MOOIUMU ENTEltPJUBE, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911. Two Strikes and A Home Run ban i by v that ' ,h ,y th,y fl0 oul of ,hl, ,r "'" . i -I..- ft S kjn All ... ...I.k ' W of one ' eur boy ,U't' whloh ean looted ,rom our com 'h'"gprlng lint of ulU In all the now oreye, browns and blues In loubH breasts " "orf0"' 'ty,M- . Mothr nd I ever "" p.e assortment of yt'aulta. -v . ' Prices $2.50 to $10.00 J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner tOCAL PRicrs iV i 'SJ? c,,y l rfidy ii'"iwd II The J5'a 8ir. Masonic Tempi. w.ird Hi nmn. of Portland. W" t-rldav. a - waa In imeiiy on . . n,Mi of Hubbard, waa In thUi Tburailny. Mlk JbM'. f TIaZ? 1 tlloo nm.l bualntat Friday. u lf Shubt-I. waa In Oregon na on Friday. u Kirk ('aseeday. of Coma, waa iZ trt . to Oregon Clly on Friday. t crmlller. of Shubel. waa In sJy Kri.lay iranaactlng bualnesa j, Biim. f muwf, w- m ..... itfoar"7. i ln i U Jones. i r.iuur. r,r City on Frway. William Daniels, a wen aoown ir.-at-Heaver (W. wss in Oregon .... frlilllV. Tbomiia iwia. one 01 mm y........ (trmrre 'f Co". ,n i."" mSih CHy" Butter awaya aweet. W lk r"-ht nvor 60c pr " liarHs' Grocery. rred lirai..of Canny, an eiermcia that city. Sa. NoLw.yJMackerH 15c. Fat lonndland llerrtn( 30c per down Li Harrla1 (irocery r recorda; two recorda by the fnmoua Kuanlan flalnlulka , Orrhentra; Kima from Plorodora, aema from Krmliiln and many otbet delightful troaia. You ar Invited 7:80 to 1:30. A Iodic of the Knlghla of the Homo waa Inatluted In thla .city Krliluy nlKlii. A delwgatlon of about 75 cam from Portland to analat In the Inatltu tlon, and there were about 80 who took the Initiatory work from thla lty. The 1'ortliuid vlxltora brought a floe band with them and the munln fur nlahed proved very enjoyable. Kor Bale on Weat Bide 1 lota, g(HKl houae, barn, lota' of fruit, aplemtld view, for only $1500, H raah. balatire terma.- Bet me aljout It aoou. J. L. BWArKORO. Cor. gth Ml Main, Oregon City. wild And. doniaatl animala from- all parta of tba world are proaonted ln now and novel acta, under the dlreo tlon of foarleaa male and female train era In threo rlnga, ateol arena and on elevated atagaa, all going on at the aame time. You will aee monater llona ride horaehack; Arctic aea llona that play on mualcal Inatrumenta, play football and do other funny atunta. Peralan Ivoparda, tlgera, llona, pumaa, Jaguara In grouna, directed by Udy tralnera, performing wonderful trick a and unheard of feat a that bold tba audience apell bound. .Blameao ele phant e that dlaplay buman Intelli gence and their art alone la worth the price of admlaalon. Dongal tlgnre, the moat ferorlona of alt cat animala, In complete auhlnctlon, highly edu cated. "Maud," the champion kicking mule, famoua the world over, made ao by Mucnonald of the New York Her aid, never fade to bring ahouta of laughter. Over 100 ponlea, doga, monkeya and bnbboona are preaented. Two military banua, free atreet pa rude, given dully at 10:30 A. M. Come to town early and enjoy thla gorgeoua apectarle. The Ilarnca Clrrua baa the reputation rf being one of the moat brlhteat. rli-aneat and moat educa tlohtl ehowe traveling. Remember the date. Monday May 8th. A atreet parade will be given at 10:30 A. M llrlng all the little folka and aeo thla aperlel feature. c IP Bohlender. of Beaver rreea. waa niiaiilng liuHlneea In thla city on waa y . ; . - rA u'nurmi. of C lairmoni. aoii the Oregon City bualneaa la Hum oo Friday. I .,(.1 Unix Men'a Neckwear, 50c Vtwy for am;,, The l,aple'agj.pjri Manalc Tern pit. I Wiroer Grange will give o danc TikU aIllllg? all ha hall In New Era. .rrwiidi of the order will bt made weH Iraat. ( Cktrlra Ely. who haa been very 111 W abM-raa of the bead, la allgbtly flawed, and hla condition Ja now 'nedTiivorable; ILX I hiniai timiherhtxMl ba nonet waa V.. ...kii for laat night, at PEOPLE POINTED OUT Attorney C. T. Tooa ha Been on the alck Hat the poet two daya. Mr. raaaie Evana. ofX'nnby. waa In nrearni City on Friday vlaltlng with frlendo. i ...... . . Mra. M. U Drlgga left on Krlday for Lport land, "where ahe will vlalt witn frlenda for aeveral daya. Mra. Anna Kruae haa gone to Sa lem, Or., to vlalt her daughter,-Mlao Mildred Kruae, who la teacher in toe blind achool In the Capital City, , Mr. and Mra. W. C. Bmlth. of Caatle Rock. Waeta.. wero In thla city on ThiimiiD and Friday reglatertnt at the Electric Hotel. Mr. A. M. Mllle, of Waahougal. w..h who haa been vlaltlng with hla elefer. Mlaa Mabel Mllla. of thla city. and with frlenae at tarua, n turned to hla home. Mra c. o. T. Wllllama left yeater rf.Hafiernoon for fiend, where ahe will remain for aeveral montha v(alt Ing with her daughter, Mra. J, M. Law rence. Mra ioHnh nvrom and Mra. Plank. of Tualatin, wa.n.. In Oregon Kawi hall, with o good time pro- Madtiro'." The return TO ihla country of Bernardo Reyeo la aald to bt looked upon oa o dlaturblng condition by Ma dero. ' Two Beootoe Meeting Scheduled. The Clackamaa floutWeru Ry, Co. haa two meetlnga acheduled for the future Tueaday- evening at Maple Lane and Wedneaday evening at Clair- mont. There ahould be large crowda at both aa tbe future good of oil tht country through which tbe railway will paaa dependa on the eucceee of building tbia line. C03RESP0HDENCC CANBY: Judge C. N. Walt, City Recorder C. K. Romlg and Copt. Almaby, o com tult tee from the Commercial organiza tion of Can by, were aent to Interview Judge Beetle for the purpoae of get ting him to poatpone action of dla poalng of tbe Joaalyn bridge acroaa the Molalla River, leading to Canby, aa advextlaed. The reatilt of the Interview waa that tbe Judge promlaed to do aa reqneated and give thoae proteatlng the aale of the bridge an opportunity to present their reaeona next Friday at the ae alon of Court why thla bridge ahould not be abandoned. Heart to Heart Tallca. By EDWIN A. fTfE. of Whltlly, onlie North Boa eoant near Ipeda. kngland, haa been the home of the J' Induatry of England. Jet la oat 111 mined there and mndo up Into ornanienla.ToT peraonnt wear but only to a limited extent. Fifty yeara ago It waa a flourlahlng Induatry, giving direct employment to 1500 people fn Whitby. Now not over thirty are en gaged In Ita production, generally old people, and no otbera are taking it up. The price of rough jet haa fallen In that time from 25 centa an ounce to from 75 evnta to. 2 90 a pound. One old Whitby worker now pllea bla trade In Leeda and .expoaea hie warea for aale at tho city market twice a week. He la the only one ao engaged In thla city. Some gpanlah Jetr-wwh la nara or and more brittle than tbe Engllah variety, la Imported In England. Trial en Charge of Making Threata. Hamuli Rohrbacker, wnoae caae waa Bet for Friday afternoon on tbe charge of threatening to nee a knlfe,waa not tried from lack of jrccurlng witneaa In time. W'tneeaea were found and the caae will be tried today. Jamea E. Uage waa the complaining wltneaa. LICENSE TO MARRY. JJcenaeJ marry haa- been nranie4 by County Clerk Mulvey to Sadie M. Cary and Jack Irland. Tbe local Methodlat minister waa thrown by a horae laat week and ao badly Injured that be went to Port land fur treatment and It la feared be will not be able to return. Rer. Mr. Runyon filled the pulpit laat Sunday I f. H Wettlaufer haa filed ault aiaa charlea Ftacher to recover $60 :m kalance due on o note for I7B pnt (r the payment of o cream Lrttntiir. (tu Dramalto Amueement Club, of Waarua. will give an entertainment ku ...u,ir at g o'clock. In addition tT.i.iiin work hv membcra there illlb a Play entitled, "The Great trtutrouhe. ' I Ti regular meeting of Clackmaa Inage will be held today, at which in ihr will he a nlcnle end open Wing. W. 8. U Ren la the speaker WrUk day and be will talk on "Single I The achool at Bhubel. Mlaa Pearl W teacher, will give ft baaket ao rial this evening. There will alao be i literary and mualcal entertainment a th early evening. Juatlce Bamaon U1 be nreaent and aell the boaketa. I The Banquet committee of the Con VmUonal church met after the prey- jw Meeting Thursday nlht.. Pung trt Vktni for tbo spenkero at tbe coming Wnot but It la loo early to announce Iiwm with certainty. Hirry Y. Miller, circulating man Mwof the Oregon City. Dolly Enter frlM, arho hna beeft worlirnf; for !" vnl daya In the aouUitMateru tort of jeounty in the In tercet of tbe daily were in .m i...-.rH inln City on Friday Vla1ttnrhhe-t;-- ". mar'i alater-in-IBW. an. uuine " of Herentb atreet. mm Martha linaaworth. Mra. Chloe ltlrd. Mra. Belle Uaira ana eon, Coo county, have arrived lu thla city and are vlaltlng with Mra. C. M. M.y era at Mount pieaaant. - Porolhy BtafTord. little daughter oj m and Mra. C. 1. Stafford, of thla elty, who hot Juat recovered friro an attack of meaalea, la now 111 with chicken pox. . Mr. and. Mra. Lewla Barry, who were married In thla city on Wedneaday morning, have returned to Oregon City, and are making their home at Green Point. this week. The George Ketch general merch andise store, which waa closed by R. U sabln in February tor tne iercn anta' Aaaoclatlon. has been bought by A. Mimeioy. who win resioca ii ana conduct the establlahment. ' He na. moved hla. lewelrr gooda irom tne Horimtedt A Ruegg atore where lu haa been for two- yeara and will continue his work alone tbot line. Tne esiruca an nrathers. wno ownco mo nra atinwed to take tne nxiures. Mr. WahmanB, of the Firwooa mm, waa struck on the band by ft falling t at t MAROUAM. Fine weather at III prevails. . Mutton and beef huyera are seen quite often In theae parta. John Bartb, baa gone over Into the State of Washington to look for land. 1 Guy C. Larklna baa gone to Salem to attend the aummer normal to be gone Ave or alx week a. Died near Marquam Mr. ' Benja mln Jackson, she came to thla coun try In the early Oft lea and ahe lived and died on the old donation land claim. She waa more familiarly known aa Grandma Jackson. She waa 88 yeara old at -her death.. She waa burled at the Miller cemetery In Mar lon county, April 25. A large crowd attended the funeral i OAK GROVE, Bert Btaata a pent aeveral daya wltn hla onrente In Oregon City the first of take week.: A. Flaher, tbe drugglat. returned lorhe Sunday, oner several days in Eaatern Oregon. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, of Mllwaukle, wsa here Wednesday on business. Theo. Wortblngton Is hauling ce ment for W. Cederaon who will erect a fine residence aouth of his mother'a houaa in the aame.jraro. Road Supervisor Harrington, of Gladstone, baa charge of tbe work to finish Center atreet. W. A. Hanson, of Mllwaukle, waa here -Wednesday looking after- nia in teresta and dm atore. The Reals Felele club of young lad lea will aive o social in Green's ball Friday evening. May 5. Invitational. One of our young men and popular Oregon City" young" lady are"Wbe married Saturday: Mra. Alf Allen, of Rlsley. waa ft rtRsoNineD radium. There'e radium. What wonderful reservoir forces In ft tiny fragment of It!. Bummed up. somehow wltbln tbst mysterious aubetance la tbe essence of light and beat and healing. And-aatoundlng fact-It gives out these qualities constantly and loses apparently no lota of Its strange po tency. Year after year, without ap preciable loss. It senile out Its mar velous rays. Great 1b radium. But Infinitely greater than radium la you. Because there are forces within you stronger than In radium; because, like dlum. you ore capable of pouring out from your inuer self light sod love and healing. And Tblnk of It! When you send out from your aura the rays of strength and bealtb and hopefulness you not only do not lose, but gain power. ' Understand 7 One aide of It la atated this way) , "To blm that batb aball be given." Which Is to aay that If you have wltb ln yon force or virtue and use It right ly there shall be added to you virtue and power. ' And the other aide la: - "From him that batb not ahail be taken away even tbat which be bath." Which Is to say If you hare power or helpfulness and worth and do not use It rightly even tbat power aball die out 'In you. Note the ifT" If yon correctly nsef your .life yon ore oof only greater than radium, but you are ' rreater. better and higher than aoy created thing. " If you use It may become not only lees, than radlnm. but leas toan any created thing. The mjstery of It! Whence and bow and when and where the active energy waa ronceo trated In radium we do not know Like the positive forces of buman life, we know only tbat all of It comes from the Source. Bnt we:knowJbiav4f we-artTHw- or. buoyancy, virtue, charm, they were jrlven to na to he need again. If we dA not giro out to our renews our strength tot neiprnme. our charm for rlrtne's sake, we cannot keep those potencies wltbln us. Which are yon7 ' Are you greater or less than thtnl AT last they are iattshed ! Thli " young "liotfsewtfe ; , searched . the town ,- high . and , t " , ' low for the right kind ot colfee. v. h ; that coffee with the iicli colicc grance. with the delicate ting . that makes coffee a joy o drmk and sends hofcby away Jn the morning with the feeling that he has a good hreak- fast-and all Is tight with the world, y ; We aell M- We had your taetea In mind when we bought ( -f ,, - " t. Our blending la perfect. . A trial order will make voir ; ... t a constant uer. Call In and let ua tell you alt about It H or phone your trial order at once. We atoel cutj your eof- , , , . fee on our own steel cut mills. - . '..',''' I.' 'Some special offers this week f; . Royal Club 40o pound, S pounde for $1.10- - .' i V , Arlington Club 40c. White i House 40c pound. ;(-- Edwarda Dependable 9 poundo '.for $1.00., . Vf White 8al 30c pound. , . . Our Special at 25c the beat In town. ', , . "," . J. E. CORNER 9TH AND MAIN STREETS 1 ' lit. i v..-i r On the G. ' WPr, returned to Oregon City on Frl r moxning. Hy Victor records' will bt ' ployed oiltkt at Huniley Broa. Co. There i iome wonderful new , Tetraanni wiin.m tiannlfln and aon Her bert, who have been In thla city vlalt Ing at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Her bert llanninn. of Fourteenth atreet, Jeft on Thtiraday for their borne. Mra W. A. Showman will o to . a friends In the early daya of May. Thla la the old home of the family and they have many frlenda with whom Mrs. snewmawwui THE BEST EVER. Barnes Big Three-Ring Wild Animal Snow 10 coming. t h nnv1iv rtf anv deacrtDtlon Is thor . . 1 - a a aiainAa,lallW ougmy appreciaira ., ... in ttia amusement line, oi wmcu there are a few. The one that tnjoyo tht distinction of possessing ruauj more novelty ond interesting feotureB la. iurnea Big. Throe-Ring Animal Clrctnv which txhtblto In thla city under monater tenta on Monday, May 'Barnes Showa ftlwoya haveXoomt tblng new to preeenj ond thla year U no eicepUon to ttfe rule. In fact, no v. t.niMi organisation In America .a. aa manv sensational acta. Tho nreas of California pronounce Barnee k. -Trir rn the-Weetrwnd their tenta -were pocked ftt ftll the ... .itia In addition tO ft &um- i... .nttMal attractions, over 200 UTI B-jrw- -w , m good Vb,ewV.irrumli!aBr when he aaw a large Umber 85 feet w 7 Ju lfl long and three teei mica, romng - --- - ... .ration of alx unon him. The log rolled under him - , and he wa. not injured. : W ' rrn George Hamby waa operated upon 7 I 'comnlalnt. for Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company F. M. BLUHM fc . . J.; .,. ' "" "" .' . ' , Vw wanta auppllod with ny quontlty of 4 foot or 16 Inch wood do. IMrtd to any part of City, fctlafactlon guaranteed. Homo B-110 ' "''V: ' ; c'flo Main $502 . frlcea, reasonable. Phone your ordoro. Cor. 6th and Center, Oregon City. Portland vialtor Tuesday. Also ft cal ler on Mra. Ed. Taylor of Seliwooo Several of tbe young people attend ed the Oaka Monday evening guests of tbe railway company. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, sfqr Clackstaae founty Ella Cronln, plaintiff, va. U'llllam rronln. Defendant. To William Cronln, the ftbovt named defendant .-.... .V. Otata nf Dra. 1 ree. breaking tne imie bop . ' . hilM,h- ra-ulred to an- k inkn.n. mill nrnvM nimseir a - - ... . "Yen riy vnu seldom spend an even- ins et homeT" ' -Tea ." i replied Mr. Meekton. - -i n out moot every night." "But doextft your wife objectr "1 don't see how she can. I never oo any ulace eicept where Henrietta la mnklng ... a apeech--waaningTn Bur . ).' P r c fi e t o n S t'al lion WILL MAKE SEASON AT Of eeoh City, in Fafmets' Feed Bain PrlidrPP. Sired by Polly; iirrt dam, Wedam- aUne. Colorr dapple bay. Weight 1800 pottad. by r WhUIng at the Good B.morit.n pe " "T" BurrKI wll apply to Kl'tal. Monday, for appendlcitl. ond S?VmiSSS& Wants, For Sale, Etc Notteea under these claastrieO hatn will be Insvced at one cent a word. rir' Inerrtlon. halt a cent ddlt'J.. tar' tlona. One Inch card, tt per month: al! th t li hbm 11 oer BMmth. - ' - r..k .. nrdar anleas enr baa an open acoount with the paper. No financial rlonl)Ulty for rror ermra occur rree eorwirw imir. prtnUd for patron.- Minimum bw WANTED. Tormc. To Instire snare with foal $12, isingle unlet $8.' Sea-, I CI 1113. un j10 To in,ure colt to itand and anck $15f . Care win be taken to prevent aeddenta, : but will not bt re-poaaible should anv occur If mare is removed, sold ox traded, money be comes due at once. ' 4 3 G. W- Boyer, Owner and Keepet iTTT. , Article. , It Wouldn't -Pay to Advertise " ' . fi if. t,,U !' " '' ' A Pr.r w. m . . .... ad-readero, i Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honesty-or . ""doyt, .ra DISCRIMINATING. They Know voiuean., e...- . ClNUINB things, genuine opportunities.;; Li y article which can' booold' by dvertioW V by Jhal' taat. a ; 'l04,rtlc..rY6u:frt;.f guying , thing which' h.aHood ; fir, if publlolty."'' '". , li'UU. ..- :,; .r.-Y Tnomokof 'of .'widely .dvertHod ortlclo. or 'commodity, le el- on trial for hla bualnoao life. 'Ho' 'cannoV shirk, ; not; ehaapan hlo , uct-a thiei, h, voat Fosalbloroteotlon for the ooMiim-r. , W'Sea SAFE Irt buying adrertlaod .'tnlngo-lf. ' tho,' ,'fUo o' , la recovering. Mr. ond Mra. Parker are tne parenia of, o baby, born Monday. 11 ORE8HAM. 1 ; .John Fox. who, In a demented con dition, wandered away ana woe iw for two days In tbe woods near 8a. lent, baa been rouna ana ms munm. Mrs. C. Harmon, of thla place, waa re lieved to receive thla word from the Marlon county sheriff. . Mrs. Mary Quarnstroro died at her km. fmir milna aaat of Greaham. pn uw.hv - . April 22. at the age ot 63 years. on waa a widow. One daughter was with ha in the home, and others live ln Minnesota. . Funerei services' held from the 8wedlsh Mission Church at 1:30 yeaterday afternoon. Tha womin'i Home MIsalQiiary So- cletAwllI give a Lucky 8even supper in .t.a t a n r nan. on nexi ruj . .m U anrvail and every seventh person win du an aii a nnnf f fftA. t... otArilntr. Mn Ra IL Carl 11 1 OP, ea a-w r - - aon and Mrs. J. W. Bockmeyer hofo mini from Newberg. where they went to attend the district tniealonary Uiinr vtra. nockmeyer Is confer nnce corresondlng secreUry for this district, and Mra. """"i Corlaon went as delegatea rrom the Greaham aoclety. . - Mr and Mra. 8. McLean of Balem, who have been visiting tholr daughter, Mra, P. Michel, will take up their resi dence here. ,. . i . i . i, PEACE COMMISSION NAMED. . KL" PA80, Texas. April 28.(8pe r-lal 1 Thla city ho been chosen as tho place for the pence conference and Judge Francla A. Carhojai " tne com missioner to repreoent, the , Mexican government. He is said to bo batlo factory to Madero. ' pr. Vasquea Go mes Is said to be the man picked by hla MtnnlalBt. to-wlt For a decreenlssoiving we douub of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant This sum mons IS puDHBtiea 07 oraer m j. u. OmpbelL Juage or tne vircun CourfT which order was tnade and en tered on the 20th day of April, Mil. and the time prescribed for publlca- tlnn thereof la six WOOKS. DegiumuB with the. Issue of Saiuroay, Apm Mil, and continuing each week there ft n ana IncludlnK the Ibbuo of Catiirriav. Jun S. 1911. LAJOURETTB ft UTOUHB Uiw i Attorneys .for plaintiff. WANTED Good girt or woman to take care of bahy ana assist who hOuBework. Phone Main 3044, or write Box 409, Gladstone; EXCURSION PARES ERSI SPECIAL SATUR DAY SALE ,.i -t Our VM PQrt t9d"yt ? Our 14 00 Double 'Stomp VVhlo- ,ky, 3.oa , Bring youDemljon-eroton- for next week's ad,, ... ... .1 "... : A ... ... I... n D. M. KLEMSEff 1911 During the months of May, Juno, July, . Auguat ond September, on dates - shown below, the ' - . .... , V. ..; SOUTHERN PACIFIC , will Mil round trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland as follows: TO WANTED You to know that we bny all klnda of Curios, tnat we are iu the market for aecond hand Furni tore and Tools. We also have a good assortment of second hand Furniture and Toola on hand for aale to those In need. Come onJ see; perhapa we have Juat what you want Indian Curioo ond trinket for ui. rhean: some that are very unique and alao very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near mo iuwi. tn4 Real Sotate.: i Lot no handle your propertlee we buy, sell and exchange. . Office ' lav . . Enterprise, Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon., t . . "THE AMERICAN HARCM..p Entertainment and 8oelal May6 at , . , Twilight HalU, ,v ; ,; Tha American Harem' will be pre aented on Saturday night. May 6, at h. pwiiiffht nail hv the Twilight Dra matic Club. and. there la no doubt but th.ra will he large attendance to see tho comedy, one or we ieiur" FOR SALTS. FOR SALE Spits pops. Locust 8treet. 1 inquire 442 id oitr-Voune nigs.' Call Home nhone., " M- MaBeflrerCreeBy;; mi v whlra Tirahmtn eggs, for hatching fcurpoaes, B. iCuppenbend. er, Main 80. '' am rrmvTBP 11T8 14th and Center atroata. one block from car line, OTt aavan room house, oil moaern improvements: born and chloken Mr. iskoO! terms. "Clyde McRae, 1003 Main Street BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. ' ' FARES Chloago ...... - w Council Btuffs 00.60 naaaha OU-OU Kansaa City ....... .v. . . . A St. Joseph 1... 0.50 St. Paul ' . i ;....' ow-oo St. Paul, via Council Bluffs .... 64.40 Minneapolis, direct Mlnneapol a,V a Couno I Bluffs 64.40 Boston 11000 New York ; 100 St Louis Vi.r.i U...... 70.60 Washington, D. C. .........; lOB-w -SALE DATES : Mal, 17, JS..19, 22, 23 &W 25, 87, 28 ,; and 29..; v in '. ' .' ' June 5. 1, 9, 10 12. 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, ; and so.' '"l; , '' ; ' "'' July I.' t, 8, 4, 8. 6, 19, 20, 26 27 .nd . 28., .,,! i'f i,'i - .. ,r. I August 3, 4, 6. 14 16, 16,' 17, 21, 22, 23, September , 3. 4, 6, o 4.7..,: i , Stop-overo within ilmlta In either dt , reetlon. Final return limit ;s . ' October 81st. , -- , ' For fares one way through California i Inquire, of any Southern Paolflo u ogent, or write to -,.(. . ';;;;,'!. ';;.Vwm.'; mcmurray, ; ,; .j ' 1 General Paesenger Agent , '':i'l ivc Portland, Oregon.' ' HARRT JONES Builder and General nr.rnr Eatlmatoo 1 cheerfully riven on all classea of bnlldlng work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Ree. pnone as ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT. ' Attorney-at-Law Mono, loaned, ' abatracts furnished, lano ' titles examined, estatea settled, gen- i i.. h...nMa. Over Bank et Oregon City. ' ' . ' " of the evening wUl be a rdust.eap" social. There will be two targe bas kets filled with dust caps, one of which will contain capa lor tne men, woue the other win contain caps Jor the . . bbm. that atimfairb. tain merit will o tcrwaraa tne wa- walk fund, th sidewalk to be exteja ed from the Twinht echool to fhe soutlveiid road, Refreahmenti will be .-J . JHJ.a i avsmiIhsi . hv lb Bvrveu ' utai iu skv k. w b ladles of Twilight. uW -ll.v! r What Is It that work while i we "sleep? .-Yeast y ,yt,.tr't W a. hnitftTuiiraA Attorneyoat i .. nmitichtr Advokat wlU prac- ' tlce In all ooorto, make collecUons , and.aettlementa. . Office in enter prise Bldg, Oregon Cltf. Oregon. FRBYTAO MONBT. ; Real 1 Kaiate . Dealers, have choice bargains farm landa, city and suburban t". Homes, w ii an r-- ranchea.'- See w ror'gooa- umr- wear a. r. "iwu - . y-y. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. "" ) ( . .. rl It. - ;l I i. t f V.R. HYDE, Abstr ct Office " Land 'title'.' Investigated, conveya ' cine, notary public. i2:ar& c:::it:dto f i. - iCTO'COPV , Room T. Barclay Bldg Oregon City There's Sixty Years of Stove Experience Built into thi Plant That's why its product bears this i - 1 .;fi-;i. .'i A guarantee of the very best in Stoves and Ranges vv.s. I ThorU ft skill tnd experience In rnakino; stove desifims'Bhd ptterns, ' ,. , .f -and selection of material, that has taken A Bf etime ., ; develop. (! , . ..inn 1 ,l : y-:'- :y'v !v There' an organization of workmen that has token over half a centary to ct together. ." -Vw ' ''' 1 There are methods employed in this plant tJi; WfWnnInn J A mnmif nofiirino Rnd VertPCUTlg OI th finished 'product tUicould only be velor byyears . I- - r. ZhAo or.fl ihn renditure of bundreaa oi . thousands of dollars. ' ; i,',rV.;'".V -.'-rj: ; '. ! Ji'Ml flow yoa knout why Favorilt i c.7 tj t t toord imolie a it rtlats to afocrj and tz it' nr m Aiii iJnA nf Favorites. Come and t vi o cuir n - . , . i l i .,,rrrr , . loornul hnvr COOa WiCV EJ.K. I 1 I r5S?.S thethtier makes, they vrH U it i business eendltlono. 421 Main atreeVj;..; K. H. COOPER, For ' Fire Inauiancf .1 'I'i