Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 29, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ;! MORNING ENTEUrmalV SATUKIY. APRIL 29, 1911.'
A Tragedy In
CopTlht by America Press Asse-
elatkm. 111. - -
The tragedian waa la hla dreaalug
room making up. A number of rup
' arty articles were scattered alNtut-
' coemetlce. wigs, daggers. Indeed every
variety of material for sbaio purges.
lie had been playing In a Jratua at
" tbe French revolutlou and attracting
treat attention. Fur a hundred night
b had held audience spellbouud In
the character of Pun ton, while a
young actress was setting the pubM.
wild by the Impersonation of Char
lotte Corday. Two wen met on the
street, and each remarked to the oth
r, -Hire you seen Edward Ortne aa
Pantooand F.d!'h Knit aa Charlotte"
Two ladlea drinking tea fell to talk
Ins about the wouJerful lmierKi.i
tUm, the one lu admiration of the
actor, the other of the scire, and
quarreled. Nothing was discussed ex
cept the great play, the great a -tor
and the great actres.
P.y far the larger nnmler considered
Miss Kent the, greater genius of the
two. To thot the advocate of Ornie
Hofla nwl thiif h a fur better
nrtnitr ihnn he for 'a disi.Iar of
genlua: tiiat Dnnton. ftjleaothcrvo
lutlonary leaders, waa ("Imply yielding
to the err of the people for blood.
while Charlotte Conlay wa an en
tbuaiast who offered herolf a
martyr. Rome even mamtalneit that ,
the real Charlotte of history had i
been maddened by the event of
the reTolntloni These averred that t
the genlua of Ml" Kent' tmper- i
aonatlon consisted In throwing Into ,
her acting a feigned suapiclon of In- !
unity. It waa noticed that night after
nlgbt ah .dwelt more on tbis feature,
thereby working toa greater degree ;
upon the feelings of the audience. In- ,
deed, so Intense her emotion bad be- i
come, ao deeply did be foci herself to j
be the real Charlotte, that orme at
times began to fear that she would
atab him Instead of pretending to do
eo. j
Ona night before a performance the ,
tragedlaa-waa sitting before amlrmr -
j,, ,-. making op when he beard the door f
open. Turning, he was surprised to f
aee Miss Kent.
"Why. Mlsa Bentr he exclaimed In '
"astonishment that she' should conn to '
hla rooqt; But one glanc-e at her eye
told him that what he bad been fear- j
big. what the public had called genius. ;
had come to pass. Miss Kent displayed
tamistsksble signs of Insanity. In- ;
- stead of ahowing any abiaine4t visiting
a man In hla room, she turned the key
In, tha door and Bong the key behind a
tot of property
"Prepare for
, Ttie words
the actor. Bbnt
mad woman.
tha lyric stage
in succession ana wno now conceivea
lev vmj vft myv um uuij uu; v. ma
that be cotrld see no weapon in her
possession. Looking her fnll in the
ey. he made an effort to stay her by
talking with her.
"What means this visit r he asked.
"I bar come to sacrifice a tyrant
Ha has long been drinking the people's
blopd. It la time that the people drank
his blood."
"Whom do you take me to be?"
"Citizen Dan ton. whose right band
la the guillotine."
"Ton are mistaken. I am the Msrqut
d Lafayette. I bare Just returned
from America, wtwre I hare helped to ;
soaks a people free."
Yon are not the Marquis de Lafa- j
yette. Ton are Danton. drtinkea with ,
the blood of the French people. I am ;
Charlotte Corday."
Orme listened for a sound without,
hoping that some one might call for '
him or that the actress might be
missed and would be hunted for.
though no one would think of looking
for ber In his dressing room. A clock
ticked on the wall before him. He '
glanced at It and saw that It was but
a few minutes before he would be
called to go on the stage. But that few
mlnnte might be enough to end bis :
earthly career.
A dagger waa lying on a cabinet j
among other property articles. The !
girl seized it and advanced toward the
tragedian, He waa watching her eager
ly. A soon as he saw ber take up the
articles. r; "Tr-I f I
Bounded like a knell to ff I1. '
up in a room with a J gn.-. v r, '.W a sf
who bad killed him on LI rr Vit.3S'W.if !
for a hundred nlgbta V--T"'
i5rSfTyroosrfirner Into-Uts) t
own eyes. Without looking a way from
her he reached back and placed his
band over a small bowl.
In another moment Miss Rent sprang
at him and brought the knife down on
bis breast. Orme grasped the dagger,
and red blood spurted on his alayer'a
clothes. He fell on bis face and lay
There waa a hurried footstep and a
knock on the door. No answer. Then
rame another, saying. "Orme. yotfre
railed: time's np." Still no answer.
Muttered sounds without, then a crash,
and the door files open.
The stage manager and several oth
ers stood looking In at Miss Kent pac
ing back and forth with blood on ber
dress, muttering to be.-self. while
Orme lay on the floor. The situation
waa evident Two supers led the actress-
but. while the atage manager at
tempted to raise the tragedian.
. "Haa aha goner whispered Orme..
.. ''Great Scott! I thought you were
'"Oral arose, looked about him and
"Sbe stabbed me with a property
dagger. I trot my hand on a spongo
with stage blood p It and aqneesii it
what aba struck."
- The following hara registered at Ois
Electric Hotel: C. a Cochran, Por
land; George C. Miller, Walla Walla,
; Wash.; J. W. warren, Portland; C. H.
.V.Playmen, Portland;' MHta Theodore,
city; John Dorcas, Portland; VL H.
Hepdricks, Taeome; Wlllla- Plates, C.
W. Rltter, Hubbard; Fred Artnatrong,
Houlton; Mr, and Mrs. W, C. Smith,
Castle Rock; 1 Hjrlton, city; J. I
Roe, Hubbard. F. H. Stlckley, Albany:
' W. F. Wilson, Seattle, Wash.; A. M.
Mills, Waahougal, Wash.; R. Kllla,
-Portland; W. T. Ray, Wan pen, Ore-
' gon ; L Pendleton, W. H. Kandla. L,
Palmateer, F. W. McLeran, "Wllholt;
Carl Nobs, IL M. Alderman, Portland.
TWre U Just one young bae
ImiII player who U doomed never
to play with the Athlellt-a aa a
regular while Counle Murk I
, manager of the team. The jouug
utan la Earl Ma k. aou of Cor
nelius, the flrxt and only. True,
Earl pl.-iyed lu one championship
game lu the American leaittte
last fall, but that was Jut a
lvlal occasion. "Some people
think that Earl la going to U-
T come a catcher fortbr Athletics
some day, aald Couule. "but
they are mistaken. Earl haun t
a i-h.iuee of playing with my
ten hi. It doesn't do to nil up
family affairs with business.
Naturally I want to see my boy
at the top of the profession, but
If he ever ret there or good
enough for a major tcague ike
will hare to play under woiue oth
er manager." la now catch
ing for Serautou,
..... ..... j
i Pirate' Naw F'r Baseman Playing a
i Brilliant Came.
Much Interest, I being taken lu the
'ork of Fred IfUiiter. Pittsburg new
first baseman. According to Manager
Fred Clarke, hla new guardlau of bag
No. 1 U the goods and will Improve
as the sessnn advances. For aeven
J years first base haa tieeu the one big
WPa )iKt on the Finite, and every
, fbid HrmK, ruurna' kxw ptiurr basbv
year there has been a fresh ex,erl
' ment. and every year before the echiies
, of "Aha at lastT' hare died away the
: agents of the ci ib are digging through
the bushes for new material. But this
season it a'ppeara different,
i One year It was Clancy; another year
it was Swacina. then Abstein, who
waa followed by Flynn. This season
j the Pirates' hoe is Fred Hunter, and
the word "hoi" Is used advisedly, for
. the average tenancy of the Initial
1 sack berth in recent years has been
I less than a single season. From the
players' point of view the pillow has
; been a graveyard of baseball ambl
! lions. Clancy. Swnclua and Abstein
have gone back. Of the four wbo bare
' cavorted around the cushion In as
miny years Jack Flyun alone remains
In the elite circle, fighting for prestige
and place.
Hunter ha been holding the bag In
flue Htyle sln'-e the season opened, ne
is a spletidld thrower, handle the pegs
well and covers a great deal of ground.
His batting could be Improved upon,
but be gives promise. Hunter started
out on his lacball career as a pitcher
for the Chillkothe (O.i team. He twirl
ed a good bull. He then took up play
ing the Initial sack and made good
from the start I -sat year he was with
the Kanas City team, and be was
tfcriprally regard-
baseman In the American association.
Peertes Ml Says He Will Race In
Melvln Sheppard. the best middle
distance runner of this country. Is
going abroad this summer. He will
aall early In July 'and compete In
three big Scottish meets. Tbey are
the Celtics, the Hangers and the Ayr
shire's games. Inability to round into
bis best condition is the only thing
that will keep Sheppard home.
McFarland Is Sensible Pugilist
Facky McFarland Is Investing bis
pugilistic earnlnga In Chicago real es
tate. "It waa a long road to success,'
1s the way McFarland pnta it, "and
when tha time comes for me to rettrr
I am going to hare something back of
me to carry me along for the remain
der of my days."
Garmany Haa Crack Swimmer.
Pents, a German swimmer, baa Jnet
set np a new back stroke record of 2
minutes no 3-S seconds for 200 meters
In a recent contest In Germany.
Ate Yoti, a Subscriber to the
New Daily? '
If The Morning enterprise is to be as euocessful aa the Intereats of Oregon
City demand It anat needa have the aupport of all. The new daily baa
big work before It la boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means more strength for the work.
- .. .. .. . . "
Will You Help Boost yoiVf own Interest?
For a limited time the Morning Enter prise will be sold to paid la advance
snbeerlbera) as follows: ,, .
Br Carrier, 1 year. . , I 00
Br Mall, 1 year........ 3-00
In . your name and remittance) ,
Brilliantly Ceierad Fabrtaa Are Com
bined With Laeaa and Vailing.
The walat Hue U not ilimH. That
ta to aay. It la about lu the Kauie place
It waa last autumn, which means thai
It la three Int-hea from where the belt
line would fall did not the rerset
throw It out of gear.
Dordure deslgua are to be very much
uaed for aprlog and summer"
la afteruoou toilet fmlilon favor
printed dealgua. In supple rubrics.
ail ooaru as tat.
from the sheerest uioiisHeline and
crees-di rhtte to heavy. ItiMroits fou
lards, the iNittcriH-d material l pre
One of the lutereS.tiug features of a
summer drewt depart incut is the white
cotton voiles embroidered with colors
on the wuisis
Some uiM-d foulard dressen are
trimmed with a plain color and finished
with net yoke and iiffs.
This six gored skirt Is adapted to
tberont unrrr may- tw -part f one ma
terlal gown or muv ls worn with odd
waists. As HluMrufed it Is made of
checked fabric. It shows the new high
waist line. JEIMO CHOI.LEI.
Tht Mar Msnion palivra la cut la sues
for--.. liuait)Laulafiilj-Itfur,t : Lnt y
IX, twenty-elicTu. iMrty nl thlrtT-io
Inch waist imnnre 8nd 10 rants to I hla
office, alvlni: nun,tr. and It will be
promptly forstsiO n ou by aiall, If
ta hatt i ml an mltiilinl two rnl
stamp for Ivm-r iinstuits. mhlch Insure
j mors proupt d -li r-r
Two Council Meetings Scheduled.
Thepext regular meeting of daincil
tomes on Wednesday, May a7whTcir1
is next week Wednesday. But as
there are certain legislative matters
that cannot be acted on until May t
and aa Council is anxloua to put them
through aa quickly aa poaalble, a ape-
rial meeting has been set Jor that oc
casion when these rush mattenrwill
be taken up.
Resolution and Notice for Sewer Dla
trict Ne. 7, Oregon City Oregon.
Whereas, pursuant to an order of the
City Council of Oregon CJty, Clacka-
mas County, Oregon, heretofore
made, the City Engineer of aald City,
haa submitted hhj report and filed
In the office of the Recorder plans
and specifications for an appropriate
sewer, located In the territory aoutb
of Third Street, Oregon City, Ore-
'gon. and estimates dt the work to be .
done thereon and the cost thereof,
and the boundaries of said District
are aa follows, to-wlt:
Commencing on the south line of j
District No. 2 at the West end of
Alley dividing Block 30, thence
Easterly along Alley to North East
corner of Lot 2. Block 59. on West
side of John Adams to South East
corner of Lot 4. Block 92 at First
Street, thence Westerly along First
Street to South West corner of Lol
4. Block 92 thence Southerly to Al
ley dividing Block 91. thence West
erly along Alley to North East cor
ner of Lot 3. Block 84 on Washing
ton Street, thence along Washing
ton Street southerly to South East
corner of Lot 4, Block 84 on South
Street, tbence Westerly on South
Street to South West corner of Lot
4, Block 84, thence Southerly to
Alley dividing Block 83. thence
Westerly down Alley to west aide of
Center Street and at North East
corner of Lot 3, Block 80, thence,
Southerly along Center Street to
South East corner of Lot 4, Block
80, at South Second Street, thence
Westerly along South Second Street
Block 75. thence Northerly along
West Una of Blocks 71, 74. 73 and
30 to point of beginning, and
The plans, specifications and esti
mates hereby approved and the pro
posed sewer sball consist of the fol
lowing: The proposed Drainage commen.
cea at Washington Street and
Fourth Street, with a 12 Inch pipe,
thence down Fourth Street to Center
Street, thence along Center Street
to Second Street, at this point an
18 Inch pipe Is put In, thence along
Center Street to First Street, thence
down First Street to High Street,
thence across Block 47 to South End
Road, thence down South End Road
to subway at Third Street, thence
down Third Street across Main
Street to the Willamette River. ,
From Third Street to Waahlngton
Street will be an 8 Inch lateral
drain, S inch lateral will be run on
Second Street from Center Street
East to Bluff and Weat ISO feet, on
First-Street from Center Street 200
feet to Bluff, on Center Street from
First Street 210 feet South, on South
Street 'between High Street and
Center Street to Alley South of
South Street and tbence to South
End Road. Also from- First Street
' on High Street North 160 feet And
aald Sewer ah all have all tha neces-
aary Manhole. Umnholea, lateral
and connections.- H hU be laid
nit ennnaeted according to (he
plana and apoctflcatlons adopted and
approved- by thla revolution.
, Tha probable whole coat of this
sewer la 1096T. .
rubliabed by order of tha (unell.
1. STUT. Recorder.
. Ordinance .
An ordinance reducing tha al of tha
Alley In Work 111. Oregon City,
Oregon, from S6 feel wide to II feel
wide, by vacating a atrip feel
wide Oft both aide of aaid Alley.
Oregon City loc ordain aa fol
lower Section 1. That a alrip of land all
Toetwldi off and from both atdea
of the Alley running through Work
113. Oregon City. Oregon, and tha
full length thereof, extending from
the Curb on Jefferson street to the
Curh-An Madlanu Street of aald City
be and tha aame Is hereby vacated
and the aald Aller Is herehy reduced
fronwa width of rii feet wide to a
width -of 14 foet wide, through the
aald lllock aforesaid, . .
Read Ural lime and ordered P"b
llahed at a mwtlng of the
City Council held on the lith day
or April, 1911.
''Li STirr, Recorder,
Ordinance No. .
An ordinance providing that the lights
on all passenger or freight cars ojv-
erating upon the streets or Oregon
City. Oregon, shall he .screened, and
providing a penally for the owner
-and operators of same for not doing
, BO. -
Oregon City doe ordain a fol
Section 1. It shall be unlawful
for any person or corjrai Ion op
erating freight or passenger cara on
the t reel a of Oregon City, or for
' any motorman or conductor In the
employ of auch person or corpora
tlon. to operate or run any passen
ger or freight car iiKn or through
the streets of Oreaon City, at any
Ume during the nUht when a head
light Is necessary, without provld
Ing such head IlKht lih a screen or
cuitlrlvance thai wttt- prevent the
blinding, glaring effect that auch
head llghfa have when not acreened.
Section !. Any person or corpora
tion owning or operating frelKht
or paisenger cars-in-regon- City.
or any employee of suh person or
corporation w ho shall operate or run
any auch car through or upon the
sireeta of Oregon, City, during the
night time, and with a head light
. upon th.e. aamfu npt screened aa
aforesaid, shall he deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined In any sum
not exceeding .'5.ihi, or imprisoned
In the city Jail not exceeding li
daya, or by both such fine and Im
prisonment. Read lirat time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City, Council, held on the 19th day
of April. J91I.
L. STlff, Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of tha State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
John C TUker. plaintiff.
.. .. va. .
lianna K. Ilaker. Defendant.
In the nam of the State of Oregon.
' You, lianna K. Ilaker, are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed agalhat you herein, on
or before the twelfth day of June,
lll, and If you fall to appear or ans
wer aald romplaint on or before aald
date, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In his
complaint, to-w it:
For a decree of this Honorable
Court dissolving Ihtf bonds of matrl
mony vow existing between the Plain
tiff and the Defendant, and (or such
ether and further relief aa is Just
and meet in the premises
Thls summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for alg aucces
slve weeks, once each week, in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a dally news
paper or general circulation published
In Oregon City, County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, by order of the Hon
orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, which order la
dated the 28th day of April, 1911.
Date of first publication, April 29th,
1911. Date of last publication June
loth, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ordinance Ne.
An Ordinance for making an Inrprove
ment of Twelfth atreet, Oregon City,
Oregon, from a point 105 feet weat
of-the westerly line of Main atreet
westerly to the east line of Water
. street.
Oregon City doea ordain aa fol-
fi1rm 1 Tha nronnsed Imnrnve-
ment of Twelfth street, Oregon Clty7tan(r acprnett Interest to the ImproTejl
Oregon, from a point 105 feet west
erly from the west line of Main
street westerly to the east line of
Water atreet, shall be made accord
ing to the plana and specification
on file In the office of the City Re
corder of said Oregon City and ap
proved by Ordinance adopted by
the City Council, February lRth,
1911. which aald plana and apnclfl
, cations are hereby referred to and
made a part of this Ordinance.
The Improvement shall be con
structed as follows: The atreet
shall he brought to the sub-grade
the full width thereof.
On the road-bed macadam ahall be
.placed not leas than 6 inches at the
curb and not less than 9 Inches
thick at center of atreet, and when
completed the said road-bed ahall
be brought to grade specified In res
olution adopted by aald City Coun
cil on February 1st, 191L
Said street will be properly pro
vided with dralna, catch baalna anJ
guttera necesaary to preserve the
grade, embankment and surface of
tha atreet, and to provide all proper
drainage. Sidewalks shall be made
of concrete, eicept where on appli
cation to the Council, owners are
permitted to have wood walka laid,
' All sldewalka shall be Jils feet wide
and laid to the property line. Curbs
ohell be laid on both aides of the
macadamized portion of the atreet,
20-feet from the center line of the
atreet where the road bed la forty
feet wide. Curbs shall be of con
crete and set vertically to . sub
grade of the street. Crosswalks
shall be of wood four (4) feet wide
and not less than three Inchea thick
and, all the said Improvement shall
be made according to the plans and
specifications filed March 24th, 1911,
- and approved thereby.. -., -.-,
, Section I. -The Improvement shall
be classed aa "Macadam" and ahall
be maintained by Oregon City for
the full period of ten years from
date of the acceptance by the Coun
cil. Section The City Recorder of ritv la hsrebv authorised to
advet-tla. fur and receive proposals
for aald Improvement, but the City
reserves the right to reject any or
all blda therefor, and tha Mayor and
Recorder ahall enter Into a contract
or contracta with each person, firm
or corporation to whom the cmi.
tract or contracts ara let by the
Council of Oregon City for the Im
provement or parte thereof aa aped
fled In thla Ordinance.
Section 4. Karh contract ahall con
talu a atlpulatlon to the effect that
the person, firm or corporation to
whom aald contract or contracta are
let, ahall look for payment only to
the aunt assessed upon the property
liable to pay for auch Improvement
- and collected and paid i be City
Treasury for auch purpose and they
will not require Oregon City by any
legal process or otherwise to pay
the aald aum out of any other fund.
Section ft. Whereaa the condition
of aald atreet waa and la dangerous
to the health and safety of the pub
llo.,ainl Us immediate Improvement
ia necessary for the Immediate pre
servation of the health and safely of
the public, in the Judgment of the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, an
emergency exists; thorefore this
ordinance shall be In force Immedi
ately upon Ha approval by the May
or. Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council of Oregon City, held on
the 7ih day of April. 1911. and to
come up for second reading and final
Itasiuiae at a special meeting of the
City Council to 1ms held In the Coun
cil Chamber of Oregon City on the
8th day of May at R o'clock, P. M. ' 1
U 8TIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance Ne.
An ordinance attihorUIng the Issuance
of Improvement bonds In pursuance
of an art of legislature In the State
of Oregon known aa "The Bonding
Act- aa the same has been amended.
Oregon City doea ordain aa fol
lows: :v
Section 1. That In pursuance of
application of ownera of property
to pay certain assessments for the
Improvement of Twelfth Street. Ore
aon City.' Oregon, from a point 10B
feet westerly of the westerly line
of Main Street easterly to the east
line of Taylor Street aa provided by
an act uf,Jh legislative -Assembly
of the State of Oregon, entitled "An
Act to provde""for the Issuance of
bonds for the Improvement of
Streets and tha laying of Sewera In
LlncoriMrated-aileaand-for the pay
ment of the coats of such improve
ment and laying of Sewere by In
stallnienis," (lied In the office of the
Secretary of State February S2nd.
1893. aa amended by an act entitled
"An Act to amend sections 1, t, 3.
I n and T of an Art entitled, 'An
Act to provide for the Issuance of
bonds for the Improvement of ,
Streets and the laying o Sewers In
Incorporated fit le and the pay-:
"menToniie sis-orsiich-lmproreM
ments and laying of Sewere oy in
stallments.' filed In the office of the
Secretary of Stater February Und.
i9T" anoroved February 28th.
1901. and subsequent amendatory i
acta thereto passed by the Legisla
tive Assembly of the State of. Ore
gon; Tha Mayor and Recorder ar5
hereby authorised and directed to
execnte Improvement bonds of Ore
gon City, Oregon and deliver the
same to the Treasurer of Oregon
Citv who shall retain said bonde
until ordered by the Finance Com
mittee of the Council of Oregon
City to deliver aald bonda to the
successful purchsser thereof, who
shall pay to said Treaaurer the
amount bid for aald bonds.
Said bonds are laaued for the pay
ment of a portion of the cost of Im
proving that part of Twelfth Street.
Oregon CHy. above deacribed and
ahall not exceed the aum of $9503.44,
In the aggregate.
The denomination of said bonda
ahall be aa followa: One for 1253.44.
One for $250.00 and eighteen for
$500.00 each.
Said bonda are to be dated the
18th day of March. 1911. and shall
mature In ten years from the date
thereof, and be payable in gold coin
of tha United Statea of America,
and bear Interest at the rate of 6
per centum per annum, Intereat pay
able aeml-annually aald Interest to
be evidenced by coupons attached
to aald bonda, provided however, the
light to take up -- cancel aald
bonda uon the payment of the face
thereof with all accrued Interest to
the date of payment of any semi
annual coupon Intereat paying per
iod, at or after one year from the
date of aald bond, la hereby re
served to Oregon City.
Section 2. The Treasurer of Ore
gon City Is hereby directed to credit
uuon receiving the purchase Mice
of said bonds, the face value thereof
ment fund (Twelfth Street), and all
premluma to the general fund, of
Oregon City. .
Section 8. "Whereaa the City
Council of Oregon City has hereto
fore found that the condition of said
Twelfth Street was and Is dangerous
to the health and aafety of the pub
lic, and has let a contract for the
Immediate Improvement of the
same, and whereaa the said street
Is still In auch condition ao as to he
dangeroua to the health and safety
of the public, and that It la neces
sary to provide funda f r the con
tinuance of the Improvement there
of, and that aald continuance Is
necessary for the Immediate preser
vation of the health and safely of
the public, In tbe Judgment of the
Council of Oregon City an emergen
cy exlats; therefore this ordinance
ahall take effect and be In force Im
mediately upon Its approval by tbe
Read first time and ordered pub
llahed at a special meeting of the
City Council of Oregon City on the
27th day of April, 191L and to come
up for second reading and final pas
sage at a special meeting of the City
Council to be-held in the Council
Chamber of Oregon City oa the 8th
day of May at S o'clock, P. M.
U 8TIPP, Recorder.
' ..'; . ;
ft li If. -If.
nil iuursen kh ;; v
Ad-Readers Place..
When you write your cl
ad or any kind of an ad try to
-Include in It Juat the Information
you'd Hke to find If you were an
ad-reader and were looking fot an
ad of that kina. - ,
If you do this to even a small
extent your ad. will bring Re-
Axe You
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
In the matter of the Estate of Ernest
Marshall, a minor.
It appearing to the Court from the
petition of Julia Callff:
, That ahe la the duly appointed,
qualified and acting guardian of the
person and estate of Ernest Marshall,
a minor,- . "
That aald Ernest ' Marshall la the
owner of a one-ninth Intereat In and
to the following described real estate
situate In Clackamaa County, Oregon,
to vitp The East Half of the North
East quarter of.Sectlon IS, T. 3. 8: R.
4 K. of tbe Willamette Meridian, and
that aald Ernest Marshall haa no other
property and there la very little In
come from, said property, that It la
necessary for the aupport, education
and nurture of said minor that aald
property be sold, and It will be foe
the beat Interest of aald minor and 4in
persons Interested In said property
that the same be aold, that the pro
ceed thereof can be uaed to educate
aald minor and auch part thereof as
will not beuAeeeaaary for use for such
purpose can be invested ao as to bring
hotter returns than can be possibly
made from present arrangements.
That tbe persona and those Inter
ested In said landa and the next of
kin of said Ernest Marshall are: Ju
lia Callff,. his mother, Harvey Mar
shall, Susan E. Rhodes, Alice Marshall,
Johu A. Marshall, Jamea Frank Ogles.
by,. Char)es E. Ogleaby, George A,
DeShlelda, Marlon DeSbiclds, Frances
DeShlelda Tank, William Marshall and
D. M. Marshall. . , ' ,
!"hat It for the beat intereat of aald
ate that said aale should be at pri
vate sale for caah in hand.
It la therefore ordered that the aaid
next of kin and persons Interested In
said eatate appear at the Court House,
In Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, at the County Court room,
on Monday, May 29th, 1911, at 10:00
A. M. and ahow cause if any they have
1 v
The EBognhir
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
" Interests?
By carrier, i year $3.00
By mail, year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
why an order and license W 0
Intereat . of said E"eai "enb I
and to aald real estaie should w
April 17th. 1911. RB.nKATTrJ
tuni.t Magaxlne For Msy- J
"Nile of the West." by OW
drua. . Beautifully illustrated
colore. "The Spell," a wt ,
by the Williamson. '0 j
Greater Chinatown." by Chrw
Field. Automobile section. " ,
sale, 15 cents.
- Paint Mine Near y.'tTi-
Charles S. Baker elalma w
found a paint mine on hli l r
Beaver Creek. Expert! "Tj t
en out to examine to. vnfe i
mine and they aay It la "-tt
Is claimed that the Prod.rtcs
beat of paint, but so far the P1,
not entirely settled aa to V
ment of the olay, etc.
When l Oregon
farmer's feed V:
Is SOS Main Str
- ' 1
esYof Csre Given All
. . ,
Stock. Left With 0a