Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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""M"'II"'IWM,MI,IWM"MMM "' ' ii fllHIII ' p-a--------IM-S------laann-t ' "
ft. ft. BRODIE. Edit and Fwbtieher.
Mry , Mil. at the poet emey et Oreoa
City, Othm. ui4r the Act of Mart
i. rtn.-
TEUU w svucttmoN.
On Tear, bjr mJI . .
! Month, by snail
wwir Ifnatha, by
Nr week, by oarrler
Ftrat P par nwa fire Insertion IS
Flrel Pu. per tncb added hteerttna-. .lee
PrrforrrJ poaUlon any PM "!
ftrt tneertton
Preferred position any P. per ch
- added tearrttoaa......
Run paper other than flrat pm per toe
flrat limf lop ........ .1C
Mm paper other than ftret pax, per tnch
added tnaerUona
Looal 1e pw IIm; lo retrutar dTer
tteere bo Una.
Wants. For Bala, To Rant. etc . ene
Ml a word flrat Inaa.tlaa; one-half oanl
encfe additional.
Rata for advertising In the Weekly
BntarpHaa will ba th aam aa la th
dally, for advertteemente art eapedaUy
for th wkly. WVr th advertisement
la transferred from tb dally to th weea
y, without rhense. th rat wlO b to
aa Inch for run ef the papar. and 10c aa
lata far special poaUtaa.
Caah aboald accompany ardor where
party la unknown In boatnoaa office of
the Enterprise.
Legal advertising at legal advertising
Oreua adverttalng and apoetal transient
advertlsta at Ibc to 0e aa Inch, accord
. te to apactal condltloaa governing th
Ttre Sal and Bankrupt Sale" adver
tisement K tnck flrat Inarrttoa; addi
tional laaartlofta aam matter He Inch.
Nwa It ins and well wrtt'ea artlolee
af matW. with Intereet to local readera,
rOi b gladly accepted. Rejected
aorlpta never returned unleaa aooompaa-
tea by ataman to prepay
Heart to Heart
. Uay 2 In American History.
1740-Ema Boudlnot. soldier and of tb Revolution, born:
died 1821.
1904 Ed par ftwwtt. novelist of New
Tort society life, died: born 1838.
(From noon today to no-n lomotnjvvV
Ran aets rM 4 :."-': th?' r-nirrti
14 bonra: uxmit Mt H ".2 n. in : iuu
farthest north and li!!)-i.
Nehalem la blessed " with a brave
editor, who demanda a three-mile
road built to connect with a road to
Seaside. Tbat neck of Tillamook la
one of the most remote In the coun
. try, but la aoon to be opened to Port
land with a railroad. . The editor of a
paper there baa heretofore had to
subsist on clams and dried salmon,
he could rustle came to Portland to fully.
pay for supplies. It requires an In
tense love of humanity, a wealth of
faith, a most optimistic spirit (and
Dear Madam: , .
I am a "mere man and Incapable
of some thing- advisory, but I wonder
If rou realise bow grave mlatak It
ma be to overindulge your daughter.
Naturally von try to ahleM your
child, to aave bar from hardships; yon,
efface., four-self and sacrifice yourself i
for her. :L.;...
For that are you a mother:
Nevertheless your self Initiated mar
tyrdom may work a sertou harm to
your daughter.
For Instance:
1 have In mind a good mother who
laved and pinched, hardened her
hands and bowed her back-shortened
her Ufa, In fact-thst her daughter
might attend a fashionable "finishing
The daughter graduated and
Returning home discovered that she
waa out of touch with the old farm
ways. nereducatlon should . have
broadened and sweetened the child.
but It did not It simply unfitted .her.
The sequel?
la sheer desperation the fretting,
discontented girl ran away with a
smooth adventurer and was finally
ruined. -r
An extreme caset Maybe.
But the girl's undoing waa the out
come of a wrong maternal policy that
taught the child she ought to have
what abe wanted and tbat all things
must be savf-lficed to bercaiw."
She la a rare child who may be tbua
netted and without harm.
The tender solicitude of the doting
mother Is noble In it welf abnegation
but It l likely to be carried to the ex
treme of da user lo the child.
Let the girl face the realities.
' It is not harsh to put burdeus upon
her. She must get asane view of
life by meeting bardsblm. couquerlng
difficulties, bearing burdens, facing re
sponsibilities. Else you deceive your
child: else your sacrificee will make
her selfish, ungrateful and miserable.
There la ntone way 40-ninke.char
acter. Ease aud luxury will not do It
The fiber of womanllnena la developed
only by bearlmr burdens, meeting
care, overromlng ohxtwlen.
Do yon want your dnuchter to be
come a atronir and mlle woman?
Of courxe you dn.
Then put the full fllinre of life's load
on he,r ynune honldT and teach her
rrr thiit lond cheerfully ana rm?e-
Triree Hundred Hidden Lights
Illumine Pulpit of Cathedral
1 :
r i 'il l
:l I K i r. ... -
: - f 1 1
s i Tt i'l 1? 1 P H
' Wi ll i i-i'i-il
f J:i h,.;u..;ii.r( J.l y- i
- rv w - j
Fine weather Itlll prevails.
Mutton and. beef buyers are aeen
quite often In thee para.
John Barth haa goae over Into ths
State of Washington to look for land.
tluy C. Larklns haa gone to saiem to
attend the summer normal to bo gone
five or all week a. '
Died near Marquam Mrs. Benja
min Jackson. She came to thla coun
try la the early flftlea and aha lived
and died on the old donation land
claim. 8he waa more familiarly
known aa Grandma Jackson. She waa
IS yaars old at her death. She was
burled at the Miller cemetery in Mar
lon county, April 15. A large crowd
attended the funeral.
ALBANY. N.' y!. April . The
8tate architect haa approved plana for
the rebuilding of the New York State
CavluO Tha..plantJftYPjtlnc.J..J,;.
pendlture of 19.000,000 are now before
the State Trustees of Public Building
for their approval. A group of build
ings will replace the single building
that waa destroyed. l"
Copyright by Americas Preaa Association.
- no At -k.,w4iMi e s John the Dhrlne. which hns leen In I
of erection on Mornlngslde heights. New Wk. fr nearly
yeare and la not nearly completed, but la far euough along to be defll
cated. la la many respects different from the famous cathedrsla of the
old world. Those noted troctnrea all have dimly Hiihted t hancels. -.bile the
pulpit la the Cathedral of St John the Divine ta Iwllllantly Illumined by 300
. . i . ii -k.. TVm llvhta are a.i arrnnced -that they will not be
een by the congregation, bat their radiance will keep the pulpit In a brillutnr
Ught The system of lighting waa devised because i-liamlellera would. not run
.. .wkitaMnnl etraeta af the Interior. The picture above was made
aolely by the light of the regular illumination of the ul tt. Many of the
lights are behind re sectors Installed across the oversprlng of the arch, while
the rest of the lamps are behind the columns iiiurtiiiK the dome. These col
umns are ninety-five feet high, aad the dome has a helelil of IM feet. To pot
the lamps la place the workmen awung In a UmUwalu's rlmlr from a spike
driven la the top of the dome.- More-tha-'AiliU Jiaa.AUyitiyJlT'
on the cathedral, and the work la going ou as rapidly as funds are available.
Small Deposits Wanted
Wg noouraoe thorn because many targe aesounta began In a ..
way, , '"II
Tho ma ii gspeeiter et oay aaeomta the lar one ef th. ....
doro paoplo would bo bank ospotltors If they readied how ?
.1. I. kulldlna their aradlt and thalr aueea.e , w n wu
More people weuio oe eann aepeanere it iney readied hew te .
help In bMlldlna their redlt and their auoesta. n woul
Oponlng a enaoklnf aoeount hero la the first atea towards flnanol
tart now and follow In tha feotatepa of th auo(fu Dt0B. .
o business st t
The Bank of Oregon City
j in a mini m ii i i ii ii i ii ii
D. C LATO VRCTTI President
. CAPITAL, n0AO0.0u T
tranoasua Oeneral anklng ualrteee. Open frwn A. M. i, s
Bert Staata spent several days with
hla nnronta In Hrnrnn Cltv the first
some gall) to InOict a paper on a com-1 f (h" k
munlty like Nehalem, and expect ita
appreciation and co-operation. Editor
Effenberger haa demanded good roads,
more roads, roads, from the start.
The vast timber land values of Til
lamook County can be made to "come
through" for all the roads needed, all
the school-houses needed, all the
school teachers needed, all the public
A. Fisher, the druggist, returned
home Sunday after several daya In
Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Maggie Johnson, of Milwankle,
was here Wednesdayon business.
Theo.' aWorthlngton is hauling ce
ment for'Vv. Cederaon who will erect
a fine residence south of his mother's
house In the same yard.
Road SoDervlsor Harrington, ' of
Gladstone, haa charge of the work to
utilities needed, and not one of the i finish Center atreet.
absentee owners will pull up a solitary W. A. Hanson, of Milwaukie, was
section of the land and leave a yawn- J here Wednesday looking after bis in
to pungle up in proportion to what the , fah ot " . lad.
farmera there have to on their la-, ,eg wil j glve a social in Green's hall
bonously cleared fields. ; Try l Eff.
Friday evening. May 5. Invitational.
One of our young men and a popular
Oregon City young lady are to be
married Saturday.
Mrs. Alf Allen, of Risley. waa a
8uit for Collection of $831.15.
E. Stewart has filed a suit against
money on . promissory note, which nd vl-lto, Tuesday AUo a c.
amounts to $831.15. Dlmick at Dim- "
... . . Several of the young people attend
,v l' ed the Oaks Monday evening gueata of
the railway company, n. Hi. s..t.,.. W. B. Starkweather, the assessor.
was here Wednesday on business.
S. C. Alexander and wife made a
t.. t.ln oa QAllwAAil Tliiiialov
-w s s . m . i .!. I UUsl IKTSn l IV DCiinwu A ii u i bamj .
nsms, oauRuier oi ...e rc,.rc.-..,.. , of Oregon City. Is vis
iting Mrs. R. L. Herron and family.
Few government employees In Wash
ington work harder than Kllzabctli ('
from Massachusetts who succeeds
Governor Foss In congress. She U an
expert bookkeeper, stenographer and
typist and will act as her father's sec
retary. Many members have tbelr
wives and daughters as secretaries,
but usually they also bare practical
stenographers to take np the burden.
Mrs. Humphreys of the state of Wash-'
lngton nets as her husbanaTBwrreta
but she lu turn ba a secretary who
copies letters and addresses envelopes
nd attends to routine work. Miss
Harris will do everything herself and
take a course In law at the same time.
Dolly Curtis, sister of the senator from
Ksnsns, has been his business mana
ger for yenra. and she is accounted
one of the keenest political managers
of the country.
Queen Mary's Own Flag.
. Queen ,Mary has a flnit of her own,
na well as her mother-in-law. dowager
Queen Alexnmlra. Queen Mury'a flrttr
rnrrls the arms if Knl nd ni'h those
of the l:ite Duke of Tci ! When Klnr
fVorire rs nlrent 'cy recently he;
fi" w flnwn over Mnrllmr
I'oive f(- the first tine.
Subscribe for the DaHy Enterprise.
S. C. Alexander and family spent
the weeks end with Mrs. Alexander's
brother, George Horgan at Tualatin.
Mra. R. U Herron and Mrs. Mulvey
went to Stanley station Thursday to
visit Mra. Towers, the three families
being neighbor! Ip Oregon City when
they lived there.
r Russet wa la PorllaadJOurs!
day on business
The building for the postoffice will
be finished and ready for the tenants
by May 1. Mra. Julia Holt la the new
dos t master
Frank Vanordstrand left Monday for
Oscar Wlarfiger, of Milwaukie, was
here Thursday morning looking over
hla nronertv and buildlnga
Mayor George Brownell, of "Oregon
City, la moving Into his new home
near Concord atatlon.
Chaa. Risley wasVhere Thursday
mornlna- looking afteft the telephone
system of which Mr. Risley la presl J
dent. Several new phonos are being
put in and the company Is extending
ita lines farther out.
John Nopara, the blacksmith, went
to Seattle. Wash., on business Tuesday
Mr. Jones, of the P. R. LJ r
Company, waa out Thuraday morning.
Mra. Beckwlth, of Courtney, was a
Portland visitor Monday.
Make Russia Respect
; American Citizens
- rf Br Rabbi I5AAC LANDMAN of Brooklyn -
'0T another American dollar should be invested in Russia
until we are absolutely POSITIVE that a treaty, entered
into in good faith, will be as SACKED and BINDING
upon Rtuflia as it is upon us. , .
- We are prepared to protect our commercial interests in Mexico
by force of arms. . What are commercial interests compared to the
HONOR and DIGNITY of a great nation like ours! Our gorern
. ment MUST and will act. Either Russia must live up to her treaty
obligations' with us or we mnat ABROGATE the treaty,; ;
t Is gelling iHPlTj 'haid l tell one
lie from another.
Some husbands fear the wife's no,
and some stand in awe of her know.
The horse la known by Us years,
hut the mule Is better known by Its
ears. t
- rnforfffnaieTyT!F"
arda the trees are known by their
Read tho Morning Enterprtae.
Oregon City Markets.
There la an uneertslnty In the mar-
keta tnrfev Thnu who oblact to the
changing of tho tariff by tho Demo-
crata blame tho uncertainty on tne
prospects of a change ana say mat
the otianeaa In nricea are alone the
lino of things that are likely to be
changed in the acneauio. in ineae
cases fc falling off la in prospect.
Where there are nearly exnausten
stocks the tendency la upwards
Where tho now products of the sea
son are soon to ehow un the price la
ddwnward again. There la uo general
propoalt Ion that la influencing mar
keta unless one counts tho tariff tink
ering as in that class. .
APPLES Local stock la command
ing from $1 to $! bushel, with very
few la the country of any kind and
fewer yet that will get the higher
price. Hood River stock la bringing
$1.60 for good and a little more for
fancy. .
POTATOES- Prlcea for fubera are
atlll climbing and have gone over f 1.80
nd $1.75, with aome fancy stock
bringing $125. Extra fancy will bring
almost anything one can ask In small
lota. One dealer aaya bo will pay $2
for a whole car load, and If the car
iraecured he'll not bo too particular
If a few not choloe creep In. Funny
situation In potatoes dealers must
k, them fnr retail trade and when
tbey pay the outalde price they have
hard work tc aell again and come out
whole Beat potatoes In tho West
have been consumed.
VEOETAbUCS Utile charge lace
last report r onlona are a little stJffei
In price but other vegetables remain
about the aame. Onions l)fce, taralne
and carrots 75c to 11 sack; paranlpa $1
to $1.1 J sack, cabbage So pound. New
vegetables are commg In. California
la eendlne minv thlntS. at O hlch
price. Local lettuce sella to bunch,
radishes 6c, onions 5c; California let
R. W. & R. S.Ward
We do gsneral repairing. Jreken machinery mad te 4 H
Mrk new. Experts with gaaollns onglnsa..
Fhonesl Mala W4. Home 1st. .-
Oregon Qty Wood and Fuel Company
Your wants supplied with sny quantity of 4 foot or 1$ Inch weodjde
llvared te any part of City. Price reasonable. Lr L
Satisfaction guarantssd.
Hems E-110 '
Pacific Main 3502
Phora your srsVt.
Cor. 5th and CtaWr,
Orsooa City.
taoe lOo head, asparagus loo to HV4e,
Mexican tomatoea tun pound.
FLOun AND FEttO Uttle change
In flour; selling down to II wttk hoot
bringing about $5 50; some as low as
14.60. In feed the tendency la up
ward. Rran commands I SI to
tit, aborts $24 to $25. rolled barley
$30, process barley 111, whole corn
$29. cracked com 130.
WHEAT The local market for
wheat is trine better and the price
advancing a little from last rvport
In fact prlcea are onJhe climb but
with little outward maalfeatatlone-
those who have it are holding so no
new prlcea are made It's In strong
handa who wonil let go. Blue stem
9c. dub ftfio to Mr.
HAY There la a better movement
In hav anil iirloea are a Utile better
Plenty of hay except alfalfa. whleh-iaJ
getting ararcer ana btgner. nmoiny
16 to 18. clover $10 to 111. ott hay
112, mixed i: to 14, alfalfa aellluf
OAT8 Healers buying for eblpmeni
to meet the demand In the cities. Pay
Ing gray $25. white 128 50 to 2. At
that the market Is weak aad usaatla
factory. . -
BUTTER Prices very weak lth
Joe and 15c fair for ordinary country,
ancy dairy will bring 18c and 2VJ,
creamery commands 25c and 30e.
There Is plenty In the country aow aad
the demand Is well supplied.
. E008 The price hat tlU lows
another peg with 17c the best tsit a
being paid unless one has a sUc ta
put lbs product Shipping sot vwr
brisk but no trouble lo supply total 4a
POl'LTRT Not so strong Hint
weeks ago; little stork oSrs4 ui
that of not the best bena eoaaut
150 and 16o, old roosters io, kratlm
120 to lie, ducks 17c to lie N
ferlngs of larger fowls.
HIDES lreen tc pound, altera fa,
dry hides Me to 14c, sheep Hta tie
lo 75o each.
WOOL Away own aow, lit tt
14c; some say In sympathy with fear
that Cengreaa will tamper wha the
tariff on It; little demand on asarket
aa no one seema Id waat a stock
hand; Eastern and Central Weatailei
reported at to to 11c. .
MOHAIR Trade brisk In thU eon
mod It y with consequent adrucai
the prices offered, quotations ef to
to lie, and prlcea going ns tit tie
DRIED FRL'ITrV Three ar steal
still going, no one dare to buy le
hold, now quoted at 12r for epelei u4
o to lie for prune and few wlUiai
to aeU at that.
SALT Selling 60c to 7le tor Ih
SO lb. aaek. half ground 40e Ttt for
100 lb. Neks.
If 1 4 V tn tACN TOWN and dlrtrW lo riile and ei klMt nmiUMI IMS
r' - : . L.f i tV , l . ItA eer, btoyrle fumUhed by na. OuraeenueverreMreantaataf
tr I .1 atOHatY RacfriaefS) naul yee rra and apneeeef rat
' l I iM btarele. We ahlv toaoyona anrwhera In the IT. S
-- - ,T fi l I In advane-.-.,,,. and allow TSJ OATe' BiaTaUl.e.rtaj
I Vj ,V I f)l wbUkUmaoomarrWeUbloieandHjtlttonrl--lo"i
IlilJil II H M ,r h" " pnrfedly aatleSed or do not what lewSJ
-I llvlff 11 yj Wrrleeilptlar In ae atparatpeneaand oe ' weeetiM
II II eVUl JfT I ."'"V ,,rnrT Vou save 10USnlhuin-n -roeu bfti--
I IrflnrI fT iI.'.""'.'r;l.'i2.V,,lh,jr Mm mnufaclorer siisrinle. blel
Ml III I Iff 'rep-)eMBTeaiairTweell
II l I If -,.,,, . "-7 !, HW tmrtmrt. Hunlilla.i ,nt Km i4IIM.'iM"'f"
II I V I I wwl Ml Hit r-i a. mi ar y.ia. - -,iMHMtlfr
: . r.m
The Kind That
aoreLea. We se -MM) trttmmy mmm mm kee4 - 1-4 e-JTe
- -- , V. -Ti . i '"1 " er ma Mel l nuim. I MM aw fiiai i - w
K"f !T8 VJ? ""'.'A.'SW" IWII Ik MM Ina
COElTEBeBIIAEfl. ete.ieeee-t.ii.aa). -ilm tm4 e-, nr asanas
ss aj r n m ee I i p. aa e at 11 B a
I I I 1 1 I a. If awe m mm-mr bmio M I
1 1 1 1) i wsii-csiii:; i irca nZzUo il
I I V 7 fif MraratMsif a-luaf aw. l. .aBaaaBBBMaiMBH.. I I
Our New Steel Die Embossing ,
Oregon City
In the front rant of the
tlm AaS ava. - .
jffffsfltMafMfaJaaeleSMli a4(aa.a aataiaj.. u aa
! Kc:Enc::tEFtcMr.xcTr:Ei ;
lamwaaMan M M aiWMl,
A hundred Uuxiaand nalra It vt
I "f I ll"lr and aair
a eiieniai quality of rnMier, wtok-h never he-
'' a n 14 W II M ri rHJa
wlihont allowing th
tnmtm porous and.ylib-h ekmr up imtl
tniitctanw wlihont allewlne the sir to i
we have hundreds of letter from eelhifled nuinmM
email .
r to eaeape. I (
eaat "a" ales HaltlICZ
eiraVavlll autlset LT?
i aiw.w oer pair, net rur advert alne tmrmaaaM a aa mum r wiiir. .
"i tof. iL VL WLPric ". of only si St per pair. All order
;Lt.!lEH,?i V.fh"' J5-. D- on approTal. oudonot pay a caat saUl f
era tlinlnM mmA tumnA tli ..a aBCl a. 1
tat I na thai. Uiala I m. kBM.i. -. j
or twine in aw bole aeaann. They webrh no mora than
aa ordinary Ure, the tmnGtrtremUUna- qnllila helnf
It HOW per aelr, but i
makln a speolal
nay eir rsoaivM. wa amp v. o. I), on approval. You do not pay a era ee
hare e.mlneJ7nd Tfoond them atrttly MSilj. .--j.aeW
iSrcJL i.e. fjiK25
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honestyfor
nowadays, srs DISCRIMINATING . Th'sy know vswss-tMy
GENUINE things, gsnulns opportunities. ' "
S'Ariy ariloo whlsh ssn sold by adrtlslnfl Is, by
Q000 artlcla, YOU art safe In buying a thing whlsh
; ho tlrd of aabllsriy. '- " , '
, ,Ths maker of a widely advertised srtlils, or eommodi7.
ua ...Ml ahlrk. ner en.-r-
f i w '
ways on trial for his buelness Ufa.
eaa..e aa4 thla la Ik, kaa B.aalhla nrntaetleK fo th ae
th "
;' , Yu srt EAFE In bUylrhj advsrtlMd
nowadays buslnee sondltlona. ,
thing It's