Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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A Happy
Kever before have the boys in Oreon City had the
dTntae of tuck a vat selection of up-to-date tuiti
norfolksand two-button double breaated in anappy
etJt, tans and.browns. Buy here and have the sat
isfaction of being correctly dressed, ; - .
?m .. - Prica $2.50 to $10.00 , ...
Bat, Ball and OIoto iven away free with e wy suit -
Suspension Bridge Corner
im i
jd Bboft. of Cant, waa w Olre.
Cltjr on Tuesday.
AUI 8httbel,-was In
Mfun City on Tuesday.
for Popular llata at Popular Prices,
glM C. Uoldamltb'a.
pblllp IJndwnti. of Clarkoe, was In
Or,,, City Monday.
'job" K Jon1, ot Beaver Creek,
w m Oregon City on Tueaday.
Mra. prlsroll, of Carua, waa In Ore-
ciijr on Tueaday.
Try our apacien eo coffee, h's
pt Harrla Oroctry. ;
Rowland Edwards, of Heaver Creek,
n In Oregon ,Clly a Teedd . -,f.
Mu-Mt, of Bbubel, kw la Or-.
no CHy on Toesoay. ... .,
u Herman, of Heaver Croak, waa
ll OW" l'"T ' lueaaay.
u, NuverMea In Millinery cvary
(u at Mlaa V. uoiaamun a.
H, iiotiman. of Bbubal,- waa In Ore
gon City Tuesnay. , y r
; Mr. Mayfleld. of Ill-blnnd..male a
badness (rip to Oregon City on Mon-
,M1m Clara Koerner, of Bt. Johna,
tu In Oregon CltjrMonday, and
flsllrj ltli friend.
Ucense to marry waa issued Tuee
r to lioriha Elltabeth Marvin and
J. 8. Donaldeon.
Hod. (iaoraa C. Rogers and wlfa
railed wJLr U. K. Ilayea and daugh
ter Sunday 'Mm ... ,
Nr. and Mra." Edward Howarda, of
droa. were among the Orraon City
ttrlsesa vlHitora on Tueaday. . i
C. B. Skx-nre, formerly of Carua, but
a r-eldnt of Heaver Creole, waa
H tbii rliy on Bualneaa Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. John Hamilton, of
Syrtifaiirr. are the proud poeee.
wrM a tine new baby.
fill City" Butter lay .sweet.
tad tie rlaht Savor JOc per roll at
Barrls' Ororery. .V, fc '
Roy Miller, of Klngatey, Oregon, la
iWUoi hi uncle, Joe Alldredge, of
Vi 11 Mower, late of Rend, waa
tailing Orraon City frlenda Mon-
ew. V
not Norway Mackerel 15c. .Pat
ltvfoumlland Herring 30c jrr doxen
aHirrlt' Crocery.
Xr. KU'lnamlth and Mr. Kelaer, of
OrtH, were In thla city on Tu ra
ta fti Emma Weber baa accepted a
nation with tbe Home Telephone
&npay. -
Harry Schoenborn, tf Eldorado, waa
$125 IN
to the person (fuessing the
nearest to the total number
of inches of display advertis
ing that' will, appear in Satur
day. Mornings Enterprise.
We will give a check for $25; to the five guess
ing the next nearest count $ 1 0 each; to the ten
guessing the nexY nearest count $5 each.
All checks to be applied on purchase of contracts for our
three new Southern Pacific Towns of
Use Tnis Cotipon either by mail or
The Consolidated ThreTownCo.
. '
Gentlemen; ' ' f :
I guess .that the toUl
nomber of mchea of display adTcr
tUing that will appear , In Sattrrday
Morotngs Enterprise will he
Your Res'y.
'Aae-easf ;
""'. - , it 1 i ' i - ".
( ' Temporary office 506 Main St.
Lot of Bpys
among the Oregon City tualneag vlaU
lore on Monday,
Mr, flcbmJi, a well known farmer
r nimori, waa in Oregon City on
Tueaday oo bualneaa. . v , ,r ,
Tbomae Evana and Otto Stryker.of
.n, waa in inn city on Tuea
day. ' 7
Richard Harrlaon who hue been
very III at hla home with eryelpllag of
the fac (a reported allghtly better.
Prank Miller, of Dearer Creek, waa
among the Oregon City bualneaa vial
tora on Tueadav. ti hmnu i,,.
of oata to thla city.
Albert Durke, of Irontown, Ohio,
baa arrived In Orraon CUr and I.
ruat of Mr. and Mra. Jarni' Miliar n
'ourteenlh atrert.
Mr. and Mra. T. P. 1m. nt
were In thla rlt Tiim
Ing with frlonda 'and attending to
bualnraa mattera.
Henry Hughea, one of the proml
neut farmera whoae realdence la at
Weaver Oeekwaa In thla city trana
acting bualneaa on, Tueaday.
Walter and Ch'eeter Valentine, of
Real lie, Waah., were In thla city on
Monday, the gueata of William It.
Rtokoe. They are vlaltlng for a few
daya In Portland.
Daniel Wllllama, formerly of thla
rlty an( a property owner, whoae
home U now at Brattle, Waah., la In
thla city looking after property In.
Mra. Ray Norrla and aon Donald,
of Monument, Oregon, have arrived la
Oregon City, and are vlaltlng with
Dr. and Mra. J. W. Norrla. They will
remain In thla city for aeveral weeka.
Mra. I. A. Tufta. wife of County
Treaaurer 'Tufta, returned home laat
Sunday from a' Port land hoapltal.
where ahe underwent an operation
Mra. Tufta haa completely recovered
her health.
Mr, and Mra. William DrMera, of
Portland, ' and nephew, Philip Jooa,
who recently arrived In that city from
Dakota, where he will make hla home,
were-4n Jhle city on Sunday vlaltlng
the mllle and viewing the falla.
R. A. Schoenborn, a, well known
farmer of Carua, who moved to Ore
gon City laat fall, haa opened an W
cream parlor on Seventh atrert. Mr.
Schoenborn la a confectioner by trade
and. worked at tbe trade In New York
Vlty when a boy, and hla new place
of bualneaa la being well patronized.
For Bale on Weat 8le
i lota, good houae," barn, lota of
fruit, aplendld view, for only $1500, H
raab. balance terma. See me about It
' Cor. gth 4 Main, Oregon City.
- May 5th at 9:30 P. M.
No person connecterJ with The Enter
' prtse or the Consolidated Three Town
Co. allowed to compete in this contest. .'
Present Your Coupon at this
office in person or by mail.
l1 a , .
'.Mra Anna. lM..fnrA
- - - b-.w, , iuiiuih; Ut
tta elty, but now of Ridgefleld, Waah.
ington, s in tt,! 0lty vlalUng with
frlenda, and waa the gueat of Mra.
Caarlee J, Parker on Tueaday. After
vlaltlng la thla city for aeveral daya
Mra Langaford will return to Ridge
fleld. i Notice. All membera of Willamette
pouncll, Knlghta and Ladlee of Se
curity who wlan vlalt Eureka Council
of Portland, Monday, will pleaae place
reaervatlon for plaea In apeclal car
with C. J. Howell, phone Main 1684
Aa many ga poaatble are requeated to
go. ,.
A college courae compleied In one
evening at dood Tlmeg College; en
roll early May I, and get a atand-ln
with the proreaaor. College located
: mi corner KieveniD and Main atreeta.
Among the out-of-town vlaltora In
Oregon City Monday afternoon waa
i Railroad Commlaaloner Clyde B.
Altchaon, of Salem.
Read the Morning Enterpriae.
' Mra. M. J, Drown and aon, Sidney,
arrived In Oregon City Tueaday from
Little Valley, New York, and will
make their home In thla city, and have
rented the cottage formerly occupied
by Mr. and Mra. A.' A. Price, at 609
Third atreet Mr. Brown arrived In
thla city about five weeka ago, and
la aaaoclated with tbe Oregon City
Subacrlbe for the Dafly Enterpriae
Herbert Brown, of Medford, a prom
inent confectioner of that city, baa
arrived in Oregon City, and baa ac
cepted a poaltlon at Burgoyne dellra
teaaen and confectionery, which will
be out lied In the Pole hullHlnv thla
evening. Thla confectionery la called
i ne raua, ana ie one or tbe moat
attractive confectionery atorea In the
county. Mr. Burgoyne, of Portland,
the proprietor, waa In tbla city yea
lerday arranging for the opening of
the bualneaa. .
Mr. and Mra. William Ouenther, of
Rhubel, were In Oregon CHy on Tuea
The niarrlnge of Mine Malva Embra Dll
low, youngeat daughter of Mr. and
Mra. J. It. Dlllow, of Ilolton, and Mr.
Joavo r. Ifolle, of Parkplace, aon of
Mr. and Mra. Dolle, waa aolemntzed
on Tueaday evening at 8:30 o'clock
at tbe Methodlat, faraonage. Rev. E.
F. Zimmerman, paator of the Metho
dlat Eplacopal church officiating. Tbe
ceremony waa wltneaaed by Mra.
Clyde Hughea, alater of tbe bride, and
Mr. Edward Dolle, brother of tbe
groom, after the marriage meremony
Mr.- and Mra. Dolle left Portland,
whrae they will vlalt a atater of the
grorn for a few daya, and upon their
return will make their home at Bol
ton, where the grom la having erected
a five-room bungalow, modern
throughout. The bride waa attired In
a very becoming tailor-made ault with
large picture bat.
Mra. Dolle la a moat estimable
young woman, having come to thla
city about one year ago from Hoi Ha
ter, California, with her parente, Mr.
and Mra. J. R. Dlllow. 8tnce cojalng.
to Oregon City they have made
home at Bolton, where ahe haa made
many frlenda.
The grom waa born and ralaed at
Parkplace. and la the aon of Mr. and
Mra. J. Dolle, well known realdenta
of that place. He holda tbe reapon
alble poaltlon aa machine tender of
the largeat paper machine In Mill "D"
of tbe Willamette Pulp A Paper Com
pany of the Weat Bide.
WANTED Small advertlaementa for
thla column. Price a very reaaon
able. Bee ratea at head of col imn.
at oar office t
SPLCvDID snows
Reheareale Being 'Held Now Under
the Direction of Mr. and Mra. ""
W. A. Slmpaon.
Rehearaala are being held by tboae
who are to take part In tbe two can
tataa to be given In tbla city at the
Bblveljr opera nouae under the aua
plcea of the Datightera of tbe King of
tbe Bt. Paula Eplacopal Cburcb on
Tburaday and Friday evenlnga, May
11 and 12. The cantataa to be given
are "Ked Riding Hood," May 11, and
"Oypay Queen or the Babea In the
YVoode," May 12, and will be given
under tbe direction of Mr. and Mra.
W. A. Blmpaon, wbo recently arrived
In tbla city from. Chicago. Thla la
the flrat time Mr. and Mra. Blmpaon
have been ao far Weat. and already
thoae taking part are dlaplaylng much
talent, and there a every indication
that the entertainment will be a moat
ancceaaful affair.
Tbe caate Include 175 people, who
will be gowned in beautiful robea at
a coat of 92.000. Tbeae are furntahed
by Mr. and Mra. Blmpaon.
Tbe following la the caate:
. "Red, Riding Hood."
"Fairy quett, Alice Holraan; Vivian,
Ellen Grace; Thalia, Urace Sllcox;
Titanla, Ruth Bohulx-I; Thlatledown,
Maud Lageaon; Puck, Adalbert Gor
don; bobolink,' Elizabeth Monell;
Butterfly, Evangeline Dye; Panay
bloaaom. Marl Walker; Buttercup,
Alta Rnaaell; Orange girl, Mary
Green; Flower girl,,. Norma Wlila;
Crown bearer, Lucile Evana; Ceptre
bearer, Alta Howell; Garland bearer,
Helen Lovett; ; Waif, Kent Moody;
Mother of Red Riding Hood, E. Kate
Blmpaon; Elfln queen, Eloiae All
dredtae; Red Riding Hood, Roberta
Bchuebel; Narclaeua, Merle 'Keck,
Elaine' Klnx, Irene Moore, Wynnes
Hanhy," 81a Bare ley Pratt, Marlon
Money, Margaret Morrla, Mary Rooa,
Myrtle Buchanan, Loulae Huntlejr and
Edna Holman.
, .. pagea.
Irwin Evana, Fairfax Myera. '
Hera Ida.
Evelyn Wllllama, Martha Levitt.
Harriet Parker, Lillian Harrla.
"t Attendanta.
Anna Lenon, Helen 8eeley. -,
kJUeue Phllllpa, Marjorle Money. .
. . , Teadetoola.
May Tobln, Francea Rowland, Mar
garet Miller, Mabel Dawson.
Delia Blount, Velma Randall, Shirley-
Park, Ruth , Elliott, Margaret
Sprltea. ;j'
Edward Humphreys, Herbert Bar
low, Jack Loder, Teddy Hendry, Em
erson Hoeye, Birdsell Ledd.
Zephyr. i '
'Emma Ellia, Leathea Croaa, Ber
nadette Eron, Blanche Lenon, Alta
Burke, Genevieve Evon, Elda Baxter,
be Dora Beetle, Ruth Maaon, Ruby
Long, Elbe) Wolf. Clara Nobel.
- ,w Falrlea.
Leota Smith,' Gladys Trimble, Etta
Dickson, Gladys Blount. Alvina Wolff,
Helen Mattley, Gertrude Jeremiah,
Gladya Cannon, Mildred Ellia, Eachul
Armstrong, Vera Farr, Glyde Bchue
bel, Carol Ely. Geneva Park, Eather
Staata, Rachel Hunter, Alice Dawson,
Lillian Freeman, Bernlce Johnaon.
y Special Attendanta.
Dolra Waldron, Georgia Mason,
Hazel Fuller. Eather Ely, Mary- Hartt,
Naldeen Blanchard, Virginia Shaw,
Harriet Miller.
. - , Elvea.
' Henrietta Ellis, Vloja Roberta, Edna
Lenon, Freda Martin, 'Alice Miller,
Ethel Frost, Naomi Armstrong, Mary
Mattley, Gladya McDowell. Amy
Toban, Genevieve Green Bessie Miller.
Malda of Honor. ,
Rhoda Dawson, Marvel Ely, Helen
19 1 J. ; ' ;
During the montha of May, June, July,
Auguat and September, on datee
ahown below, the
, . will aell round trip tlcketa from
Oregon City Via Portland
aa to I Iowa:
Chicago . $ 73.00
Council BlUffa ...... . 60.50
Omaha 60.50
Kanaaa City 60.50
St. Joaeph 60.50
St Paul 60.50
8t Paul, via Council Bluff .... 64.40
Minneapolia, direct . 60.50
Minneapol a, v a Counc I Bluff 64.40
Boaton t.... 110.00
New York .v. 109.00
St Louie ., 70.50
Waahington, D. C 108.00
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 24, 25, 27, 28
and 29. , . ,
June 5, 7, 9, 10 12. 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
ana so. !
July 1, 2, S, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and
Auguat 3, 4, 6. 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 a dr.
Stop-over within llmlte In either di
rection. Final return limit
October Slat. ;
For far. one way through California
Inquire of any Southern Paelflo ,
agent, or write to ' '
General Passenger Agent
' Portland, Oregon.
Raker. Amanda Toolav. Zona Moor.
Jane. gootc, .t ,. . ....
' Oypay Quean.
Fairy queen, Minnie Schata; Moth
er Grunt, Kathrwn Slnnott; - Flrat
Oypay, Enla Schoebel; Second Oypay,
Eva Alldedge; Hermann, Clare Miller;
Karl; Kdmond Be Hack; - Captain,
Irwin ' Evana ; Aide, Fairfax Myera ;
Zlngerella, Eloiae Alldredge; Coqav
ette, Florence Weatengard; -Poppy
Queen.. Elaine King; Zena, Clara
Klelda; zana. Beaa Warner; Delma,
Marlon Money; Tbelma, Ann All
dredge; King Faithful, Marahal I.
Laielle; Queen Beautiful, Margaret
Brown; Gypay Dick, Mora Woodward;
Wicked Uncle, Kent M Moody; Puck,
Adelbert Gordon; . Sylvan, Marina
Levitt; Echo, Grace Sllcox; Feather,
Alta Rnaaell; Fleck, Bernlce Johnaon;
Queen of the Ny raphe, Mary Kooa;
Alma, Maud Lageaon, Percy, Harriet
Parker; Prlnceaa Roaalla, the Gypay
Queen, Morelta Hickman.
Attendanta. ' ,
Genevieve Evon, Ethel Wolff, Ruby
Long. Ruth Maaon Anna Lenon, Delia
Blount. , .
. Eacorta.
Robert Beetle, George Rooa.' . V
Gladys McDowell, Genevieve Green,
Amy Toban, Beasle Miller, Naomi
Armstrong, Mary Mauley, Norma
Wllle, Lucile Evana, Lillian Harrla,
Anna Lenon, Helene Seeley. , '. ,
Wood Nympha and Roaalla'a Ma4d.
Evelyn Wllllama, Rachel Hunter,
Zena Moere, Helen Baker, Virginia
Bhaw, Marvel Ely, Oeorgla Maaou,
Dorla Waldron, June , Scott, ' Ellen
Grace, Mary Greene, Alta Howell,
Helen Lovett, Vera Farr, Rhode Daw
eon, Amanda Tooly, Naldeen blanch-
ard, Lillle Freeman, Mary Hartt, Alice
Holman, Alene Phllllpa, . Marjorle
Money, Elizabeth Monell, Evangeline
Dye, Hazel Fuller, . Eather Ely, Har
riet Miller. Henrietta Ellia, Ferda
Martin, Ethel Frost, Edna Lenon.
Alice Miller. Viola -HoebrU.
Merle Keck, Irene Moore, Edna Hol
man, Vada Elliott. Lela Moreland,
Edith Alldredge, Alice Moore, Flor
ence White, Mary Rooa, Madge Bright-
bill, Etta Long, Hazel Tooze, Evelyn
Harding, Anna Woodward, MWba
Weatengard, Louise Huntley, ETma
Petzold, Ann Tolpoltar, Irene Hanny,
Cora Dauthlt, Nanan Plckene, John A.
Weber, Oacar Wood On, Harold 8waf
ford, Arden Hickman, Jack Bush, Carl
A. Schram. Homer Hallowell, victor
Gault. ' ,
; ' A La Carmeta Waltz.
Oacar Woodfin, Clara Flelda. -n .
, ,, Tambourine Dancer.
Clara Flelda. Eva Alldredge, Melba
Weatengard, Nanon Plckena.
' Highland Dancer.
Bernlce Johnaon. Alta Russell.
Hesperian la Well Gotten Up.
Tbe April number of tbe Heaperlan
anl la a rilatlnrt r rod It to the
hard working editorial ataff who pre
pare it every montn.
The stories are gooa ana me numer
Jnt ilffnox An von who realties
that he la alive would enjoy the lat
est in high school Journals. i
The cover Is simple but exceeding
ly appropriate, and very well execu
ted. . REAL ESTATE. ', , ,
Tbe following are the real estate
transfers that have been filed In the
office of the county recorder:
Charles and Ida Prufer to Ara H.
Cadwell, 5 acre of tracte "C," Clack
amas Riverside; $$2260,
W. A. Garner to C. A. .Wheeler, 6
acre of sections 31, 32, township 1
south, range 2 east; $1500.
F. A. and Minnie Knapp, et al to
Walter Hansen, W 3, block 9, Arden
wald; $2350. .
Eddie A. and Georgian Howe et al
n vtniuiia I .timber ComDanr. south
west quarter of southeast quarter of
section 16, townsnip 4 aoum, range
Maud and J. F. Griffith to Thomaa
A. Edwarda, lot 52. 63. Roewood, In
section 18. 19, township 2 aonth, range
n. N. 'and Phebe S. Bridenatlne to
uuni. ctAiu 47 arrea of section 15
, U.V7 '
21. township 3south, range 4 east;
ttn '. . '...',
William Rivera to Olive E. Rivera,
Jota 6 and 7, Apperson's Addition to
Gladstone; $100.
a u anri rnrr1 VS.. Dunn to Sarah
F. Davis, lot 1 In block 1, Apperson's
.jji.i.. r.l.Hitnno X37K.
AUUHIUU W V. - - " - -
8srah F. and Albert E. Davis to
Sherman and Mary Glaze, lot 1, block
Joaeph A. Sellwood and Lura A.
Sellwood to E. B. Iwe, lota 1 ana z,
block 146. Oregon City; $$10.
C. W. and Lucena Kern to Paul W.
Custer, 100 acrea of section 32, town
ship 2 south, range 7 east; $12,000.
w riiBtr tn Ssratoaa Invest
ment Company, ICO acrea of aectlon
32. township 2 soutn, range I eaai.
. i . rwwi
H. A. Dedman to George F. Meek.
los-4 and 3V block.3--tdma,n,addl-
tlon to Canby; $J&u.
W. H. and May Wood to Fred Achil
lea part of William Armprieat dona
tion land claim, Bocnon to, io, a
22, townahlp 3 south, range J east,
88.50 acres; $1550.
J. W. Grace E. Ioder to James Em
mott, weat two acrea of tract 1, Clack-
tilirhlanria- X475.
Luby and Marguerite Hargrove ao
Mra. M. R. Ciimmings, & acres, aw
tlona 7 and 18. township 3 south,
range 1 east; $10. '
Unla and Nellie Erlckson to June
M. Charraan, part aectlon 10, township
2 south, range 2 east, 2.785 acrea; $1.
June M. Charmn to Louis and Nel
lie Erlckson, aame as above; $1.
Thomaa R. A. and Josephine M. B.
bhwi tn camtii n rooms.' lota 2
and 3. block 11, Qulncy Addition to
Milwaukee; $350. '
William and Uulae Beard to T. E.
and Mattle a Beard, 20 acrea. town
ship 3 aouth, range 2 eaat; $10.
J. B. and C. Z. Clyde to Belle P.
Whltcomb, tract 19 and a roadway,
Clackamas HlRhianda; $1. '
Oacar l and Abby A. Clyde to
Belle P. Whltcomb, lot 18, Clackamas
Highlands; $1.
Rev. J. R. Knodell, who ta lecturing
In the intereata of the Anti-8aloon
League, gave hla popular lecture, en
titled "In the Shadow of the Bottle
at the M. E. Church of thla place last
8abbath evening. The address waa
..Mtlnlv a maatarnlnce and Mr. KttO
dell held the undivided attention of
his audlenoe. He certainly gave a
logical dlcaourae, beautifully Illustra
ted. ,...
Mr. Hvlvla McOulro. or Portland,
reader and Impersonator, under the
anapleee of the Canby Band will give
an entertainment In the Hall Tueaday
It la being arranged in canny to
celebrate the Fourth this ear.- The
bead haa taken hold of the tnaitaay In
a bualneaa like manner ana elaborate
plana ar being made. -
Thev Brotherhood of the Method Ut
Church held their regular monthly
meeting on Thursday evening- at the
horn of Mr. J. R. Newton. A banquet
will be part af the program. -
We understood that Ed. Maddoi,
who haa for the past year been an
aaalatant at the depot here waa tem
porarily transferred to another ela
tion, ;nd we understand that he haa
been given an office and will leave na
for (K), w are certainly . aorry to
see Ed. go.
. Mr. poster la actively engage I thee
daya erecting a atore building on hla
lot on "V atreet. We understand
that he Intend to enter bualneaa.
Mr. rL. H.' Tuft, our Jeweler, who
ha been engaged In bualneea now for
over a year here, flnda It neceeeary to
return to Mlnneaota on account of
land Intereata which be possesses
there. He ha had a fine trade while
at Canby, and he haa proven himself
a master mechanic and we are aa
aorry to loae hlra a be ta loath to go.
Some enterprising repair jeweler
would do well to come and take up
thla line of work here. Mr. Tuft and
family expect to leave Wedneaday. '" '
Tbe Canby School BaaebaH Chib
played tbe Barlow achool team on the
Canby grounda laat Saturday with tbe I
reault of a score of 7 .to 15 in favor of
' c ' '
It is reported that the hope are not'
doing well. Some of the early 'one
were froceri.- ' '
Mra. Vira Miller haa Improved her
property by putting a new walk la
froat oMt. - - r , ;.
Mra. J. E. Marque m will aoon have
a nice. display of rosea, In her, front
yard. , -,. .
There la to be an Ice cream social
and entertainment at the hall, Friday
evening. May S.
John Barth and J. E. Marquara, who
went to Waahington to look for land,
have returned. It 'appears that old1
webfoot la good enough for them; -
Mra. R. A. Gray will go Monday to
Oregon City on bualneaa and also to
take her daughter. Bell, to Portland,
In regard to ber health.
, MACK8BURG. - -
The. nice weather la continuing and
the farmer are making good use of
It, Very few of them want rain.
Mr. Frank Hilton and family visited
relatives at Needy Sunday. , '
Mr. J. B. Mltta attended the dance
at Molalla Friday evelng.
Quite a nunteer from thla vlclnltr
attended tbe dance it Mr. Calabans'
Saturday night, i All report a good
time. ' ,. :
Cicero Grim vlalted Portland Sat
urday. ,. .
Mra. Murdock, of Monument, haa
been visiting In thla vicinity.
Charlie Kleallng's family are enter
taining friends from the East,
Miss Marte Bomera la working for
her slater, Mra. McCoy, who haa a lit
tle visitor In ner home. :"."'
Elmer Klelnamlth Is sawing wood'
for Sam Elmer. ,
Fred Bottemlller came from Min
nesota tn visit hla tncle, Mr. W. H.
Bottemlller. - ..'..-
Mr. Ben Marshall, from Ellwood,
was In Clarka to visit hla parents laat
Sunday, .
Mr. Sullivan la sick in bed.
Zelrha Cummins spent Sunday with
Ida Haag. - -
Mr. Wettlanfer and family were In
town laat week. '
Mr. Kregar was? found dead Satur
day of last week In Highland and waa
bnrled Sunday afternoon. ,
Rev. Hartlng from Portland,
preached In Clarke German M. E.
church Sunday.
Hazel Tallman worked 1 for Mra.
Cumins a few weeka ago.
F. W. Rlebhoff haa resumed work
on the roads. -
Monday, 8th Inst., will be the an
nual meeting of the Clear Creek
Mutual Telephone Cq. .
Several Logan 1 tea attended the
Athletic Club entertainment at Dam
aur-HS and report a god time.
Th creamery la running full capac
ity and then some. The Logan cream
wagon on Monday had over a ton of
cream aboard. Why can't strawber
ries be ripe too?
The "Oregon mist" we are now en
Joying la very much appreciated by
the farmera. , '
R. F. D. No. 2 Is now' reversed and
as per agreement we are supposed J
to have auto delivery.
The Oregon State Grange convene,
at Corvallis, Tuesday, May 9. Clacka
maa County baa five delegatea tbla
year.' Thoae with "axes to grind"
will be on had as usual to bore the
crowd. ,
One of H. S. Anderson's goats ha
three kids, why not present her to
f -Teddy r -"
The Logan country seems to be
an attraction for autolsta by the way
things "whlx" along our highway
Mrs. May Parker, who died Thurs
day, waa buried In the Greaham ceme
tery, after aervlcea held in the Bap
tist Church Saturday afternoon. Mra.
Parker waa the daughter of Mr. and,
Mr. D. F. Lauderback, and waa born
In Nelson, Mo.; In November, 1885.
She waa married to John Parker In
the. East, and the couple came to
Oregon tour year ago. One aon.
Ralph, eurvlvea. ,
Rev. J. W. Exon was In Bandy a
few daya ago In the Interest of the
Methodist ' Church whllch he built
here two yeara ago; He Is anxious
P. crcji c t o n . S t a 1 1 i o n ,
Oregon City, in Fanners' Feed Barn
Porfidra. Sired by Pollj; first dm, Qoeen; S
rcuiicc. aliKe -Jippte weUH
Tprmc. To lasvre mar wfth foal $12, Single sertics (3. Cm
l (.1 1 1 10. MB 10 To Mjre colt t sUnd and rack $15. Ct
will be Uken to prereat accidents, bat will not be respont&ls '
shoald any occur. If mare la removed, sold or traded, money t
comea doe at once. -. . ..
G. W. Boyef , Owner and Kccc?
to pay oft Oh fl debt aU tex
laed to MM All bat Mltf Ua(
amount waa furnished , by Kaady. i
1 Mtse Etpba Orbeoa. who It aitaa4
iB the) Waaklngton High Sebaol la)
Portland, vlalted her parents Batojv
day aed Buadayv - 1
Lyrnaa Davla and family . have
moved into their" home here after
pending the winter at Rbodoeodron.
Harry Meeerve haa gone up to hla
Mount Hood mlnerel springs to pre
pare for fhe summer pleaaure seekers,,
The Johnaon Lumber Co. has, cut
all , the timber near the mill,, and
the plant Is shut down, with the In
tention of selling or moving..
Mr. and Mrs, William Harding, of
Amea, vlalted Bandy frlenda on Sat:
urd8Jr-f . . ... :
, , kaw Mi rxi-t mna. .
Miss Miller, from the Eaa' la vlalt
Ing with Mra. Kelaner.
Several of the young people went!
to Logan Friday evening to see the
play,--Brook Dale Farm." Everyone
reported of having a nice time. '
Miss Anna and Minnie Hemerlch.'
of Stone, visited with Miss E. Haber-
lacb 8unday afternoon, v .s .
O. Haberkvch had five acres of land,.
cleared . that
he , bought - from Mr.
' . Mra, Frank Kelaner apent a pleas
ant afternon with Mra. Walter Maund-.
hands. . , ' ', . . 1
I The baaket aoclal given at the
school houae waa a success. The.
bouse was crowded to Its fullest ca
pacity. p Scene In a Tailor 8hop, waa
especially enjoyed by everyone pres
ent, Those who played were W. Day
wait, J. Helnrich, E. Shearer, R. Boy
er, E. Hackett. Caroline Daum and p.
Haberlach; $38.10 waa cleared fbr
which they wilt buy an organ for the '
school. Mr. 8hearer did his beat auc
tioneering. We hope to hare another
social soon. , ' 'y . v ir"
Mrs. William Black ;of Portland,
was out over Sunday vlaltlng wltn
Mrs. Kittle Clarke.
Notleae mndrr thesa laaatfled haedtn
will b lnaavird at ana ent a word, flral
Insertion, half a emt addltieaal tnmt
tlona. One Inch card, tl aw noathi naif
Inch card, (i llnea) f 1 par aooataw-'
Caah mut aeeompany order amlaas ena
haa an onae account arlth the papar. Na
rtaanclal ecaponslbllltr for. arrora; whara
errora occur fraa eorractad nntlao will ba
prtntad for patroau Minimum eharae lie.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply Mrs. L. L. Porter,
West Oregon City. i
WANTED Two furnished house-'
keeping rooms for man.and wifej
Call Enterprise office. . .. i
GIRL WANTED Girl . for general
. housework. Experience not ao Im-. '
portant as willingness to learn. Ap
ply 1006 Main atreet, Oregon pity.
WANTED Woman or girl for gen-,
I erai uauKwori, . a. m. to i p. ta.
every day, aleep home. Phone Main
3044 or write Box 409, Gladstone,
Qregon. , .' ',
WANTED Yon to know that we buy
all kinds of Curios, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools, . We also have a
good ' assortment of second hand
Furniture and Tools on hand . for
sale to those in need. ; Come anJ
see; perbapa we have Just what you
want. Indian Curio and trinket
for aale cheap; some that are very
" unique and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street '
FOR SALE Spits pups, s Inquire 442
Locust Street .
FOR 8ALE Young pigs. Call Home
. phone, O. M. May, Beaver Creek.
FOR SALE 2 fine thoroughbred Jer
sey bull calves, 5 months old. R.
L. Badger, Oregon City, Or R. F.
D. No. 3. Phone Beaver Creek: Cen
tral. ' '- -' '
TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center
streets, one block from car line,
good seven room house, all modern '
.Improvements; barn and chleken
run. Price $3500; terms. Clyde A
McRae, 1003 Main Street, ;
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully
given on all claasea of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Re. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstract furnished, land
title examined, eststes settled, gen-
, eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon Clty.r - ., ? r .
U'REN A BCHUEBEL, Attorneyt.
Law, Deutacher Advokat. will prac
tice in all courts, make collections
and settlements.. Office tn Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. '
FREYTAO MONEY, 'Real Estate!
Dealera, have choice bargains In
farm landa, city and aubnrbaa
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
ranches. ,8eo. us for good buys.
Near 8. P.. depot ,, w ,, , ,. ,
B. H. COOPER. For Fir Inanranee
and Real Eatate. Let ua handle
. your properties wj bay, BU and
exchange. Office In Emterprlae
Bldg., Oregon City. .Oregon, . . , , .
Second dam Br-
1800 potLDd. -