Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 30, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    morning Enterprise, bunday, april so, 1911.
Two Strikes and A Home Run
' .My Mi); "oy "B th,t ,,.th w,y th,y M of ,hl
II ,n4 l,y' N A" ,th u
" n of our soys' Suit, whlgh san b lctd from our com
uW Spring lino of uU l th 'now gray, brown and bluaa In
Lblt or""" "d BOff,lk "yUfc "
Mthra I"- 11 P,M,ur lo)h '90 ortmant of
Prices $2.50 to $10.00 .
Suspension Bridge Corner
wit In Or
of t'arue,
rL.Db Studeinan. of Bhubel, waa lo
nr. and Mra. Swope, of 8bubel, wer
T J t. Canby, waa lo
CMy Friday and Saturday.
f Crok. of Mullno, waa In thla
Miliar, of Bbubel, waa la Or
m Saturday.
Kr. Baser, 'f Crwk.Jji In
Unity Saturday.
Lirt. Ogl. 'f Canby, waa among
Ontoa City busln visitors Bat-
av. ;j"
toteri Ouenther, of Bhubel, on of
.Jfhrra or thla county, waa In
JL city Saturday.
Mr Ban". i,f -Ps'k place, Ptw4
(Joefh lb rliy Saturday on bla way
nBdorado. " i-
pugh, a wall known farmer of
unr Cmk. l " el 8'tur
Uroa bulH'. ' . "
Mra. John Mulvaney and daughter,
rfSMdowbrw) wer In Oregon City
Saturday Uniting friend.
T P L. one of th wall known
of Canby, waa transacting
lana In this city Saturday return-.
, Canby Saturday evening. .
Km. Byland Scott, of Portland, ar
riw4 In OrKou City Saturday norn
m, tad will remain over Sunday with
grand Mm. Charles I). XaTourette.
uk Erho Hnence. who la attending
kIooI In "thla" cliyrteft forner hmmrj
gCanu on gaturaay, wner ana win
and Sunday with her pajrenta, Mr
u4 Mra. C. E Bpanc.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Powar, of Mai
inn. Mr. and Mra. Irvln Rau, of thla
Hff, aft Saturday evening for Nw
En. whero they will be 8uuday guest
and Mra. George Randall.
Hi. Jll burl JcJloenbornwhohaa I
tart at earn, wnere aue went to e
Ui ar grandson, aon of Mr. and
in. Robert Schoenborn, r-turnea"T
la ton lu thla city Saturday.
Cltord King, formerly of thla city,!
W toe of Portland, who recently!
an ilmnelf near thO heart, and who
ay at .the road to recovery, haa had
ft and Mra. C. L. Zlegler. who haveJ
I Vwaklng their borne In thla city on
fattagtnn Street between Eleventh
am Twelfth have moved to Portland,
a future home. Mr. Zlogler haa
Wi linotype operator for the Oregon
j caterprlae, and haa accepted a
teilir posit Ion with th B. J. Bchlegel
Uaetyp Company of Portland.
'reparation for Cbrlatlanlty." Boerta!
mualo by the choir. Aa thla la the
Orat aervlre held on behalf of tha
newly organised Brotherhood, It la es
pecially dealred that aa inanv aa uoa-
alble ahall be preaent.
For Sale on Weat Stae
SVi lota, good house, barn, lota of
fruit, splendid view, for only 11500, H
cash, balance terms. Be m about It
aooo. .
11 swArroRa
Cor. 8tb ft Alain, Oregon City.
Natty taller Stylaa In Callara, Blausaa,
Tlaa and the. ,
Among leutatlva - augyeatlona for
tailor made erTei ta lailie Im-n-aslug
ne of very lartre embrubteriHl arrow
bead on Ibe smooth Hnislifd fulirlm.
The irlu-eiMi mIIn now worn uuili-r
ebeer lingerie gowns ime. dwsloed
)brough llielr ditlnlliK-iw of decoraitona
of lace, embroidery and stlicbery jnio
lovely foundstloii for tb Ultfly rotiea
worn over ibeiu.
The new dellfale (-linuiagiie color
"goee wlib" every color of gow'n o
Iff A A
t iar for
Bcottlah Air and Bagplp Number
Captur Larg Audlanc Wh
Applauded Vigorously and
Demanded Eneorea.
The Scotch concert and entertain
ment given -by I he Hobble Duma So
ciety at the Woodmen halt Saturday
evening waa attended by over ZOO peo
ple, many of whom were of Bcottlah
descent, and who enjoyed the excel-
lont programme consisting of Scottish
aire. The numbere on the programme
were heartily received, and although
th programme waa lengthy, many re
sponded to encores. There were many
from Portland In attendance, who en
Joyed the programme and who re
mained for the dancing, .which fal
lowed, the music being furnished by
the Patteraon orchestra; of Gladstone.
Mlaa Tootale Williamson, of Port
land,, who la-only 10 yean of age,
favored the audience with aeveral of
ha rdancea, on a aword dance, and
waa accompanied by Jamea Jack, of
Portland on the bagpipe. Thla dance
fairly captured the audience, and she
waa forced to respond to an encore.
David Scott Coleman, of Portland, ap
peared In several vocal aeiectiona, ana
his voice showed he haa received ex
cellent training. He appeared In fancy
costum aa did Mlaa Wlllamaon and
Jamea Jack. One of the featurea of
the programme waa th solo composed
and aung by Mlaa Wllllamaon.
The following numbera wer given:
(lag pip aelectlon . .Piper Jamea Jack
Overture Scotch Aire '
7; . Patterson Droa. Orcheatri
Opening Remarka
Judge Geo. J. Cameron, of Portland
Solo Mra. A. Matheaon
Reading "Jerry" ...Mra. J. Hickman
lo Master Sam McLarty
Highland Fling (accompanied by pip
er ..TTTTTT MIsb Annie Wllllamaon
BotoCojiirc .....MrrrrDr Henneaay
Address "Scottlsn unlets
....Rev. J. K. uanasoorounu
Violin Scotch Aire
.Mr. jamea wmocs
Gaulle Song Mr. mcmikw
Sword Dance accompanies oy pip-
, .... Mlsa A. Wllllamaon
Afe.ouni.ntal Selection. Telford Family DC . M1SB WllllmUU
song, in coatume, Dsvtd BeoU Coleman
Balu-ilim iisrvei
H,letlon Patterson Brothera
Q a
z 01
m,. nrnrrsmm closed with all Join
. ' , iin.m. "Auld Lana Syne." Mlaa
ivy Roake waa thw aecompanlsC
B. Cook, lot of block "A," Wllaon
vllle; 10,
M. Ella Dubpla to Charles E. Dubois,
lot S of block 1, Estacada; $300.
- Charles E. Duboia to Henry and
Ella Duboia, lot 3 of block 1, Estacada;
Frank and Italia Aright to' George
Maxxel, land in Clackamaa county;
$10. . .
T. I. and Lottie Bernard to Loyal
H. McCarthy, 13.12 acre of aectlon
32, township 2 aoutb, rang 4 east; $10
Elizabeth Thomas to Abraham
Thomaa, 85.7 acrea of aectlon 24. town
ship 8 aoutb, rang 2 eestf $1400.
William L. and Pearl E. Thomaa to
Richard Huge Owen and Sarah
Harding . Owens., land In section 20,
townsblp 3 aouthf.rang 2 east; $1S60.
t John Acker to Anna W. Laurie, lota
3, 4. 5, blocs 6, Oreenpolnt. Addition
George Klnnear to A. O. Ruahllght,
undivided Vt In Tracta M0." "H." -P,"
First Addition to Willamette Falla'Ac
reege Tracta; $1.
J. K. and Minnie B. Locke to A. O.
Ruohlight, Interest In Tracta "O."
"H," "A," and "P," Willamette Falls
Acreage Tracta: $1500.
Th Sandy Land Company to Frank t
Langensand, east-half of the east-hair
of lot 2, block 8, Sandy; $125,
Mary H. Miller and Charlea P. Mil
ler to H. W. Drills, land In aectlon 2,
township 2 aouth, range 1 eaat; $250.
Frank Havenerand 8ophla Havener
to Henry HatOeld ad Martha Hatfield,
lota 14. lot 16 Multnomah Acrea; $10.
Albert W. Elliott and Joe B. Elliott
to Hattle H. Heln, 40 acrea of aectlon
20, township 6 aouth, range 1 eaat; $1.
Helen M. and Nora Elliott et al to
Hattle H. Heln, 20 acres of aectlon 20,
townahlp S aouth, range 1 eaat; $1.
Mlaa Flossie Warren, a prominent
young lady of our city, and Mr. Bud
Burgy, formerly of California, were
granted a marriage llcenae Tueaday.
Merll Laktn departed Monday ,for
Klamath Falla foa a two weeW'vlsIt
with relatlvea. t
The many frlenda of Mra. Ella Maple
will be pleaaed to learn ahe ia up again
after a long lllneea.
J. H. Cash and wife, Sam Riley, wife
and alster and Mra. Townley were
Visitors In North Plains Sunday laat
Mr. Cash haa considerable real estate
there and repors the town as growing
' The Boys Club will give an enter
tainment Wednesday evening In the
City Hall. The programme will con
tain old favorite eongs, recitations
and eserclaes from the clasa., Profea
aor GenartheJjoya'-lnatructor Will Je
preaent. The Oak Grove glrla' band
will play and furnlah the music.
The Catholics have received aub
acrlpttona amounting to $1,175. to
wards building their new cnurcn ana
school buildlnge.-
On last Sunday evening Mra. Amelia
Mullen gave a dinner to her family
and frlenda In honor of the twenty-
aoutb, range 2 eaat,. 40 acrea: $1950.
A. 8. and Myra G. Patullo to N. E.
Moffltt and W. H. Counsell, tots 23 and
24, Flnavon; $10. ...
Victor and Mary Johnson to S .'TV
Walker and R. Netzel, Joel Jarl, land
In aectlon 10, townahlp 2 aoutb, rang
4 eaat; $160.
Ludwlg E. and Augusta F. Hoffman
to 8. T. Walker, 30 acrea of aectlon 10,
townsnip i aouin,rang0 4 east; $1,
Louia Pendleton to Adolph and Au
gusta Brumra, 1 acre of section B,
township 2 aoutb,-range-3 east; $726.
W. A. Terra 1 1 to Marlon Chase Wart
ner. land In Elk Rock Villas; $10. Geubls.alch de Keresx-
tur and husband to Henry Conlln,
north half of northeast quarter of aec
tlon 32. and eaat half of aodtheaBt
quarter and lota 5 and 6 of aectlon 29,
towjishtp 1 aouth, range 2 east; $1,
Fred A. and Ett Mattclla tn i!(W.
and Myrta Unsle. 60 acres of section 1 seven th anniversary of their arrival in
. townahlp 2 aouth, range 3 easu $10. Mllwaydkle from tne East. Tnose pre-
VOMIT (Lasti Cfe jhcc
. 50 x 1 30 it in L 1
Wordeo, Qre.
, 50 x 130 it.
Dorrls Cal. ' .
50x J30ft. in
All 3 lots f of two biis
a day Wc have ov
er 25, people in Of c
gon City who afe sat
lisfed pur chasefs.
Ask Any of Them About It
The Consolidated Three
Strongest selling; organUatloa"on Pacific Coast
Temporary Office 506'Maiii St
E. T. and Kathertne Kelly to Bert
B. Espy, 4- acres of aettlon 2. town
ablp 2 aouth, rang I eaat; $10,!!
John W. Manldlng and Mary Mould
ing to Arthur L. Canfleld. land Iri Wec-
Th hall waa appropriately decoratiltlpn 8. townahlp 3 aouth. range 7 eaat;
Irr our' special ne cotfee. It's
IMt. Harrla Grocery.
Ipiclal sale Ladle Underwear, Th
nol'a Store. Maaonlc Tempi.
forPopulnr Hata at Popular Prices,
Ks a noldsmlth'a.
.Tails City" Butter always aweet,
u4 tit right flavor. 60o per roll at
Hurt" Grocery. y
Kw Noveltlee In Millinery every
aay at Miss c. Goldamlth's.
Raa Norway Mackerel 16c. Fat
ktvtoandland Herring 30c per doseo
Barrjs' Grocery. .
Word has been received In this city
r ta Miss Smith, of Gladstone, that
tarir cousin, Mute Emma Wendt Is
wr low at her home In Maple Plaina,
Xlm. 11 In Wendt spent a year In
kraa City recently, and. won many
Mn4s while her.
Spatial Sale Men's Neckwear. 60a
mity for 29c: The People's Store,
wrote Temple.
1 Gladstone Christian Church. Rev. A
& Mulkey, pastor. Blole achool at
yeclock.-preachlnr ntlttrinmnd
p. m. Morning theme. "Jonah
in tha Whale." Evening theme,
aalfesit Providence In th World's
perfectly that it la no wonder that It
Is tbe favorite. Only a very little air
ference from the akin In tone. It la
even more becoming la glove than
wbltd. '
Suede glove will, be worn with all
dressy gowns, glace gloves with tai
lored suits.' If tbe glove Is not white
or champagne colored tt la tsn or
gray, to match tbe aboe fops or eom
other note of trlmmlngon tbe gown.
Irldem-eiit fenlbern are used, eepe-
ilnll.v mi the font her trimmed hata.
jrw Im-e Jnlwiu are Itelng' Intro
duced on little Hmh drew,
"The new imw fr Imia nre en-en-'
Moiih'Ht i-lmnulii!!. A .
A imvetiv ! i trled llk entirely
white 'th llm-s t nnHKMellne
Ttil Krwi'-h or i'iHi!int IiIoiiim- with
Mllor w'lr N ni-b of nirli"l ma
lerliil. 'Se iri" nit ling In tbe heck
to trli-e h 1 iH'vnm efTect Either plain
or ftpttrei -wiiU'rlni ! wed In
slesd f ir!e
, jri'tc tniot.t.RT.
This Mv Mnninn rM'l''', eiH In stse
foe a thlrtv-fiMir. ihrv-tx thlrty-elcM
nd fwtv inch niiM meir BmmI
mil ia ihis-nrnciv alvlne numtw-r. -
and H will te promntlv forwuHwl In jre
mall If In haste sen an adilHIonal
two eenl stamp tnr !Mter poet ta. wfcteh
insure ninr"prmnr-"nTerv
Read tbe Morning Enterprise.
Oregon Qty-Wood And Fuel Company
F.M.BLUHM '- ,
Yeur wanta aupplled with ny quantity of 4 too or 16 Inch wood d
' Hrd to any part of City. Prlc, reaaonabls.
aatltfaetlon guaranteed. . Phor your rders.
Hom B-110 V Cor. 6th and Canter,
'elflo Main 8502 0r," C,ty'
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article -
Nor a proposition of doubtful msrlt ho"y 0' 'aadr
"daya, ar OIBCRIMINATINOk Thay know valu-thy know
cNUINt things, onuln epportunltl, . ; ; ' ,
Any article which tin few old by dvrtllnB la, by that teat, a
cf00 article. - YOU 6r eaf In buying, a thing which ha ,-tood
,lre of publicity." ' 'J' " ' 'V
Tha makr of widely advsrtled'Vrtlcl, or ommodlty, Is
wyi en trial for his b'ualnea llf. H eannot ahlrk, nor chapn hU
duot and this Is th best possible protection for th onaumr.
- Vou art BAPI In buying Bdvartl thing If th loglo et
h4adays buatnaas conditions. 1 '
..a ... mviiino. At tbe rear 01
the platform large quantltlea of Scotch
bloom mad a beautiful bapkground.
while In the center and above Ameri
can and Bcottlah flage were used. Fea
toona of red. white and blue bunting
were In evidence.
Th committee in charge of the ar
fair worked hard to make It euch a
aucceea, and are deserving of much
credit Tne following are thoa 1 on
the commltteea: Entertainment. Mlas
Ivy Roake. William McLarty, W llllam
Kennedy, . nooie; """'""-
Mra. C. 8. Noble, chairman, who waa
..i,t h the merabera of the ao-
clety. Joth men and women; decora-
llona, John crawrora. narry "---eon,
Mlaa Marie McLarty Mlsa Jeanle
Martin, Mlaa Phinipa. r
Mr. and Mr, oeorg nanmn n.-
tain Club Frtoay avvemng.
ti mwW Wed ' wer enter
tained Friday night by Mr. and Mra
George Hanklna at their horn at 412
Filth atieeL Th evening waa devot
ed to whlat and vocal and Inatrument
al mualo. Th prise wer won by
Dr. and Mra. C. H. Meissner. me iu
tleman a prla being a handaome.lov-
log cun upon wntcn '"
"Newly Wed." while the lady'a prlie
waa a handadme allver aioqn. Re
freshments wer served during th v
enlng. Th decoratlona wer of aweet
briar and carnationa. ....t..,
present wer Mr. and Mra. Walter
a Wella. Mr. and Mra. M. D. Latour
ette. Dr. and Mra. C H. Melaaner Mr.
and Mra. Hugh Hendrle, Mr. and Mra.
AT XT Price. Mr7au JW'arW. RTLognar
BL Andrewa Junior Brotherhood
Maata at Evane Home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Evana enter
tained at their horn at 418 4CnUr
atreet on Saturday evening th su
Andrews' Brotherhood Jr of th St.
Paul'a Episcopal church In a most de
lightful manner. The evening waa
apent In games, and In the drswlng
contest the prises went to Kenneth
Dawson and Robert Beaiie. Keirwir
war. urvaii durlns: the evening.
The room! were prettily decorated lor
thla occaalon with nowera.and ever-
Preaent were Kev.
Inaon. Dr. L. A. Morria, .em
Jo&n Bcatlo, Robert Beatle, Kenneth
Dawaon,. George Rooa. Irvln svana
Mr. and Mra. cnanea emu.. (
" Thomaa F7Ryan'"to Frank" E.-Andrews,
lot 8. Hedget Addition; $1. '
, W. A. Terrall to Marlon Chase
Warlnner, Tract Elk Rock Villas;
$1500. v . .'
toniAai V .otiif DnaK. 4e Oamiiail In.
esaayw a S. uaa w ajsa m
cob and Mat tie Robacker, lot 6,
Hedgea'Addltlon to Oregon City; $10.
Mary' andy Charles Kadderly to An
na C. Peterson, 20 acrea of aectlon 14,
township 4 south, range 4 east; $800.
John 1 E. Butaon and Ellen J. Butson
to F. M. Cook. 4 acrea. of aectlon 14.
township 8 aouth. rang I west; $10.
John E. and Ellen J. .Butaon to C.
ent renort a Very enjoyable time. J
Mra. E.,T. Elmer waa a Portland
shopper thla week, buying la fine lot of
new goods for their store. ... ',
R. V. Auxler Is convalescent from a
severe attack of la grippe.
The Women of Woodcrart neia a
ery Interesting meeting Friday night
and six candidates were given the
secret work of the order. Refresh
amenta wer served and a good aoclal
time was had, especially by the new
membera. '
Wffl. O
7. , iv
Special Sale
for next J
Saturday c
D. H. 10.Er.lSEN
, 421 Main Street. ,
, Per chcr on Stallion
Oregon City, in Farmers' Feed Barn
Dif1ioTPf. Sired by PoUy; firstUmQeen; Second dxm Et-
rtUlgl X. jjjne. coioff dapple bay. Weight 1800 pounds. .
TorrtK. To insure mre with'foai $12, Single aervice $8. Sea
I vl 1113. MS ijq jo insure colt to stand and suck $15. Care
-will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded, money be
comes due at once. "T".-''
G. W. Boyer, Owner and Keeper
- 1911 -
Ourlng th month of May, June, Jwty,
August and September, on date
ahown below, th
' witt aell round trip tickets from
Oregon City Via Portland
Mrs. W. Wella and children went
out to her father'a, Mr. Murphy, on
the Woodstock car-line to apend the
.day. Mr. Murphy fell down the cellar
atepa and broke the llgamente In hie
limits besides other scratches..
Fourteen neoDle boarded the 9:18
car Saturday morning going to Port
land. That apeaka well for our little
uur. 1 .
Several of our oromlnent bualness
men went to Oregon' City and were
taken into the Elka Lodge Friday ev
pninr. returnini home in the wee
small houra of the morning, wiser and
we hope better onea. -
Mlaa Lexy Graham ia able to walk
again and will renew her achool work
Monday. Lexy had a aevere caae Of
blood poisoning.
The band girls-are practicing aim
learning new pieces. They will play
In Mllwaukle Wednesday evening at
the boya' club entertainment.
The Oak Grove ball team will play
the Popcorn Kings of Portland Sunday
at Oak Grove.
UB. Armatrong la on the alck list
with a aevere eold and grip.
Mra. Suter and Mra. Kahler were
Portland visitors Saturday. -
Mlaa tmla Kennedy went to ntaei
station on business Saturday morning.
Mra. John Smith waa a portiana
hiltor Satnrda
all kinds of Curloe, that we are In
the market for aecond hand Furni
ture and Toole. We also have a
good assortment of second hand
Furniture and Toola on hand for
aale to those In need. Come an4
ae: nerhaoa we have luet what you
want Indian Curio and trlnketa
for aale chean: some that are very
; unlaue and also very Tare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth Btreet
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Modey
. loaned aha tract a furnished, land
title examined, eatatea aettled, gen
eral law bualnea. Over Bank 4
Oregon City.
aa followa:
Inhn and C. A. Zeek to
Umb. part of philander Lee dona
tlZL aectlon 33. tAwnahlp
8 aouth. range 1 eaat; 8,98 acrea; $10.-
E. O. and Alice -
ale 8tllea. tract 8, Ciacaamaa
land., section 21, wwmihp
range 8 eaat. 4 afcrea; $
Jamea F. and jeaai u. oe "
western Truat .CO., zb acres,
donation land claim; $10.
Luther I. Fior ana u. m. vvr i
V. Schmld, SO ncrea, aectlon 20, town
ahlp 2 souths rang 6 eaat; correction
deed. , . . ,
Grace O. ' Curtla to Mora Rlaer,
blocks 14 and 23, Inglewood Tract,
townahlp 8 aoutb, rang 7 aat; $10.
J O and Vlda O. Russell to Av L.
Stone. Iota 7 to 11, Inclusive, and lota
27 to 40. lnclualv. block $9. Mlnthorn;
,2Henry"0. and Kittle Coe to John
R, and Julia C. Hall, 14.60 acrea aec
tlon 4. townahlp 8 south, rang 1 weat;
'"ohnJand Mary A. Evan, to jfcJU
Brady, aouthweat quarter of aoutn
wist quarter, aectlon 16, townahlp 4
Counoll B'ufTa
Omaha .........
Kansas City . . . .
St. Joseph
St. Paul
8t Paul, via Council Bluffa
Mlnnaapotla, direct
t 73.00
Mlnneaool a. v a Couno I Bluffa 64.40
Boston 110.00
New York ..- 100
St. L'eule ' W.60
Washington, D. C 108.00
May 16, 17, IS, IS, 82, 23 24, 25, 87, 28
and 29. . '
June 5. 7, 9, 10 12. .16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29,
and 80. j
July i; 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and
28. ;..'-'
Auguat 3, 4, 6, 14 18, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,
28, 29 and 30. ,
September 1, 2, 4, 6, a d 7.
Stop-overa within Hmita In either di
rection. Final return limit
October Slat. '''..
For fare on way through California
, Inquire f any Southern Paolfle
agent, or writ t'
General Paaaenger Agent "
, Portland, Oregon.
FOR SALE Spits pupa.
Locust 8treet. . . f
Inqulr 442
UREN A SCmiEBEL, Attorneys!
- Law, Dentacher Advokat. will prac
tice In all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg Oregon CUT. Oregon.
TOR SALE Young plga. Call Honv
phone, a M. May, Beaver Creek
I. of
Mra W v. Cederson and two child
ren apent Saturday In Portland with
Mra. Cederson'a slater.
W. J. Russel hss re-opened the
butcher shop.
The building for the poatofflce is
nearlng completion and the office will
be moved next week, the firat of the
month. . '
Mr. and Mra. George Taylor, of Port
land, haa purchaaed an acre and one
half of River front from Harvey Stark
weather and are building a fine resi
dence which the family will occupy
when completed.
. Mlaa Amanda OatHeld la Improving
7- Mra. Locy Walker has returned to
her home in HIHsboro aner several
months visit with relatives. "
The Concord achool will hold Ha
cloalng exercises Friday by enjoying
a plcnlo on the river. Mlsa Gladya
Ford ia their teacher.
The Oak Grove achool la preparing
for their final examlnatlona and cloa
lng exerclaee. School will b out arly
In Jiinn.
r W. M. Holt mad a bualneaa trip to
Portland Saturday morning.
Mlaa Ollove Rialey entertained
frlenda from Portland Sunday. The
young folks took a drive" over th
country In their new automobile.
Mrs. Walter TerwlUlger, of Port
land, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charlea
Wortblngton at dinner Tnureday ev
ening. 1 . ;
NotleM th 'olaind 1ha dtnrj
til b inM-i'd at on ont a wort nrs
JnliirVTon half a cnt additional taj-r
tlnna. On Inch card. It par month 1 hall
Inch eard. (4 Hno 11 Pt month.
can mum oii.nii.' .
haa an opn account with tha panr. rn
rtnanolal renons"'ly "; mr'r"-',., L:
error occur free eorrod nWlo will t
I I 1 aaav JtnSkPsVal lBtfl
nrintea ior dbow.. -
WANTED Yon to know that w buy
horaea, all young none over 5 year
W. Roblnaon, Weat Oregon City, R.
F. D. No. 6.-
, Dealera,V have choice bargains in
farm lands, city ana suoaroan
homes, good froU htad and poultry
ranchee. Se-na for good bays.
Near 8. P. depot. . . '
TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center
streets, one block from car Une,
good aeven room house, all modern
Improvements; barn and chieken
run. Price $3600; terma. Clyde
. McRae, 1003 Main Street
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. . Eatlmatea cheerfully
glTn" on ali classes " of bnlldtng
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 11L
V. R: HYDE, Abstract Office
Land Utle 'tavswtlgatedVwmveyao-
emg, notary public - . '
Room 7. Barclay Bld Oregon CItr..
at H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance
and Real Eatat. Let u handle
yoPTpiuyei tlee w"-tmy,-welr-and -exchange.
Office In Enterprise
Bldg, Oregon City. Oregon. .
r ....
Mtde of the best hard steel wirc.ihoroucrtily galvanized. The locks will not dip,
ihey are nol driven dovn on the wirc.Pence not a wire la injured . 16 cross mtj
ta ihe rod.Tha heunosi t.atn u. e siindsrj (arm fence- on ihe market, .
t . ' -'
Wovsn-wlr fenc must b heavy aa thay hav to turn animate- by
th her atrength of th wlr. . . .
A fane with barbe la protected from xoaalv piweaur becauae .the
animal fear th barb. Remove th barb and th great atrength
of th animal la thrown upon the fence.
Hence It wlr mut be larger and stronger. Therefore, to hav a
loag-llfsd woven wlr fenc. you must have a heavy fence. ',. r ,
ADRIAN FENCING Is mad f haroi etlff wire, of honest quality. It
I heavy fencing. . :'-'- '. i-." '
If you ar considering adding to th value of yeur land by a roi farc
ing, you cannot afford t everiook the ADRIAN. It la the bi-t :
made. ' " .,,''-
Oregon City, 0"-