vv. ...... . ....' . -. 1 . '' .' -''.: '( v ' - ' -'.'.'. ,' '. Bitei d II liilil IIiI i i i , , ..I i i - . , " TM ewty Mir wsasw t V ' '1 U4 M ".-est ' lw 4 lata In vary Coifr. we siMsUa ef 4 XUXXL An rw M sOirejaarf e VOL. t No. 99 B - OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY-3, 1911. Per Wux, 10 Obito ias CONTROL itspipco AMn.lCANS 0IV8N WARNING ANO Al LKAVINQ DAILY FOR ' UNITKO STATES. ptng coravw SrjlLOA eBBMBaaBnSSS ' m,rnn Interests Art Involved and Political Welfare , Western Mexican Affected i Seriously. 'mOOAIJCS. Arls, May 1 (8peclsl) ,Hlo captured one town after an (tber and besieging Maaatlan, tha principal Pacific sea port, and Cull' (o, tbe rcbU control altnoat all of aMtsrn Mexico. k Governor Rodog, of Slnaloa, baa ao nail a force that ha can do no more dm hold these two towns, and doubt ll nprHfJ wbathar ba can bold tkm lng. Klgbtlng .la almoat con Hauoua In Hlnoka and 8onor Sot only la Iba political welfare of Iks Western Mszlcan, states affected, tot American Interests are Involved tA Is dunjeur. Evan tba Uvea of Am ericana, hitherto bald sacred by fed erals and rbla, ara In no longer re girded as aafa In the Interior of Mex ico. " " FONEIONERS IN CHINA tAFt. , HONG KONO. May I. (8pa-lal) -lllca today from Canton, where t, revolutionary movement origin Uti, Indicate tbat furelgnera eacaped ir. Wa Bum, the leader of tba Antt Jltochu force la working ' to tha tt after raiding Sam 8hul, Wen caow, Woitchow, Cbungtok, Khulhung tad Tatahan. " Baodlta led by tba brigand chief, Uk, burnud four government real fcacet at Katahau when they attack el tad looted tba town. . ,- ' EL PASO. Taxaa, May I It It prob tik that the armlatloe ltween the rfkfla and the Mexican government 1U be prolonged. tutor tie la Darra, Mlnlater of Fore bi Affaire, la tba profcaaed favorite J tht revolutlonlata for provlalonal prtltent. tt la reported here from Torreon liaTtbe rebela bold abaolute poaaea iloi of lrrdo tjqd Oomeg Palaclo, near lane. Tba American 8meltlng Com ainy'i plant I operating there. Baa Pedro with 1,000 rebela la tttmtenrd with famine. ' EIGHT-HOUR BILL UPHELD. OLYMI'IA, YYaah., . May l.(8pa tiall That a road aupervlaor cannot ork bla men on tba road ten boura i day and evade the eight-hour law T paying them for a day and a quar ter la the opinion of Aaalatant Attor-Mjr-Onral Lyle aa he today gave It to tbe Ilureau of Inapectlon. The only time tba etgbt-bour law ta bt broken la in tha caae of an taerftory and otherwUe auch bllla rt not to ba allowed. ' HOME RULI UP TONIGHT. CMnell to Hear Final Raadlg of tha Saloon Ordinance. The council will bold their regular Meeting tonight. Tba principal bual ua will e tba bearing of tba Onal "dins .of tha Home Rule and Pool raom ordinacea. Tba regular routine I bualneaa will be followed, Waif a Wins Suit Against Qarver. Tb suit of Carver tb. Wolfa was Wei yeaterday In tha Circuit Court "4 a verdict waa rendered for Wolfe. bo wig represented by Attorneya GrM C. Drownall. and, .William, U Jose. The sul waa for. a abortai$ l the transfer of a piece of land. Th "rlilng" young man ara wearing J" clothea. We're not aatleflad with P "aklmmlng along" or "drifting" clothes question. ' '' ire always going up hlnhar r 'n orlc but aualltv on a plana surteives. H you ara a kaen ob- ; 7" sf style dont fall to aaa tne u. : clothe thav ara In g class ;w thtmaelvaa. ;v 15 TO $30.-" ' , rVf,eton glvt aatitfactlon. t L" EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIBRt , ' ' Nat Uka Oibara i ) ttb and Main Bto. 3 ; i - i.l (WHUtl PARK Q FOUNTAIN A BEAUTY DESIGN IS. APPROPRIATE AND IwiLL MAKE THE SETTING OF HOME MORE ATTRACTIVE. The fountain for (he parking for the McljMiKhlln residence property on Seventh atreet will arrive tb a. week from Cblcago,.and aa aoon aa li er tirea will be InBtalled.' - An appropri ate doalgn of early days baa been aelected, xr4 la a rhlld ataudlng beneath an umbrella. When the water tg turned on In. the fountain It will flow over the timbrel la to represent rain. The fountain will atanit on a peiteatal and will be about eighthfeet" high. The preaent baaln, whlrb waa Inatalled In the early aprlng la 10 feet In diameter. Another alinllai baaln wilt be Initialled, and tbla will be alKWt four feet In diameter. The grouuila of tbla property have recently been Improved. New aeate have flower boxea f were recent ly donated by O. R. H. Miller, one of tha prominent phneera of thla city. The roue buHhea planted some time ago kre growing rapidly, and many new flowering, plant a have been added to the park, making It a moat attractive place. Every day vlaltora to thla city visit the McLoughlln home, where a reglater la kept, and each one regtatera hia name. Mr. and Mre. Joaeph Alldredge. who are oc cupying the. aecond atory. have fitted the room a formerly occupied by tbe McLnughllna In a moat homelike man ner, and any day vlaltora can ba ahown all through tbla rtaldence. Tbe purchaalng orxhe fonnuin waa made throngh the efforta of tha Worn en'a Club of thla city, tba membera of which take a pride In the grounds as well aa the former borne of Dp. John McUmghlln, the father of Ore gon, . " I 1 . H J J i it a i .lt' '.' 1 -1 DANNY O'BRIEN TQ MEET 8U0 ANDERSON WRESTLING ALSO 6N PROGRAMME FRIDAY ' 'v: ; NIGHT, I'VpJ ' Thm. . Rlld, - Anderson "Dsnny" rk'Iirlan )nln exhibition to be DUli led Off nt.:.yancouv,eJV ITidaj. Might mvder.tha iMsplcaa of ha yaacotivr Athletic. AwCitlpnlrowiws-, tie aeveral little matters thst hsve been worrying the fight fana for aoma time. . ; . Rvar unrm n'Brlen alipped over a sleep producer on Anderson In Port land some time ago. Bud has been nartlcularlv anxious for another whirl at "Fighting Irishman." Tbey were both amateura then. Shortly after both boys broke Into tha professional game, O'Brien going East where ba Blacked up against aeveral good boys around the Bear City, making a good showing. . , Anderson stsyed at borne, cleaning lip aspiring llghtweighta. Hia most notable achievement was tbe trim ming b. administered to "Kid" Mor rlsey"of Spokane. Morrlsey waa un doubtedly a good man, having Juat made mince meat of Willy Conroy. tba Ba,y City. pug. ,.; . w'V, , Anderson Is making a big mistake In the coming exhibition by giving O'Brien a chance to coma In at catch weights. O'Brien will probably out weigh Bud by several pounds. . An derson expects to offset tba advant age by cleverness. .. He Is one of the cleverest boys In tha Northwest at his weight, O'Brien la also one of the best turned out In thla neck of tbe woods, Anderaon will no doubt VANCOUVER TO OnxR "BOEIG EXIIlBmOII'S THE PEACE DOVE, carry the milling to O'Brien aa O'llrlen la at bis best In long range boxing. The preliminary between Chuck O'Connell and Rpike llenneay oitKht to be a star curtain raiser. Both hoys ara clever and both are will ing. . . The two wrestling ranches between soldiers from the Vancouver Barracka will be worth the price of ad ml a alon. A special train will leave tbe 8. P. Depot, 11 and Iloyt atreeta, Portland, at 7:30 p. m., and return Immediately after the bout a. Tbla will give Oregon City sports a chance to have a good time and get home the same night. This promises lo be the beat box ing exhibition polled off tor many a day. . UIIIOil STOCK YARD'S RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT IN FACE OF EASTERN MARKET DECLINE LOCAL PRICES -v HOLD UP STRONG. Recelnta at the Portland Union 8tock Tarda for the past week have Ixeti: Cattle, C08; calvea, 25; bogs, 1,103; sheep. 3.203; 11. A M., 43. Very light recelpta have been re- sponsible for unusual strength In all lines. In tbe face of big declines at Rastern marUeta, prices here held up strong. There was a very active oe mand for everything tbat was offered and especially for light steers and butcher stuff. The hog market remained strong at $7 B0 for tbe beat. Tbe aheep market waa strong throughout. ' There was a little slack In tha sale of borses, but there" waa a consider able amount of Inquiry. The following sales are representa tive: .25 steers 1210 S 7.00 115 ateera U 6.80 63 steers 1120 6.75 06 ateera ....1144 6.10 .lbulWr ...11306.00 3 bull .....1428 4.75 113 boga 1 7.50 4 hoga 187 7.25 80 hogs 293 6.40 10 cowa 11" , 6.75 17 cowa 70 , 6.65 TO-NIGHT Don't jForgct To Hear Btssch's Orchestra AT THE D Popular place of Amusement GRAN 1 . -. - t - i 28 cows '..'."..'....1025 Hit 32 cows 9H0 4.00 8 calves A....J50 8.00 37 yearlings 527 4.70 85 spring lambs .... 53 . 7.00 12 lambs ........... 78 5.40 404 Wethers 109 J.25 119 Ewea Ill 4.85 1 team drivers ......... 875.00 8 chunks; each 200.00 1 saddler co.OO SECOND DAY FISHING GOOD. Nick Storey Makes Remarkable Haul and Has Narrow Escape. There are more flab In the aea than ever came out of It also In tbe Will amette. The aeoond day of the Ash ing season opened with almoat" as many spuria on the liver aa the first. The hook and line men are having lota of sport but the professional fisher men are tbe ones wbo are reaping the harvest. The first drift Monday night was made by Charlie Galea, be brought In only 40 flsb, but NletT Storey wbo made the aecond drift bad phenomen al luck. He had ao many that his hoat was sinking and to save boat and nets be had to cut loose. For all tbat bo landed 103. There were a number of flab buyers on hand to take care of the catchea. Local fiah marketa made record Bales todsy. It seems as If everybody were fish hungry and tba demand could hardly be met. ' WANTS LAND BACK COURT SAYS KEEP OFF 1 LK.r : i' i I i AUGUST HORGER LOSES 812,000 EJECTMENT SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST PRESTON BROTHERS. "... . ' . Tbe' suit of August Horger against George and Henry Preston, for eject ment waa tried yesterday before Cir cuit Judge Campbell, and decided In favor of the Prexton Brothers, wbo bought 137 acres of land at Eagle Creek .rom Horger,. agreeing to pay 812.000. .The sale waa made on a contract, the Prestons paying 812.000. They had defaulted 30 days on tbe second payment of 82,000, when Horger. brought suit for ejectment. It la said the land Is worth about 8200 an acre. Within 80 days from tbe time the payment waa due, the amount was tendered and refused by Horger, Judge Campbell ruled that a foreclosure suit was necessary In order for , Horger to regain iiosaea alon of the property, aa the Prestons certainly had an equity In the land. Tbla afternoon Horger accepted tbe money from the Prestons, which vali dated the contract., George C. Browncll. William ' M. Stone and .U'Ren A Schuebel appeared, for Pres ton Brothers, while Horger waa rep resented by Attorneys Dlmlck Dimlck.-- , t ; : , . , v. John Tobin, plscstorisl Champion. John Tobin proprietor of the- Elec trie Hotel. Is among . the champion fisherman of this city since the fish ing aeaaon opsnsd on Monday at 11 o'clock. Mr. Tobin caught four fine Chinook aalmon on Monday, one weighing 43 pounds, one .31 pounds, while tha others averaged less. The natrons of the hotel were served Royal Chinook by the landlady on Tuesday, and the fish was .greatly relished. Mr. Tobin la an expert ntmrod, nd on Tuesday made another fishing trip having excellent lucn on that day. Lake Smfth. Plaaaantly Surprised. Mrs. W. W. 8mlth tendered ner son, Lske, 8mlth. a surprise party at bla home en May Dar, and the roms were prettily decorated for the oe cssion with Msy flowers. The young folks were entertained from 8to 6 o'clock by games, and a most enjoy able time was spent by the 82 young people present Ice cream, cake and fruits were served. RECESSTTII1 FALL 1 .'.,... COMMERCIAL CLUB ORGANIZA TION HAS ACCOMPLISHED : MUCH IN FEW MONTHS. Committees Still at Work en New Federal Building. Stafford Rural ' . Route and Rail Road to ' ' ' Molalla. ' Tbe Live Wires of tbe Oregon City Commercial Club hsve suspended pub lication until fall At Tuesday's weekly luncheon, which waa an unusually toothsome af fair, tba Wires concluded to dispose wltb tha regular session until the af-. ter tbe summer Is over, giving the Trunk Liae, under which name tbe bead of tha organization la designat ed, ample authority to call a meeting at any time. ' The . auinmer season Is close at band, this being tbe main raeson for. the recess. . While several , Important matters are pending. It may be necessary to have evening meetinga about once a month. The Live Wires have been working for some months upon tbe establishment of a. rural route out. of Oregon Cltr Into the Stafford coun try. Tbe. ground haa been carefully gone over and maps have been drawn. and the matter Is now In tbe bsnda of City Engineer Noble, wbo has sgreed to prepare a map showing the section of the county -over which It la proposed to. establish a new route. When this map Is completed a peti tion .will be circulated among the farmers directly Interested . In tba establishment of a new route and for warded to the postofffflce department at Washington, D. C. . The principal achievement' of the Live Wires since Its organization last fall has been In securing the appoint ment of a county road master . H. E. Cross was the man who proposed the Installment of a system In the con structlon of roads In Clackamas Coun ty and he had tbe united backing of all the Live Wires, and when the matter waa put to the County Court and thoroughly discussed, tbe appoint ment of a roadmaster apeedlly follow. ed. Thia one- thing la expected to make a saving of several thousands of dollars annually to the taxpayers of the county. . . . Another matter that the Live Wires have taken a very deep Interest in Is the construction of .a railroad into the Molalla country. Judge G. It Dimlck. W. A. Huntley, Prank Buscb O. D. Eby. and other members of tbe Wires Initiated this project, which has had the hearty support of tbe organi zation from tbe starL Rights of way and surveys were obtained, thousands of dollars subscribed, nearly every member of tbe Live Wire taking some stock, and grading of the road-bed toward Beaver Creek baa been In pro gress for several weeks. Sufficient money la In sight for the actual con struction of the road as far as Beaver Creek, and there la little doubt of the succeiuiful termination of the project, which Is strictly a home grown move ment, building with local capital and governed by local men, who are not drawing any salary for their work In getting the enterprise on a sound foot, lng. The Introduction ot an ordinance In the council providing for a weights and measures commission la another matter that the Live Wires Initiated. Considerable publicity haa been given to the Government report calling at tention to faulty scales In some of the Oregon City business houses, and an ordinance waa presented to tbe coun cil and will soon come up for final passage. ' , The purchase of a site and the erec tion of a federal building in Oregon City Is a subject that sttracted the attention of the Live Wires, and through the efforts of a committee, a bill was Introduced in the United States Senate last-wee kr carrying an appropriation of 875,000. It la not ex pected that the bill will pass at the extra session, but If the right kind of work Is done, the appropriation has an excellent chance of getting through Wanted A good, clean cut. honest young man to take chsrge of our of fices in this city. Must fumlsh best of rsfsrences as to honesty and good charac ter. Demonstrated ability la what counts. Show us wfcst you are and we will give you the best opportunity for advancement you can ask for. Apply '. The .Consolidated Three Town Co. Temporary Office , 506 Main St. (i neat winter. Tbe Live Wire commit tee la eilll working on this matter. Weekly luncheons and meetings will be resumed the Drat of). October nexc LOCAL POST CARD DAY MAY 15. Live Wire Issue Call and Other Or- ganlaztlone Respond. May la, haa been set aalde aa Ore gon City Postal Card day and great preparatione era being made to send hundreds of postals to all parts of tha United States and Europe. ,Tbe plan was'orlnated by tbe "Live. Wires" but jotlitn! organizations' are entering to help make a success of the 'day. Tbe Publicity Department of the Com mercial Club will furnish tha schools of tbe city with cards and all of tae pupils will be -given an opportunity to aend beautiful plcturea of Oregon City .to their friends. Tba mayor of the city has beea asked to Issue a proclamation declaring May 16 aathe off'cial postal Card day and ad vising sll . to send cards on thla day . gad spread the fact afar tbat Oregon City is the prettiest town In tha North west . . .. . ri; .. ... . Promotion Office Ready Thia Summer At tha meeting Tuesday afternoon of the Publicity Committee of tbe Oregon City Commercial Club, it waa decided to erect the proposed Promo tion oflc at once ao aa to have li In readiness for use this summer. B. T. McBaln and O. D. Eby were named as a special committee to oversee tbe construction of the building. Tha of fice wilt be placed on tbe Wlenhard if 4 S 4 i i .. '; fi -5?, Jit- .1 v,-f HON. W. S. U'Ren who will address the students cf the Oregon City high school at the Assembly hour tomorrow morning. Mr. U'Ren will take for hiss ubject "Things Thst Are Worth Doing In This Life." -1 property, opposite the Court House, It will be twenty by twenty-four feet In size with both sides practically all of glass. The location ts ideal for a building of thla kind and this neut little ex hibit building of bnngalow style will be a credit to tbe city and will be a place where all can obtain Informa tion aa to tbe city and county. TALKS ON AMERICANS 1 1 HYGEINE ALSO PRESENTED TO MEN BY SPEAKER AT CONGRE GATIONAL SUPPER LAST NIGHT. a nr. ratherln of men greeted Dr. Dyott. of Portland, at the Congrega - ' " . ... j a tloal church last night, snd enjoyed an Inspiring and optimistic - talk on "The Making of Americana." Dr. Baxter, also of Portland, gsve a splendid and extremely Interesting talk on "The Temple Not Made with Hands." His talk was on hygelna and proper sating, illustrated. Many questions were Bred at him after he closed. - ' . C. A. Miller, a member of the Bro therhood gave an entertaining read ing etitled "The Successful Dad.' , Representative Carter told a Ash story which was certainly appropriate to the opening of the season. ' The entertainment was preceded by tha usual aplendld spread that marks Congregational Brotherhood affaire. Patronize our advertisers. ,t ,., e404O40404V04y04640404OO0O04oeo9004VOO4V04O W A IN 5 to 20 Acre Farms We have several buvers If your place is for sale and see us at once. ' - j o o o We F. SCHOOLEY Cl CO. 0 Phone: Paelfh) M-SO. Heme A-16a, 4eo4o4o4oeoooe)o4o044eo4o404 HUMATiE SCC5EIY ' CARES FOIlGllilD SEEK MOTHERLESS GIRL , TO GIVE' HER TO BOYS AND GIRLS '. V-.. v ' AID SOCIETY. " ' . .' ' KAN ACCUSED CF EAO C3 . ... T. . , . i lit i . .1 . V.. t H - . ' Fountain "at Seventh and Main to Receive Attention Run of Water Sufficient. Clackamas County Humane Society met Monday night. Several cases of cruelty to horses had been, reported during tha paat two montha sine the previous meeting, and these were at once attended to by the officers. . Owing the lack of water in the fountain on Seventh and Main atreeta. which waa erected by the Clackamas County Humane Society, this matter waa also discussed. 1 There la a run . of water, bat not as much aa the society wishes, and It la probable this matter will be taken np with the ' a council, and hare the pipes enlarged or remedy It- - ' One man la this city waa accused of beating his horse, and aa soon as the officers were aware of tbe fact tbey at once attended to tbe matter.' and a sharp lookout la being made In case he repeats tbe offense. la case he does, be will be brought to Justice and made to pay a fine. The neglect of a little "girl of 10 years of age was receutly reported to tbe society, and after an investigation bv the president, the traveling agent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid 8oclety at Portland. Miss Pease, waa notified, and ehe visited thla city Monday In search of the little girl. The child's mother ts dead, and the falier. who ! at one time waa night watchman at one of the paper mills of the West H'de, nut wno isieiy jen ior run- land. , . - J- Tbe girl has been sadly neglected, but the father wished to keep her with blm, and on one occasion she waa taken to the mill with her fath er, and while he worked, ahe slept near the furnace to keep warm, . A kind hearted woman in Canemah of- ; fered the child a home, aa she had no m . at W W..A V . ks J children of her own, but after ahe had remained but a few daya It waa found . that ahe waa unmanageable,, and she ran away, coming to a hotel here, . where ahe remained "over night. Her rather called for her on Sunday af ternoon, and after packing her doth- . lng In a gunny tuck, both departed for Portland. A search will be made -by Miss Pease for the child, and she, will at once be placed In the ear of . tbe Boys' and Girts' Aid Society, pro vided she la found.,. '' Parker Sella Barber Shop. A. F. Parker yesterday sold hia bar-, ber shop on Main atreet near Eighth to Charles Poole, a recent arrival in this city. Mr. Parker haa had Mr. Wentwortb managing the shop for some time. ' I E, LI I V Near Oregon City. J waiting and many coming. the price right come and . J. 'J':J ; ' ?.'V."! ' SIS Main St, Oregon City. 1 . 1 If) i (i .. iv . A