaeaaent
la transferred frees tba dairy to tba waeh
ry, without ohana-e. tha rata will ba Be
aa tech for ttia of tba pAper. and 10s aa
tech for special position.
Cash should accompany order wkara
party hi unknown la busrnese office of
tha Enterprise.
Lean advertising at legal advertising
' Ctreoa advertising and special transient
advert tains at Me to tee an Inch, accord
bad to spacJal condltloBa governing tha
Tire Bala and Bankrupt 8a W adver
tlaaaaaata ate Inch first rnerrtloa: addi
tional laaarUona aajne mattar Jte Inch.
News itema and wall written articles
af awrtt. with tntaraat to local readers,
will ba gladly accepted. Rejected manu
script never returned unless aoeoapaa
tad by stamps ta prepay poetaaa.
May 4 In American History.
' 1782 John James Aodnbon, famoaa
naturalist, born: died 1831.
1861 President Lincoln la formed for
eign powers of his Intention to
maintain Federal authority by
fore of arms.
(From noon todaj to noon tomorrow. i
Ban nets tZX rimy 4:40: moon
' 1 34 a. in.: rl n. ta.. planet t'raun md
pa rent ly statlonerr; 8.1ft a w.. eue,tr
time, moon at Drsl quarter lit' rousifl
latlbn CuiiiTf. ,
Some of tbe Eastern newspapers do
not take kindly to the adoption of
tba Oregon plan. It would seem tbat
- tbe 81 Louis Republican la afraid tbt
country i going to the "bow-wows"
for in a recent issue It delivers itself
as follows:
It is with astonishment tbat we
note uovernor bocroani prompt
tlrnln th Ammmi nl.n law
Minnesota. Tbat tbe legislature
should bare enacted it after tba peri)
to tbe constitution bad been pointed
out In Iowa was enough. ' What is to
become of tha constitution if we can
not relv on oar gorernors to stand
Fortunately, Gorernor Carroll does
not budge and be still baa bis "Every
Man His Own Lawyer" within easy
reach wherewith to fortify himself.
When the constitution has been
driren from pillar to post in every
legislature nd by every governor, it
can still turn to Iowa for refuge.
On this occasion it would seem to
ba entirely proper U emphasize the
value of a few weeks In the
law on the part of prospective pub
lic officials. If Governor Eberhart
bad taken a night course, be would
not so readily have made himself a
party to this insidious attack upon
the citadel of our liberties.
I " e
It is not without significance for
Des Moines tbat In the cities of Los
Angeles, Seattle and Tacoma the pub
lic officials who have been recalled
and defeated In each istance hare
been suspected of standing in with
tbe disorderly elements.
Tbe "good people" of any com
m unity are I nthemajqrj ty If they
are aroused, and they have tbe
recall. No public official can long
palter with his duty after It becomes
evident that be is paltering.
It is easy enougb to have a police
force in any city that will enforce
tbe law, It.that Is the programe. It
la not the f) fault of the policemen
tbat the law is not enforced. In Los
Angeles, Seattle ni Tacoma they
have decided to have tha police
force do its duty. To that end tbey
have recalled the men mho stood In
the way.
Democratic leaders In Missouri are
beginning to classify Mr. Folk as a
presidential candidate emeritus.
Army evolutions in Texas are de
layed by deep mud. No Incident in
training could more closely resemble
real war.
". '
President Diaz has bad seven terms
and can retire with the assurance that
be will continue to bold tbe pennant
in tbls respect,
. '
: It will take IT) me time to And oat
whether tbe Republicans or the Dem
ocrats In tbe Senate are most troubled
with insurgency. .
. - . i ,, . . ;
' It can be guessed that both aides In
Mexico are well pleaaed to resume
railroad connection with tbe United
States If only for an armlstlo of five
days. , , . . . . -'.
WANTED Ton to know that the En
terprise Job printing department Is
tbe moat complete la tbe State,
outside Portland. Try it for your
- neat prlaUug. .
Heart toHeart
tv own a. rcriT"
Rome reara ace Elbert Uubbard, a
writer ef lb logs good, bad and lndlf
fereat. la a moment of Insplratloa
struck off a popular lay sermon.
It was a stinging rebuke te tbe shift
less, tbe laay. tbe coward of Ufa.
Brie teid. a alga officer in Wash
ington pat into tbe band of Captain
Andrew Rowan of .tbe Called States
. 4"! . I
army a pnrare message to vi
Garcia of tbe insurgent arm) ao-ne-
wbere tn Cuba.
Rowa did not ask. "Wber la Gar-
Nobody knew where be was. ti vas
Rowans business to find aim. lit
took tbe paper wltaont a word, saluted
and departed.
There was a la pee of time, and It
seemed Rowan might be lost or killed.
One night a little boat roonded a
remote corner -In Cuba, aod Kowan
landed. And then through brash and
thicket, through awamp and Jungle,
through pari la aeea and unseen, the In
trepid messenger found bis way and
laid the paper, crumpled now. Into tbe
hands of Garcia.
Tbe teaching waa plain.
Anybody can carry a message to Gar-
da If be knows where Garcia ta or if
some on will show blm the way.
But be who finds the way must trar-
I In bis own footsteps.
The greatest - need of tbe world is
men and women who will assume tbe
responsibility, who will take tbe initia
tive, find tbe way for themselves.
Would yoa carry tbe message to Gar
cia t ..
Somebody will give yoo tbe bint tbat
he ta aomewbere yonder in the island.
Ton mast do the rest.
In other words, when some one In
authority oyer yoa tells yoa to do a
thing, yoors njft to qoeattoa why. yours
not to make reply, yours to salute and
find for yoorself how and when and
Moreover, there's a supplement to
tbe Rowan story that Hubbard did not
pet-a pretty tale, j
After tbls exploit Rowan roirfed a
fair lady In San Francisco, and. it la
related, tbe Cuban Journey was slight
compared with tbls message carrylnir.
And the aeqnel This message also
was safely delivered and regularly re
celpted for. :
Pondering tbls supplemental proceed
to of Rowan, let aa say thut In tbe
bright lexicon of endeavor:
Faint heart- never won fair lady or
traveled a hostile field on foot through
secret foe to bring a meanage.
New York Chinese Hold Fair
V; To Xld-SulTcrera From Famine
a 1 'V-a 4
a w
r ii a
rv ii:., Vi-rcv
...' 4-a t.k'ra , , -
at SlUartnn In Aurust. IIISi
Mrs. Cuba I deserted her husband, and
aaa alaoe oatlawd to desert aim.
r Oregon City eHoale Oe te Funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Iaelle, Mrs.
J. E. Jack, Miaa Aa Osdwell. Mrs.
Georgia Ketchum and 0. R. II. MUler
went to Portland on Tuesday where
they attended tbe funeral services
nrmr tha ramatna of Mrs. Mollis COD-
ley. who wss formerly Miss Mollis
liarkley. and whose death occurred In
Portland on Bunuay. Mrs. ,i oniey
rmerly resided In tbls city, and waa
tbe daughter of Mr a. Ida liarkley, of
Portland She leaves besides bar
motbar a nlalar. hlra. Musa Olbson. of
"Portland, and a brother, Verne Iiark-
. . . . . . . . . . ... i
ley, aio or tnat city. Mrs. iubwj a
death was due to a surgical operation
for tumor.
'The funeral services were largely
attended, and the Interment was In
the River View cemetery, tbe re
mains Interred beside those of ber
husband. Who died In Portland. Tbe
Ladles of Woodcraft conducted (be
service at tba grave.
Soea Qeorge and Harry Preston.
August llorger has fild suit against
George H. Preston and Harry W.
Preston for tbe payment of, a promt
sory not. The note at first amount
ed to tbe sum of $160, and only fllS
of tbla haa been paid, and there Is
atlll $147 1 atlll due. Tbe plaintiff
asks that 15 be a reasonable sum
for attorneys fee. Th attorneys
representing Morger are Dtmtck A
Drama at Park' place Nsat Saturday.
The Clackamas, Orange Amateur
Dramatic Troupe will appear In the
drama of "Drookdale Farm" at Park
place achoolhouse on Saturday, May
at 8 o'ektrk. The proceeds will go
towards paying of the grange debt.
Tbe play Is given under the direction
of William Morfitt.
Aryou a subscriber to the Morn
ing Enterprise? If not you should call
and let ua put "'your name on the sub
scription list Immediately,
The much needed rain has redeem-
Led Oregon again, "Oregon, beautiful
Oregon." - y
Road building in fact la nn tha
order of tbe season and the watch
word should be don't grade more than
yoa can gravel.
Yesterday Mr. McRride mm nut
from Portland as far aa the new
SehaUman road grading and then
BtUCk Within two anilea of hln farm
and after prying out tbe auto bad to
return to foniana and try for tbe
rancn on a dryer day.
The drilling machina ran he heard
day and night pounding away at the
artesian well on the McBrlde farm.
Huntley Bros. Company are treating
their drug store at Molalla to d new
uniae nnisn or "Beaver Board" some-
Copyright by American Pises Association, 1I1L
CHINESE residents of New Terk have Just closed a saceeesfnl fair for
the benefit of famine and plague sufferers In China, and mar tha a
110,000 is now en tbe way te tbe orieat te be' used in relieving dtsyeaa.
Dome or to money waa oBiainea oy Buuexripuoa, some ram larouga
the sste of Chinese merchandise, and tbe rest waa raised by performances in
tbe Chinese theater. This theater wss closed some months sge when tbe
police made an effort to "clean up" Chinatown. Tbe performance given dar
ing tbe fair were of the vaudeville variety, some ef th performances being
Chinese and others being French, Italian and American. la a large hall tr
the theater a score of booths were arranged, and In there merrhaadls and
curios donated by Chines merchants were sold. Thee artlclae raaged frota.
beautiful embroidery te laundry soap, from bags of rice to intricate pussies.
Most of th booth were In charge ef Chinee women, and New Tor k era fnr-f
the first time had a chance te study these natives of tbe orient at close range.
The women wore oriental garb and made the fair picturesque as well as
financial ly soccessfaL
thing unique in building material, call
In and examine It when in town.
V. W. Enuhart baa begun on bla
new dwelling and treating bla farm to
a palsting. . .
Miss Alice Sprague was taken to
tbe hospital to be operated on for an
pendlcltla last Monday, her aunt, Mrs.
Clara Dart and brother-in-law, Sidney
Cord 111 going with her. Tbe operation
waa performed Tuesday morning and
tbe patient was doing well when last
beard from,
T. A. McFaddln bas his new barn
all enclosed.
Molalla people are not very much
excited over tbe -railroads coming In
to town, yet tbey sre not a Jlttle con
cerned how tbey are going to move
along with the new order of things
to be laid down right before their
Teachers Institute Program Good.
The lorsl teachers' Institute will
be held In Oregon City on Saturday,
May 13, and tbe following Is the
program arranged: 10 o'clock. "The
j Playground and Athletlce," John R.
j Slevers; 10:40. "Teaching Writing In
tne ocnoois. t. u. coiemsn; 11:20,
"School Management, "J. E. Calavan;
12 o'clock, dinner' 'served by the
Women's Club of Oregon City: 1:30,
program by Orecon City schools;
2:30, ''What Women a Cluba and Kin
dred Organizations Can Do for the
Public Schools." Mra. W. A. White;
3:10, address. O. II. Patterson, dean
of Willamette I'nlveratty.
Cobel Plaintiff In Divorce Suit.
Albert F. Cobel Is the pbilntlfl In a
divorce suit agalnat bis wife, Mary L,
Cobel. Tbey wer married at Ellens
burg, Wash., June 29. 1881. While
Oregon City Markets.
Tbert Is an uncertainly In the mar
keta today. Those who object to the
changing of tbe tariff by the Demo
crats blame the uncertainty oh tbe
prospects of a change and say that
th changes In prices are along tbe
line of things that are likely to be
changed la the schedule. In those
cases a falling off la In prospect.
Wber there are nearly exhausted
stocks th tendency Is upwarda.
Where the new products of tbe sea
son are soon to show up tbe price Is
downward again. There Is no genera)
proposition tbat Is Influencing mar
kets unless one counts the tariff tink
ering as In that class.
APPLES Local atock la command
ing from 1 to f I bushel, with very
few In tbe country of any kind and
feweryer-thar-wlir-get-the- higher
price. Hood River atock Is bringing
12.50 for gtd and a little more for
POTATOES Prices for tubers are
still climbing and bave gone over $1.50
and ft. 75. twlth soma fancy stock
bringing fJ.g'S. Extra fancy will bring
almost anything one can ask In small
lots. One dealer says be will pay 11
for a whole car load, and If the car
la secured he'll not be too particular
If a few not choice creep In. Funny
situation In potatoes dealers mutt
bave them for retail trade and whoa
tbey pay the oatalde price they have
hard work tc sell again and come out
whole. Best potatoes In tbe West
bav been consumed.
VEGETABL38 Utile change since
last report; onions are a little stiff ai
In price but other vegetables remain
about the aame. Onions me. turnips
and carrots 76c to $1 sack, parsnips II
to $1.25 sack, cabbage 3c pound. New
vegetables are coming In. California
la sending many things, at a high
price. Local lettuce aella Be bunch,
radlahea (c, onions 6c; California let
There's One- Form of Investm.
; i Mrr la absolutely safe far evaewa.. .fvOt
It atvsr Alumpa la value.
QJntsgrity la unquestioned. '
The return la certain.
Principal la always available.
It has ne element ef apeeulatlen.
It is a STiflgs Account In
The Bank of Oregon City
The Old. t Bank In Th County
D. C iJkTOURirrra? President 7
capital Moaoaoo.
Tnet a 0naral wanking uelneee.
Open f rtrfw ' A, si, bj a
R. W.&R.S.Wird
We de aenerel repairing, broken machinery mad t, a, M
work aa new. Kaperia with gasoline engines.
Phones: Mala tied. Heme 114.
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company
Your wants Supplied with any ooa-tlty ef 4 foot or It Inch wosa
llvered te any part ef City. Prices, reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Home BV110 v
Pacific Msln 1502
Phors yur ttiy
Cor. ftth Cettn,,
Orssos CKr.
lae 1re bead, asparagus lOo to 1IH.
Msxlcan tomatoes tOe pound. ..
- FLfwtt AMD rE0 little change
tn flour; selling do a to IS With boat
bringing about 15.64;' some aa lew aa
$4 60. a feed the tendency la up
ward. Itran commands $1 Co
124, shorts $24 to lit, roiled barley
$30. process barley $31. whol cor a
$29, cracked corn 110.
WHEAT Th. local market for
wheat I a trine better and the price
advancing a little from laat report,
tn fact prlcesfrare on the climb but
with little outward manifestation.
those who bave It ar holding so no
new prlrea are made it's la strong
bands who won, let go. lilue atern
fcTPtab 6e to Mr
HAY There better movement
In bay and prices ar a little better.
Plenty of hay except alfalfa, whleh la
getting scarcer and higher. Timothy
$10 to $11. clover $10 to $11. oat hay
112. mixed $12 to $14 alfalfa aelllng
OATS Dealer buying for shipment
to meet the demand In th clue, paying-gray
$26, whit 125.80 to 2. A
that lb market Is weak and ansatls
DUTTEIt Prices wry wsak with
lOe and 16a fair for ordinary country,
fancy dairy will bring 18c and 2'tc.
creamery, commands 26c and 30c.
There Is plenty In th country now and
the demand Is well suDDliad
KUOS-Th price has 1U fcn
another peg with 17e tbe bast tsttk
being paid unless one baa a Hu a
put tb product Shlpplag sot nn
- lu "Ml 4
Diana. ,
POULTRT Not ao strong m I hi
weeks ago; little atock otr4 tti
tbat of not the best hang eonmal
16e and 16c, old roosters jOe, knun
ne iu ne, uurai nc to lie, ftas
tenngs of larger fowls. .
inDKS tlreen le pound, Hltsn It
dry bldoa 11 te 14c, lists pan &
to Tea eaon.
wwir-Avijf ooaa ow, Ifc a
mc; some say in svmpalay vltk kv
tbat Cengrea "will tamper vttl IX
tariff on it; little demaal oa aww
as bo one seems to waat a start m
hand; Eastern and Central We, a
reported at So to 11c.
MOHAIR Trade brisk la tali m
modify with consequent sdrix k
tbe priree offered. QuoUtloal MM
to S2c, and prices got"! ! lO
time. y .......
atlll going, no on a dares to so
bold, now quoted at 12c for applei i4
c to lie for prunes aod (te vtLlH
to sell at tbat.
SALT Selling 10c to Tie ha,
10 lb. Back, half ground 46s TM hr
100 lb. sacks.
II . ,.. J
II X 1 1
II X . I
II X ' I
III Don't throw your magazines and fl fl
II periodicals away. There is I I
much valuable information in I I
U them that will never be publish- I I
" ' H ed elsewhere. The cost is little H '
1 1 II AnrAAII mi S-l ITmnnl r mm M U il
' - ' Our boy will call for the mag-J ' I fl
azines if you Phone. I I II
II . X X
liLX WhOMjaV and dLrka tortde snd aihlMt a MmpteLak M
la r l "'ear' Iwcycla furnlahed by aa. Our amUerarjrekananaMsI
lr f'. ?"0aY mtoAmga aoul rioJe and ml
I iXm Wo ehlploanrncManrohrra In the rfs
IAI I.AlTs aa;".- sad allow TUB) wave' faggTaaAaiini
f ,r, ll 1 IliAl" ""? merrlda thabbiroUandpulHloanrtMt raana.
I 1 II I I Vi I IS T n' Pfoctlv aau.Sed or do an U to ansSJ
I I Lf VI E.'nTC'iT'r'"? "rn-andswa4.. a.
I VTi. h. I . t! "e to a.ka at on! email an;
I ff.T I iTi ,." "tract, '1 and" have Um Bianafaotarer'a rnarantea waiai f
I 171 J aViKl!2,;'..i 4lsOT MV s brrt-lo pair of Urew fmaaa-aiw
1 'tftl I LF I V .af' nn,'J ' receive nor eaUknmea sad leant our aaaeml (that
11 I I lf w.- w . . mmm ill r W" Tear, w. MIIM ,fa f" "T
Vne TUStSTif?? 0'-. W. ea kaai. m4 tmM Mrra M rha
afia.frMs?"iJ" Ta-e we emrnel"
CPAS I E B BE kl ll . I iCl eT'.'rt .TTi a i . .a.ini aa4 nm. anW,awai
av V. i aa Zm . I aa.Teaw alWaU kiada ataxia. rv Mr nwierra.
11 fl fl 11 J II f a aa ff ill
si iiiiuu s is wrwfs-rs wpeeaea vrasr m i
11(11 laaan UVa&Vlbel si I baawtaei IT! I VWl "
I I I II I 4IC L.-l- . aw- - mm mm ate BMIB il
1 U I aWHaCMC; UTC2 rsfsTsatwLf K
tanafj gF Z ,7T "sT-ssw rss-a, pi HSs WSW aawV -"-a-as-wanwaW KJ
'iespe. If I ratrtH
atomars 1 I 17 Z . . L'-..-" - - rim "V
t a-w'P'alrl'MWeS
praDarea x r T ." - .laansaa
?J"inf. " "P1' torilirm to tbe rlaof Only M M per pair. All orders lw
Ul! O.; D7o?.'pi" OTdo'not pay S esal aattl I
D V. ,7 J.LLA. 2 ' n d !" strictly as representad. . aiaa
M -UPfvniriXClTXEl
" nuiMirm uiuuaand pairs auld lat year
rldlns. very dnrshta snd lined In.i.u .nk
ULSUtUPTiOMl ?J" 'n 'fa.
a, "7T.
aalMclalnualllvr.f ik
eomea pnron a a nd.jrhlrh Hieies an sma
-h.,'.'.'t,0u.t 'I'-'" thoiTr to
.m..V.J. ' Tv. " fl"'rsirnin sauanea ei
S?tlWHrtUn hon'V pumped
oetwlna In a .whole eeaaim. Thff nl.h
. U-!. i?. 'L ZITl iltl," PnrotnrerelaUn qualaiee
I ml ' ejkfr, .,. Te .V;ri T' ...aanA'f I I
- - w era w w arw i .
SUM, U--,Jii
It Wouldn't Pay to AdvertE:
A Poor Article
Nor a proposition ef doubtful merit or honsaty for aeV
nowadaya, are' DI9CRIMINATINO. They know valuea-th-f
QENUINC thlnos, genuine opportunities. ' '' '
1 Any article whleh san be Bold by advertlsln0 I. by IM1 .
y000 article, . YOU are safe In buying a 'thing which M r
k the fire of publicity." . ' ,' '
The maker ef a widely advertised srtlole, or comm9",v'
wsys on trisl for hie buslnsse life. He cannot shirk, nor y
product and thla la the best Bssslbls 'protsotlon fo' ths e
Vcu ar AFI In buying advertised thing It'e
nowsdsys business oondltlene.
th. MM