Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 28, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    'V.. ; . " ' ' -
Tit publication of an article on Qer-
man purple potatoes In the Morning
, Enterprise, which waa cooled la th
Portland Telegram, baa 14 "Rx-Fama-...
.cUo writ on the subject calling th
' potato a Russian product. li ufir
'" 1 e that sow of the pet a to grow
er ar advocating the growing of th
Russian purple aa a new and good
' rtety. U the Oregon farmer la wis
ha will not get caught with aach chaff.
Forty years ' ago this potato was
brought Into We l era Pennsylvania at
a time when the growers had lost
Giving a Lunch (on.
Aa Important poiut to rtuwuWr al
ways la euteruloliig U it i vet
nearly a luijiurtaut to erx lueuy
cwim- or nmyh in mi h iMir- 4-
serv everything very prettliy and take
Infinite Uus in the gruUhlug f t:-
diflVrrul Ubtbe and the war thtlu-
are aed and aerVeJ
Here ia a satiable menu.- Clrspv
frnlt rut In halve, the fruit acotti
ut carefully, the toug tueuil.mii ami
seed removed and the fruit flavored
with lemon J a Ire and powl red auur
WSc!nliffale Bri!Fc
Mile, M Bo OjI
Factnac Guardian f First Baaa Fer
White SVea Sprang Inta Fama at
-Once.- Then Slwnad a Cufak'y.
Steady and Raoabla Players Ca en
Year After Year.
potato rot. This Russian potato -was and a little tuarawhiuo. if jou -wiatt
rot proof, but It ruined ail the whit and pot back Into the halve witb
varieties by mixing witn tnem, and
f.r rears the housewives were dis
gusted whon they endeavored to place
on their tablea a nice plate of mashed
potatoes, as they looked; as If they bad
been boiled with a dirty dish cloth.
I advl the Gresbam and Towel!
Valley, farmer, who now raise the
few candied cherries ueed for decora
Uon on tup of each half.- This counts
should be Ice cnid. and each balf should
rest on a late witb a d-xty and he
eaten with an orange spoon or tea
K-r a se.xud course have bouillon In
best potatoes In Oregon, not to spoil j eups. Wit .ly not have croulous; tbey
their fine fturbanks with a mixture of i eu regie at a lumbeuu. It
Rassian blue. EX FARMER. would be superfluous to have tbe orange
Frark Bnsch. a bo flrst brought the and boulllou. Orange
purpt potatoi to the attention of Clack ; uic b-T lUuflt utt,J l rather an un
a mas county 'farmers, siya that It Is ; """I course, and it would not b al
not this Rnaslan potato that he gave vUable. and oysters un tbv bAlf b.-l.
aaay, and Of which lha still has a lit- j are seldom evn now at a lum-bvoiT
tU seed to spare. That he Russian I The grapefruit will not cot nny
potato complained' of ft 'what 'waa more tbau the otbr two courts, and
known as a swamp potato, and la ; u exactly the tbin for the flrt rowv,
la no way Uk the purple German po- ; Creanwd anlmon In ramekin TvrJ
aro neing given to tnose M ni t indirduaiiy wUl be correv-t for the 0h
57.. ?. lBw"y "vmnt 1 ? '""Jand third -,.ure. aad brown brea l
free, and no one la trying to make a
profit from th deal. ;
sandwiches, the bread cut very thin
and the suudaicue In fancy lin-,
will le a' good addition. "
Halves ff broiled rhU'ken served on
toait with currant Jelly, potato cro-
Thomsa Sinrott Will Have Charga of , ouettee and green eaa or French
Play fer Flremen a Banefit Fund. string bean will lie all ricbt for the
Th Bremen have been planning to ' substantial coure. but It would n't
put oa a play a little later, tha purpose do "at all to have choia afterward.
being to rata funds for the memorial Omit that course altogether: the l.lrd
- monument, for which funds are being
secured. With that la view Thomas
8 In not t has been secured to take the
-matter of the play In hand, and he has
chosen "Hicks at College" as a little
comedy that la likely to draw a crowd
and please all who attend.
The date haa not been set ss yet"
Tor trig flncertalBTuM when It can be 'UM -pass olives with It.
ready. It will be held in Shively opera ' erred they should be
are enough for the meat course.
Roman pum h may coine after the
birds, served individually in punch
glasses or h-e mold Waklorf salad
erred In apples, witb cream cheese,
heated crsi'kers and bar-le-diK- jelly
will make a gond salad cuui-w IK)
If they are
a sepsrste
house soon. C A. Noble will be the coarse, oniln between the bouillon
manager. There will be. a mnsicaJ
chorus of 20. Following Is the cast:
ChaaTBoIUnserril. J. Laielle. Carl
Bob ram. Harold Swatford. John Mul
key. John Bosch, Edward Bosch, Tom
SlEBott, Kslhertne 8 In not t. Nora
Hac&fio. Vargaret Brows, Floreace
; f.rare. .PrHIIsi Ptalr-nnr.-di . . , .
- m mtOiarrs sJUR.tK?i are
as3x sUrssr t ttis t-m ivt 3ace tl rljl of ti wver
tab! lanaas e ms as tst yjfviMX
awry er- ttm mm. Ir is tt wish
if -2 vxxmxju-v tv Lst t gases
r 1V Ftaarti tf iisir, am cs am
nfttf eay. wvriiig &my6ay
Tie CV-mawa LbfiakC to 1.4 it Kkely
vm tc OsasiaBoa tfci waaon.
vV"s bhuh rkar the liM)ia boy siD
tim:rt. ui- of tb b3 conteat
ert Cay o or two seasons thl )
eaw taa W-t .ard Ut bat but last
a". r.wa tttj vif-Hte. R Is aaH.
The krr rhinr 'iT hr a gd team
rhls year, an4 tt th will giv a
km6 arrwent f tbt-mf !-. but 'he
gam that b-T up lar is what
will u-0.
The maDac;emrrjt would like to cor
respond wit teams wlnhlrig to corn'1
to Chautauqua.
and Csli- They should be ttasxed with
1 radlshe. ii'wrj stalks and salti'd fiutit.
Strawberry .shortcake woaUl be a
better deamit than k-e cream, or you
; might serve a frozen padding with a
aatx-e.lf you prefer it to srrswberry
boas sod fruit sad errr coffee In
oVmttssrs ia the parfcir after lunch
eon. Cbxxrlate rasxed ia cn;-i with wbij
p4 Tan on top would be rorre-t
Lf It la The a-bui-olate cu
aa4 sac-rrs hou.d be rvcnwveU when
tie table Is tieard for divert If
an ad&tVjaal roan H desired havr
terweew the fik and fowl fried sweet
trrd w-i;k greea ftrtm and have sou
trixr Ttat4e with f bjt-irda. e
" Tie oyrter f'rk ' may & pL on tte
eyrr piste or at the irft ef the cover
K ti txa4 of the b-r fork., put a
tele aJaaCtg. or laid ruga's riy by th
fTk.. The knirr are always put -n
Witb the menu
The greater toe star the uuUkcr th
fall eoa to be a cardinal priixi;.e
la hasebalL The good aversce p!ar
guea along year after year, attcklug to
the same old pace and boMlnj; on to
his Job by steady, grinding work. The
star, however, lives "up "to hla name.
He shlncw sud Haihes and die out s
Btost In a breath.
There are biaay who could U imuhv!
to illustrate the exaUAItle. NrwKiu. the
I Irate first banenian of three ur four
year agtv was one On the iaI be
bloomed up tn a day aluxa. and the
crowd went wild over his Meniuitioual
play.-- Then Pittsburg srabtw-d bltu O)
at the highest price, evrr paid fr
minor U-asucr. sod he roM to his
height and fell back iuto mediocrity lu
the short space of six month.- The
Ilrsles couldn't get rid of him iUh k'gr
eoough, and you uet cr bear of biiu a
a ball player after that
"Jiggs IVnahue, nme of the Chi
cago Sox. Is another. After playing
average ball for aereral seaAiius la t!ie
minors he suddenly sprang Into fat;te
as a flrst sacker w ho "ate 'em up." So
Comlskey grabbed him off. and be
lasted for a. very few yearn lis tbe
world series of l'Jt his work
tbe srnatloo against the CuIm. Tbnt
was the1 supreme time of his haruaU
life. The following sessou be fell off
badly, and an. avenge steady going
fellow1, Isbeli. supplanted him. "Jlgg-CTt
was given a try out this sin-trig ly "tho
Sox and was m-eotly released.
Take the steady fellows, who ca u
generally be relied on ia pint he. Tbre
are score of them, and jhdr j-sreer
always, are long and honerable In the
majors. Stovall of Cievelaod. Craw
ford of the Tlm-rs. Dougherty of the
Sox. Ncbuite if the Cutx. Stnhl of the
Bed fx and Wallace ipf jhe ltrowns
re example, i ney nave een mauy
NEW YORK. Aprtt IT Another
I v . . . hi.i w mtt . tn tna
skls all th heaven reaching towers
ct New York waa provided tor luoay
shea the Bmadsay and Tark FUqe
company Sled with the superintendent
of public buildings plans for the erec
tion of a l& story structure, ahlch will
be T5i fret high. The new building
will be the tallest In the world, over
topping the Jkieuvi'!"" 0er hy
more than JO feet (
Auto meaaa to s- skme, hersfon
feline that prowl In the dirk la an
And How He Breams
By CUriss. Mackie
Orrrtaht br Amrrl.nn Prra.A"ae.
StKn. t'.
Nathan. K.taky a miuM iu thin
ud s:e. with a !mi lp of krayiu
brown tieard outride hu pjv coji
collar and two bf'lv, tlm-tt. i ti-t I
eyea peering out from ,utntor the lniu
f his old derby hflt
tie cloard tbe dvxr of hla little shop
and made hla way tosacd the 11 rook
lya bridga. ' "
Kvery night after supper hn,
there to smoke his HI smelling pipe and
warcb tbe jeweled rsdlaucw of the even
Mag etad cities, tbe halowy uutlltiea
of paing ships ami the ttshing evo
lutlona of rest tea tugs and ferry hot. t a
la the river below v "
Tonight his usual nook In the angle
of the Umq railing a a occupied by. the
despondent flgry-s of a mil n Aa Nathan
approached (he stranger straightened
himself and leaned eagerly forwarl.
witb one hand on tbe rail Inc.
I Natbaa airetrhed out a pallid, die
grimed haSd sod touched tbe uino'a
aim" '
"Uoa t. be crtel excitedly fro tit. hi
canty store of Entfliab words. .
givew a bor yq will need obJy one
ktlfe for tbe OiT'U and a arall silver
kaufe for im aalad course.' for the
beee and bar ie-dac. Hsve the table
prerrL'y drated with sring flowers
siej t i ru nni deTrstKo to match.
Lebstae Navsities.
TW bote who Is tired of plain
lbter salad, lobster fare! or lobater
NewbucgwUl find a ploaaant change
la Wbwtfr ktail a a Crt course.
In fried lobter for a fish rouroe and
la crt-amed lobster on toait as main
4Uh fur a family Innr-h a well as a
fib course
For the ktali cut tbe meat of boil
ed lotxter into good sired pieces about
. half the nize ut aa oyuter and serve
, In a fsuce made of a tablespoonful
; each of Wi r i-stershlre sauce, tomato
Fruit Union Officers Have New Quar-j ketchup ami lemon Juice, flarored hlgh-
ters on Seventh Street.
The board of directors of the Oregon
City Fruit and Produce Union will
meet In monthly session at 2 p. m.
Monday, May l, for the purpose of
looKing over the affairs of the Union
transacted by tbe manager. The busi
ness of the Union la very satisfactory
but the board wishes to keep In close
touch with It. Strawberry contracts
are being made now.
The Union has new quarters In the
hulMing occupied by the Wella Fargo
Eat.resa Cd.. on Seventh street, and
11 members are Invited o look In
when In town.
gT5PgrrjessrHf '" g1"111" the njsitr t'uvK-
ly with cayenne, a drop or two of ta
bnmo, salt and a teasitoonful of freb
grated horseradish. ,
Mix tb Mwter In this sauce and let
It Ktand on tbe Ice until well chilled.
WASHINGTON, April 27. Progres
sive Republican Senators In confer
encea today decided to ak tbe Sen
ate to pass on the question of the ad
dition of Senator La Follet.te to the
committee on inlerstau, commerce and
of Senator Bristow to the committee
on finance, contrary to tbe decision of
, the Republican caucus.
-Tha Rer. Georg Brown, D. D.. who
, haa spent many years of hla Ufa la
. tbe South Sea Islands endeavoring to
atamp our polygamy and cannibalism
among tha natlvea. says la soma part
of New Britain tha natives have a cua.
torn of placing yeitiqg women In trlct
aecloaloD before man-tana by Imprison
ing them la cages for several years un
til they reach a marriageable age.
Dr. Brown describes how on one oo
caslon ha Inspected a number. of these
human cages. ' "The cage was quite
clean," be aald. "and contained noth
Ing bat a few short lengths of bamboo
-for holding water. There waa only
room for a girl to alt or lie down In a
crouched position on tbe bamboo plat
form, and when the doors are shut It
must be nearly or quite dark Inside.
They are never allowed to com out
except once a day to bathe In a dish
or "wooden bowl placed close to 'each
cage. They are placed In the cages
.when quite young and must remain;
there until their marriage." - . .
' Ton will aever reach the right place'
on the wrong road. , 1
lf you are on the down-bill line)
make haste to get a Usnfer.
tall. Instead of the ketchup a pleasant
change is made by using chill nance
or 0tear sauce In the dressing.
Cut as big and shn(icly pieces as you
can get for the fried lolmter, which Is
first boiled. I)lp In eggs and bread
crumbs, fry In boiling fat Just before
serving and druin on brown paper.
Serve with a hollandulse sauce, to
which are added chopped olives and a
little onion Juice, or with a sauce tar
tars mixed with fresh pens.
Wee boiled lobster that Is to be eerv
ed on toast and marinate In a little
lemon Juh e for a few minutes. . In tbt
meantime make a rl u cream dreA"lni;
or white sauce, highly seasoned with
cayenne and a few drops of onion.
Add the lobster to the hot sauce. It
It simmer only for five minutes and
serve at once on hot buttered toaat.
Celery Teaat. ,
Cream a tablespoonful of butler, one
of flour and one-half teaspoonful salt
and add three caps of milk. Cook
nntll It thicken and then add one-half
cupful of chopped celery which baa
been cooked until render. -r Pour over
squares of buttered toast and serve
stars come and go. but are cilnring to
their positions and wilt keep them fur
years to come In all probability. ,
Sometime men of this type are rm-
to til ob tha txmcn ftr nwM'c:
While one of the "relucts" takes hut
place. Bat you find them back .again
st tbe old stand before tbey bare been
mlwd long. They fall right bark,
and things go along smoother, al
though not ix-rhip? as sensstlouallx.
Change of environment works won
ders with pitchers as a rule. There
la such a thing as being too long with
one team. It Is slxo true that some
t wirier csn work better with one
teem thaji with another. This was
eaperlally true with trrerall. He was
a wonderful tMtrher when with Cin
cinnati, but didn't like hla surround
Ings. Right when he Joined tlie-iilM
he fell Into hi stride, snd he waa re-
kponlJletfor a number of victories for
CUf Curtis of tbe BoHtou NatkmaU
another example. CUf pitched for
Milwaukee for a long time. He was
regarded as a fair man. but the Brewer
fans didn't car much for him. The
reason was be couldn't play hia game
In Milwaukee.. To make a long story
short, tbe Itovea got ho'd of htm last
rest and the transformation was Wcn-
derful.. He copped one game la Chi
cago In a manner that left no donbt
of his ability to befuddle champions.
He looked aUiut as good as any twlrler
on Boon' staff.
Pitchers are not the only players
who profit by changes. There Is IMe
hanty. who now Is with Detroit. He
playa with much more ambition aod
life then when he wss with Washing
ton. Bresnaban has done yeoman
service since leaving the New York
Giants and Joining tbe SL Louts Cardinals.
Tbe stranger tamed, ami the elect rl
light revested that be jrss youug'siidl JobA-olUr-nntJool Jor an sn
well dressed and. moreover, that be
handsome, although bi face Just nus
was bitter enough
"What tb muttrrT be demnuded
Insists Ha Must Cover First Whan
Bssamsn Is Fielding Bunt,
.ritcher Cy Bnrger of Brooklyn has
opinions of bis own regarding Inside
baseball, especially that relating to
fielding sacrifice bunts. He says the
second baseman ought never to rover
the initial bag when tbe flrst sacker Is
fielding tbe bunt. The second baseman"
In his opinion, should be free to cover
hla tuition, while the pitcher should
be there to make the put out at flrst.
The only reason why all teams let
their second bnsemaa cover, according
to Cy, la because one club started It
and the rest follow suit. Tie gives
orders that he will do tb covering
whenever he pitches and guarantee
that he will never miss a play. He I
a quick starter for the bag and My It
I all In that start
" Stslnfeldt I Net 6 Old.
While termed a a old timer, 'nnrrr
Btcinfeldt. who wa recently released
by the Cubs to St. Paul. Is far from
rip age. He wa horn In St. Louis.
Bept. 20. 1870: hence he has yet to
reach hi tblrtr-nfth blrthdny. Oo the
other hand. Wagner wa I thirty seven
Feb. 24 Inst, and the Teuton Is no
ready to step oat.
Ate . Yoo a Subset ibzt to the
" Nct7 Daily?
If Th Morning EnterprlM I to b aa uceeful a tb Interests of Oregon
City demand It mast needs have tha support of all. Tha new dally ha
a big work before It la boosting Oregon City and Clackamas Countr Your
support means more strength for tha work.
Will You Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time tha Morning Enter prise will ba sold to paid In advance
unciiiwrw,ii ioiiowb: . ...
By Carrier, 1 year ......... 1100
By Mail, l year. ; , jjx)
Send la your name and remittance, . . . s
"Kxcuser plead-d Nathan.
plea Jumps sometimes"
The bltterneas vsalsbed la a pleas
ant grin. "Too tbouiihvt wa going te
ump-ovar ir .owswdd the yrninff-rn.irrt
Yea. sir exruoe." and ' Natba
coOgbed drprecatltik'ly behind his lund.
The little tailor atood In abaabed si
lence Uwtde bis npw aciiuainism. II
fait that oow be should wltbdraw, but
t tbe ssme time Ur ihougbt that some
kind iwrting .ward-from Itlui mlcbt
leaen the mWry of a vnvtched youn
. Nathan Judgi-tl haxtlty. "Your vlf.
be ha t'rowu you nutT" lie suked
with pity In bbr voice.
"It worn l ha a tu.itT The vote
conveyed a mutilug jivhi h tbe 4ul k
ly oken words did not
Tb tailors hand wrm Into hl aag
glng vent pocket and extruded a large
purse. From this be bmuuht a aoll
tary silver quarter shlnluu In the falut
light. This he extended towurd th
young man.
"Here!" be said almply.
. The stranger stared and then his
own paltu Jingled with Mirer. "Not
quit bad as that, old nun Thaak
"waaaa did too nso rr?'
yon just the same, though." II saw
tb greedy look In Natban'a eyea. "Ia
that all you've gotr" be demanded
Tbe little tailor purse went back
Into hi pocket. . "Ye, excuse blxuess
Is bad," he said apologetically.
Tbe other wa besld him luatantly.
"Who are you where do yoo llvr
Nathan explained brokenly and with
gesticulations to tak tb plac of
worda which be could not command.
"I'll go home with you now. You can
mend my coat for m and press It My
waistcoat needs mending too See all
th buttons ar coming off I" The
stranger fell Into Atep beside Nathan
uasxy. and bis linger twisted and tor
at tb button with vicious energy.
unco Within tb low. browed shon.
Nathan lighted hla flariug ga Jet and
et tn goons to beat over another
flam. II adjusted a large pair of born
rimmed apectaclea and ulpied busily,,
"itaf you told your i trouble to a
pollsaman I" ''.' ' ' i., .
"Good Lord.' not 'Why do ou ank
thatr ;
Excuse: I hnfe a llttl trabble ono
I loo m mln money-75 cent. I
ask a frendt has b seen anv tnna
moneys and bow I am trubbled. and
b seas to tail my t rubbles to a pollss
nn" Natban'a vole waa ablectlv
Apologetic I
"What did tbe policeman sar whan
yoo told hlmr Inqnlred tbe stranger
who a careruily snppresaed smile.
ivatnaa atghed and waxed hia thro.
"Tb pollssmaa b ss. -Gwanu.n.
rll plocher,' but I think mehb
coald to bsf found 1t-pollssmana Is
fery grandtr .
After awhile Natbaa broke tha n.
gain. "It issn't a rife trubhia nn4 i.
alu't a money trubbl-xcus M.tb
ta vui a1" unas BOOOg you"
- "ft wlnr gtawlew the fouag sms
"Your glii she luel be uiesal Ilk
yes whea she aald no." cmforfrl Na
tbaa b poked bully Bumiig the
pockets In the garuieiifs
"tue baan't aald woul Htsis th
troubl." gnaoel tbe stranger And
thea be resumed. If the uicre ulitr
atn of ti or.l were relief tu hla
verburdeued mentality. "Hl fu
with her aud wrt her a tetter two
week ago n! haveu't heard a word
from her . Haw bar with aunt her chap
lb other I dldu't kuow she wa
quite so flinty "
Th tailor followed theMphtty spoken.;
word with a knitted brow aud pus-1
tied understanding hVr several, mo-1
men! be vainly endiavored to extract
some meaning from lb fragtnenlary
pbraae; then with a doubtful sbak
ef hla untidy head be ald s inpothet
Ically: '
"Olrls las tier defft. I expect."
But the stranger mad no reply. II
was easing moodily down st th floor,
and his thoughts war far away from
th little tailor hp
Najuan atlirhed away for awhile, hi
thoughts Intent on the troubled youug
man who had followed htm bom that
he might throw work Into lb t a liar's
Kile bsnds He understood That the
t ranger had bad trouble with sitme
girl It appeared that .ah wouldn't
peak. Thla wa an. amusing slate of
affairs a woman who wouldn't eak.
Natbau'a urljjhUora" never could com
plain of that. Their wlv sok at
all hour la all lauguagea aod wlin
vsrylng degreee of emphasis.
"Mehb sh las loving imeliuddy
eiav. i anew gin mit a love rer
omebiiddy. what ah wassn't promised
to. and she died of dcr love" He shot
a speculative glance at th down bent
head and repeated. ".Mrbbe your girl
Is loving mil somebuddy."
"Cheerful Ideaa you have Sort of
a Job's comforter you are," ejaculate,!
the stranger, rising and roiulug for
ward Into' the light "Don't worry
about my affair, old man, 1 dare say
yoo have troubles of your own.
It las der blslnes It las dull," re
marked Nathan. "I don't bother mil
loving I ain't got bo time."
Nathan bent over tb bamUom gray
coat In hi lap. - II wa thinking thai
It needed very little mending. ludeed.
It appeared to be almost new, and th
cr , were yet la tb sieves. He
turned tbe pocket Inalde out. hoping
that om undiscovered tatters might
Juatlfy hla charging a dollar for lb
1 1
To the Net
The Momiarr
tlr week
Suddenly hi hand slipped through
on of h breast pockets and weitf
down to the bottom of the cost. Kome
thlng stiff and bard waa there, and he
slowly drew forth a large square en
relope a letter sealed snd stamped and
aaarswaea. Natbaa could not read
E"hbvt.J4heen mind made In- j
tant ronne-UoubetweeT&sniBhaprry-
young man, tbe girl to whom h had
wrltteo and who bad remained so 1
lent and the letter reposing la tb coat
-A twtler here I," b aald. almply
extending tbe misalv.
''Where did you find Itr1 asked the
young mkn without nufklng any effort
to take It
Tbe tailor explained that tb letter
had vklently lipped down wltblntb
coat lining, where doubtless It bad r
pow for many days. The young
man' face grew paler, and with a
amlden snatch he took the letter and
glanced at tb address.
. "flreat smoker b yelled excitedly.
w vinir( muw nmr snawereq my
letter-he never bad It Where la tb
neareat telephone the drug store at
th corner Ml be back la a mo-
mentr i: ;'
Hatleas and coat leas the stranrer
fled, wbll Natbaa watched anxiously
nntll bl flying steps had taken him
out of th area way and down the
greasy pavement Then be returned
to hi aeat oo the table and fala In
terrupted sewing.
"no Is mlt all kind of fronble." be
murmured sadly a h mended th
torn pocket. "Flrat 1ta girls and ft
Is a letter, and b apeak mlt atrangw-
nesa about all thlnga. I couldn't ask
a dollar for so little a Job." n tgh
ed and got down to press the garment
Presently tb youn a man rlsahed
back again, his fac radiant, hi re
shining witb happiness.
Hurrah. Nathan! You're mr maa-
cot all right! I shall never lose son
again. I'll bring all ray dud for you
to mend and keen In order, and I'll
end-all friends. SnrrshenerefH
got tb letter at all. Of course she
conldn't, you know. It was In my
coat pocket, and If you hadn't spoken
to me at the bridge and offered me
money and sympathy and If I hadn't
followed you here the lrd nnlv
now now long Mabel and I would
hare been separated or whether we
wonld ever have come together Benin.
Cost ready t There, I'll t i, .
Now. here's my aM dress. Hil ti.i. t.
ror you. Don't mention, n. Vea i
called ber np. and ahe's n sorry a
ran ne. ana I m going to get up there
b noon a I can."
II slipped Into bl cost, crummy
on his hat and thrnst a bill into va.
than grimy hand.
"She Is speaking one more- i.
d tbe little tailor after a di-.zv Un-.
at the bill In bl hand.
Well, rather!" Th
flung hla arms around th iiitonlshed
Nathan' neck lmd waitre-t him
around the shop. Then h
of th door and disappeared Into tha
You're gottln rich." remarked th
keeper of the dellcateasen shnn when
ho changed a ten dollar bill for-Nathan
Kaaky. c
I mendlt a coat for a crsxv man "
explained Nathan, with solemn Joy.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By cattizt,
By mail, I
t year $3.00
year 2.00
ir '..'
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
Put Yourself. in th?
Ad-Readers Place...
When Von writ .1 i-..
ad or any k nd m .a . ...
w'id?,Jn 11 Ju,t th 'nformatloa
you d like to find If yoa war aa
ad-reader and war tMwi.. . .
d of that klnq. " J
.If you do thl-to even a small
In th County Court of th State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
In tha matter of lha Estal Of tiroes!
Marshall, a minor.
It appearing -to the Court from the
pet 1 1 Ion of Julia Callff:
- That sh la lha duly appointed,
qualified and acting guardian of th
person and estate of Ernest Marshall,
a minor.
That , aald Ernest Marshall la tha
owner of a one-ninth Interest In and
to the following described ral stat
situate' in luacaama t ouniy, uregon,
to wit: Tb East Half of th North
Rmt quarter of Beet Ion IS, T. 3. 8. R.
4 E. of the. Willamette Mertdlnn, and
that stld Ernest Marshall has no other
property and there-Is very little In
or rue from said, property, (hat It I
neensaary for trie support, education
snd . nurture of said minor that said
property be sold, and It will be for
the beat Interest of said minor and the
persons Interested In aald property
that th same b sold, that tha pro
ceed thereof can ba used to educate
said minor and such part thereof as
win not be necessary for use for such
purpose can ba Invested so as to bring
better returns than can ba possibly
mnn from present arrangement.
That th parson and those Inter
sated In said lands and th next of
kin of sold Ernest Marshall ar: Ju
lia Callff, his mother, Harvey Mar
ahull, Susan E. Rhodes, Alice Marshall.
John A. Marshall, James Frank Ogles-
hy, Charles B. Oglesby. fleorge A
DeBhlelds, Marlon DeShlelds, Frances
DcShleld Yank, William Marshall and
D. M. Marahall, . .
That It for tha best Interest of said
estate thst said asla ahould be at pri
vate sale for cash In hand.
It la therefor ordered that tha said
next of kin and persona Interested In
said estate appear at the Court Housa,
In Oregon City, Clackamaa County,
Oregon, at th County Court room,
on Monday, May 29th, 1911, at 10:00
A: M. and show cause If any they hav
why aa ordor and llcnn ts
Intereat of said Ernest
and to aald real cstat rtouM
granted. '
.April 17th, 19H. ' ttttt'
R- . Jndr
Sunset Magailss 'r v
"Nile of the Wast. br m
tloaill If II V IIIUiiri
wssten rtf"
colors. t'Th Spell.
by th' Wllismson. f
Oraler Thlnatnwn, oj'-
Field. Automobll section.
sale, IS cents. . .
' ' SANDY. )
The local Methodist w'"1,
thrown by a hors hut w
bsdly lnjurd thst h w,"wrl,t
laud for treatment and t U (
will not' la shl 4o r.tu w .
Ituuvoii filled th NPtt V
vnlng and will hav
thla week. , &
The Oeorg Kwn ". w
andlse store, wnien r . r
K-Habin in Febrttsry tor
ant.' AssoclaXlori i.",;
A. pomry, "".- i 1
conduct th lbll, O
mov.d hi. Jelr' jrt.r..
Dornstedt A Huegg '' "ST
been for two ysrs snd ' g
his work along that Una, J ,
en Brother., who ",da1Sr
wer allowed to taka tW ,
Mr. Wahmans. of ths Fir
was struck on the hand 6X
at lha John.on mill P?0ft. 1
,Ld athlet , hr
when ha asr ' ' i;: T
long and thre feet thMW1 .
- vi rh kir roues
aud b ss not inJ'rdoper.;fi t
Oeorg Hamby ws P ..
by Dr. Whiting at tb- 0 ..
HoaDlUl, Monday, for SPPC
ia recovering. - . the r
. ,a Mr. Parker sr
of a baby, born Mondsr .