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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1911)
MORNING KNTEHPK181V WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26," 1911. . - - - . - : LOOKING, - FOR MICA By M. QUAD . t .. Cwrtvfct. IHs, kr AMNdia I4t- armry It was a 4ttr coincidence that brought tbe three mea together at table la a. cheap restaurant There waa Woe. Ikesteln, woo bad juat failed la the clothing bulMn. II. had figured to fail at a profit, but there had ban a hitch ta bla calculation, and ha waa about dona for. Thara waa Jim Green a news pa pel That is. h bad been 'employed CONVENTIONS IN MUSIC. Rumm WMh Camaaaera ft.awi ta ' faal They Must Fellew. Why la It that all our Biunklan In writing a nautical song Invariably ue portioa of tha heat kaowa hornpipe aa toe Introduction. Tamp, or ruuu-ter-melody J Why do tba open fifths la the bear a I ware appear In rustic songs? Because It raa't ha belvd. It seems. Our popular Iriah songs a I wajra bare a bar or two of a well know a old Irish melody or a drone bass, olberwlaa the wouldn't be Irtah. Tha azbauated old Turk.y and bla partner, the atraw. com to tba rearae of every Tube" none or danc that la perpetrated, and our national alra aanst ma all through tb accompaui. meat of patriotic aonga to glr them "flaror." Becauae all of tbeae thing are "set" they are conrentlona. Why niuat r. ry song eod on the tonic note, with tha preceding tooe either tba second or aerenth or tba male, ualeaa wa ex cept tba deteatabia third or the hollow nnn? Becauae our audiences expect IL cuoum one or your composers q a mo ox at of bravery or recklessness produce a acore la which ha disregard ad tbeee many conrentlona bla Ural nfght hearera would go, away remark ing that tba music waa craiy. Tbey do not. realise that they eipect to bear tha same old thing, Tyred up.a trifle ecserentiy. 01 course, nut sail .to same.-From "Wbrre Hare I Ueard That Tuna Beforer la Metropolitan aUgaslBe. iba iwiiadvs Mirror MARRIAGE LICENSE. Ueoaaea to marry ware granted y terday to riuaala Warren nd Buna Burgy, Vela Louise Kelly and Lew la A. Barry, Fries Vocha and David Dosk, Kdttb. Cheney and Thomas Keith. 'I aa varloua newspapers without credit to them or him. -..-'.-" There 'was Dick Graham, a shyster lawyer, who had been disbarred and was thinking If be ahould turn lec turer and eipose the rest af tba pro fession. These three men were eating cheap dinners. Bet ween mouthfula tbey slsed each other up. Noue of Iba three alsed another up as an honest man, ad tMa fact wanned them to aacb other. The meal bad been almost fln lsbed, however, before Mr. Ikestelo ventured to observe; -Gentlemen, tbia Is a hard world." "It Is," replied Mr. Greene. ao one can be an honest man any mora," aaid Mr. Ikestrta-. "If ha tries to be honest he falls and has to pay 90 centa on tba dollar." con tinned tha a peak sr. "Gentlemen, we three are boo eat men. Wa must bare tbe Interests of ear country more at heart. We must ' go out In to tha park and ait down on a bench and. talk to. confidence. Be cause of my clothing business you most not distrait me. Because of your a)afnas i must not distrust you." Tha result of their lalk waa aa an deratandlng. and tha result of tba un derstanding was' tba organising of tbe Great western Mica company., Green could write luridly, and be waa ta manage tha advertising. Tb public caught on to tba ads. slowly. It was nsed to gold and sll rer mlna aU. but this waa a mica mine, and It didn't guarantee to pay' . over 60 per cent dividends for"7"th Drat twelv months. ' Now and tbea a minister or a widow , sent la a poor $5, for Investment, and thna tha office rent waa paid, but none f the trio bought himself an auto. . "Wa ahould bare promised , 100 per cant dividends,- growled Mr. Ikesteln. "We ahouid ha to made It 150," add ed Mr. Green. "Two hundred at tha very least." announced Mr. Graham. -. "Bur, edit we may add to tha proa parity of tha coon try by being not too honest." con tinned Mr. Ikesteln aa be aawed away at his steak. "Geotle anes. Into tha office this afternoon tber cam a sucker. He waa good to look upon. In his hair there was hay- seed. Among b la w Makers were long straws. Ha waa tha Innocent of the valley. " -And ha wanted stock T was asked. -Better than that Tor stock be cared not For tha land b cared a -great deal Having purchased three .mora cows, be most have mora land for pasture. See? - "But that land la a mountain peakT exclaimed Mr. Graham. 8o I did not espials, bat aotbe la- asceat man from tb valley seemed ta know. . Ha said that tbe higher ap a mountain be could get bis cows tba higher price ha could get for bla milk and butter." " And be will boy It T" "If tb price la right Gentlemen. It b up to aa to think. Have wa 4en too bo nest? If sot, tbea why have wa not met with prosperity? A too honest man has too little to offer tba public. Wa hare offered but CO per cent dirt deads." "But tb savings banks offer only 4 Pr cent" protested Green, wbo was responsible for putting tha mica dlTl detoda so low. "It Is true, but a savtags bank la not a mica mine. It baa a rranlte building, with bronze hinge on the front doors, it has stained glass win , down. It has a president wbo rides In aa automobile It does not permit tha faker to com la and sell suspenders and lead pencils. Ah, a savings bask la different very different" "Bat a boat tha suckerr "He will take that cow pastor at 1X500 and let as oat I am to let him know tomorrow." That's fire hundred apiece," said Greene. "And Is a lump." added Graham. AJ w-eajr tU ttemoney "sndj adTertlse tba Arctic Peach company, i Untainted. w:th dividends at 125. Tola time we ' Tempted by aa offer of considerably Bxast sot be too honest The public t mor ,hn the property bad coat him. True Beauty. Beauty rldea on a lion. Beauty rests an necessities. Tb line of beauty la tha result of perfect economy. Tbe ceil of tha be Is bunt at that angle which fives the moat strength with tbe least was. Tha boue or quill of the bird fives the most alar strength with tbe least weight. "It Is the purgation of superfluities,' aaia Nicneiangeio, There la not a particle to apare la natural at rue (area. There la a compelling reaaoa In the sea of tbe plant for every novelty of cotor or rorm, and our art savea ma terial by more skillful arrangemeul and reaches beauty by taklne- everv auperfluoua ounce that can be a pa red from a wall aad . keeping all Its etrengtb la tb' poetry of columns. In rhetoric this art of omission' la a chief eecret of power, and la general It la proof of high culture to aay the great eat matt era la the simplest wry. Em MODISTIC MATTERS, Square Neehe Mere Peeulsr Than the OuUK Style. The square ueck bids fair to have the day this euumer if aigua point aright Many of tbe new shirt walata have tbes small squares Instead of a round opeuing. tbe neck belug trimmed with bands of lace or em broidery insertion udtored at tbe cte ners. Having the hem of one'a go wo a different shade from Ibat of the dree FOINTIM TO UMPIHIt IV ILLY tVANB. Umpire Billy Kvana 'gives young uuipa tbea pointers:- "Never go on a ball Held with a chip on your shoulder looklug for an opportunity to show off your authority. It doesn't par- "A I ware put a player on hla houor. Tbea you . will be re spected. "Aa umpire halter la a man . wbo la holding hla Job by a ala lia thread, ready to be released at anjr time, ray no attcutlon to him." TELESCOPE LENSES. ' The Small Haas Magniffea th Picture Msde by th Large On. People sometime wonder wby a tele- acop baa two glasses, on at Ibe big end and one at tbe little end. and tbey want to know tbe difference. Tbe glass at the big end la o gatberllgbt. It la simply a big eye. If It Is a hundred M7T"Umee bigger tbaa tbe eye In yrur bead It wiu gather a hundred tlmea more tight. It gathers tbe rays of light com ing from a star and benda them all Into common meeting point called a fo- cns. which la a picture of tb a tar Toa can look at this picture of the star with yonr naked eye If yon like. But you can see It better and examine It more closely If yon look at it with a small magnifying glass. And this Is the glass at tb small end of tb tele acop. It magnifies the picture made by the big glass at the other end of the Instrument All telescopes are built on this principle.. Sir William nerecbW was tbe flrst to arrange matters a lit tie differently. He took away tbe glase from tb big end and admitted th rays coming straight Into tbe tube la parallel line. Then at tbe bottom of the big tube he placed a bright con cave mirror made of burnished metal. When the entering rays fell upon .this mirror tbey were again bent to a point called a focus, which waa tba picture or tha atar-T look at this picture he had to place th little magnifying glass at ue aide of the tube because tbe mirror had stopped up Its lower end. Louis vill Coorier -Journal. Reslp Fee Beauty. If you have a lurry call to te bean Oral without the time to work on te tne permanent affair bere'a yonr c nance: first wash your face with warm water and almond meat Make B sort of paste of thoaa thlnca end wash ff with warm water and dry lightly. Then apply your skin food lest there be any reaction from the drastic treatment to follow. Now take a piece of lemon and ruS It over the face till tbe akin amarti Rinse again, this time with water that Is gradually brought down from cool to cold.- . .. . ..n Too are, then ready for the final cer emony. Hold a good slsed piece of Ice in a towel and Iron youjfae wHh It Then look In the glass. . This' has been found aa absolutely reliable rec ipe before asklag for the coveted new bonnet ? , BIG CROSS COUNTRY RUN. CBiua aniaop p na Blind. is one or tba crowded afreets of New York a beggar waa Is tbe habit f taking his stand every day ajtd. ap pealing to the charity of the peaerre by. . By means of a abort string be held a dog. around the neck of which card waa fastened with tbe words. l Am Blind." A very kind old gen tieman. wbo bad been la the habit of dropping a penny Into tbe beggar! Bat passed rapidly one morning with out doing so. Instantly tbe beggar rushed after him and asked for tbe penny to be given, as usual. Tbe gen Uemaa. turning In surprise, said: "Why, I thought you were blind T -un. no. slrr waa tb cool reply. "It is tb dog that Is blind, aa th card aays" Why a Heree Rolls. uorse are fond of rolling on the ground, and no animal more thorough ly snakes itself than they da After roll tbey give themselves s shake or two to remove anything adhering to the coat The habit la of much service to horses living In open nlalns. On being turned loose at tbe end of a journey an Arab bora rolls la the aaad, which acts aa blotting paper, abeorbing exudations from tbe body. A shake removes tbe sand, and tbe coat aoon dries. Cavalrymen In hot climate sometimes put sand on their horses ss tbe simplest and quickest way of drying tbem. rl borne Mags tin. ' loves him not It sends him too few checks. It ia then agreed tfcat the sucker shall have this mountain peak COW Jrstore." Tbe a-.-ker called next day. and tb "- -losed. Tbe money was dl vldet an-. b tire went their aepa rat tWi v z .ej,,. uter when Mr. Oreene Mr Ike.?! on the 5t Ton you eer st-Mited tbe 1st- ter as be raised his tend t.kyward "I see wbstr I tne too bonest men. Too aee sly ) per cent dividends. Toa ase we make nothing." X)h, yea. I sea." "X4 Ta se tb sucker. Ton ee tborow pa.tur. Ton see we aU outr "res. I see an that" . rB" t see, Ton cant aee, yon will sever see. thai it waa a silver mis was sold for 11.500 and tba In sorest sucker la taking out 11.000.000 worth of oretx month? Oh, this too Koch bAsearyi R will be the rota af oar wmrrya;r J". J". Our experiences teach aa that keep- . lag tb blood linea Inbreeding aome people call it will eventuality assert Itself. But however good your breed ers may nick, all will go for naught If the youngsters are not well and - carefully raised. They must be kept : growing from start to flnlah, no let ; vpa, bo leasiog anything to cbanoe. It must be one continual grind keep them going. Thar the passport to " blue ribbon winners. - r On particular Item wa noticed this winter was la a reconstructed house formerly tight la severe weather thla house waa one mass of frost on aides and top. since the windows have been I taken out end cheesecloth substituted. . Cs house tA been aa dry a nan b. Mr. Kreezus. wbo counted hla Mita la millions, bad parted with bia sotrar ten villa. "Too didn't need tbe money." said hla disgusted business partner, wbo had Just beard of tbe tranaactlon, "yet for a little filthy Incre yoo sold that beaotlful born." "I dldn'tr exclaimed tbe equally la dlgnant Mr. Kreezus. "I sold It for clean caabr-Tootb'a Companion. Bell Ten. Tbe peculiar magic In the tones of bell Is doe to It striking not a sin gle note., but a chord: tfd to obtain the perfect octave entalle in Immense amount of calculation as Well as skm Tbe bell caster, therefore, has to be not a mere mechanic, but a highly trained specialist Viscount Wears Hun Carries. Vlseonnteaa d.txy. wife of a distin guished French naval officer, wbo re cently waa In Annapolis, weara rings la her cars which are round and large aa a silver half dollar. She baa seemingly endless variety of these huge ornaments, certain ones Tnsca gold set In rubles, others diamonds and aluminium, others pearls J em eralds In filigree old gold. Ov A tbe moat bixarre combinations h won with a costume of cerise saOa an mechJln lace and shows. three pigeon blood rubles depending on over the other In a hoop of thin Tuscan gold. There are almllar ornaments on ber bodice and a big-belt buck I In tbe back made In the same way. Six bat pus of exact design aa tb earrings adorn th big black beaver trimmed with Cl adtee. berise plumee and a bird of par- HEALTH AND BEAUTY, Regular Tarn. "What? Ton're engaged to Mr. Brown? Then yoo won't marry Mr Jones, after alir "No. not after all. but r rhapa after Mr. Browa.",MIlwaokeo rfews. The egg shampoo Is one of the beet to be obtained. It Is cleansing and at the same time provides' food for tbe acalp and balr, making It fine and glossy. Use may be made of the almond meal Jars and cream Jars of good else by filling these with medicated cotton, which Is employed for sppsying pow der and liquids for tbe toilet one. Excellent for sprslna la tbe starch poultice. Pour boiling hot water on atarcb, spread on linen and apply hot Poultice may also be made of bona. hemlock or charcoal. Medicated poul tices may contain any drug ordered. If Instesd of drinking a strong con af tea or coffee when suffering from a bad headache a woman would drink a cup of hot milk abe would be more apt to cure the pain, not becaue hot milk baa medicinal properties, bnt be cause It Is more easily digested than tea or coffee and soot hen Inatead of stimulates tbe nerves. A clear, beskby complexion Is an Im possibility for a woman wbo etays much Indoors In winter. Vomen should understand that tbe pores ss much aa the lungs need fresh air and failure to give It will -Imply make tbem larger In tlirlreffott to breathe. I ine ract of living In badly ventilated rooms Is frequently tbe ranae of Urge pores In tb face. in Mining the banda tepid water and a bland soap abould be used, and alwaya dry tbem thoroughly. If tbey are Inclined to cbap It la s good piss to use a lotion composed of glycerin. one ounce; rosewatcr. one ounce, and tincture of benxoin. five drop. Rah rew a rope Into tbe bands whenever they are bathed. Use also before re tiring and draw on a pair of large, soft gloves. People who are told to use smoked or colored glasses In tbe house aome times find this Impracticable because tbey Interfere so greatly with vision. This objection Ioes not apply to or Binary white glass set In conlike frames so shaped that tbey cot off all light aave that which come from tbe front The protecting part mar b of ! wire ganxe. vulcanite or attcb Ilka. Glasses to suit tbe vision may be set In each frames, and tbe latter, even without the glasses, are of use when one reads by a light placed at the . right or left of tbe bead. Another food protection for tbe aide of tb eye Is a pair of lenslese spectacles with hinged side pieces of black glass. Is a fashion thla aeaaoB. Tbe latest models hsve a hem of a lighter rather than a darker shads. Tbe girdle Is usually of tba aatue material as the hem. Tbe elastic belt studded with steel. Jet or colored beads; worked out In a more or lees elaborate design. Is a favorite. - Straw Jack tar bata are already In th shops for boys. Intended probably for tbe little tou rials going south. Sometime the brims are different In color from tbe aqua re crowns. Blabop dress, or thuue that are gathered at tbe neck edge, are ex ceedingly beceaUng to email children. -Tb on shown on tb figure can be mad plain or gathered and atayed with a belt. maklnga more dainty frock, yet Juat a en ally made. JIDIC CUOLLKT. This May Mantoa Batten la eut In or cniidraa of sis montha. one. two and four ru of as. Bnd ia renia ta this mce, sivln number. SKI. and It will promptly forwarded ta you by mall. If I fTLTJ," " '"T-'i-J".0 n, "um La wrenc, Maban. for letter postage, wklcb Inaura more I n . prompt delivery. Af e Yoti a Subscribe to the V New Daily? bl!JWk befor 'I la booUD Ota wWMbmIS'tS support means mora etrengtb for the work, I0ur Will Yoti Help Boost your own Interests? For a limited time tha Morning Enter prise wiu b sold to paid In advance subscribers as followa: By Carrier, 1 year By Mall, l year.............: yur nam and remlttanee, $100 100 Th Engine Mus. Several years ago workman were digging bole for some telegraph p"le loNew York, and Into ore of tbru a poor Attle mouse fell. The tiny iri. oner at first raced around the hole frantically: then be seemed lo set his wits to work. .The bole wa nerenil feet deep, but be began In dig a ilral groove around It from lite Ixiiioni. working night and day. When he go tired he built, little landings lo his staircase where be con Id rest. The workmen bsd become Interested In him and gave blm food, and when on the third day monale reached tbe ton all tbe men cbeered him. A Elephant Rep Walhse. Tit elephant waa trained In th old en time to perform many feats. Men tion Is msde of on tbst walked ibe iignt rope, and hot only near the ground. If we roar believe what th o.d writers say It also walked a rope etretched above tbe beads of tbe spec tatorj and carried a man on hla bark. LOUISA ALC0TT MEMORIAL Th Cencord Woman's Club Hesds the Mvment Orchard House, formerly tbe home of Loulna M. Alcott stands today un occupied and In bad condition. Tbe Concord Woman's club, throneh the Interest and generosity of one of Its member, baa been given an op portunity to pnrcbaae tbls bouse at a rfl"hleflgiir forthepurposeol opening it to visitors sod malntalnlm it as a permanent, memorial in uih Alcott. ; In this bonae "Little Women" waa written, and little paintings and sketches by Amy . may atlll be seen upon the woodwork In some of ibe rooma. Tbe bouse la almost unchang ed In Ita general features, bnt now so desolate If Is s pathetic algbt to every one wbo has loved Ixiulsa Alcott'a stories and tbe characters she created. Miss Alcott's stories and characters fcave given rleasnre and bad a great and wholesome Influence on almost every girl who has lived In tbe last forty years, and It Is be I Te red that many people tbe country over wIIbe Interested to contribute toward the preservation of tbls Alcott home. The bonne and an trident land about It can be bought and put In order for $8,000. If thin sim caa be raised tbe bouse will be repaired and placed In tbe charge of a permanent organization, which will maintain It as an Alcott memorial. Tbe Concord Woman'a club appeals to all lovers of Mlna Al eott to help by contribution, large or atnstl. Contributions mavb an Henry V. Smith. Jr.. Middlesex Insti tution Tor Ravings, Concord. Maas. Over 800 entrants sre expected to I face the starter on tbe IStb. There la no more beautiful stretch of country In New York stste than that stretch of highland north of Yonkers and south of Tarrytowa. Along Ideal and blatoric roads the big race will be run. Tbe course lie ever green sward a quarter of a mile In length, npblil and down dale, over a shallow wbere gurgle a purling brook and through a cornfield on to the famous old Albany post road, through tb vil lage made famoua In Frnlmore Coop Ws "Spy" three tlmea. and each time In a different direction. Rut h Is the course picked out for tbe first big. event outside or the Yonkera .Mara thon to be run In Westchester county. BIG CUE CIRCUIT PLANNED. Amerieen Three Cushion Billiard League Is the Letest Suggeetien. Plans for the formation of an Amer ican three cushion league have been formulated In Chicago. A ten city cir cuit In contemplated, with Washington, Philadelphia. Baltimore, New Tork and Plttsbnrg as tbe eastern end and Minneapolis. Cleveland. Kanaaa City. St. Louis and Chicago as the western. The tonrnament will be run along me aame noes aa those of tbe National leagne. each city playing a home and home series of three games each, start ing In the fnlL ' . . . BASEBALL POINTERS Handsome Hand Bags. Hand bags-we nsed to call tbem reticule grow.. In else and beanty, and tbe embroidery on some of tbem la lovely. Very beaotlful are the bead ones worked In a frame In a mart r weaving design, which makes them extra strong. The fashion for these has developed a new Industry for wo men, whose delicate fingers make It a , appropriate work. Japanese em uroinenes. Old brocade an1 st u its are an pressed I and every woman wa with her different dresses to me several requirement nnopping. visiting' all have their uses, with lade. Tttcher eaelsonoT IbetTEniir Browns Is a brakeman on s freight train in winter. Manager Kred Clarke of tbe Pltts- ourgs recommends running or walking up stairways as the best possible memos, or developing and strengthen Ing a ball players legs. if both of Detroit's candidates for first base fall to deliver George Mori amy will take the position. He Isn't crying for the Job, but la willing to oeip tne ciub out of a bole. Manager Fred Tenny of Boston aaya that Bobby I .owe was the greatest Utility player that baseball ever knew. Fred also says that Billy Hamilton waa the greatest center fielder. Eddie Noyes, the St.. Louis Ameri can's new pitcher, looks and acts aa if he will make some noise on tbe big circuit tbe coming season. He Is sr undergraduate at tbe University eg Chlcsgo law school. Pitcher Matbewson of the Giants' te aid to have Invented or discovered a new ball. It la a sure enough freak, and It has been dubbed the "quiver" on account. of the derided quiver of the ball as It nearn the plate. Tbe antics and gyrations of tbe sphere make the onlookers marvel. Put Yourself in the i Ad-Readers-Place... A nri... .. it una viiii wnri tniii .i. f .4 ofher t f?Tr 1 " ad-try to Into tbe service. g ,n '.A u ? '"V.", IBrorn"IOB nta m '? ,lk to find If you were an e and anil Z I ZttV" ,ook,n ' " . . . - I in mud, a of ber f. I t a. ,w . .. T siuuaetj BUblBI v. 0 M.trepelltan Junle Chmpinshlp Event Prmlee ta Be, Widespread Interest la being taken J In the coming Metropolitan Junior cross country rhaniplouahlp run, to bo beld at Ilaatlnga-on the-Hudson. N. T, April 13, and which will be refeceed. Judged and timed by ofllclala from Ibe Amalrur Athletic union of the I'nlted fit a tea. All the crack teania In tbe east are entered, and a hot fight for tbe title Is anticipated. Among the clubs to be represented la th coming events are th. New Tork Athletic club, Irish Americana,' Mott Haven A. t Acorn A. A., Xavler A. A, Dlenco A. C- Mohawk A. C. National A. C, Pea- time A. C. Mobegaa A. C. riatbush A. C, St. Mary'a A. C. Long Island A. C- Hastings A. C Mercury A, C. and Individual entries from a number of the smaller clubs, members of the Metropolitan aaaoclatioa. Tbe greatest Junior rroaa country team in the metropolitan district la the Yonkers Y. M. C. A., wbo won lb Na tional Junior cross country event at Celtic park. New York.. Nov. 10. 1910, and finished third In tbe National Ken- lor cross country at Celtic park. New j York. Nov. 20. 1010, Rpringateen. Con- dlt, the Haatlnga high school s famoua long distance' runner; Harden, : Frost. Santbouae. Peterson, Holden of Rear- boro, N. T.; Hermans and McCrudden make up tbe team. Th Mercury club t Yonkera., N. Y made famona by Mike Irlscoll. bolder of tbe Indoor two mile championship, wtll enter a team of boys used to the hills of Weetrbester, over which a part of tbe Metropolitan course la laid, such as Cbarll Appleyard. Pat Waleh, Al bert Hayden. Nlcbotae Glanoropolla. Warren Lefurgy, Ardell Cooper and William Galvia. : 1 Another dangerous looking team of Juniors Is th Irish Americans, who ar T. E. . Hayes, J. J. Iteynolda, M. I. Huyaman. J. Donnely, Y. Braalll, H. A. Furbank. T. E. Nelson and Mike J. Ityan. Tbe Hasting A. C team will be i Tony Itose, tbe plucky Indian ten mile runner; Frank , Doerfler. Frank Howe, Richard Arrbard, Frank Fuller and SBI eBfIBBBBBBBBBBBB ss, aS 0 Nev; D Al L .1 " ' . " - , . , a I Will You Help Us Boost Your Own " Interests ? By catfier, I year $3.00 Bythail, i year 2,00 Send in Your Name i and Remittance CENTENNIAL JUBILEE r-'. TO A S.T.O RI A Artist J O to Sept. 9; J 91 i Commemorating tan One-Hundredth Anniversary of tha Ur J. ettlement In th. Northwest and th pinning of the 0rs.". try at Astoria, Oregon. Presentina Historical and Cro"on,w turee, together w(Jth a . Spectacular Marine ini Military Paed- Olen Curtis., famoua aviator, wllj fly aver land and I" PACIFIC COAST REGATTA Th Greatest Aquatlo lyont Wb held Vhe WM.Cl. ' Historically This Cslebratlosss to be one of the Most Imp4 Evente to Tike plane Thla Year In tha United itatea, - the ; i Ofcgon-Washington Railroad -j " Navigation Company will avail tloketa from all polnta on Ita lines, Inoludlng brmehM ONE AND. ONE-THIRD FARE ' - FQH THf ROUND TRI"'. For further partloulara apply th Centennial Commit Oregon, or to atoHfc A7m. nicMtiway, Gcn'l Pass. ...T!r. PORTLAND, OREGON -