Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 02, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Copyrtaht mt Anarioaa Trim Aspo
rtation. 1SIL
The fan's all goo oaten this yrrs
country,' ssld the old miner. "Sen-
tbe , railroads bu been built there
hain't no more excitement romantic
happenln's and all tbat. When we
" traveled In these yere mountings In
stagecoaches there was all aorta of
thine happenea, from loveuiaklo' to (
kalr raisin'."
n took a long Hat pler of tobacco
eat of bis mouth, bit off a piece aud
Tv seen all aorta of things golu' on
In stagecoaches. I've been held up
by road agent half a dosea time;
been chased by Indians; seen a cooVI
tbat bad never seo each other before
atarf out In a coach In the morula" aud
married the same even in" a hundred
miles from where they started. Aud
I had romance onoet I dout know
exactly what you call a romance meb
by. What Is itr
"Oh. where there's a lot of lore
going on." , '
That's It that's my case. There
was tore enough to pull the eoaJh
without no horses. I was ridln' from
Cheyenne to Denver, and the only pas
senger. 'Bigot out on the plains amoug
the prairie dogs, not a cabin In alght
nor a tree, either. I saw a young wo
man a-footln' It along the road ahead.
1 was elttin' with the driver and asked
him what ha tbort aha waa doln' walk
In' that a-way. Us said be didn't
know and didn't keer. Like enough
she'd aak him for a ride and abe would
not git It onlesa she paid her far. .
"When wt reached her aha atepped
oaten the road and looked np at as
sort of pitiful. 8he was a young i
thing not over eighteen though she
waa purty talL I asked the driver to
atop. Ha reined in. and I said to the
"'Want a lift, mtaar
" Td like one, abe sakl In a hoars
voice, coughin'. 'but I haven't any
Glt up,' says the driver, says he.
But I stopped him. tallin' htm I'd pay
the gal's fare to Denver. I got down
. and opened the door. 8he got In. I
follered her and set down beside her.
8h waa mighty bleeged to ma for
payln' her fare . and - cottoned to ma
right away. , '
"She had red cheeka and was purty
as a plctur. all except her hair, that 7
looked as if It , badn t never been
combed.. It waa tousled all over her
forehead. I.ated her If she'd like a
comb outen my satchel for to straight
en it out. 8b larfed 'and sold that
waa the way ladles wore their hair.
I axed her what ladles, and she said
" ladles from the eastern states, where
there waa big towns.
"Of course, she beta' under obliga
tions to me for payln' her fare, we
got on mighty fast . One thing ted to
another, and : we waa thicker and
thicker with every relay. Lucky for
me nobody got In. though there wara't
much danger jt that, for there wasn't
a settlement between Cheyenne and
Denver. I pomps her to know who
she was, and Anally she let out that
she had been lady's maid to an offi
cer's wife at, Port She was
goln' to 8t Louis to see her mother,
who waa sick. .She'd spent all her
money atagin' It and was walkln' the
rest of the wsy, except when she
could git a lift
"Well, we kep' rlttln' thicker and
thicker till at last I begun to make love
like a steam engine. Then when I'd
got through tellin' ber now purty she
wss and now I loved ber I come
down to hnslness snd tola her I'd
struck a h up on Clear creek pan
nln out $' ' to the ton; that I was
mighty Ion,'';.- mid wanted a wife to
help me spend the money I wss mak
In. "She said ahe wouldn't give up ber
sick mother for no gold mine and waa
goln' right on to 8t Louis. I tried to
coax her, but It didn't do no good.
She At shy after that and the shier
ahe lit the more 1 tried to persuade her.
"When we got within about ten mllee
ef Denver she opened the door' and
'waa goln' to git out but I tuk bold
of her and held her. She turned round.
nd I never see slcb a eJiange in any
one In my life. She was Jnst bollin'.
" 1 beg yer pardon,' I said. 'I didn't
intend to insuic you. 1 was juwi prar
to try onct more to get you to listen
"7m keep your hands off mef she
hollered in a different kind of a voice
from before. 'I'm goln' to git out of
the coach, yon bloomln' Idiot and If
you try to keep me III knock you into
the middle of next week.'
"It was wonderful how that love that
had been sweilln' up In my heart like
a balloon collapsed and was a-slnkln'
down like the outside with the gas sll
out of It
"Who air you, and what you doln'
In them togsf I hollered.
M'I don't care now who knows they I
won't toiler me this far. I'm a de
serter from lbs th Infantry, station
ed at Fort .'
; "With that he Jumped down on to the
road and skedaddled In a southwest
'direction, and that waa the last I seen
of him.
"I got up with the driver. He was
laughla' fit to kill himself. 'I k no wed
she was a deserter,' he said, 'from the varsity eights built In England,
fust T! -te Is sesreely a trip I make Among the latest are Annapolis, Co
fbla way tbat I don't overhaul one or lumbla and Harvard. "
'more of 'em. Sometimes they're In Mrnnul of the Tnlverslty of Chicago.
Uniform, sometimes In citizen's toga, ' though be weighs Hut 146 pounds and
and oncet In awhile some young un is better known aa a quarter mile roa
st I tb peach cheeka 'II travel as a wo- ner, has been showing wonderful form
man.' " ' In the shot put this spring-.
Ae Yot a Siihsctibet to the
'''.'. ? ' TT'V ?
i ti,. uieaini rntarnris Is to be as successful as the inter ssU of Oregon
y.JS U mted. have th. .upport of .11. The new dally hu
a big work before It In booatUig Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support mean more strength for thewori. ... - " . '
Vill Yoti Help Boost yotif own Interests?
For a limited time th Moratng aatr
.itinritii mm follawa;
rr carrur, l year....
1 r V,i 1 ya
-1 k yaw Mine and muHUnsi.
Jack Coombs, the steel armed
pitcher of the Philadelphia
Americans, has on hobby a
where be travels, he tours the
lanes, small streets and the curi
osity shops. lie is always in
hunt of auother trophy for his
smoking emporium.
II hss every' style, bore and
caliber, but he confess that
the sweetest on of th lot la
an old corncob furnace that b
whiff after a battle on the dla-
mond. Coomb is a quiet fellow.
but any one desiring to open up
a conversation with the tulghtr
man from Main ouly has to talk
"pipes" and he Is sure to tie en
tertained by the iwerlene pitcher.
Cleveland's Creek Ysuna Outfielder
Out Fee Batting H snore This Ssaaoiv
rrobably the work of no player; on
th Cleveland team Is being wore
closely wstobed" than that of Joe Jack
son, the Napa' brilliant center Older.
Th young ex-Southern leaguer, who
led th American leagu batters last
year with an average of .387 for the
twenty games In which be participat
ed, has declared be la out for the bat
ting honors of the country. Last sum
mer Jackson wss a sensation In the
field, at bat and on the base lines In
the Southern circuit. II looked Ilk
four ace to a man with his lsst peso
In a showdown to the Cleveland fans
last fall.
This season be appears to b as good
if not a bit better than tb cloning day
of 1910. n Is a terrific hitter, wield
ing a bat that would make 'a Samson
hesitate. American leagu pitchers sny
they will find his weskness pretty soon
and slow him up, but old 'timers who
have watched him shake their bed
and Insist th soft spoken boy . la an-
riKLDBB. ether Lajole, a batter without a weak
ness. It is certain tbat Jackson last
fall faced the best pitchers In the
league andtbat they all looked alike to
him. In addition to his splendid bat
ting, Jackson Is as fsst a man as Ty
He covers a wonderful amount of
ground in the outfield, snd his throw
ing Is of the sort that makes the blase
sit up and toss their hats Into the air.
Jackson played with the New Orleana
dab last season snd led bis league
In batting with a percentage of .354.
Behrsiber Has Largs Stable.
Ba rneySch relbef, irieMUsour
bookmaker, now owns more thorough
breds than any other one man In
America, having nearly BOO bead. II"
baa 110 yearlings.
Cornell university has 1 oarsmen
trying for seats In Interclass crews
The International tennis tournament
at Nlagara-on-the-Lake has been fixed
for the week of Ang. 28.
Dominion of Canada rowing clubs
may send four crews to the Royal
English Henley regatta In London
next July.
A Porto Rico high school baseball
team will visit New York May 20 and
play a series of games with schoolboy
teams In Gotham.
Many of the eastern universities are
having the eight oared shells for their
prise wiU be sold to paid In advance
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For the Children
A Bhia Pktrphd J
While 8hs Wss Sinking.
The illustrations shown above art re
productions of the remarkable photo
graphs taken of the three masted sail
ing ship Arden Craig as she was foun
dering off the Scllly Isles, which are
altuated twenty-five miles south went of
Land's End. the extreme southwester
ly point of England, says Popular Me
chanics The first photograph waa tak
en Just after the deck became awash,
the second as she heeled over for tha
final plunge and the third a moment
or two after ahe went down. Several
hundred people watched the sinking
from the shore.
Th Particolored Bsar.
Th .particolored bear (Aeluropas
melaooletscus) In so rare an animal
that It deaervea more than passing no
tice. This particular specimen was
acquired by W. N. Fergusson. a mis
sionary In 8sethuen, ' from -a Tibetan
hunter. Its habitat la th dwarf bam
boo and rhododendron forests which
cloth th hills at an altitude of from
9.000 to 11.000 feet In this part of
China. It la a vegetable feeder. Th
soles of th feet are hairy, and.
Lthougb., very bearlike In appearance.
11 naa neon natnea in great panaa iy
Sir Ray Lankester. aa the structure of
the skull and skeleton shows li- to he
closely related to the nimllayan pan
da or wah. It has never been obtain
ed by a European sportsman and was
originally discovered In 1S10 by Per
David in the mountains of cast Tibet
The panda, a very handsomely colored
little beast. Is the only old world rep
resentative of the raccoon.
On the Car.
Here is something tbat may amuse
you some time when you are In the
trolley car or elevated train and are
beginning to feel tired. Compare the
advertisements In the car with the peo
ple who are sitting beneath them. The
contrast la often very fuuny. For In
stance, you may see an elderly gentle
man below an advertisement for ba
bies' food, or a baby beneath a a hav
ing soap advertisement, or a very bald
person sitting unconsciously benestb a
hair tonic sign, or a tramp beneath a
soap advertisement It is fun. too, to
read from one advertisement on to the
next as though they belonged togeth
er. Tou may read, for Instance, that a
certain breakfast food Is excellent for
the hair or that condensed soup fre
quently npplled will mske your gar
ments look like new.
A Queer Afriesn Town.
The town of Aba Hamed Is located
where caravans quit the river Nile
and begin their Journey across the
desert Merchants leave their mer
chandise there and load up again with
goods tbat other merchants bsve left
there for tbem. There Is notblog un
usual In this, the strange part being
that no storehouses or depots are used
for the protection of these goods, often
of priceless vslue. The curious story
about Abu Hamed Is that goods left
under the monument dedlcsted to St.
Abu Hamed are aafe. Here tbey re
main in the sand beneath the monu
ment for months or years. No one will
moieflt t hem, T Itey re -conldMraL to
be under the protection of the saint
himself. There has never been known
an Instance of loss or theft of any
Trs City.
I know s little city on a BTenn and sunny
Whers a hundred tiny families havs
Its byways sr unerewdsd. Its leafy Isnes
rs still. . .
And there no noisy railroad ever cornea.
The homea sr high snd airy. Thay hang
and rock snd sway
Whichever wsy the summer breezes
They have no doors or wlndowa, no roof
to blow away.
But leafy awning shsds ths babes be
low. Th fathers snd th mothers sll esrn their
-dally bread ..
And bflns It to ,th llttl one who cry.
They do not rids or motor; they do not
wslk; Inatsad
They chooae th very latest modathay
ny. .
Th happy llttl clflsens who II v so hlh
IN li wm
They sing snd sine snd sing th whole
. day Ions. a . ,
For th peaceful, quiet city la a a'rai-n and
lovely tre.
And th dweller thr srs birds, whoa
life I sons.
-t. Nicholas.
What you are going to miss most
when you move to town after spending
the greater part of your life on the
farm, la the neighbors. . You may pos
sibly get many comforts, find many
pleasures, but you will never, never,
be able to make up for the dar old
neighbor. You're going to be lone
some, take my word for It; and there
will never be any friends like the old
Miss Flossie Warren, a prominent
young lady of our city, and Mr, Bud
Burgy, formerly of California, were
granted a marriage llcanae Tuesday.
Tb Boy Club will give an enter-
lalnment Wednesday evening U' the
City Hall The programme will con
tain old favorite aoaga, reciratlona
and exercise from the class. Profes
sor Gens, the boys' Instructor, will be
present The Oak Grove girls' band
will play and furnish the music
Merll Lakln departed Monday for
Klamath Falla for a two weeks' visit
with relative.
Th many friend of Mrs. Ella Maple
will be pleased to learn she is up again
after a long Illness.
The Catholics have received sub
scriptions amounting to fl.lTS, to
wards building their new church and
school buildings.
Illlllll MHM IhKHKIM
Potera sometime get some
peculiar aniMtlou. Jim Savage
la 'H husky yuiii;- heavyweight
who has done a lot of fighting
around New York, ralier he re
cently put "While Hope" Frank
Morsa out of the running. Hsv
age baa an ambition, and It Is
not to be a white hope. All he
wanta la thai l.iti nf I'litanlnc un
T the white hopes a fuat a they
X bob mi. If thev en n't cot br him.
T to the Junk pile nlth them, says
NiiliT, ii i or j uo, ii'i iiinu uv
recognised as regular white
hoies, with a ehnnoe to go to
the topi' Quit some Jolt for Sav
age, but he declare lie would
rather be the cIchihip kid than
one of the hopes.
ill II HI I I I II 1 1 II I 1 1 1 r r H-
If Qiants' Big Southpaw Doss Net 0
livsr Hs Will B Ssnt ts Miner.
Unless Kobe .Maruiunl. the former
association pitching star, show the
staff within a few weeks tie is goln
to have the nnplenaant exrleiiii f
splashing Into the minor league pond
Joe McGlnnlty,' the former Mew
Tork Giant, who now runs the New
ark (N. J.) club, wants Marqtiard. and
Manager McGraw, has promised bis
Old worker the emtwhtle pride of In.
fflah'iiVaW' providing he fnjla to dis
play something good as soon a the
season oien. .Mctiraw paid out 11,000
plunks for the Itube a few years ago
and has carried him as deud weight
ever since.
Twirlar- Say Ha Would Ti Baaat
Down With Rubber Band. '
Fate bad put It up to George Bell,
the big farmer from Amdi-iuy Cor
ners, Pa., to pitch the opening game
for Brooklyn against ItoMton.
Nap Biickner had set his heart on
starting the senson. and he was ex
tremely reluctant to admit tbat his
twisted ankle would put him out of the
game for weeks.
Nsp Is fsr from a siendthrift aud
the news bsd snot her angle ttmt hurt
"Gee," be complained, "have I got to
atop longer at that fifteen dollar a
week hotel r
It was suggested that Nap take a
taxlcab home, but he talked at the dol
lar expense when a trolley car coat only
a nickel. i
"Say," said Buckner. "why can't they
fasten the banes down with a rubber
band so there would be some give to
tbem? It would prevent' a lot of these
Managtr Mack Has CIveSytms
Connie Mack keeps a score of every
game and files a record away each day,
so tbat wben a player comes to sign
ing a contract and asks for more mon
ey Connie ran show him Just what he
has been able to do on every occasion
be went to the plate. 'There Is some
system to that.
$700,000 Clubheus Fe Lea Angela.
Los Angeles Is building a $700,000
amateur athletic club. The swimming
pool, 100 by 33 feet, Is on the third
60,000 Woman Golfers In England.
Great'Brltaln has 00,000 women golf
The passing of Kitty Bransfleld, the
Philadelphia Nationals' alow moving
first baseman, Is freely predicted. He's
only a plncb bitter now.
Clcotte, the Boston ' Americans'
twlrler, has developed an "aeroplane"
curve which baa a "nsughfy little wig
gle." The ball does a houi hl-conchee
as It near the plate.
8yd Smith, It Is said. Is to do the
catching for the left handed Cleveland
pitchers this season. The rotund back
atop la said to be a past master at
handling port alders.
A rusty nail piercing bis foot at Los
Angeles one yesr ago didn't put Billy
Sullivan out of business after all. The
veteran will catch practically all of
the games tor the Chicago Americans
this season. '
Cy Falksnuerg of Cleveland, In addi
tion to hi naw fadeaway ball, baa de
veloped an underhand affair to mix
with It He starta It at a height of
even feet swoop It down to the
ground, and It crosses tha plate with
the chin elevated like an angry old
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A Secret Service
Cuprrtht by Amarloas Preaa Asso
ciation. Mill.
At the time the foreign legutioue
were shot up In Peking ami th united
armlea of tb power weu't tlir to
free tbu, with th American army
waa a soldier by rUr-usm of Hlgglna
H bad become atagealruck when quit
young and had Joined the sumts lu a
theater. II had never rlxru as an ac
tor, but had been put In churn of th
properties. From tb theater b had
gone forth as an assistant to a prestl
digits tor and become siilth'leutly ex
pert to take bis principal's place In
rase of necessity. The prestidigitator
died, and Hlgglna wss stranded. . Then
he enlisted In the army.
Wben the allied force were working
their way up to the walls of Peking an
American general wished for a secret
service man to go forward and recon
noiler. It wss desirable to know what
abstractions were In th way. where
wvre.the entrances, etc. No ons could
be found to undertake tb work till It
was mentioned to Hlgglns, who ssld
that If be could get certain articles
from the ordnance department and cer
tain materials from other sources b
would undertake to bring the Informa
tion. , He succeeded In gaining what
he wanted and. dressing himself In a
fantastic costume. tarted forth on foot
for the city.
Walking along a road with bo other
weapon than a light cane, he met a
party of Chinese Boxers. , Since Hlg
gina waa coming from the direction of
their enemle the Chinamen were dis
posed to chop him np at once, bat
they couldn't understand his queer
costume. There la not a more super
stitious rare In the world tbaa the
Chinese, un less It Is certain low grade
Mohammedans. Aa the Boxer ap
proached Hlgglna, seeing hint come
tight along without fear, their courage
began to oose out at their finger ends.
Tbey stopped and waited for him to
come up. Hlgglna tossed a little
sphere aa big aa a marble among them,
which exploded, and. though It did no
harm. It scattered them. Tbey turn
ed and saw the stranger msrrhlng on
silently 41ke a specter. He raised bla
bat and every hair on bla head stood
straight up. That took what courage
there wss In them, and he saw tbem
The next lot of Boxers be met were
bolder. Tbey blocked the road and
cried oat something In Chinese which
nigglns didn't understand. Hlgglna
stopped. One of the Chinamen advanc
ed, while the others slunk bsrk. When
be got within a few yards of the
strange apparition It drew an Imagi
nary circle of Or about It with the
end of Ita cane.
The advancing man retreated on bla
One of the Boxers bow brought a guo
to bla shoulder and fired at Hlgglna.
It waa a close call for the soldier, for
the bullet whistled within aa Inch of
bla ear... Had not the Boxer who fired
been affected by superstition be would
probably have killed hla man. - Hlgglna
didn't lose bla presence of mind, but
turned the Incident to bis advantage.
He stood with bis lips parted and
drawn so that bis enemies could aee
the ball tbey bad fired held between
hi feetb. Then, taking It In bl band,
he threw It among tbem. nd be
thrown a band grenade be couldn't
have scattered them more effectually.
nigglna waa now getting near tb
walla of tb city and began to a his
ye. He also mad note and draw
Inge. He had a pocket glass .with him
and found It valuable. While be waa
gazing a party of Chinese horsemen
swept down on blm. Though pussled
at hla appearance, tbey kept on. Hlg
glna faced tbem and. opening hla
month, began to pall linked sausages
from his mouth by the yard. This
topped them, but wben tbe apparition
drew back a few yards and the China
men's hunger hsd conquered their
fears so far as to enable them to go
fprward to devour tbe precious meat
the sausages exploded In tbelr faces.
Turning towsrd Hlgglns. tbey saw
him demoniacally spitting fire at them.
This was too much for tbelr equsnlm
.y. and they ran.
nigglna now advanced aa near aa he
la red to tbe walls of the city, made
ome valuable observstlons snd then
Timed hla face toward ca mpTOn bis
ft-ay back tbe roed waa lined here and
'here at a distance by Chinamen who
tad witnessed tbe horrible magic and,
bough curious, did not dare come very
Sear. By" tbe time he was nesting the
aid of bis Journey quite a crowd was
tllowlng him. When they came too
tear be would draw a circle of flame
with bis cane or spit Ore at them.
Then tbe specter, or whatever It
was, appeared to grow at least Its
Vga did until at every step It gained
I couple of yards. It continued to
bresthe out fire, and aa the darkness
csme on Its bat seemed to be contln
nally burning without being consumed.
And so marched the Illuminated giant,
the country round about filled with
Jabbering, wondering, tremb'lng China
men, nntil finally all Ita lights went
lut and it was seen no more.
Hltrrlns appeared on tbe. American
picket line, bnt as he was expected be
passed In without the counte-lKn. He
gave the result of his observstlons to
his general and waa duly thanked
therefor. On tb retnrn of the troops
to America h waa made ao ndlccr for
"gallant, and meritorious-conduct,"
which IndlcatfV that tola army phrase
Is very elastic and admits of many dif
ferent Interpretations. ,
- w
J Put Yourself h the J
J Ad-Readers' Placed t
When you write your classified
ad or any kind of an ad try to
Include In It lust the Information
you'd like to find If you were an
ad-reader and war looking foi an
ad of that Una.
If you do this to even a small e)
extent your ad Will bring Re-
To the Hew
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By earner,
By mail. J
Send in Your Name
- and Remittance
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of tbe homea In Oregon
City and Clackamae eounrv tbe
management has decided to
make a special price for tbe .
dally lasue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber pays
a year la advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance;, 13.00.
By mall, paid a year In ad
vance, ti-00.
People who gave our canvas
ser a trial subscription for one
or mora months, at tea cents a
week, can have the dally dU-
ered for a year for $3.04 by
paying a year In Advance.
e People who gave our canvas-
nr i trial subscription, by
mall, for four months at a del-
lar, may have th paper for a
year for 13.00, If paid a, year jn
' advance-., an I I 'or t:, i.-.-?tn
Subscribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the daily, re-
celving credit for half time on
the dally that the weekly la
paid la advaaee, -Whan they ,
e chooae td add cash to the ad
'. vanae payment equal to a full
year's adranoe payment they
may take Advantage of the $1 "
rat.- 4
We make this special price
bo that people) who have paid
In advance oa some other daily
and wish to take the Morning
Enterprise, may do ao without
too great expense.
The following are those who have
J year $3.00
year 2.00
registered at the Electric Hotel: J.
r I-nn. Allen Allen. C. F. 0llw
nnKi.nj. v a iltirhna. BlleiS)
O. Smith. Wlnna, Wash.; Bunny o
enby and Genevieve Achats, !
duson, W. 8. Elliott, A. '
Morgsn. Portland; 8. J. BoTn!
Molalla; F. O. Barber, Portland;
Manning, Mullno.
. Bunsst Msgsilns For Ms 1
"Nile of the West." by ( DW
drna. Beautifully Il1utrt4 JJ
color, i "The 8pell." a wetr "
by the Williamsons. '0uf
Greater Chinatown," by Cbarw
Field. Automobile section. No
aale, IB cents.
.,--.1 u. Meet Toalr
will hold another supper at tns
thla evening. Among h? fV
will be Dr. Baxter, of P0"11; m
tor Oault will favor th emw' '
one of hla rocal ?!ct'"'irttM a
Charles D. Latourettf U f
the supper pommlU..nai J M
parlore are to be flecorsteo
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42! Mil" tr,i