Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 02, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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A Happy Lot of Boys
u,r before have the boy in Oregon City, had the
advantage of such a vast selection of up-to-date salts
norfolkssnd two-button double breasted in snappy
fraction of being correctly dressed.
. Prices $2.50 to $10.00
Bat, Ball and OIots lven away free with very auit.
- 8uspasioa Brlogt Corner
tans and browns. Duy here and nave the sat-
or ar making tiUnsiv repair oa
their summer boarding boaM at Caa
ooo Beach, and many from tbla city
ar planning of making their hotel
their headquarters th coming aun
for BU oa Waal Bid
IH lot, good house, bars. loa of
fruit, splendid view, for only 1500,
caub, balance term.' Se ma about It
Cor. Itb 4 Main, Oregon City.
Mr. Edward Schwab and little
daughter, Ceraldlne, who have been
visiting for the past tbree weeks In
California, have returned home, and
had a most delightful time.
. L. f Csrus. made a busl-
JJVlp to thla city on Monday.
lr our special rfe eoee. - It's
ii.rrla Orocery.
poniaa of. Cmru' w" ,n lhU
fa gstnrday..
"lir imvall. of Eldorado, waa lu
(won 141 00 Monday.
gBflal sate Ladle Underwear, The
Peofle'a more. Maaonlo Teriple.
John Ks, Portland, waa In tbla
city on business Monday.
David MiH-tnike and family, of Shu-
ror I'opular Hate at Popular Prices,
jiist C (loldamlth'i.
Tbomss Iewla, of Carue. waa In thla
dty on a bualneaa trip Monday.
John .Moehnka. of llea-er Creek,
m lo ogoa City on Monday.
uw Noveltlea la MUllnery every
Ui at Mlaa C. Ooldemltb e.' r
u. ,.,i Mrs. Uardner. of Carua.
vrra In thla city on Bunday.- '
Mr ami Mra. Anderson, of Eldorado,
ttrt'ln i hla city on Saturday.
Albert- Mcndenhall, of Clear Creek.
tu among th Oregon City bualneaa
tlsltors on Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Monro Irish, of I'd-
loa Hull, were In Oregon City on Mon-
A. M. Shipley, one of the pioneer
hrsters of Hprlngwater, waa In Ore
loa city " Monday.
David Jouea, who haa been pro
parting In t'allfornla, baa returned to
Own city-
Mr. Crook and Mlaa Edith Manning.
f Mullno, were In Orvgon City on
luoday vlalilng with frlenda. ,
-rise Norway Mackerel 15c. rat
Newfoundland Herring SOc per doisn
it HarrU Grocery. ' ,
Mr. ami Mra. William Grtsonlhwaite,
tf Beaver Creek, were among tbe
Oregon fit jr visitors on Saturday.
Robert Snodgrssa, on of tbe well
toown farmer of Meadowbrook, waa
B)0reKin City oa Monday.
Htory Swalea, of Logan, waa In
Ortfon City on Monday, having come
It thla rlty on bualneaa. -
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Jonea, of Eldora
rra In Oregon City vUltlng with
thenda on Sunday,
Fred Kchafer, a lumberman of Mead
saroronk, waa nl Oregon City on Mon-
r. and Mra. Krneat Wallace, who
. mid near Carua, were In thla city on
The fHmtly of V. Poola arrived In
Oregon City on Monday morning from
tbo Eaat, and are moving Into a reel
dence on Third and High atreet.
"Valla City" nutter alwaya aweet,
and the right flavor. 60c per roll at
llsriis' Orocery. v
F. Mayfleld... one of the .prominent
farmera of Hlahland, waa In this city
yeaterday and brought In a load of
hoga, which brought a good price".
Mlaa'Mabet Mills, of tbla city, went
lo Carua, on Bunday, where ahe visit
ed with friends. Mlaa Mllla formerly
resided at Carua.
Special 8ale Men's Neckwear, 50c
qualltr for 39c; The People'a Store,
Maaor' Temple,
Mr. and Mr. C. Bchuebel and daugh
ter. Mlaa Kula. of thla city, went to
Portland In their machine on Sunday,
vlaltlng at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs,
George Holmao, of Beaver Creek,
waa tranaactlng bualneaa ln Oreaon
City on Monday. Mr. Holman baa
Jtiat returned from Idaho, where he
baa been vlaltlng with frlenda. .
Mr and Ura II. R PartlMra want
to Portland on Bunday morning,
where mey spent the day with Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Thomas, w oo formerly
resided In Oregon City.
J. 8 Mills and family hjve arrived
In thla city and on Monday morning
moved to corner Fifth and Jefferson
streets. The Mills family came her
rrom ine itaai.
Ur and Mra nudolnh Rlte r and
ilaniphlsr Mlaa Flirnr wnt In Port
land on Sunday, where they .were
gueata or rrieiKis, ana aiao auenaea
the entertainment clven by the Aiion
Mr. and Mrs. O.' E. Freytag enter
talned at their home at Gladstone on
flunttav at dlnnr- Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Money and two daughters, Miss
es Marlon ana Marjory, ana Ker. ana
Mrs. William Proctor and little (laugh
ter, .
Rev. William proctor, who has been
in rhir nf i h First ConsreKStlonal
church In this city for several years,
left on Sunday evening for Foreat
Grove, where he will be located. Mra.
Proctor loft for Walla Walla. Wash..
am aiinitaw avaitlnv. whM ah Will
visit wlth.Klstlv.ea for several weeka.
IJoyd Riches, who Is connected with
the PortlamTJournsI, and formerly of
this city, but now of Portland, was In
thla rltv nn Mnndav. Ite was accom
panied, here by C. H. Iloyt. of Port
land, who will have charge of the
Oregon Journal In this city In the
Mrs. R. II. Tabor, who has been
lalilna with har daufhter. Mrs.
Ralph Miller, of this city, has returned
to Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mra. Tab-
Silk and laoaa Offered In Wenderful
Diversity ef Pattern.
Bhantung are quite banlahed from
the faablonable world of dress. Fou
lard have taken tbelr place In po po
lar favor.
Tbe latest touch Iq embroidered
lunch cloths Is to form them of alter.
sate atrip of Isr and On linen. Fillet.
Ho cluny and copies of tbe old Ten
tlan lare are ubm! for the tnarr-
Uon. and a border of Isce to match
conipletea-the cover.
Of eitrem elegHnce l a tsllorrdros-
turn of flue blsck cloib trimmed with
velvet baud covervd wltb a lattice-
o c a
i 'pi
work of One sUk cord. A wide band
at it knee buzb croaaaai tbe aklrt. to
disappear under tbe edges of a wide
bog plait that Onlsliee toe oaca
Linen, poplin, batiste or lawn Is
soluble for tbla little paneled frock,
whtrh nir be worn wltb or without a
belt Tbe gown closes at tbe side of
tbe panel. JUOIC ciiullkt
Ttia Ma Mantan Dattara ts aul la alaes
for children two. four and ala years of
as, gand 10 canta'to thla otnea. clvtnc
numbar. aK and It will bo promptly for
warded to you by mall. If In haata sood
a additional twe cant atamp 'for lottw
poataa. which Insane mora prompt da-
to the person guessing the
nearest to the total number
of inches of display advertis
ing that will appear in Satur
day Mornings ESotorprioG
We will give o check for $25; to the five guess
ing the next nearest count $10 each; to the ten
a a. . . J. . a?
guessing tne nex? nearest cuum j cqm'l
Judg C. N. Wait, aty Recorder C.
F. Romlg and Capt. Almsby, a com
mIMa. ffvnm fha VimtnArrlal nrranlvm.
tlon of Canby, were sent to Interview
luag Beaiie ior tse purpose or get
ting him to poetpon action of dis
posing or in joasiyn onapc acroaa
the Molalla River, (eadlna to Canby,
a advertised. -
The resort of th Interview wss that
the Judge promised to do as requeeted
and give those protesting tbe sale of
the bridge an opportunity to present
thalr raiinni nrxt Fridar at thaaaav
a Ion of Court why this bridge a boa Id
.... L. - t.- -A - '
TIia arhnol and outsldera tiva a
rousing entertainment at the ecbool
hnuu In rriatrlct No. on flaturdar
evening; April li. tbe programme last
Ing over two hours, after which the
Dsskeis ana noxea were auciiooca vn.
M. 8. Shearer wa auctioneer ana is.
B luixmr waa larh Thai nat nro
ceeds were f 39. which will go towsrd"
buying an organ tor tne scnooi. ine
credit must be given the teacher,
Miss Tlllle Kundston, ssslsted by tbe
East Clackamas Opera Company for
tbe success of the affair.
Mliu. rlara and Raima Knudtaon.
Benjamin Knudtaon, Mabel Meeka, of
Canby and Tbeolln larsen of Port-
Isnd visited Tllli Knudtaon at k.
u Itivvr'a nlaa over Rundav. attend
ing the. entertainment at East Clack
amas on Baturoay evening.
Mra w Wallas and children went
out to her father's, Mr. Murphy, on
ihV tvnndarnrtr rar-llna to anend th
day. Mr. Murphy fell down tbe cellar
steps and broke ue ligaments in nis
limbs besides other scratches.
nannla hoarded th 9:11
car Saturday morning going to Port
land. That apeaaa wel, Ior oor mus
burg. . s
floveral of our nromlneDt bualn
men went to Oregon City and were
taken Into tbe Elka Loage rnaay ev
ening, returning home ln tbe wee
small hours of th morning, wiser ana
a kntva Katttor ones.
uiaa liv Graham Is abl to walk
sksIo and will renew her school work
Mondsy. Lexy had n severe case of
blood poisoning. ,
Tbe bana gins are practicma auu
taarnlna- naw nlMM. TbeT Will PlSy
in Miiwaukta Wedneeday evenlnc at
tbe boy club entertainment.
Tha riak nrova ban team win oiay
the Popcorn Kings of Portland Sunday
at nik CrOTe.
L. E. Armstrong la on tbe sick nat
with a aever com ana grip.
Mra. Suter and Mr. Kahler were
dai.iijI vl.ltnn fiatnrdav.
Mia Louie Kennedy went to waei
station on bualneaa Saturday morning.
Mr. John- Smith waa a Portland
vlultnr Batiirdav.
Mra. W. M- Cederaon and two cbua-
ren pent Saturday in roniana wun
XI h Parfaranll'a atatar.
W. J. Rnssel haa re-openea tne
butcher shop. ,
The building for tne postoaic is
n.iHn. mmnlatton snd tbe office w ill
be moved next week, the first of the
Mr and Mra. Oeorce Tavlor. of fort
land tu. mirrhaaed an acre and one-
bali or River rront irom nw '-jj
' .1 I J. m.1
weather ana are ouuumg m uu
dence which the family will occupy
when completed.
Mlsa Amanda Ostfleld is Improving
Mrs. Lucy Walker haa returned to
her home In Hlllsboro after several
months' visit with relatives.
The Concord chool will hold It
closing exercise Friday by enjoying
a picnic on tne river., miss vibj
Ford Is tbeir teacngy.
The Oak Grove achool la preparing
. tKaia anal anamination and clos
ing exercises, school will be out early
In Jun.
W. M. Holt mad a bualneaa trip to
Portland Saturday morning.
Mlsa Ollov Rlaley entertained
erianda from Portlsnd Bandar. The
young folk took a ariv over tne
country in their new auiomooue.
ura waitar Tarwiiiia-er. oi ruiv
land, ntertalned Mr. and Mr. Charle
Worthlngton at dinner Thursday ev
Mr. and Mr. J.' B. Robinson and
two eon. Kenneth, and Don. or ron
land, were In this city Sunday visit
Ing relative. '
- Read th Morning Enterprise.
Mr. and Mr. Theodore Osmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwab and
daughter, Geraldln. left for Molalla
Sunday morning, where they enjoyed
a Ashing trip.
They Pravstl A man j lh OrtatmaUars'
ranaiful Nl gtyU.
ltril-' Hit arrniitfJ v-ry flnt
OU thr l:e:n t.vtT uV i Mll"iri -
(VrVa- ltlir imir i.f -,it m u'.ti. mi
on .i-iu h.ia dii'i lcn.l
I.I h-h diid rioiMM-iiii- In ill irliMl
(ijilriKi niv li-u'd. fi l,.ii
I r.-liy ttrr ui:ii:i- if s" d rlll m
4t(l:-l lh rlM-iiM rnilimlj r .'
l-'i.r drrwa-a if IivIm '.wn and
llnvfrh iaWrd Hie !: nr. i-uliurle-a.
In riMiinl V ami aiiunr,- in il iv
fti-liill't iii rM kowH" rr ii!uiit the
irrilli- ut iUf wu Min Tlir one Itlua,
tni'i-d hre mar he iiiimIi of ikii tftt-
tratiiiu aialrrliilM. Jl la trliluurxl oa
flu- iKidl'-e allb oim of tli OMNllab
frlngea to lnmlHl- a bolvrw. The
tunic is similarly trvated. All ever em
All checks to be applied on purchase of contracts for oor
- .. rir r
three new bootnern racitic i owns oi
Use This Cottpon-either by mail or at oor office
Inch of dlaOlaW !
I rtfctt that th total
Hafttc tfiat win aVDCeaf
Mor atngi Enterprtw will ht
Yorf Ry.
May 5th at 9:30 P.M. '
No person connected with The Enter
prise or the Consolidated Three flown
Co. allowed to compete in this contest.
Present Yottr Coupon at this
office in person or by mail
f it A JT
Temporary office 506 Main St.
1 jy f T.f.v-U on
A w Jt. A I'M VM . .
r . Lu i i rvi i I i j f. tgta r-w b mm m m m mmm .awavawawa
i y r.jtm v thd h isw xa-
AT last they are satisfied 1
This yoong housewife
searched the town high and
low for the right kind of coffee.
that coffee with the rich coffee fra
grance, with the delicate-tang that
makes coffee a Joy to drink and sends hobby away in
the morning with the feeling that he has a good break
fast and all is right with the world.
W sell H. We had your tasts In mind whes we bought
It. Our blending I perfect. A trial order will make yao .
a conatant uee. Call in and let w tell you all about
or phone your trial order at one. W ateel cut your cof
fae on our own tl cut mill, )
Some special offers this week
Royal Club-40c pound, S pounds
fer $1.10.
Arlington Club 40c
Whits House 40c pound.
Edwards' Dependabl pounds
for tlAO.
White Seal SOo pound. .
Our Special at 25c, the best In
town. r
aatirmxacaaa eown.
broidery and atrlped or fignred mate
ria la ny be combined with some
plain fabric. Rtfiped foulard nd plain
satin might t osed together. It ma
bar blgh or low collar, as preferred,
a lace chemisette being used to conceal
the neck. JCD1C CHOIXET.
Thla stay Manton pattara ts cut la slsra
for a thirty-four, thlrtr-eta. thlrty-alaht.
fartr and fortr-rwo mon nmwt awam.
Bnd 10 canta to twa omct, firai numur.
em. snd It will b. promptly forwarded to
you by mall. If In baate sand an addi
tional two crnl sump for lettar poatace.
which Inauraa !r-or prompt o.iiwx.
Notlca of Application for Vacation of
Kntloa la hereby rlren that the un
dersigned, being tbe ownera oi an
of the property abutting upon th
alley running through blocks 106
and 107. Oreson City. Oregon, hay
applied to tbe Council of said City
to have tbe width or said auey re
duced to 14 feet wide, and that
aid matter will come up ior near
in. and ha determined at the regu
lar meeting of said Council on the
first Wednesday in June, 1911, at
th hour of 8 O'clock P. M. of said
da Dated Mar 1. 1911.
C. D. 8MITH. -
During th month ef May, Jun, July,
August and September, en data
hown below, th
a 1 ... - - "
will ll round trip tickets from
Oregon City Via Portland
as follow:
g.hlran. ......
Council Bluffs
Omaha ..''
... riiw .a.........
St. Joseph
St Paul
St Paul, yla Council Bluffs ....
Mlnnsapojis, direct
Minneapol a, v a Couno I Bluff
Nw York
St Louis
Washington, D. C
t 73.00
. 60.50
6a 50
Notic of Application for Vacation of
Alley and Lot a in biock i, u"nn
r.itw firaaan.
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed, being tne owners oi an ui
the property In Block 13. uregon
ril, rkras-nn hlV. BDDlled tO the
Council of aaidlCltj.ta-ha.yihe
'an., ami lota ln said Block 12
anil that said matter will
com up for hearing and be deter
mined at the regular meeting of
said Council on tbe nrst weanes
day In June, 1911, at the hour of
O'clock P. M. of eald day. Dated
May 1, 1911.
P e c h ero n S t a 1 1 i o ny
Oregon Gtjr, in Fanners' Feed Barn
DorlirtrOP. Sired by PoUy; first dam, Qnetn; Second dam Et-
rCUIgl CC. un.. nt bay. Weight 1800 pound.
Tatrmc. To insure mare with iatl $12, Single service $8. Sea
s' CI 1113. Mn 10. To innrre colt to stand and iuck $15. Car
wfll be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded, money be
comes due at once. ' ' ; " , '
G. W. Boyer, Owner and Keeper
FOR SALE OR TRADE 11 head of
horses, all young none oyer years
W. Robinson, West Oregon City, R.
F. D- No. 5.
TAKEN UP Three Jersey calve.
Owner can have aame by paying ior
pasture and this notice. R. Mc
Cllntock, Oregon City, Or., R. F. D.
No. 3.
TWO CORNER LOT8 14th and Center
street, on block from car une,
mni aavan mnm house, all modern
Improrement; barn and chlsken
run. Prlc $3500; termsi Clyde, ft
McRae, 1003 Main Street,
rl law bualneaa. Over "Bank af
Oregon City. . .
TXREN ft 8CHTJEBEL, Attorneyt-
Law, Dentscber Aavoaat. win prac
tice ln all courts, mak collections
and settlements. Offle In Enter
prlae Bldg Oraxoa Cltv. Oregon.
m-n rr. 'm
FRETTAO ft MONET, Real Eitate
Dealers, have choice bargain ln
farm land, city and suburbs
homes, good frnlt land and poultry
ranches. See ua for good buys.
Near S. P- depot.
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
glren on all classes of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, ahstrscts - famished," land
! title examined, estates settled, gen-
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title Investigated. conTayaa
elng, notary public. . .
Room 7, Barclay Bldg Oregon City.
B. H. COOPER. For Fir tnsuranor
and Real Estate, Let ua handle
vrair nmtMWtlaa Wt buT. Mil aad
exchange, umce in mi
Bldg., Oregon City. ,Orgon.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices undar thaaa claasiflsd baAtna
m k tn tA at ana eant a woro, nrsi
tnaartlon. half a crnt adltlor lr.r
llona. Ona Inch card, tl par -aoathi half
toirh card. i llnra) 11 pr mouthy
Caah muat accompany ord.r unlMs an.
baa aa opn aoooont with th-papar. Ns
ftaanclal rraponrtblllty for .rrora; whar.
arrora occur fra. eorraotad aatlea wl
print .d ior pairoo. "-
muammmmmmmammwamammmmwmwr '
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply Mrs. L. L. Porter,
West Oregon Clty
May 1. Ifr. 1S, 1, t2, 23v 4, 25, 87, tS
an 89. .
Jun B, 7, 10 12. IS, 17, 81, 82, 88, 29,
ana so.
July 1, 2. 3, 4, ft, , if, 20, 2 27 snd
August 3,4, 8, 14 15, IS, 17, 81, 82, 83,
28, 29 and 80. .
Septamber 1, 2, 4, 6, a 4 7.
8top-overa .within limit In either di
rection. Final return limit ;
October 31L .
For fr way through Cllrrrtl
Inquire of any Sowthsrn Psclflo
' agent, or rrtte t
Oensrsl Pssenger Agent
" Portland, Orsgon,
WANTED Ton to know that w buy
all klnda of Curios, that w r ln
th market for second hand Furnl
tur and Toola. W also nav a
good assortment of aeoond . hand
Furnltvr and Toola on hand for
aal to thoa ln need. Com and
see: perhape w h Just what you
want Indian Curio and trinket
for aal cheap; some that ar very
unique and also very rsr. OEORQH
TOUNO, Main near Fifth atreet, ;
FOR BALK Spit pnpa- Inquire 443
Locust Street
FOR SALE Toung pig. Call Horn
phone, a M. May. Hearer Creek. .
FOR SALE 3 nn thoroughbred Jr
aey bull calrea. B months old. R
L, Badser, Oregon City, Or, R. F.
D. No. I. Phon Beaver Creek Cen
tral. , '..,.',;(
Msae of the best hard steel wire, thoroughly oatvanized. The lock not flip,
they are not driven down on ihe wire.hence not a wire Is injured. 16 cross oar) .
to the rod.Th heaviest wcvn standard lartn fence on lha marKeu , ,
Wovsn-wlr fence must b hayy aa they hav f turn animal by
the sheer strength of the wir. . 4 ,;
A fene with barb Is protected from xeiv praasur becaua the
animal fear th barb. Remove th barb and th greatest strength
of the animal la thrown upon th fane. ' . ' '
Hsnca It wlrsa must b Is roar and stronger. Therefore, to hav a .
jong-lifed woven wire fence, yoi muat hav a heavy fence. .,
'ADRIAN FENCING I mad f hard, stiff wlr, of honest quality., rt
I a heavy fenotng. . :,
If you ar considering adding to th vlu of your land by a good feno
Ing, you cannot afford to verieeh the ADRIAN. It I th beet fencing
made. . ... " .
Oregon City, Or.